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Things that make you mad on the water 2024

fishing user avatarbma3 reply : 

Like the title says, what makes you the most angry when you are on the water, either alone or with a friend? 

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 


Jet Skis and 40 MPH Winds!



fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Rude fishermen who encroach on my spot while

I'm fishing it - and casting just off my kayak.


That and wind. Wind can be friendly, except when

it isn't. Then wind can make those who do not

normally swear, swear like a sailor....

fishing user avatarjimf reply : 

Not much, which is why I like to go fishing.



fishing user avatarYeajray231 reply : 

I try to spend my time on the water as happy as possible... Because I spend alot of time wishing I was there..  


Slow bite on a big trip is pretty aggravating...

fishing user avatarbma3 reply : 
  On 5/8/2017 at 9:53 AM, Darren. said:

Rude fishermen who encroach on my spot while

I'm fishing it - and casting just off my kayak.


That and wind. Wind can be friendly, except when

it isn't. Then wind can make those who do not

normally swear, swear like a sailor....


Wind is one of the worst things for me because it not only is annoying, but also makes it hard to fish...

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 5/8/2017 at 9:57 AM, bma3 said:

Wind is one of the worst things for me because it not only is annoying, but also makes it hard to fish...


So what year is your jet ski?  :D



fishing user avatarbma3 reply : 
  On 5/8/2017 at 10:03 AM, RoLo said:


So what year is your jet ski?





fishing user avatarwdp reply : 
  On 5/8/2017 at 9:53 AM, Darren. said:

Rude fishermen who encroach on my spot while

I'm fishing it - and casting just off my kayak.


That and wind. Wind can be friendly, except when

it isn't. Then wind can make those who do not

normally swear, swear like a sailor....

Yeah, I can't stand when we catch a few in our boat, and then 2 or 3 other boats start encroaching on our area. Same when bank fishing. 


The other side of that coin is pretty sweet tho. I've gone right behind others when they didn't catch a thing along a stretch of bank or a particular piece of cover & have caught a few. A weightless senko works wonders in this scenario. I've gotten a couple of disgruntled looks too. ?

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I probably get the maddest at myself...?

fishing user avatarJ._Bricker reply : 

Fish with lockjaw...

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

When I have to go home.

fishing user avatarth365thli reply : 

Jet skis and power boaters. Technically they have a right to the lake, but holy hell are they obnoxious. I had to leave my previous trip early becase there were 4 teenage jet skiers tearing it up and down the small reservoir. Was unbelievably annoying. 


The wind sucks, but as a kayaker you either learn to deal with it or you quit. It forces you to really pick your spots and patterns, can't really grind it out along banks with high winds, you'd spend more than half the time paddling. 

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 


fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

Rain gear being more absorbant than a brawney papertowel.

fishing user avatarNHBull reply : 

Putting the cover back on the boat.


I also have to travel through 2 channels to get to the fishing grounds, and given the lake is aka "Golden Pond", every first time boat renter seams to travel well below heads way speeds and often stop for Pics.....



fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Crowded boat ramps then some guy backs down not prepared to launch . 

fishing user avatarfrogflogger reply : 

not being there

fishing user avatarMNGeorge reply : 

Definitely wind...makes fishing weightless stuff very difficult if not impossible.:angry7:

fishing user avatarMosster47 reply : 

Jet skis and ski boats aren't that bad. They can actually improve fishing a great deal with their chop as most summer days are blue bird sky and no wind which is tough. 


The thing that gets me are these new wake boats with ballasts that throw out a ridiculously huge wave to one side. I had to help some folks out last summer in a little 14' aluminum boat that got swamped by one. The wave hit them from the side and they lost their boat.


Last weekend on Pickwick one went by me in a glass calm canal, I pointed my 21' X model head into it at idle and still had two feet of water come over the bow. It's ridiculous and dangerous. 


An 18' fun boat shouldn't be throwing tugboat under load waves.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Guess I'm old enough that "mad" really isn't the word for me....disappointed is closer to the truth.  And with that there are a number of items.  People with the "" attitude at the ramps and on the lake are right up there.  Mother nature items are part of the game and I just go with it as I just want to be out there.  

Tight Lines

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 5/8/2017 at 8:01 PM, Mosster47 said:


The thing that gets me are these new wake boats with ballasts that throw out a ridiculously huge wave to one side. I had to help some folks out last summer in a little 14' aluminum boat that got swamped by one. The wave hit them from the side and they lost their boat.



I googled that , wow . I guess small craft will just have to stay off the water .

fishing user avatarYUT18 reply : 

I cannot stand jet skiers and people that simply loose their minds by thinking they own the lake, boat ramp, and fishing spot. 

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Although I can sympathize with the sentiment ~ 

Why go down this road ?

Perhaps one of the most beneficial aspects of this great pastime is it's ability to help us cleanse our inner spirit. 

No need to corrupt all that goodness with negativity.



fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

Nothing gets me mad on the water.  I won't allow it.  Being on the water is my happy place.  Recharges my internal batteries.  Getting ready to go to Lake St Clair later this week for an entire week of fishing.  Rent a cottage on an island where we can doc the boats (5 of them) right at the house.  Get up and walk out to the boat and go.  Weather is going to be cold.  Water is dirtier than we like but we will still have a blast.  

fishing user avatarPro Logcatcher reply : 

You catch a fish and four other boats swarm you

fishing user avatarEsoxfreak reply : 


2...everything else I thought of was kinda in that catagory.

fishing user avatarTracker22 reply : 

Club tournaments and poop cramps!


The club tournaments, because they clog up the ramps and then they act like they own the lakes. 

And the poop cramps, well, you know what that feels like.

fishing user avatarLBASS01 reply : 


fishing user avatar12poundbass reply : 

I used to let little things and big things ruin my day or a good time. But certain life experiences at 19 years old changed the way I look at life and how I handle things. Rarely do I get mad, or let things get me down. Life's too short to let little things ruin a good time or an entire day! 

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 

Airboats..Why don't they put muffler's on those things?


Being backboated in a tournament 






fishing user avatarHawkeye21 reply : 

Being a kayak fishing it's by far wind for me.  Other than that I get annoyed by crowded bodies of water.  I know it's just part of fishing public waters but when I go fishing I go to be relaxed and get away from it all.  I like to be left alone.

fishing user avatar12poundbass reply : 
  On 5/8/2017 at 10:42 PM, Hawkeye21 said:

Being a kayak fishing it's by far wind for me.  Other than that I get annoyed by crowded bodies of water.  I know it's just part of fishing public waters but when I go fishing I go to be relaxed and get away from it all.  I like to be left alone.

Exactly why the lakes I fish often require 4wheel drive and the launches aren't the greatest. One lake I frequent I haven't seen another human on it in 5-6 years.

fishing user avatarJar11591 reply : 

Wind and people.

fishing user avatarbasscatcher8 reply : 

I use to get worked up about everything but now I just try to turn those things into positives. Jet Ski's can be annoying but can get areas stirred up and fish moving. I was fishing a narrow river last year on a row of boulders toward the channel. Mind you I wasn't setup in the channel I was out of everybody's way but the pleasure boaters were making it a point to try and run close to me to upset me. I was still pulling smallmouth off of those boulders.



I've been fishing outside a Marina. And the rule at this place is they sound their horn before rounding the corner out to the river to let anybody know they are coming. We would wait for that horn and run over and get ready. Soon as they came out they had the smallmouth fired up and we would straight catch em for awhile.


I learned a long time ago that getting upset while on the water is useless. I tend to stay away from tournaments as it seems like getting upset about everything is part of it for a lot of those guys.

fishing user avatarScottDB reply : 

My one buddy irritates me in particular he has no patience.. he will cast out 5 times then completely relocate because "there are no fish in there". He wont even try different lures/ plastics or anything he'll just up and leave the whole pond if he doesn't get anything in half an hour. Drives me insane. Even though I have days with not even a nibble I still enjoy getting out there for a couple hours and enjoying nature.

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

Stupidity use to bother me. I've seen a lot of it over the years. Things like putting a pontoon boat on a shallow river, launching a 18' Tracker boat onto an "open to the public" pond that had no launch ramp, boats running full speed in a no-wake zone, jet skis doing circles around my jon boat, first time boaters not doing a pre-launch check and finding they didn't put in the drain plug in their new boat, boats crowding around one boat that is catching fish, drug and alcohol use on the water and so much more. Now I try not to let it bother me but to tell you the truth sometimes it still does. 

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 5/9/2017 at 12:41 AM, Gundog said:

  and finding they didn't put in the drain plug in their new boat, 


I still do that  one .

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

Pontoons usually get to me. The vast majority seem to think that if you get off the bank more than 50 yards your pontoon falls off the flat earth. Nothing like fishing a point and watching a pontoon drive right in between the point directly over where you're casting. Last year, I had one that I literally could have ran into the bank. I pulled up to fish this bog edge, I was off the bank a little ways and a pontoon came around the corner behind me. Being that the driver's course appeared to be set to cut between me and the bog I was fishing I turned the bow of my boat in towards the bog. I could see the pontoons course change, but it was changed to still cut in between. I moved forward again and had the same result. I kept it up until when the pontoon passed there was literally 10' of clearance on both sides. Meanwhile, the 1/2 mile of water on the back side of my boat was left without another boat in sight. I can understand some ignorance, but when it's just blatant disregard and straight up stupidity it just irks me. 

fishing user avatarCenCal fisher reply : 
  On 5/9/2017 at 3:07 AM, WIGuide said:

Pontoons usually get to me. The vast majority seem to think that if you get off the bank more than 50 yards your pontoon falls off the flat earth. Nothing like fishing a point and watching a pontoon drive right in between the point directly over where you're casting. Last year, I had one that I literally could have ran into the bank. I pulled up to fish this bog edge, I was off the bank a little ways and a pontoon came around the corner behind me. Being that the driver's course appeared to be set to cut between me and the bog I was fishing I turned the bow of my boat in towards the bog. I could see the pontoons course change, but it was changed to still cut in between. I moved forward again and had the same result. I kept it up until when the pontoon passed there was literally 10' of clearance on both sides. Meanwhile, the 1/2 mile of water on the back side of my boat was left without another boat in sight. I can understand some ignorance, but when it's just blatant disregard and straight up stupidity it just irks me. 

It makes my day when they scrape against that shallow rock pile you were catching fish on 

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 
  On 5/9/2017 at 3:35 AM, CenCal fisher said:

It makes my day when they scrape against that shallow rock pile you were catching fish on 

it makes it even better when they drive right past the big hazard buoy to get to that rock pile ;) 

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

I despise the wind; but it's something that can't be controlled. So it doesn't get to me as much as it used to.   However, jerks that pull up, and start fishin 15 yrds in front of me, and cut me off.....

fishing user avatarjeff25 reply : 

When other people get hung up and cut their line at the rod instead of breaking it off and my baits get caught up in it and comes back with 100ft of fishing line

fishing user avatarWCWV reply : 

Crowded boat ramps then some guy backs down not prepared to launch . 


I second this

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 
  On 5/8/2017 at 11:54 PM, Jar11591 said:

Wind and people.

yep, that pretty much covers it.  Except maybe need to add "sun and humidity and bugs" as second runner ups.

fishing user avatarBent reply : 

Nothing gets under my skin quite like people leaving their trash laying around.  I try to clean up and be a positive force rather than let it ruin my day, but bank fishing rarely raises my confidence in humanity... last summer at one of my favorite spots I found what seemed like an entire spool of line in random tangles, a handful of big carp left to rot on the bank, an empty 30 pack with all the cans crushed up, packaging from baits, etc. all strewn around a smoldering fire fueled by more trash (including plastic bottles).

fishing user avatarScarborough817 reply : 

i dont normally let things get me mad but i don't appreciate people that cut between me and the shore in kayaks 

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I get mad at myself when it's windy and I know I'm getting too close to structure, or cover, but I want to make one more cast into it.  Next thing I know the wind has pinned me to the said structure or cover.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 5/9/2017 at 6:06 AM, Bankbeater said:

I get mad at myself when it's windy and I know I'm getting too close to structure, or cover, but I want to make one more cast into it.  Next thing I know the wind has pinned me to the said structure or cover.

So, I'm not the only one . I try real hard to get the positioned perfectly and somehow wind up right on top of the cover .

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

Jet skis, pontoons, ski boats, wake boarders, all bother me sometimes to the point where I refuse to go if I expect some of them to be out there.  Morons at the ramp used to anger me when I was younger, now I just sit there and shake my head and try to be patient.  Perhaps more so now are the over abundance of slimy hammer handle pike that break off my line and swim away with expensive lures.  Its been a problem around here for years but lately its just gotten to the point of frustration when you literally can't get a lure past them to target a bass.

fishing user avatarriverbasser reply : 
  On 5/9/2017 at 6:24 AM, scaleface said:

So, I'm not the only one . I try real hard to get the positioned perfectly and somehow wind up right on top of the cover .

Same here, no telling how many fish I've run off cover when trying to be stealthy

fishing user avatar"hamma" reply : 

I fish cuz i love to, so i dont let much get me "mad" while im doing so.

 Much like A-Jay, Id rather lean towards the positives, negativity bites

fishing user avatarjimf reply : 

Paraphrasing from one of my favorite fishing authors, when you go on a fishing trip all you really have a right to hope for is that it's not awful.   No major mechanical problems, no bodily injury, no major loss of expensive fishing equipment etc...     Setting the expectations there, you allow yourself to be grateful for just about anything else, because you are out on the water.


Zen stuff there, and it's taken me some time to get there, but I think I've made it.

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

Just had a guy today see me catch a fish came right next to me and set up camp with his gf 5 feet away. As he continued to cast right next to where i was casting and started talking to me about how he steals all his lures. I just laughed and walked away.


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