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Summer Fishing Hiatus -- who takes them? 2024

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I'm starting my summer fishing hiatus.  Not only do I not catch many fish, I'm getting to the point I can't take the heat and humidity.   I might go out for a little on a morning or evening, but fishing through the day for me is pretty much over for me until September.   I find its a good time to clean gear, clean the boat, etc.  

Anyone else do this?

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Who is ATUS? Why should I say HI to them anyway? :D

I fish from the day the hard water leaves til the day it comes back.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

No summer hiatus for me.

Bad enough that I don't fish in Dec. Jan. and Feb.

I am considering giving it a shot in December, before the pond ices up, just for curiosity sake.

If you add half of November, and half of March to the other three, that amounts to a third of the year.

But, I feel your heat. We went to Old Williamsburg, and a few other of the sites, including D.C. in June. I'll never do that again.

Got on the bus which was not air conditioned for the ride back to our hotel, and thought I was going to suffocate. The heat and humidity was that bad. There was a delay for some reason, and we ended up sitting on the bus for about twenty minutes.

I almost got off the bus. Came darn near having a panic attack.

I can fully understad, and appreciate your hiatus. That experience was when I was more than twenty years younger.

fishing user avatarTucson reply : 

Yeah, I do too.  Even with the best of intentions I just can't get out in the Central Arizona temps we have so I take a break in July and August and hope for the best in September.  

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
Who is ATUS? Why should I say HI to them anyway? :D

I fish from the day the hard water leaves til the day it comes back.

LOL.  On Cape Cod, there is Hyannis.  Come on up and you can say Hy to annis.

Hmmmm, will I get in trouble for that one?

fishing user avatarTucson reply : 
Who is ATUS? Why should I say HI to them anyway? :D

I read this 3 times before I got it! ;D

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Once agian I am the butt of a Tommy Funny

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

LOL, come on man, i am in FL and fish through the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I'll fish even when the water droplets on my line freeze and collect on the rod tip.  But I can't bring myself to get out in 95 degree temps and 90% humidity.  I'd rather drive deck screws into my own skull than do that.  

fishing user avatarjimmieO reply : 

I have had full intentions on taking a little break, especially after a couple of outings where I catch nothing but a chapped behind and a sunburn...

but i still find myself refreshing the sunburn and the chap-ed-ness every weekend.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

Also, I like fishing during the week.   And I don't get much time off during the summer.  That means dealing with crowded ramps and competing with all the jet skiers, kayakers, rowers (we have rowing teams practicing on some of my favorite waters) and all the other pleasure boaters on weekends.  

fishing user avatarT-2000 reply : 

Summer is my favorite time of year to fish, but living in MA it isn't too bad.

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

I don't. Some of the best catching in Va. is during this time of year. Tidal bass fishing is at its best now. Bass are easy to pattern and are found in schools. Fish lakes that stratify and its even easier. Ever heard of the thermocline? The middle of the day is best.  

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

Don't go during the day unless it's cloudy / rainy. Usually we get the boat into the water by 5 - 6pm and fish until whenever.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I waited all winter for the water to unfreeze.....I'm gonna fish as much as i can till it freezes again.  ;D

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Summer hiatus? No way. Night time is the right time. It's still hot and humid but at least you dont have the sun burning holes in your skin.

fishing user avatarNasTMcfingas reply : 
I waited all winter for the water to unfreeze.....I'm gonna fish as much as i can till it freezes again. ;D

X2 Winter seems to last forever, and for me not to get out now that it's warmer would be a betrayal to the season.

fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 
I waited all winter for the water to unfreeze.....I'm gonna fish as much as i can till it freezes again. ;D

X2 Winter seems to last forever, and for me not to get out now that it's warmer would be a betrayal to the season.

Winter has seemed to never end in Illinois. Only 2 days through June and July breaking 90 degrees. Though it has made for awesome fishing  :)

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

I take one too, kind of.  I"m in S. Florida and have reached the age that I hate the heat.  In my younger years, I used to stay out all day fish in the heat. Not anymore.  I will beat the bank from 7 until dark but that's about it.  On occasion though I MIGHT take the boat out if it's very overcast and we have a breeze and fish from 4p until dark.

My fishing schedule usually runs like this.  All day from Nov- April. Sometimes all day in May.  Jun-Aug I will beat the bank from 7 until dark and an occasional night tournament.

Sept-Oct I'm usually Snook fishing all night and occasional bass fishing/tournament if the weather is nice.

fishing user avatartnbassfisher reply : 

Now, we have had a much below average summer here in TN, has barely gotten above 90 at all. So, I can't complain about the heat this year. However, would it have been two years ago, which was the hottest summer that Tn has seen in over 100 years, I might be complaining a little bit.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I've fished more in the last month than I did in the first 6 months of the year.

I just don't see daylight all that often.

fishing user avatarPoolie727 reply : 

The last several summers in Atlanta have had many 100 degree stretches and I can tell ya, I'm sitting on the couch watching fishing shows on TV. At least this year has been low average temps so far. At minimum I go out from sunrise to noon'ish.

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 

i still fish 3 or 4 times a week. im getting to the point though its the crack of morning or the last 2 hours of daylight.

ive really been thinking about more bank fishing and shorter more technical trips.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

But, I feel your heat. We went to Old Williamsburg, and a few other of the sites, including D.C. in June. I'll never do that again.

You should come back during a hot summer! This summer has been very mild relatively speaking.

fishing user avatarUrbanRedneck reply : 

Once that heat really sets in I almost never fish during the day, physically I just cant do it.  Howver, I love fishing at night in the summer and its a time that I look forward to.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Weather wise this has been a tough year in south Florida.  Hot and humid with little no morning breeze, flat seas, and the west wind brings the no seeums out real bad, afternoons not much better.

I fish ocean or icw every single morning, but only about 4 hours (summer fishing is good) and only bass fish for an hour or so in the afternoon.  We get excited when the wind blows from the east at 20 mph with 4' surf.

Sept or October starts the fall mullet run until end of of Nov, that's when you want to be here, after that it's dead so I bass fish from Dec thru March.  Probably average 5 hours a day thruout the year.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

But, I feel your heat. We went to Old Williamsburg, and a few other of the sites, including D.C. in June. I'll never do that again.

You should come back during a hot summer! This summer has been very mild relatively speaking.

It wasn't this summer.  It was twenty some years ago, '83 or '84 would be my guess.

The only thing worse, heatwise, I've experienced was lobstering on dead calm, hot humid days with a mile or less of visbility.

It was like being in an oven.  The heat from the sun, the glare off the water, the heat from the exhaust of the 8-71 Detroit Diesel combined were hellish.

But, I got relief by filling my hat with seventy degree water from the lobster tank, then quickly dumping it on my head.  Did that several times an hour on those kind of days.

Thank goodness there were only a couple of them per year.

One day, my deckhand asked me to keep one of the six compartments free of lobsters.

When we finished up hauling, and the boat was washed down, he stripped off all of his clothing, took the cover off the tank, and settled down to his neck in the compartment with no lobsters.

During the day, he kept dousing himself with the deck hose.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Nope! Never off the water in summer. 70% of my fishing is for small mouths, so I use my electronics and fish deep, off-shore structures. And the fishing is darn good too! I do wear a soft, wide brimmed hat and wear a thin, long sleeved shirt. This way, both can be soaked in the lake water to cool me down for quite some time.

However, 2009 is going down in my record books as the worst fishing year of my life! They've shut down one of the best bodies of water in our state (Quabbin Res.) for fear of zebra muscle infestation. And more waters are following. So, my boat sits in the back yard, gathering spiders.

Also, here in MA, we've had an extraordinary amount of rain fall; 6.5" in June and so far this month, 7.5". What waters are open to fishing, are very high and muddy, including the CT River, which use to be a good fall-back plan.

Count your blessing and get out there and FISH! Wish I could! :(

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 

I launch at 5:30 am, fish till 11 or 12, go eat and cool off. If I am staying at a lake house I will go back fishing from 3 till dark. If I am not staying,I will fish until 2 or 3 with no break and go home.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
I'm starting my summer fishing hiatus. Not only do I not catch many fish, I'm getting to the point I can't take the heat and humidity. I might go out for a little on a morning or evening, but fishing through the day for me is pretty much over for me until September. I find its a good time to clean gear, clean the boat, etc.

Anyone else do this?

Not me.

The only time of the year I take a "break" ( not because I want but I have to ) is in December.

Here 's why:

December 7 .- Significant other 's B-day

December 19.- Her wedding anniversary

December 24-25.- Xmas eve & Xmas

December 27.- Li Raul 's B-day

Dec 31-Jan 1st.- New Year 's Eve and New Year.

We celebrate b-days and anniversary not the exact date but the next immediate Sunday, for Xmas and New Year we 're too busy preparing house and food n 'stuff for the celebration.

fishing user avatarUnder the Radar reply : 

Another from Central FLA.  I pretty much keep the boat in the garage and beat the banks from 5:30-9:00 am and 6:00-9:00 pm Jun Jul Aug. I spent 21 yrs running charter boats & private yachts. Nowadays, no one is paying me to stand out in the heat & bake my brains out so I don't.

Ahhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!

That feels better..

Oh! God I feel just a  good as if I had attended a 12 step meeting.

NEXT ? ?

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

LOL, come on man, i am in FL and fish through the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I live in central Florida, but fish nonetheless throughout the summer and through the middle of the day.

I did the same when living in Jersey and Georgia, where the summers are just as uncomfortable,

in fact, Georgia was more uncomfortable than Florida.

Although we hear a lot about the improving fishing conditions in September,

I find the fishing in summer to be far more predictable and stable that fall fishing.


fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

But, I feel your heat. We went to Old Williamsburg, and a few other of the sites, including D.C. in June. I'll never do that again.

You should come back during a hot summer! This summer has been very mild relatively speaking.

Ahh, gotcha. When you said you came down in June I assumed you meant this June.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
I'm starting my summer fishing hiatus. Not only do I not catch many fish, I'm getting to the point I can't take the heat and humidity. I might go out for a little on a morning or evening, but fishing through the day for me is pretty much over for me until September. I find its a good time to clean gear, clean the boat, etc.

Anyone else do this?

Not me.

The only time of the year I take a "break" ( not because I want but I have to ) is in December.

Here 's why:

December 7 .- Significant other 's B-day

December 19.- Her wedding anniversary

December 24-25.- Xmas eve & Xmas

December 27.- Li Raul 's B-day

Dec 31-Jan 1st.- New Year 's Eve and New Year.

We celebrate b-days and anniversary not the exact date but the next immediate Sunday, for Xmas and New Year we 're too busy preparing house and food n 'stuff for the celebration.

I don't mean to be nosey.  OK, I do, but you listed HER wedding anniversary.  Did you mean OUR (yours and hers, not yours and mine) anniversary?

Dang, I take a break almost every weekend.  My wife works during the week.  She brings work home with her which she does every evening.  She is on 24 hour call.

But I do get out sometimes.  (If she is getting a manicure and a pedicure, then a facial or off to the hairdresser, I go fishing.  Some Sunday afternoons, she's tied up with hospital work, so I go fishing then.

But sans that, I'm off the water those days.

She and our older daughter are off on their summer excursion.  To Sedona this year.  They leave this coming Saturday, and return a week later.

I get to fish this weekend, and next Saturday, plus evenings during the week, as well as daytime.

Remind me to encourage them to do it more often.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 
LOL, come on man, i am in FL and fish through the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...while wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

You should come back during a hot summer! This summer has been very mild relatively speaking.

Thank goodness.  This has been a really mild summer compared to past summers.  No 100 degree days yet, and only a few in the mid 90s.

fishing user avatardday07 reply : 

i love bass fishing in summer. very predictable i love to topwater and get good action in morning or evenings

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

I quit fishing when my body can no longer take it.   Until then, have rod, will travel.      

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Normally I kinda of slack off during the summer but next month I have 3 tourney's scheduled.   I usually prefer going at night.  

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 
Tidal bass fishing is at its best now. Bass are easy to pattern and are found in schools.

You need to come down here and give me a lesson ;D. Other than one lake, I fish tidal water more than any other water. I'm not finding bass in schools at all this time of year (at least not any king of tight schools). I usually pick up one bass on structure and that's it. They seem to be spread all over. In fact, except for winter, there's not much difference between where I find them now as where I find them in late spring, early summer and fall - hard structure on the ingoing and outgoing tide. I just find that in mid to late summer, the bite is a bit more off and they are harder to catch. Maybe they just have more to choose from and can afford to be picky. I find smaller cranks, more subtle plastics and finesse baits are the ticket. Fall is when fishing really picks up on the waters I fish. You can catch them on just about anything then. Or maybe I'm just wrong, and that mid-summer heat makes me inpatient and I move on too quickly.   Probably the latter.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

BTW, it's 73 degrees right now where I am.  Not bad for late July.  We just had a cold rain.  The stars are out.   My hiatus may be seriously delayed.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

You should come back during a hot summer! This summer has been very mild relatively speaking.

Thank goodness. This has been a really mild summer compared to past summers. No 100 degree days yet, and only a few in the mid 90s.

Yeah, I've been enjoying it, although it has been warming up in the past week or two, especially with the humidity.

Anyway, I would suggest some wading for those of you that find the dog days of summer to be too hot. If you are able to wade (no alligators or snakes or bum knees, etc...) wading can be a great way to fish and keep cool. Of course you have to scale the tackle down to what you can carry but it can be very refreshing.

fishing user avatartnbassfisher reply : 

It's supposed to rain everyday until Sunday here, so looks like I will be taking a break for the rest of the week.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

Night fishing is great way to beat the heat, pleasure boaters, and get a crack at some big fish that don't show themselves any other time. Baits with dark color combined with sound/vibration will produce.

fishing user avatarslider head reply : 

No breaks here. Night time is the right time during the heat and humidity. Most all of our tourneys are night tourneys June, July and August. Not only does this provide some relief from the heat. It takes away 243435097832 water skiers and 9897879878768765876599 jet skiers that you would have to endure during the day.

SML general rule: Never go to SML on weekends from Memorial day to Labor day. You can venture out there on a weekend during this time but dont be surprised if you do not get a filling or 2 knocked out! Weekdays during this period is really not too bad.

fishing user avatarBassmanDan reply : 

I've been baking my brains out all day in the NC summer heat for 10 years now...but it gets harder to do every year. I normally go through a gallon of water, keep the Stetson pulled down, and fish the shady banks in the afternoons...oh yeah, and stay in the wind!!

fishing user avatarmoby bass reply : 

I haven't caught enough this year to take a hiatus from.  Fishing has been lousy for me, but with every cast, there's new hope! ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

In the summer my focus on the Tennessee River turns to

striper and German brown trout on the White. If I'm in town,

largemouth after work and weekends for a few hours at a

couple of local ponds. With rare exception, I fish year around.


fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

Not me, and my last time out (2 weeks ago) it was 116 degrees. I do have a bimini top for shade though.

fishing user avatardrmnbig reply : 

You need to take a weekend and make the 3 1/2 hour ride over here in the valley to fish the rivers for smallies.  I seldom take the boat out in the summer but just about every weekend I'm wading in the Shenandoah, Maury or one of their tributaries.  It's nothing to catch 100 bass per day and you have 75* water rushing over your legs the whole time.  I'm telling you, it gets no better than this.  BTW, hotels are CHEAP here in the valley too.

fishing user avatarbigbassmaster reply : 

hey the other day I caught a nice 4 pounder on a ledge with trees in 20ft of water on a worm in red shad. This is down south by the way.Some fish blew up on my buzzbait on points right before dark too.

this site has some usefull info.

i went to the hubpage site and searched catch bass in summer and there was this nice article by thebassmaster(i think). anyway check it out

I will try to fish soon and tell if i catch any and where they are  ;)

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I've only missed four weekends since the 1st week in March.  During the winter I'm bouncing off of the walls until spring.  I just take a lot of sunscreen and water with me and I don't think about the heat and humidity.

fishing user avatarScruffy reply : 

I never fish past 11 or noon...Mid day fishing just seems to be so slow, and i know, god forbid, that i could be using my time more constructively than waiting for a bite i know isnt going to happen. So i just stop back at the honey hole around 3 or 4pm.

fishing user avatarmudcats22 reply : 

i fish all through summer now because when september rolls around im in school and baseball   :'(


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