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who cares if bill dance fishes from a stocked pond 2024

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

I know theres many guys on here that hates bill because he fishes from a stocked lake. But i have learned som munch from his show i relly dont care were he fishes. I also think his and hanks parkers show are two of the best for learning new things. So just let him fish and who cares were he fishes. Iam sure we all have learned a lot from his show.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I like Bill Dance and apparently most fishermen do, too. He finished 3rd in Bassmaster's Greatest Bass Fishermen poll last year. I've met him a number of times and fish with some of his partners. He recently sent me one of his orange and white Tennessee fishing hats, signed on the bill with a cleaver little note, "Let's go fishing."

Heck, I'm a fan.

fishing user avatarPapa_Tom reply : 

Personally I have long felt that his show was about entertainment and education.  Not sure in what order.  Doesn't matter.  His show is not "A day on the Lake with....."  Not intended to be.  As for those who choose to critcize, if they are critical of the show's format---don't watch.  If they are critcal of his credentials, don't go there.  Aren't very many walking around that can say they ran up a record like he did when BASS was in it's infancy.  First time Johnny Morris had him at the Brown Derby in S'field they had to change traffic.  My .02

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I like Bill Dance.  I think most of the people on here are just joking about him.  I enjoy his show and I have learned some things.  He goes into alot more detail these days than he did when the show first aired.  

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

I agree, I don't care where he fishes. He is an engaging, likeable guy and his show can be very instructive.

fishing user avatarNick B reply : 

Bill Dance is certainly one guy I would go fishing with.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

I like the show.  I like to see the Hawgz and it does have a fair amount of educational value.

About the ponds ..... One of the things that bugs me is he never says that on his show, "I am at such and such pond today" (or at least the ones I have watched).  For somebody new, just getting into bass fishing, that show is not a fair representation of how a typical day on the water goes.  I bet his worst show is probably better than just about everybody's best on here as far as numbers and size go.

fishing user avatarhuskertko reply : 

I watch his show, albeit on TIVO, so I can fast forward through the actual catching of the fish, my only problem with him and I have stated it before on this site, is the way he insists on putting his hand inside the gill plate of every fish he catches.  :(

fishing user avatarNeedemp reply : 

I think Bill is a great teacher. Some people can do things great, but they cant tell you how they do it. And then some people can not only describe how to do it, but tell you things that you wouldnt have even realized you needed to know. Hes like that in my opinion. So far,out of all the criticisms I have heard from people, none of them hold any water to me. I wish I "HAD GONE FISHIN WITH BILL DANCE TODAY"

fishing user avatarMurray reply : 
Bill Dance is certainly one guy I would go fishing with.

speak for, yourself bill is dangerous!

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

Bill Dance fishes stocked lakes?! I seriously did not know this. No wonder he always catches numerous 5lb plus bass on every show. Knowing that he only fishes private bodies of water that are stocked completely changes my opinion. Sure he is an excellent fisherman and knows way more than I do, but let's face it, pretty much anyone can fish a private, stocked lake and catch a lot of fish, big ones especially. Oh well. I still like the show anyway, although I am a little dissapointed to find this out.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I really don 't mind if the man fishes a stocked pond or not, I 've never viewed his shows like if he was bragging on how many and how big bass the bass he catches are, I always viewed his shows as entertainment and educational, as a matter of fact, many of the things I know I learned them from Bill Dance 's shows and videos.

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

Speaking of dangerous. How many seats do you think bill has broken. It seems like every fish is a 500 lb marlin.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

It seems the general consensus is that most like Mr. Dance. I do however have a couple of questions. How does anyone here know what waters Mr. Dance is fishing, and further how do you know that they are stocked? How many here have made a TV Fishing show?

fishing user avatarvtbassin reply : 

I love the bloopers!! ;D ;D

I don't care where he fishes.  If I ever had the chance to go to any of those lakes I would be there fast! ;D If I had the chance to go with Bill I would be there faster.  Just don't let him near my rods. ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


Now, I'm a fan, but he does have a "Ray Scott" pond or two to fish on. His shows are for entertainment and learning, and they are syndicated, so he is still getting paid. What's wrong with that?

He really does have the "Ultimate Pond". I'm still working on an invitation to fish it with him.

fishing user avatartbird reply : 

I like the show as it is informitave , although I think fishing on the type of waters he does most of the time with the baits he uses gives a false impression to the younger anglers out there as they are thinking that they need to rush out and pick up the bait he is using. (his sponsers  pay him to use those baits) I am not saying the baits he uses are no good but do we fish these on a regular basis ?


fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

I Like him seems like a down to earth guy. He is living the dream most of us only dream about.  I think his show is entertaining and  has some educational value.  I do however feel most shows on tv aren't half as educational as this site.  He is a proven fisherman and dosen't really IMO need to show that he can go out on a big lake and catch fish he has already done that.  His bloopers video is a riot though I can't beleve anyone could be that much of a clutz.  He is good company in my book

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

The two guys on tv ive learned the most from are Bill Dance and Al Linder I dont care where they fish they are both good teachers and Bill has a great sense of humor to go along with it  ;)

fishing user avatarThatcher reply : 

I did not know he fished private ponds. I just though thats what bass looked like down south ;D.  It doesn't change my opinion of him. If I went fishing with him I'm sure he would outfish me. My favorite show is and always be Linder's edge.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I've always liked Bill. He was the first angler who was able to quit tourney fishing and live strictly off his TV show and endorsements. You don't do that if you don't know how to catch fish or can't educate anglers on how to catch fish. He was probably the guy most responsible for teaching me to fish the T-rigged worm way back when.

Great guy, great teacher, his show is informative, a good learning tool and his bloopers videos are a hoot.  ;D

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

i love bill dance.his show is one of the best.for everybody who thinks it's so easy to do what he does and film a good show i have one question.HOW COME YOU AREN'T DOING IT? ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Bill Dance still fishes professionally once a year. He and James "Big Catfish" Patterson partner up for a tournament held on the Mississippi River here in Memphis. I think they have fished it for five years and won twice, including this year's tournament just a few weeks ago. Professional catfishing isn't big money, but they won $5000 and a new boat. In addition to winning the event, they also won big fish.

fishing user avatarJerkbate reply : 

I've had the pleasure of eating lunch with him a couple of times at a charity event held each year at Old Waverly golf course in West Point, MS. He is a very nice guy. Even with all of the fame and notoriety he is still very down to earth and personable fellow. He's a little clumsy, but it makes us laugh. He is also a very accomplished fisherman. I don't care where he fishes. I've fished stocked ponds before and while the fish are easier to catch the big ones just don't jump in the boat with you.

I can imagine that making a fishing show is a tough job. I was fishing a small local lake a few years back when a gentleman showed with a camera crew to film a show. The lake had just opened and was producing a lot of 5-10 pound bass. The pressure to perform with all of us watching must have been immense.

My dad talked to a well know TV fishing show host at Sardis lake one day. I won't say who because the guy asked my dad not to tell that he told him this. My dad was curious as to why they had three boats. He was told that one held the camera crew, one was for the host to fish from, and the other had fish in the live well in case they didn't catch any.

I'm not trying to saying that every show host does this. The point is it is all about money. They cannot afford to take trips and not get footage. They do what they have to do to reduce their cost. I don't like the fact of someone on another boat hooking on fish for a guy, but if it means fishing stocked ponds then I'm fine with that. I enjoy Bill Dance Outdoors, and I've learned a lot from watching it.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

During my beginner days, Bill's show was very informative for teaching the basic lures and techniques.  I like the way the show (one of the very first info-mercials) would highlight one particular bait and then encompass all you need to know on how to catch with it from type of equipment to technique to when to use it.  

I think I've pretty much surpassed the need for that type of format in a show but Bill taught COUNTLESS anglers of my generation how to fish via the boob tube.

As far as those who say they hate him, can you "hate" anyone you've never met,...much less someone who is holding a fishing rod?

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

I too am a fan of Mr. Dance.  His fishing board was my first introduction to "web Bassing" and I still go there every day.   He's a true Southern gentleman.

I've learned a lot from watching his shows although I too cringe when he lip's a larger Bass the way he does.  I've learned and seen techniques from him that have caught me Bass, one of which was the Strike King Porko.  It hasn't been made in years but there is a similar product that I still use.

As to "his stocked ponds", he does fish other places including some river where he was catching huge catfish and at Tenderfoot I think.  I was at Bienville Plantation down in Florida a year or two ago for a guided Bass day when the guide told me, "No, we can't fish in that lake as it's saved for TV taping and I taped a show with Bill Dance in it recently."


fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

If I could only watch one fishing show it would be Bill Dance. I think some of the new BASS shows are great, but BD somehow seems to know exactly what I'd like to ask a bass expert.

As for fishing with him. I'd make sure I had lots of video and a helmet. I'd probably rather fish with the Lindners.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

He catches HUGE catfish on the Mississippi River, too.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Bill Dance is one of the pioneers of professional bass fishing.  He deserves respect.  But I just wish he would stop endorsing every thing.  Some of the products he has endorsed are laughable.

fishing user avatarhuskertko reply : 
Bill Dance is one of the pioneers of professional bass fishing. He deserves respect. But I just wish he would stop endorsing every thing. Some of the products he has endorsed are laughable.

It is funny you say that, I was watching a show last night that I TiVo'd over the weekend and there is a segement of him talking lures and stuff standing in front of a grill with a Johnsonville apron on with bratss on the grill and several packages of brats on the side, I just had to laugh at how obvious the plug for them was.

;D ;D

fishing user avatarHookem reply : 

Does anyone tune in to Bill's show to watch him fish or do you tune in to watch him catch?  ;)

Who cares where he fishes.

If I had those types of ponds to fish and catch, then I probably wouldn't hit a public lake ever again.  8-)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
I'd probably rather fish with the Lindners.

That would be like Studying for your masters final.  I don't think I'm capable of absorbing as much as they could tell me,lol.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Doesn't Bill Dance have a company that designs and builds lakes that are designed for bass fishing ?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

No,.he just has the golden invite list.  But at the same time, you don't get on that list without respect, I'm sure.

The long and short of it is that he's a nice guy, bit of a goober even, that has and still does tons for the industry.

fishing user avatartuxdaddy reply : 

IMHO, BILL ROCKS!!! Him and Hank were the first shows I watched when I started back in fishing... Heck I even had a cat that watched them both with me, as soon as he heard the theme song for either he'd come out and sit deadcenter of the tv and watched and pawed the  

Back to Bill... I've learned so much from his shows, its not about where he fishes or who his sponsors, but about what lure he's trying to instruct you on... Hey, he was the person who got me turned on to ultra light fishing.. WHatever he trying to show you that's what he stays with, be it a spinner, or plug, or about structure sit down and take it in, because when an old sage speaks the words are golden even when it may be what some may consider long winded...

I'm glad that they were the first fishing shows I got to see :)..


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


That's Ray Scott.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

But I bet Bill gets to be a test pilot for alot of those ,lol.

fishing user avatarToddn76 reply : 

Good point!  Bill Dance has already proved himself as a great fisherman in the past.  Besides he could go to other lakes and catch average bass like everyone else, but that would be no fun to watch...I like to watch him go out there and catch hog after hog.  It motivates me to go out there and catch hogs! :P

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 
Bill Dance is certainly one guy I would go fishing with.


fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
i love bill dance.his show is one of the best.for everybody who thinks it's so easy to do what he does and film a good show i have one question.HOW COME YOU AREN'T DOING IT? ;D ;D ;D ;D

We would if we could fish his stock tanks.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Oh someone stated before,the places he fishes to tape his show gives the regular Joe a misrepresentation of what bass fishing is like UNLESS that regular Joe has stock tanks to fish like Bill.

I fully understand that Bill is a good fisherman,he catches HAWGS every show and that his show sells lots of lures.It's pure genius......They know that he wouldnt sell as many lures or have as many viewers if he was fishing where everybody else fishes and was catching what everybody else catches......people can do that on their own.

What kills me is when he's got his 21' Procraft floating around on a 4 acre stock tank,trying to look like he's on some huge reservoir.Funny thing is,you never see any jet-skiers,no other boaters and no waves rocking his big boat around.

I watch the show dont get me wrong but I wish he would announce to everyone where he is know like when he gives that days water temp,air temp,reel,rod,line,lure,attractant,trolling motor,boat company,outboard company,mosquito spray,sunglasses, etc.....

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

I would imagine that he may not be allowed to state where he is.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Let's see: I've done TV shows - no other boaters in them - no PWC's - no rocking boat either: It's called editing! I Guess that some here have been out with Mr. Dance, cause not only do they know the types of bodies of water that he fishes, but they even know the size.

It's amazing. Rumors running freely.

fishing user avatarsparky reply : 

I remember that 1980's Bill Dance episode when crazy Jerry Reed (Famous singer/movie star) pushed Bill out of the boat into water over his head. Bill looked ticked. Does anybody else recall that episode?

I like Bill.

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

Why does it matter where he fishes? It would be a boring, uneducational show if he didnt fish managed water and only caught one fish the entire show. Alot more entertaing than the "Pro Team Journal" show last week catching schooling white bass, it was pathetic.

 Dance does use his sponsor's Booyah jigs and blades alot on his show.They catch fish. Its a great product and alot of Ga anglers that I respect have won alot of money on them, and will recommend them without being payed for it.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I like Bill Dance,and I could care less where he catches 'em .He was the guy that got me interested in bass fishing when I was a teenager with what I consider entertaining and educational fishing shows.He doesn't have to scream,holler,dance,or talk with an overly fake Southern accent to get my interest.

fishing user avatarDR_Bass reply : 
Bill Dance fishes stocked lakes?! I seriously did not know this. No wonder he always catches numerous 5lb plus bass on every show. Knowing that he only fishes private bodies of water that are stocked completely changes my opinion. Sure he is an excellent fisherman and knows way more than I do, but let's face it, pretty much anyone can fish a private, stocked lake and catch a lot of fish, big ones especially. Oh well. I still like the show anyway, although I am a little dissapointed to find this out.

Did you think he was a fishing god or something?  I came to the realization long ago that there is no way he could be catching those fish from a public waterway.  But I like the show anyhow.  I also agree with KU the show doesn't convey the normal day of fishing but it does make it seem as exciting as that, heck that's how I got started fishing (watching Bill Dance every change I got and taking his lessons to the water).

P.S. - The bloopers were very funny....    ;D

fishing user avatarBassinFool reply : 

Why do u say his stocked tanks? Do you know this for a fact? I don't care what Bill does, bass fishin all relates to concepts. It dont matter if your fisin a 2 acre or 25,000 acre lake. You have to know the whole concept of fishin certain lures under certain conditions and the techniques to use for each. Personally, from watching his shows he's taught me alot.It always gets me when one puts down another just cause they catch fish. You wanna Dance?

fishing user avatarfishingrulz reply : 

i'm sure the companies that make the baits that he uses don't mind those lunkers he catches lol

i like Bill, the problem is like some said its not realistic. he makes it look so easy that when people go to a lake and try it and catch nothing they get flustered. but then again its not like they took some idiot off the street gave him a boat and said here catch these fish. lets be honest. even if it is stocked to perfection you still have to catch them.

also he may catch several 5s, 6s, 7s 8s, and then he has the 4, 3, 2, 1 etc.etc. then they edit out anything under.......lets say 2.8 pounds and leave everything 2.9 and up.

another thing is you have to remember that the whole show is not him fishing. you have the begging where he does the intro for the show and then he shows you the lure hes going to be using and why the one hes using is better than a differnt brand etc etc. then a little time where he is talking to the camera about how the last fish took it or about the rod and reel etc. his show is good because he breaks down every last piece of the set-up. so you fisgure all the talking he does take ups 10 minutes of a 22 mintue (or so) episode there is not much left for catching even if it doesn't seem it.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

It doesn't bother me in the least, that he fishes those "easy stock ponds". I like to see bass get caught, just as much as the next bass angler.

My only complaint is, unfortunately, those stock ponds just produce a lot of 5 to 8 lb'ers..... you know.... those ho hum fish, but not really any "BIG ONES" !

Come on Bill, lets see some 13's and 15's !  ;-)



fishing user avatarslappy reply : 

I dont care I like his show I learn alot from him and plus his bloopers are funny as hell

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

At this time, this thread has been read 796 times with 50 posts, this one being 51.  Obviously, Bill Dance has had a tremendous influence on a number of us or there wouldn't be so many responses here.  Taking into consideration everything that has been said, in the final analysis, you have to admit that Bill has been good for bass fishing.  Just look at the posts.  Even many of those with a negative bent state that Bill taught them something.  

fishing user avatarFatBoy reply : 

Those bloopers are hilarious.  But are they for real?  I mean are those real outtakes from the show or did he do those things on purpose to make the bloopers?  To me they have the feel of one of those old Tim Conway Dorf on Golf videos.

Either way, like I said, very funny stuff.  But if they're for real, Bill is just plain dangerous!   ;D

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

A point I was just thinking about is how many Lake El Salto shows where all the big names go and catch huge fish. El Salto was stocked and is a huge fish producer, how come no one complains that Shaw Grigsby or Hank Parker go to a "stocked lake" to fish. Is it just because it is a known lake and is much bigger. To me water is water, as long as theres fish in it, it doesnt matter. It's actually a smart idea for Bill because he fishes for entertainment and using a stocked tank is just plain entertaining when all those hawgs are caught. I enjoy his show and it does actually have some strong advice that can help you on the water. Just my opinion though....


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