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Who is your fav pro bass fisherman 2024

fishing user avatarCrank_Baits reply : 

well mine is Dave Mercer

fishing user avatarBassChaser57 reply : 

Larry Nixon! He seems like a guy to go fishing on sunday afternoon. GOOD GUY.

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

Roland Martin. I heard he once turned down a "Make A Wish" kid because he was too busy.

Now that's a dedicated fisherman.  :)  

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

David Fritts,the crankbait KING!

fishing user avatarUpnorth reply : 

Charley Hartley.  Not a very well known tour pro, but a super nice guy and one of the best smallmouth fisherman on the planet.

fishing user avatarranger50 reply : 

I'd go with Jay Yelas.  And to GobbleDog---One who turns down a 'Make-A-Wish' kid because he is too busy is not a dedicated fisherman, he is selfish.

fishing user avatarVyron reply : 

Mark Lassagne : seems to be a very nice guy and taught me lot of stuff with his shows

fishing user avatarbasspro48 reply : 

Gerald Swindle, heck of a fisherman and you gotta root for the good'ole southern boys :).

fishing user avatarShad_Master reply : 

It's hard for me to pick one, but there are several that I would really like to fish with:

Gerald Swindle would be a hoot to spend time on the water with -- I remember watching him in an FLW tournament years ago when he took out a chain saw to cut through a fallen tree to get into the back of a cove -- he won the tournament.

Woo Daves -- if you haven't seent the story about him and the kid with cancer, you should

But my absolute favorite is Rick Clunn -- he has been my idol for longer than any.  Not only a superb fisherman, but a real person.

fishing user avatarplaymaker47 reply : 

My favorite is Gerald Swindle

fishing user avatarbasspro48 reply : 

Gerald Swindle would be a hoot to spend time on the water with -- I remember watching him in an FLW tournament years ago when he took out a chain saw to cut through a fallen tree to get into the back of a cove -- he won the tournament.


:o Now that's hardcore, but I guess that's Swindle fer ya ;).

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Zell Rowland;don't know if he's a nice guy or not,But when you look up redneck bass angler in the dictionary it's got his picture beside it.Also a great topwater angler!

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

#1. KVD! I really love his style of fishing! Can't wait to me him some day!

#2. David Walker - Met him twice, he's a great guy. He was willing to talk to me after a seminar for about an hour answering any questions I had.

3. Woo Daves - I've seen him several times. He's a great presenter in his seminars! And has gone above and beyond to answer questions I've had for him. As far as e-mailing me after he did some research first.


I met Zell at the Classic last year. He's a real down to earth guy!

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 

I have to pick two because I love both Gerald Swindle and Kevin Vandam.  There are others that I enjoy but to me, those two embody everything that I love and respect about fishing.  Gerald is a classic southern born, southern bred guy who's in love with fishing.  His attitude is great, and he just intrigues me when he's talking, for some reason.  We all already know KVD's deal, so I won't go through it..but..I'd love to get to spend my life fishin with those two guys.

fishing user avatarCrank_Baits reply : 

i would also like that crank bait king guy to teach me more

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

Larry Nixon:  Met him at a BM Univ. and he's a real gentleman.

Shaw Grigsby:  Florida Basser personified!


fishing user avatarMichael H reply : 

Kevin Vandam

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

No hesitation for my answer.  Rick Clunn.  I like his low key intensity and his thoughtful approach.  It seems like nothing he does is random.  Right or wrong everything he does seems to have a reason behind it.  Also he has an uncanny ability to dig down when the pressure is most intense.  4 classic wins is phenominal.  

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 
I'd go with Jay Yelas. And to GobbleDog---One who turns down a 'Make-A-Wish' kid because he is too busy is not a dedicated fisherman, he is selfish.


fishing user avatarUpnorth reply : 
It's hard for me to pick one, but there are several that I would really like to fish with:

Gerald Swindle would be a hoot to spend time on the water with -- I remember watching him in an FLW tournament years ago when he took out a chain saw to cut through a fallen tree to get into the back of a cove -- he won the tournament.

Woo Daves -- if you haven't seent the story about him and the kid with cancer, you should

But my absolute favorite is Rick Clunn -- he has been my idol for longer than any. Not only a superb fisherman, but a real person.

Sorry, that was not Gerald Swindle that used the chainsaw.  It was David Dudley.  Dudley won the tournament.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Triton Mike Bucca 8-)

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

mike ike and gerald swindle

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

John Semken, and Marc Marcantonio for regional pro's: These guys are top notch when it comes to personally helping you out and going above and beyond.

Aaron Martens, Joe Thomas: Aaron becuase he is sorta goofy like me, and he is versitile. Joe Thomas because i like his TV show and he sounds like a great guy and a real proffesional.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

Denny Brauer because he is the only pro I've met who actually sounded like he wanted to go fish my little lake I described to him.  Randy Howell is another who seemed like he just wanted to go fish "anywhere, anytime". ;)

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Kevin Van Dam is the best, but Larry Nixon is my favorite

fishing user avatarBassKinG reply : 

KVD and Rick Clunn are my personal favorites.

fishing user avatarbenzo73 reply : 


fishing user avatarCountry Boy reply : 

Kevin Vandam

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

KVD is my favorite pro fisherman.

Swindel is my favorite comedian.

Ike is my favorite entertainer.

fishing user avatarblanked reply : 

this is easy  JAY YELAS.   any God fearing Christian comes first in my book

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
KVD is my favorite pro fisherman.

Swindel is my favorite comedian.

Ike is my favorite entertainer.


I wish I had thought of that ;D

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

Ike and Swindle because it would be fun. Van Dam because I would be able to learn so much from him.

fishing user avatarrocknfish9001 reply : 

I like Van Dam because his homtown is just a 45 min. drive from here. I like to go to D+R, which is owned by Randy van dam. They have the best selection of older lure companies like mann's and local companies. Also, they have a diverse spinnerbait section, who would've guessed? But i look up to Rick clunn as well because of his amazing success.

fishing user avatarZach90 reply : 

Gerald Swindle and Mike Iaconelli are my favorite

fishing user avatarRiley reply : 

My pick would be the G-Man: Gerald Swindle. There's just something about that guy. He is hilarious and can back it up on the water to boot. I dont think there is anybody else i would like to spend a day on the water with more than him....even if i wouldnt learn as much as opposed to being with kvd or someone else

fishing user avatarMr.Bass12 reply : 

I agree that GobbleDog is selfish n Gerald Swindle is too dern mouthy. I would have to go w/ Marty Stone. A good ole' Carolina hoss!

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

Ike and KVD for starters.

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

Guido Hibdon....he took the shame out of spinning gear!

fishing user avatarbassbuster29 reply : 

Bill Dance,Gerald Swindle, KVD

fishing user avatarrbaddis reply : 

You just have to go with a good ole' Michigan boy taking to all those southern boys!  GO KVD!!!  (about to win classic # 3)

fishing user avatarBasspastor reply : 

David Walker among my favorites

Gary Dobyns & Dean Rojas because they are slop frog fishermen.

fishing user avatarJavelin_Venom reply : 

Denny Brauer

fishing user avatarcgs2004 reply : 

Rich Tauber, very funny guy

fishing user avatarJDUB reply : 

Swindle because hes hilarious. Aaron Martens because hes a great fisherman and hes from California.

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 
Triton Mike Bucca 8-)

Fluke, I like the way you think. I would also suggest as I have in the past, JT Bagwell.

These guys may not be the best known but when have you ever seen KVD, Ike, Bill, etc... logged in and giving you advice? ;)

Also a big to my favorite amatuer, Glenn. Thanks again Glenn. :)

fishing user avatarARCHER reply : 

For the most part, all the pros are pretty good guys. We are fortunate that our sport doesn't yet have a lot of $h--birds, like Terrell Owens and Ron Artest.

I would like to say that George Cochran will soon join the likes of Owens and Artest, if he continues to fish out of other competitors back pockets, like he did to Jim Bitter a while back. That was a disgraceful act for a past champion. I would have loved to see Bitter verbally undress him for that one, while on film.

I'm sure Bass/Espn will only air the footage that benefits their business interests. There have, I'm sure, been other dispicable things done in tournaments, that we may never know about.

I'll take G-man, Skeet, Mark Davis, Larry Nixon.

fishing user avatarFALCON reply : 




fishing user avatarSWB reply : 

KVD- No explanation needed

G Man

fishing user avatarARCHER reply : 

After watching Basstech yesterday, I'd like to change my choice.

I'll take CHIGGER............

fishing user avatarcrankin_king reply : 

2 guys KVD because of what he stands for and what he teaches people and the hometown boy Bill Dance

fishing user avatarFish-N-Terry reply : 

ROLAND MARTIN,he's the MAN   8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

fishing user avatartopwtr81 reply : 



fishing user avatarLandis76 reply : 

Well the question is who is your favorite fisherman but it seems a lot of y'all a replying with who you'd love to fish with.

My favorite bass fisherman - Rick Clunn - He is nothing less than a legend!!!

Who would I like to fish with most? RICK CLUNN!! OF COURSE!!! ;)

fishing user avatarsegleskirq reply : 

Ike and Swindle


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