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What is your favorite "Bite" 2024

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

By this I mean do you prefer the plastic worm/Jig bite where you have to time it just right and then cross thier eyes? Or do you all prefer the bite like fishing a spinnerbait,where you are on a retrieve and then suddenly theres a fish on,and depending how big it it,it just about rips the rod out of your hand.

I like the soft plastic/jig bite myself. I like timing it right and then feeling the weight and struggle of the fish as I rear back on the rod. Sometimes it doesnt happen like that and its a swing and a miss,but for me as long as thier biting,it captures my attention,and keeps me motivated.

Remember swings(hooksets) dont cost you anything ,so swing all you want

fishing user avatarMuad Dib reply : 

has to be a jig or creature carolina rig. i love seein the line move and knowing the bass is thinking it got a free meal then slamming the hook home after that first exciting tap and feeling the weight on the end of the line.

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 

    Nothing beats a topwater bite.

fishing user avatarJUST reply : 
Nothing beats a topwater bite.

I agree!!!

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

Well tahts one I totally forgot about,id have to agree that a topwater bite is awesome,and heartstopping. Now im torn between the Jig/Worm bite and the topwater strike being my favorite. :-/

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

I like all bites.  

fishing user avatartnhiker44 reply : 

I would have to say the aerial assault. I have had several smallmouths leap out of the water behind a Zara Spook and dive bomb on top of it. Not anything quite like it. Nothing comes close.

fishing user avatarBig Mike in Fl reply : 

mine would have to be the top water bite as well, nothing like a monster bass crushing my spook (caught a nice 6-7lber today on one as a matter of fact)

but I also love the hits on any fast moving bait, like a swim senko or skinny dipper where they darn near rip the rod out of your hand.

of course I also love a good solid hookset on a worm.

ok, I guess I love them all.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I'm with Cart71..but I have to admit..being a worm guy, I love watching bass Explode on a topwater bait.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

I would trade ten bites on faster moving baits for that one subtle twitch of the line as a hawg inhales my worm/jig on the fall! Gets my adrenaline running just typing about it, LOL!!!!

fishing user avatardale reply : 

Frog bite in matted grass down on the Potomac!!

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Like everyone - I like any and all bites - a jig bite, a solid spinner bait strike is good, and the undeniable thud on a worm is sweet.

But my favorite is a summer night buzz bait bite - listening to the blade whizzing along knowing that any second it could happen. Except on rare moonlight nights you rarely actually see it - just hear it and hopefully feel it. The anticipation is the BEST - Cast - reel - and reel a little more - just keep reeling and waiting and then BAM - killer exploding strike - that's tough to beat.



fishing user avatarMd reply : 

When a smallie hits a Sammy or Spook it's insane. I can't see how it could get any better than seeing a 4 or 5 lb smallie completely out of the water on the strike.

fishing user avataracmaul13 reply : 

I gotta go with the topwater smally strike,hell even a 2lber can seem like a monster

fishing user avatarS I G M A reply : 

I like cranking really fast, then suddenly it feels like a snag, then it kicks and starts fighting and you realize you have a lunker on your hands...

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 
Nothing beats a topwater bite.

I agree!!!

Got that right! This is my favorite, especially with a popper or doggie bait.

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

x2 on all replies ;)

fishing user avatarbobdogg17 reply : 

mainly anything that stays on the hook, but a top water is the best. Personally i like when they hit a popper! :)

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 

For me, nothing is better than a topwater bite. or topwater explosion i should say.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

I can't say I like one better than the other. They all get me pumped up.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I love it when I set hook & the bass sets hook back ;)

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 
I like all bites.

Bite me!  ;D ;D

X2 on Topwater and can't beat a Crankbait bite where they slam it either.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Night time wakebait bite

fishing user avatarnickb reply : 

I love it when I'm pulling some sort of plastic with my rod tip, then it feels like it's stuck on a log.  Then the line starts moving, it's the best!

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

Home made turkey, bacon, cheese, letuce, and tomato sandwich in my mouth while waiting on that monster catfish to grab my line and nightcrawler is my favorite.   ;)

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

Top Water fo sho.

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

Worm/Jig bite!

fishing user avatarbigfish88 reply : 

topwater bite, when its on theres nothing like seeing that LMB come out the water to get your popper, frog, buzzbait. enough said..

fishing user avatarbassfanatick reply : 

I too love the top water bite, nothing like a hidden bass coming out to destroy a jitterbug!!!! Another one would be seeing bass attacking a crankbait.  Like yesterday I was reeling in shallow diving rebel crawfish, I was cranking it almost close to shore when a good sized bass was following it, I stopped the lure, and he proceeded to swallow it and the fight was on :o

fishing user avatarAnthonyS reply : 

I really like the top water buzz bait strikes and then the slam on a rattle trap or spinner.

fishing user avatarPlasticsJunkie reply : 

I like all bites.  But my favorite is gonna have to go to a topwater bite.  Can't beat watching a big ol' bass explode on a buzzbait.

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

I love a great explosion on topwater but after thinking about I think I like it more when I finesse fishing a a worm and you never even feel the bite and the lines just starts moving sideways. You have no idea what size fish you have on you just know you gotta set the hook and have fun!

fishing user avatarbalsabaiter reply : 

Deep cranking post-spawn when a big sow actually sucks the bait in in a big swoop that actually throws slack in you line...I need a smilie for goosebumps and a shudder.

No.2 is when the blades stop on a slow-rolled spinnerbait.

fishing user avatarGA basss boy reply : 

i like all bites. a fish is a fish, but if i had to choose one  particular bite, it would have to be crank baits, but slitely different.  the crank im talking about is a nice medium depth crank.  throw it out there close to shore.  let it sit on the top and jig it once where it goes about 6 inches under water and when it rises back to the top.  BOOM!!! they hit it, its awesome.

fishing user avatarhookset on 3 reply : 

You know what I dig!

Hookset on 3

fishing user avatarSammyLee reply : 

Like most, it's the topwater.  I was lucky enough to have about 20 of those in two hours a few weeks ago.  I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  Really, it felt sureal.

But, something I do love, is tiny crankbaits, like a panfish plug and be in the middle of a retrieve and this mean as a junkyard dog, brim, slams the lure.  He'll turn that fat, flat body of his sideways to me and try to drag my butt into the water.  When I get him to shore, he looks at me like, "You SOB!  How dare you!"  I'll be super careful removing the hook and wish him well with a thank you and goodbye.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

My favorite "bite" is one that results in a hooked fish.

I don't "cross their eyes".  Never found it necessary.

IMO, it is done more for show or effect than because it's necessary.

I always chuckle when the tv shows show hookset, after hookset with the host nearly coming out of his or her shoes.

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

Topwater!   ;D ;D

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Big ones.

fishing user avatarBassinSoldier reply : 

I love them all of course, but to me the BEST is having a hawg bust clean through a thick grass mat on a toad. The strike is vicious and when you set that hook it almost hurts your wrists (after a days worth of this, they DO hurt) cuz of how solid it is every time. I can't wait for summer!!!

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 

for me it would be a toss up between a worm bite and a jerkbait bite...nothing like jerking a pointer and having a big smally slam it and nearly pull the rod from your hands...

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Deep crank. Reeling down, bumping that brushpile, then SLAM!!!....rod bows, fight's on! Net! Net! Net!  ;)

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

I don't "cross their eyes". Never found it necessary.

IMO, it is done more for show or effect than because it's necessary.

I always chuckle when the tv shows show hookset, after hookset with the host nearly coming out of his or her shoes.

Actually, it is necessary with jigs and T-rigs (IMO).  They can clamp down hard enough that if you don't move that bait and drive the hook on the set they need only open their mouth and let it go.  On horizontal presentations, not such a big deal.  We can all choose to do what we want, but like Denny Brauer says "I whack 'em!!".

My favorite bite is the deep, jig/worm bite.  

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 

By far my favorite is the frog bite. You usually have two types of hits with the frog. The first is when the smaller fish just destroy it with everything they have and that's just fun. The other is when the 4lb and bigger fish just inhale it and hardly make a splash. When I see that type of strike, I usually say "this could be a big one" and about that time it's time to set the hook. Then to set the hook so hard with braid you think you might see the frog come flying at you and hook yourself instead of the fish. Only to have the rod go about have way up on the hook set and the big stiff rod bow over like it could snap in two and send you fying out of the boat. Then you have to reel and pull with everything you have to get that fish out of the slop. That is the the FROG BITE and I LOVE IT!!! ;D

A distance second is the Jig bite only because it's very similar to the frog hookset with the possibility of it being a giant.

fishing user avatarT RAV29 reply : 

I like the frog bites. I like any bites though. :)

fishing user avatarbasswitch reply : 

Topwater is my favorite, but I still haven't quite mastered the art of waiting before setting the hook, I get so excited I tend to react too quickly, and often yank the lure clean out of the water.

The soft plastic bite has to be a close second, I love that "thump, thump" as they're testing the worm. Not that I'm fussy, I'll take any bite I can get!

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

If I can make them bite a moving lure I prefer that as I like to cover water.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Any bite is a good bite.  They all provide a high in one way or another.   8-)

fishing user avatarNasTMcfingas reply : 
I like all bites.

We are definetly on the same page. 8-)

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

I'll take any bite I can get but my absolute favorite bite is fishing pointer 128s in early spring. Big smallmouth absolutely crush them (ask the 20"er in my avatar). Its awesome when its really cold and you have to pause 30 seconds in between jerks. You're just sitting there and all of the sudden you rod doubles over and about flies out of your hand. Frogs are a blast too but there's nothing like a big smallmouth on a jerkbait IMO.

fishing user avatarBull Hurley reply : 
What is your favorite "Bite"

The one I just got.   ;)

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

My favorite bite has and will always be the visible ones.

Long cast, in clear water to a limb, money cast as I call them, and you see the fish slam it, something about seeing that flash of color, or that spinner bait get attacked or topwaters busted.

    I love seeing fish come from a distance to hit a bait.  

As for a bottom bite, nothing like having a jig sucked in, just barely seeing the line twitch, reeling down and ripping some lips.  


fishing user avatarJacobK reply : 

i love the jig/worm bite when you just feel that THUMP THUMP THUMP and WHAM just cross their eyes with a "bill dance" hook set.  ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

either when one slams a spinnerbait, or that lunker loads up on a deep divin crankbait  ;)

fishing user avatarChris W reply : 

Whatever my next one is.


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