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Dont you just love when people say things like... 2024

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 
Hooked into a 5 pounder but lost it at the boat

And how do you know the fish was a 5 lber if you never landed it and weighed it,or got a girth and length?

I mean some people say with absolute certainty, it "WAS a 5 lber that shook off at the boat." When they really should be saying "I would "GUESS " the fish wouldve weighed AT LEAST 5 lbs or more"

Some people crack me up. But then again,if your a tourney fisherman and have caught many fish,I guess you would know how to Guesstimate accurately

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

Or better yet the ones who lost it 15 feet from the boat, never saw, but can still swear that it was a 5 lber.  ;D

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Yesterday my fishing partner almost caught a 19-pounder. If his bait had only landed 1 foot to the left.

Yesterday my fishing partner and I were working on catching our 50th fish. However when that didn't work we began working on catching our 1ooth.

As you can see by the picture!

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

I love it better , when they get it in, take as picture then  some  the big bass guys here discredit the picture

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
I love it better , when they get it in, take as picture then some the big bass guys here discredit the picture

I've solved that muddy.


My personal best caught this past weekend!


And before the big bass guys start,  that's a BIG frying pan.   ;)

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Well Muddy that probably because they realy are holding up a 5 lber but they are calling it 8. Yes Pictures are decieving but in most cases its obvious if you know what to look for. 90% of the fish I see on forrums that guys are calling 10's are not. They are usualy around 8. but I rarley call them out. In a lot of cases they actualy belive the fish was 10. Its even better when they think the scale must have been off because it said 7lbs. Ha ha. Guys who catch big bass are better at estimating thiere weights then guys who have only caught 1 or 2 ten years ago.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 
I love it better , when they get it in, take as picture then some the big bass guys here discredit the picture

I've solved that muddy.


My personal best caught this past weekend!


And before the big bass guys start, that's a BIG frying pan. ;)

Pass the Hush Puppies Dawg!!!!!! ;D

fishing user avatarCODbasser reply : 
I love it better , when they get it in, take as picture then some the big bass guys here discredit the picture

I've solved that muddy.


My personal best caught this past weekend!


And before the big bass guys start, that's a BIG frying pan. ;)

that makes me that a beer batter or some sort?

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

I agree with Matt. Some of the pictures calling fish 10's are obviously not. If I use them as a gage, I've caught a couple of 10's.

Take it with a grain of salt . After all, we're all fisherman here and fibbing is in our blood.

Hey Cart- Are those catfish fillets? You're making me hungry and it's 7:30 A.M.  :D

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

When relaying a days report to a friend heading out, if I say "I got a few nice ones, one was 4.6 and the biggest, a 5 or so, I dropped at the boat." BELIEVE ME, buddies know me well enough that if I say I dropped a 5 at the boat, it was probably closer to 6. I purposely don't give the higher end of a guestimate to any fish that didn't hang on the scale. Same goes for my closer partners. If Dirk, or Matt50 or Tin tell me they dropped one "at least" 4, I know there was a fish in the 5'r range hooked today.

And Matt is dead on, I've hung a few 7's and 8's that I could have sworn were going to the state for record submission. (RI record is 10.6) but that's because I've only caught a handful of Largemouth that size. These guys that cull 8's in search of an 18,.....THEY know 8's and it's gotta be a little annoying to see an 8 claimed as a 10 when no scale was present. (to them, me, I'd be so tickled with an 8 here on the east coast, I wouldn't have a need to stretch her to 10 :) )

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

I like to do this, but I am only joking around. If I am fighting a fish and it comes unhooked, I say "man that thing must have been 10 lbs." If the line breaks off, I say " man that thing must have been 15lbs."  ;D

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
When relaying a days report to a friend heading out, if I say "I got a few nice ones, one was 4.6 and the biggest, a 5 or so, I dropped at the boat." BELIEVE ME, buddies know me well enough that if I say I dropped a 5 at the boat, it was probably closer to 6. I purposely don't give the higher end of a guestimate to any fish that didn't hang on the scale. Same goes for my closer partners. If Dirk, or Matt50 or Tin tell me they dropped one "at least" 4, I know there was a fish in the 5'r range hooked today.

And Matt is dead on, I've hung a few 7's and 8's that I could have sworn were going to the state for record submission. (RI record is 10.6) but that's because I've only caught a handful of Largemouth that size. These guys that cull 8's in search of an 18,.....THEY know 8's and it's gotta be a little annoying to see an 8 claimed as a 10 when no scale was present. (to them, me, I'd be so tickled with an 8 here on the east coast, I wouldn't have a need to stretch her to 10 :) )

I agree.  I just don't believe that lying provides any benefit to anyone in most circumstances.  There are obvious situations where you may twist the truth a little to avoid hurting someone's feelings.  (Such as when your former 115 lb model wife who now weighs 150 asks you if she appears to be fat, or grandma with her new light blue hairdo asks how you like her hair.  ;))

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 
I love it better , when they get it in, take as picture then some the big bass guys here discredit the picture


fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

If a guy catches the bass of a lifetime and he says its 10, and it is actually 8.4 who cares? I  will just celebrate  it with him.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Here's my take:

If someone says they weighed the fish, nothin' to talk about.

I don't care what it "looks like".

If it "could have been", again, nothin' to talk about.

But if someone asks, "How much do YOU think it weighed,


Most "bout 5" are 3-4.

Most "round 8" might make 5.

10's that aren't weighed, aren't.

The guys that catch DDs on a regular basis

usually weigh them AND take a picture.


fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
If a guy catches the bass of a lifetime and he says its 10, and it is actually 8.4 who cares? I will just celebrate it with him.

While I don't agree with someone lying about the weight of a fish, I also try to never assume someone is lying when they post a weight.  If I think the weight is a bit inflated I keep my mouth shut and give congratulations.  The picture could be misleading or the angler's scale could be off.  Either way, I can't prove a thing so why question it?

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

If you think bass fisherman are embellishers (bald faced liars ) you haven't been to the ocean, we don't have to stop at 22 # in which to spin a yarn.

A few months ago I was cleaning fish at the cleaning table and some guy comes up with dolphin that was around 20#. He said to me you should have seen the 50 pound bull that got away, I replied " how do you know it was 50 if you didn't land and weight it? "

I don't weight them, just eyeball and estimate and probably wrong most of the time , haha

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 
If a guy catches the bass of a lifetime and he says its 10, and it is actually 8.4 who cares? I will just celebrate it with him.

While I don't agree with someone lying about the weight of a fish, I also try to never assume someone is lying when they post a weight. If I think the weight is a bit inflated I keep my mouth shut and give congratulations. The picture could be misleading or the angler's scale could be off. Either way, I can't prove a thing so why question it?

Yea Ed: I love bustin on the guys that each ounce means something to! ::)

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

funny to see this post, reminds me of my car forums.  people say "My car runs xxxx at the track" yet they've never been to the track.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

I think you consider the source, if you care... If I say I dropped a 5 at the boat, it was probably closer to 6 or 7. When you catch enough fish that go over 5 (on a scale), you will easily recognize a fish over 5.

I give some people 100% credit for "I lost a XX pounder at the boat"... and with others I can't even get close to the number when I see pics.

But what do I care? unless they really talk smack and bring others down, I just shake my head. It's like cheating in school, you really only cheat yourself and your own credibility.

fishing user avatarSoFl-native reply : 

Forget landing the fish......i hear about huge fish that just hit the bait.

They always use half pound increments too......Like: "I had a huge fish crush my top was at least 8.5 lbs."

As if guessing the weight of a fish you barely see isnt BS actually expect me to believe you noticed it was an 8.5????

Puhhhh leaze.

fishing user avatarSoFl-native reply : 
funny to see this post, reminds me of my car forums. people say "My car runs xxxx at the track" yet they've never been to the track.

ughhh dont get me started on that.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

what's even better is those d**n g-techs lol

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

My favorite is when someone swings on a bass they can't see and say "that was a big one" and they don't even know if it was a strike!

There is an old saying; "The big one always gets away".

It is very difficult to estimate the size of a bass by the fight it puts up or head shaking splash. The bass could be tough or sluggish, you know when it's a big tough bass, just don't know how big until it is in the boat.


fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

It's true.  I can tell the difference between the 9" dinks and the 12" super dinks.  It just comes with a lot of practice.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Like many have stated already, if you catch enough big fish and weigh them, you can estimate the weight very closely. Providing you get a very good look at it that is!

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Muddy again I almost never call anybody out, I let them have their "10" But you asked why it bothers us?

Ok here is why. I have been bass fishing for a little over 30 years. I caught my first DD about 5-7 years ago. I had been wanting one forever. I had been seriously targeting them for about 3 years before I got one. My overall size shot way up but I couldnt break 10. Now you have these guys who completly diminish the acomplishment by catching an 8 and calling it ten. I could have done that to but I would always know it wasnt 10 and it would mean I failed at my goal. Basicaly when somebody lies about how big their bass is its a direct insult to those who have caught one. Its would be like you going up to a mountain climber and saying "yeah I climbed Everest too" The difference is anybody can claim they caught a 10 and get away with it.

Its like the guy who always has a 1up. most of us have known one of these people and they have irritated us all.

like I said I rarley call them out but that doent mean it didnt irritate me. I give them the benefit that they actualy belived it was 10 and arent intentionaly lying. I still remeber catching an 8 '10. I knew my scale was off. I just knew it. Ha ha the scale is never off

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Matt, nearly every bass fishermen wants to catch big bass and it's human nature to over estimate due in part to the excitement of hooking a big fish.

In regards to guessing the size of a bass based on experience and having a yardstick (so to speak) to estimating the basses length and girth, it's not rocket science to come up with a ball park weight...looking at a good photo. Trying to estimate the weight of a bass in the water is difficult because the bass is moving and water distorts the fishes size.

Believe it or not it's easy to under estimated the size of a giant bass during the fight and realize how big they are when hand landing them.

You become very focused on getting the bass in the boat, telling yourself to claim down and control the bass.


fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 
I think you consider the source, if you care... If I say I dropped a 5 at the boat, it was probably closer to 6 or 7. When you catch enough fish that go over 5 (on a scale), you will easily recognize a fish over 5.

I give some people 100% credit for "I lost a XX pounder at the boat"... and with others I can't even get close to the number when I see pics.

But what do I care? unless they really talk smack and bring others down, I just shake my head. It's like cheating in school, you really only cheat yourself and your own credibility.

Thanks Flethero you expressed what I am feeling about this, much better than I did. 8-)

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

I fish cause I love to fish, if I someday get blessed with a bigun, can't say I wouldn't be grateful, but that's not why I fish. I can't speak for any other fisherman

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

i got my brother on this. he caught a bass with a big belly and called it an easy 4 i weighed it and it was 3.3 next day he caught one "has to be 5" he says i weigh it, 3.6 ill give him credit though he doesnt bass fish much.

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

Some guys say "I lost a 5lber" and I have complete confidence that they did, another guy says "I losta  5lber" and I know its probably closer to a 4lber. I personally always underguess fish weight/length. Always. Its not intentional I just do. I'm never far off, but I am always under.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Muddy I fish for different reasons at different times. Most of the time its for fun and trying to beat my buddies. But when I am hunting big bass it is different. Now I am fishing for results. It cant always do it becuase I get burnt out that I why I mix it up plus I like to target big fish of all species. Bass is the only one that I get real serious.

Now back to the original post I think when guys say they lost a 5lber they realy dont mean that as an exact weight. Its their estimate and its just easier to say 5 then to say between 4-5.

I do think it is funny though because I havee heard guys who bed fish say they were fishing for a 14 or 15 etc. Now I think I am pretty good at guessing bass weights when I am holding the fish but when they are 20ft I could easily by off by a couple pounds either way

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Until our recent address change, I authored the local angling column for our home waters here in Florida.

In view of the ole saw, "One picture is worth a thousand words", a photograph was often provided.

Although the weight of the bass was normally omitted, I come to learn that the imagination of the audience

was generally greater than my own :)

Indeed, I still weigh and measure every "good" bass that my wife or I bring to the boat,

but do so only for my own edification and not to bore the reader.


fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Well, I dumped one last week that was about 8, and one yesterday, that was about 6. But I'm not saying this like > Ahhh man ! It was huge ! I swear it was like an 8 lb'er !!! Ahhh dude ! What a bummer  :-[  

It's more like, "Yea' I dumped one about 8.... but who really cares (making the fart sound ;) least it wasn't a double digit ;)


Matt, we are so often on the same page. It does totally feel like people are "stealing" from me, and from other guys who have worked as hard as I have, when they BS.

One time I let that bug me enough, until I finally got into it with a high profile figure {on another forum}. Lots of people like this guy. And he is a "good" fisherman. However, pretty much everyone knows the guy BS's a lot. I was really ruthless on this guy, and publicly bashed the #$#% out him.

Later, I felt bad about all that. I mean, everyone already knew the guy BS'ed a lot anyway. So now, they probably felt like they had a guy who BS'ed a lot over there, and a hateful, rude, idiot who bashes people on public forums over here :(

I'm sure that guy is still BS'ing about big fish..... But I learned my lesson, and will no longer allow myself to get so worked up that I call people out on public forums.



fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

The comments I read are on the reviews of certain lures. I dont know the people whote write certain reviews but many of them swear they break off a 10-12 lb or larger fish.

I sometimes wonder how the scenario played out. Did the person actually see the fish,or was the fish maybe a 2-3 lb fish and wrapped up on a stump,to where the line would give a little and you could still feel the fish struggle prior to the line breaking?

fishing user avatarOH-bass614 reply : 

well we are fishermen...... isnt that what we do

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 
I love it better , when they get it in, take as picture then some the big bass guys here discredit the picture

+1,   Truth of the matter is, some of the experts haven't proven they are experts either.    


fishing user avatarcabullwinkle reply : 

All's I know is that every fish that has ever broken off was a certain world record breaker. Some of them may have smaller bodies, but they were very dense.   ;)  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Truth of the matter is, some of the experts haven't proven they are experts either.

On the other hand, we do have a few big bass "experts".

Mattlures, Randall, George Welcome, WRB, paul., RoLo,

Fourbizz and Chris Fish are a few prominent examples.


fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 
If a guy catches the bass of a lifetime and he says its 10, and it is actually 8.4 who cares? I will just celebrate it with him.

this is a good point. a good fish is a good fish. i never put a fish on scales enless i think its a double, but i do measure them most of the time out of habit.

it is fun to watch the "how big do you think this fish is" threads

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 

how fast is your boat?

"well let me tell you what............."

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 

I think that when someone esle's fish story or picture irritates us to any point we are taking the sport a little too seriously and need to take a deep breath. It isn't like they are trying to submit it for arecord, or win some tournament in a dishonest manner. They are normally making conversation about a sport they love just as much as the majority of this forum.


fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 
Truth of the matter is, some of the experts haven't proven they are experts either.

On the other hand, we do have a few big bass "experts".

Mattlures, Randall, George Welcome, WRB, paul., RoLo,

Fourbizz and Chris Fish are a few prominent examples.


Catching is one thing, but identifying the size of another fish in someone elses picture hasn't been proven, its opinion at best.


fishing user avatarcabullwinkle reply : 

Next time you catch a big one, if you want a easy way to compare you catches, put a dollar bill up next to it.  Everyone's got one.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Hey Matt, I know what you mean. It's very hard to tell from a picture

alone just how big a fish really is. Like I said earlier in this thread, I

don't care what someone claims unless they ask.


fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
Hey Matt, I know what you mean. It's very hard to tell from a picture

alone just how big a fish really is. Like I said earlier in this thread, I

don't care what someone claims unless they ask.


Lets analyze those beautiful smallies you are holding, just for fun. Not much to judge the length by, only your hands; give or take about 4". Would guess those bass to be 20" to 22" or 5 to 6 1/2 lbs.

This is only an exercise in guessing based on one object, hands and could easily be off by 25%.

When someone claims to catch a giant bass, like the 18 1/2 lb Georgia bass recently, then that gets my attention. Giant bass are so rare anyone making a claim should be scrutinized.

Way off topic. As the old sign read; "Everyone is a lair, except you and me and I'm not so sure about you". Good fishing.


PS; how much do the bass weigh?

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

25% is big error margin.   The bigger the fish, the larger the error margin.

    A 2lb fish has a .50 lb error margin, thus that fish could weigh 1.5 to 2.5  with your guess.

  A 10 lb bass would have an error margin of 7.5 to 12.5 lb based on 25%.

   The larger the bass, the larger the 25% error margin.    

25% length, 20-22 inches would be 15 inches on the lower extreme and over 25 on the upper extreme.    So your guess based on 25% could be 15-25 inches.    

   Thats alot of play on both side of the numbers don't ya think?    

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 
Next time you catch a big one, if you want a easy way to compare you catches, put a dollar bill up next to it. Everyone's got one.

In these times, i haven't seen one in months man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       :(

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
25% is big error margin. The bigger the fish, the larger the error margin.

A 2lb fish has a .50 lb error margin, thus that fish could weigh 1.5 to 2.5 with your guess.

A 10 lb bass would have an error margin of 7.5 to 12.5 lb based on 25%.

The larger the bass, the larger the 25% error margin.

25% length, 20-22 inches would be 15 inches on the lower extreme and over 25 on the upper extreme. So your guess based on 25% could be 15-25 inches.

Thats alot of play on both side of the numbers don't ya think?

The 25% was based on the hand size; 4" in the photo, average size hand due to angles holding the bass. Do those smallies look like 15" or 25"? Lets see what those bass weighed.

If we know the length and girth, then it's possible to get within 5%, otherwise it's a guessing game.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

If we know the length and girth, then it's possible to get within 5%, otherwise it's a guessing game.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 
I love it better , when they get it in, take as picture then some the big bass guys here discredit the picture

 All I can do is agree with Muddy, it bites when one posts a picture on here and guys have called them out on it, basically calling someone a liar, and this doesn't just apply to BIG BASS guys, it aplies to anyone.


           as said, there are some guys on here that can make "an educated guess" like yourself.   But you said it your self, without length and girth, its a guess.   Thats cool when the guess is not an attack on someone, and you know the difference, thus an educated guess.



fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

What is the first question when someone wants to know the weight of the bass they caught and released. How long was the bass and did you measure the girth? Without knowing those details, you then try to determine the measurements based on objects next to the fish and hands are usually in the picture holding the bass. I think we are repeating ourselves.

Why bass fishermen tend to get offensive when discussing the sport the love is beyond comprehension. If someone ask what do you think this bass weighs and you make an educated guess, don't be offended if the answer isn't what you expected. Lets put a fork in this and call it done.


fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 


I take pics of anything over 2lbs.

Until your buddy SAID he took the pic and didnt get it.

Im not gonna even say how big it was lol


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