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Pardon My Rant... 2024

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

So here's my rant. Maybe I'm justified, but I've noted that most people seeking justification actually aren't. :)


I don't own a boat. Unfortunately. My wife and I just had a child, and she stopped working. I don't make any kind of major salary. I say that to make the point that I won't be getting a boat anytime soon. Between the cost of the boat, the fact I'd have to get another vehicle to tow it, and the launch fees......I'm not in any position to make that decision anytime in the next several years.


The closest lakes to me are both reservoirs on the smaller side, but have some incredibly nice homes around. Basically, the nicest homes in a 150 mile radius are all within driving distance of me on these reservoirs. The reservoirs have pretty limited access since they are almost completely surrounded by homes, which of course don't take well to fishermen walking through their perfectly manicured yards to fish the bank. Other than about 20 docks, there's no easy or feasible way to get on these lakes to fish with the exception of hoping a kind fellow fisherman with a boat will allow me to tag along.


The only major river, which is pretty small, in our area is not only incredibly dirty, but gets a very heavy amount of boating traffic due to a local canoe/tubing company that rents out from April to October. The number of wild and crazy people that float down it all day every day makes fishing there out of the question.


Then to make matters worse, most of the local neighborhoods in my area which have retention ponds have asked me to leave. I'm not a confrontational person, and I understand I have to obey the HOA kingpins so I leave without a problem. I could lie and say I live there, but I'm not that kind of guy. Even with permission in 3 of these neighborhoods from acquaintences that live there, the HOA is insisting I not fish there.


So, I'm increasingly more frusturated. I am watching my favorite sport disintegrating before my eyes because of more and more limited areas to fish. I can't afford a boat, my local bodies of water aren't bank-fishing-friendly, and I'm not allowed to fish neighborhoods.


What's a guy to do?


fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Perhaps something like this could help get you off the bank ~



fishing user avatarEvanT123 reply : 

Change your thought process man. I was in the same kind of position lasts year. Limited over fished spots, limited access, crappy water all that.

What I did was take a drive open up that google earth and find some new places. Dont say you know them all because you dont. Ive also learned as much as I could about fishing mostly from this great site and be the best fisherman I could. There is so many ways to catch a bass it can be daunting. I focused this year on simple proven methods to catch fish and tried to become the best I can at them. Over the winter I bought tons of lures and a few setups and you know what they are collecting dust. I streamlined my tackle to improve my time fishing and not putzing with tackle. Pardon me if I'm wrong but if your a new fisherman frustration is just a part of the game and you can't let it get to you head. Learn from those times where you don't get bit or miss a fish and try to improve on it. If you spend an hour or even a half hour throwing everything you have at a spot move on the fish aren't there. Get in the car and change your spot. Hope this wasn't to harsh but keep at it and keep a positive attitude. Good luck.

fishing user avatarRobdog reply : 

There are actually a lot of boats out there that can be had on the cheap, sometimes even free.

Kayak fishing sounds like the way for you to go, check Craigslist for a 12' flat water kayak. You can strap them to the top of any vehicle, there's no maintenance, and you can go anywhere. You can pick used ones up for $100-200 and in most cases the paddle and PFD will come along with it. I have a bass boat and a pontoon, but I love fishing out of my kayak because it can put me on water nobody else can get to. I hope you can solve your problem and stay with the sport.

fishing user avatarHelluva_Engineer reply : 

You can get a fishing kayak for cheap enough. They're more fun anyways.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I was going to say google earth too.

Or you could try to make a fishing friend in one of these neighborhoods you've been asked to leave. I personally don't like to lie either but if I were down to my last few fishing options I would have to tell that lie and say I love there. I would even go as far as to find a exact address and be like yea my parents live at 123 Now What U Have To Say Blvd. I'm just I visiting them.

I was told to leave a neighborhood pond because I didn't have permission. One time the cops were called and the cop was cool he didn't even hassle me he just asked me to leave in case the person who called is watching then he said I could come back right after lol he was a cool guy, I didn't go bak that day though. I guess one of the people who live on the lake saw and approached me like 2 weeks later when I came back. He introduced himself to me and told me that I could park in front of his house and if anyone gave me any trouble to tell them I am visiting him. He was like I am retired so if anyone hassles you ring the bell. Sometimes you run into good kind hearted people like that

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

People keep sayin buy this the man just had a child and his wife is nt working which means only 1 paycheck an boy do I know I just went through it BABIES ARE EXPENSIVE LOL. Being a new father I'm sure he feels same way but it's hard to bring yourself to make any self purchases of over $100 lol. So him getting any type of boat is out of the question for now. Until the baby is old enough and you can pass off buying a boat to your wife as "baby think about how much fun and memories we will have in this boat"

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

I have no idea what's it like to be in your area, but one possibility it forget the major body of water and go small. My biggest fish of the year so far came out from a pond that I never knew existed until 1 year ago. If you hit a jack pot, you basically own the place.


If you want to be on the water and iIf you ave having tough time paying for even launch fee, then maybe float tube might be a way to go for you. I see those on Craigslist for less than $100 including everything.

fishing user avatarRobdog reply : 

I know kids are expensive, I got a couple. But finding a way to float is a matter of how much you want to float. There are boats that can be had for free, and there are people always wanting odd jobs done to pick up a few extra dollars. Bartering is always an option.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Bass Clubs! Most allow co-anglers ;)

fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 

I bought an 8ft Pelican, motor and battery for 450 bucks a few months ago. They can be had cheaper too. It's not an 80k Ranger, but it gets me on the water.

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 10:04 AM, PSN81 said:



What's a guy to do?


work hard

take care of your wife

be the best daddy you can to your child

pay your bills

be loyal to your personal cause


then fish when and where you can, if you can.

fishing user avatarMr_Scrogg reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 11:51 AM, Brian Needham said:

work hard

take care of your wife

be the best daddy you can to your child

pay your bills

be loyal to your personal cause

then fish when and where you can, if you can.


Call into work

Run around on your wife

Dont be around

Use bill money to buy a boat

Lie your butt off

Fish everyday you call into work.


* kayak is the way to go. Low investment/maintenance. Can be had fairly cheap used. If you find one, PM me and Ill send you some tie down straps.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Dude, there´s a huge difference between what you want or desire and what you can have with what you have. You want a purty lookin´ bass boat fer bassin´ and you can´t have it. END OF STORY, that´s what you want and you won´t have it for whatever reasons. Given the situation what you need is to be able to fish them lakes with purty houses that sorround them lakes and do so without having to step on them purty manicured lawns, that means fishin´ them from the wáter, the solution may not be what you desire but what you can have to solve the dilemma:


1.- Get a Jonboat, a 12 footer don´t weight too much, can be easily cartopped, can carry a lotta weight and don´t need a 1000 lb gazillion horsepower  injun to run it and don´t need no xtra peekup to tow it. Heck, I cartopped LaTinaSesina on a VW Beetle.


2.-  A canoe, not my absolute favorite watercraft  but what applies to a jonboat applies to a canoe.


3.- Well, you can´t afford a jonboat, there´s still a solution, maybe you can afford a plastic pontoon boat, there are small ones, an 8 footer is prety dandy craft and you can power it with a large trolling motor.


Fortunately you don´t live where gators live :


4.- Man I can´t even afford that ! .... man poverty is s real !"%$# , then a pontoon can be the answer , cheaper tan a hard boat, easily storable and carryable, it can also be powered with a trolling motor so you don´t have to row.


5.- Ok, dokie, I´m a real pauper, misery is worse than poverty but stil, there´s an affordable solution -----> a belly boat. Only problem with a belly boat is that it needs animal power to move it, look it on the bright side, you´ll do plenty excercise while doing it, it´s good for your health.


Ranting doesn´t help, you don´t solve nuthin´, you get frustrated ( and rant ) instead of looking for solutions.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Holly cow ! and I forgot:


6.- An inflatable boat ! how could I forget ? I fished several times from an inflatable boat, you can get a special base and mount a TM to move around.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

kayak man Kayak!

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

Kayak or 10' Jon boat with a trolling motor/battery.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

IMO where there is a will there is a way. I am sure there are great waters to fish from the bank if you just take the time to find them. My fav spot is about 30 minutes away. Found it last year.

fishing user avatarinrll reply : 

Get a kayak and just put the bass boat out of your mind. A kayak will open up a whole new world of fishing to you.


Oh by the way one of my top producing places is a small river that has a canoe/tubing business on it. On an average day I'll see 50-100 people, usually 1 or 2 of them are fishing and they are just a casual bobber fisherman. This river holds a lot of fish and just like anything else they are totally used to the people floating over top of them. In fact more than once I have caught smallmouth directly under a canoe.


I don't mean to harp on small rivers specifically. A kayak will put you in some great places and before you know it you'll be wondering why you ever wanted a bass boat. I was in your exact same position about 10 years ago and bought my 1st kayak. Now I kayak fish almost exclusively.

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

Yea, I've floated the idea of a kayak or inflatable watercraft of some kind. It's plausible, but I think for the time being I'll have to stick to bank fishing.


I think one of my best avenues will be to find a couple of honey holes and just keep them secret to myself. A couple of you mentioned finding some of-the-beaten-path types of places, and using Google Earth I've scouted a few. I'm going to keep them to myself, that way I'll have some sembilance of privacy and a place to "call my own" until the boat option will allow me to break out even more.


Thanks for all the suggestions, the best thing to know is that I'm not giving up anytime soon. I still have a couple of places that I can still visit, so at least I'm not totally out of options.


Thanks for hearing me out and all the advice guys! :Victory: :Victory: :Victory: :Victory:

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Maybe you need to stay home and take care of your wife and baby as you advance your career.


I know you love bass fishing but you have to have your priorities straight now that you have to support a family.

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

lol get a cheap pair of waders and walk the edge in the water....they cant say anything then lol

fishing user avatarMitch G. reply : 

You can get a jon boat or a 14-16 ft. V very cheap off craigslist......In my area I've seen them, boat motors AND trailer for under 1000......I'm in a similar situation, but I live in an apt. complex and have nowhere to keep it....but the marinas I found out will let you keep it there for 35.00/ yr springtime,I'll have my boat finally

fishing user avatarKyakR reply : 

Congrats on your baby! There's alot on parents you and your wife's age. I understand how important it can be to get away for just an hour! We kayakers are passionate about the way we get to glide and fish and be part of nature :) ! But if you can't afford anything yet, a bass club not only might have co-angler spots. Especially people who understand, like here. Try this:

fishing user avatarRoachDad reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 10:47 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

People keep sayin buy this the man just had a child and his wife is nt working which means only 1 paycheck an boy do I know I just went through it BABIES ARE EXPENSIVE LOL. Being a new father I'm sure he feels same way but it's hard to bring yourself to make any self purchases of over $100 lol. So him getting any type of boat is out of the question for now. Until the baby is old enough and you can pass off buying a boat to your wife as "baby think about how much fun and memories we will have in this boat"

Keep whining.  That will solve it. 


This is so easy, it is close to dumb.  if you can't afford it, stop doing it.  When I had my kids I did not make much money and stopped doing fun stuff.  That is what Dad's do.  

fishing user avatarRoachDad reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 10:04 AM, PSN81 said:

So here's my rant. Maybe I'm justified, but I've noted that most people seeking justification actually aren't. :)




What's a guy to do?

IMHO, you are not justified.  When my first son came along, I had a hot rod.  I sold that bad boy and bought baby stuff.  If you can't afford it, get a better job or stop everything that is not family related.  Fishing is not important.  It is a past-time.  It is a luxury.  

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

My very first boat was one of these. I hauled it everywhere I went. It was a blast..... It got sold when kids came along and I went back to bank fishing. The one in the picture was borrowed though. 


fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 

Another option would be to start making friends with a guy who own's a boat and can put you in the back. Throw in gas money, snacks and drinks and usually a guy would be happy to have you along for that. 

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

This post isn't about me being upset I can't buy a $60K Stratos, nor having problems finding time to fish, it's about the fact that little can be done about diminished areas to bank fish.....let's keep on topic

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 9:17 PM, MarkH024 said:

Another option would be to start making friends with a guy who own's a boat and can put you in the back. Throw in gas money, snacks and drinks and usually a guy would be happy to have you along for that. 


Mark I've done that a few times here and there. He insisted that I not have to pay for launch, gas, or breakfast, but I noticed that he keeps inviting me back  :)

It must be my homemade (Hardee's) sausage buscuits.

fishing user avatarGoneFishi'n reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 4:30 AM, PSN81 said:

Yea, I've floated the idea of a kayak or inflatable watercraft of some kind. It's plausible, but I think for the time being I'll have to stick to bank fishing.

I think one of my best avenues will be to find a couple of honey holes and just keep them secret to myself. A couple of you mentioned finding some of-the-beaten-path types of places, and using Google Earth I've scouted a few. I'm going to keep them to myself, that way I'll have some sembilance of privacy and a place to "call my own" until the boat option will allow me to break out even more.

Thanks for all the suggestions, the best thing to know is that I'm not giving up anytime soon. I still have a couple of places that I can still visit, so at least I'm not totally out of options.

Thanks for hearing me out and all the advice guys! :Victory: :Victory: :Victory: :Victory:

I know a place where you can get an awesome float tube for a great price. I'll PM you since I can't say it on here.
fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

The 1 thing bass anglers like to do is talk about bass fishing, the best place to do that is on the water. The second best is in a bass fishing tackle shop. This is where you go to meet other local bass anglers....go there. Meet some new friends with boats.


fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I understand where you're coming from. I was a bank fisherman for a long time when I had little kids. Once in a while I'd treat myself and rent a boat but for the most part I was stuck on shore. The good news is there are a bunch of places to fish up where I live, the bad news is they are diminishing. It seems home owners on lakes will do just about anything to keep you off "their" lake shores. Just last weekend I was pulling my Kayak off the water of a small canoe/kayak only access lake and a Sheriff came up and asked me if I knew how to get on another small lake nearby. Apparently one of the home owners on the lake called and complained that a boat was on "their" lake. You see, that lake is kayak and canoe only as well and this boat had a motor. What a crime (that's sarcasm). I also get sick of the no parking signs that seem to crop up next to bridges. I get that folks shouldn't be parking half on the road but geez. Is is such a big deal on a rural gravel road to have to slow down a bit. 


I know people here say to buy a kayak etc and that's a great idea if you can afford it. If not, the Google Earth idea is great. I would ask you to look at the cost of a Kayak v the cost of gas to make those trips to out of the way areas. It may make more sense to invest a bit in a way to get on the water. I love my Kayak. I finally bought an aluminum bass boat this year but I still fish out of my Kayak on a regular basis. 


Good luck with the family. I didn't do much fishing for about 6 years when mine were little but the investment is worth it. When they do get old enough to go with you, it's priceless!

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 10:19 PM, FrogFreak said:

I understand where you're coming from. I was a bank fisherman for a long time when I had little kids. Once in a while I'd treat myself and rent a boat but for the most part I was stuck on shore. The good news is there are a bunch of places to fish up where I live, the bad news is they are diminishing. It seems home owners on lakes will do just about anything to keep you off "their" lake shores. Just last weekend I was pulling my Kayak off the water of a small canoe/kayak only access lake and a Sheriff came up and asked me if I knew how to get on another small lake nearby. Apparently one of the home owners on the lake called and complained that a boat was on "their" lake. You see, that lake is kayak and canoe only as well and this boat had a motor. What a crime (that's sarcasm). I also get sick of the no parking signs that seem to crop up next to bridges. I get that folks shouldn't be parking half on the road but geez. Is is such a big deal on a rural gravel road to have to slow down a bit. 


I know people here say to buy a kayak etc and that's a great idea if you can afford it. If not, the Google Earth idea is great. I would ask you to look at the cost of a Kayak v the cost of gas to make those trips to out of the way areas. It may make more sense to invest a bit in a way to get on the water. I love my Kayak. I finally bought an aluminum bass boat this year but I still fish out of my Kayak on a regular basis. 


Good luck with the family. I didn't do much fishing for about 6 years when mine were little but the investment is worth it. When they do get old enough to go with you, it's priceless!


Yea I'm looking forward to taking her out fishing. She may be too little yet, but I think I caught her eyeing the Snow White fishing pole kit at Wal-mart the other day. ;)

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 9:20 PM, PSN81 said:

This post isn't about me being upset I can't buy a $60K Stratos, nor having problems finding time to fish, it's about the fact that little can be done about diminished areas to bank fish.....let's keep on topic

From reading lot of the posts, I was starting to think you came here for financial

Had to re-read your original post.


fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 1:43 AM, hootiebenji said:

From reading lot of the posts, I was starting to think you came here for financial

Had to re-read your original post.



Hah, Hootie, you're right.


It's less about a boat, and more about places to fish, or say the lack therof.


I did however last night have a pretty nice conversation with an HOA president. He actually "caught" me picking up some trash from some kids that left just after I got there. He thanked me. He asked where I lived and I admitted I wasn't from the neighborhood, but that it was very close to home and was a nice place to throw a quick line in the water. He said that as long as I wasn't damaging anything and continued to do my part to keep things cleaned up he didn't see a problem with it and if anyone questioned it to have them talk to him, but insisted I was the ONLY exception to the rule.


Of course I thanked him profusely. That guy might get a Christmas card this year. :)

fishing user avatarGoneFishi'n reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 2:47 AM, PSN81 said:

Hah, Hootie, you're right.

It's less about a boat, and more about places to fish, or say the lack therof.

I did however last night have a pretty nice conversation with an HOA president. He actually "caught" me picking up some trash from some kids that left just after I got there. He thanked me. He asked where I lived and I admitted I wasn't from the neighborhood, but that it was very close to home and was a nice place to throw a quick line in the water. He said that as long as I wasn't damaging anything and continued to do my part to keep things cleaned up he didn't see a problem with it and if anyone questioned it to have them talk to him, but insisted I was the ONLY exception to the rule.

Of course I thanked him profusely. That guy might get a Christmas card this year. :)

Thats awesome man!
fishing user avatarKyakR reply : 

PSN81, gotta tell you that although your access is (sadly) limited by homeowners who aren't neighborly, your love of fishing will be a true gift to your daughter. My father gave me my first rod and reel when I was 7 and we went out in his boat often. To this day every time I'm out on the water in my kayak I'm grateful to him. Whether or not your daughter ever fishes I think the memory of your grin as you haul up that hawg will be precious to her.

Oh, and once in a blue moon if you ask enough people around the lake for permission to fish on their land you'll get a yes :)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I think you will be surprised...With a little effort you will almost always get permission.

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 7:46 AM, KyakR said:

PSN81, gotta tell you that although your access is (sadly) limited by homeowners who aren't neighborly, your love of fishing will be a true gift to your daughter. My father gave me my first rod and reel when I was 7 and we went out in his boat often. To this day every time I'm out on the water in my kayak I'm grateful to him. Whether or not your daughter ever fishes I think the memory of your grin as you haul up that hawg will be precious to her.

Oh, and once in a blue moon if you ask enough people around the lake for permission to fish on their land you'll get a yes :)


Believe me I'm looking forward to it! My memories aren't of my father, but of my grandfather. Those will never go away, he's responsible for getting me hooked on fishing. I can still hear him tell me "....wind's out of the west, fishin's best"


I like to take her for walks through the woods, she perks her little head up and looks around when she hears the birds calling. Hopefully she's the outdoorsy type, I know those kinds of girls are getting fewer, but my guess is she's going to be like her momma and like camping and fishing and such.


Darned it, I always seem to get dust in my eye when I watch this video.....must be the ceiling fan in my living room....

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 10:04 AM, PSN81 said:

So here's my rant. Maybe I'm justified, but I've noted that most people seeking justification actually aren't. :)


I don't own a boat. Unfortunately. My wife and I just had a child, and she stopped working. I don't make any kind of major salary. I say that to make the point that I won't be getting a boat anytime soon. Between the cost of the boat, the fact I'd have to get another vehicle to tow it, and the launch fees......I'm not in any position to make that decision anytime in the next several years.


The closest lakes to me are both reservoirs on the smaller side, but have some incredibly nice homes around. Basically, the nicest homes in a 150 mile radius are all within driving distance of me on these reservoirs. The reservoirs have pretty limited access since they are almost completely surrounded by homes, which of course don't take well to fishermen walking through their perfectly manicured yards to fish the bank. Other than about 20 docks, there's no easy or feasible way to get on these lakes to fish with the exception of hoping a kind fellow fisherman with a boat will allow me to tag along.


The only major river, which is pretty small, in our area is not only incredibly dirty, but gets a very heavy amount of boating traffic due to a local canoe/tubing company that rents out from April to October. The number of wild and crazy people that float down it all day every day makes fishing there out of the question.


Then to make matters worse, most of the local neighborhoods in my area which have retention ponds have asked me to leave. I'm not a confrontational person, and I understand I have to obey the HOA kingpins so I leave without a problem. I could lie and say I live there, but I'm not that kind of guy. Even with permission in 3 of these neighborhoods from acquaintences that live there, the HOA is insisting I not fish there.


So, I'm increasingly more frusturated. I am watching my favorite sport disintegrating before my eyes because of more and more limited areas to fish. I can't afford a boat, my local bodies of water aren't bank-fishing-friendly, and I'm not allowed to fish neighborhoods.


What's a guy to do?



Who needs a boat?  One of the fishing holes I frequent has a local guy who built a raft from discarded styrafoam and plywood and the guy pulls in HOGS whilst sitting on his folding lawn chair on top of it.  You don't have to spend money to float!  If you're that sick of the state of thins, check out some google earth or find yourself some basic tools and make a makeshift boat.  Hell, Ocean state has inflatables for $20 if you're cool with being SUPER CAREFUL


I know it can be discouraging but theres more than one way to skin a cat my friend!  Turn that frown upside down!!   :console:

fishing user avatarredboat reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 10:04 AM, PSN81 said:



What's a guy to do?


Well: You could have spent $50K on a bass boat; $40K on a truck; a couple thousand on equipment, 5 or 10 bucks to launch then go fish every Saturday and not catch anything over a pound and a half.


Welcome to NC Texas!

fishing user avatarcoryn h. fishowl reply : 

This is simple, buy a johnboat/ aluminum boat off ebay. My cousin has a perfectly good aluminum boat, that came with a motor that he snagged for $200

fishing user avatarBig Jon reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 2:47 AM, PSN81 said:

It's less about a boat, and more about places to fish, or say the lack therof.


I have to say that I understand. There are dozens of little holes all over the area I live, but 95% are private/restricted access. The remaining 5% leaves only a couple places that are worth throwing a line into. Most of them freeze over and only a few fish survive the winter, they aren't big enough ponds to grow any bass over 1lb. Don't get me wrong, I would catch 1 pounders all day if that was all I had. However, I know that there are bigger better bass all around. I'm just frustrated at all the private lakes that don't see more than maybe a couple boaters a weekend and they're hundreds of acres. No one is even using these bodies of water. They just have them to look pretty.


I have found every blue spot on google earth and wasted lots of gas and time either trying to get there or looking up whether it is public or not online. The only thing I have figured out is that water is very restricted here. I have made a lot of friends but no one has any clue what I am talking about since everyone fly fishes the rivers like it is the only type of fishing to do. Maybe they are right.


Even a $200 kayak is pretty far out of the question for me right now. I'll just pull my hat down tight and fish what I can where I can. I can't wait to move. Waiting on my house to sell. Maybe I can get a boat with left over money from that. (doubt it)


Thanks for allowing my rant as well.

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

I feel your pain Piscandi.


Heck, I even fished in the pond in front of Home Depot by my house. There were no signs, and the wife went into Kohls, so I tried it out. Caught a couple little dinks, but hey, I'll take what I can get.


I'm seriously looking into getting an inflatable kayak for next season (I'm not a winter fisherman). So maybe that'll open up some opportunities. I can't put a kayak on the top of my vehicle, so it'll have to be the kind that can compact.


Meanwhile, I have aboue 3-5 places I can fish, none of which are all that great. Like you my problem is they don't sustain a very good population of fish, although they look like they would.


We'll just keep at it and look at those Z-9's with *** :)

fishing user avatarpowerduster reply : 

I have four areas that I mostly fish and sometimes it gets overwhelming. I guess it's all subjective. I think your focusing too much on what you wish and not on what you already have. There is a surprising amount of public places to fish that I found on maps, but like I said I just stick with mainly four. I don't know what Idiana is like but three or five sounds good as a bank fisherman.

fishing user avatarMcFurie reply : 

what about wade fishing i live in florida some times a pair of board shorts and a flippin stick is all you need ive walked up and down the st johns punching holes in the eel grass just gotta watch for gators

fishing user avatarBig Jon reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 5:23 AM, PSN81 said:

I feel your pain Piscandi.

We'll just keep at it and look at those Z-9's with *** :)

Yep ;)

fishing user avatarKyakR reply : 

Just curious......why can't you put a kayak on top of your ride?

fishing user avatarKDW96 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 11:51 AM, Brian Needham said:

work hard

take care of your wife

be the best daddy you can to your child

pay your bills

be loyal to your personal cause


then fish when and where you can, if you can.



fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 


fishing user avatarMAnderson reply : 

Hi all. I was Suthernprog on this site, but had some kind of glitch thing that kept me from looging in saying my username/password was wrong. So, had to create a new one. Anyway, in those pics of the pontoon boats like the one in the Cabela's ad, do your legs just hang in the water? Sounds dumb, but wondering what kind, if any, kind of leg/feet gear to use one. Thanks.

fishing user avatarMAnderson reply : 

Ohhhh...I see. 

fishing user avatarBig Jon reply : 
  On 9/22/2013 at 6:31 PM, KyakR said:

Just curious......why can't you put a kayak on top of your ride?


Well, I don't know about the OP, but I don't even have a spare $100 to get a used one, and since there are so many rivers around here, the cheapest used one I could find was over $300 and I wouldn't sit in that one if you paid me, it was pretty nasty looking.


I have had a couple other people tell me to do the same, and I will eventually do that, but I can get a jon boat for not much more expensive than a kayak, so it will just have to wait for now.

fishing user avatarKyakR reply : 
  On 9/22/2013 at 9:29 PM, FishinDaddy said:


I admire your determination :)

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 7:41 PM, KyakR said:

I admire your determination :)

I wish i had seen that picture a couple years ago, i could have saved myself a bunch of


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