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Giving Out Your Honey Holes 2025

fishing user avatard-camarena reply : 

Theres a creek by my house that produces really well for me. I catch 6,5 and 4 pounders regularly. I usually fish alone, im a loner. I discovered this spot a couple years ago when i saw what was supposed to be a dried uo creek on a map. I walked 30 minutes into the woods and found the spot. It was full of water and has a lot of huge bass in it. Ive been fishing it for a couple years now and im pretty much the only one who fishes it. Ive never seen anyone there and ive never seen any recent trash or signs of people fishing there.

I recently met a friend who loves fishing also. And i took him to my spot. Now the problem is he fishes that spot everyday. Seriously he dosent work, hes there everyday. The thing that ticks me off is that he told another guy about it and he is probably gonna tell somebody else.

What do you guys think i should do?


fishing user avatard-camarena reply : 

And if you think im wrong and im just being an a**hole please tell me

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Threatening to remove his family jewels with a pair of rusty pliers is probably too extreme, huh?  You should have blindfolded him and frisked him for a GPS before taking him there.  I'm afraid the cat is probably out of the bag.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Central Bass Fishing

So You Want To Learn Tolode Bend?

307 pgs 4,507 replies

It does not bother me to give out locations ;)

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 

Earlier this summer I met an old guy fishing out of a kayak who gave me a tip on a "hidden" lake not far away, but I had never heard of. No public access, but you can paddle in 1/4 mile from a small creek, accessible from a gravel road out in the middle of nowhere.  Part of me wanted to say, "Dude, stop talking! You don't know who else I'm going to tell!"  But after visiting the place, I saw why he didn't mind letting me know about it -- it is awkward to get to, and importantly, there is no way you can get to it on foot, or in anything wider than a canoe or kayak.  I've been there 4 times now, and never seen another person on it. I'm not sure yet whether it's a Honey Hole, exactly, but there are some decent fish there. Suffice it to say, I haven't disclosed it's location to anybody yet...

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I told a buddy about my spot, he told his buddy and so on.

Never tell anyone about your honey hole.

I'm a loner too been that way all my life. I was just being nice to an old man. Every time I go there he has other people there.

I have secret spots now.

fishing user avatard-camarena reply : 

Whenever somebody shows me a spot, i try to respect them and keep it to my self. But maybe im in the wrong

fishing user avatarLogan S reply : 

Cat's outta the bag now, can't put it back in....Consider it a lesson learned.  I fish public water so I have no delusions of having any secret spots.  I'm pretty open with general stuff to other members of my club, but outside of that nobody gets anything! ;)





fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Your right if someone shows you a spot respect it, fish it, tell no one.

fishing user avatarWill Wetline reply : 

It's unfortunate that you mentioned this spot to someone who didn't have the sense, the courtesy, the understanding that you were giving him a gift and he was not to overwork it and certainly not tell anyone else about it.

fishing user avatarWill Wetline reply : 
  On 9/22/2015 at 5:23 AM, d-camarena said:

Whenever somebody shows me a spot, i try to respect them and keep it to my self. But maybe im in the wrong


No, you're a generous man who would benefit from better judgment. It's disappointing that there are any number of people out there who will break confidence and think nothing of it. 

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 



I have shared my honey holes here on BR and it was fine for a few years, but "news" travels.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

1. Dump a gallon of arsenic in the water

2. Stop being friends with him

fishing user avatarFinCulture reply : 

either kill him and all witnesses and destroy all evidence, or it's too late. I only post about the places I've had luck if a lot of people fish there, anyway. Keep the good spots hidden, even if they aren't that out of the way. That way the pressure of the spot doesn't increase, people don't come through and throw trash all over the place, and the bucket brigade doesn't eat half the fish in the pond.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

   If he is a good friend he will only give your spot to responsible bass fisherman who practice catch and release. Throughout the years I have given many friends some of my spots. Most have been grateful and release all they catch. Ask your friend to only give your spot to people he knows will take care the spot well.

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 
  On 9/22/2015 at 5:15 AM, Catt said:

Central Bass Fishing

So You Want To Learn Tolode Bend?

307 pgs 4,507 replies

It does not bother me to give out locations ;)


307 pgs, 4507 replies, talking about a 289.1 mile body of water.. A little different different than a creek, just sayin' :D

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 

At a BFL on Okeechobee earlier this year, I drew a boater who has been a guide there for 10yrs..

After the meeting we met to discuss the usual...where we will meet in the morning, can I bring him lunch, drinks, how many bags of ice etc.

Then I ask my usual questions...

Did you get a chance to pre fish?

Do you have a plan for the day?

Where we gonna start?

What type of combos should I bring?


He said to me..Quote..."I have to depend on your honor not to tell anyone where we're going, and what we're gonna do. I have 3 spots that I only go too during tounament's, I don't even take clients there, even if they're stuggling.

I assured him that should not be a concern, I would never do that.

We both had a limit by 8:30. He finished in the top 10, and I in the top 20 and both cashed.

I have since fished that lake 3 times since in tournaments all as a co angler.

We are the only 2 who know where it is and what we did and I didn't say anything and absolutely won't.

Now, to me thats just professional courtesy...That man fishes for a living, I don't. So the question is, which I've been asked..

Would I fish it if I was by myself? ....Nope, won't do that either.

Understanding It's not the same thing, but in a lot of ways it is.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 9/22/2015 at 6:42 AM, Senko lover said:

307 pgs, 4507 replies, talking about a 289.1 mile body of water.. A little different different than a creek, just sayin' :D


Yes it is 180,000 acres but I'll tell ya every place I fish.

I've years ago there are no secret places just some with less pressure.

If I know your truck, kayak, car, boat; I'll find where you are fishing!

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

This "friend" of yours must go. This is a serious breach of your trust. You need to sneak into his garage when he's gone and break all his rods. Hopefully, at least he practices C&R.


When people ask where I caught a fish in a pic I just say "private pond". It just happens to be true. The reason I like to go there is little to no competition. And three other guys just lost their pass. Now only 3 other guys I know fish this 20-25 acre reservoir.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

I once had a spot so good I'd only fish it on weekday evenings after work or weekdays if I was off. It finally got out to the tourney crowd and you'd have to wait in line (stage) to fish it. On weekends sometimes other boats would just troll right up as if they were going by then just stop and fish the spot while I was there. I used to meet my dad after work and he would have already gone and fished it without me!!! My own father! LOL!!!

fishing user avatarSki213 reply : 

Maybe just talk to him. Tell him how what you think about it. Given that you put him on the spot he should respect what you have to say. Doesn't mean he will. If he doesn't then the good is you've culled a friend you didn't need, bad is maybe he ruins the spot but probably just temporarily. is this on public land?

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

I don't have a problem sharing spots with friends.  If they burn the spot, which hasn't happened yet, i'll just find another one.  I fish way too many different areas to worry about one place being burned.  We are all out to have fun and  catch fish and if i can help a few people have fun then why not, we only live once, might as well do it with bass thumb.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

I only have one place that i do not share the location with.  and it's a known lake, just not to many.  my dad shared it with me and i feel like i would be doing him wrong if ever i shared it with someone other than a trusted family member.  

i would have never shared in terms of how your friend has.  i also would not be fishing every day without you as he has....

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

Don't worry the place will be posted "no tresspassing" soon enough!

fishing user avatarHi Salenity reply : 

I understand your conflict. We have some local FB places that we share info on, but in the last year I've seen lots of pics of either someone taking tons of short fish or big fish that were not going to be released so I'm torn. I want to post a report to my catch and release friends but I don't because I'm afraid of a "bucket fisherman" cashing in on my report.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I usually post my spots because I've had enough times where the person in the same boat with me couldn't catch fish at my spot. Those bass in that creek will get smart fast, then you're buddy will probably get bored with it an move on. 

fishing user avatarGodfatherOfSeoul reply : 

Had a neighbor brag about a property he bought at a steal of a price and he guy he told went to his friend in the county and blocked it so he could buy it.

Like business, I dont disclose a small honey hole. If it a a good size body of water, I dont mind bc I know many people dont fish the same spots the same way I do. I dont even put the name of my spots on my youtube vids.

"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring."

Proverbs 27:1

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I fish public water, there are no secrets. I do however have a couple of little known spots on one particular body of water that I will not talk about anymore. A couple bass resource members know what I am talking about. I don't mind sharing information with my friends, but I am very careful on who knows what anymore.

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 9/22/2015 at 12:50 PM, Hi Salenity said:

I understand your conflict. We have some local FB places that we share info on, but in the last year I've seen lots of pics of either someone taking tons of short fish or big fish that were not going to be released so I'm torn. I want to post a report to my catch and release friends but I don't because I'm afraid of a "bucket fisherman" cashing in on my report.

And some will cash in and take them all. Some can't resist the urge. Last time I ran into a boat full of bucket fishermen on "THE RES", I caught a 5 lb in front of them on a topwater. THEY ASKED ME FOR IT!!! The balls on those guys. I let it swim away in front of them and said NO. I found out later they were trespassing and keeping everything The landowners asked DNR what could be done and they said they'd issue permit cards and patrol the place fi they could get in a  gate. If they got caught it would be trespassing. 2nd time would be a higher charge with jail.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 9/22/2015 at 4:54 AM, d-camarena said:

Theres a creek by my house that produces really well for me. I catch 6,5 and 4 pounders regularly. I usually fish alone, im a loner. I discovered this spot a couple years ago when i saw what was supposed to be a dried uo creek on a map. I walked 30 minutes into the woods and found the spot. It was full of water and has a lot of huge bass in it. Ive been fishing it for a couple years now and im pretty much the only one who fishes it. Ive never seen anyone there and ive never seen any recent trash or signs of people fishing there.

I recently met a friend who loves fishing also. And i took him to my spot. Now the problem is he fishes that spot everyday. Seriously he dosent work, hes there everyday. The thing that ticks me off is that he told another guy about it and he is probably gonna tell somebody else.

What do you guys think i should do?

Oh and he claims hes a bassmaster lol he is a newbie. All he does is cast without purpose, but the creek is packed so you can catch fish every cast.

You messed up . 

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

My "friends" put a higher value on friendship than fishing!

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

BTW, where did you say this creek was?

fishing user avatarRhino68W reply : 

I recently took a guy fishing at a really good spot on the Trinity River. Just made casual conversation about how crappy it is when people tell the world about your spot. He got the hint and hasn't told anyone.

fishing user avatarCrankinstein reply : 

My strategy when asked about spots is to reveal a few of known spots that are likely to produce some fish and allow the person a good foothold on the lake but not reveal any true secret spots. My local lake is a small 800 acre public lake that's very shallow so there's not any untouched gems as far as spots go but I do have a few that I won't reveal. I also never give out spot and technique at the same time if someone chats me up at the ramp I'll just give them one. I might say something like their hitting topwater good and leave it at that or something like try the backs of coves. I'm not sure if anything really reaches my local crew or not  anyway because everyone I see only ever fishes t-rigs and spinnerbaits along the shore. I literally went months this year before I saw anyone fish anything other than that, 40 degree water to 90 degree water these guys throw the same two baits at the same spots. In your specific case I'm not sure there's much you can do but keep fishing like you have and just hope these new visitors respect the spot and if not maybe search out a new part of the creek just for you.

fishing user avatareinscodek reply : 

a secrets no longer one when you tell someone .. then it becomes "news"

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 9/23/2015 at 2:50 AM, Crankinstein said:

My strategy when asked about spots is to reveal a few of known spots that are likely to produce some fish and allow the person a good foothold on the lake but not reveal any true secret spots. My local lake is a small 800 acre public lake that's very shallow so there's not any untouched gems as far as spots go but I do have a few that I won't reveal. I also never give out spot and technique at the same time if someone chats me up at the ramp I'll just give them one. I might say something like their hitting topwater good and leave it at that or something like try the backs of coves. I'm not sure if anything really reaches my local crew or not  anyway because everyone I see only ever fishes t-rigs and spinnerbaits along the shore. I literally went months this year before I saw anyone fish anything other than that, 40 degree water to 90 degree water these guys throw the same two baits at the same spots. In your specific case I'm not sure there's much you can do but keep fishing like you have and just hope these new visitors respect the spot and if not maybe search out a new part of the creek just for you.

Most of the time people ask what they're biting when they should ask where. And not a specific waypoint, but a general zone. Like the first third of creeks, 10' deep.

fishing user avatarCanyon explorer reply : 

Having consistently good bass spots is mostly the results of a lot of time, effort and sometimes really hard work developing deep brush piles so I do not give them out for the local lakes I currently fish period.... I do however give out locations and patterns that have produced for me in out of state tournament lakes that I no longer fish.

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

Myself and my brother were taking out a cousin of ours that was in from Ohio and does not fish much. My brother was at my house and my cousin showed up. When we left in the truck to go to the lake my brother pulls out a bandanna and tells my cousin to put it on as a blindfold. My cousin says "are you serious?" I in a very serious tone said yea we're serious about our fishing and can't let anyone know where lake X is so just put it on until we get to the lake. He did a it! We did everything we could do to not burst out laughing while we were in the truck. The lake is 2 minutes from my house and we said take it off. When he realized we were at a lake he has been to many times before he just started laughing. We asked him why he put the blindfold on and he said you guys seemed really serious like you were some kind of Philly mobsters or something. We laughed our ass off all day and still to this day he says never go fishing with those 2. I am always willing to help someone fish but stop short of telling them spots that I have found by putting time on the water in at.

fishing user avatarBig C reply : 

I don't tell anybody particular bodies of water nobody knows about.  I share good spots on lakes, but not true "honey holes"  The reason being, a known body of water has no secrets, an unknown body of water is a secret.  Point and case, there was a highly productive pond right under everybody's nose in the middle of a Yuppieville park. It's actually an irrigation pond for like 20 soccer fields.  One day we caught over 100 bluegill of the biggest bluegill I've ever seen.  As hordes of people walked by asking how we did we unfortunately told the wrong guy (I could tell it was a mistake when he skipped away rubbing his hands together singin' about a fish fry).  We trumped one mistake with another, disclosing the super secret bait (Bar-S thick cut balogna).  He obviously told his friends who told their friends, now you can hardly buy a bite in that pond.

fishing user avatarWPCfishing reply : 

I'll share information with family and friends regularly. Occasionally I'll give a stranger a tip if they're fishing with there kids.

Aside from that... nada!

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

I'll tell others where I've caught fish, no problem. But if someone tells me "their" spot, I won't tell anyone e;se.



fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Hers an example .I took this guy fishing  . He doesnt have a boat . We have a good day fishing this spot. One day I'm talking to another fisherman. He  tells me that he took the same guy fishing and he showed him the spot where we fished . It was no big deal but just goes to show .

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 9/23/2015 at 11:26 PM, scaleface said:

Hers an example .I took this guy fishing  . He doesnt have a boat . We have a good day fishing this spot. One day I'm talking to another fisherman. He  tells me that he took the same guy fishing and he showed him the spot where we fished . It was no big deal but just goes to show .

Hey, when you're out there and you don't have a fish, where are you gonna go? Where you know there is one. It's human nature.


Two people can only keep a secret when one's dead.

fishing user avatarwytstang reply : 

I don't share honey holes ever.

fishing user avatarMFBAB reply : 

No, you just can't do it. 


Now, having said that, there are levels of importance involved as well. 

If you are fishing a big lake it's one thing, but small spots, you just have to use common sense. 


Another thing, I've got some good friends who just can't keep info to themselves.  Some of my best fishing buds, I just can't say certain things around them or take them to certain spots, because I know if I do they will blab about it, or worse still, post it on the web. 


You have to understand, you aren't just sharing it with that one person most of the time....they tell someone, then that person does, and so on until too many people are sharing too small of a spot. 

If it was truly a 1-to-1 deal I wouldn't have a problem, but not many people are that trustworthy. 

A big lake can withstand that better than a small pond or creek. 



Another BIG part of this:

To me, the fun of fishing is largely: FINDING MY OWN FISH!!

That is where most of the satisfaction comes from, for me. 

Why would I ruin that for other people by giving them specific info that they would appreciate infinitely more if they had earned it? 


I know everyone doesn't see it this way, but I would rather strike out trying it my way than to go straight to "someone else's" fish and catch them good by just doing what they told me to do.  Whoopee :)



Also, just to clarify:

I will always help anyone who asks for info on getting started, setting up equipment, what to use, etc...I just try to avoid turning those special low-traffic places into community holes. 

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Is that my reel in your avatar?





fishing user avatarMFBAB reply : 
  On 9/24/2015 at 3:06 AM, roadwarrior said:

Is that my reel in your avatar?





Ha ha, that pic is really just a screen grab I thought would be funny.


I did however, have a massive birdsnest a couple of weeks back.  I was making a hard cast to skip under a dock or something at Pickwick around Grand Harbor and the hook hung up on a guide somehow in the back-cast.

It looked almost as bad as that pic :)

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 9/24/2015 at 2:36 AM, MFBAB said:


Another thing, I've got some good friends who just can't keep info to themselves. 

I was kayak fishing a reservoir with my best friend. We caught two very nice bass. His was his personal best. There was another boat in there with three bucket brigadiers in it who didn't see us catch them. They come out of a cove and we chit chat about how we're doing and soforth and my buddy says "We just caught two over 5 lbs right here!" :Idontknow: I caught another good bass in front of them a ways down the bank that they asked me for and I declined and let it go.


Later I asked him why he said that because they'll certainly be sitting on that spot next time I go. He said he was so excited he couldn't contain himself. Plus he doesn't fish there much anyway. I fish there once a week. I told him he needs to act like he's been there before. :)


But they got their privileges revoked soon after anyway because they angered the landowner. They were actually sneaking in that time.

fishing user avatarD3FT reply : 

I took a buddy fishing near my mom's house in a creek that I grew up fishing. The creek had a couple spots that saw the occasional fisherman but I showed my buddy some out of the way spots that were very hard to get to if you didn't know the area well. So one day I went to visit my mom and saw what looked like my buddies truck parked near the woods, I asked my mom about the truck and she said it had been there several times in the last few weeks. After a short hike in the woods I found my buddy and some guy he works with fishing away with big smiles on their faces. I felt cheated on, turns out he had been showing all sorts of people my "secret" spots and they were showing their friends and so on. Not cool!

fishing user avatargarvin reply : 

Choose the friends to share your secret fishing spots with the same care you would give to choosing someone to hold the other end of the rope if you were scaling a cliff.

fishing user avatarbkohlman reply : 

I tell people about spots I have had success in. Hasn't been a problem yet.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/22/2015 at 4:54 AM, d-camarena said:

Theres a creek by my house that produces really well for me. I catch 6,5 and 4 pounders regularly. I usually fish alone, im a loner. I discovered this spot a couple years ago when i saw what was supposed to be a dried uo creek on a map. I walked 30 minutes into the woods and found the spot. It was full of water and has a lot of huge bass in it. Ive been fishing it for a couple years now and im pretty much the only one who fishes it. Ive never seen anyone there and ive never seen any recent trash or signs of people fishing there.

I recently met a friend who loves fishing also. And i took him to my spot. Now the problem is he fishes that spot everyday. Seriously he dosent work, hes there everyday. The thing that ticks me off is that he told another guy about it and he is probably gonna tell somebody else.

What do you guys think i should do?

Oh and he posts every d**n fish on fishbrain and claims hes a bassmaster lol he is a newbie. All he does is cast without purpose, but the creek is packed so you can catch fish every cast.


I started out on this site, met some cool folks from florida, chatted with some in the area. Gave out spots, even met up with a few. Most are takers, not givers of info, most are like your friend out to be the "bassmaster" blind casting and just hammering a spot til the blind squirrel finds their nut. Needless to say every jackass in jax ended up at these spots. Every newbie that googles "fishing jax" ends up here. Now I don't have many folks I talk to, I don't share info on the net anymore. OP your not wrong for thinking like this, and I bet you learned your lesson. Luckily I moved, don't fish most my old places at all anymore got a fresh start.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Dont ever share your good mushroom spots .

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I'm talking smaller places that are perfect eco systems for bass with plenty of food for them.

fishing user avatard-camarena reply : 

Little update here. This last week he fished my spot 5 days out of 7. Caught the same 4 pounder (same exact fish) 3 times and saying he is really good at fishing and wanting to fish tournaments now. He has never been on a boat lol i had a great laugh.

Oh and i quit fishing with him. I think he got a hint that i wasnt happy. Not only did i put him on all the spots he nows but he calls them "his honey holes". I also taught him 90% percent of all he nows. He used to be a throw a spinnerbait everyday everywere type of guy.

Bout to go fish after a couple days. I hope hes not there.

Rant done, im sorry

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

 Thanks for the update.Don't let the experience of your buddy sour you for inviting others to go fishing. Do what I do and only invite friends to places that aren't your favorite spots but good enough where both of you should have a decent time. Also,try to invite friends that you have known for at least a couple years and have proven themselves to be reliable.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 

loose lips sink ships

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

The only people you should tell about your secret spots are people who don't fish, in case something happens like you break your leg or something, so they know where to look when you don't make it home.


But seriously keep your secret spots to yourself or other people who have shared secret spots with you.  I have one person locally that I trade spot/bite info with, and he's been good with keeping my info between us (he has another person he shares info with, but keeps our info mutually exclusive).

fishing user avatarMFBAB reply : 

Here are a couple of really private ones - shhhh!!








fishing user avatarbyram bassturd reply : 

It's your decision as to if and with whom you want to share your "secret spots". Your friend was just being himself. It appears that you were not a very good judge of character. Lesson learned the hard way.

fishing user avatard-camarena reply : 

Yessir i learned it the hard way

fishing user avatarbyram bassturd reply : 
  On 9/26/2015 at 5:15 AM, d-camarena said:

Yessir i learned it the hard way

You'll find another great spot or two just like that creek if you keep looking. Variety makes it more fun anyway!

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 
  On 9/26/2015 at 12:48 AM, MFBAB said:

Here are a couple of really private ones - shhhh!!


attachicon.gifSecret Fishing Spot.jpg



Lol, that's exactly what it looks like up here during a steelhead run.

fishing user avatarHeavyFisher reply : 

Only person I will ever share my honey holes with is my Father

fishing user avatarhawgenvy reply : 

Keep in mind that if you post photos on THIS SITE including in your profile gallery, if you've taken the photo with an iPhone or most any camera with GPS, unless you've deliberately gotten rid of the geolocater from the photo's metadata, people on this site are able to get the precise coordinates of any of your photos. That includes ones at your secret honey hole, the one where you're proudly holding your 8 pounder for a nice photo. Beware.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I only give out that kind of information to people that I know will not trash up the area. 

fishing user avatarHeavyFisher reply : 

and a really great tool for removing exif data info can be found here


Also, Geo Tagging can usually be disabled in the settings section on your camera/smart phone and Geo Tagging will not work if you disable the GPS on your smartphone.

fishing user avatarMFBAB reply : 

I usually just wind up doing a screen grab of the photo and posting that rather than the original.  That way, you don't have the GPS issue, and you get a smaller file that allows you to attach to the post without resizing. 


I did post up an original pic once to test the GPS issue, and when I downloaded it back to my phone through, there was no GPS tag remaining on it.  Has anyone else tried that test?


Now, I do know that if you are straight texting pics to people, that is another story altogether.....You are toast if location services is on!! 

You might wind up on the Jerry Springer show if you're not careful :):)

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 9/27/2015 at 12:14 PM, HeavyFisher said:

Only person I will ever share my honey holes with is my Father

When my dad was fishing, he would agree to meet me there at a particular time then show up early. That's my pop!

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 9/27/2015 at 1:48 PM, hawgenvy said:

Keep in mind that if you post photos on THIS SITE including in your profile gallery, if you've taken the photo with an iPhone or most any camera with GPS, unless you've deliberately gotten rid of the geolocater from the photo's metadata, people on this site are able to get the precise coordinates of any of your photos. That includes ones at your secret honey hole, the one where you're proudly holding your 8 pounder for a nice photo. Beware.








This is great advice! have been knowing about this for a couple years and since then I disable the GPS coordinates on my phone so all my pictures have no location on them.I also don't send pictures anymore, except to my fishing partner.

fishing user avatarBucketMouth15 reply : 

Unfortunate he didn't realize you were doing him a huge favor by telling him and only him about that spot for a reason. On to da next spot I guess. Tight lines

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

I fish a lot of different lakes and ponds. A lot of those lakes are tournament pressured and some of the smaller ponds seldom see a fisherman. I do not like to give out specific information. I am very guarded about specific information. If I believe you are a trustworthy fisherman then I may tell you where and give out some information that will help you catch fish. I expect the same in return. Their are far to many fisherman that want all the information you will give them but wont tell you anything in return. I do not mind giving out information. I enjoy seeing people catch fish and helping them do so. That being said if I take you in my boat and take you to one of my best unobvious spots I expect you to tell no one. Most of my best spots are unobvious and tend to be a specific spot on a spot. Some of those specific spots have taken years and years, countless hours to find.  You could probably go back to that same point I took you to but if you're not fishing that one specific spot you're not going to catch fish.  With all that time and effort I do not think it is right, moral, honorable, or respectful to go and give out that spot I put so much time and effort into. I know that individuals on this site have figured out what bodies of water I fish from my photos. That's fine, good luck finding the specific spots I like to fish. Just because any individual knows what lake you are fishing doesn't mean they will fish it better than you, or find your spots. It is pretty sad in my mind that fisherman cant find their own fish, that they have to try and find a way to figure out your spot. If you are kind enough to take me in your boat you can expect the same amount of respect and courtesy. I will not give away another fisherman's spot. I understand exactly what goes into finding good productive spots. When I take someone fishing for the first time I usually tell them half jokingly, " Don't tell anyone about this spot. If you do I will sink your boat. " 

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

I have pretty well solved this problem by only taking out of state fisherman to my special spots. The only exception has been Speedbead & Topwaterspook, trustworthy members on this site.  :punishment:

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 9/22/2015 at 5:15 AM, Catt said:

Central Bass Fishing

So You Want To Learn Tolode Bend?

307 pgs 4,507 replies

It does not bother me to give out locations ;)


If you're capable of finding one hotspot, you're capable of finding another hotspot.

You'll be dead a looong time, so the best time to share is while you're still alive  :wink7:



fishing user avatarJohn M. reply : 

Have a spot in Iowa that for all last year I stopped to fish at when I was passing through town. It was a private decorative pond for a hotel. Never saw anyone fishing it as it was posted with no fishing signs everywhere. Got permission and it became my honey hole when I was in town. Would even drive 100 miles out of the way just to stay at the hotel and fish for a night. Last year I fished more then 20 days at this little place.


Nothing big ever came out of it, just undersized bass and blue gill and a handful of fat grass carp. Would catch and release a mess of fish in a night and was just good fun. One of the hotel workers saw me out fishing one morning last year and asked if I have been catching anything. I said yeah just a few small ones thinking nothing of it.


Fast forward to last night, stopped in to get some night fishing in as its always been good. Not even a single nibble and its half covered with thick mats of the green slime. Fished for 3 hours this morning and still nothing, didn't even see any small blue gill. First time Ive ever got skunked fishing here and first for seeing any sign of grass or slime in the pond. So Im thinking the word has gotten out and the bucket brigade has cleaned this spot out completely. Kinda ticks me off cause it was such a fun time after a day of work.


Even drove by later that after noon just to see if anyone was there and to my horror...there was at least 10 groups of people with buckets surrounding the little pond.

fishing user avatarMike2841 reply : 

I don't mind sharing most places, but there's always a few I keep to myself

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 


I was in Wal-Mart buying tackle years ago when a guy with his son walked up behind me at the register. The dad was a tad under the weather. He asked me where I fished. He went on to say about his son catching 10lb bass. But heckled me about telling me were it was. I know about most of the good fishing spots around me and hidden one too. The second he said it's deep in the woods I told him where it was not exactly but enough to say I knew the spot. He sobered up for a second and shut up. He kid looked shocked that I knew about it. This spot I don't tell. There is a six foot high Rocky ledge when you walk up to this pond. Off in a distance there are large black lines in the water moving. There big bass all over the place.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

The likelihood of sharing a spot is directly related to the size of the spot. There's good fishing on Erie.

fishing user avatarS10rman88 reply : 

Had a spot where we used to slam flounder while I lived in NC that luckily was a local establishment and only knew 4 people including myself (2 of the others were my friends who introduced me to the people who worked there) that could fish it.


 Can't say this is a secret spot but when I moved back to MD recently and got into bass fishing I decided to hit this pond right by my old work that I have never seen people fish except for one old guy years ago. Within the first couple of days caught multiple fish close to 3lbs with one that was over 3 (PB as well for me). This week everyday people have been asking if I catch stuff there and its kinda hard to lie a bit when you get slammed mid conversation haha. Either way its a public place so not much I can do if people decide to fish it hopefully everyone will be respectful and I would love it if everyone did catch and release.


When it comes to real honey holes if its a close friend I will definitely tell them as all my friends who fish all know what happens when you start blabbing about a great spot.

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

There is a reason I do not post pictures or trip reports anymore. On another fishing board I use to frequent there was a guy local to me complaining about not being able to catch anything? Figured I would help out so I took him out in my boat to a spot on a spot type place and we wrecked them. At the end of the day I told him not to tell the world about this place or post it on the internet. Well the very next weekend he went back with a buddy and posted pics of all the fish they caught in his secret hole on the same forum. I was so ticked off that he did this after I specifically ask him not to. Luckily I was able to convince the Mod to delete all the pics and info that showed the location. Well he burnt that hole and was back to complaining how he couldn't catch anything so he sent me a PM asking for help. I told him to try the Atlantic Ocean as all the fish in the Potomac swam there.



fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

When I offer coordinates to a fellow angler, he can rest assured that it's a contact site.

On the other hand, sharing waypoints is not the same as divulging your favorite hotspots.



fishing user avatarCatch 22 reply : 
  On 10/7/2015 at 12:02 AM, J Francho said:

The likelihood of sharing a spot is directly related to the size of the spot. There's good fishing on Erie.

Huumph==spot burner


Its actually forbidden on some sites


I gave up a good spot to a fellow angler who eventually kept going there regularly with out me,but with others.Thru a series of other trips and events over the years we became bitter enemies .


After fishing for over 68 yrs and dealing with all sorts of people,my feelings about sharing a real honey hole is"don`t do it"

fishing user avatarKyAngler_1120 reply : 

On a large body of water I am not so much worried, but on the smaller bodies of water I tend to keep my knowledge to myself. The smaller water bodies that hold good fish may not stand up to large numbers of over fishing, so I tend to keep quite and enjoy my fishing spot.

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 

Looks like you just learned the hard way. I've learned the hard way too. Maybe not just fishing, but with everything I believe this lesson applies. "Don't tell anyone anything you wouldn't be ok with everyone knowing."

fishing user avatarTery Songz reply : 

i fish a honey hole 15 lbers giant oak tree laydown in about 15 feet of water amazing drop offs and coves and creeks epic vegatation rocky litteraly a millionare designed bass lake thats wild. only a few fish it lots of the bass i catch have hook holes in there lips meaning they have been released which is great. except for this one guy who takes his whole family fishing and leaves with about 5 fish every day he took out 3 10 lbers and fillet them. i decided to keep about 30 blue gill there one time during the spawn just for food and i found tons of parasites . all throw them away i never eat bass and last time i ate a bluegill is over 10 years ago.just mad that a epic bass lake is being ruined by 1 guy for a bass to reach 10 lbs it takes years. i saw a few 5-12 large mouth meaning it takes a while for them to grow in that lake. nontheless the amount of bullheads in there make it worse. dont know if i can talk him out of releasing them.

fishing user avatarJar11591 reply : 

The ONLY people I tell about a specific spot are people I fish with and know won't run their mouth. I really only fish with one other person and they know just as well as I do that "secret spots'' are incredibly rare and pretty much extinct this day in age. When people ask where I caught a fish I just say "private pond". :)

Give somebody an inch, and they will take a mile every single time.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

Good topic.I have given many fishing locations to fishermen both in person and on the Internet.Many of these fishermen where grateful that I helped them and a couple of them have given me locations as well.With that said,few people will give out their top 10 favorite fishing locations online for obvious reasons.Some of these locations are small bodies of water that will not respond well to having a horde of people pounding the place,even if they practice catch and release fishing(big bass eventually learn to avoid lures if they have enough negative experiences with certain lures).

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I've had three more people ask me to take them fishing this week . I have to quit posting on Facebook .

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

my cousin is my fishing partner and he knows everything.

just ask him ; - )

fishing user avatarBass Turd reply : 

One phrase. "He now sleeps with the fishes..."

fishing user avatarlectricbassman reply : 

Fisherman bragging on facebook, to me, is the number one way to ruin a spot. I no longer post any fishing pictures for that very reason. I wont go into details but it happened here very recently. 

fishing user avatarOufb90 reply : 

I have a friend I fish with. We have a gentlemens agreement that we don't hit each other's spots without the other unless by ourselves. It works for us. 

fishing user avatargimruis reply : 

I killed em on the Great Lakes in August.  Grab your buckets boys lets go fishin'

fishing user avatarOufb90 reply : 
  On 9/25/2016 at 1:08 AM, Bass Turd said:

One phrase. "He now sleeps with the fishes..."

I wonder what a guy with concrete shoes on would look like on my DI. Lol

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

It's good to remove some fish within the slot limit but don't tell every Tom, Dick I and Harry about it.  There is food stamps if you need help.

fishing user avatard-camarena reply : 

I learned my lesson guys. The accused person and i dont speak anymore. Wasnt the way i wanted it to end but you gotta do what you gotta do. 

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 9/25/2016 at 10:00 PM, d-camarena said:

I learned my lesson guys. The accused person and i dont speak anymore. Wasnt the way i wanted it to end but you gotta do what you gotta do. 

Your former fishing buddy has a type of personality that has become too common in today's age and those types of people spend more time struggling in bass fishing than they do doing well in it.He is learning the hard way that it takes more than having a good spot to be successful in fishing.

fishing user avatarRichD913 reply : 

Never. My brother found this little spot by our house that isn't on any maps or anything, you can't see it from the road or anywhere you park, and you have to walk a ways to get to it. When we started there no one was ever there and we would hammer them. Then we saw one or two people show up, thought nothing of it, gave the place a break for a bit because we wanted to fish the bigger lakes and came back to it and every time we go there are several people there and they always seem to say "I just heard about this spot."

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 

The only "good spots" I have found are places with a mile or three hike in and I never have an issue sharing them.  I figure most guys are not willing to walk four miles round trip to catch a bass and those that do just give the ticks a target other then me. 

fishing user avatarSam reply : 



fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 
  On 9/26/2016 at 10:29 PM, Sam said:



I always struggle to find bass and my wife's butt never looks big in anything she asked if it does in. You mean like that Sam? I think I have this one down. 

fishing user avatarNew River Addiction reply : 

Good one Bassguytom!!!! lol

fishing user avatarCybrSlydr reply : 

I'm honestly amazed by some of the responses in this thread.

You'd think the fish were made of gold or something.  Utterly ridiculous.

fishing user avatarTery Songz reply : 

thats true. this aint 1600 where people using twigs with sharp ends to catch fish. now adays there pollution man made chemicals that will blow your mind and just about everything. theres only a few of these virgin bodies of water out there. and giving em out is recipe for disaster

fishing user avatarhunterPRO1 reply : 

give people help give people tips, NEVER GIVE PEOPLE YOUR SECRETS.

lets say someone says theyre having trouble catching on a walking bait and ask for help, you can give them that and its great and a nice thing to do,

now lets say they ask for a good fishing spots or "hey where ya been catchin em' " 

i will give help (the best i can) on any lure or on how to find fish to anyone that asks, dont expect me taking you to my best spot unless your family then i just blind fold you.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 9/27/2016 at 11:22 AM, hunterPRO1 said:

give people help give people tips, NEVER GIVE PEOPLE YOUR SECRETS.

lets say someone says theyre having trouble catching on a walking bait and ask for help, you can give them that and its great and a nice thing to do,

now lets say they ask for a good fishing spots or "hey where ya been catchin em' " 

i will give help (the best i can) on any lure or on how to find fish to anyone that asks, dont expect me taking you to my best spot unless your family then i just blind fold you.

Well said!

fishing user avatarscbassin reply : 

I learned a very long time ago once you give a spot to a friend pretty soon after it's a community hole. It cost a lot of money to learn a big lake so if someone ask where I caught them I'll them the very general area & leave it at that. There are many who will only fish other people finds & will not look around for new spots. I fish alone during the week 99% of the time & never keep a bass unless I gut hook one.


fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 9/25/2016 at 12:57 AM, lo n slo said:

my cousin is my fishing partner and he knows everything.

just ask him ; - )

My better half knows every single location I fish and knows every single technique I use.She is my #1 fishing partner and she (besides my family members) are the only ones I take fishing with me on a regular basis.Its extremely easy to find a fishing buddy, but its hard finding one that you can truly trust.Too many fishermen love to show off their pictures on the Internet and then they wonder why their fishing location gets more crowded and harder to fish every time they go fishing.

fishing user avatarMikeWright reply : 
  On 9/27/2016 at 6:31 AM, Bassguytom said:

I always struggle to find bass and my wife's butt never looks big in anything she asked if it does in. You mean like that Sam? I think I have this one down. 

I like a big ass though...

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I took a guy who has no boat   .   So we went to  a good spot , didnt think it would hurt any . Another guy with a boat then took him for the sole purpose of  finding out where the spot was  . I heard them talking about it .


Dont take people to your honey holes ,if you want to keep them .

fishing user avatarPourMyOwn reply : 

My brother in law and I went to a fairly remote-yet not unknown pond one morning. I caught my PB (at the time) largemouth on a jig I poured, and he caught several fish too. We got back to the ramp and a bank fisherman asked us how we did-I responded with my typical, "We caught a few." My brother in law said to the guy, "He caught an 8 pounder!"

The man then asked me where I caught it. I quoted my father and said, "Right in the corner of the mouth."

I feel like it's ok to ask someone how they did, but never where or with what bait they caught fish.

fishing user avatarCardiologist reply : 

Just post a no fishing sign one day. See what happens. 

fishing user avatard-camarena reply : 
  On 9/27/2016 at 10:10 AM, CybrSlydr said:

I'm honestly amazed by some of the responses in this thread.

You'd think the fish were made of gold or something.  Utterly ridiculous.

Can you elaborate?

fishing user avatarCybrSlydr reply : 
  On 9/30/2016 at 11:15 AM, d-camarena said:

Can you elaborate?

I think it is absolutely ridiculous how protective people are of locations. Ending a friendship over it? Come on, you cannot be serious. The way some people talk in this thread you'd think fish were extinct and they found the last one on earth to fish and it was made of some kind of gold.

Fish in public waters are a publicly available natural resource available to everyone and staking some kind of personal claim to a location so only you can fish it is incredibly selfish.

So what if they bring someone along and "your" spot is no longer "secret". There are a lot of fish in the world, isn't part of fishing the challenge of finding them rather than repeatedly hitting the same spot over and over? Isn't that like... Fish in a barrel?

I just wholly disagree with most of the attitudes shown on here. That's why in my fishing report threads I supply pictures of the locations so if others head out to where I am, they might share in whatever luck I had.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

I dont take friends to my good mushroom spots either .Theres a  wooded valley where II have found over 100 old coins with a metal detector . I took a friend and guess what happened ?

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 9/30/2016 at 7:55 PM, scaleface said:

I dont take friends to my good mushroom spots either .Theres a  wooded valley where II have found over 100 old coins with a metal detector . I took a friend and guess what happened ?

My guess is that your friend invited lots of people to your old coin location and it's now hard to find old coins?I won't be surprised either if your friend gave you his word he wasn't going to share the location but did it anyways.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 
  On 9/30/2016 at 9:02 PM, soflabasser said:

My guess is that your friend invited lots of people to your old coin location and it's now hard to find old coins?I won't be surprised either if your friend gave you his word he wasn't going to share the location but did it anyways.

I dont know if he took anybody but I know hes been back and there are several other people hunting it since . Connecting the dots I'd say he told others .

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 9/30/2016 at 9:44 PM, scaleface said:

I dont know if he took anybody but I know hes been back and there are several other people hunting it since . Connecting the dots I'd say he told others .

Doesn't surprise me one bit that you noticed more people coin hunting after you showed your friend the place.It seems that the type of people that get  angry about others not giving spots are usually the type of people who are not willing to put in the time needed for them to find their own locations.

fishing user avatarprimetime reply : 

I learned to not take people to good spots that are hidden....Fishing alone gets boring so even if someone promises they will never go back with anyone, they can't help it, they will tell someone the same thing you did, and eventually you will notice changes in your "Spot" like Logs stacked up so they can reach new areas, start finding baits in the trees, and big fish learn, if you find a spot that is awesome and the bass have never seen lures before, be very careful. Even if everyone is releasing fish, they become lure shy, I have messed up many spots being generous, but the good thing is for every spot you think is great, a better one is right around the corner. 

With Google Earth, it is impossible to keep spots hidden now unless you find Sloughs that are near rivers that flood, if you have a river that floods, those are the woods you want to explore, big bass will head into the wooded areas and then hold up in small pools, if they have shade and cover, they can live and grow large. 

Here is a quick tip...Some of the best spots are Public parks that you assume are garbage. Sure, people fish them often, but the people fishing them are not targeting Bass, plus the local DEC stocks these ponds to make them good for fishing. Some of my best spots are Public lakes that if you google online people say "Don't bother"...lakes can change in 1 season, that lake with all dinks that are stunted, could be money 2 years later.....

Most people who visit public lakes or ponds fish with nightcrawlers or shiners on the bottom and weeds are a bad thing. I also never take fish out of the water for pictures, all it takes is for one car to pass by like say me and I am at that place the next morning b4 work.

fishing user avatarKtho reply : 
  On 10/1/2016 at 11:50 PM, primetime said:

Here is a quick tip...Some of the best spots are Public parks that you assume are garbage. Sure, people fish them often, but the people fishing them are not targeting Bass, plus the local DEC stocks these ponds to make them good for fishing. Some of my best spots are Public lakes that if you google online people say "Don't bother"...lakes can change in 1 season, that lake with all dinks that are stunted, could be money 2 years later.....

Most people who visit public lakes or ponds fish with nightcrawlers or shiners on the bottom and weeds are a bad thing. I also never take fish out of the water for pictures, all it takes is for one car to pass by like say me and I am at that place the next morning b4 work.

Woah way to blow up my spots!! Public park lakes are definitely way overlooked and more often than not are diamondss in the rough. 

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

Out here in Cali I keep spots on the hush hush only because there are so many people that have no respect for fishing as a sport nor any regard for the environment.  If anyone posts up pictures with a location of where there's a hot bite on a local forum, the next week that spot will be covered in trash, and fish nowhere to be seen.  It's gotten to a point where nobody posts reports anymore.  If the majority of people on forums knew proper catch and release/take methods, and, cleaned up their trash, I'd be more willing to share.  As it is almost every reservoir I go to is littered with shards of glass from broken bottles, and, plastic food and tackle packaging.  I heard some guy talking about how he would catch his limit of bass, put them in the a cooler in his car, then come back and catch another limit.  There are people out here that have no regard for conservation and if they could catch 200 fish to keep, they would catch 200 fish to keep.

fishing user avatarDrMarlboro92 reply : 
  On 9/22/2015 at 5:00 AM, Ratherbfishing said:

Threatening to remove his family jewels with a pair of rusty pliers is probably too extreme, huh?  You should have blindfolded him and frisked him for a GPS before taking him there.  I'm afraid the cat is probably out of the bag.

My dad has a friend that took us to a "pond that doesn't exist" that had tons of huge fish in it. There was no blindfolds involved, but there were many promises, lots of turns and a few extra miles driven, no stops and a contract written in blood. 

Great pond, and I eagerly wait to be invited again. This is how you treat your honey holes...

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 
  On 10/14/2016 at 4:02 AM, DrMarlboro92 said:

My dad has a friend that took us to a "pond that doesn't exist" that had tons of huge fish in it. There was no blindfolds involved, but there were many promises, lots of turns and a few extra miles driven, no stops and a contract written in blood. 

Great pond, and I eagerly wait to be invited again. This is how you treat your honey holes...

He didn't make you ride in the trunk, huh?  :  )

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 
  On 9/30/2016 at 7:15 PM, CybrSlydr said:

I think it is absolutely ridiculous how protective people are of locations. Ending a friendship over it? Come on, you cannot be serious. The way some people talk in this thread you'd think fish were extinct and they found the last one on earth to fish and it was made of some kind of gold.

Fish in public waters are a publicly available natural resource available to everyone and staking some kind of personal claim to a location so only you can fish it is incredibly selfish.

So what if they bring someone along and "your" spot is no longer "secret". There are a lot of fish in the world, isn't part of fishing the challenge of finding them rather than repeatedly hitting the same spot over and over? Isn't that like... Fish in a barrel?

I just wholly disagree with most of the attitudes shown on here. That's why in my fishing report threads I supply pictures of the locations so if others head out to where I am, they might share in whatever luck I had.

I don't recall anyone suggesting actually ENDING a friendship over this.  Not a GOOD friendship, anyway.  And certainly no one is telling YOU what to do.  If you want to share, share away.  But some of us only have a few really cherished holes and sharing them with anyone (which quickly becomes "everyone"} is basically the same as rendering them no better than anywhere else.  Even IF those who go there practice catch and release or selective harvest (fat chance of that), those fish will usually become pressured and reluctant to bite.  Unless a lake is privately owned, staking a personal claim to a spot is rude, stupid and, well, illegal.  But not SHARING good spots only makes good sense.    Let people find their own good spots (or not).  The band The Eagles have (or had) a song called "The Last Resort" and one of the last lines is, "Call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye."  Nowhere is this truer than with good fishing spots.

fishing user avatarprimetime reply : 

I like the concept of "Pond Trading"

We have so many lakes and ponds in Florida that do not have names, not private, and luckily there are plenty to go around, but I do have a few that I like to keep secret and only show certain people if they are willing to show me an equally good spot. I find that works best but I usually like to take a new friend I have never fished with to an OK spot just to see the reaction, but on the bigger lakes, I share as much as I can because if other people did not explain how to break down big lakes to me, I would still be lost.....

I never give up spots that a boater takes me to when I am a non boater. I don't feel comfortable going back by myself unless I get permission. Some people take this stuff really serious, and I like exploring anyhow. The lake I fish most often is 9 Miles Long and full of Canals and hidden Brushpiles, so if I am at the ramp and someone asks for advice, I will always point them in the right direction, kind of give them an idea like "I would fish the Inside Weed Edge, Points, Hit the canals, or Look for birds and bait, but I am rarely concerned on big lakes because I tend to find new spots on almost every trip since bait moves.

Small Water is a different deal, especially if you have worked on the forage base,culling, and are trying to grow a Lunker. I have a few ponds I work on and for those I only take my closest Imaginary friends.

fishing user avatarKyhokie reply : 

Gentlemen, there is absolutely a time and place for everything, including sharing your honey holes. The time is never and the place is nowhere.

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

About twenty years ago , I was catching a lot of channel cats on the Mississippi river . I would keep a limit in the live well and toss them into the private neighborhood pond for the kids . I stocked   one to two hundred cats in that pond . Kids started catching them , word got out and then scumbags from everywhere were fishing and littering the place up . It was ridiculous .


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