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Berkely Gulp Ad 2024

fishing user avatarclipper reply : 

The last couple of issues of Bassmaster Magazine have contained a full page ad for Berkely Gulp that features Skeet Reese and Mike Iaconelli posing nude holding a bass in front of them.  If they were to show up at a tournament weigh-in in that state of undress they would be arrested for indecent exposure. Why should they appear in a prestigious bass fishing magazine like that?  It also sets a terrible example for the thousands of boys and girls who eagerly read fishing magazines each month as well.  If you object to the ad, please let Bassmaster Magazine and Berkely know of your objection by writing them at and  Bass fishing is still in it's infancy as a professional sport and we, the purchasers of fishing products and subscribers to fishing magazines have a responsibility to hold everyone involved to the high standards we would like our sport to embody.  They will listen to the people who purchase their products and read their magazines.  I realize Bassmasters is sponsored by Berkely and may not have much say in what ads they run, but it won't hurt to express  your opinion on this matter to them.  

fishing user avatarWindknot51 reply : 

First let me tell you all that I am new to Bass fishing. I grew up un the East Branch of NY's Delaware River and it's tributaries. So I became a Spin and Fly Fisherman. Age has crept upon me and the constant motion of fly fishing coupled with the price of gas keeps me from fishing my roots. I now live on NY's Susquehanna River known for Smallmouths, Muskie, Walleyes, Catfish and Carp. Access to this river is minutes away and I am having a great time fishing for Bass. Still I need to learn more and this is a great place to be. What I can tell you about is advertising.

Look arround you. All arround you are advertisments of shock and awe. The intention is to create interest however contrivercial. Wall Street requires this as stockholders demand dividends. What better way to get there than to commercialize. The day of this quiet sport is gone as we now need to sell this new this and that. Just take a look at the Bassmasters just as flashy as Nascar and you see what they are doing..... Advertising for product.

Product is not bad and I use Superline that allows me to cover more water than I ever thought possible.

As the moral majority continues to decline, I wonder where we're headed. Naked guys are a NO in my book. Naked Ladies however would bring me to the river banks often.

Without being a liberal thinker, I beleive in sexuality, but not in advertising.

Wall Street now capitalizes on controversity and now are trying to prostute  the fisherman and the water. It's all about dollars!

As for the add.... It has done it's purpose well. From here they will back down, only to hit us again with another shock till we become conditioned as we have in TV, fast food, gas prices, etc.

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 

The one question I have, is if it were 2 lovely young ladies up there would your response be the same?????

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
The one question I have, is if it were 2 lovely young ladies up there would your response be the same?????


 Clipper is my Father-in-Law and I can guarantee that his response would be the same or even more disgust. He is the most humble, honest man I know.

I personally can't stand when those commercials come on TV when my boys are watching fishing with me. I usually turn the channel so they don't see it. If they were women I would do the same thing without hesitation.

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

I know they say in the ad business sex sells,but the Gulp ad is so ridiculous that it's laughable.It sure didn't motivate me to go out and buy any.Fishing and naked guys? Come on.

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

Gentleman we live in a age where family values are pretty much a thing of the past. Gone are the days of The Andy Griffith show It's all about the money as stated before what makes more. I totally agree with Rattlenrouge on this on

fishing user avatarclipper reply : 

As far as I am concerned, the principle is the same regardless of gender.  Bait and tackle manufactureres are dependent on us, the consumers for their sales and if we express our dislike of their advertising practices they will change them.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
I know they say in the ad business sex sells,but the Gulp ad is so ridiculous that it's laughable.It sure didn't motivate me to go out and buy any.Fishing and naked guys? Come on.


fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

It really dosen't surprise me about what some companys will do to sell products.  I was looking through the latest bassmaster and last months issue and happened to notice a picture of preston clark in a ad for berkley.  I'm sure that berkley does sponser preston clark or they might have just picked him up after his santee cooper win but anyway in the ad he was wearing a berkley hat that if my memory serves me correctly he wasn't wearing during any of the tournaments.  You could see that it was I guess for lack of better words photo shopped  it didn't look real.  I don't know maybe I'm wrong maybe he was wearing a berkley hat during the tournaments but I really don't think he was.  It just irritates me to see that. Does anyone else think those pictures look fake

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Are you guys saying that you don't fish in the raw? Am I solo on this? I mean, it gets cold come Oct-Nov-Dec but come spring,............Gulp.

See the backround? No houses, noone to see,no harm done. I just hate tan lines.

*This opinion offered strictly for entertainment and humor purpose. No offence is intended to any. No animals were harmed in the making of this photo.


fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

It seems like every 7-8 years that the advertising industry goes nuts. It isn't just fishing, that's for sure. It is usually the automobile ads that start some disturbing trend. I was complaining the other weekend that most ads now a days make me NOT want to associate with the product.

I agree that some of the behaviour in the ads is Illegal, escpecially in car commercials. You can add small disclaimers and I guess it is ok to show drivers going 100+ MPH on a back road like the one I live on and small children are playing near.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

LOL,'re right,...where is closed course rd. anyway?  Looks like the cul-de-sac over by my grandmothers,lol.

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 
The one question I have, is if it were 2 lovely young ladies up there would your response be the same?????


Clipper is my Father-in-Law and I can guarantee that his response would be the same or even more disgust. He is the most humble, honest man I know.

I personally can't stand when those commercials come on TV when my boys are watching fishing with me. I usually turn the channel so they don't see it. If they were women I would do the same thing without hesitation.


I apologize if I offended you or your father-in-law!!! That was not my intent!!!

And in no way do I condone it. I reread my last post and should have given more of my opinion.

I overheard a couple guys talking about that ad the other day and how they thought it was wrong and then in almost the same breath made a remark about a beautiful woman that was walking by.

Ads like that have no place in magazine's or on tv where a young child may be   reading or watching.

My brother-in-law cancelled cable because of ads like that on ESPN, my nephews loved watching BASS Saturday. But because of commercials like that they don't get to watch it anymore.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 


There was no offence taken. That question was expected and it's sad that it's true. IMO If it's men or women doing the commercial wrong is still wrong.

I don't use Gulp but this commercial made it more difficult for them to persuade me to ever use it. I just think it's tastless junk. There are better ways to advertise than to cover some guys crotch with a big bass in hopes that it will get a bunch of other guys to by a product. It just doesn't match the demographic.


I think if feel lunch comming up.

fishing user avatargalv reply : 

i saw it and was really mad too

why'd they have to put that darn bass there and cover all the good stuff

just kidding those ads are tasteless and dumb

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

The ad worked.

Love it or hate it; good taste or bad taste; it caught your eye and planted a seed for Berkley Gulp! products.

To be honest, I thought the ad was dumb and a waste of money.  

A Wall Street advertising firm created the ad to meet certain advertising goals and to say the least, by the responses to this topic, it worked.

What is so depressing is that the ad is insulting, demeaning and stuipd.  I guess it was some young college kid with uncontrollable hormones that came up with the ad.

When I fish I only think about fishing; the beautiful scenery; friendship with my fishing partners; and a peaceful and relaxing time on the water.  Not naked guys trying to sell baits.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I don't see the partial nudity as a "sexual attack" on our senses or a "hormone driven" one as much as somthing to make you look twice and continue watching because you just have to see the whole thing because you are pretty sure you will be judging it morally.

In short.  Advertising.

And as Sam said.  It worked.  The more we type, the more we prove it.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Come on LBH ... Show some decency!!!!!!! ;D ;D


fishing user avatarclipper reply : 

It is comforting to know that I am not the only member on this board that thinks the Gulp ad is inappropriate for a fishing magazine.  I hope enough of you will use the email addresses I listed to let the publisher and manufacturer know how you feel.  It doesn't take many letters from consumers to make a manufacturer take note because they know that for every fisherman who took the time to write them there are 500 more who felt the same way and didn't write.  I also take no offense when someone else expresses a view point different from mine, I am thankful we have the freedom in this country to do so.   This is a great forum and the people who run it and the members who post on it make it that way.  

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Clipper-I fully respect your opinion and mean no foul when I say this but every email you send them will re-inforce their assumption that this commercial worked.  The ad is designed to generate controversy, the emails are like trophies for the ad agency, solidifying their success.

fishing user avatarclipper reply : 
Clipper-I fully respect your opinion and mean no foul when I say this but every email you send them will re-inforce their assumption that this commercial worked. The ad is designed to generate controversy, the emails are like trophies for the ad agency, solidifying their success.

I am not an advertising expert and you may be correct. I have heard it said that "any publicity is good publicity, even if it's bad." I would also expect them to judge the success of the ad by sales. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I wonder if there is any way to go look up if a campaign was successful or not and to what degree.  Anyone out there have in depth advertising experience?

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 


I sent both companies e-mails to let them know I find this type of advertising inappropriate. I agree with you that if enough complain it can make a difference.


I think you're right that a handful of complaints will be viewed by some as a victory. A few right wing conservatives complaining could be seen as a sign that this commercial tactic worked. On the other hand, it doesn't take too many complaints for the corporate world to take notice. Public opinion can and does make a difference. Look at the changes that have been made since the Janet Jackson/Super Bowl incident. Morallity does matter, and even if the knot heads who came up with this advertising campaign don't know it, many Americans and the corporate bean counters do. Just my .02.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Are you guys saying that you don't fish in the raw? Am I solo on this? I mean, it gets cold come Oct-Nov-Dec but come spring,............Gulp.

See the backround? No houses, noone to see,no harm done. I just hate tan lines.

*This opinion offered strictly for entertainment and humor purpose. No offence is intended to any. No animals were harmed in the making of this photo.

This is a hoot!!

C'mon guys.  In this age of gangster rap videos, victoria secret commercials, erectile dysfunction, and our favorite.....the internet, I just can't get all worked up about a couple guys doing an ad like this?

I thought it was funny.

As far as emails and complaints, yeah if they get a couple of million it might work, but the real test is the direction sales take.  It it's up expect more and worse to come.  If down, then who knows?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

My personal opinion is pretty much the same as Avids but I would be curios to know the opinion of the majority.  The  Ad industry must have periodical literature, I just don't know where to look.

I smell a poll coming.

fishing user avatarbassmasta7 reply : 

My 9 year old neighbor has this ad in his bassmaster mag and last time i went fishing with him he had his clothes on. I think it was fine and was just meant for comedy. To go along with what avid said if they ban anything on tv it needs to be that erectile dysfunction crap. It leads to some very awkward moments when you are around your parents and grandparents and those commercials comes on.

fishing user avatarWindknot51 reply : 

Yes the add worked and will keep many buying their product. Truth is that the attractactants added only last a short time. Geeze.... keep me buying more!, or just learn to work your bait with equal sucess and less dollars. Learn what you fish for and you will too understand there is no magic formula as those will lead you to beleive they hold the key. Big Business BS.

fishing user avatarWindknot51 reply : 

Please don't take me wrong. There have been many great innovations that have enhanced our sport and even increased our productivity. Still nothing tops presention I beleive.

Sex in advertisment can only increaes the number of people on the water, which is the intent.

fishing user avatarspotaholic reply : 

I bought some of the worms to see if they worked. I rigged them just as described and fished them correctly. The water temp was about 78 air temp was 90, full sun and wind blowing 10-15 out of the west. Perfect conditions for this style of fishing. I took all my clothes off just as the ad indicates as the proper method and the only thing I got was an awful sunburn. I wonder if this will make one of the Classic Pattern stories. He,He,He......on the serious side what should we expect from a title sponsor of BASS. The whole marking idea of BASS is to sell Shock and ALL. Give me some real fishing stuff not just personalities.IMO

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Are you guys saying that you don't fish in the raw?  Am I solo on this?  I mean, it gets cold come Oct-Nov-Dec but come spring,............Gulp.

See the backround?  No houses, noone to see,no harm done.  I just hate tan lines.

*This opinion offered strictly for entertainment and humor purpose.  No offence is intended to any.  No animals were harmed in the making of this photo.

This is a hoot!!

C'mon guys.  In this age of gangster rap videos, victoria secret commercials, erectile dysfunction, and our favorite.....the internet, I just can't get all worked up about a couple guys doing an ad like this?

I thought it was funny.

As far as emails and complaints, yeah if they get a couple of million it might work, but the real test is the direction sales take.  It it's up expect more and worse to come.  If down, then who knows?

You know, Avid, you're right, at least to a point.  What has always offended me regarding commercials that use sexuality to sell things is that it is an insult to my intelligence.  It's the same with movies.  If a sexual scene doesn't add to the story line in a movie, it doesn't need to be there.  It is just gratuitous.  I'm sure all of us like sex as much as the next guy, but there is a time and a place for it to be exposed.  

The ad in BasssMaster didn't bother me that much, but I have to ask, "Does Berkley think I'm stupid enough to buy their product because of this ad?"  Are they targeting women or those with "alternative lifesyles", and if so, do they think women are so shallow they will buy their product due to this ad?  Also, is this something I want my kids to see?  It's not showing anything, but what message does it send to them about what are acceptable standards of conduct?

fishing user avatarWindknot51 reply : 

I have been having good luck with Zoom and will continue to use it at much lower expense.

fishing user avatarJ@k3 01s3n reply : 

I didn't really take to much offense to the ad. I did think it was odd, but don't you guys remember a month before when they had KVD and others do the commercial where it looked like their lures were stuck in their faces? It was kind of like that where I just thought, "that was strange" but nothing more. Personally though, I don't and probably won't use gulp baits. They just plain suck to me. I can get a lot more fish out of my money with Yum and Zoom baits.

fishing user avatarwhat reply : 

i dont see how this could offend anybody its not like they show  anything close to the private region it just looks like there nakedi dont see the big deal at all. i ve seen worse commercial about diffrent things like what avid said.

fishing user avatarDobi reply : 
i dont see how this could offend anybody its not like they show  anything close to the private region it just looks like there nakedi dont see the big deal at all. i ve seen worse commercial about diffrent things like what avid said.

I agree with this.

I've seen more skin during the olympics. That's a sport and televised and encouraged to watch by all.

My 2 cents follows:

**insert disclaimer stating this is my opinion and its actual value may not be even close to  2 cents**

It's 2006. The days of Leave it to Beaver and The Andy Griffith Show are long gone. If I changed the channel or banned everything that I thought was distasteful in todays real world. I think my life would be miserable and I would be a burden on myself.

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

Hey, Andy Griffith rocks! I still have the DVD's of some older ones....

But to the point, I think that the commercial was kind of stupid when I first saw it, and I still do.  I guess the fishing industry has to show that it's not always a bunch of bearded guys on a boat talking about what lures to use for salmon. ;)

fishing user avatarjanalon reply : 

Yes, they are advertising to women, we just are not used to that.

But then again we are not used to mike and skeet.

But at least it fills our boats with ladies.

Can I get a amen?

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

Amen to that, brother.  ;D

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 
My 9 year old neighbor has this ad in his bassmaster mag and last time i went fishing with him he had his clothes on. I think it was fine and was just meant for comedy. To go along with what avid said if they ban anything on tv it needs to be that erectile dysfunction crap. It leads to some very awkward moments when you are around your parents and grandparents and those commercials comes on.

You're exactly right.

fishing user avatarL.D. reply : 

I may be getting old, but naked men trying to sell bait to a mostly male customer base, I don't get it! YUK!

Now if they were naked women, I'd cut out the ad and take it with me.

Yup, I'm a dog.


fishing user avatarWindknot51 reply : 

Good point Troutfisher. As many young people stay holed up in front of video games, advertisers look for ways to bring them out to a healthier activity. If it works, I say bravo!

Gotta tell you all something...... recently my Daughter of 17 was voted the most improved student for 2006. When I received this news I was jumping up and down and told her, lets go out.... what would you like to do? She replied..... buy me a fishing pole! So off we went to Gander Mtn., and now I have a new fishing buddy.

Had she seen the add, I have no doubt it would have been passed over as mundane. Her interest lies more in spending some quality time with dad and friends.

As my home has become the hub of many young people, I understand the shock approach has become boring to them..... what I see working is quality.

This add as I see it, was poorly executed for quality and only serves to create a buzz. Hopefully better things will be coming.

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 
Good point Troutfisher. As many young people stay holed up in front of video games, advertisers look for ways to bring them out to a healthier activity. If it works, I say bravo!

Thank you.

And you're right.  If it means that kids stay inside and play video games all day or see something on TV to grab their attention, by all means take the commercial.

fishing user avatarlarryrr reply : 

sounds like you guys need to do more fishing and less crying.It was a funny add!..ment to make a point about there bait!!!! and make you laff.... ;D!come on people light n up..

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

You spelled some stuff wrong there, Larryrr.   ;)

fishing user avatarSmalliehunter48 reply : 

Personally, Idon't see whats the big deal... I am farrrrrrr more concerned with the lack of respect in nature that a huge chunk of fisherman seem to have. Every time I go fishing I run across piles of garbage left behind by idiots. I actully have a Brand New rod/ reel combo for my son now because some A-hole got a tangle in the line and just threw it down on the bank and left it. There is trash every where...folks drinking huge amounts of alcohol and throwing the bottles/ cans in the water or on the ground. I mean, SERIOUSLY, I could easily stand naked guys or gals practicing C&R on clean pristine waterways rather than the beer gutted pigs puttin down a six pack and wizzing in the water. Some people actually are nice enough to bag their trash before leaving it on the bank. (not most though)The way I see it, if you can carry it in...Why cant you carry it out?

By the way did anyone object to the commercial where the boat was going so fast that the drivers clothes ripped off leaving him sitting there in a pink thong? I laughed histerically. I thought mostly grown men watched fishing shows anyway. What about the Victoria Secret comms during prime time when the kids are definately watching. Huh? Huh? Pick your battles Kids.

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

Some of my favorite fishing spots are littered with the garbage left by other fisherman, including beer cans, boxes of empy nightcrawler containers, and my least favorite, tangled fishing line.

I mean, is it that hard for you to pick up your trash when you leave?  I'm no environmentalist, but I hate to see trash laying around to ruin the otherwise great fishing area.

I think you deserve to be called a fisherman(or woman) if you pick up any trash in an area.  Not only do you help to make things look nice, you also make it good for the next person who comes to fish your area.


fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 
Are you guys saying that you don't fish in the raw? Am I solo on this? I mean, it gets cold come Oct-Nov-Dec but come spring,............Gulp.

See the backround? No houses, noone to see,no harm done. I just hate tan lines.

*This opinion offered strictly for entertainment and humor purpose. No offence is intended to any. No animals were harmed in the making of this photo.

At least you don't have the bass hanging in front of your little package.  A whole lot of kids are watching these fishing shows. They should cut that commercial.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 
My 9 year old neighbor has this ad in his bassmaster mag and last time i went fishing with him he had his clothes on. I think it was fine and was just meant for comedy. To go along with what avid said if they ban anything on tv it needs to be that erectile dysfunction crap. It leads to some very awkward moments when you are around your parents and grandparents and those commercials comes on.

Were you fishing with gulp products? If not, that explains why he kept his clothes on.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

I don't know about everybody else, but if I happen to look towards naked men, I immediately turn the other way. Had it been gorgeous babes, I'd look twice, then maybe three times.... then maybe once more before I put the mag down.....

But I'd still have no reason to buy the product. I don't believe Berkeley makes Huddleston trout lures, or Owner hooks, do they ?



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