my biggest bass is a 5 lb largemouth
7lb spawning largemouth.
Longest 27 inches and 10# 4 oz
Heaviest 25 inches and 10# 6 0z
12 lbs 8 ozs
8 pounds, if i find the pic i'll put it up (think my dad has it on his comp. or phone)
13lbs 1oz
I'm not even going to post mine under yours bizz. It will make mine look even smaller. You look like one of those scary clowns from the circus, but after catching that hog, it's all good
Mine is 5-8
10lb 8oz.
9.1 pound largemouth
5 lb 12 oz smallmouth
Both caught in '07
Maybe someday I'll join the double-digit club. Those are some nice fish!
Funny though, I remember my first "big fish". I caught it during a tournament. It was a beast in my eyes, and quite a battle. It weighed all of 3 lbs 10 oz. Funny how your perspective changes.
Like fish Chris. A 10-pounder to him isn't worth mentioning. Watch him post a teener here. :
Hey RedTorpedo.. was it 4.1 with or without all that dirt on it??? lol ;D
8lbs pretty much even. My biggest last year was 7.4lbs...
8lb 10oz
7lbs 2 oz
10 lbs 8 oz
8lbs. largemouth. Had a scale, but no camera. Not sure what is better to have?
5lb 4oz
I just got a scale last week so im not sure what these fish way but they were both fairly close.
<<<<<< 5lbs. 5oz. I believe it was.
Quote8lbs. largemouth. Had a scale, but no camera. Not sure what is better to have?
BOTH!!! ;D
12.3 had a pretty good scale but not a good camera.Took some self photos with my phone but they turned out like crap,thus furthering suspicion by my pals that is was a fib.LOL. NOT!
I've yet to catch my biggest bass.
QuoteI've yet to catch my biggest bass.
;D I'm with you there!!! Someday soon, I reckon. 8-)
7.5 LMB.
I have never caught a smallie in my life, a situation I hope to rectify this year.
12.4 LM
heaviest is 10-6 caught in July 07 in Ga- 25" but thick
longest is 27", went 8-6 in Aug 07 and got me a big fish check
I caught 2 more over 6 and 4 more over 5. All of these fish in 07. Not a bad year.
That's exactly what I keep telling people too......
Just watch, I'm going to keep messing around until I get a "BIG" one :-)
One of these days.......
C'mon Chris............
don't be modest....we KNOW you've landed a bunch of DD's.
don't make me go to your website..........
me.....7lbs. 10 ounces ... see logo.
Long and that the spawn is on I'll bet that bad girl is over 9.
Chris is too much of a gentleman to come on here and embarass us ALL.
Chris's biggest is an 18.4
Come on Chris lets see the pics!
caught two last year a 5.12 and a 5.08 on the same day. planning on going bigger this year
I was just at the right place, at the right time.
And the photos of my PB are definately not the best of of my biggest bass shots, anyway.
But this is all fine, as I plan to get some much better shots of my 19+ lb'er, just as soon as I C/R her :-)
So far...................... 5.2 lbs Largemouth.
My largest was 12.8, when I was 13 years old and she is hanging on the wall. That is the fish that got me hooked forever. I am still looking for another that big, except today I would release her. The past couple of years, most of my catches are dinks with the occasional 3-4 pounder. I did get one last year that weighed 9.7 and she was a HAWG.
6.7 LBS, very big bass for around here. Our state record is 11.3LBS caught in 1940. Im Beating it this year....mark my words, I saw her last spring.
QuoteI've yet to catch my biggest bass.
That's a good answer. My biggest so far is 6 lbs 15 oz.
7#5oz. Caught last week at Lake Fork. See Avitar.
9.89 pounds on certified scales. For the last several years my goal has been 10. I've came close many times, but no 10 pound fish yet.
QuoteOur state record is 11.3LBS caught in 1940. Im Beating it this year....mark my words, I saw her last spring.
You serious? in WI? Woohooo! that gives me hope.. you west coast/southerners have no idea how frustrating it is to live in the Northwest (Minnesota) and realize the chances of any bass over 9lb (let alone 7lb) is 1 in a katrillion! (that's even if it exists up here)...
The MN state record is like 8.15lbs only. What a shame... >
8.2lbs cought in early march of 00
My best was a 8lb largemouth two years ago on a XCalibur lipless crank. My favorite though was a 4lb 3oz smallmouth that I cought on a senko.
Mine was an 8lb largemouth caught in my Neighborhood pond Yesterday.. I caught a 4 pounder that day as well and walked away with 16 fish in 2 hours from the Shore. It was probably one of my favorite days fishing I'm still pumped up about it all ;D
5 pounds bigger to come this spring