Sort boxes in tackle bag - for the 500th time
Strip last year's line off reels
Examine contour maps of lakes you plan on fishing
Search for catch histories of said lakes
Peruse online stores for lures, accessories to put in your wish list
Keep hitting 'refresh' on the Forum to see if there's any interesting talk
Watch bass fishing videos on YouTube
On 12/30/2018 at 2:29 AM, Glaucus said:Watch bass fishing videos on YouTube
Especially the instructive ones - I think I've downloaded 20 hours or more of educational fishing videos.
Change out hooks on lures.
On 12/30/2018 at 2:36 AM, Happybeerbuzz said:Change out hooks on lures.
Grrr - something else to add to the purchase trebles for some of my older lures.
Work on your Hook Set.
Ditto all the above. (Gotta work on A-Jay's suggestion some more though ). Also, tweaking and bathtub-testing lures. Which reminds me... I've got a question to post.
Also... making videos. Working hard on my next Largemouth Bass Behavior documentary. This one is on the development of behavior, from egg to adult. Big subject, so I've broken it into three parts. Hope to have part 1 out at the beginning of the new year.
Work on your hookset- real time though, no “simulator” like what A-Jay is using ????
Tie some maribou and hair jigs.
I finally start doing things around the house that don't get done. December should have been a productive month in that department but open water and about 120 bass said otherwise.
I can't think of anything "around the house" that would take priority over all the wonderful suggestions above.
Move or at least take a vacation.
On 12/30/2018 at 4:57 AM, MickD said:I can't think of anything "around the house" that would take priority over all the wonderful suggestions above.
Around the house stuff gets fitted in between all the work on rods/reels/lures/storage/gaining info.
On 12/30/2018 at 4:59 AM, roadwarrior said:Move or at least take a vacation.
Fixed income. Can't move - money. Can't take a vacation - money.
Yes, take a vacation to the Bahamas, to a bonefish camp. Best idea yet. Leaving in January.
My winter usually goes like this:
- Lakes starts to skim so I put my gear away and get ready for ice fishing
- Over about a week I clean all my gear/reels and organize stuff for next season and take note of what I need to get for next season
- Inevitable warm spell tempts me back out in my kayak wherever I can find open water
- It gets cold for good and the gear goes away for good
- Ice fish for a couple months
- As march approaches and anticipation of the next open water season builds, and ice becomes unsafe, I make too many tackle purchases to scratch the itch ????
Sweatin' to the oldies. Treadmill 30 minutes, Elliptical machine 20 minutes, Stationary Bike 20 minutes. Two hundred crunches and 60 leg lifts. Lifting starts January 2nd.
Clean reels, organize tackle bag, sharpen hooks, get some home projects done, and watch YouTube videos of other people catching bass. It’s only eight weeks until the first of March.
On 12/30/2018 at 6:24 AM, Bankbeater said:It’s only eight weeks until the first of March.
For us - the average ice-out date is April 14
14 weeks - ugh.
Go ice fishing or travel somewhere where there is no hard water. Life is too short to not be enjoying your favorite hobbies.
On 12/30/2018 at 6:40 AM, soflabasser said:Go ice fishing or travel somewhere where there is no hard water. Life is too short to not be enjoying your favorite hobbies.
Post in another topic - I don't do Ice Fishing.
Earlier post in this topic - I don't have money to travel.
I just sit and pray for open water
On 12/30/2018 at 8:34 AM, slonezp said:Drink
That is what most people do. As for other alternatives, you could write a book, sleep, practice the waltz, organize the coins in your pocket according to size and denomination, play a rousing game of mumbley peg, part your hair differently, yawn a lot, and my personal favorite, play "Guess That Smell".
On 12/30/2018 at 8:59 AM, Gundog said:That is what most people do. As for other alternatives, you could write a book, sleep, practice the waltz, organize the coins in your pocket according to size and denomination, play a rousing game of mumbley peg, part your hair differently, yawn a lot, and my personal favorite, play "Guess That Smell".
I could, but all those activities require effort.
Contribute to our "Palomar Knot break or Knot slip - Seaguar Blue Line Flouro Leader" discussion. It might go on all winter
I enjoy hiking in the snow . Looking at animal tracks . take pictures , make a fire , smoke cigars , sip whiskey ... its all good .
On 12/30/2018 at 5:55 AM, Columbia Craw said:Sweatin' to the oldies. Treadmill 30 minutes, Elliptical machine 20 minutes, Stationary Bike 20 minutes. Two hundred crunches and 60 leg lifts. Lifting starts January 2nd.
I'm glad you have that much energy.I get tired just walking up or down the basement steps here.
On 12/30/2018 at 10:36 AM, Log Catcher said:I'm glad you have that much energy.I get tired just walking up or down the basement steps here.
Sometimes I get tired just getting out of bed in the morning.
On 12/30/2018 at 5:55 AM, Columbia Craw said:Treadmill 30 minutes, Elliptical machine 20 minutes, Stationary Bike 20 minutes. Two hundred crunches and 60 leg lifts. Lifting starts January 2nd.
Sounds like a good warmup.
On 12/30/2018 at 10:36 AM, Log Catcher said:I'm glad you have that much energy.I get tired just walking up or down the basement steps here.
Get your Doctor's approval first before you start any exercise plan. If you get the green light you can start walking for 30 minutes 5 times a week and build up to 60 minute walks 5 days a week. Next step is to start running for 5 minutes and build up to 30-60 minute runs 5 times a week. You will have energy to give away if invest in your health which is the most important thing anyone has.
Buy a nice bottle of scotch and cry
On 12/30/2018 at 12:23 PM, GReb said:Buy a nice bottle of scotch and cry
You could cry with a cheap bottle as well, just saying ????
Sharpening hooks is therapeutic and productive. You'd be surprised by how dull hooks can get, especially the big ones. Examining and changing worn split rings is also a good time killer.
Servicing your own reels is also worth doing.
Also, I've found that when I resist the urge to buy stuff I don't need, I have enough money to do a trip to the keys each year. Plus, I sneak onto golf courses at 3 AM to get my bass fix.
I like walking banks of lakes looking for lost lures.
Get into jig tying, you can waste a ton of time and money doing that.
Learn to service your own reels. Big money saver and very time consuming. You can even make money doing it for other people of you get good at it.
On 12/31/2018 at 12:14 AM, Bluebasser86 said:Learn to service your own reels.
I've been doing that since I got my first 'good' reel - a Mitchell 320 back in the 70's.
I've already stripped the line from my five - tear apart, clean, re-grease gears and oil bearings are on the table.
On 12/30/2018 at 3:22 AM, A-Jay said:
Work on your Hook Set.
If I flex really hard, you can see my abs!
On 12/30/2018 at 11:46 AM, soflabasser said:Sounds like a good warmup.
Get your Doctor's approval first before you start any exercise plan. If you get the green light you can start walking for 30 minutes 5 times a week and build up to 60 minute walks 5 days a week. Next step is to start running for 5 minutes and build up to 30-60 minute runs 5 times a week. You will have energy to give away if invest in your health which is the most important thing anyone has.
While this sounds good I can't do it. My knees are shot from arthritis. Doctors tell me my only option is knee replacements. I am trying to put that off as long as possible. Between Columbia Craw and A-Jay doing all this exercise and body building I'm worn out just thinking about it. I may have to go take a nap.
On 12/30/2018 at 9:38 AM, Team9nine said:Contribute to our "Palomar Knot break or Knot slip - Seaguar Blue Line Flouro Leader" discussion. It might go on all winter
I'm left out of that discussion. I've never tried that line.
Ice fishing? Hard pass. I can drink all the beer I want to from the comfort of my own basement rather than risking my life on some unsafe questionable ice.
I usually chase Coyotes if the water is hard.It is good exercise and gets me out of the house.
Don't get many coyotes, but getting one to come into a call is a rush.
I do not ice fish. I hate walking on ice and don't have the patience to sit over a hole for hours.
On 12/30/2018 at 10:56 PM, Way north bass guy said:You could cry with a cheap bottle as well, just saying ????
Then you’re crying for different reasons
On 12/30/2018 at 12:23 PM, GReb said:Buy a nice bottle of scotch and cry
On 12/30/2018 at 10:56 PM, Way north bass guy said:You could cry with a cheap bottle as well, just saying ????
On 12/31/2018 at 5:09 AM, GReb said:Then you’re crying for different reasons
Ya, cause it's Scotch - needs to be a good Irish Whiskey.
On 12/31/2018 at 2:51 AM, Log Catcher said:While this sounds good I can't do it. My knees are shot from arthritis. Doctors tell me my only option is knee replacements. I am trying to put that off as long as possible.
Ask your Doctor if it is ok to incorporate swimming into your exercise plan. Swimming is excellent cardiovascular exercise and many people with joint problems prefer swimming over walking. You will need to find a heated indoor pool. Take your time, train safe, and work your way up until you can comfortably swim for 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week.
On 12/31/2018 at 9:09 AM, soflabasser said:Ask your Doctor if it is ok to incorporate swimming into your exercise plan. Swimming is excellent cardiovascular exercise and many people with joint problems prefer swimming over walking. You will need to find a heated indoor pool. Take your time, train safe, and work your way up until you can comfortably swim for 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week.
That possibility has been discussed with my doctor. I need to do this to lose some weight more than anything.
I tend to sit on a stool in front of a bench pulling a lever on a machine that turns brass, lead, copper and other assorted things into noise makers. Then once or twice a month, I use said noise makers to punch holes in paper or clang steel shapes at various distances with steel, wood, aluminum and/or polymer instruments.
On 12/31/2018 at 10:42 AM, ww2farmer said:I tend to sit on a stool in front of a bench pulling a lever on a machine that turns brass, lead, copper and other assorted things into noise makers. Then once or twice a month, I use said noise makers to punch holes in paper or clang steel shapes at various distances with steel, wood, aluminum and/or polymer instruments.
I had to read it a couple times before I got what the heck you were saying. ????
Can't believe no one has suggested pitching jigs into coffee mugs yet.
On 12/31/2018 at 12:14 AM, Bluebasser86 said:Get into jig tying
Dredge jigs @Siebert Outdoors.