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Dicks Sporting Goods Order haha 2024

fishing user avatarBoett43 reply : 

Well i went on dicks sporting and purchased a 50$ quatum baitcasting combo just to have something to mess around with and to hold the baitmonkey before christmas so i placed the ordere waited about 10 days my package arrives. But no baitcasting combo for me instead a nike golfing putter haha you should have heard me to my brother asked him when they started making silver rods as i was pulling it out then i found the putter head. wich by the way retailed for 175. and i got a golfing neighbor sold it for 100, 50$ profit just like that haha  ;D thats not illegal is it?

fishing user avatarvolpster31 reply : 

you didnt make the mistake & i doubt theyll ever know about made a great move & now you can get another combo & have some cash left over(unless the baitmonkey grabs it) ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

They'll know about it when some guy complains he got a $50 fishing combo instead of a $175 golf club. Whether they'll be able to know you got the golf club I'd have no clue.

fishing user avatarBoett43 reply : 

I highly doubt that the will catch on becuase my recipt that came with the golf club still said i had a 50$ fishing rod combo in my possesion

fishing user avatarmayassa reply : 

you should have taken it back to the store and got the full amount on credit, or did the honest thing and called them to tell them about the slip up.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
you should have taken it back to the store and got the full amount on credit, or did the honest thing and called them to tell them about the slip up.

Ditto, honesty will come back to you ten fold.  Do the right thing.  8-)

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

It will haunt you if you don't make it right. Hmmm, maybe not...The bait monkey will always know and get even with you ten fold...

fishing user avatarKYbass1276 reply : 

My thoughts is   Fishing reel - Golf club, rocket science figuring out the differance between them I would hope not.   By the off chance they goofed up at the loading dock, well I guess they need to invest in some training or qaulity control on the shipping procedures.  I'm all for the honesty thing but how hard is it really to ensure someone is being sent the right item.  Sounds to me someone was too lazy to check the order papers and just sent whatever wherever  Being that it is Dicks dosen't surprise me.  I asked guy who was working in the hunting/fishing dept one time if they had the new curados that had just come out and he said yes pointing to the old models in the case.  

fishing user avatarluckyinkentucky reply : 

Karma always plays out in the end.  Always do the honest thing.  Even if it hurts.  

I would have called them, and told them about the mix up.  Some poor guy is probably going to get a hassle over the combo you were supposed to get.  Just because it will benefit you in the end doesn't make it right!   Someone will have to pay for that club.  Be it the company or whomever.  

Honest money never makes you feel like you have to ask questions if it is right or not!  If you have to ask or get reassurance then it probably isn't the honest thing to do.  

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

It may or may not be illegal, but that's not the question.  The question is: How much is your integrity worth?  50 bucks?

I would hope you hold yourself to a higher standard than that.

fishing user avatarmarcoman reply : 

Plus now they know that you posted it in a public forum! Ha Ha Ha!

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

The right thing to do is obviously to let them know about the problem.  Personally, seeing as how I'm a big Dick's customer and they've always treated me great, I'd probably let them know, and they'd probably give me some type of gift certificate.  However, if it were a crappy company that mistreated me, I'd definitely keep it.

Another consideration is that since Dick's is a huge company, they will not be affected by the mix-up.  If it were a little mom and pop store, there's no chance I would keep that putter.  There's probably also no chance that they would have made the mix-up.

By the way, what kind of putter was it?  A Scotty Cameron?

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
thats not illegal is it?

Well this lady got nailed for taking advantage of QVC's mistakes.

Not to the same degree as you did, but....

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
Another consideration is that since Dick's is a huge company, they will not be affected by the mix-up. If it were a little mom and pop store, there's no chance I would keep that putter.

So screw Dick's because they are a bigger store?  How does that logic work?  Dick's is affected in exactly the same manner as the mom and pop.  They are both out the difference between the cost of the two items.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I agree with Glenn.  

Probably not illegal, but definatley not ethical.

As my pop would say,  "You sold your soul for $50 bucks".

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Here's the thing,if he returns it are they gonna thank him for remailing it back?He's gonna have to wait 2-3 weeks then it gets ship the correct order.Honestly if they didn't give me a $10 gift card or something nice in return i'd be super ticked.I hate dealing with mix ups the store does because all you get is "oh i'm sorry blah,blah,blah" and go through all that hassle of trying to get and wait for the right item back.This is how stores lose it customers as well.

fishing user avatarA_Glenn_2 reply : 

I would of called them and said "hey you sent the wrong item" I have had it happen where they say dont worry about sending the first item back and they rushed shipped the item i ordered to start with.

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
Plus now they know that you posted it in a public forum! Ha Ha Ha!

Yep, that's was not very smart. ;D

Sooner or later they WILL find out about they're mistake.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
Probably not illegal,

It actually fits the legal definition of theft.

The actus reus of theft is usually defined as an unauthorised taking, keeping or using of another's property which must be accompanied by a mens rea of dishonesty and/or the intent to permanently deprive the owner or the person with rightful possession of that property or its use.

The item received was not the item authorized by the purchase.  The OP kept it and then sold it which would permanently deprive the owner (Dick's) of their rightful possession of the item.

Now this is speaking strictly in technicalities, is it likely that one would be charged with theft in this instance?  I don't think so.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 
Another consideration is that since Dick's is a huge company, they will not be affected by the mix-up. If it were a little mom and pop store, there's no chance I would keep that putter.

So screw Dick's because they are a bigger store? How does that logic work? Dick's is affected in exactly the same manner as the mom and pop. They are both out the difference between the cost of the two items.

I'm not saying this consideration justifies keeping the putter, but it's just a consideration, as I said.

And Dick's is not affected by $100 as much as a mom and pop store would be because they do exponentially more business.  100 bucks isn't even a blip on their radar.  Again, that doesn't justify anything, but it's just something to consider.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
And Dick's is not affected by $100 as much as a mom and pop store would be because they do exponentially more business. 100 bucks isn't even a blip on their radar. Again, that doesn't justify anything, but it's just something to consider.

You are correct in that Dick's is not affected by that singular $100 as much, but being a much larger chain the number of instances of this happening is going to be much larger (probably proportional to the difference in sales figures) than a mom and pop store selling over the internet.  This means that the problem as a whole will likely affect Dick's to the same extent as the mom and pop.

Anyways, I sound all high and mighty in this thread and I'm not sure that is what I intend.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Here's the thing,if he returns it are they gonna thank him for remailing it back?He's gonna have to wait 2-3 weeks then it gets ship the correct order.Honestly if they didn't give me a $10 gift card or something nice in return i'd be super ticked.I hate dealing with mix ups the store does because all you get is "oh i'm sorry blah,blah,blah" and go through all that hassle of trying to get and wait for the right item back.This is how stores lose it customers as well.

There is no reward for doing the right thing. You do the right thing because that is what is just and right. I even give back change when cashiers give me too much, I sleep with a clear head and their is no price on that.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 
This means that the problem as a whole will likely affect Dick's to the same extent as the mom and pop.

Maybe, but that's not the issue.  And the problem originated with them in the first place.  I doubt a mom and pop store would make that error.

Either way, we have another argument on our hands, as usual, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing.

The "right" thing to do is at least alert Dick's about the error.  I'm sure they'll be grateful (or at least act so), and I'd be very very surprised if they didn't compensate you in some way.  If you keep the putter and sell it, I that would be unethical.  I don't know if you're "selling your soul", as some people have said, but rest assured, it's the "wrong" thing to do.  It's not as bad as shoplifting, but it's still wrong.  I'm pretty sure your soul will remain intact though.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

There is no reward for doing the right thing. You do the right thing because that is what is just and right. I even give back change when cashiers give me too much, I sleep with a clear head and their is no price on that.

Yup, do it so you can sleep at night and even though it is a sweet deal now, but its only a matter of time before guilt sets in.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
I doubt a mom and pop store would make that error.

Why because they do not make mistakes?  They wouldn't accidently stick the wrong shipping label on the wrong box?  It seems like a fairly easy mistake to make.

The "right" thing to do is at least alert Dick's about the error. I'm sure they'll be grateful (or at least act so), and I'd be very very surprised if they didn't compensate you in some way. If you keep the putter and sell it, I that would be unethical. I don't know if you're "selling your soul", as some people have said, but rest assured, it's the "wrong" thing to do. It's not as bad as shoplifting, but it's still wrong. I'm pretty sure your soul will remain intact though.

And I agree with this.   ;)

fishing user avatar1fast68 reply : 

If you didn't think it was wrong....why did you post in the first place. Conscience already bothering you are is it just a sad form of bragging.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Look in the mirror and answer your own question. Can you really be bought for $50.00?

fishing user avatarBoett43 reply : 

the mojority of you want me to call them and thell them about THERE mistake then wait ATLEAST another 2-3 weeks for them to hopfully get order right..and i highly doubt that most of you would go threw that.  I was just trying to share a funny story and some of you go on to question my integrity? come on now have a laugh once and awhile ;)

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
the mojority of you want me to call them and thell them about THERE mistake then wait ATLEAST another 2-3 weeks for them to hopfully get order right..and i highly doubt that most of you would go threw that.

Doubt all you want, but I would wager that most everyone WOULD do what they said.  Next time I hit BPS I'll be handing back an LED clip on light that the cashier didn't charge me for.  Although hopefully they'll still sell it to me at the the sale price that I wanted to pay.

Sure Dick's made a mistake but I GUARANTEE that if the mistake was the other way and they just sent you a pack of sinkers, you'd be calling them up and demanding that they overnight your reel to you.  Don't you think they deserve the same?  Plus you don't even know if you would have to wait at all.  Chances are that they would ship you the reel priority and you'd get it MUCH faster than that.

I was just trying to share a funny story and some of you go on to question my integrity? come on now have a laugh once and awhile ;)

Laughing at breaking the law isn't something I do too often.  What can I say, I guess I'm just weird like that.  

fishing user avatarBoett43 reply : 

i didnt know paying for things was against the law? i mean the box had a recipit in it that said fishing combo soo someone must have seen a recipit for a fishing rod and put a GOLF club in instead theres no excuse

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

 Wrong is wrong and thats all there is to it. Now would I have done the same in your shoes.

Maybe. Would I have regreted it? Yep maybe not today or tomarow But the next time i got skunked in a tournament I'd blam the ill gotten rod and reel.... karma is a b!tch that way

just my .02


fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
i didnt know paying for things was against the law? i mean the box had a recipit in it that said fishing combo soo someone must have seen a recipit for a fishing rod and put a GOLF club in instead theres no excuse

Keeping something that you did not pay for is technically theft.  You paid for a reel and were shipped a golf club.  The club was not legally yours.  Read the definition I posted earlier, it's pretty clear.

In the real world would most people consider it theft?  Nope, but that's not the standard that I would live by.  My brother would've sold the club on eBay for more than $100 and laughed about it.  Just differences that we have.

fishing user avatarBoett43 reply : 

yeah people have different veiws on things and thats ok..didnt mean to get into an argument kinda thing with ya bud i respect that your honest enough to to the right thing in my situation but i aint that bad of a guy haha maybe if i use the money i got towards some family members christmas presents karma will skip me..thanks for everyones comments didnt mean to irritate anyone if i did

fishing user avatarclipper reply : 
It may or may not be illegal, but that's not the question. The question is: How much is your integrity worth? 50 bucks?

I would hope you hold yourself to a higher standard than that.

Good advice!

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

I don't think it's technically illegal.  You didn't perform a "five finger discount" and deliberately steal something so the culpability probably lies with the company.  My opinion, however,  is different on what your personal response ought to have been.  Even though Dicks is a big chain store, it's comprised of individuals.  It's easy to lose sight of this.  It's easy to say, "they won't miss it" or "it was their screwup.  Let them eat it" but whenever we do this, it breaks down our society and our morals just the same.  How would you like to hear "It's just one consumer, it won't matter in the grand scheme of things."  Well, it matters to you, the individual who had to earn that money, doesn't it?  You ought to make some attempt to return it.  If it becomes a hassle, then I'd wash my hands of it.

I'm not trying to give you a guilt trip.  I get tired of lines and being treated in an impersonal manner too.  And yes, sometimes I do feel like I'm getting gouged by corporate america.  But as individuals (which we all are when it comes right down to it), we have to try to behave in a manner in which we, our family, our community, and God would be proud.  (Patriotic music plays here).

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Would you want someone to do this to you???

fishing user avatarluckyinkentucky reply : 
yeah people have different veiws on things and thats ok..didnt mean to get into an argument kinda thing with ya bud i respect that your honest enough to to the right thing in my situation but i aint that bad of a guy haha maybe if i use the money i got towards some family members christmas presents karma will skip me..thanks for everyones comments didnt mean to irritate anyone if i did

Karma never skips anyone.  That's the funny thing about it.  It always hits you twice as bad as what you did to someone else.  Be it a $100 part on your car, a broken computer, or a hassle the next time you order online, it will always catch up with you.  You reap what you sow!  

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Coulda, shoulda, woulda...... :)

I would have let them know, but I sure as heck wouldn't have sent it back UNTIL they sent me my item, THE RIGHT ITEM!!! I can see them saying "Oh just attach tht return UPS slip and we'll make it right..." yeah right!! Don't be dishonest, but dont scre** yourself over either!!

Good luck!!!


fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

This thread needs to be lock,everything is said and done.

fishing user avatarmoby bass reply : 

One thing I didn't see mentioned was, what if, on the off chance, Dick's IS able to trace the shipment, contacts you, and asks you to return it. (Doubtful, but possible)  What do you do then?  You don't have the club in your possession and can't get it back. Do you lie, say you never received it, Do you pay for it?

Then you are out more money.  They have your credit card number, they could conceivably go ahead and charge you for it, then you would have to work that one out with your credit card company. The potential long term hassle just isn't worth it, IMHO.  

Oh, and, not preaching here, but right is right and always is. I deal with people and get a lot of orders for

photographs and recently had a guy bounce 2 checks on me. Not large amounts, but I was now out the cost of my product plus bank fees plus what I originally received as payment.  When I contacted him about payment (actually he ignored my requests but not the police) I received a nasty letter from him saying he couldn't understand why $16.00 was so important to me and how it wouldn't break me, yada yada yada.

If everybody felt that way, I'd be out of business.  Dick's is no less vulnerable.

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

A few years ago I took my last tow vehicle to a Best Buy store and had them install a JVC stereo and a Viper remote start. The kid at the register was new and some how the purchase did not get put on my credit card. At the time I didn't even look at the receipt that he gave me (it ended up being only a coupon or something of that nature). At first I was like "sweet I just got a new stereo and a remote start put in my truck for free". Then I thought about it from a different perspective. I ended up calling Best Buy and telling them of their mistake. The first Customer Service girl that I spoke with treated me

like the biggest idiot. Then I reitterated the fact that I was the idiot that has several hundred dollars worth of their products that I didn't pay for and that they even got installed for free in my truck. So who was the real idiot?

To make a long story short, after a half dozen calls to the local Best Buy store and a few more to their corporate office, I ended up never paying for the stuff I had. It was almost like they couldn't figure out

how to charge me so I finally gave up trying. I wasn't going to force them to take my money, but I sure tried.  

When I went to bed after that, I slept just fine knowing I tried to make it right.

JT Bagwell

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

You should have slept well, you did your part and tried that makes things right 8-)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

We can ALL laugh,.....but it's YOUR integrity we are talking about here.  Only YOU can assign that a value.  So far,....this thread shows that it's not very high.


fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

IMHO, as a consumer you should always have the advantage in a sale but there should be a line drawn when it comes to taking advantage of a retailer.  If a phone call had been made to the right people at Dick's, I would think they would have made the customer happy but in no way should this guy have to pay or loose anything to make up for someone elses mistake.  

It seems that if the right decision was made, then good morals would have been returned with good piece of mind and a good exchange from Dicks.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I've been visiting fishing message boards since 1999. I can't seem to recall ever seeing someone get torn to shreds like this.

"There's some people you just can't reach, which is what we have here today"

fishing user avatarHookMaster reply : 

this has happened to me a few times when I order online espically during the holiday seasons.  Sometimes I would recieve 2 of the same items and sometimes I would get something else.  So, I'd call the company and tell them situation and each time this happened they told me to keep the item and they would send me what I originally purchased.  My guess for this situation would probably be the same just because its the holidays but don't hold me to that.  

fishing user avatartntitans21399 reply : 

Hey whatever comes in the mail with your name on it means it's yours.  That Dicks Sporting Goods lost, they should have done better at shipping.


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