There was a discussion recently on reddit with some members stated that they believed that fishing as a sport was on the decline. I set up a straw poll that was posted to reddit to see exactly what age group everyone belongs to and someone suggested that I post that poll to these forums.
Thank you for participating!
Voted! 18-35 here.
The only problem with the accuracy of that poll will be the number of 50+ guys who don't spend anytime online. Instead of coming to this website, those old-timers hang out down at the dock or bait shop
On 10/7/2014 at 8:04 AM, RSM789 said:The only problem with the accuracy of that poll will be the number of 50+ guys who don't spend anytime online. Instead of coming to this website, those old-timers hang out down at the dock or bait shop
I was thinking the same thing...
I'm 27
On 10/7/2014 at 8:04 AM, RSM789 said:The only problem with the accuracy of that poll will be the number of 50+ guys who don't spend anytime online. Instead of coming to this website, those old-timers hang out down at the dock or bait shop
Hey! I'm 52 and on line. Lets not start lumping us all into the geriatric bunch. Old-timers. Sheese! Don't dig me a hole just yet. ................Just kidding.
On 10/7/2014 at 8:50 AM, starweldpro16 said:Hey! I'm 52 and on line. Lets not start lumping us all into the geriatric bunch. Old-timers. Sheese! Don't dig me a hole just yet.
................Just kidding.
Notice I said "those" old timers, I'm 51 and fighting to stay out of that group as well.
You can tell the real old-timers when they try to make a phone call using their depth finder.
% of 50+ using internet
Not every senior is electroniclly challenged, some of us can hold our. I probably have more electronic devices than he average guy, including a SonorPhone. I'm 68 btw.
Well over 50 and still have a passion for fishing.
I voted! 0-18!
I manage 4 Twitter, 3 Facebook and an Instagram account. I'm on many forums and have most of the latest tech gear. I'm in the 60-plus age bracket.
Because I'm in the outdoor communications industry, I'm probably an exception.
But studies show that more women and children are getting into fishing. Same growth in the shooting sports too. That is good
I'm 68, an avid fisherman, and a Moderator on these forums. Some of us old farts know a thing or two about the Internet and about bass fishing.
In the 18-35 group.
I'm 65,fished my first tournament since 1987,this past Sunday.
The only accurate way to determine if fishing is on the rise or decline is to review long term trends for license sales. If you are still concerned about age, you can look at states such as Michigan that offer senior citizens a reduced license fee and are accounted for in that manner.
On 10/7/2014 at 10:29 AM, BasshunterJGH said:I voted! 0-18!
On 10/7/2014 at 8:04 AM, RSM789 said:The only problem with the accuracy of that poll will be the number of 50+ guys who don't spend anytime online. Instead of coming to this website, those old-timers hang out down at the dock or bait shop
Yeah well, I guess us 60+ guys who log on too, just have own priorities straight
I would like to vote, but am too old to understand the complexities of the internet.
Team Depends...Represent!
Team Pampers... You will be there soon enough.
After about 200 votes, there seems to be a pretty decent bell curve with about 60% of the people in the 18-35 age group, and the rest is split pretty evenly among those that are younger than 18 and those who are older than 35.
As many of you have remarked, the survey could be flawed assuming a greater percentage of younger fisherman participated in the survey as opposed to the older generation which may not be as present online. However I can only conclude that fishing as sport seems to be in a pretty good place right now with a decent future. Not to mention that many of the anglers in the 18 to 35 group may be parents with young children (it is my case) and are likely to introduce the sport to their children when they come of age.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in this little survey!
Hello ? Hello? I never can get a dial tone on this thing. 56 years young
I'm 62 and still fishing as often as I can get out. I'm not planning on slowing down anytime soon either.
Looking good for the future of our sport!! 0-35 is the majority
I'm 69, most of my fishing friends are in the same age group or older. Like me they fish 7 days a week year round, I'm not sure they even know what a fishing forum is.
I'm pretty young, but I've been fishing for so long, sometimes I feel like I relate to the old timers better.
On 10/7/2014 at 8:04 AM, RSM789 said:The only problem with the accuracy of that poll will be the number of 50+ guys who don't spend anytime online. Instead of coming to this website, those old-timers hang out down at the dock or bait shop
I know this was meant to be a joke and I know that as a general rule older people are less technically savvy than younger people. However, one needs to be careful how he or she phrases such sentiments as you never know when you are in the presence of someone older who might be able to put your "technical" knowledge to shame.
At age 53, I'm at the highest level in my profession as a network engineer and earn quite a high salary as does my wife who is a SAN engineer. I design and configure converged voice, video, and data networks from the ground up for very large corporations, national and international. I also program call center scripting. I congratulate those of you who use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, forums, etc on your knowledge of how to navigate social websites.
Below is my LinkedIn profile if you want to see my credentials.
I also program call center scripting.
Avaya? Aspect? Other?
On 10/8/2014 at 12:39 AM, J Francho said:Avaya? Aspect? Other?
Cisco. Jon, you and I discussed this a while back in a PM. I recall that your area of expertise is call center analytics, correct?
Yeah, that's right. I'm in a new job - Business Intelligence Architect. I'm building the entire data analysis suite for a mid size health care administration company's new participant management application. Lots of SQL, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, ASP.NET, etc. Pretty cool, since it's from the ground up.
In others words, I turn reams of data into pretty pictures on the web so an MBA can "read" it., LOL.
So . . . . I want to apologize about the way my initial post above may have come across. I have a decent level of intelligence but I am not the sharpest tool in the barn. Like my fishing skills, I have had to spend a great deal of time and effort to reach the level I have reached in my career. It didn't come easily. My main point was about the dangers inherent in stereotyping any group of people, so I apologize if I came across as an arrogant cad.
I did respond to the survey, btw,
I just checked in. At age 53, I was surprised to see how few of us "experienced" guys are hanging around here. ;-)
Tight lines,
<--------- 40
I will be 80 in January and still fish once a week. Getting harder and harder to fish during the Florida Summers. I have always been into electronics and have a LAN, Digital Storm gaming computer, two printers, a tablet and a smart phone. I keep my neighbors computers running. Up until two years ago I managed the largest Fly Fishing Forum in the states and I am still an administrator.
Been fishing since I was six years old.
50+ here. I have been messing around with computers since 1986. I love new electronic gizmos.
On 10/8/2014 at 3:06 AM, senile1 said:So . . . . I want to apologize about the way my initial post above may have come across. I have a decent level of intelligence but I am not the sharpest tool in the barn. Like my fishing skills, I have had to spend a great deal of time and effort to reach the level I have reached in my career. It didn't come easily. My main point was about the dangers inherent in stereotyping any group of people, so I apologize if I came across as an arrogant cad.
I did respond to the survey, btw,
Darn it, you had to go and be nice just as I was about to respond to your other message. I had a couple of zingers to use as well, I really hate to let them go to waste. The best one was I was going to let you know that we are basically the same age (I'm 51) and am also in a technical field. I own a home theater company and am out in the field on installations 4-5 days a week, hands on. In other words, I spend a lot of time fixing the mistakes that engineers make when designing products .
I think you may have misunderstood my initial post, that you didn't see the circuit board for the transistors. The point wasn't that those over 50 couldn't be technically proficient, but rather that they choose not to. I am in peoples homes everyday and can testify that the older a person is, the lower the interest (not ability) in using technical social mediums such as this forum. It would be exactly the reverse if that poll was in a newspaper. Since very few people under the age of 35 even read a paper, the results would be skewed towards the older crowd. It's not that younger people can't read, its just that the newspaper is not their delivery system of choice.
The 50's is probably not the right breaking point for less use of technology, for you & I went through our teen years at a time that Asteroids & Space Invaders were group entertainment. It is those who are about a decade older, the folks whose first introduction to computers was programming with punch cards, that really have less interest (as a group) in current technology. Those are the people who try to print out a Youtube Video
Just turned 60 last July and made myself a promise to fish more while blowing out the candles to fish more touraments and more often. I started at the ripe old age of 10 (late bloomer), caught my frist bass at 12, own my frist boat at 12 1/2 been a junky ever since. now 13 boats and several $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ later I still get excided about not only a tournament but also a great day on the water.
Ah... Punch cards. I'll have to tell you a good story about the chads (little pieces of card stock punched out of the cards, for those of you from a different decade) someday. It's related to my college days. (And it's not about the counting of votes in Florida in a presidential election.)
I'm not a programmer/technical whiz as some of you are. My expertise is in desk top publishing.
Punch cards or as we referred to them as "tab cards" is what put me into the scrap business. Back in '73 manila tabs were worth about about $250 per short ton, mill price.
I get a kick out of how fast the subject of an original posting can go to heck. It seems like the guys that "claim" to be more intelligent than anyone else have to brag about it and can't just put a little check mark in a block and let it go at that.
But, it's more amusing to read than the news.
On 10/7/2014 at 8:50 AM, starweldpro16 said:Hey! I'm 52 and on line. Lets not start lumping us all into the geriatric bunch. Old-timers. Sheese! Don't dig me a hole just yet.
................Just kidding.
I'm 36 and would rather be hanging with the old timers at the bait shop, but they're all at home browsing Bass Resource
On 10/9/2014 at 12:25 PM, Snakehead Whisperer said:I'm 36 and would rather be hanging with the old timers at the bait shop, but they're all at home browsing Bass Resource
This IS the place to be for the latest in Bass fishing knowledge.
I gotta quit hanging out here. In all likely hood I'll be at Cabelas sometime this weekend or next. There is a little in the old "Fun money" jar again. Reward points spoiling and in need of redemption. All you young bucks here with your fancy cutting edge equipment. Posting pics and stories. My 25 and 30 year old Shimanos just aren't cutting it. NEED MORE STUFF! A co-worker looked over my shoulder while I was looking at an old Cabelas "Fishing: catalog. He asked if I had one of each color and model of crankbaits yet. I said "He!! no!" "Only have like 250 total in the boat right now." Said I was "Nuts",and walked away. Is that possible? "Nuts?" I prefer to think of it as more of an idiosyncrasy. Maybe an illness. Nuts. That was rude wasn't it?
On 10/7/2014 at 8:04 AM, RSM789 said:The only problem with the accuracy of that poll will be the number of 50+ guys who don't spend anytime online. Instead of coming to this website, those old-timers hang out down at the dock or bait shop
Old timers!!!!!!!! I have used computers since the early 80s and can't see how we lived without them.
I maybe an oldtimer, but in 631 days I will be a free-timer. I am gonna quit at 65 and I have boxes and boxes of lures which I have been saving up for my water-time.
On 10/7/2014 at 8:04 AM, RSM789 said:The only problem with the accuracy of that poll will be the number of 50+ guys who don't spend anytime online. Instead of coming to this website, those old-timers hang out down at the dock or bait shop
62 and I am here!
16 !!! Booyah!!!
I'm 71 years young and am somewhat proficient in computer related technical fields. I was a Senior Software Engineer for 20 years. I worked in an MIS Group as a Billing Programmer (turning operating system generated log records into dollars and reports for MBA types) and in a Software Development Group (much more excitingthan MIS). It is amazing how technology has progressed in the last 25 years. My first PC didn't even have a hard drive! The laptops of today have more disk space, memory and faster processors than the mainframes of 20 years ago. And they do it taking up 1/1000th the space without the need for a controlled environment.
Many people in the younger age groups are more proficient than I playing video games and such. But I would rather spend my time doing something more useful - like fishing!