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***BR Elite-January 2008 ALPSTER*** 2024

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I had the pleasure of meeting Alpster for the first time at the 2nd annual BassResource road trip.  Ronnie was one of the volunteer cooks on that trip, cooking for the entire BR posse.  

That's the kind of guy he is.

The second time I met Ronnie, he drove up to RI and spent the night at my place so he could fish in 35 degree weather just to support our CAST For Kids program here in RI.

I guess that's the kind of guy he is.

Ronnie always offers non judgmental, straight up advice for our members.  He participates in all our endeavors and does anything he can to help.  You know Ronnie is at the front of the line when the "I need help" bell rings. When we asked Ronnie to help out as coordinator for the G-ville trip, he went and built an entire website, strictly as a resource for the members and attendees.

This, the kind of guy he is.

It's no surprise then, that his generosity overflows into his community.   One such way is his "Shop" work with kids of all ages, teaching skills that can further them in life.  When we decided to do these profiles, we knew we needed someone special for the first one as it will set the tone for profiles to come.  Alpster was the natural fit.

so with that, I give you our first BR Elite for the 2008 season Ronnie Van Huss, aka Alpster!!!



First OFF!!!!!!

I am very humbled by this gesture and I can quickly think of many members who are way more interesting than I am. I really am floored by this. I hope you guys know that I can never give back to the board, what it gives to me every day. This is kind of like the the 'ugly duckling' winning the beauty contest.   Smiley

I have done my best to answer your survey and I hope you understand that I cannot disconnect who I am from what I believe spiritually. You, Glen, RW, and 5BLhave my complete trust and permission to edit my response as you see fit to benefit the members of the forums. Thank you for this honor, I really don't know what to say.....(no edits :) )


Name: Ronnie Van Huss

age: 51

city/state: Farmingdale, NJ

Occupation:  I have my own business as a Licensed Land Surveyor and also serve as a part time church pastor.

Schooling: =2 years as a music student at Southeastern Louisiana University

yrs fishing: 50 (as long as I can remember)

preferred style (describe a typical, quality day) I have caught enough dinks in my years that I get skunked a lot targeting bigger fish.  Hitting the stick-ups at dawn with a Jitterbug or buzzbait and later in the morning switching to a texas rigged plastic worm (see fav bait below) fishing very slowly in the thickest cover of my honey holes' I tend to fish every inch and not move around much. I love pitching heavy jigs with big pork trailers into nasty cover. My three PB LM came from this technique.


Fav food:      I never met a PIG I didn't like. Pork anyway you want to serve it. LOL

Fav movie:      This is toughMaybe the Karate Kid love to see a kid get his butt kicked (repeatedly) by life and come out a winner in the end just because he just did all the right things.

Fav quote: hehehe.. it's cleverly hidden in my sig line from the bible -Proverbs 15:33 The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor.

Fav bait :       7 1/2 black shad Culprit' worm T-rigged with an un-pegged bullet. Caught more bass on this than all other baits combined, but I fish it a LOT.

Fav set up (rod/reel): this changes from time to time but now, G.Loomis MBR844C spiral wrapped custom rod with Shimano 50Mg reel.

Fav lake: in my area, Manasquan Reservoir one of the best LM SM and Hybrid lakes in the state. BTW I can have my boat in the water in about 10 minutes from my house, a big plus.

Fav hobbies other than fishing: Rod building, fly tying, touring Motorcycles (Iron Butt Certification #31633) welding/metal crafting, knife smithing, etc. etc.

10 People you respect and/or admire

1.      Jesus Christ I love and worship Him because He loves me more than anyone and took my penalty on Himself.

2.      Juanita most amazing human I have ever known! My awesome wife of 22 years until she went to heaven in 2001.

3.      My daughters, Veronica & Stephanie the most precious gifts I have.

4.      Charlie Ray (youth pastor at my church in LA married my wife & I) convinced me to go to college, helped me produce my record album and still a dear friend.

5.      Tony Pierson, a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

6.      Stoney Douthitt, another friend who sticks closer than a brother.

7.      Chuck Carter, another friend who sticks closer than a brother.

8.      Bull Dawg & company from Catscade

9.      Dominick (Muddy Man) you already know why.

10.      The Staff of

The people I respect and admire most are not celebrities and you won't even know most of them, but they are the ones who have sacrificed all or a part of their own life for my sake. I know who they are and I know they are the real deal.

turn ons:      Planning an awesome fishing or MC trip. Seeing the little guy win, seeing my daughters excel, seeing someone come to know the Lord.

Turn offs:       nasty weather, nasty weather, political correctness, nasty weather.

Aspirations: to leave a lasting legacy, that honors the Lord and helps the people He has trusted me with.


What are some of the major factors that have effected your life.  A brief history to help us understand the road you traveled to become the person you are today.  Please include influences.

I was born in San Angelo, TX and grew up in South Louisiana. My dad was a concrete contractor and my parents moved a lot and it was tough for a kid to move 2-3 times a year. Fishing was one of the miracles that helped this young kid maintain his sanity in those days. Louisiana really was the Sportsman's Paradise when I was a kid. Used to be able to walk down to the pipe line canals in Plaquemines parish, with a shad rig, a popping cork and a few pieces of raw shrimp and catch redfish and speckled trout until your arms were tired or the ice box was full.

Later my family moved to Atlanta. I fell in with some bad dudes and got myself into a mess. Family sucked, no one I could really count on, drugs, teen hormones, you name it. I spent two years as an in-patient at Georgia Mental Health Institute (yep, that was a mental hospital). They did everything for me they could clinically. I can't tell this story without a word about John (not sure I should share his last name) owner of Clarkston Bike & Mower in Clarkston, GA (big clue if you knew him) where I lived after leaving the mental hospital. John took in a pitiful kid without a clue, gave me a job and he taught me how to repair small engines, rebuild bicycles, and a lot about life. His nickname for me was Looney' because of the mental hospital, gosh I loved that old man. Half of his shop was a bait & tackle shop, he repaired reels, fixed rods and sold live bait. He was the ReelMech of 1970 in GA. LOL I owe a lot to John.

Just before I left Atlanta at age 18, I was introduced to Jesus Christ. A hopeless kid with a wasted life, finally had a purpose and hope. I moved back to the New Orleans area and fell in with some awesome folks at the Williams Blvd. Church in Kenner. Several of their names are listed above in most admired.

OK - This is where I jam 30 years into a single paragraph. I had learned to play the guitar from a music therapist in the mental hospital and went on to be a classical guitar major at SLU. I recorded a contemporary Christian music album in 1979 with a dear friend from college. Married my awesome wife in 1980, lived in a school bus (with no running water or phone) for 3 years while building a house. The oil collapse of the middle 80s and the subsequent unemployment, forced me to lose my house and move to New Jersey not long after my first daughter was born. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis in 1988. my youngest daughter was born in 1992. My wife, daughters & I worked to help build a church in Howell NJ which still employs me as a part time pastor/elder. My wife died with brain cancer in 2001. One of the most Godly women ever, I miss her everyday. She lives on in heaven and in the legacy she left in my daughters. They are just like her and bring me joy in a fashion that is hard to describe. I am thankful to God that I have everything I need and most everything I want because of God's grace. People ask me often "how ya doin?" and my response is always the same....." if I was any better, I don't think I could stand it". LOL

God bless you all!

That's my story FWIW.

Ronnie cooking up a storm in Texas


Hail, Hail, the gangs all here!!

Flechero, Alpster, Muddy Man, Roadwarrior, RiskKid, Brutus


Thank You Alpster for all you do and for  setting such a great example.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Always a spot in my driveway for the Bass Bus.  ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

GOOD CHOICE and a GREAT MAN! He also can drive long hours listening to great music and tolerating bad jokes and the ocassional odor! Without him, Fork would not have been possible.

Ronnie also runs several youth programs in his church, one in particular was featured here a while ago dealing with a wood working shop. The man built a rod for me, because he said he had an extra blank 8-)

I know form other members in need, they always say " Yea I just spoke to Russ and Ronnie"

HEY RONNIE you forgot one f your favorite quotes>>>>>>>>>


Thank you for what you do for all of us here and on the Planet.


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Oh Man,...How could I forget the Bass Bus??!!??

Ronnie, put the word out that the bass bus would be making it's way south to Lake fork for the annual roadtrip and offered ro share the ride and cost with other members, making it possible for more guys to afford to go.  Top notch!!

(Did the same thing again this yr too!!)

fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 

Simply put it is an honor to know and call such a fine gentleman my friend.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

^^^ That's all of us giving you a round of applause! ^^^

You are well deserving of being the very first ever BR Elite member. We appreciate you hangin' around here, totin' people around in the Bass Bus, putting up with muddy and sharing all the knowledge! Congrats Ronnie! Keep on keepin' on.....


fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

Although I have never had the pleasure of meeting Ronnie I fell he is the perfect candidate.  Giving is something that seems to come first hand and anytime I read one of his posts I always feel like I need to give more of myself and become a better person, because he shows that it is possible.  

I also have never seen any judgemental or biased posts and that is something that can be hard to do when being a normal contributer.  

Either way congrats Ronnie and you are truly the type of person I try to be, but have a long way to go ;)

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Congrats Ronnie.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I also have never seen any judgemental or biased posts and that is something that can be hard to do when being a normal contributer.  

Great point.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

i have never met ronnie, but i know he is a great guy from dealing with him on here during my custom rod build he did for me...out of the goodness of his heart i guess...he built me a rod and didnt charge me a nickel for his time!!  what a guy...congrats!!!


fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

congrats ronnie :)

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

You truly are an inspiration!!!!!

Another story of Alpster's kindness ....

Last year in the early spring I started looking into getting into rod building.  I posted a pretty basic question in the Tacklemaking section on here.  Seems like with in minutes I had a PM from Alpster asking for my address and said that he had some stuff for me to get me started in my rod making endeavors.  Pssssshhhhhhh!!!!  It was far more than a "starter's kit" :o ....... thread, brushes, tape measure, guides, mixing cups, a grip set up, etc, etc etc.  Unbelievable!!!!

Unfortunately life happens and I haven't had too much spare time or extra $$$ to start building rods.  I haven't even bought any fishing gear, besides the occasional bag of plastics or hooks, in almost a year.  Hopefully I will get some free time and spare $$$ this summer (next winter for sure) and start building some rods.  I already have some ideas on how to "Pay It Forward".  I think that's the only thing to do.

Thanks again for your kindness :)

fishing user avatarflippincrazy reply : 

I have only been around this forum for a few months, but I am simply blown away by the people here. Everybody seems to care about everyone  else's success so much. The post's of different members generosities and helpfulness seems to go on forever. I know we all love bass fishing, but I know that we all value something more than just fishing and we are the kinda people that make the world a better place. I am thankful that I can be a part of something that has so many people doing such great things. Ronnie your an inspiration to us all and I hope I have the pleasure of meeting you someday.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Oh man,

I was all set to roast the dude,

but you had to go and pick Ronnie Alpster.

Not fair guys.  Just too righteous a human being to burn.

Well,  I guess I could say something about how he builds rods

with the guides lined up as straight as a drunk on Saturday night,

but then again it's not nice to make fun of old people.

We love you Ronnie.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Great first choice.

Congrats Ronnie.


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

This says it all.  After explaining some of his trials and tribulations, he follows with this quote...

"People ask me often "how ya doin?" and my response is always the same....." if I was any better, I don't think I could stand it". LOL"

It's that kind of "Chin up" attitude that makes Ronnie such a great role model and a perfect candidate to be featured here.

You're a fine example of humility, generosity and perseverance,  You are,.......................ELITE.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Hey Ron  

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Alpster- If you could do me one favor, please show this to your girls per my request.  

It's important for your kids to know that the example they have been following is held in such high regard.  

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 


We've never met, however after reading your posts everyday it's not difficult to see you're a very special person and well deserving of this honor.

God Bless,


fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

I met Ronnie briefly at the Cast for kids ice out tournament up here in R.I. last spring. Within the first minute of meeting him we were chatting like old friends....long enough that I had tied up the boat ramp, because I forgot that my F150 was still sitting there! ;D


fishing user avatarbigdog reply : 

Congrats. Alpster you are truly an elite man.And knowing this you have my vote for hopefully soon the first BR member in the soon to be BR hall of fame..

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Definately a great choice to lead off with.

A very deserving indivudual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

CONGRAGULATIONS   ALPSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarHookemdown. reply : 

I leave the forum for a few days and this happens. ;)  Congrats Ronnie, you are a true inspiration to us all.  I wish I could meet you some day.

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 
I have only been around this forum for a few months, but I am simply blown away by the people here. Everybody seems to care about everyone  else's success so much. The post's of different members generosities and helpfulness seems to go on forever. I know we all love bass fishing, but I know that we all value something more than just fishing and we are the kinda people that make the world a better place. I am thankful that I can be a part of something that has so many people doing such great things. Ronnie your an inspiration to us all and I hope I have the pleasure of meeting you someday.

X10 - this is the most incredible group that I have even seen assembled...

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

There certainly isn't a better guy here!!  Ronnie is the real deal.  Great memories from Fork... and he's a pretty good cook, too!!  ;)

My hat is off to you, Ronnie!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I've never had the pleasure of meeting Ronnie in person, but I feel like I've known him for a long time.

I was not aware of Alpster's generous undertakings, but was always aware of his quick wit,

his non-judgmental contributions to the forum and his unique humility.

I have to tell you, it also pleases me to see so many members who recognize and appreciate fine human traits,

that in itself is very enlightening.


fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Congrats Ronnie!

From all that I've read and heard about (Muddy and the rest of the gang at Cabelas today talked about this), as many have already said, there is no one more deserving! Sorry you couldn't make it to Cabelas today! Hope you feel better soon!!!!!  

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

Yeah, but who is the geek with the Mets shirt on?  ;D

What an inspiration!  Ronnie is a great guy on and off the water!  A big congratulations to you!

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Ronnie, any man who could have put up with Muddy and Ron during the drive down to Fork last year is OK in my books.  Did you wear a gas mask?   ;)

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I had the pleasure of meeting Ronnie last year at Fork, and have spoke with him on the phone a few times since.  He's every bit of what everyone here says he is, and more.  I also have one of his custom rods, and boy what a GEM!

Congrats to you Ronnie!  My hat's off to you!

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I have not YET had the chance to meet Ronnie, but have spoken to him on the phone a few times and enjoyed countless posts of his on here.

You are truly an asset to the people you touch and I cannot wait for the drive to and from Alabama in March with you.

After reading your quote, I am pretty sure you have some "honor" coming your way because you definitely have the "humility" part of it, and then some.

Congrats to you, great selection by the staff.


fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

Congrats man.  Ronnie is one of the guys that gave me tips when I was trying to lock down some techniques.  The man knows his stuff.

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

Congrats Ronnie. Nice to see another brother in Christ on this board.

I too work with the youth in my church and it is a very rewarding experience. Dedicating your life to Christ and following Him and His two greatest commands is what it's all about. Sounds like you are really living that life. God Bless.

fishing user avatarLooksLikeSinbad reply : 

Wow, that is an amazing story! Thanks for sharing it with us. :)

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Sounds like my kind of guy!!!

Love of God, love of family, love of others in need (and not so much) and LOVE OF BASS FISHING!!!

A well rounded gent no doubt!!

Congratulations Ronnie!!!


fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

congrats ronnie!

we've yet to meet, but march 23rd isn't too far off!

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

I'm really not a big fan of this whole "Elite Member" concept, BUT if you keep picking guys like Alpster, I might change my mind.


Congrats Alpster, this honor could not have gone to a more deserving member!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Mr. Ronnie Van Huss,

You are a person who exemplifies what I call, "A good man".


-Kent  a.k.a. roadwarrior


fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

Top Notch. Congrats Alpster!

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Could not happen to a better person.  I look forward to the day I meet you in person.  

Thanks for being the individual that you are.  God Bless you Ronnie!

fishing user avatarmjhutch1116 reply : 

Congrats Ronnie

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I've been away awhile so I was looking at the threads from the last couple of weeks and I saw this.  I have to say that you guys made a hell of a choice in Alpster.  What a guy!  Belated congratulations, Alpster!

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Don't know how I missed this thread. Many congratulations sir. I honestly am not a bit surprised on the choice. I have never met you but I'm really looking forward to it on the trip in March. Thanks for all the help and sound advice you have given to me in the past year. You're one of a kind Ronnie!


fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

Congrats to possibly one of the 5 greatest guys on this planet. Ronnie it is truly a pleasure to know you and i cant wait to see ya again at Kentucky Lake.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

He hasnt been around much, but I think it would be good for some of the newer members to read about Ronnie.

Hope to see you next year Ronnie.

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

This thread is permanent in the Everything section.     Top of the Page, maybe they should marry the two in the same section.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
This thread is permanent in the Everything section. Top of the Page, maybe they should marry the two in the same section.

I know but.....

Matt, you know as well as I do that people pay little attention to the headlines at the top.

Just putting one of the "good guys" out there for the new members to see...


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