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How Many Of You Actually Use Lunar Info? 2024

fishing user avatarmddrew88 reply : 

Pretty straight forward question, how many of you experienced anglers actually check the lunar cycle before heading out? Does it affect any of your tactics or willingness to go out that particular day?


I ask because I've been using the fishing report and thus far I haven't noticed any real benefit. For example, this is my outlook for tomorrow:

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I'm aware of the moon's but it doesn't control my fishing.

The best time to go fishing is any time you can go ;)

fishing user avatarHattrick7 reply : 

I heard about that and I've tried it but I'm starting to think its a bunch of baloney.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Pure science is always changing with new information and solunar tables are not purely scientific.

What isn't in question is the moons affect on waterways like tides. Tidal cycles are a primary factor for the aquatic lives living in tidal waterways, ocean coastal zones.

The full moon has a long documented history on the behavior of animals. Putting the two factors together, tidal and moon phase = lunar tables. You can ignor the behavior patterns of animals and the tidal affects on aquatic life and go fishing or take advantage, it's a choice.

During pre spawn through spawn I keep tabs on lunar cycles and weather that affects water temps and spawning behavior. During summer nights I also keep tabs on lunar cycles. I prefer the 2 days surrounding the full moon and max/min tidal cycles and try to be on the water during those high % time periods.

The bottom line is;.go fishing whenever the opportunity is available.


fishing user avatarAJMichigan reply : 

I have an app on my windows phone called "Time To Fish." It shows me the best days/specific times to fish according to the lunar cycle and it's usually pretty spot on.

fishing user avatarQUAKEnSHAKE reply : 

Ive looked at the tables on occasion after I caught a good bass that particular day and found it was caught during the "poor" time to fish, go figure. My PB was during "poor" time.


I just looked and for 8/22/13 two seperate sites give differing "peak" time periods so which one to follow??? 11:13am-1:43pm  or  2:20pm-4:20pm. The good thing is the rain should end around 9 here so head out then will be out fishing during both time periods.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I'm going fishing every morning.   I always do my homework before I leave the house, the moonphase is not part of that homework.  Making saltwater my first venue of the day I check tides, wind direction, surf height and direction and the weather forecast.  Based on that information I select my target species, location I want to fish, clothing, and rods and reels, the lures are pretty constant and I probably don't use more than 4 or 5 different ones.  I don't log anything, the conditions today are never exactly what they were 365 days ago, but I have a pretty good mental log on when certain fish should be arriving.  All said, probably have done better on the new moon and not the full.  No bearing on what I'm doing but both the new and full moon creates faster water current and the low tide is lower and high tide is higher, this is most noticeable in November. 

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

Most people have limited time to fish and wouldn't care if the moon flew away. :grin:

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Never use it.  I go fishing whether the moon is up or down.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

I believe that the predator instinct is much stronger than the lunar influence.  And that would also support the fact that good fisherman catch fish regardless of moon phase and height.


The lunar charts don't say anything about you being in the right place, using the right baits or knowing what to do that day.  Just because a fish might be a little more willing to feed, doesn't mean he'll eat your lure!


Worry about & work on the things you can influence, and you'll be a much better fisherman.

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

From my experience there are a couple "times" during the day when the bit seems to turn on.  Not that you can't catch fish all day but a morning and mid day bite that noticably increases.  I think they would follow the Prime times lunar info.  Also night fishing on a new moon is much better than a full moon although that has to do with the ability of the fish to hunt it's pray rather than gravitational influences.  That said, I get out every chance I get regardless of lunar influences.  Just my humble two cents worth.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

During the warmer months, the majority of my time on the water is at night. 

The moon plays an obvious role here; light.

I do believe that when combined with other conditions, certain lunar phases have the potential to produce better than others.

I've found that some bodies of water fish better on dark nights and others do well with some lunar light present.

Full moon / bright nights have rarely been especially productive for me. 

However, nights with a full or near full moon that is partially or better yet, completely obscured by cloud cover, have often been some of the best producers for both numbers and size of green and brown bass.

Moon rise/sets have often produced well, even if I couldn't actually see it.

So although I do fish when I can, I'm especially excited during certain lunar phases.



fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I have never paid any attention to it.  I go when i can and every chance I get. 

fishing user avatarmddrew88 reply : 
Had some luck this morning despite the lunar calendar. 3 bass, 2 silver crappie. My bro caught 2 as well. Best fishing I've had in a few months now, must have been the swimbaits that got their attention. :)




2lb 7oz LM bass

8 22 13 bass

8 22 13 bass2

8 22 13 bass 3

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Don't know what it was 45 minutes before sunrise this morning, caught 4 snook one after another, one 17-20#, first snook in about a week.  Sun comes up and caught about 15 blue runners, but they have been around all week. 

fishing user avatar38 Super Fan reply : 

I fish whenever I get the chance, but I have noticed that I seem to catch bigger fish around the full and new moons. My PB smallie and Spot were both caught on "excellent" rated days, so were most of the big Largemouths I've caught. My personal experience says there is a little something to the lunar cycle.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Don´t count me in.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

I pay attention to it, sometimes it's on, sometimes it's off. Things like fronts, water level, also play into the catch factor.


Been out sometimes when all the charts said was the worst time, but I had a great outing. So I'm tuned in, but it doesn't dictate what I do.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

The majority of my outings aren't planned, I just go. When I do plan a trip or for a one day outing that involves a good amount of driving, I plan it around either a new or full moon.  Over the years, I have more confidence in being able to catch active fish under those two phases.  The fish aren't always cooperative, as we all know there are a lot of other factors to consider, but this is the only one that is predictable so it's the first one I consider.

fishing user avatarTeam9nine reply : 

Check the moon phase around the pre-spawn/spawn time to get an idea of if/when the bass or gills might be moving to beds (full/new moon), but otherwise never pay attention any other time. 



fishing user avatarTiNuts reply : 

In my experience it has been accurate some times and not relevant at others. I've watched the fishing activity pick up as the peak hours came on and then rapidly drop off as they expired. I've been out at night on full moons and not caught a thing. I've caught fish during the worst hours of the worst days.

I did go out the other day during the peak hours of the full moon in the afternoon and had the best fishing I've ever had at this place. It did quickly die off as the peak hours passed.

It's just another tool amongst many.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 
  On 8/22/2013 at 11:31 AM, Catt said:

I'm aware of the moon's but it doesn't control my fishing.

The best time to go fishing is any time you can go ;)


fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

I go fishing when I can take the time.  However, I do check the tide on the St. John's River to help me decide where I will fish that day.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

It's interesting to read back through this thread; vast majority ignor solunar tables or disregard them.

Doug Hannon, the late Bass professor believed in his tables, I developed my Cosmic Clock and Bass Behavior prior to Hannon and based on Lunar-solar affects. Between Doug and I, we have caught hundreds of DD LMB.....maybe you all should rethink how you approach your time on the water!


fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 9:55 AM, WRB said:

It's interesting to read back through this thread; vast majority ignor solunar tables or disregard them.

Doug Hannon, the late Bass professor believed in his tables, I developed my Cosmic Clock and Bass Behavior prior to Hannon and based on Lunar-solar affects. Between Doug and I, we have caught hundreds of DD LMB.....maybe you all should rethink how you approach your time on the water!


Nah ~ There's no need of that Tom. 


Everybody knows that them darn Lunar Tables are just unreliable (cough, cough)


btw, I'm heading out now, moonrise was at 9:03 PM and will set at 9:51 tomorrow morning. 

Illumination will be at 97.9% at 42.1 degrees. 


But that stuff is just hog wash anyway.





fishing user avatarmddrew88 reply : 

I assume it would make a lot more sense to use lunar info if I were fishing on a lake or larger body of water instead of a pond. Right? Wrong?

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Here is the real deal; you can catch active bass and can't catch inactive bass. IF you could predict when the bass would be actively feeding, would you ignor that prediction?

There is no doubt in my mind that during pre spawn big bass are more active the days around the full moon and followed by the days around the new moon. The active periods coincide when the moon is at mid point (high noon) on the horizon, the sun near the horizon (within 30 degrees). These periods are short time periods,, you need to be where the bass are located, using the right lure at the right depth. Put all this together and your odds go dramatically.


PS; your odds of catching bass on the water are 100% better than mine writing this setting on my arsh!

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Sorry Tom ;)

1 1/2 hours prior to & 1 1/2 hours after the rise, set, directly over head, and directly under foot.

That's your major & minor periods as per Poor Richard's Almanac.

It does not take into consideration weather, season, water conditions, pre-spawn, spawn, post spawn and many other factors.

Oh yea without Mr. Hannon I've caught 30+ DD bass under numerous moon phases.

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

What is the science behind the moon effecting eating pattern? Can the bass see the moon? Does the moon make the bass feel funny? I eat everyday, and i assume most fish eat when they get an opportunity otherwise they will die. Do i like going fishing when its suppose to be a good moon? Yes , because it gives a little more confidence. Do i think it plays a major role in catching fish? No.  

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

IMO it's more about location than the moon. The biggest fish of any species are caught in places where they have more of them, increasing your chances.  Using a DD bass as a reference as to what a large fish is doesn't cut it. How many DD bass could I catch in Ontario, Canada compared to Ca., Tx, or Fl.?  Most of the better fish are usually caught in the best fisheries.

fishing user avatarTuckahoe Joe reply : 

I didn't feel like reading all the other responses so sorry if this has already been said.  Sometimes I'll check the lunar forecast before I go out (mainly using as well) but I've never really noticed any accuracy to it.  I've had it say the fishing is going to be slow and caught plenty of fish and I've had it say the fishing is going to be excellent and come up empty.  I don't use it to dictate whether I fish or not.  If I have the time and I wanna fish, I fish.  Sometimes when I get back, I'll look at the lunar chart and compare it to how I did just for fun but it's rare that it actually syncs up.  If I see its a new moon or a full moon or something like that, I may tell myself, 'the fishing is gonna be good tomorrow' but I really won't know for sure til I get to the lake and actually get my line wet.  Basically what I'm saying is, if you wanna fish, then go fish and don't worry so much about the lunar charts.

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

i only pay attention to the harvest moon and the full moon.....harvest moon has been excellent fishing every year for me and full moons are awesome for snapper fishing

fishing user avatarmddrew88 reply : 

Thanks guys, lots of good info here. I still can't say that I know exactly how to benefit from the solar events, but I didn't really expect to learn overnight. Time to do some homework.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Not me.  If the weather is not nasty, I'm going fishing regardless of what the lunar tables say.


I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty.  I'll definitely catch more fishing on a "poor Solunar" day than I will if I stay home because some fishing crystal ball prognostication says the fishing will be poor.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I go most of the time anyway but I make sure I go when the moon phases are right. I fish by the mauori charts. My PB of 10lbs was caught when the mauori charts said good early. Make sure you figure the charts to your time zone. I think this is why so many don't believe.

Remember on the days the fish are biting the deer are moving too. I see deer all the time when the fish are biting.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 1:26 PM, Catt said:

Sorry Tom ;)

1 1/2 hours prior to & 1 1/2 hours after the rise, set, directly over head, and directly under foot.

That's your major & minor periods as per Poor Richard's Almanac.

It does not take into consideration weather, season, water conditions, pre-spawn, spawn, post spawn and many other factors.

Oh yea without Mr. Hannon I've caught 30+ DD bass under numerous moon phases.

Only 30!
fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 9:55 AM, WRB said:

It's interesting to read back through this thread; vast majority ignor solunar tables or disregard them.

Doug Hannon, the late Bass professor believed in his tables, I developed my Cosmic Clock and Bass Behavior prior to Hannon and based on Lunar-solar affects. Between Doug and I, we have caught hundreds of DD LMB.....maybe you all should rethink how you approach your time on the water!


Define "hundreds", we all know how many Mr. Hannon caught!

fishing user avatarDogBone_384 reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 12:27 AM, DarrenM said:

I pay attention to it, sometimes it's on, sometimes it's off. Things like fronts, water level, also play into the catch factor.


Been out sometimes when all the charts said was the worst time, but I had a great outing. So I'm tuned in, but it doesn't dictate what I do.

'Ditto' - I follow the tables when my schedule allows and find the tables are fairly accurate

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

The Mauori charts were dead on.

The most bass I ever caught at one time was when the moon phases were timed with a weather front during the full Moon phases. It happens once a year to me. The bass feeding frenzy is so extreme I swear they would bite a bare hook.

fishing user avatarBroc reply : 

Yes, i do like to fish during full moons HOWEVER in my opinion, Weather > Sun rise/set >  Moon phase


Honestly i dont pay a whole lot of attention to moon phase other than look up at the sky.  From my experience current weather patterns have a much greater effect on the fishing. Although sun rise, sun set, moon rise, moon set can certainty open up brief feeding windows on tough days.

fishing user avatarTuckahoe Joe reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 7:28 AM, bigbill said:

I go most of the time anyway but I make sure I go when the moon phases are right. I fish by the mauori charts. My PB of 10lbs was caught when the mauori charts said good early. Make sure you figure the charts to your time zone. I think this is why so many don't believe.

Remember on the days the fish are biting the deer are moving too. I see deer all the time when the fish are biting.


Now this I have noticed to be true.  I drive on a lot of country back roads for my job and if I see a lot of deer or really a lot of animals in general, the fishing usually tends to be good that day or the next morning.

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

I think it is commendable that someone has taken the time to do the research and set up a table that tells us when the fish are going to bite. 


Now, if that person will bake and frost the cake I need for tonight's dinner at the church, go to the church early and set up for the dinner, and mow my lawn, I will be more than happy to go fishing. 


Not ranting, just saying.  Since I retired I fish about 3-4 times a month.  I don't have the luxury of picking and choosing when I go. 


When I was working two jobs, somehow I managed to fish 2-3 times a week.  This all seems to have gotten backwards somehow.  I guess priorities change.


God is good.

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

really the only thing that will keep from going fishing is right before a hurricane the day before it hits i will never go fishing...not sure if its the same for everyone but wow on these days i have never even gotten a hit...i think it might have something to do with the barometer but i havent figured it out yet

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 

I use the tables to convince a reluctant brother-in-law to go fishing -- his is the boat -- but outside of that I don't put a lot of stock in them. Some...but not a lot. 

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

sorry i forgot to say that i go anyway but the if its a full moon or harvest moon that dictates the species ill go after

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 8/24/2013 at 8:29 AM, Catt said:

Define "hundreds", we all know how many Mr. Hannon caught!

My 1st DD LMB was caught Easter vacation back in '57 at lake Havasu on a live water dog; 11 lbs and may still be the lake record. Stopped keeping track of 10 to 14 lb LMB in '73 when I logged my 100th from Lower Otay. My best single day was 18 LMB , 10 bs class was on a Scrounger w/Sluggo at lake Castaic in May of '91. Started keep tract of 15+ lb LMB in '71, currently 17, top 5 LMB are:

17.3 lbs, 17.4 lbs, 19.3 lbs from lake Castiac

17.4 lb, 18.6 lbs from lake Casitas

All top 5 caught on hair jigs during pre spawn, and during the 5 days around the full moon. The fact I fished that week, every year when the water temp 58-60 degrees coincided with the full moon phase could be a big factor.

Have not caught a LMB 15 lbs since 2006. LMB 10 to 12 lbs were not uncommon at the lakes I fished, 15+ lbs are rare. I don't consider FLMB strain to be a trophy unless it exceeds 15 lbs in CA.


fishing user avatarlanzbass reply : 

We use the , "Farmers Almanac ", all of my family have since my Great Grandfather! They seem to do a good job for letting you know when the best time the fish feed the most and they base it on the moons stages ...

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 8/23/2013 at 9:55 AM, WRB said:

It's interesting to read back through this thread; vast majority ignor solunar tables or disregard them.Doug Hannon, the late Bass professor believed in his tables, I developed my Cosmic Clock and Bass Behavior prior to Hannon and based on Lunar-solar affects. Between Doug and I, we have caught hundreds of DD LMB.....maybe you all should rethink how you approach your time on the water!Tom

Tom , it's not that we do not believe in what you guys have presented here in this forum, between you and Catt and anyone who post these SIGNIFICANT facts but honestly , a lot of us these days are chasing jobs that will allow us the time to simply pay our bills, would we love the same opportunities to spend as much time on the water , duh ! But seriously , we are only trying to take advantage of our very limited time on the water and really make the most of what little time that is.

I can't express how much these facts are appreciated , nor how much effort you guys put fourth , but the simple fact is we just don't have the time to fish like we wish we could , I for one can't thank you guys enough for putting this extremely detailed info out there for us to observe and learn by, but it's much more important for a lot of us to learn how to make the most of what very little time we have on the water any more .

Things are tight , really tight for a lot of us , we can't just pick and choose our time on the water as we used to do , guys like you and Catt and a lot of other folk here are tremendously knowledgeable because of your time on the water , your studies and advice are second to none anywhere we look , this fast paced world we live in now is no longer allowing us the spare time we once had , and the things we care most about are also fading away , from the bottom of my heart I can't thank you guys enough !!!


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