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Well, at least I caught something! 2024

fishing user avatarmoloch16 reply : 

So, what unexpected things have you caught while fishing?

Caught a dog on a shallow diving crankbait (frog pattern)  :P

Caught a few ducks in my time.  They prefer worms or dough balls.  Fight like mad before breaking off, usually just over the tree line.

fishing user avatarcaptaininsaneo reply : 

I caught a very heavy rock.  It was circular but had a wedge missing from it, my weight got stuck in the wedge and I got it in the boat.

fishing user avatararmesjr reply : 

I caught a stick once.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


When I was a kid I was snapper fishing (baby blue fish) in Great South Bay NY,  using spearing as bait.

this stupid seagull swooped down as soon as the bait hit the water and hooked himself.  He was flying, flapping, flopping, and cussing the helll outta me in gullspeak.  My drag was screaming, and I sorta panicked.

Another snapper fisherman nearby was yelling at me "cut the line".  It took me a moment to process everything that was going on, but I had a fillet knife with me and cut the line.

Seagulls give a great fight.

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

I have caught cormorans, turtles, ducks, swans, seagulls, frogs, craws, beach umbrellas, cans, small tree with a lure on it, 1 lure, 1 fat ika, plastic bags and some other things that I don't remember at the moment.

Craw caught on a jig:


fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
So, what unexpected things have you caught while fishing?

Caught a dog on a shallow diving crankbait (frog pattern) :P

Caught a few ducks in my time. They prefer worms or dough balls. Fight like mad before breaking off, usually just over the tree line.

I assume the dog was dead? ;D ;D

fishing user avatarMobydick reply : 

I don't catch animals, just the junk:

Jacket/ice bag/tarp/fridgerator, it didn't move/bucket/shirt.

My sister caught a stone on a spinnerbait, it got caught between the barb and the shank of the hook, cause she set hook on it and it got wedged.

Once, when fishing for catfish in the river using cut up bluegill fishing it on the bottom, My dad and I caught somewhere like 50 crayfish. When you feel a tug,you pull it up slowly. We threw them in the boat, then put them in a minnow bucket to use for bait.

fishing user avatarlargemouthslayer reply : 
I caught a stick once.

That would be a Fish Stick  ;D

fishing user avatarmoloch16 reply : 
I assume the dog was dead? ;D ;D

Nope.  Dog was caught at a farm pond, on the back swing of my cast.  Just happen to run by while I was casting.  I fought him all the way to the barn where the farmer helped me lip'em for a quick catch and release.  Luckily my old hooks weren't too sharp and never made it past the barb :)

Ducks were caught while pond fishing for bream as a kid.  They would mill around waiting for a handout and occasionally would grab your bait before it sank!

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
I assume the dog was dead? ;D ;D

Nope. Dog was caught at a farm pond, on the back swing of my cast. Just happen to run by while I was casting. I fought him all the way to the barn where the farmer helped me lip'em for a quick catch and release. Luckily my old hooks weren't too sharp and never made it past the barb :)

Ducks were caught while pond fishing for bream as a kid. They would mill around waiting for a handout and occasionally would grab your bait before it sank!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarjoe bag o donuts reply : 

Lets see. A pelican, seagull, heron, duck, turtles, random lures lost by others, my hand...

That's all I can think of now.

fishing user avatarFatBoy reply : 

Just today I cuaght a snapping turtle.  I know that's not all that uncommon.  But man was he mad!

And last week I caught a canadian goose.  It swam over top of my line and the bait (super fluke on a 4/0 EWG hook) rode up his shoulder.  He got spooked and tried to take off setting the hook.  He was flapping as hard as he could trying to get off the water and into the air.  I was trying to hold onto my rod with one hand while digging through my bag trying to find my scissors with the other hand.  I finally got the line cut.  As far as I know he's still waddling around down there dragging about 30 ft of braid behind him.

fishing user avatarben watson reply : 

about 3 weeks ago i caught an old 6' rod, reel and a old mepps2 lure, a few years back i caught a seagull, last year i caught a 20 lb rock deepsea fishing in about 300' of water. my buddy caught a owl on a homemade popper.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Just about all of the above, although I've never caught a bird that I couldn't reel in.  They are quite light.

fishing user avatarOcBassman63 reply : 

Lets see I got a frog, Tire, a pair of those watershoes,countless bags and other garbage. Never caught a bird or a turtle though.  Oh yea those pesky fish man their anoying.  ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatar[[J4cks0n.Shr3dd3r]] reply : 

I was fishing in a small creek, and a crayfish bit my lure and got it. Also caught a beaver. Wasnt fun, i felt pretty bad afterwords.


fishing user avatarFish Man reply : 

the back of my head on a crankbait this past february ;D man that was fun

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

A six foot gator.  I didn't try to get him into the boat.  I cut the line when he was about ten feet away.  Six foot gators and twelve foot boats do not provide for a harmonious relationship between man and beast.

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

Like Moloch, I've caught a dog.  I was about 10 and me and my friend were fishing catfishing.  I was using hotdogs on a treble, and on my back cast, his chocolate lab jumped up and grabbed the hotdog treble.  It caught her good in the toungue but she was good as knew when my friends dad got it out.  

I haven't been catfishing ever since

LBH - didn't you catch a deer one time on a spook?

fishing user avatarFishin Phil reply : 

Caught a seahorse once. It was actually attached to a rope I pulled up. One hell of a fight.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 
Just about all of the above, although I've never caught a bird that I couldn't reel in.  They are quite light.

Seagulls fight like crazy!

I hooked one with about 50 yards of line out (bait fishing for stripper), the d**n thing hit it before it even hit the water, and zOOOM took off!

 I cut the line, it was just too tough to try and bring in.

fishing user avatarMendotaBassMaster reply : 

I would have to say the funniest thing I have ever caught was a frog on a frog. Just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind I called my son over and said watch this and the frog attacked it again. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen.

fishing user avatarHunteR reply : 

All this talk about Ducks and a Geese...

Well I am originally from St Louis.

On dog days we would fish for carp at Carondolet Park.

One morning this guy comes down, rigs his rod, then studies a group of ducks. 2 cast later he hangs one, man what a fight.

He pulls the duck up, snaps his neck, and smiling heads for the car.

Hahahaha What a way to get a duck dinner. :o

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
I would have to say the funniest thing I have ever caught was a frog on a frog. Just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind I called my son over and said watch this and the frog attacked it again. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen.

That was one horny toad! ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I caught myself one time. The lure was hung up and when I pulled the bait came out of the water right for my nose. I put my hand up to block it and the treble went in between my second and third finger. I had to go to the ER to get it removed.

fishing user avatarBassboy15 reply : 
A six foot gator. I didn't try to get him into the boat. I cut the line when he was about ten feet away. Six foot gators and twelve foot boats do not provide for a harmonious relationship between man and beast.

:-/ that like....right?...a gator, maybe i'm a wimp becuase i'm frm kansas...but stilll.. :-?

fishing user avatarfishingfourfun reply : 

I caught a pelican and my dad on consecutive casts.  Neither were very pleased! >:(

fishing user avatarJerk Bait reply : 

I casted out once right as some duck's were flying by.

I wrapped my line around one of them, OH Yeah, that

was fun!

I caught a Turtle too.  This wasn't your standard painted

turtle, this was indeed a snapper.  He kept my lure.

My most favorite thing to catch is the almighty Weed Bass.

This is a far superior species to master.  The have a large

variety, and come in many different shape's and sizes.

The Weed Bass seems to be attracted to every lure and jig

imaginable.  They can hit on Texas rigged worm's, Crank Bait's

Spinner's, just about anything.  

Once you have landed several Weed Bass in a row, then and

only then can you say that you have mastered the art of

catching the Weed Bass.


fishing user avatarBoroBass reply : 

I caught a real bass inside a weed bass today.  ;D

I caught like 3 jelly fish at once in a castnet catching baitfish at the beach once. I guess thats about the only cool thing. :(

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I foul-hooked a Mermaid once!

But my net wasn't large enough, so I had to use the gaff.

Man, they sure have a nasty disposition! mad1.gifdevil.gif


fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Never give a bait to a critter. They are too expensive! Gators are a regular: play them like you would a bass.

Osprey, Hawks, Sea Gulls, Terns, Pelicans, Snakes - both friendly and unfriendly, Turtles, and more. The only critter we couldn't get the hook out of was a full grown adult otter.

fishing user avatarRecMar8541 reply : 

Funny story.  

When I was a kid we were camping and fishing a river in Indiana.  We fished all week, while on vacation, and never had one stinking bite.  It was horrible.  The last day there, while bottom fishing, I got a hit.  Lifted the rod and set the hook.  Man it felt like a nice fish.  Moving in and out of the current.  Diving and then coming up, but never jumping.  When I finally got the bait to the shore, to my chagrin, it was a piece of law chair webbing!!

Looked like it was from a chase lounge, it was pretty long.  The way it cut through the current was just like a fish!!

We still laugh about that to this day.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

My scalp, a seagull, all sorts of trash, my sister, my wife, my brother,  and I actually caught an old sunken boot just like you see on the cartoons.

fishing user avatarRattFish79 reply : 

Caught some kind of snake the other day.....not sure what kind possibly a copperhead or maybe just a water snake but I saw him sunning on the rocks and I was using a beetlespin and for some reason just like a little kid I dropped the lure right beside him a few times then right on top of him and sure enough he struck at it but thankfully he didn't keep a hold of it.   All I could think of was oh crap what have I done now.

fishing user avatarJayW reply : 

I actually caught a Nile Perch on a jig one time. :o

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
I actually caught a Nile Perch on a jig one time. :o

Where do they have Nile Perch in the US? That's new to me :o!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

caught a craw on jig


Man, talk about being horney!!!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
I actually caught a Nile Perch on a jig one time. :o

Where do they have Nile Perch in the US? That's new to me :o!

Cairo New York ?

fishing user avatarRoot beer reply : 

My brother caught a cat once. Not a catfish a cat that has 4 legs and hair.

my cousin hook my hand and some birds.

Me I caught a boot. and some other sticks and crap like that.

fishing user avatarJayW reply : 
I actually caught a Nile Perch on a jig one time. :o

Where do they have Nile Perch in the US? That's new to me :o!

That's what we Florida crackers call Tilapia!  ;)

fishing user avatarOBX-BASS reply : 

to 2nd avids and my brother were fishing for some really small fish in the pamlico sound...i forgot what we the fish actually were called since it was years ago but we were using bread on a hook as bait and one swooped down and grabbed it and he fought it like it was a fish and reeled him in unhooked him and let him flyh away.....haha d**n seagull was ripping brother said he wasnt loosing a good hook to a stupid seagull.....

fishing user avatarPILL reply : 

I caught my friend once, a squid, a dogfish, some trees, almost my dog, and almost a couple of squirrels.

The squid was pretty funny. It was dark out and I pulled my hook outa the ocean and it was squirting water at me. I used that squid for bait to try and catch a Gaff, but I got hung up on and underwater cable...

fishing user avatarsamurai361 reply : 

I get a limit of those every time out.  Squirrel fish once in a while too.

I caught a stick once.

That would be a Fish Stick ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Several alligators ranging in size from 12 to 4', they have a thing for Johnson's Spoons  ;)

fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 

I caught a small gator at night on a pop r boy did I think I had a big bass. You should have saw the look on my face when I bent down to lip the bass and I heard a hiss!

I have also caught a snake bird after it few into my rattle trap in mid air. The hooks never when into the bird but the line rapped around the birds legs and wing. These birds are STRONG swimmers I got it to the boat and after a few mins of me dodging the beak i a had a safe release.

I caught a duck on a shad that I had on a bobber. I went into the house for a few mins to get something to eat and came back to find out that a duck eat my shad. It was one of those big black and white ducks with the turkey looking thing on its nose to.

a 30lb gar maybe not weird but it was scary looking.

fishing user avatarbubbler reply : 





lots of sticks

my finger  ;D

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Diamond back water snakes. caught two of them so far; one on senko, one on a toad. My wife got a copperhead on a senko. She had cast up on the bank about a foot, and the snake grabbed it before she could pull the bait back in the water. That was a bit more exciting than the water snakes.


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