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Fishing Myths and superstitions 2024

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

Was just thinking of something I heard once. That is when fishing from a boat,never release the fish on the same side of the boat that you landed it. For what reason,I dont know. Any truth to this theory? What about other myths and superstitions you all can think of.

fishing user avatarjaskoh reply : 

I ran into this as a non-boater in my first tournament.  I guess I would like to know about this as well.  

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Wind from the east fish bite the least, wind from the west fish bite the best. ( bs.gif )

Atmospheric pressure affect the swimbladder of fish ( bs.gif )

Moon phases rule the everyday behavior and activity of fish ( bs.gif )

You can 't catch fish after a cold front ( bs.gif )

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

My boat only has one side!

Not a problem though. After boating a fish,

I always rotate the boat 180 degrees before the release ::)


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

To continue the trend, "A bass on the first cast is the last bass of the day."  Usually, when you catch one on the first cast, It will be a pretty good day of fishing!

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 
To continue the trend, "A bass on the first cast is the last bass of the day." Usually, when you catch one on the first cast, It will be a pretty good day of fishing!

that rule has actually bitten me before more than once

fishing user avatarsouthbassfisher reply : 
To continue the trend, "A bass on the first cast is the last bass of the day." Usually, when you catch one on the first cast, It will be a pretty good day of fishing!

that rule has actually bitten me before more than once

that has happened to me too

fishing user avatarBig T reply : 

I have heard that Bannanas on a boat are bad luck, I not sure why other than tripping on a peel that some one hase dropped on deck.

fishing user avatarfishingfourfun reply : 

Never have a banana in the boat!

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 
To continue the trend, "A bass on the first cast is the last bass of the day."  Usually, when you catch one on the first cast, It will be a pretty good day of fishing!

I have been burned, on more than one occasion, by the infamous "kiss of death."

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 
Never have a banana in the boat!
Two weeks ago we had three bananas in the boat ( I didn't know until later in the day) and had five bass that went around 40lbs. ;D Here is the biggest one. :) I heard that the banana thing started with sailors that got sick from something(maybe an insect or spider?) in the bananas and died as the bananas were shipped across the oceans.


fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I don't know about common myths, but I have a few pre-tournament superstitions.

Always take 2 peanut butter & jelly sandwiches (only eat one) with me on the boat.  Always eat fish before the tournament.

Before my last tourney prefish, I ate a piece of LJS fish.  Caught a few that night.  Ate a piece of salmon the next day, caught the hell out of them.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Biggest myth in bass fishing is that a pressure change and bluebird skys force the fish deeper.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Second biggest myth in bass fishing is that if you leave a hook in bass it will rust out and the fish will be fine.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I don't many classic superstitions, but I have one of my own.

Regardless of conditions, I never change the lure that is on the rod without giving at least one more cast.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
Wind from the east fish bite the least, wind from the west fish bite the best.  

I think it goes other way around.   Wind out of the west, stay home and rest.  For saltwater on the Atlantic anyway.

Never wear a white shirt while fishing.

Don"t wear perfume or cologne.

If they aren't biting then try spitting on your bait.

Don't tell fish stories on Sunday.

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

   Fishing with my parents when I was young, never failed that if we passed a herd of cows on the way my Momma would comment on whether they were standing or laying down. If standing we were supposed to catch fish, if not no fish. Have no idea how the cows knew ;D...

                                      As Ever,


fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Randal nails it again. If at all posible remove the hook. Dont bite your line and leave the hook in. If you learn how its not that hard to unhook a gut hooked fish.

Out here in sandiego the saltwater boats wont let you on board if you have a bannana. They are very superstisious.

I have one to add to Randals list

#3 biggest myth is the best color at night is black. people who say that are just passing on bad info and havent tried the other colors.

fishing user avatarJeff C. reply : 


I always ( well all most always ) take bananas fishing,, very easy  & good snack on the boat..


heres a couple..

Red Sky @ Nite.........

Red Sky in Morning .......

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

when i lived in Minnesota, i heard one that muskies/pike would loose all their teeth, they would fall out at a certain time of year(cant remember when)and thats why they werent biting, cuz they had sore mouths.....but after doing some reading, this is NOT TRUE...its just tough fishing this time of year


fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 
Wind from the east fish bite the least, wind from the west fish bite the best.

I think it goes other way around. Wind out of the west, stay home and rest. For saltwater on the Atlantic anyway.

Take it from someone who spent his whole life fishing the Atlantic south of Long Island:  West is best, East is least.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

How about the one that says if your out fishing and you get bit by a snapping turtle, he won't let go until it thunders. That always bothered me when I was a little kid and it was a sunny day.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I think it goes other way around. Wind out of the west, stay home and rest. For saltwater on the Atlantic anyway.

I might buy that, if you lived on the Pacific coast, but you said "on the Atlantic".

Either you never made it out of the bay, or you've got a fetish for waves wearing White Hats ;D


fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

Never sit next to your girlfriend a a BASS tournament weigh-in. Your wife might just surprise you and watch the weigh-in on television.

Oh, wait a minute. That one's not a myth. ;)

fishing user avatarTaliesin reply : 
Fishing with my parents when I was young, never failed that if we passed a herd of cows on the way my Momma would comment on whether they were standing or laying down. If standing we were supposed to catch fish, if not no fish. Have no idea how the cows knew ;D...

                                    As Ever,


There is some truth to this one. The same factors that affect fish also affect all other animals (yes, humans too). Unless the cows are fed at specific times of the day, if they are feeding then the fish usually are too.

Those of you who have pets might have noticed this. If your pets are acting feisty, go fishing. Those fish out there are acting feisty too.

I have seen this too many times when my room mates pets (two dogs and two cats) are "acting out". They go nuts, I have to get away from them 'cause they are irritating me too much, I go fishing, catch more fish than usual.

If I feel full of energy and don't know why, I can usually catch more fish.

More myths:

Never release the first fish, or it will be your last. (very old, and before catch and release and before many states had regulations on sizes)

Women can not clean fish (they can, but it's a conspiracy. If they clean fish once, they know they will have to clean them for the rest of their lives)

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Women can not clean fish (they can, but it's a conspiracy. If they clean fish once,

they know they will have to clean them for the rest of their lives)

I Totally Agree.

My wife's fillets are larger and neater than mine, and nary a bone.

Yet, at the end of a crappie outing, she says the same thing everytime,

"I'll empty the boat hun, because you make nicer fillets than me".

Yeah, Right!


fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

that snapping turtle myth is bullcrap. cuz me and my friend drove his ATV down to our pond, and he hooked into a biiiggg snapping turtle. he got it to the surface and it was thrashing. well we were sitting on the back of the ATV which was parked by the water, so he hands me the rod, and starts driving the ATV away from the water in hopes of dragging it on land. well the turtle let go.

im not sure of too many myths, but i have a superstition that me and my dad follow all the time and it has been tru each time! whenver wer're driving to the water, if the gas guage is on E and the fuel light is on, then it is sure to be a good day. i also always wear the same T-shirt when i bass fish...(if i can)...thats not really superstition, i like the color (doesnt get hot) and i like the shirt.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

According to scientific research bass are turned off by anise oil  




fishing user avatarHookemdown. reply : 
   Fishing with my parents when I was young, never failed that if we passed a herd of cows on the way my Momma would comment on whether they were standing or laying down. If standing we were supposed to catch fish, if not no fish. Have no idea how the cows knew ;D...

                                      As Ever,


There is some truth to this one. The same factors that affect fish also affect all other animals (yes, humans too). Unless the cows are fed at specific times of the day, if they are feeding then the fish usually are too.

Those of you who have pets might have noticed this. If your pets are acting feisty, go fishing. Those fish out there are acting feisty too.

I have seen this too many times when my room mates pets (two dogs and two cats) are "acting out". They go nuts, I have to get away from them 'cause they are irritating me too much, I go fishing, catch more fish than usual.

If I feel full of energy and don't know why, I can usually catch more fish.

More myths:

Never release the first fish, or it will be your last. (very old, and before catch and release and before many states had regulations on sizes)

Women can not clean fish (they can, but it's a conspiracy. If they clean fish once, they know they will have to clean them for the rest of their lives)

If the cows are laying down, just yell at them.  They'll stand up. ;)

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

bass get full after the rain. ::)

fishing user avatarmdgreco191 reply : 

I always heard you needed to be quiet when fishing.  I have caught my biggest fish while talking, so I guess that one is a myth.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
Wind from the east fish bite the least, wind from the west fish bite the best.  

I think it goes other way around.   Wind out of the west, stay home and rest.  For saltwater on the Atlantic anyway.

Take it from someone who spent his whole life fishing the Atlantic south of Long Island:  West is best, East is least.

well, take it from a guy who fished his whole life in the Atlantic in s. Florida.  Wind out of the west is terrible time to fish.. Out of the east is best.  

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

I think it goes other way around.   Wind out of the west, stay home and rest.  For saltwater on the Atlantic anyway.

I might buy that, if you lived on the Pacific coast, but you said "on the Atlantic".

Either you never made it out of the bay, or you've got a fetish for waves wearing White Hats  ;D


Bay, What bay..  You mean the inlet?  4-6' seas are nothing for my 34' center console open fish.  When was the last time you caught more dolphin, after the wind has been out of the west for 3 days or the east for 3 days?

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 


Bay, What bay.. You mean the inlet? 4-6' seas are nothing for my 34' center console open fish. When was the last time you caught more dolphin, after the wind has been out of the west for 3 days or the east for 3 days?

Bassn Blvd, you make an excellent point!

After a 3-day blow out of the eastern hemisphere, the Gulf stream, sargasso, plankton & prey fish have all been pushed

closer to the beach. Following the good stuff eastward will be most of the pelagic fish like dolphin, bluefish, sharks, tuna & mackerel.

In any case, you are correct and I agree with you, but not every salter would be out in that stuff :)


fishing user avatarcaptaininsaneo reply : 

If I dont kiss the fish I catch, I stop catching.  

fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

This is a big one, catfish's spines carry a poison. What :-???

fishing user avatarthe captain reply : 
Second biggest myth in bass fishing is that if you leave a hook in bass it will rust out and the fish will be fine.

Yep totally BS not at all true this will more likely than not kill the fish. I always try to remove the hook and if I can't I seriously think about keeping these fish. Although most fish will be fine if they bleed a little bit so I generally release most of them after getting out the hook.

fishing user avatarthe captain reply : 
This is a big one, catfish's spines carry a poison. What :-???
I think this one is true because it makes your fingers and hands itchy when you get spiked.
fishing user avatarthe captain reply : 

I was always told that if you go days without catching a single fish, rub baking soda on your hands and it will help you catch fish. The reason I was told was because it neutralizes acids on your hands that the bass can smell and do not like so they won't bite whatever you are usin. Thankfully I have never had to try this mainly because I generally catch at least one fish every time I am out.

fishing user avatarTaliesin reply : 
This is a big one, catfish's spines carry a poison. What :-???

Catfish DO have poison in their spines, but different species have different poisons. The worst ones are the saltwater cats.

Most of the freshwater cats have a poison that is just annoying. All it does is cause it to sting "a bit". If it's just too much for you, rub your wound on the side of the fish that did it. The catfish have specific anti-toxins to their own poisons.

The worst part of the cats is is part of that spine gets broken off inside the wound. If that happens, seek medical attention and definately let them know that it was caused by a catfish.

There have been a few people that have lost the use of a limb because a spine piece was lodged inside and never found and infection set in.

fishing user avatarCory N reply : 

I have seen others and gotten my own biggest topwater strikes when looking the opposite direction.  (big bass like slow targets??)

fishing user avatarkybassangler reply : 
Never sit next to your girlfriend a a BASS tournament weigh-in. Your wife might just surprise you and watch the weigh-in on television.

Oh, wait a minute. That one's not a myth. ;)

That one would get you some knots on your head. ;D

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 
This is a big one, catfish's spines carry a poison. What :-???


I was fishing with a guide in Punta Gorda FL and he was saying that teenagers were catching saltwater catfish and licking their backs because it made them trip. Really gross.

fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

I've had the east wind bite me on occasion but the first cast fish never has. I think I can honesty say I don't really have any fishing superstitions.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

The only superstition I know that works is THE BEST DAYS ON THE WATER ONLY HAPPEN WHEN YOU


fishing user avatardumb_dog11 reply : 

bass on the first cast got me once

fishing user avatardumb_dog11 reply : 

heres one

the bait monkey!!!!!!

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 
To continue the trend, "A bass on the first cast is the last bass of the day." Usually, when you catch one on the first cast, It will be a pretty good day of fishing!

Fell victim to this one a few times....twice this year!  :(


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