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Whats your average bass??? 2024

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

On a daily basis, what size bass do you catch the most....

for me, its dinks, about the size of the one below.....under a lb usually.....

my avergae nice bass is still usually under 2lbs...


fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

yeah mines about the same in th 12-14" range and weighing about a pound.

fishing user avatarBob Kavanaugh reply : 

A little over a pound, 12-14 inches.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

FishChris?  Care to answer the man?  :)

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
FishChris? Care to answer the man? :)

He will be like the kid in school that blows the grading curve for everyone. ;D

My average is probably around the 1 - 1.5 lb. mark.  I fish mostly jigs so I catch lots of fish in the 3 - 4 lb. mark.  This helps with the average for all the small ones I get on Senkos and other plastics. ;)

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

About like everyone else, between 1 and 1.5 lbs.

fishing user avatarBryant. reply : 

This summer my average has been around 3 lbs.  But its usually around 2-2.5 lbs.

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Summer average was about 2 pounds now its like 1-1.5

fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 

My club tournament average was 2.4 lbs this year.....

fishing user avatarbassmaster8100 reply : 

i usually average 1.5 to 2 lbs

fishing user avatarJeff C. reply : 

13" ~ 15 "  mostly..

never weighed any that small ...

so probably about the same as posted.. 1-1 1/2 #

I rarley get any under 12",,

get a lot 15-18"

but above 18" or 3# is tuff

here in Michigan on small lakes.

I would say I have caught about

12-15 fish  18" or bigger this year,,

and only 1 over 20"

and thats out of over 350 bass caught this year..

So Far...  :)

going again in the morning... 6:30 am..

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Average seems to have a lot to do with the bait I'm throwing, but I'll give it a guess:

If I'm fishing a senko I average about 12 inches.

With a jig the average is probably closer to 15 inches.


fishing user avatarbass109 reply : 

around 3-5lbs are big were i fish, in streams.  8-) I fished in bigger waters before, but its alright.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Let me get mine in before FishChris embarrass us all ;)

My records for 2007 revealed the following

Total Bass Caught: 833

Total days on the water: 49

Average daily catch: 17

Bass under 14: 267

Bass over 14: 421

Bass over 5 lbs: 60

Bass over 6 lbs: 48

Bass over 7 lbs: 17

Bass over 8 lbs: 9

Bass over 9 lbs: 4

Double Digits: 7

Largest: 11 lbs 3 ozs & 12 lbs 8 ozs

Top Area: Main Lake Structure

Top Technique: Texas Rig

Top Bait: Gene Larew Salty Ring Worm 7 ½

Top Color: Camouflage

fishing user avatarjoez2872-ct reply : 

average 2-2.5pds ;D with a 3 in there evey so often


fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Surprisingly i'm gonna say my is about 2# my first 5# 2 weeks ago.I use big bait targeting bigger bass.I don't catch as many either though.I've caught maybe 20(give or take a few extra) all this year.I'm only a weekend fisherman from the bank. So in 4 hours of fishing i'll catch 1 or 2 or skunk out occasionally.

I need to fish with catt...those numbers are impressive!

fishing user avatarfishingfourfun reply : 

2# average for myself.

fishing user avatarthe captain reply : 

My average is around 1-1.5 I'd say. Most are between 10 and 15. Biggest this year was 19" out of Cowans Gap.

fishing user avatarTopDog reply : 

I average 1 pounders myslef. Biggest for me so far this year....a whopping 3.2#'s (dont hate the player, hate the game) ;D

fishing user avatardman reply : 
Let me get mine in before FishChris embarrass us all ;)

My records for 2007 revealed the following

Total Bass Caught: 833

Total days on the water: 49

Average daily catch: 17

Bass under 14: 267

Bass over 14: 421

Bass over 5 lbs: 60

Bass over 6 lbs: 48

Bass over 7 lbs: 17

Bass over 8 lbs: 9

Bass over 9 lbs: 4

Double Digits: 7

Largest: 11 lbs 3 ozs & 12 lbs 8 ozs

Top Area: Main Lake Structure

Top Technique: Texas Rig

Top Bait: Gene Larew Salty Ring Worm 7 ½

Top Color: Camouflage

this is just absolutley ridiculous! I gotta move outta Pennsylvania.....Its not even every year that I even hear of anyone catching ONE over 5 pounds! Never mind one person catching over 60 in a year! amazing

Average is maybe 12" ,   fish mostly Senkos, spinnerbaits and hard jerkbaits

fishing user avatarsmallfry reply : 

All my tournament limits (3 fish)  have been between 8.5 and 12 lbs.  But there's always a few culls or short, so I'd say average is about 2.5-3 lbs....

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Average Largemouth: 2.4 oz

PB: 9.76 oz

# fish over 7oz: 5

# fish in 2007 in 100+ outings: 23

Seriously though, I'd have to say right around 1.5 lbs for my average like the rest of the mortals in here  8-)

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

next eyar im gonnna start a journal....seems cool

im glad to here im not that much below the average.....i assumed i caught way smaller bass on average than most, guess i was wrong

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

In all actuality this is an off year because I have been on the water less than any year I can remember but I have caught more 10 lbs + bass than ever.

On most Texas lakes if you aint averaging 5 bass stringers in the mid to upper 20's you aint even in the money. You think this is impressive have a look at Matt Fly's yearly average or some of my buddies, I aint even in the top 10.  

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

Like 1.5 lbs

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

glad im on par. i was thinkin like johnnydel, i thought i was way small...guess not. around here my scale is:

less than 12: small

10-14: average

14-18: common

18-20: big

20+: huge!

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

My averageis about 2 lbs.  My best is in the picture 3.5 lbs.


fishing user avatarJoel W reply : 

It's been a weird year on the NYC reservoirs. My average for LM's are between 1/2-2 lbs.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

It really depends on the lake I fish.

One reservoir 1 1/2 is about average, although those pesky 8inch bass never stop biting so that would throw my average off a bit. But average keeper would be 2-3lbs with a few in the 5's and 6's.

If I fish Clear Lake or the Delta, 2-3lbs is a pretty easy average to hit on a normal day.

Fish Chris average prediction: 13lbs 4oz

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
In all actuality this is an off year because I have been on the water less than any year I can remember but I have caught more 10 lbs + bass than ever.

On most Texas lakes if you aint averaging 5 bass stringers in the mid to upper 20's you aint even in the money. You think this is impressive have a look at Matt Fly's yearly average or some of my buddies, I aint even in the top 10.  

Still, Catt, your catches are nothing to be ashamed of, even if FishChris does catch larger fish.  For a combination of numbers and size, your stats are very impressive.

fishing user avatarTpayneful reply : 

Bass size is dependent on the water you are fishing.  The fish in my home waters are smaller than average (documented by State Biologist) but fish on the Potomac are heavier.  Some ponds that I fish have big fish and some have small fish.  My average for weighed in fish in 10 Tournaments was 1.8 lbs but the average would be less because fish under 12" don't count.  My numbers overall average out to 1.5 to 2lbs.  

fishing user avatargranadethrow reply : 

depends where i fish, i fish in a large place and i either catch dinks, huge motherf pike, or bass around 1-3lbs

average 2 pounds

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

I bet fish Chris's average bass is probably about 8-9 lbs. He posts lots of pics of huge bass that are in the 10-15 lb range and has caught them as big as 18 lbs. However im pretty sure he catches smaller fish on accident sometimes. He has a pic on his site of a 3lb fish he caught that tried to eat an 8 inch trout lure. Im sure he catches lots more fish within the 5-9 lb range that he doesent bother to post pics of that just attacked his lure or bait when fishing for those big 10+ lb fish. Even so his average would still be huge compared to the rest of us.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

I think Bluegill is very close. Of course there are so many variables... like the place, the lures I'm using, the technique, etc, etc. Plus, if I'm allowed to throw out that occasional 6" incher that grabs a crawler, or Huddlebug ;-) But yes.... I'd say, of the fish that count, probably 8 to 9 lb average.

Course like I always say, anybody here who fished as much as I do, in the places I do, would surely do at least as well.....



fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

I'd say 2-2.5lbs, but I've only been fishing small waters this year.  When fishing lakes, I have more dinks to average in there.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Course like I always say, anybody here who fished as much as I do, in the places I do, would surely do at least as well.....



Yeah, right...

I don't think "anybody" can "do it," but if you ONLY target big bass your "average size" will improve dramatically. However, your "numbers" will decrease even more so! Catching big bass consistantly requires catching no bass occasionally. There is a reason why some very good fishermen (tournament professionals) have never caught a 10 lb bass.

I think KVD has only caught one or two DDs and he fishes a lot!   ::)

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

I really do not believe that anyones average is 8 to 9 pounds. Those bass you see in the bass pro tank here in orlando are between 7 and 10 lbs, besides that one 14 lber. Bass this big are catches of a lifetime for most. that bass on your picture is a great one, but I don't think you average bass in that range. maybe you do not weigh your fish and just guess? I know many people that will catch a five pounder and think it is a 10 pounder before they weigh it...

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 
I really do not believe that anyones average is 8 to 9 pounds. Those bass you see in the bass pro tank here in orlando are between 7 and 10 lbs, besides that one 14 lber. Bass this big are catches of a lifetime for most. that bass on your picture is a great one, but I don't think you average bass in that range. maybe you do not weigh your fish and just guess? I know many people that will catch a five pounder and think it is a 10 pounder before they weigh it...

I actually believe Fish Chris's average is probably like 7-8 lbs. Fish Chris actually does weigh his fish with a scale and I often see him post pics of 10 lb bass on here that were actually weighed. Thing is even though he catches lots of huge fish he does not catch many fish. He often goes out for over 5 hours and only catches one bass. However that bass is usually over 8 lbs and often over 10. He usually throws baits that are about 8 inches long which rules out the possibility of catching the fish under four pounds most fishermen often catch. Occasionally a smaller fish will hit this bait but not very often. I dont realy understand this method of fishing though since throwing a normal size bait WILL catch you the big 10LB+ fish as well as the normal size bass as well..... Thing is Fish Chris's method of fishing pretty much catches BIG FISH ONLY so he has a huge average weight average....

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 
I really do not believe that anyones average is 8 to 9 pounds. Those bass you see in the bass pro tank here in orlando are between 7 and 10 lbs, besides that one 14 lber. Bass this big are catches of a lifetime for most. that bass on your picture is a great one, but I don't think you average bass in that range. maybe you do not weigh your fish and just guess? I know many people that will catch a five pounder and think it is a 10 pounder before they weigh it...

You my friend, must not know mr. Fish Chris ;)

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

well i didnt know he was a big bass guide, just saw the website. I like to catch a lot

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 

I don't think he is a guide either, but I may be wrong? I'm about 95% sure he's not....

He's a trophy hunter, and a very very good one at that.

fishing user avatarjoez2872-ct reply : 

tho shall not bash or critisize another bass fisherman=not a good idea ,u should of checked his past posts /pics and profile before u wrote that bad stuff,not good on your behalf////

I really do not believe that anyones average is 8 to 9 pounds. Those bass you see in the bass pro tank here in orlando are between 7 and 10 lbs, besides that one 14 lber. Bass this big are catches of a lifetime for most. that bass on your picture is a great one, but I don't think you average bass in that range. maybe you do not weigh your fish and just guess? I know many people that will catch a five pounder and think it is a 10 pounder before they weigh it...

fishing user avatarbassindon reply : 

Not sure what my average is now but here is a link to my past two years. (copy and paste)  

Last year had 8 DD's this year had 10. Only one teen each year.

Fish Chris is a great guy, fun to talk to and a very good fisherman. Good luck trying to fish with him  ;D

That is why we weigh our fish and take pics because people just don't believe with out proof. ;)


fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Usually it's the 1-2 lb range, but this season it's in the 0-2 with an occassional greater than 3 lb.


I am a dink master! Hence the zero in 0lb - 2lb! ;D

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

1 1/2lb-2lbs

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

nice to meet you :-) I don't guide. I just like to chase our big, Cali trout-eating giants. As I had said in my earlier post, there are lots of variables.

If I'm fishing our big trophy Smallie lake (which only has Northern strain Largemouths), I probably average closer to 6 lbs.

If I'm fishing Clear Lk. with tiny live dads, I might only average 3 lbs nowadays (5 lbs back in the day)

But really.... honestly.... if I'm fishing one of our top trophy lakes with an 8" Hud, I get a few 5 to 9 lb'ers, but I get as many, or close to it, over 10 lbs, and sometimes, 13 lbs to 15 lbs, or bigger.

Then, if I'm sight fishing, I really won't even slow down and fish for anything that doesn't look at least 8 lbs, and that's only because sometimes a fish might look 8 lbs, and in reality, it will be just over 10. If I "already knew" the fish was 9.9 lbs, I wouldn't stop for it either.

Now, I do get skunked "a lot" ! But I'm totally okay with that. I fished for numbers of smaller fish for so many years, that that became not much of a challenge anymore.... to the point where if I went out nowadays, and caught 5 or 10, 1 to 3 lb'ers, I'd still feel skunked by the end of that trip. Afterall, nothing to raise the adrenalin... nothing to break out the camera for.... nothing to make me remember that trip 1 year from now... or 10 years from now.

Anyway GolfCoursePondMan, as amazing as an 8 or 9 lb average might sound to you, "you could do it too, if you lived here, and put enough heart and soul into it".



fishing user avatardeepsessions reply : 

for me its all relative to the body of water,lures,and mindset.

tournaments this year were around a 3-5lb average,fun fishing 2-3lbs,swimbait'n 7-8lbs with around 70-80 days on the water. Since being from a different state and learning new water I'm happy with the progression so far. Hopefully next year will bring more time on the water and some numbers like Catt,BD,and Fish Chris!

fishing user avatarhollandbass reply : 

all lures combined average about 1.5lb fish

jigs and frogs... 5lb average  ;D


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