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How many do you catch on average? 2024

fishing user avatarbkoguy07 reply : 

How many LM bass do you catch on average per day of fishing *in the middle of summer*.  Usually when we go to bigger lakes, we catch about anywhere from 4-12, but I've been reading around and seeing some people catch 30+.  Sure I've fished a couple times and pulled in 30+ but not USUALLY.  It's also more reasonable in the spring and Fall thats where I normally get my numbers.  So on the average summertime fishing trip one day, how many do you normally catch?  I'm counting the average day from 5 am to 3-4 pm.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

It depends on the lake.

Duarte, Otates, La Laborcita, catch 5 you had an extraordinary day.

La Sauceda, Calderon, El Saltito catch 20 and you had an average day.

Zimapán, if you don 't catch 50 the you better trade fishing for golf.

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I usually don't catch a lot (5 or 6) but I believe that is because I am using large baits and attempting to catch the larger bass. If I down sized some I am sure I could put up some good numbers.

fishing user avatarSnowBass23 reply : 

I still consider myself very much a novice.  I fished for bass my whole life, but it was casual until a few years ago.  Now I can't get enough and I'm always trying new things and trying to get better.  

If I hit a small stream I might get around a dozen by myself.  On lakes however, on an average (non-optimal conditions) I might get 3 myself, and my wife will usually get a couple.  During high times, like spring I might get 5 or 6 on my own.

fishing user avatarPondBoss reply : 

I mainly pond fish so if I don't catch at least 30 for a whole day I've had a bad day.  Of course my ponds are wicked awesome to fish and the average bass goes about 2lbs  with many fish in the range of 5-10.  But when lake fishing I'd say 5-20.  Depends on the day, though I can only count the number of days I've ever been skunked on one finger.  

fishing user avatarpackman reply : 

well about 8 but. i caught a 15 pound chennel cat on a t rig lol

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

like most people said, it really depends on the lake.

i dont stay out as long as a lot of people. im only out for a few hours.

but on average i'd say i catch anywhere from 2 to 6 fish.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

Depends on the lake for me too.  I recently started hunting big fish and upgraded my bait size which I'm sure has resulted in fewer fish.  

fishing user avatarjivey reply : 

Our average day on the water is usually ~5:30pm-9:00 or 10:00pm.  We will usually catch about 10-20 between 2 or 3 of us.  Depends heavily on if we are fishing comfort baits or trying new techniques/pre-fishing.

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

On the river, 2 to 4 and falling tide only.

On the lake, 4 to 6 but I fish from 5am to 8am during the summer. Just for the morning top-water bite.

fishing user avatarhawgchaser reply : 

A "normal"day for me in the summer is 6am-11am then go in for lunch and back out from 6pm to dark. 30 bass is a really good day and it usually means that I found a pattern the dinkos are on. I can throw a fluke in buckbrush all day long and catch 10" spots.

However, fishing humps, points, and flats in the summer usually results in 6-10 keepers. But I have had many days with 2 or less. Summer on my lake gets tough!! Thats why I switch to hybrid fishing. I can put up some pretty big numbers on them. ;)

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

Depends on the body of water. But usually if I'm not catching them fast than I move onto the next pond or marsh. I would say 5-8 is a good average for summer months. This year though my average has been way up. There hasn't been too many times when I have caught less than 10 fish per outing. But the dog days of summer are now starting to creep in. Being a bank angler my numbers probably will start going down.

fishing user avatarPier Boy reply : 

On an average day, anywhere between 6-10 at my favorite spot. Usually from 5:30pm to 8:30pm.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

I usually average 10-15 good ones a day and a few dinks . But there are days when I get a big fat 0. Regardless I am usually just happy to fish!!!!! My tourney season has been in the toilet but, I have been whuppin em fun fishin!!!!!

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

More than 1  ;)

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

I catch a lot, except when I don't.


fishing user avatarSimp reply : 

I usually catch 3 or 4 each time out. I fish usually from sunrise to about 10/11am or from 5pm to sunset but not both on the same day. The times I do more then that is when the bite is really on.

fishing user avatarNitroMan reply : 

Well the one thing I have made myself do is not to leave until I have caught at least 1!! ;)

But on Average on the river I will be satisfied with catching 2-3 keepers

On the local lakes I fish I am happy with 10-12 fish

But I have a local Private lake that I am only satisfied if I can get about 50-60 in the boat!!

Summer fishing is difficult. They are not in the same areas they were 3 months ago in many bodies of water. Try deeper cover or matted grass thats where they lay this time of year.

Good Luck to you!!!

fishing user avatarNewman12Fan reply : 

I go out every night for 2 hours and fish a 14 acre retention pond.  I am in a summer long contest with a buddy of mine, so I keep track.  The last nine days I have averaged 7.2 fish per night.  Slowest night was 4, best night was 13.  Of course I have learned more about fishing, where to fish, and what to use.  So my number count has been reducing, but my weight count has been going up.  Of course a 6.5 and a 4.5 pound fish help the weight average.   The best news is I have him doubled up on overall weight, so that $100 is as good as mine.  

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

I have only done pond fishing this season so far and I average about 10 fish a trip. But soon i will be lake fishing and in lakes i tend to catch about 20 fish. but it depends on the conditions and it varies alot

fishing user avatarRubi22 reply : 

Definitely depends on where I fish. Sometimes private lakes will produce the most, but other times I'll be fishing an empty pond and not even know it! I've yet to fish big lakes before so usually anywhere from 2-6 is a great day for me.

fishing user avatarjemackinnon83 reply : 

I usually get skunked when bass fishing at my home lake.  Sometimes I go fishing with my neighbor at his 30 acre pond where I catch at least 6 or 7.

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

During the summer months, I catch about 8 at the pond in a couple of hours and at the river I usually catch 4 fish between 5:30 and 11:00.

fishing user avatarhawghunter1744 reply : 

the past month I have been averaging around 20 per day by myself but that is probably because its early summer. as it gets later i expect those numbers will drop down to 6-10

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

It depends on the location. One of the lakes I fish I average 30 bass a day in the summer. Another lake I fish I'm thrilled if I catch three. I don't fish the river much but when I do I average 10-20. I know some guys that guide on the river that average 40+ and have several 100+ days every year!

fishing user avatarGatorTom reply : 

On my home lake, I usually catch 20-30 if I'm onto a pattern for the dinks  ;D  If I'm catching quality bass, it's usually around 5-10 nice bass.

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

Anywhere from a few to a bunch.

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

If I averaged out for the whole season (good days and bad), I would say about one fish per hour.

fishing user avatarbillbrum reply : 

I only bass fish in the summer, so it varies a lot.

But, it really depends on what lake and how well the fish are biting.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

After checking last year's fishing log, I averaged anywhere from 4-6 per trip.


fishing user avatarJustin Mahaney reply : 

Wind, rain, sun, over cast, hail, snow.. no matter what the conditions are I seem to be able to bring atleast 3-4 in an hour on average. Every condition has its ups and downs, so weather and time should not vary your results too much!

fishing user avatarbassbob08 reply : 

My avg. for the past 3 times ive been out is 12.

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

If I go out by myself I catch 3-6 in a couple hours, If i'm with my kids I catch 1 or 2  if I'm with my wife I get a big fat 0.. ;D

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 
if I'm with my wife I get a big fat 0.. ;D

Ain't that the truth. Not sure what it is. Last year I took my wife smallie fishing.....not even a bite. Took her to my dads pond....she pulled in a couple of 3lbers and I got..........nothing. She is horrible luck.   :-X   ;D

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Enough to keep me going back

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Since you asked for a Summer catch average, Summer starts on June 20 and ends on Sept 20. During that period last year, I averaged 24.3 bass per trip on 11 different bodies of water. For 2006, I averaged 26.6 per trip on 16 different bodies of water.

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

She is horrible luck. :-X ;D

fishing user avatarbkoguy07 reply : 
Since you asked for a Summer catch average, Summer starts on June 20 and ends on Sept 20. During that period last year, I averaged 24.3 bass per trip on 11 different bodies of water. For 2006, I averaged 26.6 per trip on 16 different bodies of water.

Thats alot

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

You know something....every time i skunk out there's a lady with her husband next to me. Then no matter where else i go that day i seem to have rotten luck.

Lately it's been 1 every hour or 2,however last week of may and first week of june i was hammering smallmouths 3 per hour.

fishing user avatarAmbergris reply : 

The lake i fish most is pretty untouched and on a typical day you can pretty much catch as many as you want.

The downside is that when I travel to other areas and get skunked (which is often) it stings that much more!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!

Sounds like a pretty remarkable lake.

What size is typical and what is the best

you've caught on that water?


fishing user avatarAmbergris reply : 
Welcome aboard!

Sounds like a pretty remarkable lake.

What size is typical and what is the best

you've caught on that water?


Glad to be here!

It's not a big lake, so the typical size is on the smaller side depending on what area of the lake you fish, but in the 1.5lbs range is the average.

I don't bring a scale out with me, but the best I've done is maybe around 3.25-3.5lbs from there.

-edit- actually, after looking at some the photos on the site with estimated weights, the best I've pulled from the lake is closer to 4.5lbs.

I'm not very experienced at estimated weight so the figures could vary.

Here's a link to a shot of a decent crappie from the end of last summer. If you think of it in typical largemouth to crappie size for a lake, this is an above average crappie for the lake, maybe that will give you a sense of the average largemouth.

http: //

I'm not able to post links yet, so i just put two spaces after the http: above. Take the spaces out to see it...

fishing user avatarbubbler reply : 

well at lake casitas u are lucky to catch one n the winter, bt in the summer ans tin the spring then it is good

fishing user avatarAmbergris reply : 

I've got a short movie I made which shows several of the fish from the lake, so once I get these ten posts I'll put it up...

...I've never tried fishing it in the winter, i'd rather use my imagination sitting by a fire.

fishing user avatarbkoguy07 reply : 

Fishing in the winter is the best... with gloves and a nice jacket!  I've caught some big ones in the winter...

fishing user avatarAmbergris reply : 

Well, I'll fish the ocean into early december and certain other salt water areas all year, but something about ice fishing in the winter never stuck with me.

I think it's the idea of not being quite as active, but since I've never tried it I should do it and then see if I don't like it...

fishing user avatarbkoguy07 reply : 

Oh, your water has ice in the winter? Lol in NC it doesnt get cold enough to ice fish.

fishing user avatarjvox reply : 

I scare way more with my kayak than I catch haha  ;D


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