hello all you dobyns fans. so im getting ready to purchase a new rod for jigs and maybe some carolina rigging. so im considering 3 rods a fury or sierra series 704c which is a 7'0" 1 pc. 10-20lb, 1/4-1 oz, Heavy Fast Action or a champion series 744c jig rod special which is a 7’4″ 1 pc. 10-20lb, 1/4-1oz, Hvy Fast Action not really sure if its really worth the extra coin for the champion series rod for just a jig rod and am hoping someone will have some insight not even sure what ill really gain by going with a higher series rod. i know the reel seats are diff and guides are diff but what about the blanks all the dobyns site says is high modulus blanks and dont really specify. thanks in advance guys i really appreciate the info
Bottom contact baits, go Champion. 744 or 735 would bemy choice.
Moving baits Sierra, Savvy, Fury are fine.
I'd go with the Champion. I'd personally go with a 734 or 735 all depending on the weight you are using.
I was in the same predicament, so I said the hell with it and bought a 734C and a 735C. Put a Shimano Exsense DC on the 735C and a Daiwa Zillion on the 734... game over.
Regardless of what u need, both rods will do it. Definitely pony up for the Champion.
Champ 765 will work the best as a jig/carolina rod.
On 7/26/2016 at 6:59 AM, webertime said:Bottom contact baits, go Champion. 744 or 735 would bemy choice.
Moving baits Sierra, Savvy, Fury are fine.
Yup. This is perfect.
744 c it is fellas thanks now i just gotta figure out if i want a split or full grip
Please get a 5 power Dobyns for jigs!
na i thnk a 5 power is going to be way too much since the heaviest jigs i own are 3/4 ounce and the 744c rates up to 1 ounce.
On 7/27/2016 at 4:05 PM, dsqui said:na i thnk a 5 power is going to be way too much since the heaviest jigs i own are 3/4 ounce and the 744c rates up to 1 ounce.
Coming from somebody that is actually fish these, 1 ounce is way too much for the 744. 3/4 would push it but do what you want. Again, champ 765. 735 would be fine if you stay at 3/4 max.
3/4+ weights are to much for a 4 power dobyns. Get the 5 power
You need to go with a 5 power in Dobyns. Their actions are softer than most manufacturers. A 3/4oz jig will not fish comfortable on a 744. My vote is to get a Champion 735c. It is has the perfect action for jigs, c-rigs, and a great frog rod. Very versatile.
5 Power if you are 3/4 oz.
On 7/27/2016 at 4:05 PM, dsqui said:na i thnk a 5 power is going to be way too much since the heaviest jigs i own are 3/4 ounce and the 744c rates up to 1 ounce.
It's about the tip. Dobyns powers are different.
I used to throw 1/2 oz jigs on a 734. Went to a 735 and love it.
On 7/27/2016 at 10:05 PM, druben said:You need to go with a 5 power in Dobyns. Their actions are softer than most manufacturers. A 3/4oz jig will not fish comfortable on a 744. My vote is to get a Champion 735c. It is has the perfect action for jigs, c-rigs, and a great frog rod. Very versatile.
Also I personally own 12 Dobyns rods and have personally fished all the powers you are asking about. A 734 is more of a mh.
not the 734 the 744...according to the guy at dobynsthe 744 isnt really a 4 power but like a 4.5 or 4.75. he said something about its new watever that means its actually there jig rod he claims the rod dont compare to a 734 and that its just different this rod here http://dobynsrods.com/rod/744c-fh/
oh my so many choices and this time of year none of my local shops have a full supply of these things
Who did you talk to down there. 744 I think is only an option in the extreme line. Lot of coin choose wisely and good luck. I will say the guys down at the shop no their stuff so if he says it has what you need I would trust it
Lol never mind I see the rod is a champion
I know the 744 is a new model, but if you go with the 735 you will not be disappointed. The rod just fishes so many things well; especially jigs and soft plastics. It is a great starting point with Dobyns.
The new champ 744 has the same action as the dx744 of old. 3/8oz weight + plastic is max i would throw and even then its pushing it.
As many have said I will echo, get the 5 power.
I have both, as well as many others, if you are going to stay at half ounce get the 734/744 if you're going to mainly throw three quarter get the 735 which is ex fast action.
Champ 735 is what you want. The 734 is an elite spinnerbait rod, but it's a little too soft in the tip for heavy jigs in the 1/2oz-and-up range.
On 7/26/2016 at 6:35 AM, dsqui said:hello all you dobyns fans. so im getting ready to purchase a new rod for jigs and maybe some carolina rigging. so im considering 3 rods a fury or sierra series 704c which is a 7'0" 1 pc. 10-20lb, 1/4-1 oz, Heavy Fast Action or a champion series 744c jig rod special which is a 7’4″ 1 pc. 10-20lb, 1/4-1oz, Hvy Fast Action not really sure if its really worth the extra coin for the champion series rod for just a jig rod and am hoping someone will have some insight not even sure what ill really gain by going with a higher series rod. i know the reel seats are diff and guides are diff but what about the blanks all the dobyns site says is high modulus blanks and dont really specify. thanks in advance guys i really appreciate the info
Are you fishing your jigs in open water? Or doing the pitching/flipping around wood and grass? Two completely different things and different rods for me. I use a 744dx extreme in open water for jigs 1/4-3/4oz. I wouldn't use the same rod with a 1/2oz jig pitching around cover however.
I agree with the others... if you're fishing around cover the 735 is what I would lean towards, if not the new 744c Champion is what I would get.
You need a Magnum rod.. Get the 5 or 6
I know this is an old thread, I mainly throw 3/8 and 1/2 oz jigs. Is the 735c the best option? I fish both open water and cover
DX744C is the newest technolgy Dobyns rod and very good al around choice.
Call Gary he may have a good deal on the DC 735C S/H,
3/8 and 1/2 oz, open water... 744 Champion. If you're putting it in heavier cover go 735c Champion.