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Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultra Soft - Questions? 2025

fishing user avatarLard_Bass reply : 

I probably should have just sent roadwarrior a PM but I'll poll other veterans on this board. I am thinking of switching from Trilene XL to Yo-Zuri. Several questions.

1. Is Ultra Soft the better way to go for spinning gear versus the original Hybrid.

2. How do you set the drag for this line (do you use Yo-Zuri's test rating or the average break rating that they disclose which is usually higher).  Do I set the drag according to 6# or 11.9 lb?  

3. For those trout fisherman out there, I was thinking of getting some mono in 4 lb test. Should I step down on the Yo-Zuri given its high break point rating (get 2# instead).

4. Should I bother using KVD's line softener on this line (similar to Reel Magic).

5. What is the best knot to tie lures on this lines? I typically use a cinch knot or a rapala knot.

6. Any color preference? I am thinking clear for trout fishing and green for bass?

Thanks to those on the board for educating me on this line. I have been amazed by my google search to see the overwhelming positive feedback on this line.

fishing user avatarHPBB reply : 

RW can give better answeres than me.

I do use Hybrid, but have not used ultrasoft yet.

I mainly use hybrid & P-line Florocrear

the light line is great on spinning gear.

yes! use reel magic or KVD's stuff, it will make the line more workable. I swear by it.

color? that's up to you. I use clear all the time

Knot? I use a polamar, never failed me

where around Pittsburgh are you from?

fishing user avatarpitchnboy reply : 

Does #6 mean 6lbs test? or what??? (for ultrasoft)


fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 

I switched to the ultra soft this past year based on RW's opinions and am glad I did. The ultra soft is better for spinning as it is designed for spinning and has less memory. I set the drag based on about 10 lb test (2.5 to 3 lbs) just because I think that is a conservative compromise. I do use KVD's line conditioner and recommend it although it's not absolutely necessary. You will find with more use this line will loosen up. I use the green color and a palomar knot.

fishing user avatarKenDammit28 reply : 
Does #6 mean 6lbs test? or what??? (for ultrasoft)


# is the pound symbol so anytime you see it mentioned with fishing, its referring to pounds.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


1. Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultra Soft was designed specifically for spinning tackle. In use, there is virtually no memory.

2.  Set the drag as you would with 12 lb test line. I suggest putting 3 lbs (25% of breaking stength) of canned goods in a platic bag. The drag should release as you GENTLY try to lift the bag.

3. #4 is the smallest line they make.

4.  Yes, I use Reel Magic and KVD.

5. Palomar Knot is what I use.

6. I don't think it makes a difference, but I prefer green. (I happen to be using white exclusively becasuse I found it on sale!)

Good luck!

fishing user avatarLard_Bass reply : 


Thanks, all those answers make sense. My biggest confusion was the labeling of the line. 6# denotes the pound test but the yo-zuri average break strength is much higher. I saw the plastic bag trick a couple of months ago and have been setting it according to the label on the spool not the average break strength (which Yo Zuri discloses). For all those confused (like I was) see this (see, 6# or pound test has a average break of 11.9 lb):

Also, RW, they do sell the Ultrasoft in 2#. While I cannot find the average break strength, I figure its probably 4 lb. See link:

I was thinking of getting the 2# for trout gear.

fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

I've seen numerous references to the Yo-Zuri's breaking strength, but it doesn't mean much to me in the abstract. Does anyone know the breaking strength of other lines of the same nominal pound test?

fishing user avatarLard_Bass reply : 

where around Pittsburgh are you from?

In the South Hills, near Peters Twp and Canonsburg.  Are you around here?

Also, I see BPS has a special on the Yo-Zuri X-Tex line.  Anyone with experience with this line on spinning gear?

fishing user avatarHPBB reply : 

Yes, I am from the Monroeville area.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Yep, I see #2 listed, it must have been added recently.

Stay away from the X-Tex Cobra, it is some of the worst line I have ever tried.

fishing user avatarpapadew reply : 

RW...mind listing your sources for the Yozuri US besides just Cabelas?  Thanks.  Papa

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

Would the ultra soft #6 be strong enough for river fishing smallies in rivers with lots and lots of rocks and a good amount of mussels?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Some Wal-Mart stores carry Ultra Soft.

fishing user avatarLard_Bass reply : 
Yep, I see #2 listed, it must have been added recently.

Stay away from the X-Tex Cobra, it is some of the worst line I have ever tried.

Will do. It must be why they are dumping it out at $2.88 a spool.

Would the ultra soft #6 be strong enough for river fishing smallies in rivers with lots and lots of rocks and a good amount of mussels?

If I am not mistaken, RW's picture is of 2 river smallies caught on the Ultra Soft line (6#).  I remember him saying that somewhere.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
Would the ultra soft #6 be strong enough for river fishing smallies in rivers with lots and lots of rocks and a good amount of mussels?

If I am not mistaken, RW's picture is of 2 river smallies caught on the Ultra Soft line (6#).  I remember him saying that somewhere.

Yeah, but I don't know if that river has lots of rocks and/or mussels...

To clarify my question, I usually fish a very shallow river with lots and lots of long slabs of rocks that are sometimes covered with mussels. Will Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultrasoft #6 be able to hold up to the abrasion it will receive in such specific circumstances?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

The Tennessee River is filled with what I have occasionally referred to as the "Rocks from Hell." Both original Hybrid and Hybrid Ultra Soft are as abrassive resistant as any line I have ever fished. If you consider Trilene XT as the standard, Yo-Zuri is just as tough. I have NEVER been broken off by a fish using this line.

fishing user avatarjusttrying reply : 
Yep, I see #2 listed, it must have been added recently.

Stay away from the X-Tex Cobra, it is some of the worst line I have ever tried.

Yep, a spool now i'll sell you....Cheap!


fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

Lard Bass,

 Because of roadwarrior and the purchase of a Symetre spinning reel here lately, I was wondering most of those questions myself. Thanks for this post....

                                                                              As Ever,


fishing user avatarHPBB reply : 

Gander Mountain also sell it

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
The Tennessee River is filled with what I have occasionally referred to as the "Rocks from Hell." Both original Hybrid and Hybrid Ultra Soft are as abrassive resistant as any line I have ever fished. If you consider Trilene XT as the standard, Yo-Zuri is just as tough. I have NEVER been broken off by a fish using this line.

fantastic, thanks. Maybe I'll have to grab some and try it out this spring or summer.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
RW...mind listing your sources for the Yozuri US besides just Cabelas? Thanks. Papa

Someone already said Gander mountain, also Sportsman's Warehouse, BPS, amd all the larger on line retailers carry it.  A few of the smaller retail outlets I've visited also have it.   (wal-mart in my area doesn't carry it.)

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

The BPS in Saint Louis carries the Yo-Zuri Hybrid Line, but they do not carry the Ultra Soft. In fact when I asked about it the guy workin' in the area looked at me like I was nuts. The Wal-Marts in my area do not carry it either. When I went to Yo-zuri's website you can look up local dealers. Unfortunately there are none for MO until the Cabela's in Hazelwood is completed. On Yo-Zuri's website there was also a link to all the internet dealers.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Well, I don't know how many have noticed, but Cabela's has recently become one of our sponsors!

So, if you just click on their banner and order up some line, gets a small advertising fee which costs you and me nothing.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Well, I don't know how many have noticed, but Cabela's has recently become one of our sponsors!

So, if you just click on their banner and order up some line, gets a small advertising fee which costs you and me nothing.

I noticed that... about 30 minutes AFTER the UPS man delivered my reel that came from Cabela's.   talk about the old saying "a day late and a dollar short"   Oh well, they will be contributing to the forum on my behalf, many times this year...

fishing user avatarLard_Bass reply : 
Lard Bass,

Because of roadwarrior and the purchase of a Symetre spinning reel here lately, I was wondering most of those questions myself. Thanks for this post....

                                                                              As Ever,


No problem. I just bought some new spinning gear myself. I got a Shimano Sedona and Daiwa Laguna at fantastic prices. This forum has been a fantastic source for information. I usually try searching the forum (usually a question is asked within days of me thinking about it). If I cannot find a answer, then I go to the board for help.

BTW, definitely use the plastic bag trick to set your drag. I learned it from this forum last fall and it was a great trick. The best one so far (because it didn't cost me a dime!).

RW, one more question. Any tricks to putting this UltraSoft on your spool that I need to know? I was just going to lay it down, run it through the guides, and spool it. Didn't know if you have any tips to make to avoid memory.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Same as other lines:

Start with the spool flat on the floor, label up. After five or six cranks, lower the rod tip and see if the line is twisting up. If it is, turn the spool over; if not, continue on. I consider the reel "full" about 1/16" from the lip of the spool.

I also like Reel Magic or the KVD product which I spray on every now and then while spooling, 15-20 cranks. Even if everthing works out perfectly, I still like to troll new line, especially the first time out.

fishing user avatarcbfishalot reply : 


Do you use Yo-Zuri Hybrid and Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultra Soft?

Is it best to use Hybrid on casting gear and Hybrid Ultra Soft on spinning gear?

Is there a need for a pure fluocarbon in deep clear water at all, like on a drop shot?

Is Yo-Zuri Hybrid Ultra Soft the do all line because it won't hurt my feelings to not buy another spool of pure fluocarbon again?  (Yo-Zuri is alot less expensive)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

It's the "do all" line for me. I have original Hybrid on one baitcaster right now just because I had some left, but going forward I'll be using Ultra Soft on all rods. #4 & #6 on spinning tackle, #12 on casting gear.

Well, a little disclaimer...I'm still going to test some other lines occasionally, that's just fun. I tried several last year, but for the most part they didn't work for me. One line I found that I did like was Sunline Defier, which I fished a little bit with Bud on Kentucky Lake. However, it is pretty pricey, 330 yards for $40. If you don't mind the price, you might give it a try.

fishing user avatarcbfishalot reply : 


Does the Yo-Zuri Hybrid sink as fast as pure fluocarbon?

Would the Yo-Zuri sink rate effect jerkbaits or topwater?

Do you use a braid with a Yo-Zuri leader for jerk baits?


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Yo-Zuri doesn't sink, it floats.

I don't fish braid, so I don't use leaders.

fishing user avatarBud reply : 

RW you are going to have start charging for that info. ;D ;D ;D

Believe it or not he does know fishing.

fishing user avatardp0350 reply : 

RW, I was looking into switching to Flouro from monofilament for my trout fishing and the Hybrid ultrasoft seems like the perfect match.  I do however have a question about color.  Most of my fishing is done in shallow clear water.  I would love to use the green for the visibility above the water but what about under the water?  Will I have to use the clear if I want to have the best chance of not spooking the (sometimes pressured) trout that I am fishing for.  Thanks for the help.

fishing user avatardp0350 reply : 

Forgot to ask a quick question about the drag setting.  I am going to use the bag trick with the 4# ultrasoft.  I put roughly 1/3 of 4 lbs in the bag.  Not 1/3 of the average break strength listed by the manufacturer?

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
I still like to troll new line, especially the first time out.


I also like to throw some 1/2 oz. rattltraps.  Cast em way out there and reel em in straight.

I'm a firm believer that line needs to be "broken in" especially on spinning gear.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Color: Although I don't really think the color matters, I suggest green. The "clear" isn't, it's white.

Setting the drag: #4 ~8.5 lb test. The drag should be set between 2 & 2 1/2 lbs, I tend to be on the light side and use the rod to fight the fish. I have boated numerous catfish, drum and buffalo well over 15 lbs on this line when smallmouth fishing. I have TOTAL confidence in #4 line in relatively open water.

fishing user avatarNavy Chief reply : 

I bought some of the Ultra-Soft in 12# and plan on using it on a couple BC's.

I am just the opposite with the Cobra X-Tex, my brother had 6# on his drop shot rod and caught NUMEROUS smallmouths in the 2-4# range and a channel cat in the 15# range. I tried some 8# and loved it on my finesse rod, great sensitivity and hook setting power. I suppose since we both had it on ML rods it took some of the shock that normally would have caused breakage? I don't know if maybe there was a bad batch out there, I have enough to last me and my brother through this year and will see how it holds up to more use. I am finally going to go on shore duty and get some REAL fishing time in the next few years.

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 

I'm thinking about trying some of this here Yozuri ultra soft myself, but I'm still confused as to what size I need to buy. What # vs. actual break strength is ok, but I don't know that info about my p-line. I would like to keep the same diameter line or smaller, while keeping the same break strength or greater. HELP!!!  ;D :o

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Use #6 ~11.9 lb test on spinning tackle.

#12 ~19.5 lb test on baitcasting equipment.

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 

OK, I get the point, RW. Yozuri ultra soft is the (bleep). I will buy a spool or three and try it out this year.  :o

fishing user avatarLard_Bass reply : 

Hey RW,

How's this line (especially #6) in trying to pull fish out of slop?  I have used a snagless rat / frog and remember that usually a heavier test is needed to pull the fish out.  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Wrong line...Some kind of braid is a MUCH better choice in any vegetation. I fish relatively open water.

Heavy line is sometimes necessary.


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