What does everyone think of Ardent reels?
I think the camo one coming out looks awesome..
I think they are bigger and bulkier than a Revo or Shimano..
They only make RH retrieve, So I would never try one ...
im not too conserned about the size, because I am used to big reels, not to say it is a mute point to me. Im just very excited to find a reel made in the USA!
Who sells them ? I haven't heard much about them and have never seen them for sale anywhere in my area.
I saw them for the first time last week at my local Gander Mountain store.
The front of the flippin' reel reminds me of a 1951 Studebaker.
QuoteWho sells them ? I haven't heard much about them and have never seen them for sale anywhere in my area.
Tackle Warehouse and BPS both sell the Ardents - check your favorite vendors ...
It is a wide reel. My personal preference is for a narrow reel. An Abu 4600 being a large diameter reel that is narrow feels better to me than a really short low profile reel that is wide.
(though I prefer low profile/narrow reels)
Beyond that the main thing I don't like about it is the design and construction. Look up the Tackle Tour review of this reel.
It's the only reel I wouldn't take apart and clean/service. I'm sure with experience working on a few it would be OK, but it's just not like all other reels that have a similar construction.
I read that review but it kind of contradicted itself (the reel is rough but super smooth?). I wasn't really sure what to take from the review. It was probably just my understanding of it, however. I am pretty sure that in that review he said that overall it was a good reel. But again, I probably misunderstood. Im was not really getting what he was trying to say.
QuoteI read that review but it kind of contradicted itself (the reel is rough but super smooth?). I wasn't really sure what to take from the review. It was probably just my understanding of it, however. I am pretty sure that in that review he said that overall it was a good reel. But again, I probably misunderstood. Im was not really getting what he was trying to say.![]()
I read the review and what I got out of it was that it was an over priced average reel at best.
I picked up a black one(I don't recall the model)@ the local tackle store and rough is an understatment. and it's not very aesthetically pleasing on top of that. the reel just feels cheaply made. and the thing was like $269 if i remember correctly. I'm all for some american made stuff, but if i'm gonna drop 270 on it, it better perform. i think it's way overpriced and they are inflating it hoping it will catch the "american made" niche
seems general consensus is overpriced crap?
Quoteseems general consensus is overpriced crap?
In this case made in america doesn't mean much.
made in America by illegal labourers, i guess. :'(
Heavy, bulky, ugly, overpriced, limited selection. They seem like they'd last a longs time though, super solid. Im not sure why youd get one besides the american made factor.
i think they are one of he best for flippen frogs
well... what norcalfishguru said ... i aint in a beauty contest on the water. bulky and heavy dont mean much to me. im not a "spoiled bass guy" ;D who finds 10 oz heavy... i find that light ;D. im pretty much used to that after fishing saltwater my whole life, and it honestly doesn't bug me to fish a 10 oz reel all day, because thats just what im used to. i also dont think the limited selection personnaly applies to me, because im not left handed or anything, i just need a reel for flippin. He says that they are super solid, but overpriced. id rather have a reel that holds up "forever" that one that is smooth as silk but brakes after a year (heard alot of that). im not a tournament fisherman, and dont need the best gear. so if i sacrifice a little comfort to support America, all for it. (this was not a bash on norcal, if it sounded like it) thanks for all the feedback!
My buddy has the pitching model, and it works great for its purpose. Powerful reel, though a little funny looking.
cool. cause i was psyched to find a pitchin reel made in USA, buthen everyone was like "they suck". but now im happy
I have an Ardent C400, it is a great reel that will outcast my Shimano Citicas(100DSV&200E) and has a more powerful drag as well, however it costs more and is 8.7ozs.
My local tackle shop put them in and couldn't give them away. They marked em' down and still couldn't move them. It's a shame that a company in the USA had such a disappointing showing. I hope Ardent can make a go of it and provide a product that anglers will love.
QuoteMy local tackle shop put them in and couldn't give them away. They marked em' down and still couldn't move them. It's a shame that a company in the USA had such a disappointing showing. I hope Ardent can make a go of it and provide a product that anglers will love.
I want them to succeed too. They just need to go with a different design. Much narrower, and re-design the handle/crank plate and components. The way the reel goes together is goofy.
So you all think ardent are good quality, just a little bulky and ugly? Ps thanks for all the replies!
I've said before you can hinge decisions off one review.
You can however make decisions on trends in opinion. The biggest majority of reviews on their reels are either negative or neutral.
If everone says they aren't very good, they probably aren't.
To that light, despite my disdain for Shimano, they are obviously a safe choice. Again follow trends of opinion. Too many like them. Not many at all complain about them. (And same could be said for a few other reel builders as well)
The closest way to get a good 'American built reel' is to buy a Shimano, Daiwa, Abu Garcia, and modify and upgrade them yourself, or send to a fellow American to 'build'. ;D
I currently have three of them and could not be happier with them. I had five I believe at one time but my 42 year old son has talked me out of a couple of them. The oldest is about four years and have been trouble free except for one knob came off the handle on one and Ardent replaced it without any issues.
Cleaning and maintenance are easier than most reels. They also have a three year warranty.
I have received so much grief on this site for offering my opinion on this reel that I have been reluctant to offer any feedback. But it has been some time.........so...........................Al
To each his own Al, we all have our opinions but they aren't necessarily right or wrong. There are pleeeenty of rod, reel, line, and lure manufacturers to keep most of us happy. Trevor, I say heavy because the Daiwa Steez is nearly half the weight but also twice the price. Looking at another flagship model from a major manufacturer, a Shimano Calais DC incorporates far more technology than Ardent's xs1000, with a price tag to match. I say solid because if i were to drop a steez, i'd probably cry and bubblewrap my entire room to avoid another heartbreak, but with an Ardet i know id be able to shrug it off and know itll live to cast another day. Not to mention other high end reels are outwardly beautiful and to most buyers, looks can be a big factor. That said, if you choose to support our country with what you mount on your rod, I'm all for it
Two pages of replies, and three people that have actually used them, along with one that thinks they're great for "flippin' frogs," whatever that means. So, the score is +2, -1, and a bunch that take TT for gospel.
QuoteTwo pages of replies, and three people that have actually used them, along with one that thinks they're great for "flippin' frogs," whatever that means. So, the score is +2, -1, and a bunch that take TT for gospel.:-?
I should have been more clear in pointing out the T/T review. I was only pointing out the reels oddball construction (to me) which is shown in that review.
In my opinion the T/T reviews are often swayed by preconceived notions. I've read their reviews on Abu reels for instance. The lower end Revo's with magnetic brakes receive a low rating for casting performance because of the brake. Yet the higher end or JDM reels get great marks for the same braking system.
IDK maybe I'm the only one who sees that.
QuoteI was only pointing out the reels oddball construction (to me) which is shown in that review.
I suppose you're referring to the removable gear box. Nothing oddball about it. Reels have been built that way for over 50 years.
QuoteIDK maybe I'm the only one who sees that.
No, you aren't.
Ardent is starting to sound pretty good! rigid and reliable!
I have an Ardent and absolutley love it. Smooth, durable and simple. I dont need a color scheme on my reel, nor do I need it to be so shiny it doubles as a mirror.
I am the second owner of my Ardent, and I don't think the previous guy took care of it all that well. Felt like there was sand or something inside causing a slight grinding noise. I took it apart (I know NOTHING about the construction of fishing reels) blew a couple times on the inside and put it back together and is perfect. I can tell its been dropped, boat rash to all hell and possibly put into an incinerator, and its perfect. And it was Bruce Sprinstein style "Born in the USA". Trevor, you can't go wrong with an Ardent.
man i think you just sealed the deal! ill be saving this summer working as a mate
I bought the Ardent F500 flipping reel last season and have had zero issues with it. It can only be used for flipping/pitching and has a fixed drag setting which is plenty strong to pull fish up thru the weeds.
theyre alot of money for me (im 15), and i bet my parents wont let me buy them, but its a cool dream. PS both my parents love fishing, just not really fresh water. but again, cool dream.
Dude, work hard in school and earn your money and your parents should have no issues with you buying one. Check out the flea market.
I'm not in anyway bragging, but i get all A's in school and work in the summer, its not that. I just have high suspicions that a 200 dollar BASS, key word being BASS reel, will not fly, if you know what i mean! ;D
so, for now, its just a wish. oh well. maybe I'll buy an ardent t-shirt and fool myself ;D
Does anybody like their reel cleaning supplies?
there reels and cleaning supplies are fantastic. the cleaning supplies should work with fly reels too. they are some of the best reels on the market right now.
i will admit, they are not the prettiest or cheapest, but they are quality and long lasting. plus they have a full 3 year warranty, I dont use a reel if Im not a 100% sure about it, and i have 3 and ordered 3 more.
I'm actual owner number 3 or 4. I have 2 xs1000s and a c400. I am very pleased with the preformance of these reels. I know most people on this forum recomend Shimano reels and it is for a good reason. I used, and loved Shimano for years but have switched to Ardent because I can cast them further and they have a superior drag system. I have read the Tackle Tour review and it seems to contridict itself. It gives it a mediocer score but then has this to say: "The retrieve on the Ardent baitcast reel is actually quite impressive. It's very smooth and fast thanks to high quality ABEC 5 bearings Ardent chose to use in the XS1000 reel. Under load, cranking feels effortless and quite powerful when working lures and hauling in fish. Speaking of the handle, when I spun the knobs, I was amazed at how fast and long they would spin. I don't think I've ever seen a knob spin this fast and freely, for the same duration of time."
And.... "In terms of comfort, the XS1000l feels pretty good in hand when palming. The shape of the reel fits into my hand quite well and is comfortable to grasp all day fishing. The handle knobs are large and easy to grip, and are made of a soft firm rubber material that's welcoming to the fingers."
Sounds like a good review to me! I will be buying a couple more xs1000s this year.
I want to end this post by saying that I am in no way sponsered or payed by Ardent Reels.
I thought the same thing when I read that review, thats why I said I didnt understand it correctly
Question for flippinstick88, I have all Shimano casting reels and the only one that I would consider besides theirs is the Ardent because it's made in the USA. I've been a little reluctant to try it because of some of the negative reviews that I've seen for this product. I've thought about trying one for deep cranking because it's supposed to excel for distance, my question is how would it compare to a Chronarch B (if you've tried one) ? I bought 2 Chronarch B's last year when Tackle Whse had them for $ 188 and I've been pleased with the casting distance, the narrow spool seems to be great for that application and I've had a hard time coming around to the E series reels because for me they set too low on the rod for my preference. Thanks
Have not thrown the Chronarch, I have the curado B and D. I deep crank with my Ardent. Throws far and has a very smooth and powerful retrive.
Man do ardent reels sound nice!
ardent should come out with a red white and blue reel
I fishing buddy of mine had to have the Ardent when he learned it was USA made. He got the lower model and was amazed at the incredible distance he got. I looked at it and thought it looked at least 10 years old tech. wise. It did cast though. Drag nothing special. He fell down a rip rap wall while fishing from shore and the handle and both side plates took a beating. He sent it back for repair and they told him they would fix it for free but they had no parts for it. He had to wait 3 months for the new model. He was thrilled to get a new reel for free. Within the 1st week the line guides eyelet fell out and the palming plate had an adverse reaction to what he thinks was sun screen residue on his hand. All the paint melted. Again Ardent sent him a new reel. Lots of problems if you ask me but he swears by them.
Well we could say it's the greatest reel built in the USA and end this great debate.
QuoteI fishing buddy of mine had to have the Ardent when he learned it was USA made. He got the lower model and was amazed at the incredible distance he got. I looked at it and thought it looked at least 10 years old tech. wise. It did cast though. Drag nothing special. He fell down a rip rap wall while fishing from shore and the handle and both side plates took a beating. He sent it back for repair and they told him they would fix it for free but they had no parts for it. He had to wait 3 months for the new model. He was thrilled to get a new reel for free. Within the 1st week the line guides eyelet fell out and the palming plate had an adverse reaction to what he thinks was sun screen residue on his hand. All the paint melted. Again Ardent sent him a new reel. Lots of problems if you ask me but he swears by them.
Casting distance has very little to do with overall reel quality. I have a little South Bend baitcaster downstairs that's built on a plastic frame with one bearing, and it'll outcast my Curado, Patriarch, and any other baitcaster I've ever owned as long as I keep the bushings oiled. There isn't a single "quality" part in this little piece of junk, but it'll sling a lure quite a ways.
QuoteQuoteI fishing buddy of mine had to have the Ardent when he learned it was USA made. He got the lower model and was amazed at the incredible distance he got. I looked at it and thought it looked at least 10 years old tech. wise. It did cast though. Drag nothing special. He fell down a rip rap wall while fishing from shore and the handle and both side plates took a beating. He sent it back for repair and they told him they would fix it for free but they had no parts for it. He had to wait 3 months for the new model. He was thrilled to get a new reel for free. Within the 1st week the line guides eyelet fell out and the palming plate had an adverse reaction to what he thinks was sun screen residue on his hand. All the paint melted. Again Ardent sent him a new reel. Lots of problems if you ask me but he swears by them.Casting distance has very little to do with overall reel quality. I have a little South Bend baitcaster downstairs that's built on a plastic frame with one bearing, and it'll outcast my Curado, Patriarch, and any other baitcaster I've ever owned as long as I keep the bushings oiled. There isn't a single "quality" part in this little piece of junk, but it'll sling a lure quite a ways.
South Bend tackle. Now that brings back memories. I still have a SB spincast reel from when I was a kid. That used to be a big name in tackle back in the 70's.
Come to think of it, it was crap back then also
QuoteWell we could say it's the greatest reel built in the USA and end this great debate.
No. Avet is the best made in USA. A shame theat they dont make freshwater too
QuoteQuoteWell we could say it's the greatest reel built in the USA and end this great debate.No. Avet is the best made in USA. A shame theat they dont make freshwater too
You really missed my point.
I think the point here is that - for whatever reason - some people prefer brand X over brand Y. No big deal. Why should everyone like the same brand anyway? That would be....dull.
However, to the extent people get into a catfight over which is better is absurd. It is, after all, just fishing.
If you like brand Y, great! Let's hear why you like it. But please refrain from bashing brand X in the process.
That's all I ask.
yeah i did ;D
QuoteQuoteQuoteWell we could say it's the greatest reel built in the USA and end this great debate.No. Avet is the best made in USA. A shame theat they dont make freshwater too
You really missed my point.
I didnt mean to infer that good casting makes a good reel. Actually I feel the Ardent is poor quality. But after the new Curado, I dont feel so warm and cuddly to Shimano anymore either.
I had been debaiting the Denny B. flippin and pitchin baitcaster from ardent, but after reading the posts, i will be sticking with my Revo's.
most of the guys on these posts that actually use them like them.
I wouldn't buy a turd because it say's made in america...so why buy a subpar reel that carry's an embellished price tag? Ardent is a relatively new company and it shows in their product...I wouldnt go by the tackle tour review alone but it seems the consensus is that there are better reels in that price range if you were to pull the trigger.... Give them a few more years of R&D and maybe they'll will come out with a reel that can compete.
If they are still around.. :
Also as far as the one guy who mentioned "flipping a frog"...please I would love for you to elaborate... ;D
all I can say is I have a few and I have had no problems and love them. but just like every other product ever made some people like them some people dont. its that simple.
QuoteI wouldn't buy a turd because it say's made in america...so why buy a subpar reel that carry's an embellished price tag? Ardent is a relatively new company and it shows in their product...I wouldnt go by the tackle tour review alone but it seems the consensus is that there are better reels in that price range if you were to pull the trigger.... Give them a few more years of R&D and maybe they'll will come out with a reel that can compete.If they are still around.. :
Also as far as the one guy who mentioned "flipping a frog"...please I would love for you to elaborate... ;D
Ive never used one but am interested in them. I was just wondering which models you have owed and how long you have been using them.
QuoteI think the point here is that - for whatever reason - some people prefer brand X over brand Y. No big deal. Why should everyone like the same brand anyway? That would be....dull.However, to the extent people get into a catfight over which is better is absurd. It is, after all, just fishing.
If you like brand Y, great! Let's hear why you like it. But please refrain from bashing brand X in the process.
That's all I ask.
I've seen this post before. Glenn do you have this on a clipboard?
Aren't they made in Missouri? I live in Missouri and I've never seen one. Bass Pro in Independence & Olathe, KS doesn't have them. Cabelas in KCK doesn't have them. Rogers Lures in Liberty, Mo ( a very good fishing tackle store) doesn't carry them. I asked one day and they said that Ardent had never contacted them. Something must be up with their marketing department if they aren't carried regionally. I like the idea of buy American, but I won't buy a reel that I can't touch. Hey - Ardent reel folks, are you listening?
thats pretty weird that you cant get them where theyre made. i would think that that would be one of the first places for ardent to sell them.
Quotethats pretty weird that you cant get them where theyre made. i would think that that would be one of the first places for ardent to sell them.
They didn't want dissatisfied customers showing up in person to make their complaints ;D
I used a buddies today, it was a C400. It was a casting machine. Cranking it, you feel the gears/internals more than a Shimano. Reminded me of using an old well worn in Ambassadeur. There are no external screws for disassembly you have to get it apart via the middle of the frame. Funny thing to me were the grips. There was alot of flashing left from the moulds. A Daiwa fan could never use it, it had at least twice the back play of a shimano.
have you ever used one?
QuoteQuotethats pretty weird that you cant get them where theyre made. i would think that that would be one of the first places for ardent to sell them.They didn't want dissatisfied customers showing up in person to make their complaints ;D
yes I have used one and did not like it, I believe it was a c400
Trevor , why are you defending something you don't even own ?
You said in another thread that shimano is your favorite reel. Do you own any of them either ?
Probably for the same reason many are bashing this reel without ever owning one.
Seems to me that those who actually owned and used these reels are very happy with them and would buy another.
QuoteQuoteseems general consensus is overpriced crap?In this case made in america doesn't mean much.
How do you know this if you have never owned or used this reel?
QuoteProbably for the same reason many are bashing this reel without ever owning one.Seems to me that those who actually owned and used these reels are very happy with them and would buy another.
QuoteQuoteseems general consensus is overpriced crap?In this case made in america doesn't mean much.
How do you know this if you have never owned or used this reel?
I'm stating my case by some of the reviews I have read and based on that alone , I would not spend my money for one.
Now if you want one , please go ahead and get it and I hope it's a great reel that serves you well.
i was not defending it, i was simply asking if he ever owned one. sheesh. ive noticed alot of guys saying that ardent is bad just from reviews. and yes, i use only shimano and daiwa.
I would invite a blind man to use my ardent, and then use his X reel.
It'd be a lot closer than you think.
Thai can try mine out on Saturday, and then write his love story for them later.
QuoteI would invite a blind man to use my ardent, and then use his X reel.It'd be a lot closer than you think.
Thai can try mine out on Saturday, and then write his love story for them later.
And I'll let you use my curado.....you'll toss that piece of junk in the river and go shimano
Was at gander mountain 2 weeks ago, saw one, and said wow... i can't believe that costs $100. Looks like a bunch of tiny metal rods help together with 2 cheap metal plates.
QuoteWas at gander mountain 2 weeks ago, saw one, and said wow... i can't believe that costs $100. Looks like a bunch of tiny metal rods help together with 2 cheap metal plates.
Right, they look like crap. I won't argue that. Pick one up, try it out.
Trevor, where are you located? The south? If so, and you can fish this time of the year I will LEND you my Ardent to use, granted you take care of it and pay for the shipping back to me around april/ may...
Send me a PM with your address. I'm using it this weekend, so I can ship it out Monday morning.
No, I live in Pennsylvania in the fall/winter/spring. I only live in Maryland in the summer when my father is running his charter boat. He stays down some spring and fall, but comes home to us during most of "school season". But thanks for the offer. I'm really into the American made, durable reels. Its really a great story how they employed those people whose jobs were shipped to China! Thanks again for the generous offer.
Trevor do Josh a favor and take him up on the offer and toss it out for him...it's time he upgraded anyways
grow up its just a reel.
Quotegrow up its just a reel.
Trevor, Thai was just bustin' on NewAngler a little. Relax my friend.
I am a new member to this site but a LONG time member to several fishing forums. I see this one is pretty much the same as any other, that being love the one your with (or own at the time).
If you want a story from an Ardent Owner here goes, kick back grab a cold one.
I have some vintage 1995 Green Curado's that have been re-worked to the point that I've been told they need new gear sets. I've got some new Citica's and some newer Curado's. In years past I've owned Diawa and still have some old round ABU reels, though those are used for plug knocker line winders now.
When my Green Curado's starting going bad I wanted to try something different so about 15 months ago I bought my first Ardent XS1000 from a guy who needed the money. It was in the box, I didn't ask many questions if you know what I mean. I read Triton Mikes old review on Ardent before buying and figured one would do for testing. It lasted maybe three months before I broke it. They fixed it for free even though I told them I got it used. The second time it lasted maybe a month. This time they asked several questions on what was happening as I was not a happy camper. I took it on a trip to Florida and on the second day it chit the bed.
By now the folks at Ardent and I are getting pretty close and I am trying to describe what keeps breaking, & my not being happy with the sideplate coming loose under pressure. I WANT to buy American but for near 300 clams I'm going to buy the best product.
They sent me the new 2009 improved reel free of charge late last spring, I hooked it on the rod I use the most that time of year and slung traps until my arms hurt with it. PERFECTION!!! I was impressed enough I wanted to see if I could help out getting the word out on the improvements and worked out a way to order several more reels to put too use (I needed new ones anyway). I used two 600's and two 1000's all season and have yet to have one hiccup. I've had them at my club meetings, a couple of small boat shows etc.... and the ONLY suggested improvement was on the new 2500 spinning reel still did not have the right "feel" for it's price point. I've only had that one on the water twice, time will tell if I really like it as much as my old Shimano spinning reels.
Once again, I WILL NOT buy an American product for the sake of "Buying American", but if it may help save your or your family members job I'll darn sure buy it when it makes sense. The Ardent line is new and I feel like they finally have it right. For the record I still fish with some Shimano's as I have not replaced ALL my reels as of yet. The Ardents will spoil you when you pick it up and it's not freezing cold yet when you pick up that new Curado your hand feels like you just picked up a block of ice. Both good reels, it's your money so buy the reel your heart and head tells YOU is best.
QuoteI am a new member to this site but a LONG time member to several fishing forums. I see this one is pretty much the same as any other, that being love the one your with (or own at the time).If you want a story from an Ardent Owner here goes, kick back grab a cold one.
I have some vintage 1995 Green Curado's that have been re-worked to the point that I've been told they need new gear sets. I've got some new Citica's and some newer Curado's. In years past I've owned Diawa and still have some old round ABU reels, though those are used for plug knocker line winders now.
When my Green Curado's starting going bad I wanted to try something different so about 15 months ago I bought my first Ardent XS1000 from a guy who needed the money. It was in the box, I didn't ask many questions if you know what I mean. I read Triton Mikes old review on Ardent before buying and figured one would do for testing. It lasted maybe three months before I broke it. They fixed it for free even though I told them I got it used. The second time it lasted maybe a month. This time they asked several questions on what was happening as I was not a happy camper. I took it on a trip to Florida and on the second day it stuff the bed.
By now the folks at Ardent and I are getting pretty close and I am trying to describe what keeps breaking, & my not being happy with the sideplate coming loose under pressure. I WANT to buy American but for near 300 clams I'm going to buy the best product.
They sent me the new 2009 improved reel free of charge late last spring, I hooked it on the rod I use the most that time of year and slung traps until my arms hurt with it. PERFECTION!!! I was impressed enough I wanted to see if I could help out getting the word out on the improvements and worked out a way to order several more reels to put too use (I needed new ones anyway). I used two 600's and two 1000's all season and have yet to have one hiccup. I've had them at my club meetings, a couple of small boat shows etc.... and the ONLY suggested improvement was on the new 2500 spinning reel still did not have the right "feel" for it's price point. I've only had that one on the water twice, time will tell if I really like it as much as my old Shimano spinning reels.
Once again, I WILL NOT buy an American product for the sake of "Buying American", but if it may help save your or your family members job I'll darn sure buy it when it makes sense. The Ardent line is new and I feel like they finally have it right. For the record I still fish with some Shimano's as I have not replaced ALL my reels as of yet. The Ardents will spoil you when you pick it up and it's not freezing cold yet when you pick up that new Curado your hand feels like you just picked up a block of ice. Both good reels, it's your money so buy the reel your heart and head tells YOU is best.
Welcome and thanks for your opinion.