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Anyone Know Brianf? 2025

fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

I paid this member $200 via paypal on 2-5 for a gopro camera

He said he would send tracking info. I have not seen the camera. I have sent him several messages that have gone unread. I texted the phone number with no response. So I called and it has been disconnected. I am not saying I am getting stiffed...yet. Just looking for him to get me the tracking info. Thanks

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

as long as you didnt send it as a gift, paypal will refund you.

fishing user avatarBassintheweeds reply : 

Maybe light a fire by filing a paypal dispute. That will ussually get them in motion

fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

Yeap sent it as a gift...

fishing user avatarFishinCop646 reply : 

I'll call scam on that all day, everyday!

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

That sucks to hear man. Hopefully he will be a stand up guy and get you your items. For future reference never send as a gift unless you know the person.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

With 13 posts is looking shady

fishing user avatarBassintheweeds reply : 

Sometimes paypal will side with you if you say that you did not understand the different options. Its worth a shot man.



fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Man I hope you can get your money back - or product delivered as promised.


Edited my response to give benefit of doubt...until proven otherwise.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

I am gonna play devil's advocate here.  Lets just hope he is snowed in without power and has all of the right intentions of making this right!  At least we can hope! 


Our flea market is extremely successful because of mutual trust.  We seldom have issues, and I hope this is not one of them!



fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/16/2014 at 9:33 AM, 00 mod said:

I am gonna play devil's advocate here.  Lets just hope he is snowed in without power and has all of the right intentions of making this right!  At least we can hope! 


Our flea market is extremely successful because of mutual trust.  We seldom have issues, and I hope this is not one of them!




Absolutely true and a fair reply. The only thing that gives me pause is the number given being disconnected...

fishing user avatarMattfrom_NJ reply : 
  On 2/16/2014 at 8:46 AM, deaknh03 said:

as long as you didnt send it as a gift, paypal will refund you.


How difficult is pay pal to deal with in situations like this?  I sent money to this guy for a rod off of here.  A week later I ask for a tracking #, and he provides one but it's going to the wrong place. The seller has been good with communication so I don't want to say I'm getting scammed either, however I want to be prepared for worst case scenario. 

fishing user avatarBassintheweeds reply : 
  On 2/16/2014 at 9:33 AM, 00 mod said:

I am gonna play devil's advocate here.  Lets just hope he is snowed in without power and has all of the right intentions of making this right!  At least we can hope! 

This could very well be, major power outages in Philly starting the 10th (last time he was active) as well as his hat in his profile pic being a Pirates hat it could mean that he lives in Philly... I hope 00 mod is right.


The number being disconected is wierd, but im sure as we all know life throws curveballs everyday.




  On 2/16/2014 at 9:58 AM, Mattfrom_NJ said:

How difficult is pay pal to deal with in situations like this?  I sent money to this guy for a rod off of here.  A week later I ask for a tracking #, and he provides one but it's going to the wrong place. The seller has been good with communication so I don't want to say I'm getting scammed either, however I want to be prepared for worst case scenario. 

It's ussually pretty easy but there are stories of things going wrong. Did you ask the seller about the package being sent to the wrong place? Be sure your address with paypal is current that is how they are going to judge it.

fishing user avatarMattfrom_NJ reply : 

Yep. All they said was to let them know if I get it by Monday. My address should be accurate on my pp account

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 

I spoke too soon on one purchase from a guy here. No response for a week and a half after payment went through. He finally responded back with routing number on day 10 or 11, I'm like bout time got home from work and package was on my porch. Come to find out there was a issue in his life which I will not mention that was completely understandable. Give it a few more days and just as a pre caution put paypal in the loop. So they at least have a paper trail in event you file a claim.

fishing user avatarranger 361 reply : 

thats why i don't have pp. i just use a postal money-order, some guys don't like it because they got to cash the order, so i wait a little longer for it to clear, to me its no big deal. TRUST is the most important thing on all of the fourms.  just my 2 cents  bob

fishing user avatarJigMe reply : 
  On 2/16/2014 at 9:33 AM, 00 mod said:

I am gonna play devil's advocate here.  Lets just hope he is snowed in without power and has all of the right intentions of making this right!  At least we can hope! 


Our flea market is extremely successful because of mutual trust.  We seldom have issues, and I hope this is not one of them!




Agreed with Jeff, I have bought few items with Paypal Gift and never had a problem.

fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 

If you use PayPal gift and something goes wrong, there isn't anything you can do about it. Stop trying to cheat the system and pay the 3%. Nobody deserves to be screwed over....including Paypal.

fishing user avatarMckinney24v reply : 

PayPal is super easy to file a dispute, as long as you didn't send the money as a gift that is.

fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

I have done alot of deals on here with zero problems. Thanks for the insight, I would like to think it was a hiccup to keep my faith in this forum classified. lll be calling the number everyday until I see it.

fishing user avatarDatBass reply : 

yea i hate paypal. i just tend to stick with cash. good luck bro

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 2/16/2014 at 10:04 AM, Bassintheweeds said:

This could very well be, major power outages in Philly starting the 10th (last time he was active) as well as his hat in his profile pic being a Pirates hat it could mean that he lives in Philly... I hope 00 mod is right.


The number being disconected is wierd, but im sure as we all know life throws curveballs everyday.




It's ussually pretty easy but there are stories of things going wrong. Did you ask the seller about the package being sent to the wrong place? Be sure your address with paypal is current that is how they are going to judge it.

The Pirates are in Pittsburgh.

Regardless of shipping mishaps or even if I had a death in the family I would still call and explain why there's a delay, it's the right thing to do. Sellers are providing a service (product) for money, if they can't follow through the steps they shouldn't sell in the first place.

fishing user avatarBass Striker reply : 

I agree, the least the seller can do is let the buyer know at some point that they are having problems. I had a small problem with a seller a little while back where part of my order was missing. I sent him an email that went unanswered so I filed a dispute with paypal. It was really simple to do, you just explain what the problem is and submitt it. They forward that on to the seller. I believe they have 2 or 3 weeks to respond to your claim. If they don't respond then you escalate it to where paypal will decide how it will be handled and their word is final. Now in my case the seller simply sent the portion of my order that was missing and it was all good. But if they don't respond and you find yourself dealing with a crook paypal will cover your loss provided you don't send money as a gift. 

Hope this helps some and good luck with your situation.

fishing user avatarStlbob reply : 

Paypal is VERY very anti gun wont use them.I always postal mo's...hope its just a hiccup

fishing user avatarpancityhanman reply : 

paypal is actually owned by ebay. i use them daily and have for about 15 years. never had a problem with them not backing me up. sending as a gift however does limit any recourse against seller. as far as people adding fees on to purchase price, this is strictly prohibited by paypal. say what you want but you agreed to these terms when you opened your account. with the average post price being 50 bucks or less we are talking about 1.50. if you cant add that to your selling price, i dont understand. in the case of a major sale, you can get a deposit thru paypal and remainder of payment by other means. this is how i would handle sale of a vehicle for instance as is in tune with paypals terms of service. now some will complain about fees but as stated before, you agreed to terms, they did not force you to sign up. just my 2 cents.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

I've never had an issue with PayPal and have done over hundreds of transaction on forums and eBay. I'm also from Canada and with shipping so much cheaper within border, there is no excuse to not pay the extra 3-4% fee.


1) "NEVER" use the PayPal gift option EVER!, if something goes wrong, you are screwed, period.

2) When buying, I don't deal with new members, unless they are an active seller from another forum or have someone who can vouch for them. Most people will sign up, try to sell something and don't bother to check back. I see it all the time, where as an active member will check in daily.

3) When selling accepting PayPal, always deliver to a "confirmed" address and include "proof of delivery" (tracking with delivery confirmation) to cover your butt. Items $250+ will need proof of delivery with a "signature".


Sellers should never ask a buyer to send via GIFT, but instead include that amount into their pricing as they do with shipping charges with accepting PayPal.

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

Sorry to hear about this.


I regret something I didn't do. I was going to post folks not to use Paypal 'gift'.  I think mods should post warning and tip of scam prevention on top.


I had a deal on this forum. I got a good deal on a rod. I paied him immediately the same day we agreed. He had over 500+ posts here. I waited a week, nothing. I PMed him, emailed him, nothing. When he finally replied few days later, he said he was sick. Alright that happens. Asked for trucking number, he never answered the request, but he said it was shipped and should be here any time. Ok, I waited, waited and waited some more. Three weeks later, still no rod. I PMed him, emailed him, and called and left v-msg. Nothing. I gave a few days and filed Paypal Dispute, then I finally heard back from him and eventually refunded. Still this day, I do not know what happened to the rod, but if it wasn't for Paypal, I might had not heard from him. Even if someone is not scamming you, people can be unresponsive. One cannot assume the other party has the same kind of mindset in dealing with others. And also unexpected things can happen to people's life, to be fair.


In addition to TrippyJai's nice summaries of tips, I would like to add one thing. When using Paypal, fund through credit card, not a checking account. This will give you one more layer of protection. I once had a eBay scammer. The technique was to get the payment, send something to me with tracking #. As long as tracking # exists, eBay/Paypal will not back you saying, it is about the quality/description of items and it is subjective is basically what they say. However, I had credit card company reverse the transaction. They are on my side. eBay/Paypal do not like this and I believe if you use this too many times, they will blacklist you or something, but it is nice to know there's someone on your side. With that protection, I am not really worried about sending money vie Paypal. 


I was actually surprised that folks are talking about using Paypal 'gift' option on this forum when I first came here. Actually I didn't understand what they are asking. It is like seller asking buyer, 'you take all the risk'. That sounds unfair. Is this norm in fishing forums? I don't know.


I've been dealing on eBay/paypal long time. I had seen some scamming and border line scamming before. People who says hate paypal and use money order don't understand money order is worse that paypal when it comes to dispute resolution and protection.


BTW Op, hope this work out at the end, but if it doesn't, you might want to look into filling complaint to FTC and/or police.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 2/16/2014 at 8:41 PM, Stlbob said:

Paypal is VERY very anti gun wont use them.I always postal mo's...hope its just a hiccup

PayPal is NOT anti-gun they are pro covering their own butt in transactions where they could be held liable in interstate transactions involving firearms.  they have actually donated money to PAC that are somewhat pro-gun but i digress and apologize ahead of time lol


As far as paypal goes unless it is truly a gift don't send it that way as to cover your butt and ensure that pay opal makes their money like they should.  I have heard of people using the gift option to much and actually getting banned from paypal use.  


I also would not want to take a money order because i have no way to deposit into my bank account since i do my banking online and ia m pretty sure my remote deposit capture does not cover MO.

fishing user avatartracker01 reply : 

Postal Money Orders can be cashed at the Post Office. Depending on the $$$ of the MO you might have to go to a larger office to cash it. You will need ID, and if the clerk has enough money in their drawer, they can cash it for you. No bank needed.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

Well, I had been thinking about trying to sell some stuff here, but, never mind. I'll just sell where I can deal face to face.


fishing user avatarmsk reply : 

I only do PayPal gift with friends and family. I used to sell a lot on ebay and PayPal but now their fees are ridiculous. Flat rate 10% if you sold on eebay. Now I only use ebay as a last ditch effort to sell something.

In regards to your transaction, if you sent gift there is little PayPal will do. They will know that you circumvented the system to save the fees for the buyer.

I really hope it works out. There are few things in this world that I dislike more than thieves.

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

We have the good sellers' list, but we don't have the bad seller's list. Also missing is the same for the buyers side. I can imagine things become tricky to maintain these list fairly thou.


I have learned that the same individual I had difficulty had at least one more very similar episode with other member who PM'ed me after seeing my story. Right now there's no way to warn other's about that kind of individuals.


Also I have been good buyers here for a couple of transactions, but never sold anything. So naturally I am not on the good seller's list, and people might shy away from buying from me.

fishing user avatarCrookedneck reply : 

The paypal gift thing is usually a sign for me to stay away. If it is an item I want I'll inform the seller that I will cover the fees. A couple extra dollars spent is better than a bunch of money lost. If the seller doesn't respond or refuses then I refuse to buy.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 2/17/2014 at 4:03 AM, hootiebenji said:

Well, I had been thinking about trying to sell some stuff here, but, never mind. I'll just sell where I can deal face to face.


That's okay hootie, though being the seller here you also have the right to pick who buys from you as well, you don't have to sell to first dibs, you could also limit transactions from low post count members even do local pickups only

fishing user avatarbasshole8190 reply : 

I have sold and traded and bought from this forum and a few others and have had a very good experience with everyone here. that being said ive always done the leg work checking post counts and the good seller trader list. Hope you didnt get burned.

fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

I have been thinking alot about this... I am going to start asking for people mailing address. Atleast then you have a town a name and a address to call the police, in a situation like this.I wouldnt have a problem giving someone I was doing business with that information. If they dont want to give up that info then I dont wanna give em my money.

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

Here's my input on this- in 99% of the cases that I've ever sold to anyone, I've had ONE instance in which the item was not delivered in the time frame that it was supposed to be.  Oddly enough, that was just the other day on a rod I shipped.  The post office mis-routed the package, period.  I'm also VERY leery of buyers.  The nice thing, again, with PayPal is that if you keep your correspondence with the purchaser, and the shipping information, and someone tries to say they didn't get it- you have FULL recourse.  I have had issues in the past with shipping, but now, it's a non-issue.  If someone wants to claim they didn't get their package, and yet I have proof that the package was delivered and signed for- you're out.
If the USPS or UPS loses the package and the person never gets their package, I'm ok with a refund and then I take it up with the post office.  That's all there is to it.

The kind of time frame you're looking at here, well, things do not bode well for you. 


One of the other things that is a dead giveaway a lot of the times, is pricing that sounds too good to be true.  If you think you're getting a really awesome deal, instead of a legit fair price, well, it usually isn't that great, and I usually don't need to tell you why.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 
  On 2/17/2014 at 1:40 AM, Loop_Dad said:



When using Paypal, fund through credit card, not a checking account. This will give you one more layer of protection. 


these few points should be a sticky thread in the flea market.

paypal protection is a joke. i've lost cases i clearly should have won (bought mens' size 12 snow boarding boots. arrived ITALIAN size 45; needless to say they didn't fit.  never used my bank account as funding again b/c paypal ruled against me).

i've had my Visa card automatically refund my money 5 times in the last 10 years (some Visa's auto refund but require a case to be opened over a certain dollar amount.  however ALL the burden of proof is upon the seller unlike with paypal it's a shot in the dark). even if the scam artist closed his bank account ur Visa will charge his back up credit card on file with paypal. and that my friends= priceless.

taking it a step further, i no longer use my bank card for any retail purchases. credit card for everything, online or in person. no debit card purchases. only reason i use my debit card is for cash at the ATM.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

SIze 45 is he equivalent of us size 12 just for the record...the only problem is there are no standards per se for US sizes which is why i own shoes from size 10 up to size 11.


I do agree that credit card is easier but not necessarily safer, it just eliminates the possibility of losing money in your actual bank account.  Besides, getting rewards on a credit card makes more sense than anything.  there are so many cash back rewards cards out there it is almost silly not to use them unless you are not disciplined enough to only use what you can pay off each month.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 
  On 2/17/2014 at 10:34 PM, flyfisher said:

SIze 45 is he equivalent of us size 12 just for the record..

oh ye of little faith! keep ur google search going.... you'll find 5 more charts with 5 different conversions.  i provided paypal 5 charts showing conversions from 10.5 to 13. they didn't pay attention b/c you can't fix stupid.

credit cards are far safer. why? companies only care so much about your money being stolen. but they care an awful lot about THEIR money being stolen. cash in ur bank account is ur money.  money available from a credit card is viewed as their money. and they don't play nice with scam artists in the sandbox

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

No need to google search for me i worked in retail selling shoes, climbing, ski, hiking etc..for a long time and know what sizes correspond to what US size but as there are no standards the equivalency as they are a guideline hence the reason i always told people not to buy shoes online unless you know they fit.  We would get people in our shop all the time trying on shoes just to go buy them online or try and return a shoe they bought online to our shop.


As far as the credit card versus debit card, the same regs and procedures apply to both types of transactions as they are covered by Reg E mainly.  The big difference in credit card is that each company has specific guidelines for Visa, Mastercard, amex etc..that must be followed.  Really the process is the same, the research is the same and the paperwork needed is the same but with a credit card the filing of the claim is actually more stringent because Visa/mastercard are very specific in how the claim is filed. 


And cash in your bank account is also used by the bank too in a funny money kind of way, not to mention reputational risk and losing customers because of said disputes not being handled appropriately.  I won't bore you with any more details but know that the process is the same really and your rights are the same and both will give you the credit back to your account within a predetermined number of days and then once the investigation is finalized it will either approve or deny the claim and adjust the balances accordingly.

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 
  On 2/17/2014 at 11:05 PM, flyfisher said:

No need to google search for me i worked in retail selling shoes, climbing, ski, hiking etc..for a long time and know what sizes correspond to what US size but as there are no standards the equivalency as they are a guideline hence the reason i always told people not to buy shoes online unless you know they fit.  We would get people in our shop all the time trying on shoes just to go buy them online or try and return a shoe they bought online to our shop.


As far as the credit card versus debit card, the same regs and procedures apply to both types of transactions as they are covered by Reg E mainly.  The big difference in credit card is that each company has specific guidelines for Visa, Mastercard, amex etc..that must be followed.  Really the process is the same, the research is the same and the paperwork needed is the same but with a credit card the filing of the claim is actually more stringent because Visa/mastercard are very specific in how the claim is filed. 


And cash in your bank account is also used by the bank too in a funny money kind of way, not to mention reputational risk and losing customers because of said disputes not being handled appropriately.  I won't bore you with any more details but know that the process is the same really and your rights are the same and both will give you the credit back to your account within a predetermined number of days and then once the investigation is finalized it will either approve or deny the claim and adjust the balances accordingly.


well all i can really say is i've walked the walk and you've clearly talked the talk.

rest assured flyfisher you're fashion sense and fiscal policy will not prevent me from thoroughly enjoying ur fishing posts!!! :fishing2: 


buckmaxx, call paypal and find out the fine details on opening a dispute vs a claim. it's been awhile but i believe a dispute 'opens dialog' between the buyer and seller. they refund ur money immediately but can reverse it pending the outcome. the seller has 20 days to respond. this guy sounds like he went awol so hopefully he won't.  the money then remains yours.  

if he responds and refuses to refund ur money you then escalate it to a claim.  this is when it's now out of your hands and a paypal rep in India makes the final decision.  you will want to press the delivery confirmation factor ie you did not receive a package and the burden is upon him to show proof of delivery. without delivery conf. they should rule in ur favor.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 2/17/2014 at 11:25 PM, ClackerBuzz said:

well all i can really say is i've walked the walk and you've clearly talked the talk.

rest assured flyfisher you're fashion sense and fiscal policy will not prevent me from thoroughly enjoying ur fishing posts!!! :fishing2: 


buckmaxx, call paypal and find out the fine details on opening a dispute vs a claim. it's been awhile but i believe a dispute 'opens dialog' between the buyer and seller. they refund ur money immediately but can reverse it pending the outcome. the seller has 20 days to respond. this guy sounds like he went awol so hopefully he won't.  the money then remains yours.  

if he responds and refuses to refund ur money you then escalate it to a claim.  this is when it's now out of your hands and a paypal rep in India makes the final decision.  you will want to press the delivery confirmation factor ie you did not receive a package and the burden is upon him to show proof of delivery. without delivery conf. they should rule in ur favor.

I do a little more than talk the talk as i am responsible for reg E compliance in my job but how each bank handles it can be different....

fishing user avatarVolFan reply : 

" i've walked the walk and you've clearly talked the talk."

Ha! Shoe humor!

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 
  On 2/17/2014 at 11:33 PM, flyfisher said:

I do a little more than talk the talk as i am responsible for reg E compliance in my job but how each bank handles it can be different....


  On 2/17/2014 at 10:34 PM, flyfisher said:

I do agree that credit card is easier but not necessarily safer, it just eliminates the possibility of losing money in your actual bank account. 


I don't claim to know all the regulations and how different ways different bank / credit card company handle things, but I do know at least for Citi, if you fund through credit card, you can reverse, but if you pay from your bank account balance, you cannot. I believe it is the same with WelsFargo that I used to bank with. From that I thought that was the general rule. And from that I consider fund paypal through credit card is safer. This is coming from my experience. I've been using eBay / paypal long time, even from the time when paypal was a new way of paying.

fishing user avatarStlbob reply : 

I bought a custom AK47 years ago and the shop tried to play hide and seek for weeks.

I sent postal MO which in the gun world back then for custom work is the way it was..they held them for a month and then cashed them..i never got my AK.


well the post office and myself contacted the local sheriffs dept and they went and knocked on the guys door at his house and at the amazing thing happen 4 days later my AK showed up at my FFL with a few exrtas for free and a letter of apology...You can contact the local sheriffs dept if you have his address.Most dont want fraud in their county.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I love people on here's optimisium, most are senior members on here too lol. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it ain't a mongoose!

Disconnected line and unread/unanswered messages would be an automatic red flag! As far as getting people's address and contact info first that's very easy to forge. You can get a phone number, unless it's a land line (and even that can be faked give u a cell sayin it's a landline), and address and that won't do you any good whose to say it's legit.

But I hope you either get your gopro or you get intouch paypal and they get you your $200 back. I tend to avoid people with low post counts offering great deals on here I feel it's too good to be true. But at the same time this is the first I have heard of someone being scammed, hopefully it's not the case and it's just miscommunication, so the community on here seems to be good (unless most people are like me and avoid the "sketchy ones")

Keep us posted and let us know what happens man I wish you luck nobody should be out $200, or any $ amount, for someone else's greed and untruthfulness!

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

It's a scam.  The name he used is a character's name from Saturday Night Live, We also found a similar thread on another fishing site where he did the same thing to somebody else.


He used 4 IP addresses - 2 from Eden Prairie, Minnesota and 2 from Stockton California, the latter are ATT IP's, so it's via the scammer's phone.  The Minnesota IP was from

So you could contact them to see if anyone by that name works for them, but it's possible the hacker is hijacking their IP,


I did find this:

A person by the same name very near Stockton (close enough to be within the same footprint of the IP).  I just caution that it may not be the same person.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Well now hold on...C.H. Robinson has several offices located near Stockton.  So, it's possible this person does work for them out of one of those offices:


Project Forwarding (0721)
433 Hegenberger Road
Suite 202
Oakland, CA 94621 Manager Name: Steve Zimmer
Phone: 510-638-9025
Fax: 510-638-9026


Transportation & Logistics (0050)
1990 North California Boulevard
Suite 510
Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Manager Name: Diane Lujan
Phone: 925-256-2200
Fax: 925-256-2220
Toll Free: 800-999-5250
After Hours: 800-999-5250
More Info: 925-580-5947


Transportation & Logistics (0090)
1020 Sundown Way S.
Suite 130
Roseville, CA 95661 Manager Name: Matt "MK" Krause
Phone: 916-787-6300
Fax: 916-787-5620
After Hours: 888-607-8973


Produce (0780)
Product Development Center (PDC)
29285 Mace Blvd
Davis, CA 95618 Manager Name: Jamie Vosejpka
Phone: 530-757-1000
Fax: 530-757-8274


fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

He also used an IP near Chicago IL, (under the  C.H. Robinson company) which was used for the thread selling the Go Pro.

fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

I appreciate everyones work to figure this out. I will be contacting the companies you listed glenn and asking them if they employ someone by that name. Is there an email associated with his profile? Thanks again

fishing user avatarbmac31 reply : 

Props to Glenn and the Mods for going above and beyond imo. You guys rock.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Good stuff guys.

fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

I have contacted paypal and opened a case. I also contacted a few of the numbers the mods have given me. I will keep you all updated on the outcome Thanks you!

fishing user avatarFabricator reply : 

Not to hijack the thread, Hey Gleen I saw you on the Fishing network the other day, looks like a great location you have to fish.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

Don't mess with the bass resource folks!  :respect-059:

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 2/18/2014 at 6:42 AM, Fabricator said:

Not to hijack the thread, Hey Gleen I saw you on the Fishing network the other day, looks like a great location you have to fish.


Yes sir!  It's beautiful lake with a wide variety of places to fish.  Here's another spot on the same lake - totally different that what you saw on TV.


fishing user avatarFabricator reply : 

Man,what a nice place. BTW you don't have to call me sir, I work for a living, I was enlisted, and I'm way to young for all that.

fishing user avatarEvanT123 reply : 

Sorry for your troubles man. I'll echo what has already been said. Never paypal gift. If a person asks that I do I'll just add the 3% to what I send them. It's usually a few bucks anyways. Look at post count and even then read threw some to make sure they are currently active. People do have personal issues or add. I bought a loomis from a guy from another site and this guy was the slowest to get back with info tracking etc but I got the rod as described. The only place I have ever had a problem was that auction site. Go figure lol;

When I sell things I try and be responsive as possible. I'm not a fan of postal money orders or checks but if I see a member is in good standing and thats what they prefer I have no problem accepting them. twice I've even removed items I've had for sale for someone to get the funds together or get back from vacation etc. though to think everyone on the net is a stand up guy is asking for trouble.

I hope everything works out alright and at a minimum you get your money back.

fishing user avatarStlbob reply : 

The Mods on here are something, never have i seen anything like this elsewhere.


Nothing but respect.

fishing user avatarbass1980 reply : 

Well chances are this low life is reading all of this. Hopefully he honors his sale now that he is about to get busted. I am worried that he won't be caught off guard now and find a way to use this to his advantage. Either way, best of luck.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 2/18/2014 at 11:34 AM, Stlbob said:

The Mods on here are something, never have i seen anything like this elsewhere.


Nothing but respect.


A shucks.  That's nothing.  Try this one on for size:

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

Glad to see this making some progress. Contacting PayPal may or may not help. Send them this thread along with all PM/text history and anything else you can find about this person to PayPal. If they have zero tolerance for scammers, you might be able to get your money back.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 
  On 2/18/2014 at 12:36 PM, Glenn said:

A shucks. That's nothing. Try this one on for size:

Haha I almost forgot that guy! Now that was pretty stupid, smart on Glenn and Genes part

fishing user avatarmsk reply : 
  On 2/18/2014 at 12:36 PM, Glenn said:

A shucks. That's nothing. Try this one on for size:

That was sweet work right there!

fishing user avatarStlbob reply : 

right its like BassMan and Crappie boy...i will leave it up to you which is which

fishing user avatarlmoore reply : 
  On 2/18/2014 at 12:36 PM, Glenn said:

A shucks.  That's nothing.  Try this one on for size:


The biggest thing I came away with from that thread is how glad I am you and Gene haven't decided to become criminals.  With those sleuthing skills I think you could have every person on BR penniless in pretty short order. LOL


Hopefully tgreen takes the opportunity to learn from the situation, he should be thankful all he received was a "get outta here" from the golf course.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Its been said but, you guys be very careful of who you buy from on here. Most of the guys here are trust worthy, but just be careful. Take measurements to ensure that you are protected. I rarely lay attention to new members selling items. If its their first post, I usually ignore it. There's enough core members here that are regulars on the flea market to find what you are looking for.

If it seems too good, it probably is.

Keep a check on the good seller list.

Its an extra step, but after a transaction, send a pm to a mod tp add a +1 to said seller on good seller list. This doesn't always happen, but of every gets in the habit of it, it makes the good seller list more accurate.

fishing user avatarJayhawksBassFishin reply : 

As a relatively new member to this site, I have recently been buying stuff from great individuals on here to build up my fishing inventory. I have had great success, but it is awesome to see that if I did ever have a problem bassresource community would be there to help. Provides amazing confidence for buyers.

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 
  On 2/19/2014 at 3:06 AM, JayhawksBassFishin said:

As a relatively new member to this site, I have recently been buying stuff from great individuals on here to build up my fishing inventory. I have had great success, but it is awesome to see that if I did ever have a problem bassresource community would be there to help. Provides amazing confidence for buyers.

Agree Im always looking at stuff on here, best fishing forum bar none!
fishing user avatarbmac31 reply : 

Ive only been a member here a couple months but ive partaken in four transactions all very successful. I also turned my +1's in to 00Mod. Just wanted to share a couple good ones with everyone. Also meant a couple nice guys on here I did transactions with.


fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 
  On 2/18/2014 at 12:36 PM, Glenn said:

A shucks.  That's nothing.  Try this one on for size:

How on EARTH did I miss that?!  Other than the fact that it occurred during tournament season, I guess.  I'm not around a whole lot from early May until about July- though I do try to checkin once or twice a week.  That is AWESOME!  I love it.

fishing user avatarLivewellHero reply : 
  On 2/18/2014 at 12:36 PM, Glenn said:

A shucks.  That's nothing.  Try this one on for size:

That was an amusing read and an awesome bust! Kinda scary what you two are capable of though...

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 

13 LEOs between me and my fiances families here. If a IP ever pops in CT involving a scam I'll be happy to attempt to help.

fishing user avatarscrutch reply : 

That golf course thread was a fun read Glen. I think it would be a lot of fun doing all that sleuthing stuff. I missed my calling.

To the OP... I'm watching this thread with interest. I hope you see some resolution soon. I will say that I've bought stuff all over the internet and no matter where you go, the rules are the same on how to best protect yourself. This site is easily one of the best sites to buy and sell items and with quality guys like our Mods keeping track of the idiots, it should be a great place for a long time.

fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

Update...still crickets.

fishing user avatarDILLY07 reply : 

Did his paypal ever say anything about his address? If so, find the towns name and search in Google and find the police departments number and go through from there. 

fishing user avatarkickerfish1 reply : 

Wow, hope everything works out.

In before the mods wish Irene a good night!

fishing user avatarbmac31 reply : 
  On 2/19/2014 at 11:41 AM, dam0007 said:

13 LEOs between me and my fiances families here

Out of curiosity what a LEO?


fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 
  On 2/21/2014 at 10:36 AM, bmac31 said:

Out of curiosity what a LEO?


law enforcement officer aka cop
fishing user avatarBuckMaxx reply : 

Due to privacy rules they cannot give me any information about him. I guess they are afraid I would show up at his door.


It obvious that he needed my $200 worse then I did. I am not bitter about it. His judgement day is coming by a man much bigger then me. He'll have too answer the questions. If that's the way he wants to live his life then so be it.

fishing user avatarZhouNi reply : 

hope scumbags like him stays in jail for a longgg time 

fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 
  On 2/16/2014 at 11:13 AM, Jrob78 said:

If you use PayPal gift and something goes wrong, there isn't anything you can do about it. Stop trying to cheat the system and pay the 3%. Nobody deserves to be screwed over....including Paypal.

Paypal still gets paid when you send a gift. The buyer just pays the paypal fees instead of it being taken out of what the seller gets 

fishing user avatarblack94gt50 reply : 
  On 2/21/2014 at 12:24 PM, ZhouNi said:

hope scumbags like him stays in jail for a longgg time

People like this need the hell beat out of them, then they can go stay in jail for a while. They start thinking twice bout taking people's money then.

fishing user avatartracker01 reply : 
  On 2/21/2014 at 12:37 PM, aquaholic said:

Paypal still gets paid when you send a gift. The buyer just pays the paypal fees instead of it being taken out of what the seller gets 


Hummmmmmm, I did not know that.  Interesting.  

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 2/21/2014 at 12:37 PM, aquaholic said:

Paypal still gets paid when you send a gift. The buyer just pays the paypal fees instead of it being taken out of what the seller gets

If you use your credit card there is some kind of fee but not if you use funds in your paypal or bank account.

fishing user avatarStlbob reply : 

this appears to be a safe place to shop..he is the exception not the norm..but someone made a good point before going to jail someone needs to break their foot off in his________.well you fill in the blank.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

This is a tough deal and a lesson for everyone. I got stung a couple of years ago

in a similar situation. I wish you good luck, but doubt it will work out in your favor.


Let's move on.


Good night Irene.


-Kent  a.k.a. roadwarrior

Global Moderator


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