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Paying Forward 2025

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 

I have been fortunate that some have helped me get things I wanted. I have went through some of my tackle and culled things I will not use or have too much of etc. I know some posts are about trading and I thought about that as well. But seriously I have more than 1 man needs so a trade doesn't help me. Also I am fortunate to not be hungry and I have a roof over my head along with a decent job. So I don't need the small sum this would bring trying to sell it. I know some do not need this or want it but I would like this to go to someone who could use it to help them get started.


I ask that they be honest with themselves, if you could use it by all means it is first come first serve. Please don't take it to sell off or to put in a pile to hoard it.

The only cost will be you to pay the actual shipping from my area code 75460 If you feel you must pay something just PM me and we can work it out. I know how it is sometimes accepting free stuff.


If this violates any rules please let me know I will gladly try to conform to them.


This is the box filled.


This is close ups of much of whats in the box. I may have added more to the box as well. I dont remember what all is in there but this is the majority.





The brown ones have Berkley Gulp in with them.










fishing user avatarTopwaterspook reply : 

I commend you, S Sass. This is very generous. Hopefully a deserving youngster will take you up on this fine offer.

fishing user avatarjbw252 reply : 

Nice random act of kindness. This is why BassResource is the best site on the web.

fishing user avatarthedukeca reply : 

Good stuff right here!! If this stuff honestly goes to a kid that can use it and shipping cost is an issue for the kid, I will at least help with the shipping cost. Just pm me and let me know s sass . I think this is great helping get stuff into fellow fishermens hands who can use it.

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 

Oh I hope one will take it and make good use of it.


Here is another pic of stuff that is in there. For some reason it didnt upload off my phone with the others.


fishing user avatarAdamsEye reply : 

I admire your generosity, and just so you know reading this made me smile! Good luck to you!

fishing user avatarTurkey sandwich reply : 

This is a really great offer! Hopefully this helps a young fella or college kid put some fish in the boat. Awesome gesture!

fishing user avatarLendiesel22 reply : 

Very cool

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I've had I think it is now 7 BR members do something like this for me now. Completely out of the blue, just a PM saying they'd like to pass it on. 


I've probably received over $500.00 worth of stuff through the 10 months I've been on here. 


Now, I'm at the point where I've found colors that I like and baits that I like and I'm actually trying to get rid of the tackle I don't use. 


If it weren't for generous BR members, my lure arsenal would be a lot slimmer and I wouldn't have caught so many fish. I was always hesitant to shell out the money for a new baits when I knew I could go out and catch lots of Yum Dinger fish :D. Now that I have a little more money to spend and trying to knock out all the baits I haven't tried, I'm at the point where I'm trying to pass it on myself. Thanks guys!! 


I hope somebody gets a lot of use out of these! 


Edit: 2000th post!

fishing user avatarLast_Cast reply : 

my faith in humanity is slightly restored.


nice of you

fishing user avatarDreamchaser reply : 

Im new to bass fishing and have to say I've been seriously impressed by the friendliness and warmth of people so far.  This give away takes it another level - well done and many thanks. I was showing my girl and her friend's how to fish and i think i may have a someone young hooked here. So have PM'd as some of these will be extremely helpful to get me and my daugther's friend started.  Cheers! 

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 

Dreamchaser sounds like you could use it. The package is on its way.



fishing user avatarRyanFishing reply : 

Great to see that it's going to a good home where it will hopefully get some young kids into fishing!!

fishing user avatarbassbassontherange reply : 

What a guy. Bravo. 

fishing user avatarLendiesel22 reply : 
  On 8/6/2015 at 8:59 PM, chris7390 said:

my faith in humanity is slightly restored.

nice of you

I am the be the solution, not part of the problem kinda guy. From the plastic cup floating down the river to a handful of change to some that looks like they need it. The problem I have is that after so long even the good people wear out and question what is right while they watch others lay down and give up. It takes alot now a days to push on doing what is right. Even if its the small stuff.

fishing user avatarLast_Cast reply : 
  On 8/7/2015 at 1:46 AM, Lendiesel22 said:
  On 8/6/2015 at 8:59 PM, chris7390 said:

my faith in humanity is slightly restored.

nice of you

I am the be the solution, not part of the problem kinda guy. From the plastic cup floating down the river to a handful of change to some that looks like they need it. The problem I have is that after so long even the good people wear out and question what is right while they watch others lay down and give up. It takes alot now a days to push on doing what is right. Even if its the small stuff.

very very true.

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 

It was quite interesting at the Postal place. The box I had the stuff in came up to almost $20 to ship. The lady said is this box packed full or is there room in there? I said there was some room so she takes it opens the box and sees all the lures and starts telling me of her son. He is like maybe 7 or 8 yrs old. She said he would be in love with this stuff so we get to discussing what I was doing and she was so wishing I had known her son. She said that kid is at the pool every day and loves fishing. She pulled her cell out and showed me his pic and sure enough he is on the this pier fishing with what looks like a $20 combo. She went on to tell me how Every Saturday he wants to go to BassPro shops (our nearest one is 1 1/2hr drive) she said they cant afford but like 1 lure and one pack of worms when they do get to go. So as shes talking she has found some flat rate padded envelopes and has stuffed all the bait/lures into one envelope and stuffed that envelope into another for extra protection and gets my package shipped for like 1/2 the cost.


Now I want to help this kid and parent. I think I will make my next package for him. I know kids learn really quick and I think I want to get him a baitcast reel and rod. I mean there will be no shipping cost so there is an easy $10 and the kids mom just saved me $10 so there is $20 and I have about another $10 on a basspro gift card. Something just makes me want to help the kid. I cant get crazy and buy no $200 combo but I think I am going to save up and get him in a beginner. 


I am actually thinking about doing one of these every so often. I just placed another order for more lures so that means more of my older stuff will be moving out at some point. It actually feels good to help others. :respect-059:

fishing user avatarDreamchaser reply : 

You're an absolute gem S.Sass!!  Will look out for it and keep you posted once i get out there. I'll split it with my daugther's friend who is 13 years old and his 6 year old brother. I'm sure they would be chuffed.


People in fishing keeps impressing me! well done all.



  On 8/6/2015 at 11:41 PM, S. Sass said:

Dreamchaser sounds like you could use it. The package is on its way.



fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

If anyone has been reading and contemplating something similar, but is looking for a little more anonymity for whatever reason, Tackle The Storm is an option.  Dan Barone's email is listed on their site and he'll help get your gear to deserving kids if you want to go that route.

There was at least one other, similar, organization mentioned here on BR recently, but I don't recall the name.  Point is that there are ways to help assure that your unused gear may get to 'deserving' kids.


Thanks, S Sass!!!

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 
  On 8/7/2015 at 3:16 AM, Choporoz said:

If anyone has been reading and contemplating something similar, but is looking for a little more anonymity for whatever reason, Tackle The Storm is an option.  Dan Barone's email is listed on their site and he'll help get your gear to deserving kids if you want to go that route.

There was at least one other, similar, organization mentioned here on BR recently, but I don't recall the name.  Point is that there are ways to help assure that your unused gear may get to 'deserving' kids.


Thanks, S Sass!!!

That is a cool deal

I don't think I can contribute that much but right now I am financially able to help a few.

Anonymity is a great thing as well. I just wanted to share with others the great feeling of giving. I mean I have probably 1/8 the tackle of most in here that I use and I am willing to bet its much cheaper gear as well. I see people discussing $500 reels and $400 rods which is fine but If I ever get to that point I will quit fishing. Its just not what fishing is about to me. Don't take it wrong if your that guy with the $40,000 boat and $1000.00 rod n reels, everyone has their hobbies and spend their money the way they want. I have my evil habits as well. I'm in the middle of building a old Chevy truck with a injected stroked BBC and it sure likes $ too. Its tough being a gearhead and never letting go of the hotrod sickness. But I am trying to share more and live a little more down to earth. And no I don't intend for that to sound like I want to be a tree hugging extremest with rainbows everywhere. :angel-devil:

fishing user avatarDreamchaser reply : 

The goods have landed! And plenty of them. The 4" worms is perfect for kids fishing drop shot off docks!! Hopefully will take them out this weekend.

There was a pack of senko like 5" and look what I caught


fishing user avatarAnantha Patel reply : 

A little late, but bravo!

fishing user avatarLast_Cast reply : 
  On 8/7/2015 at 3:00 AM, S. Sass said:

It was quite interesting at the Postal place. The box I had the stuff in came up to almost $20 to ship. The lady said is this box packed full or is there room in there? I said there was some room so she takes it opens the box and sees all the lures and starts telling me of her son. He is like maybe 7 or 8 yrs old. She said he would be in love with this stuff so we get to discussing what I was doing and she was so wishing I had known her son. She said that kid is at the pool every day and loves fishing. She pulled her cell out and showed me his pic and sure enough he is on the this pier fishing with what looks like a $20 combo. She went on to tell me how Every Saturday he wants to go to BassPro shops (our nearest one is 1 1/2hr drive) she said they cant afford but like 1 lure and one pack of worms when they do get to go. So as shes talking she has found some flat rate padded envelopes and has stuffed all the bait/lures into one envelope and stuffed that envelope into another for extra protection and gets my package shipped for like 1/2 the cost.


Now I want to help this kid and parent. I think I will make my next package for him. I know kids learn really quick and I think I want to get him a baitcast reel and rod. I mean there will be no shipping cost so there is an easy $10 and the kids mom just saved me $10 so there is $20 and I have about another $10 on a basspro gift card. Something just makes me want to help the kid. I cant get crazy and buy no $200 combo but I think I am going to save up and get him in a beginner. 


I am actually thinking about doing one of these every so often. I just placed another order for more lures so that means more of my older stuff will be moving out at some point. It actually feels good to help others. :respect-059:

I have some extra worms and hooks for the kid..

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 

I had decided to back off the rod and reel for the kid. But I did make a pile of lures and soft plastics that should last the kid a few months. If you want to send stuff for the kid I do not have his address. I only know his mother works where I ship packages. So I can give my address and I can pass it on or consider other options if you have any ideas.

fishing user avatarLendiesel22 reply : 

I am going to get into this as well bc i am a karma guy as well. I will put a small box together and put it up for someone to get started on.

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 

Cool I can say it makes me feel good to help those who actually need it. I can't say on here how I feel about freeloaders or people to lazy to help themselves. Ha-ha But heck yeah helping others truely in need is a great thing in my book. I don't know if Karma plays into me doing it so much but I do believe it doesn't hurt a man's soul to treat others well.

fishing user avatarDreamchaser reply : 

Again many thanks. Will post pix when I take the kids out. And hopefully fish in hand

fishing user avatarLendiesel22 reply : 
  On 8/11/2015 at 4:35 AM, S. Sass said:

Cool I can say it makes me feel good to help those who actually need it. I can't say on here how I feel about freeloaders or people to lazy to help themselves. Ha-ha But heck yeah helping others truely in need is a great thing in my book. I don't know if Karma plays into me doing it so much but I do believe it doesn't hurt a man's soul to treat others well.

Sure doesnt and when you do good things for others you will see something good in return, you just have to keep your eyes open for it. Its not always gonna smack you in the face.

fishing user avatarGodfatherOfSeoul reply : 

Awesome....either thats a tear drop or a wet line. but either way, its a good thing going on here.

fishing user avatarPenguino reply : 

Great Job dude. I commend you for giving back to the BR community. Hope that good karma goes back to you. 

fishing user avatarIowaBass15 reply : 

This is by far the coolest thing I've seen on any forum or swap site ever. I wish I had 4 hands so I could you a 4 thumbs up.

fishing user avatarMwelder28 reply : 

good job s sass

fishing user avatarSeanzky reply : 

Well done, OP! I really hope good karma comes your way tenfold!

fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

I thought the pay it forward stuff was ended. I didn't think we were even allowed to do it any more because of how it always turns outs. Well hopefully who ever got the stuff is deserving of it. I have seen many people help others out on here over the years. It really is great to see others give without expecting something in return.

fishing user avatarS. Sass reply : 
  On 9/23/2015 at 1:19 AM, hatrix said:

I thought the pay it forward stuff was ended. I didn't think we were even allowed to do it any more because of how it always turns outs. Well hopefully who ever got the stuff is deserving of it. I have seen many people help others out on here over the years. It really is great to see others give without expecting something in return.

I was unaware there was a problem doing this previously. I did look at the rules and looked a little through the old posts but found nothing saying dont do it. Also I havent been contacted by any moderators or admins to date so I presume it was OK.


I have already a small collection started for another box but it might be Christmas before I get it together. Ive been pretty busy.


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