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we are being spamed 2025

fishing user avatardavid in va reply : 

man this is bad

fishing user avatarLost.. reply : 

Definitely bad.. Just got to work and logged on like....WTH!!

fishing user avatarTweek1106 reply : 

People are a-holes.


Most of the site is unusable.


Hope it can be fixed soon.

fishing user avatarLost.. reply : 

Any admin's online that can shut it down?

fishing user avatar12poundbass reply : 
  On 9/12/2017 at 8:01 PM, djektd said:

Any admin's online that can shut it down?

It shows Glenn's online so I'd assume he's working on it. I'd also assume it'll take a while. I'm no computer person though. Anybody open one of those? 

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Big one indeed!  Got 'er under control now.  :)


fishing user avatarBoomstick reply : 
  On 9/12/2017 at 8:44 PM, 12poundbass said:

It shows Glenn's online so I'd assume he's working on it. I'd also assume it'll take a while. I'm no computer person though. Anybody open one of those? 

It was obviously spam but they all do show a number of views.


I am a software engineer and the hacker in me is saying hack the forums, grab is IP, find out who he is and where he lives etc.

  On 9/12/2017 at 8:54 PM, Glenn said:

Big one indeed!  Got 'er under control now.  :)


Thank you Glenn! Before I got myself in trouble even lol

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 
  On 9/12/2017 at 8:55 PM, Boomstick said:


I am a software engineer and the hacker in me is saying hack the forums, grab is IP, find out who he is and where he lives etc.


I am gonna guess it is from China and there is nothing you can do about that.  


I am kinda fascinated by spam attacks like this, "they" must be making money off of it somehow and I would love to know the rate of return on things like this, I am amazed it even covers the electricity and hardware to make the posts.  At least with scam phone calls it is an intelligible message, spamming a fishing forum with chinese text about colleges in Canada has to be near needle-in-a-haystack levels odds on finding a sucker.   

fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 

Just to let you guys know " IT WASN'T ME" I'm Thai no Chinese ?


fishing user avatarTim Kelly reply : 

Wasn't me either, I'm English. 


Grey, colour, aluminium, obliged, 20 floz to a pint etc. 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Wait, 20 oz. pints?  Hmmm.    

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

Wasn't me. I'm Greek/Lithuanian/Irish and German. But I'm now strangely interested in going to college in Canada. :wacko:

  On 9/12/2017 at 10:35 PM, Tim Kelly said:

Wasn't me either, I'm English. 


Prove it...only an Englishman would know the answer to this question. What is the difference between a quid and a shilling? 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Trust me, he's English.  I catch a three pounder, and he's all, "That's a right proper fish!"  LMAO

fishing user avatarIndianaFinesse reply : 
  On 9/12/2017 at 10:35 PM, Tim Kelly said:

Wasn't me either, I'm English. 


Grey, colour, aluminium, obliged, 20 floz to a pint, overpriced tackle warehouse shipping, etc. 

Added one for you.

fishing user avatarTim Kelly reply : 
  On 9/12/2017 at 11:12 PM, IndianaFinesse said:

Added one for you.

Spot on. You sir, are an honorary Limey. Mind you, at least they will ship now, a few years ago you had to go through all kinds of weird rituals to be deemed an acceptable risk for them to send anything over the pond!

fishing user avatarBoomstick reply : 
  On 9/12/2017 at 10:09 PM, fishwizzard said:

I am gonna guess it is from China and there is nothing you can do about that.  


I am kinda fascinated by spam attacks like this, "they" must be making money off of it somehow and I would love to know the rate of return on things like this, I am amazed it even covers the electricity and hardware to make the posts.  At least with scam phone calls it is an intelligible message, spamming a fishing forum with chinese text about colleges in Canada has to be near needle-in-a-haystack levels odds on finding a sucker.   


I'm pretty sure they aren't from North America, but I could still find out within a square mile radius where they live with enough time and effort. Even if they were smart enough to use a proxy server (which is likely the case), that doesn't necessarily mean I can't find out who they are.

fishing user avatarTim Kelly reply : 
  On 9/12/2017 at 10:48 PM, Gundog said:

Wasn't me. I'm Greek/Lithuanian/Irish and German. But I'm now strangely interested in going to college in Canada. :wacko:

Prove it...only an Englishman would know the answer to this question. What is the difference between a quid and a shilling? 



Enough proof? 

fishing user avatarKoz reply : 

I'm of Russian descent, so the hacker could have been me.


But it wasn't.

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

I'm now seeing ads on here that are in Chinese. 

fishing user avatarRuss E reply : 

I wonder what they could possibly get out of spamming a fishing forum. 

Where I would guess the vast majority of us can't read Chinese.


As a side note, I have 8 different nationalities in my bloodline (that I am aware of). A true american mutt.

fishing user avatar12poundbass reply : 
  On 9/14/2017 at 7:58 AM, Weedwhacker said:

I wonder what they could possibly get out of spamming a fishing forum. 

Where I would guess the vast majority of us can't read Chinese.


As a side note, I have 8 different nationalities in my bloodline (that I am aware of). A true american mutt.

Mutts are usually healthier and easy to that you? 

fishing user avatarRuss E reply : 
  On 9/14/2017 at 8:23 AM, 12poundbass said:

Mutts are usually healthier and easy to that you? 


fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 
  On 9/14/2017 at 8:23 AM, 12poundbass said:

Mutts are usually healthier and easy to that you? 

I feel the same with my mutt than my pure.

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 
  On 9/14/2017 at 7:58 AM, Weedwhacker said:

I wonder what they could possibly get out of spamming a fishing forum. 

Where I would guess the vast majority of us can't read Chinese.



 Companies hire other companies to get their names on as many websites as they can. Call it the "Shotgun" approach. The more a name is out there, the more eyes see it.  I'm sure we weren't the only ones hit. This was obviously Chinese spammers just spamming as many websites as they could. Didn't matter if we were a forum that had people who spoke Chinese or not. 

fishing user avatarKoz reply : 
  On 9/14/2017 at 7:58 AM, Weedwhacker said:

I wonder what they could possibly get out of spamming a fishing forum. 

Where I would guess the vast majority of us can't read Chinese.


The spammers use automated bots that look for certain types of web sites (i.e. WordPress sites, phBB, Discourse, etc). These bots craw links just like Googlebot does. They look for specific files or folders to identify the type of forum or content management system and logs those sites.


These spammers either look for vulnerabilities in the site where they can upload code directly to the target server to carry out instructions, use SQL injection, or plain old brute force attacks to spam the site and/or create fake registrations. Everything is automated to spam certain types of sites. Spammers don't care about the content of the website, only that they can breach the site to spam it.


If you ever look at server logs and 404 error reports from a website you'd be amazed at how many bad bots hit a website on any given day. For sites that I manage I usually block wide ranges of IP addresses from China, Russia, and other nefarious countries. It's not foolproof because some spammers and hackers work through proxy servers or zombie computers, but it does block a ton of potentially bad traffic.


It's a never ending battle with these bad actors and with every patch for the BBS software or CMS the bad guys work to find other vulnerabilities and the cycle begins again.

fishing user avatarTim Kelly reply : 

For what purpose though? I can't see haw a load on nonsense posts on a forum generates anything for them except a sense of devilment that someone's going to have to plough through deleting them.

fishing user avatarBass fishing is best reply : 

Because it costs nothing for them to spam and if they hook just a few people out of the thousands of spam threads/posts it's all profit.


I used to moderate a vbulletin site and all I had to do was delete all of a users posts with a few clicks and ban their IP.  We also had a spam decimator that did all this in 1 click.  Still a pain.  Unfortunately it's the new junk mail of this cyber generation good thing they always seem to do a terrible job.


I need to wire a Nigerian prince a few thousand so I can collect my millions.

fishing user avatarTim Kelly reply : 

How does a load of Chinese writing with a US college in the middle of it hook anyone to anything though?

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 
  On 9/15/2017 at 2:59 AM, Tim Kelly said:

How does a load of Chinese writing with a US college in the middle of it hook anyone to anything though?

Chinese immigrants worried about their children's college prospects?  Without the chinese txt it is just guessing, but some kind of tutoring/inside-track admissions scam is my guess.   

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 9/15/2017 at 2:59 AM, Tim Kelly said:

How does a load of Chinese writing with a US college in the middle of it hook anyone to anything though?


Not sure, but the last batch were in English.  Something about fake docs.  Let's leave it at this: we work hard to insulate our members from this stuff, and keep the forums free of crap.  No process is perfect, but I think we're pretty good.  It looks like the storm is over.

fishing user avatarRuss E reply : 
  On 9/15/2017 at 3:11 AM, J Francho said:


Not sure, but the last batch were in English.  Something about fake docs.  Let's leave it at this: we work hard to insulate our members from this stuff, and keep the forums free of crap.  No process is perfect, but I think we're pretty good.  It looks like the storm is over.

Thanks. Keep up the good work. It doesn'the seem to take long to clean it up when the sight gets hit

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Just an fyi - but there were 15 spam accounts created over the course of 24 hrs, collectively posting nearly 2,000 posts.  All have been addressed, and measures implemented to prevent any further attacks.


I love it when you guys hit that "report" button.  As a result of getting alerted by an astute member, I was able to nail one just moments after he logged on.  Blindsided him!  :)




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