One of my bass fishing friends showed me a cell phone photo today of a baby copperhead's head poking out of a bass' throat. The photo was sent to him by another bass fisherman
My friend told me that he had heard that there were 28 copperhead bites this year that occurred when Virginia bass fisherman lipped their catch.
Anyone heard of this occurring anywhere?
I am going to call another friend at the Virginia Game and Inland Fisheries and ask him if he knows about this.
My bass fishing friend said that there were many, many copperhead births in Virginia this year and the bass are enjoying the baby snakes.
I have no idea if this is true or not. Just asking if anyone out there has heard of this before.
Thanks for the feedback.
28 copperhead bites from lipping fish? that sounds pretty outrageous to me.
I'm not buying it. Ive seen a lot of copperheads in my life, I don't know that I've ever seen one swimming on the water.
Seems a little far fetched, but I did see a photo going around of a baby snakes head sticking out of a bass' gullet.
Never heard of that. But check this out; Man catches 10 lb bass on Brazos R with a live rattlesnake for bait.
Thanks guys.
Sounds a little far-fetched to me, too.
I have seen copperheads crawling along the bank and sunning on rocks but I don't think I have ever see them swimming.
I think my friend is having a joke pulled on him.
If there was only one bite while landing a bass then the VDG&IF would have released a warning and the bite would have gone viral on the Internet.
Will let you all know what my VDG&IF friend tells me.
Snake bait I have some older packages of it.
I've seen copperheads and rattlesnakes swim. No, I'm not crazy enough to use a real one as bait much less a live one. The number is not correct, though, I am sure.
In all these years on this forum I have NEVER read a post from anyone not
associated with a product to have EVER caught a single bass on a snake
lure. I have challenged our Florida members to give them a try since they
would seem to be the best candidates for some success.
No responses that I recall.
I saw probably the same pic you did, it's definitely not a copperhead in the pic I saw. They were claiming it was though, but it looked more like a garter snakes head to me. But I guess it could be possible, I'll try an attach the pic I saw...
Don't bass usually swallow head-first?
Here's another one, not the same fish or snake this is a guy on a MD hunting site:
On 9/22/2015 at 8:22 AM, roadwarrior said:Hmm...
In all these years on this forum I have NEVER read a post from anyone not
associated with a product to have EVER caught a single bass on a snake
lure. I have challenged our Florida members to give them a try since they
would seem to be the best candidates for some success.
No responses that I recall.
I promise some good fish on my new ABT Baby Wake snake...I threw it on Saturday just to see the action and it's absolutely sick! A beast will come soon enough it better for what I paid!! Lol
This photo's been on several bass fishing sites. Sorta glad there's other folks finding it questionable, too.
A copperhead bit me on the foot (dry bite thank goodness) while bass fishing this year, and I have heard of other fishing related bites in VA. But 28 from lipping bass, no way
Do Florida bass eat baby gators???
This is the stuff of urban legends!!
On 9/22/2015 at 8:22 AM, roadwarrior said:Hmm...
In all these years on this forum I have NEVER read a post from anyone not
associated with a product to have EVER caught a single bass on a snake
lure. I have challenged our Florida members to give them a try since they
would seem to be the best candidates for some success.
No responses that I recall.
On 9/22/2015 at 9:09 AM, stkbassn said:I promise some good fish on my new ABT Baby Wake snake...I threw it on Saturday just to see the action and it's absolutely sick! A beast will come soon enough
it better for what I paid!! Lol
My dad and I use to fish the Snatrix and caught a lot of fish on them. More recently, the Mann's Hardnose snake was a hot bait for me for awhile a few years ago.
On 9/22/2015 at 9:01 AM, MDBowHunter said:Here's another one, not the same fish or snake this is a guy on a MD hunting site:
That's more believable.
On 9/22/2015 at 6:31 PM, the reel ess said:That's more believable.
You can believe this one, as I know this guy...
On 9/22/2015 at 10:52 AM, Fisher-O-men said:Do Florida bass eat baby gators???
I'm sure if a bass can get in his or her mouth they'll eat it.
On 9/22/2015 at 7:40 AM, flyfisher said:28 copperhead bites from lipping fish? that sounds pretty outrageous to me.
Grampa Casey always said, "believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see."
On 9/22/2015 at 10:52 AM, Fisher-O-men said:Do Florida bass eat baby gators???
Yes, they do. A Nat Geo, or Discovery channel program showed a huge bass inhaling a baby gator.
I have heard a couple of times of Big bass eating snakes, and an angler upon catching the bass is surprised to find a baby snake. Down here the story I heard was of a baby water moccasin.
On 9/22/2015 at 8:22 AM, roadwarrior said:Hmm...
In all these years on this forum I have NEVER read a post from anyone not
associated with a product to have EVER caught a single bass on a snake
lure. I have challenged our Florida members to give them a try since they
would seem to be the best candidates for some success.
No responses that I recall.
My dad used to have a floating foam snake head, it was meant to be put in front of rubber worms instead of a bullet weight. It'd keep everything on the surface to make the rig imitate a snake. He had caught a lot of fish using that.
I got a facebook post from a family member in INDIANA telling me to be careful. I did a little google searching and didn't see much around this area and didn't feel it was that credible like the other posts say...
Snakes are a hobby for my sons and me. I've seen
plenty while out fishing. Never caught a bass with
one *visible* in its gullet, but I have no doubts snakes
are on the menu.
And that pic of the head peeking out - not a Copperhead.
Agree that it looks more like a garter, or even a young
water snake.
I need to find video I took of an encounter with a Cotton
Mouth while dock fishing many years back. Awesome
and scary.
On 9/22/2015 at 7:48 AM, the reel ess said:Never heard of that. But check this out; Man catches 10 lb bass on Brazos R with a live rattlesnake for bait.
Thanks for that. Interesting....I was with the guy until this part "… and dropped it into the forward foot well of his kayak."
Wow! That's a grandiose statement right there.
28 copperhead bites, via the mouth of a black bass? I digress...
On 9/22/2015 at 10:52 AM, Fisher-O-men said:Do Florida bass eat baby gators???
On 9/22/2015 at 9:09 AM, stkbassn said:I promise some good fish on my new ABT Baby Wake snake...I threw it on Saturday just to see the action and it's absolutely sick! A beast will come soon enough
it better for what I paid!! Lol
When you catch one please make a post about it here, I'm very interested in that lure and I'd like to hear some feedback about it. Something about unique wake baits/topwaters that always brings out the inner bait monkey in me. My local lake has a lot of active water snakes in the spring so I'd be curious how it would work.
You got it. As soon as I get out and give it an honest effort I'll be sure to let you know. I was extremely impressed with the action of it. It looks so good in the water. I actually bought the bigger one first and didn't like kept rolling over on me. Not sure if it was me or the bait but the baby wake in 8 inch doesn't do that. Nice steady retrieve and it's doin it's thing it's pricey but I'm so glad I bought it. I highly recommend the megabass eeler too. I love mine. More subtle and it dives a little ...straight retrieve or jerk it to make it erratic. Great bait, not too pricey at 20-30...check ebay, Russ *** is who I got mine from. Looks like the paint is starting to chip a little but no biggie.
Copperheads and rattlesnakes are pit vipers just like cottonmouths and swim just like cottonmouths. It is not uncommon to see them swimming in Badin Lake and Lake Tillery in the Uwharrie region of NC which has a lot of copperheads and timber rattlesnakes. If bass will eat a 12" Jellyworm, they would likely eat a 12" live snake.
Big bass will eat baby gators, baby snakes, and baby water birds. At the Miramar dump lake I saw a baby duck disappear in an explosion of water. There were 8 of them that day, two weeks later only 3.
On 9/22/2015 at 9:09 AM, stkbassn said:I promise some good fish on my new ABT Baby Wake snake...I threw it on Saturday just to see the action and it's absolutely sick! A beast will come soon enough
it better for what I paid!! Lol
Wow! $90?! That lure costs more than some of my rods! I can see why eBay would be a good place to buy one of these. I watched a video of a baby wake snake, you're right, it looks great in the water! Just don't snag and lose it, might as well have thrown your wallet in... Nice lure though, I'd like to see a video post of a bass nailing it
have seen some type of snakes swimming on the top of my local lake... but never seen a bass actually try to eat one lol
Lol@op for falling for that story.
If you go to you tube pike and muskies eat baby anything gators too.On 9/22/2015 at 10:52 AM, Fisher-O-men said:Do Florida bass eat baby gators???
Go out at midnight and flash a light at the waters edge. It's full of freshwater eels. That's why the bass are feeding at the shoreline. Snakes, eels, plastic worms what ever.
I don't think the habitats of pike and muskies overlap with gators.
Spoke to my friend at the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and he said what we all know, this is a hoax.
He knows of no one being bitten by any type of snake in any bass' mouth anywhere in the country.
It is a hoax that is going around the Internet.
On 9/24/2015 at 6:32 AM, roadwarrior said:I don't think the habitats of pike and muskies overlap with gators.
Pickerel could probably handle a baby gator and live in the same places.
Cottonmouths are all over the Southeast....they love water. Dad told me stories of having his 357 on the deck of his boat while fishing Currituck Sound in NC....when the wind dies they'd sun themselves on the water and get attracted to the glitter on his boat. They arent afraid to get near the boat or possibly try to even get in the boat.
He said he only had tok draw the gun once or twice.
I get bit pretty regular by about 28 mosquitoes when I'm lippin' bass. But I guess that doesn't count.
When I was a kid I used to fish with live lizards (anoles) that I caught behind my house. They'd be 4 or 5 inches long. I'd scotch tape a little hook to its poor little white belly, and let the lizard wiggle around near the surface of some small canal, and WHAM! a fish every time, usually in the first millisecond that I'd pitch it out. Wonder if that's legal? I suppose it is. Well, now I'm too slow to catch them lizards anyhow.
On 9/29/2015 at 2:58 PM, imagine29028 said:Cottonmouths are all over the Southeast....they love water. Dad told me stories of having his 357 on the deck of his boat while fishing Currituck Sound in NC....when the wind dies they'd sun themselves on the water and get attracted to the glitter on his boat. They arent afraid to get near the boat or possibly try to even get in the boat.
He said he only had tok draw the gun once or twice.
My boat is a red glitter Ranger that sparkles like a diamond.
We have cottonmouths and copperheads in my area and you are telling me that the cottonmouths like glitter on the boats.
Now I just got to go on the Appomattox River to see how many I can attract.
I'm new here, and realize this is an old thread. I figured it was relevant.
Edited by T-Boo
On 9/6/2016 at 11:28 PM, T-Boo said:I'm new here, and realize this is an old thread. I figured it was relevant.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 716529C0-4FCD-4EF8-AC4A-ACBDD2AB26E2.jpg"/></a>
Welcome aboard!
Snakes are definitely on the menu for bass, of
that I've never had a doubt. But the claims made
of all the bites and such, not buying it. Great pic
but I had to grab the URL out of the code, so...
Here's your pic, reposted for you:
Many years ago while fishing a local reservoir I decided to bring home a few bass to eat. Actually the wife decided I would bring home a few bass, but I digress.
Long story short, was using I believe a Culprit ribbon tail worm (can't remember the manufacturer for sure but do remember for sure ribbon tail). It was solid black.
Got home and was cleaning the bass and in one little guy about 15 inches long I cut the stomach open and there were about 10 little black snakes, all about 8 inches long. Talk about matching the hatch !
Not sure if I've ever caught any other bass with snakes in them as I rarely keep any bass.
On a side note, over forty years ago (boy I'm getting old) there was a local tackle shop that also sold live bait, usually shiners, minnows, crickets, and earthworms. The standard fare for these parts. On occasion the shop would get live eels. They were relatively expensive but I have never seen anything that caught bass anywhere near as good. It was amazing. You would run a weedless hook with the wire weed guard through the lower and upper part of his snout. Cast the thing out and retrieve it like you would a plastic worm, just much slower. Those little things squirmed and writhed like nothing I've ever seen. You could catch as many as 12 or 15 bass on the thing before it croaked. Usually the eels were 10 inches or so and surprisingly skinny. You could keep the eels alive for a long time by just putting them in a 5 gallon bucket with some damp Spanish moss. Hardest part of fishing with them was getting them out of the bucket and holding them while inserting the hook. You've probably heard the saying slippery as an eel. Well let me tell you they were slippery. Had to use an old terry cloth towel or something similar just to hold on to them.
While we are at it, another bit of worthless information . Years ago there was a small outfit here in Florida, I think it was a one man operation. Anyway, he made a plastic lure similar to a worm, that was molded in the shape of a baby gator. Was a pretty good likeness. I tried one small pack of them. Didn't work for me. Don't know if the fella is still around or not.
And that ends today's worthless information and trivia.
Just FYI, but that pic I posted was taken 9/04/16. The bass was caught in the Sabine River (LA/ TX).
25 people sounds a little high for the odds involved. I have seen a picture of a baby water moccasin that was regurgitated after a 3 pound bass was caught. The snake was partially digested but you could tell by the head it was a cotton mouth. Bass do feed on snakes, and anything else they can fit in their mouth, including baby gators!
On 9/22/2015 at 10:52 AM, Fisher-O-men said:Do Florida bass eat baby gators???
On 9/23/2015 at 6:42 PM, StinkyBass said:Wow! $90?! That lure costs more than some of my rods!
I can see why eBay would be a good place to buy one of these. I watched a video of a baby wake snake, you're right, it looks great in the water! Just don't snag and lose it, might as well have thrown your wallet in... Nice lure though, I'd like to see a video post of a bass nailing it
LOL at thrown your wallet in, that cracked me up. and seriously though, i dont care who is backing it and who made it and all that, as long as i can catch bass on a 5 dollar pack of plastic worms i will never spend $90 on a lure, outrageous
Red Bear,
I agree with you 100 % !
As long as people keep buying those high dollar lures companies will make them.
My situation is a little different - I fish for snook more then bass and believe me, most snook fishermen don't have any "old favorite lures".
Snook will either take them away from you or literally destroy them. Then there's the occasional by catch of tarpon. They are pretty tough on tackle too, even the juvi's that are "only" 40 to 60 pounds.
Needless to say I go thru a lot of lures and simply can't afford to see a 50 dollar bill leaving with some upset fish.
The less expensive lures work just fine, thank you very much.
On 9/22/2015 at 8:05 AM, Sam said:Thanks guys.
Sounds a little far-fetched to me, too.
I have seen copperheads crawling along the bank and sunning on rocks but I don't think I have ever see them swimming.
I think my friend is having a joke pulled on him.
If there was only one bite while landing a bass then the VDG&IF would have released a warning and the bite would have gone viral on the Internet.
Will let you all know what my VDG&IF friend tells me.
Sam..I just moved in two years ago and on my first trip last Fall with my Grandson to Hunting Run Reservoir, while he fished on the dock, I was checking out a footpath around to the right. I heard what I thought was fish jumping in the water, or the noise a carp would make ahead of me just off the bank. Checking further I saw two snakes floating on top of the water. They were the color and size of copperheads, and they were coiled up with their heads cocked back to strike each other, then behind that a full coil, then the rest of their bodies protruding them in the water. They would swim up to each other, then spring forward but I could not tell if they were biting each other but they wrapped their bodies around each other for a few seconds and then separate, then do it ll over again. I watched them for awhile till one of them noticed me and when I started to leave it kept trying to swim ahead of me and I thought it was trying to come up on the bank ahead of me. Needless to say, I made some pretty quick moves till I was sure that I had won the race. My understanding is that water snakes swim with only their heads above water. I don't know much about snakes, but that about did it for me!
On 9/14/2016 at 9:14 PM, keeganzpapa said:Sam..I just moved in two years ago and on my first trip last Fall with my Grandson to Hunting Run Reservoir, while he fished on the dock, I was checking out a footpath around to the right. I heard what I thought was fish jumping in the water, or the noise a carp would make ahead of me just off the bank. Checking further I saw two snakes floating on top of the water. They were the color and size of copperheads, and they were coiled up with their heads cocked back to strike each other, then behind that a full coil, then the rest of their bodies protruding them in the water. They would swim up to each other, then spring forward but I could not tell if they were biting each other but they wrapped their bodies around each other for a few seconds and then separate, then do it ll over again. I watched them for awhile till one of them noticed me and when I started to leave it kept trying to swim ahead of me and I thought it was trying to come up on the bank ahead of me. Needless to say, I made some pretty quick moves till I was sure that I had won the race. My understanding is that water snakes swim with only their heads above water. I don't know much about snakes, but that about did it for me!
Wow. Maybe the were mating. I have seen copperheads along the bank and on rocks and at my house in Bon Air by Bosher's Dam but never in the water. I have seen water moccasins on the Appomattox River.
You had a close call, especially when you realize that snakes are anti-social so to have one try to intercept you is chilling, to say the least.