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dealing with rude ignorant people while fishing 2024

fishing user avatarBig bass hunter reply : 

Ive been having this problem more and more often i fish the boise green green belt most people are nice and helpful. But ive been getting more and more people just angry and trash talking me while im fishing and trying to instigate a fight. While i would enjoy putting them in there place cause i wish Karma could act as fast as my right hook. I love shooting guns and would hate losing that privilege even tho its a right to bare arms. probation doesnt. See it that way or getting a felony for assault and battery losing it forever. But i had a guy tonight making some pretty crazy accusations that would make blood boil about fisherman. I was able to walk away. So my question is does any body have this happen to anybody and does any one have any advice on. How to deal with people like. This

fishing user avatarDye99 reply : 

Ive been in the same boat. And I also carry a CCW, and  shoot competitively so I really choose my battles when it comes to arguments.

Its really not worth getting into it with people. On a few occasions Ive been verbally berated for fishing a private lake ( where I was clearly wearing a guest pass and was perfectly legal ) and did not want to over step my bounds by fighting with a member. Also once in a main lake I had a nice bass boat just roll into a teeny little cove I was fishing in my kayak and basically tell me its HIS spot.

That one got real interesting!


I just mind my own business, smile and be polite. Life is so short so unless I really feel in danger I stay frosty.  Just turn on the go pro so if it goes sour, you are covered in the eyes of the law.

fishing user avatarKevin22 reply : 

If you have multiple people arguing with you and wanting to get into fights, I have to wonder what they are accusing you of doing??? I can't say as I have ever had someone yell at me or want to fight me while fishing. I've had people cut me off when in the boat, I've had people fly past me going WOT 50 feet off my side, and while shore fishing I have had lots of people throw at my feet from boats.. I always choose to keep calm and ignore it and not yell at them. I've never had someone yell at me. I guess those instances I mentioned would be rude, but I never wanted to assault someone for doing it. 

fishing user avatarBig bass hunter reply : 

Its mostly people trying to impress there friends or gangmembers seeing me as target cause i dont look like them. Or someone hates there life i guess or something just cant stand someone enjoying the little things i would tell you  what we as a fisherman from all walks of life were being accused of but would most likely be banned for those types of l language and references. It just kind of sucks dealing with those types of people already and summer hasn't even hit but will be looking into a GoPro and pepper spray if I'm unable to walk away just sucks though

fishing user avatarj bab reply : 
  On 5/5/2016 at 11:59 AM, Dye99 said:

Ive been in the same boat. And I also carry a CCW, and  shoot competitively so I really choose my battles when it comes to arguments.

Its really not worth getting into it with people. On a few occasions Ive been verbally berated for fishing a private lake ( where I was clearly wearing a guest pass and was perfectly legal ) and did not want to over step my bounds by fighting with a member. Also once in a main lake I had a nice bass boat just roll into a teeny little cove I was fishing in my kayak and basically tell me its HIS spot.

That one got real interesting!


I just mind my own business, smile and be polite. Life is so short so unless I really feel in danger I stay frosty.  Just turn on the go pro so if it goes sour, you are covered in the eyes of the law.

Excellent advice... There is no way you can win with these types of people. I have also had a situation recently on a private pond that I was on legally, and with permission. Some people can't just let a couple guys enjoy fishing, they have to assert themselves and make sure you know it's "their" pond even though they are actually wrong (and they don't even fish it). 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Call the police, don't take it into your hands unless you have no other options. Today's world is not the place to try to be a Lone Ranger. If you really believe that the people that are there are gang members and possibly doing illegal things you can let the police know that they're there and they can try to contact them. Most likely they're not going to want to hang around an area if they keep having run ins with the police. 

fishing user avatarBig bass hunter reply : 

The gangmembers are not in groups usaully but with there mian squeeze and childern but still like to make noise so their not up to illegal things other then harrassing instigating the issue becomes a game of he said she said as far as the goes but would call if i had something that would stick i go for the cops will call the department tommorow and see about what i can do about that issue cuz it is more then one type of gang i have had a an issue of hassment from

fishing user avatarkcdinkerz reply : 

I just ignore them and move on. Never know what people will do now. Don't feel like getting shot or shooting someone....

fishing user avatarHurricane reply : 

I would just find a new place to fish..

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Are you fishing from the shore?  Maybe "they" are "angry" because the shore is littered with debris left behind by fishermen.  It is not uncommon to see plastic bait baggies, and other debris such as coffee cups, and other drink containers littering the area around launch ramps.  It's so bad in some places that it looks like an unsanitary landfill.

Granted, it is not all from fishermen, but discarded line and other items linked to fishing point an accusing finger at fishermen.  It's small wonder that some folks would resent fishermen, and be vocal about it.

What really concerns me is the impression that the only thing keeping you from dealing with the "problem" physically, is that it could cost you the privilege to possess your guns.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 5/5/2016 at 6:36 PM, LastCastChris said:

I would just find a new place to fish..

X2 ~  

I'd recommend finding a different place to fish.

Something off the beaten (or gang member & main squeeze) path.


fishing user avatarHurricane reply : 
  On 5/5/2016 at 8:17 PM, A-Jay said:

X2 ~  

I'd recommend finding a different place to fish.

Something off the beaten (or gang member & main squeeze) path.


Exactly... Let the fish be the ones to give you problems.. Not other people.. 

fishing user avatarTurtle135 reply : 
  On 5/5/2016 at 6:36 PM, LastCastChris said:

I would just find a new place to fish..

X3 - I imagine you are like me, you go fishing to enjoy the outdoors. If possible find a better environment with some peace and quiet. A call to the police about the problem area certainly would not hurt. You may not be the first to report an issue and if they have had a number of complaints maybe they can do something about it, maybe they can't. Good luck out there!

fishing user avataravidone1 reply : 

whenever I here complaints like those the op stated, my first reaction is to say "look in the mirror"

Yes, there are rude and aggressive people out there, but I have fished for many years and have had only a handful of problems.

Perhaps your doing something that is provoking these outbursts.  If a couple is being intimate in a secluded lakeside spot and you decide to fish through is it really a shock that there will be some harsh words?   Mind you I'm not saying that you are doing anything wrong, all I'm suggesting is that you examine your own behavior before giving up on your favorite fishing spot.

fishing user avatard-camarena reply : 

I agree with avidone1, yesterday i went to one of my spots and when i got there there was a couple there getting intimate. When they saw me i told them id be on my way and i was gonna look for a different spot. They told me to stay and even offered some vodka shots. The only reason i stayed was because i was invited. Gotta respect peoples space

fishing user avatarDye99 reply : 

After reading this thread, I will definitely say I agree with everyone who has said to move on, and find a new spot.

With the mention of firearms I would suggest that you remember one of the tenets of carrying a gun for a defensive tool is that the firearm is the last link of the chain of defense. And the first is always situational awareness.

Do not put purposely put yourself in a situation that you see violence as a possibility, for a recreational sport.

Move on, find a different spot to fish.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Find a new place to fish. 

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

save up money, buy a kayak to get you off the bank or find another spot.  

fishing user avatarKevin22 reply : 

Is this seriously a question? What to do when street gangs attack while bass fishing???? 

Fish somewhere else

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 

I use the force.  I just let em know these aren't the droids they're looking for and let them go on their way.  

fishing user avatarCarolinaBoy4Life reply : 

I've had an interesting exchange with a few fellow fisherman a time or two. Nothing really gets under my skin unless its blatant disrespect. I tend to be cautious on how I approach the situation until I know for certain they are doing it on purpose. I'm an easy going guy don't give trouble but don't expect it either. Every situation is different and requires a leveled approach. Now with that being said I always carry a pistol for protection. You hate to have to think of that as a requirement but in todays world it is unfortunately. I don't understand these peoples mindset and over aggressive approach. I've trained mixed martial arts for over half my life and I have always noticed you cannot judge a book by its cover. 

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

what are they saying?


How old are you? lol 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

If you feel threatened or harassed, call the police.

fishing user avatarBassB8Caster reply : 

This sounds bigger than a fishing issue. Maybe find a better place to live? This is a big country, and if you have to worry where you fish without getting shot, in trouble etc, what about where you walk with your son/daughter, sister/brother, mother/father. Sounds like a pretty crappy area to live. 

fishing user avatarLast_Cast reply : 

Bring your gang!

Have a duel for the lake.

Just kidding..I agree with people on here, just call the cops or leave and find a new spot.

Hope you have better luck next time.

fishing user avatarBig bass hunter reply : 

Its a nice area just alot of people go on the green belt for a number of reason swimming jogging and biking. But its not just gangs i have had an issue with just normal people trying to start stuff  compare fishing to very graphic homosexual stuff and as well. Just having long hair. I mind my space and wont fish over others even in these small ponds but still get some type of flap from some angry person. Im just there to enjoy fishing and catch the biggest fish i can

fishing user avatarBass Turd reply : 

Go early in the morning when the sun is just coming up. Jerks like to sleep in cause they are sleeping off the hang over from the night before....

fishing user avatar"hamma" reply : 

in my state there is actually a fishermans anti-harassment law, i keep a couple copies on the boat and in my bank fishing tackle boxes (both fresh and saltwater) just for these "lovely individuals" once they realize they have no grounds to harass me and are actually breaking the law, they leave me alone. 

 unfortunately i've had to use this a few times flipping docks

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 

There's always a dance off OP!  

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 5/6/2016 at 12:34 AM, Master Bait'r said:

There's always a dance off OP!  


fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

This seems somehow counter to "fairness" but if you are packing (legal concealed carry), it is probably wise to never say or do anything that would provoke or exacerbate a confrontation.  Not just for their sake but for your own.

The LAST time I had any confrontation was a few years back with some boaters/water skiiers who were using a deep cove very near me to do their powerboating (when they had the whole main lake to do so).  I gave them the hand gesture to let them know they were number 1 (if you get my meaning).  But apart from that, I rarely have confrontations with people.  Where do you live that this is such a common issue?  Remind me not to move there.

fishing user avatarBronzeChaser reply : 

I've never had any instance like this. But I am able to stay level headed better than most in similar situations. I also concealed carry, and when you decide to carry you accept a great responsibility and need to be able to keep your emotions in check. In any case my response would be to s**t talk back at them and laugh it off later. If they instigate a physical altercation then self defense is totally legal. Although using a weapon is the very last resort.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 5/6/2016 at 12:56 AM, BronzeChaser said:

If they instigate a physical altercation then self defense is totally legal. Although using a weapon is the very last resort.

There's a BIG difference being in imminent danger of being killed and getting butthurt because some idiot doesn't like fishing.  I don't know why C&C is even brought up here.  It's irrelevant, and if it isn't, then why haven't the police been called?  The whole story sounds fishy to me.

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 
  On 5/6/2016 at 12:47 AM, Ratherbfishing said:

This seems somehow counter to "fairness" but if you are packing (legal concealed carry), it is probably wise to never say or do anything that would provoke or exacerbate a confrontation.  Not just for their sake but for your own.

The LAST time I had any confrontation was a few years back with some boaters/water skiiers who were using a deep cove very near me to do their powerboating (when they had the whole main lake to do so).  I gave them the hand gesture to let them know they were number 1 (if you get my meaning).  But apart from that, I rarely have confrontations with people.  Where do you live that this is such a common issue?  Remind me not to move there.

skiers are the worst

fishing user avatarhoosierbass07 reply : 

 You can't argue with psycho people.  Not worth it.  Walk away to fish and enjoy life another day.  

fishing user avatarIndianaFinesse reply : 

Don't know how to help you.  I have the same problems, lately it's been a guy who continuously screams his lungs while cussing me for having a wake in no wake zone when I am obviously not pushing any wake at all.  Then the guy goes running to security and tells them I have been running a wake in no wake zone, and at are lake if someone complained three times, you are not allowed to fish there for three days and he has already falsely reported me twice.  Four or more times is three months.  So I'm kind of stuck.  But if he does it again, I think I am going to have to call in a few anonymous tips on him harassing, and maybe drop a couple limits worth of fish in his fish box and call security on him.  You mess with my fishing, I mess with you.

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

When people in this topic first started suggesting that the OP find somewhere else to fish, I didn't immediately agree. I thought to myself, "Why should he have to go elsewhere? He's not in the wrong." But after thinking about it, I agree. I usually drive just a few miles out of town specifically so I can enjoy nature and not even have to see other people, besides fellow fishermen, nature lovers, etc.

fishing user avatarclh121787 reply : 

1 oz rattle trap Fired straight at the dome piece

fishing user avatarOklahoma Mike reply : 

Where are you fishing that multiple people, including gang bangers, are trying to start fights with you? No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to picture that scenario in my head. Perhaps some deeper issue here?

In any event, you have a few options as I see it:

  • Ignore them
  • Find another place to fish
  • Issue them a beating

As has already pointed out, the latter is probably not your best recourse. 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

I don't care if the fishing is great.  I;m not going to subject myself to this kind of crap.  Find a better place to fish with other fisherman that are not low life's.  The whole thing seems very strange to me!  After fishing for over 40 years, I have never run into a situation even close to this.

fishing user avatarHurricane reply : 
  On 5/5/2016 at 11:55 PM, Big bass hunter said:

Its a nice area just alot of people go on the green belt for a number of reason swimming jogging and biking. But its not just gangs i have had an issue with just normal people trying to start stuff  compare fishing to very graphic homosexual stuff and as well. Just having long hair. I mind my space and wont fish over others even in these small ponds but still get some type of flap from some angry person. Im just there to enjoy fishing and catch the biggest fish i can

I would of researched a new place to fish after your first incident.. Never let anything take the enjoyment out of fishing..

fishing user avatarEvan K reply : 

Best to keep it simple and black and white: either ignore them, and if you absolutely can't ignore them, call the police.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Big Bass, please add a your location to your avatar so we can help you better.

Also, introduce yourself so we will have some background information.

I have never had any altercations fishing on the bank or in a boat.

If I did, I would walk away.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

Not only fish somewhere else, go live somewhere else.  The way it sounds, and the way you talk about it, it sounds like a dangerous confrontation is imminent. Walk away and don't go back.

I have only had one incident where I feared harm, and avoid that place like the plague now.

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

Best to get away from bankfishing all together.

Boating, kayaking, and even wading will open up a ton more opportunities to find fish peacefully.

It's not reasonable to expect people to change, but it's plenty easy to get away from them.

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 

This whole thread is one of the most baffling things I have ever read...

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 
  On 5/6/2016 at 3:17 AM, hoosierbass07 said:

 You can't argue with psycho people.  Not worth it.  Walk away to fish and enjoy life another day.  


Cant stress this enough.  Never play a low life's game.  The second you step on that field you always lose.  

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 5/6/2016 at 3:17 AM, hoosierbass07 said:

 You can't argue with psycho people.  Not worth it.  Walk away to fish and enjoy life another day.  

“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

Mark Twain

fishing user avatartoni63 reply : 

You can't control how other people act, only how you react.

I can honestly say, having fished for many years, I have never once had any confrontations, issues, arguments, close calls of any of that stuff while fishing. Boat, bank, off the boat docks at the ramp, nothing. No one has ever shot me the evil eye, tossed a comment my way, let me know they didn't like me for just being there, insulted me or anything like that fishing.

Sure, I have seen stupid people do stupid things, but its kind of sad to see that our country has now come to a point where people refer to their guns and concealed carry permits as possible solutions to their issues with other people. Seriously? You're going to shoot someone because you can't figure out how to be an adult and walk away long before it turns into something tragic for you, your family, your friends, their family and friends? People seriously think the way to handle "being disrespected" is a way that could cost you your lifestyle and possibly life because you don't have enough sense to respect yourself, your family, your friends to not get into it over something trivial and stupid with someone you don't even know?

It just seems very sad that we are all turning into gangbangers packing guns and our thoughts to settle being "dissed" seem to involve violently assaulting each other.

I am very happy I don't fish near fisherman who think like that and I seriously hope I never do. I fish to have fun and relax, if it ever turns into "walking in the valley of the shadow", I'm done fishing.

fishing user avatarRiver Dave reply : 

I just have to wonder who are the bigger fools here. Is it the people who are harassing a fisherman and insinuating that he's gay for having long hair or the people that even remotely suggest shooting someone for harassing him and insinuating that he's gay for having long hair (or whatever the insult was)? The fact that firearms are even mentioned in a thread about "what to do about rude people" is a large part of the reason certain people go after the right to bear arms. Obviously you walk away from rude people, do you really need to be told that? Boys fight, men walk away. Unless they are robbing you or physically harming your family or something you ignore them and walk away from confrontation. If you ask me anybody that doesn't already know that should really think about leaving the gun at home.

fishing user avatarJaderose reply : 

My main lake is way out in the boonies and electric only.  No boaters and all the morons that just sit on the bank and guzzle beer and blast music and such go somewhere else that's closer to home.  It's mostly regulars and we all know each other.  There is an occasional idiot but we recognize it pretty quick and work together to show the fool the errors of his ways.  Not with violence or anything but not allowing him access to good coves and that sort of thing...until he gets the hint.  And then he is welcomed.  or doesn't come back.  Either one is great.

fishing user avatarJRammit reply : 

Dont think ive had this problem while fishing... But duck hunting public land is a different story!...... Nobody with a brain would pick a fight knowing everyone there is packing a 12 gauge, but some people seem to have no brain 

Best advice... Smile... Theyre angry, so they want you angry too.. Dont give them the pleasure

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 5/6/2016 at 10:34 PM, River Dave said:

I just have to wonder who are the bigger fools here. Is it the people who are harassing a fisherman and insinuating that he's gay for having long hair or the people that even remotely suggest shooting someone for harassing him and insinuating that he's gay for having long hair (or whatever the insult was)? The fact that firearms are even mentioned in a thread about "what to do about rude people" is a large part of the reason certain people go after the right to bear arms. Obviously you walk away from rude people, do you really need to be told that? Boys fight, men walk away. Unless they are robbing you or physically harming your family or something you ignore them and walk away from confrontation. If you ask me anybody that doesn't already know that should really think about leaving the gun at home.

I think most have suggested that he not shoot those instigators.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

i fish at a couple of spots sometimes that have me looking over my shoulder, but i've never once had a confrontation with someone.  even there i'm usually approached by people who ask if i've ever caught anything here, what i caught it on, etc.  i know there's crazy, rude people out there, but from the way you talk it sounds like an abnormal concentration of such people.  

part of why i fish is because i can be out there, often alone, and not worry about a thing except for the next spot to cast or next bait to try.  if i had to also worry about which jack@ss would be the next to give me a fit, i'd find a new spot or a new hobby to be honest.  i've never been in a real fight and have ZERO intentions of changing that so i wouldn't do a thing except walk away and move on....

fishing user avatarkickerfish1 reply : 

Sounds like you should change your user name to "fishinginthehood"

fishing user avatarRiver Dave reply : 
  On 5/7/2016 at 12:59 AM, the reel ess said:

I think most have suggested that he not shoot those instigators.

Yes, "most" but shockingly not "all". 

I couldn't imagine fishing in a stressful place like that anymore. I would find, and have found, a new spot if other people get to be a problem. I used to fish a lot of very urban areas and every once in a while one would get shady and I'd quit going there. One place got overrun with punk teenagers and one time one of them stole one of my rods when I made the mistake of leaving it out of sight for a few minutes. I knew one of them had taken it but it was stashed in the woods somewhere by the time I realized it was gone. I wanted to choke the life right out of every single one them but I did what I had to do and walked away and never went back. Hate to get chased away by some kids but I'm not going to jail for beating up a kid (I was in my 20's then) so I walked. It's really hard sometimes but it's what you have to do.


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