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You really don't need mega $ to catch bass. 2024

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 


The bass don't care what you spent.  They just want to eat.

Fisherman Jim spends $750.00 on a rod, a reel, and some lures. He catches a few fish.

Fisherman John spends $75.00 on a rod, a reel, and some lures. He catches a few fish.

Fisherman Joe spends $17.50 on a rod, a reel, and some lures. He catches a few fish.

They all have fun fishing and enjoying nature.

Get it?

You don't need Lucky Craft, GYBC, Loomis, Shimano to get out there and catch a bass or two and have fun doing it. Sure it's nice to have but you DO NOT NEED IT. That Zebco 33 combo and those Riverside grubs you bought will get you bit. They might even get you to "want" that Loomis-Shimano combo, but you don't need it.

Get out there and enjoy all that Mother Earth has given you. Use your Sponge Bob reel to catch a few if you have to. Use what you have and have fun using what you have.

Fun and enjoying nature, that's what it is all about.

Get out there and enjoy the time you have to be out there and have fun with the equipment you have.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply :  :) Hence my screenname   ;)
fishing user avatarTop reply : 

yes and you can get from here to there in this


BUT its a WHOLE lot more fun to get from here to there in THIS


its all in how you want to get there...  ;)


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

The #1 key to consistently catching bass is between your ears ;)

fishing user avatarBud reply : 


You are 1000% correct.  The only thing I have every said about high $$ fishing tackle it make it more fun for ME.   Their is more bass caught in the spring time here by crappie fishman  with a pole and a minnow than than by bass fisherman

for the few that like smillie here is a bunch ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
yes and you can get from here to there in this


BUT its a WHOLE lot more fun to get from here to there in THIS


its all in how you want to get there...  ;)


well said.... ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I suppose there are a lot of things we don't "need" in life, but some of those "things" are what make life more enjoyable.

"Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey"

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

I've said it before and will say it again... I started catching more and bigger fish on soft plastics when I made the jump to IMX. As precious as my fishing time is these days, and the fact that I can afford IMX and higher rods, I will not go back to cheap stuff. I understand the position of the original post and I used to fish with berkley rods and Abu 4600 reels... caught lots of fish on the "Low Budget" method.

Consider this other side of the argument. I am now in a stage of life, and a $250 or higher rod or reel is not considered expensive. Go back as few as 10 years ago, my best reel was bought for $45. No one can argue that the old style 4600's are as nice or as light as a 50MG and no one will ever convince me that the difference between an IMX and a lightning rod is in my head.

I caught lots of fish on the cheap stuff but my level of enjoyment, % of larger fish and annual income have risen dramatically since I was using that stuff and I like it this way much better.

Each person will have a different perspective on this...

fishing user avatargrid reply : 
The #1 key to consistently catching bass is between your ears

And all this time I was Q-tipping it out! ;D ;D ;D

I agree. When my Granfather was alive he would outfish everybody. His tackle was old and poles were of no name. It was his ability and patience that made him catch fish.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

I used to take a certain pride in out-fishing my friends using only a zebco fiberglass rod, a $20 shimano 2000 reel, and a few rebel cranks, creme worms, and in-line spinners.  They used to laugh that I would use in line spinners and 'cheap-o' worms, until I would double their catch.  

Then I got a pretty decent job, and the bait monkey tore into me like I was the new guy in prison...

Now I happily horde Megabass, Bagley, and LC lures.  I still haven't pulled the trigger on a high dollar rod, but if I can afford it at the time, who's business but my own is it, really?

fishing user avatarweebrio reply : 

I have recently started fishing again after many years of a break. I used to reside in Scotland so my perspective is a little diffrent.

Rod and reels in the USA are cheap, and by that I mean that you can go to a place like Academy spend $40 and you are ready to fish.

Just last week I bought a Shakespeare combo for $25 and some soft shad swimbaits for $2.97, next day I caught four Bass, one of then was what you would consider a keeper the rest were too small.

I can see what flechero is getting at but where would someone like me start, I fish and my son also fishes, buying two of every thing starts to amount to quite a bit of money if I take the exspensive route.

Haveing the top shelf stuff is in my book the best way top go if you can manage to afford it, unfortunatly I can not afford rods and reels that cost hundreds of dollars.

What I have done is this, I have read and reread lots of posts on fishing and what a gold mine of info that is although confusing at times.

Yes my rod and reels are cheap, but I did get the best line and lures I could afford, I cosider that a start. I have the method to get the hooks in the water, I have the desire to fish, and it works.

The exspensive rods and reels will eventually appear in my arsenall of fishing equipment but for now my $25 rod and reel with the spider wire braid and Rapala lure will have to sufice till I can afford something else.

I am fishing and catching which is a lot better than not doing it at all.


fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 
I suppose there are a lot of things we don't "need" in life, but some of those "things" are what make life more enjoyable.

"Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey"

SHAZAM!!!! Right on RW

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I agree with the origional post concerning catching numbers of fish. The first time my wife and I went to El Salto, I had no idea what to expect, other than making sure I had heavy line. Well, day one, that "cheap" heavy line broke numerous times. I broke one rod completely in two setting the hook, and my wife had the reel jump off a pole because the reel seat cracked. Day one over, no big fish in the boat. I had the lodge respool my reels that night with 20lb triple fish. Day two, line didn't break, another pole did. Day two over, no big fish. Borrowed 2 G-Loomis 7 ft rods from the lodge before day three. Day three, no line breaks, no rod breaks, a 10.8 and 10 in the boat. I will never go to Mexico again without quality rods, reels, and line. Guys, it does make a difference between a good trip and a bad one sometimes. I know people have caught huge fish on $20 combos, this  fella isn't going to chance it anymore.

fishing user avatarThe Unabasser reply : 

These threads lately are kinda like the old discussion about ridin a Harley or a Jap bike...what I always said was

"It doesn't matter what you ride, it matters what I ride, just as long as you ride"


"15 miles and 15 grand don't make you a biker"

Just get out there and fish no matter what equipment you have!!!

fishing user avatarOzarkie reply : 

One of my friends and I won a bass tourney some years back. 7.5hp merc yes 7 POINT 5 hp and a small aluminum boat. We never left sight of the laucnh ramp. We had two limits of largemouth and they were big. We were LOL that we had won the boat!! The money!!! BUt low and behold we were DQed because our motor was not over 25HP.

Now what to hell does motor size have to do with ones ability to fish? None but what we did was embarassssssss the whole tourney crowd and some big name TV guys!!!!!

As I was reading a tourney rules yesterday I lmao, they require yo  to use this rod, these baits etc. lots of B.S. one thing they did for me was make sure I will never buy those products again!!!

I will take my Rebel Lures and catch just as many fish at those $15.00 lures and should I loose one not any big deal.

My Grandad "Toad" caught a lot of big fish and guided on Table Rock and only had a Richline and a 20Hp Johnson.

Do I need a Triton of Ranger? Nope I have a Lowe Aluminum with a 90HP I have been catching a lot of fish this year I doubt I would do any better with a fancier high $$$ boat.

Do I need a 225 or 250Hp motor Nope I can put a lot more fuel in my 90HP for what you put in that big boat.

Just last week one of those OPTimax was sitting at the dock with the throttle position senor gone out!!!

What did it cost him, maybe the tourney, and getting towed about 12 miles plus all day waiting for his tow.

My Lowe will do 50mph on a good day, I can't fish at 50mph!!! I also dont jump from point to point when fishing in most cases but thats me.

My favorite rod is one my Grandma made for me 35 years ago when she worked for Ark-Rod, I still have yet to spend $50.00 on any rod or reel.

But thats me and the way I fish, if there is a fish in the cove or around the point that may bite I will fish it.

Do I always catch fish? NO but thats fishin!


P.S. I do always have fun!!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Eveything ( Rod and Reel wise) Is only bought when on discount or from our flea market. By keeping my eyes open i have some stuff that costs a lot less than new or full priced. I aint goin nowhere and i am not in a rush to  part with money I don't have to ;)

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

I fish out of a 10K boat, that just happens to be my dream boat. It is certainly more comfortable, and marginally more effective, than my old 12ft aluminum beater...... but interestingly, it is (for my purposes) a LOT more effective than a 50K high performance bass boat.

From another perspective.... I throw a $35 swimbait, which is night and day more effective than any $5 to $15 swimbait that I know of..... but what's funny is, I believe it to be a lot more effective than some of the $100 to $300 swimbaits I know of also.

Finally, NO, you don't need a lot of expensive equipment to catch bass, but living in California is rediculously expensive, so over here you need a lot of money just to live, and after you have earned your living, you still need time to go fishing.

Just a few thoughts to ponder,


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I've been visiting this forum for years and I don't believe I recall one instance where someone said that "you need expensive equipment to catch bass"  I have seen this argument made on other sites but never here.

The entire discussion has generally centered around enjoyment.  Yes, rod sensativity and reel casting distance are factors, but they can be compensated for.  For example if you need more sensativity switch to braid.  

Those of us who spend the money for high end tackle' contrary to popular belief are not all rich.

It's a matter of priorities, and smart shopping.  Want a GLoomis IMX rod but can't afford the $250.00 or so?  Check the trading post, ebay (but be careful) and even bang out a quick pm to someone who just posted that they bought a couple of Steez rods because they are so fabulous.

I won't say their names because it's not my place, but one member of this forum recently purchased a

used $250.00 rod from another member of the forum for $100.  The rod was in excellent conditon except for a broken guide.  the purchasing member made arrangements with the seller to have the rod sent to a friend (another forum member) who made a perfect repair on the rod for no charge.

So this member by getting off his azz and using his head has a perfect $250 for $100 bucks.

I guess the moral of the story is

You can choose to whine or do without,

or you can choose to make the effort, so you can experience the difference that real quality makes.

It's up to you.

PS. You absolutely do not need expensive equipment to catch bass.

Avid has spoken.

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

All I have to say is this: I am not part of the rat race.

But I could use a little more cheese.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

WHEW!!!!!!!!!! Boy am I glad I HAVE A VERY SENSITIVE ROD!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
I suppose there are a lot of things we don't "need" in life, but some of those "things" are what make life more enjoyable.

"Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey"

You left out Cuban cigars.  :-/

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 
WHEW!!!!!!!!!! Boy am I glad I HAVE A VERY SENSITIVE ROD!!!!!!!!

Yeah me to!  But sometimes its a little too sensitve and I set the hook to early if you know what I mean   :D

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

OK! I have been wanting to get this off my chest for quite a while and this is the perfect thread. Why do so many guys go out and spend 20+ dollars on a fancy Walmart rod and a high tech Zebco reel when all you need to catch a fish is a broom handle, 10' of nylon string, a paper clip for a hook and a worm you can dig up in the garden? All these $0.98 spinning baits and $0.50 a piece rubber worms are just rich people status symbols. Heck for that matter if your not too lazy and have good reflexes you can wade into the water and catch em with your bare hands and that don't cost nothing! I can't believe these guys who spend all there hard erned money on fancy fishing gear, what a waste!!!

I am only joking, but I love these equipment bashing threads!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

God bless


fishing user avatarFatBoy reply : 
yes and you can get from here to there in this


BUT its a WHOLE lot more fun to get from here to there in THIS


OR, you can get from here to there on THIS:


have even more fun and look DARN good doing it!!!

(Sorry, but I couldn't resist.  ;))

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 


Hmm. Nope. No one ever said you need $$$ to catch bass but it sure is implied.

I hear a heck of a lot more about G-Loomis than I do Ugly Stick. A lot more about GYBC than all the "knock offs". I hear a lot more about Shimano than Pinnacle. Lucky Craft will have fish jumping in your lap. So maybe I never heard a lot about about "$$$ = fish" but it is implied.

So for all you kids on a $10.00 a week allowance and all the hard working people on a $30,000 a year budget, forget it.

You might as well take up bluegill fishing. Those gills will bite on a leaf and you can catch them with your low dollar cane pole.

And YES! I can get there from here using both but can I afford to drive 40 miles one way to work 5 days a week in a slomaro that get 15 MPG? Gas is $3.00 a gallon. $30.000 for a Camaro that gets 15 MPG and I look cool? $15.000 for the cavalier that gets 30 MPG and I'm not so cool?


fishing user avatarlargemouthslayer reply : 
I suppose there are a lot of things we don't "need" in life, but some of those "things" are what make life more enjoyable.

"Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey"

RW is right on those three go hand and hand a bowlegged woman and a knockkneed man !!! :D

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

if it is your money buy what you want ..i buy nice stuff cause i want to i need no other reason.. if people are buying expensive stuff just cause they were told they had to  then maybe these people need a reality check..but if you wanna buy it cause its your money and you dont need someones permission then buy what you want

fishing user avatardemonjd22 reply : 

As a poor college kid, I definitely agree you don't need to spend a lot of loot to get some bass in the boat (or on shore in my case). I remember when i was like 10 a mere decade ago ::), I used to goto my local ponds with nothing more than like 7-8 feet of line, and a hook. A willow branch and worms dug out of the ground rounded out the rod and bait part of the equation. This wasn't cause I was poor or didn't have a real rod or reel, it was about the satisfaction of pulling out bass (and lots of em!) with a net cost of like 10 cents, while other guys out there were equipped for BASS tourney's and were getting skunked. Ah those were the good old days indeed, that and Roadwarrior NAILED it on the head

fishing user avatarsuperman26r reply : 

I agree with FiSH ChRis... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatargg4709 reply : 

I don't know it might be because its my first year getting into bass fishing but I still can't seem to catch anything over 3/4 lb.  I will try to buy anything that will atleast give me a bite.  I know how to setup T-rigs and C-rigs, walk the dog, and all that other stuff but there just no beginners luck for me in this game.  Yesterday I saw this guy on shore catch about a 19" bass (small to him ) and several crappie on plastic minnows.  I was out on a boat all day fishing the same spot and did'nt catch a thing.  It really is all in how and what kind of bait you fish with, no doubt about it.  There is much learning ahead and quitting is not an option for me.  I guess I'll try those plastic minnows today to see if those results can't be copied.

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

I could not agree with you more.   We don't NEED Ranger boats, Steez rods, or $300 Abel pliers.  But I will tell you what.  If I don't catch any fish, it's always fun to tinker with my gear.  ;)

Sorry I've been absent lately guys, work has been insane.   :P

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 
yes and you can get from here to there in this


BUT its a WHOLE lot more fun to get from here to there in THIS


OR, you can get from here to there on THIS:


have even more fun and look DARN good doing it!!!

(Sorry, but I couldn't resist. ;))

And I could not resist either. :D


fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

So we ALL should be driving cheap economy cars, living in trailers, fishing with Zebco 33's, etc, etc.

I guess when it comes down to it, unless you are fishing for food, we don't NEED to fish.  Just a waste of money no matter how cheap your equipment is.

IMO a person has no business telling someone that their high dollar equipment is dumb, stupid, un-needed, etc, etc.  And vice versa

These threads get old.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

    Someone is definitely singing "sour grapes". ;D  And that BS about not being able to afford the high end stuff on low income is wack.  I have NEVER made 30 grand annually, yet I have all St. Croix rods and all brands of reels.  I just bought a $2,000 engine yesterday and a trolling motor a month ago.  Oh yeah.... I make ten bucks an hour.  But fishing courses through my veins like a drug with no release, so this is what I do.  Save your pennies and skip the fast food once in a while and you will be amazed at what you can afford.

    Now, the guy on the bank with the cheaper equipment gets as much of my respect as the guy in the Z22.  Unless of course he starts whining how unfair it is that some people get big nice boats and others don't.  That guy does not need to be fishing.  

Don't hate the player(s), hate the game.



fishing user avatarCephkiller reply : 
    Someone is definitely singing "sour grapes". ;D  And that BS about not being able to afford the high end stuff on low income is wack.  I have NEVER made 30 grand annually, yet I have all St. Croix rods and all brands of reels.  I just bought a $2,000 engine yesterday and a trolling motor a month ago.  Oh yeah.... I make ten bucks an hour.  But fishing courses through my veins like a drug with no release, so this is what I do.  Save your pennies and skip the fast food once in a while and you will be amazed at what you can afford.

    Now, the guy on the bank with the cheaper equipment gets as much of my respect as the guy in the Z22.  Unless of course he starts whining how unfair it is that some people get big nice boats and others don't.  That guy does not need to be fishing.  

Don't hate the player(s), hate the game.



Dude.  You're my hero.  I make almost 3x that and some weeks I struggle to fill up the tank on my truck to get to the lake.  I have three kids and a stay at home Mom to support, though, so I guess it's worth it.  Responsiblity, family, yada yada yada  ;D

fishing user avatarMattStrykul reply : 
Someone is definitely singing "sour grapes". ;D And that BS about not being able to afford the high end stuff on low income is wack. I have NEVER made 30 grand annually, yet I have all St. Croix rods and all brands of reels. I just bought a $2,000 engine yesterday and a trolling motor a month ago. Oh yeah.... I make ten bucks an hour. But fishing courses through my veins like a drug with no release, so this is what I do. Save your pennies and skip the fast food once in a while and you will be amazed at what you can afford.

Now, the guy on the bank with the cheaper equipment gets as much of my respect as the guy in the Z22. Unless of course he starts whining how unfair it is that some people get big nice boats and others don't. That guy does not need to be fishing.

Don't hate the player(s), hate the game.


Your the man!

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Great post dink! And congrats on the new motor.

Everybody's situation is unique. I don't spend a lot on gear, but I love the gear I have. I guess I could buy more expensive gear, and I do like the more expensive gear...BUT, I'm paying tuition on 4 kids right now, the motor in the mini-van is making awful noises, my 9 year old needs braces, and we're going to Disney World in 2 weeks. Yeah, I'd love a new curado, but it's just gonna have to wait. What won't have to wait is a trip to Cedar Lake with my crooked toothed, soccer playing 9 year old this weekend.  btw, that's her in my avatar.

fishing user avatarNew Bass Man reply : 

Well your premise correct.  You really don't need mega $ to catch bass.  

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
yes and you can get from here to there in this


BUT its a WHOLE lot more fun to get from here to there in THIS


its all in how you want to get there... ;)


Camaro vs. Cavalier?


fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 

Sorry about that everyone. After rereading my last post, it came out a lot hasher than I wanted it to.

I guess I was bitter yesterday morning. If I offended anyone, again I am sorry. I guess my whole rant was that to a new basser without much dough they may look at some of these threads and say "Wow, I could never afford that!" I was trying to tell them that "Yes, you can." I just took it a little to far.

I have way more than I need and still want more than I have. I understand that darn monkey's claws run deep. I have never told anyone anything about their high dollar equipment or how to spend their money. It's yours to spend, do what you like with it but the whole point was that you don't have to.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

i dont make that much money, but hes right, if i wanted i could save up and buy higgher end wife would probebly kill me, but i could do it  ;D....but i dont want to, i am happy with my $20 wally world rods and my abu garcia C3's..they catch me fish and i enjoy using them!


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
The #1 key to consistently catching bass is between your ears ;)

"People in life who are the happiest don't have the best of everything; they make the best of everything they have"

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

"People in life who are the happiest don't have the best of everything; they make the best of everything they have"

Awesome, I love it. Describes my family to a T ;)

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

I work two jobs. I do that for three reasons. One of those is so I can buy more toys. Most of my toys are fishing gear. I still look for bargains. I have very few rods or reels for which I paid full price. If you have a little patience, you can find a deal on most of what you want. Sometimes though, you just have to bite the bullet.

Catt has hit the nail on the head, twice. Make the best of what you have, and use your number one tool; the one between your ears.



fishing user avatarGatorBK reply : 

I agree you dont need much money for tackle , All my good bass stuff is in my storage in NC , so I went to wally world down here in Florida and bought 2 rod and reel combos the spinning combo 14 dollars the push button 12 dollars , I have caught 250 plus bass on the spinning reel and some nice fish on the pushbutton one was a 40+pound Grass carp a few days ago and some big turtles on 8 pound test.



40 + pound plus Grass carp on 8 pound test



fishing user avatartallydude reply : 
I suppose there are a lot of things we don't "need" in life, but some of those "things" are what make life more enjoyable.

"Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey"

RW, you just gave me new words to live by ;D.

fishing user avatarRFatt16 reply : 

Shoot I am a rookie to all this bass fishing, do not know the right way to present a lure and can barely catch my @$$ and i bought a Loomis pole and have about $200 in lures at any certain time,  just because i figure when i start to get good at this bass thing i will want to get a good pole. I guess its just the way i am. I did buy my GLX off ebay though so it wasn't full price. Same with my Daiwa reel. Ebay has helped me out with not spending so much on stuff that i won't want to use it.  

So with all that being said who wants to give some lessons to a guy that has spent too much on equipment and not enough on how to fish?  LOL

fishing user avatarmoby bass reply : 
"Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey"

I believe Tom T. Hall finished that up with "and more money" ;D

I don't have any rod over $90.  And I just recently bought the St Croix, pretty much to

see if there is, in fact, any difference or if I just enjoy the rod more.  I took the old

Ugly Stick down to the river the other day, because I know that chances are good I'll get

snagged and lose some lures ( I did, 3 plastics), or worse.  My son has some fairly inexpensive

pieces of equipment and there are days he outfishes me. I don't think I could ever bring myself

to buy a real high end rod or reel.  I'd rather have an arsenal of medium priced rods and reels.

Part of my enjoyment is figuring out what I want to use.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
i dont make that much money, but hes right, if i wanted i could save up and buy higgher end wife would probebly kill me, but i could do it  ;D....but i dont want to, i am happy with my $20 wally world rods and my abu garcia C3's..they catch me fish and i enjoy using them!


Speak softly my friend,

the bait monkey lurks

in the dark places of your mind.

He knows when to strike.

And strike he will.................................................. MOOOOOhoooooohahahaha

fishing user avatarJuskikn reply : 

I am in college and all i own for reels are 5500 abu's, they are hard to beat for the money and the durability, I take them saltwater fishing all the time, and have caught 40lb jack cravalle's on my bass rods.  I have 4 rod n reel combos the most expensive one being $100 bucks.  I will not pay over $50 for a rod or reel, and i can't see why some of these new shimano's, quantum's, abu's, etc. cost so d**n much!  All you need is good line and a decent drag, thats all.  I don't think you catch more fish with more expensive stuff, I think that by the time you get to where you can and will pay for a $250 rod and a $250 reel you already have enough experience fishing that you could catch fish on just about anything.

fishing user avatarGatorBK reply : 

The 14 dollar pole strikes again this evening lol , I feel sometimes I do better with less , I take usually 3 basic lures with me when I fish , A topwater, soft plastics and either a crankbait or spinnerbait . I seem to catch less if I have a big tacklebox full of stuff to try and decide what might work better


fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

For 15+ years I fished a Daiwa spinning combo, a Zebco 33 and rod I can't ID, a Ryobi Saltwater combo and somewhere I picked up a Zebco Bullet with an Ugly Stick. These rods and reels did the trick for me but by most standards they had become unfixable junk about 3 or 4 years ago. So I met the bait monkey, went crazy with the check book and I have not been able to wipe the smile off of my face yet. The cash I spent increased my fun and love for my hobby. Is it necessary?> No way!!!! But I am having a good time and I'm catching a lot more fish than I have in years passed. Five years ago I would find it funny to think I could feel the difference between a rod made just for soft plastic and one for crankbaits but times change with the sport and technology advances. These changes and advancements are not for everybody. So no big deal, it's all about having fun, sharing stories, and teaching your kids what your father (parent) taught you.


I fished the creeks in Alligator Alley for years as a kid with a homemade cane pole and minnows I would catch in a stream so I think I got your $14 pole beat. Check it out someday, the alligators are still there and so are the fisherman with the homemade cane poles.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Just for the record.

Poles, are people who live in Poland.

Rods are what we fish with.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

A Pollock is some one from Poland; I know I'm married to one  :'(

A fishing pole is what Boudreaux uses to catch dem bream down in the Bayou  ;)

fishing user avatarTurtle. reply : 

I use my pole to fish

I use my rod for the wife  ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
RW is right on those three go hand and hand a bowlegged woman and a knockkneed man !!! Cheesy

Actually the perfect woman is three feet tall and has a flat head.

This way you can put your drink down while she...................... :o

Oh man, this thread is doomed.

funny, but doomed.


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Over 1000 10+lber.'s this old gent could teach us all somethings
Flw Ban On Umbrella Rigs?
Thoughts on wearing a jersey even if you're not in a competition?
Lake Fork Road Trip
Dont you just love when people say things like...
Any Interest In T Shirts?
Whats the longest stretch of time with out catching one?
What I Hate About Bass Fishing
New Year's Bass Fishing Resolution
How Much Money Do You Spend On Fishing Licenses Anually
It�s on!
Your largest largemouth
Kevin VanDam Wins AOY!

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Bass Angler Murdered At Boat Ramp -- General Bass Fishing Forum
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What other species do you catch while fishing for bass? -- General Bass Fishing Forum