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When will a lady angler haver her own fishing show? 2024

fishing user avatarLinewinder reply : 

Jerry McKinnis doesn't have a show any longer, where he would have kids on, so I watch Bill Dance and others, including the ESPN BASS shows, but they are always hosted by men. I want my kids (boy and girl) to know that girls like to fish too, but if the image is that only men fish I believe it sends the wrong message to my daughter.

On another note, because of watching the current shows, my kids now believe that the only way to catch fish is with plastic worms and not real worms or minnows. :-/ We need a show like Jerry's again, with live bait, and add a woman too.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

You should really voice your concerns directly to the people who have the power to do this. B.A.S.S. , FLW , and the networks that put on these shows.

It probably won't do you any good but at least you tried.

fishing user avatarLauren reply : 

There is a show about fishing were a woman angler is the host. Also there was this one person looking for a female co-host. I was going to do it, but I live in IL and he wanted someone local. He also wanted someone that knows more then bass fishing too.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I hear ya, Linewinder.  I have yet to see a fishing ad with a woman featured in it, let alone a fishing show.  TV commercials and magazine ads have all males in them - no women. Have you seen a woman driving a boat or truck in any ads?  Nope. Haven't seen very many articles in magazines that feature a woman (such as "A Day On the Lake"), or any tv shows that portray women the same as men (like "The Bass Pros"). No female fishing hosts either.

There's heavy media portrayment of men in fishing, very few of women, if at all.  And people say women are equal in this sport?  :-/

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

I think there have been a few.  I can distinctly remember one, I was snowed in at a motel and wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.  It was on motel cable - Fishing with Courtney & (some other woman, I don't remember the name.)  I remember one where they were salmon fishing on the Kenai in Alaska and another where they had hiked in British Columbia to fish for brook trout.

One of their sponsors was Oklahoma Joe BBQ grills and smokers and they ended each show by firing up their smoker and cooking some fish.

Surely there have been some other fishing shows starring women through the years.  Fact of TV life, if they can't pimp and move product they won't be on the air for long.  Production costs for TV shows ain't cheap.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

I remember seeing Kim Bain on a few shows, and she did a great job.  She was entertaining and informational enough to have her own show.

fishing user avatarbass syco reply : 
I hear ya, Linewinder. I have yet to see a fishing ad with a woman featured in it, let alone a fishing show. TV commercials and magazine ads have all males in them - no women. Have you seen a woman driving a boat or truck in any ads? Nope. Haven't seen very many articles in magazines that feature a woman (such as "A Day On the Lake"), or any tv shows that portray women the same as men (like "The Bass Pros"). No female fishing hosts either.

There's heavy media portrayment of men in fishing, very few of women, if at all. And people say women are equal in this sport? :-/

I disagree. Women are perfectly represented to the extent that they have earned it. Consider the standard metrics of fishing greatness: Classics won, AOY awards, Elite series tournies won, and most importantly, sales ka-ching $$ driven by sponsorship and endorsements.

Glenn, you seem to imply that the major fishing/boating companies (Pure Fishing, Daiwa, Shiman, Ranger, etc) are engaging in male chauvinsim or discrimination by not featuring more women.

I, however, disagree and believe that in the business of fishing, there are limited dollars to dole out for sponsorships or shows. Companies are obligate to dole out the money to the anglers most likely to provide a return on their investment. This is why they choose 'great' anglers. There are no great women anglers (yet), and that is the problem, not discrimination.

For the record, I greatly enjoy women anglers. You go gals. I will not however, sugar coat their relative lack of success (so far), nor imply fishing/boating companies that make sensible fiscal choices (for their shareholdes and employees) are sexist or discriminatory.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I think you're missing the point.  Fact is, there's a good-sized segment of the bass fishing population that are women.  However, that's not being represented in the media.

It has nothing to do with tournament wins, or who earned what. It's about honest representation of the demographic makeup. 

For that matter, there's a lot of blacks, Asians, Hispanics, etc. that are avid anglers too, yet you don't see see them represented in the fishing media at all.  It's rather embarrassing.

fishing user avatarfinesseman2 reply : 

You know what there is a show coming on this month on the vs network it is hosted by two women.They travel around and hit all the hotspots.Like anything there will always people afraid of change but if you truly love the sport as i do you should embrace it.I think we can all agree there is more than enough room on the water for us all.We should want the sport that we love to grow and share it with whoever we can men,women or children in the end that is all that truly matters.I think we can agree that pam martin held her own at the classic and the women have a much tougher road to travel than us as men do.Sponsors..Tournaments..are not as easy to come by.There will be a woman who comes along and will set the sport on fire who knows she could be reading this forum  right now good luck gals keep your head up and FISH Hard and prove some of us wrong.

fishing user avatareric ba reply : 

Kim Baine-moore does have a fishing show. Its called breaking the surface. Her and another female fly fisherwoman. They travel around and fish foe differant species.

fishing user avatarLinewinder reply : 

OK, so the ladies are out there to a limited extent (read: not enough for my daughter), but then kids must be non-existent?  Jerry, come back!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

It looks to me like you are going to have to get your kids interested yourself. You be their (Jerry.) It works for many fathers who want their kids to know the joy of the out doors/fishing.

fishing user avatarProCrafter reply : 

Karen Savik has been with NAFC doing Berkley... I believe related demos and discussion on would be a very good time for an advertiser to select a lead for such a position as the following...young girls to teens to future tour anglers is there just needing icons....which the WBT had started to develop....the talent is there just needs a sponsor/investment group to get the backing...Savik, Martin-Wells,Wong, Glasgow, Richardson and others DESERVE and have EARNED an edition of "The Bass Pros" where the Ladies Pro Perspective would be discussed and the following will have a continued direction....Bass Pro can entwine them with the current crew....maybe a story with Van Dam on Crankbaits...followed by Judy Wong on flipping weed all is dependent on the advertisors and the reps who sell the anglers and ideas.....unfortunately grass root movements just point out ideas with advertisors but we all need to continue the dialogue and network where and when we can so the advances will not be forgotten.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I'd be interested to see the actual demographic breakdown of bass fisherman. I'd be willing to bet that ~85% are white males, if not more.

I think the channels are only choosing the smartest business decision. The vast majority of the target audience is men, so if they want to attract that audience they might as well pick hosts that men want to watch. For whatever reason, most bass fishing men don't seem to want to watch women fishing on tv.

Another problem is that there is a smaller sample population of worthy hosts. There are some lady anglers with accomplishments deserving a show but how many of those anglers are actually able OR willing to be hosts? Not everyone is capable of hosting a TV show.

Also, there are a lot of "stars" of the sport that are men while relatively few that are women. I can probably name two dozen professional bass anglers that are men. I can only name one that is a woman.

fishing user avatarbasswitch reply : 

Got a video camera this year. Can't wait to start workin on my own fishing show:p

fishing user avatarLinewinder reply : 
It looks to me like you are going to have to get your kids interested yourself. You be their (Jerry.) It works for many fathers who want their kids to know the joy of the out doors/fishing.

I already tried that, and unknowingly messed up by watching the fishing shows during the cold off-season.  Now they just want to use plastic worms and spinner baits -- and girls don't go fishing.

fishing user avatardetroit1 reply : 

It is a little embarrassing (?) that there isn't a national show hosted by a woman or women. I like ms. Savic on NAFC, but really haven't seen any others.  I'd watch it. (the bass don't know who's on the other end of the line...)

fishing user avatarNine Miler reply : 
I hear ya, Linewinder. I have yet to see a fishing ad with a woman featured in it, let alone a fishing show. TV commercials and magazine ads have all males in them - no women. Have you seen a woman driving a boat or truck in any ads? Nope. Haven't seen very many articles in magazines that feature a woman (such as "A Day On the Lake"), or any tv shows that portray women the same as men (like "The Bass Pros"). No female fishing hosts either.

There's heavy media portrayment of men in fishing, very few of women, if at all. And people say women are equal in this sport? :-/

fishing user avatarwhoopbazz reply : 
I think there have been a few. I can distinctly remember one, I was snowed in at a motel and wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. It was on motel cable - Fishing with Courtney & (some other woman, I don't remember the name.)  I remember one where they were salmon fishing on the Kenai in Alaska and another where they had hiked in British Columbia to fish for brook trout.

One of their sponsors was Oklahoma Joe BBQ grills and smokers and they ended each show by firing up their smoker and cooking some fish.

Surely there have been some other fishing shows starring women through the years. Fact of TV life, if they can't pimp and move product they won't be on the air for long. Production costs for TV shows ain't cheap.

Fishing with shelley and courtney.

Anyone remember that show Fish On? With the bikini clad models?

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

I guess sex doesn't sell when it come to Bass Fishing. It is funny because it works for everything else.

I wonder if a trend like fixing up cars could ever apply to Bass Boats with crazy custom colors and decked out decks with TV's and Sound system, and half naked ladies on them. 

Not that I am saying this is where it should go... But I do totally agree that having a Lady host a show would be a good in many aspects, also more ladies in advertisements will go a long way for youth.

fishing user avatarbear7625 reply : 

I'm all for a women's TV show, but until you find a kick @ss, down to earth women that can convince men that they are serious, it ain't gonna happen! If you look at the commercials that have women in them, you'll know what I mean! ::) If you want your man to take you fish'en, stop saying euwww!!!, pop a worm in your mouth, and say ...let's gett'er done! If this was the shopping channel, we would see alot more posts from women. ;D ;D ;D

I am going to ketch hell, but women who fish, are the real 10's!!!

fishing user avatarfishingkidPA reply : 

im not saying that girls shouldnt fish or hunt, i think its really cool when they do but i think they use guys because guys were doing it before girls, and by majority more guys hunt than girls.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Hunting and providing for the family has always been a "male" role.....This has got to be the reason why we rarely ever see a woman on a hunting show as well.

Males as always taken this role since the dawn of time.Apparently we still do.  :-/

I'm not saying it's right and i have to agree with Glenn it is quite embarrassing. We'll evolve soon enough.Not enough women have tapped into these activities to make any changes just yet. Fishing for sport still seems to view greater from the white male audience.   

I can get my wife out there once a year....if I'm lucky.She wants nothing to do with fishing,hunting or outdoors. She does however supports my addiction so i just let it go. ;D

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I think you touched upon something there grimlin - "minorities" really need to get more involved in the outdoor sports.  I would really love to see more blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. represented on those TV shows. Seems it's really lopsided right now. many times can I say "really"?  lol!

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
I think you touched upon something there grimlin - "minorities" really need to get more involved in the outdoor sports. I would really love to see more blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. represented on those TV shows. Seems it's really lopsided right now. many times can I say "really"? lol!

But what proportion of bass anglers are members of those groups? My guess is that the number of minority fishing personalities is probably proportional to the numbers of minorities involved in the sport in general. I would venture to guess that the vast majority of bass fisherman are white males.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Not in my neck of the woods.  I see just many Asians, blacks, Hispanics and women fishing as I do white males.

Maybe if the media changed the perception, more minorities would feel empowered to give it a try.  And who on earth said the TV shows MUST adhere to stereotypes anyway?

fishing user avatarAndrewS reply : 

There is one hosted by women that comes on MAV tv and also versus

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

This past weekend a buddy (also a member of this forum) and I were loading up his boat to leave and we witnessed two women pulling their boat up to the ramp.  No men anywhere in sight.  My jaw almost dropped to my feet.  I wasn't upset or indignant or anything like that.  To the contrary, I was pleased to see it.  But this sort of thing is so rare for me to witness that I wonder how successful (ratings-wise) a show featuring a woman host would actually be.  I can't speak for Glenn but I wonder how successful this forum/website would be if it relied exclusively on women.  I wish there were more.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Not in my neck of the woods. I see just many Asians, blacks, Hispanics and women fishing as I do white males.

Maybe if the media changed the perception, more minorities would feel empowered to give it a try. And who on earth said the TV shows MUST adhere to stereotypes anyway?

Well said.  This might also help dispel the false perception by some that fishing is a sport for rednecks and hicks.

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 

There was a show called "Old Man & Bobber Annie". Really was a good show, Annie knew her stuff, Old Man was a grouchy SOB. After my cable co. kept on dropping channels, and raising the prices, I dropped them. It was a good down to earth, informative show with all types of fishing. I think there is a market for that type of show. :)

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

There's a show that does feature a female co-host NAPA's Noth to Alaska with Audrey Bradshaw.

Tight Lines

Pa Angler

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

There was a gal with a Canadian show a few years ago. She had plenty of talent and it was one of the better shows. I can't remember her name but it was on a Canadian station that we got when we lived close to the border. I remember a show she did from a lodge on Lady Evelyn lake that was special.

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
There was a gal with a Canadian show a few years ago. She had plenty of talent and it was one of the better shows. I can't remember her name but it was on a Canadian station that we got when we lived close to the border. I remember a show she did from a lodge on Lady Evelyn lake that was special.

That was Bobber Anne and the old man. Good show, the lady seem to know her stuff, and wasn't full of herself. The old guy seemed like a grouch, always hoped he'd fall in and have to ask her for help. I think there would be a good market for that show, don't know what happened to it, cable removed that channel.

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 

Just realized I answered that question a page ago, must be an old thread. ;D

fishing user avatarMKirsch reply : 

Pflueger Pro Kim Bain-Moore has a show. Breaking The Surface on the Sportsman's Channel. They are filming their second season right now. She just went on a great Bass Fishing expedition in Mexico.

fishing user avatarBlu reply : 

WFN has a couple shows that may be of interest to you. Can not really remeber any names but one has a segment something "Fisher Girl" and the Shelly and Courtney one. The Pescar something one has a guy who is always taking his niece. Not sure if any are still on as I have not had WFN for about 6 months though. 

fishing user avatarBig Al23 reply : 

I remember when Ron Franklin hosted a fishing show on ESPN and Penny Berryman was always one of the regulars. I met her at a fishing show in Mass one year, doing a seminar. I thought for sure she would have her own show.

What was the name of that show on ESPN?

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
I remember when Ron Franklin hosted a fishing show on ESPN and Penny Berryman was always one of the regulars. I met her at a fishing show in Mass one year, doing a seminar. I thought for sure she would have her own show.

What was the name of that show on ESPN?

sportsman challenge?

fishing user avatarBig Al23 reply : 

That's it!

fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

Some years back, there was a fishing show on TNN that featured two women bassers.  I can't for the life of me remember their names or the name of the show, but I do remember they fished out of a Stratos.  One of their first names was Linda, I believe.  It wasn't a bad show at all.

fishing user avatarGrundleLove reply : 


Realistically? Never.

fishing user avatarbigredxlt reply : 

Realistically? Never.

Dude your name is grundlelove...

fishing user avatarBassnajr reply : 

Here you go...

Watch away!!!!!!! ;)

fishing user avatarLauren reply : 

There is a show but I forgot the name of the show. I don't get the channel here

fishing user avatarLesley reply : 
  On 3/6/2010 at 11:51 PM, basswitch said:

Got a video camera this year. Can't wait to start workin on my own fishing show:p

What a great idea! Maybe start on Youtube or your own website/blog. Bassfish with Basswitch. That's catchy!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply :  :hello::hello: Lesley welcome to BR !!!!!!!!!!!
fishing user avatarvivian reply : 

I think the channels are only choosing the smartest business decision. The vast majority of the target audience is men, so if they want to attract that audience they might as well pick hosts that men want to watch

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

I have seen the Kim Bayne show, I thought it was well done

There was another show featuring a woman who was a professional hunter in Africa. The show featured her hunting and fishing all over the world. I cannot for the life of me remember her name. She was blonde, pretty, and was a heck of a good shot. the show ran for about two seasons.

The sport needs a marketable face before they put a show around someone. Unfortunately, there hasn't been too many women who have had a huge impact or had the personality to carry a show. I am not saying there isn't a lot of qualified women, they just haven't found the right person yet. They would need someone with a personality that could "muck" it up with the guys, talk smack, etc. and be camera friendly. I would watch, heck I have been watching Charlie Moore for Gods sake..........

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 
  On 5/12/2011 at 8:36 PM, Sfritr said:

I have seen the Kim Bayne show, I thought it was well done

There was another show featuring a woman who was a professional hunter in Africa. The show featured her hunting and fishing all over the world. I cannot for the life of me remember her name. She was blonde, pretty, and was a heck of a good shot. the show ran for about two seasons.

The sport needs a marketable face before they put a show around someone. Unfortunately, there hasn't been too many women who have had a huge impact or had the personality to carry a show. I am not saying there isn't a lot of qualified women, they just haven't found the right person yet. They would need someone with a personality that could "muck" it up with the guys, talk smack, etc. and be camera friendly. I would watch, heck I have been watching Charlie Moore for Gods sake..........

I liked Kim Bain's show, and better than some out there. (But have Shaw Grigsby as the my favorite)

fishing user avatarlaus reply : 

K. Savik's one of my favorites! I have to say I've given some thought to the whole advertising and women in fishing thing. Both men and women are ambivalent about depictions of women in traditionally male areas, I think. Advertisers know people have emotional responses below the level of their rational mind; for many a woman in a truck "sissifies" the truck. For many a woman holding a rod and reel makes the equipment look less professional, less serious. And forget it if the woman is unattractive or over 50. Sales would totally drop off. Sad but true. Of course, men affect sales of some things negatively too. Picture a guy holding a jar of wrinkle cream if he's unattractive. Guess what I'm saying is that it's not one sex or the other that's to blame, it's a cultural view that changes very slowly. Remember how there were no colored faces in advertising in the 50's? Now we barely think twice. :)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Any new shows that you consider special?

fishing user avatarjeremyryanwebb reply : 

If that lady that works on Major League Fishing had her own show id watch it.....she wouldnt even have to catch fish. I wouldnt mind lookin at her in a boat for 30 minutes!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Remember Cindy Garrison?

She began with ESPN as a co-host for "In search of Flywater".

Later Cindy hosted her own show "Get Wild with Cindy Garrison" on ESPN, which featured fishing & hunting.

Cindy is a very attractive girl, and I had trouble paying attention  :smiley:  :embarassed2:



fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

Most people don't understand how the fishing shows get on the air. Anyone here can put a show on TV. All you have to do is buy the half hour from the cable network. You produce the show and figure out how to pay for everything. All production costs, salaries, travel costs, equipment and the air time. You have get all your own sponsorships. The cable networks don't pay for any of it. You start out on your own and if you draw enough viewers, you might get picked up by a bigger network  like NBC Sports who might pay you for the show.


By the way, the "old man" with Bobber Annie was Fishing Hall of Fame member, Dan Gapen.  There was also a fishing show called Outdoor Adventures hosted by Debra Johannsen and Kevin Geary. They fished in Canada for big pike. She'd hand land 25 pound pike like they were blue gills. 

fishing user avatarNick49 reply : 

A few posters mentioned the shows with Bobber Anne and the "old guy".  It's interesting that it was Bobber Anne who was remembered because I believe the "old guy" was Dan Gapen, a multi-species fisherman and icon in his day.  And I believe Mr. Gapen was Native American. Along with a high level of TV visibility, he and Bobber Anne would appear at the major winter-time boat and fishing shows throughout the mid-west and north.  Any other oldtimers remember Dan Gapen?

fishing user avatarfishguy613 reply : 

google mariko izumi she has a show, she is crazy hot!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
There was also a fishing show called Outdoor Adventures hosted by Debra Johannsen and Kevin Geary.

They fished in Canada for big pike. She'd hand land 25 pound pike like they were blue gills.


I bought Kevin & Debra's video about 20 years ago called "How to Catch Giant Pike".

I'm not sure whether it was filmed at their Way North Lodge or Angler's Kingdom on Nungesser Lake




Any other oldtimers remember Dan Gapen?


Sure do, Dan introduced the original Muddler Minnow and he also invented the Gapen Nepag (brook trout lures)



fishing user avataraquaholic reply : 

wfn has been advertising a show being hosted by a woman. I cant remember the name of it though.

fishing user avatarfishguy613 reply : 
  On 1/27/2014 at 4:01 PM, aquaholic said:

wfn has been advertising a show being hosted by a woman. I cant remember the name of it though.

see my post above

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
  On 1/27/2014 at 12:13 PM, fishguy613 said:

google mariko izumi she has a show, she is crazy hot!

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Did she get the show because she is eye candy?  I've only seen a few of the "Hooking up" (interesting name for a show hosted by a woman) shows, and she seems to be extremely awkward when fighting a fish, from the way she handles a rod to the way she cranks a reel.  Her show is a travelogue, sometimes cooking show about fishing.


I believe the show has become a tag team with a male partner.  Hooking up with Nick and Mariko.  Interesting.  Nick gets the primary billing.  When Michael Strahan took over Regis Philbin's seat, the show that was Regis and Kelly became Kelly and Michael.  Seniority counted for something.

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 
  On 1/27/2014 at 9:23 PM, Fishing Rhino said:

Did she get the show because she is eye candy?  I've only seen a few of the "Hooking up" (interesting name for a show hosted by a woman) shows, and she seems to be extremely awkward when fighting a fish, from the way she handles a rod to the way she cranks a reel.  Her show is a travelogue, sometimes cooking show about fishing.


I believe the show has become a tag team with a male partner.  Hooking up with Nick and Mariko.  Interesting.  Nick gets the primary billing.  When Michael Strahan took over Regis Philbin's seat, the show that was Regis and Kelly became Kelly and Michael.  Seniority counted for something.

I was going to say Hooking Up on WFN, but yeah she got the gig because of her uncle is Bob Izumi..etc.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

To me at least, Mariko appears to be a sincere angler and I believe she got the gig, because she deserves the gig.

Based on the episodes I've watched, she catches more fish than uncle Bob   :high-five:



fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 
  On 1/28/2014 at 5:03 AM, RoLo said:

To me at least, Mariko appears to be a sincere angler and I believe she got the gig, because she deserves the gig.

Based on the episodes I've watched, she catches more fish than uncle Bob   :high-five:



Maybe, possibly didn't give the show time.  To me she seemed out of place in the 4 episodes I watched. 


Oh and don't get me wrong, I don't like Bob Izumi's show either. 

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 

I think I'd gouge my eyes out before I watched anything with Mariko Izumi. If she's a talented angler she does nothing to prove it on her show. If I need hot women to look at I have the world wide web.


You want talented female anglers who don't come across as brainless sorority girls? Rebekka Redd on The New Fly Fisher or April Vokey on Fly Nation TV.

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

There are a few shows that have female hosts, such as North American Fisherman and Fishing with Shelley and Courtney. I think the fishing industry could use more female hosts and fishermen for that matter. One thing you have to remember though, is that fishing is a very consumer driven industry. If I'm going to watch someone on a TV show, generally I'm going to be more interested or willing to watch if it's someone I know or someone who has a publicly known resume. For instance, would you rather watch a show with KVD as the host, or would you watch one with Mr. No-name instead? Even if you don't like KVD, you know there's a lot more credibility that goes with his name vs. Mr. No-name. Being that both B.A.S.S. and FLW have no professional female anglers, it's hard for them to gain the notoriety as the male anglers. There used to be a Bass'n Gall tour, that was part of Bassmasters that unfortunately folded due to lack of participation. Also noteworthy, although there are a lot women who do fish, it seems that the number of female boat owners is significantly less. The shows are going to keep catering to the majority of the demographic that they can get the greatest return from. I think until we see the demographic a little bit we aren't going to see much of a change in the marketing demographic either. I agree though, it really would be good to have a more diverse population of fisherman represented. 

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I wouldn't care if a male or female hosted a fishing show, I'm interested in the content.  I hardly ever watch a fishing show anymore, except if I'm surfing and happen to come across one.  I had no idea who this Izumi woman was until just now, and she is pretty good looking.  I know some women here that more resemble Dick Butkus, but could teach most people how to fish, I'm always shooting the bull with them.


WIGuide makes a good point about watching a well known personality.  In my location Mark Sosin is an area resident, he's well known and does some shows in our local waters, makes it interesting for me.

fishing user avatarwakeeater reply : 

please don't take offense to this, i'm going to be real honest.  i have absolutely no desire to watch a show hosted by women.  i don't watch female sports of any type.  i'm not against a female having her own show, but i wouldn't have the desire to watch it.  i don't care for female sports reporters either.  there are some that are absolutely beautiful, but i'd rather watch "mike & mike", or colin cowherd, or any other reputable journalist.  i personally feel that they are there because of their good looks more than their talent.  i guess i'm not "P.C." enough....... there is a hunting show with a hot blonde that does well.  i don't watch it because i don't hunt.

fishing user avatarAQUA VELVA reply : 

In all the years Ive been fishing I have seen very few women out on the water and fewer still in a bass boat. If there is a large segment of female fisherpersons out there then I have not seen them.

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 
  On 10/12/2010 at 11:50 AM, Glenn said:

Not in my neck of the woods. I see just many Asians, blacks, Hispanics and women fishing as I do white males.

Maybe if the media changed the perception, more minorities would feel empowered to give it a try. And who on earth said the TV shows MUST adhere to stereotypes anyway?

I would love to see Ish get a show he's entertaining.. I love watching MLF and he's great tv

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 

I"m all for the ladies having their  fishing shows. There's the LPGA, Powder Puff football, LNBA, etc. Why not Ladies Bassmaster Classic, Ladies Major League fishing and so on? I'm sorry to say there probably isn't an audience for it. I would definately watch. 


On another note. How about a  65 year old retired fart fishing show?

I have a lot of years experience and I would be more than willing to share. For example. 


Lesson #1. How to tie on a lure and lose it on the first cast.

Lesson #2. Getting hung up in rip rap and risking a $10000 boat to retrieve a $5 lure.

Lesson #3. The proper way to cast your lure towards the bank and end up in a tree.

Lesson #4.  How to set the hook before it's time.

Lesson #5.  The best way to remove lure  hooks stuck in you ear.


I mean the lessons could just go on forever.



fishing user avatardave reply : 
  On 3/3/2014 at 11:45 AM, macmichael said:

I"m all for the ladies having their  fishing shows. There's the LPGA, Powder Puff football, LNBA, etc. Why not Ladies Bassmaster Classic, Ladies Major League fishing and so on? I'm sorry to say there probably isn't an audience for it. I would definately watch. 


On another note. How about a  65 year old retired fart fishing show?

I have a lot of years experience and I would be more than willing to share. For example. 


Lesson #1. How to tie on a lure and lose it on the first cast.

Lesson #2. Getting hung up in rip rap and risking a $10000 boat to retrieve a $5 lure.

Lesson #3. The proper way to cast your lure towards the bank and end up in a tree.

Lesson #4.  How to set the hook before it's time.

Lesson #5.  The best way to remove lure  hooks stuck in you ear.


I mean the lessons could just go on forever.

What channel?  I'm watching.

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 

Saw a smoking hot brunette on one of the shows ice fishing. Would not mind at all having a show with her hosting. Gotta find out her name.

fishing user avatarwakeeater reply : 

macmichael, i hate to inform you, but it's already been done.  there's a guy out of tennessee named "bill dance" and he's been doing it for years!

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 3/3/2014 at 11:45 AM, macmichael said:

I"m all for the ladies having their  fishing shows. There's the LPGA, Powder Puff football, LNBA, etc. Why not Ladies Bassmaster Classic, Ladies Major League fishing and so on? I'm sorry to say there probably isn't an audience for it. I would definately watch. 


On another note. How about a  65 year old retired fart fishing show?

I have a lot of years experience and I would be more than willing to share. For example. 


Lesson #1. How to tie on a lure and lose it on the first cast.

Lesson #2. Getting hung up in rip rap and risking a $10000 boat to retrieve a $5 lure.

Lesson #3. The proper way to cast your lure towards the bank and end up in a tree.

Lesson #4.  How to set the hook before it's time.

Lesson #5.  The best way to remove lure  hooks stuck in you ear.


I mean the lessons could just go on forever.


They tried that already and it folded because most people don't care to watch it. You know they are competing against mostly second-rate anglers. There are a few women that might be good enough to make it in real pro bass fishing, but not enough of them to make a quality tournament series. I would personally rather see one qualify for the elite series the RIGHT way, not the Danica Patrick way.

fishing user avatarclark9312 reply : 

I wish Tiffany fished

fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

I miss fishing with Shelly & Courtney.  Those girls could fish.  Plus they always went fishing in really cool spots, spots I would go to if I had more disposable income and plenty of PTO days from work.


I distinctly remember one show, where they were trout fishing in British Columbia and their guide pointed out that there were probably trout in the shade caused by a bush hanging over the river they were fishing.


Anyway, in one camera shot, she made a cast toward the bush, got within6 feet or so (on purpose) stripped 8 or 10 feet of line from her fly reel, then executed a perfect underhand roll cast, her streamer fly landing 2 feet from the bank, under the bush, totally in the shade.  1.. 2… 3…. set the hook, 16" trout.


I know I would have a hard time making that cast given a dozen chances - 1 chance - with the camera rolling - that is a good cast.


The other thing that I liked about that show was how, toward the end of the show they would keep a couple of fish to demonstrate another recipe on their Oklahoma Joe smoker (one of their sponsors)


I don't know what happened to those girls, - they probably just ran out of funding somehow.   Anyhow, they had a good show while it lasted - IMO

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 
  On 3/4/2014 at 5:08 AM, clark9312 said:

I wish Tiffany fished

She has arms? :)

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 
  On 3/2/2010 at 1:49 PM, Linewinder said:

Jerry McKinnis doesn't have a show any longer, where he would have kids on, so I watch Bill Dance and others, including the ESPN BASS shows, but they are always hosted by men. I want my kids (boy and girl) to know that girls like to fish too, but if the image is that only men fish I believe it sends the wrong message to my daughter.

On another note, because of watching the current shows, my kids now believe that the only way to catch fish is with plastic worms and not real worms or minnows. :-/ We need a show like Jerry's again, with live bait, and add a woman too.


I remember watching Jerry when I was young and I loved his show. I was really just getting into fishing back then but I remember loving his voice...very calming and it just became the voice of fishing for me. Of course I love Tommy Sanders and Zona too.


But more to your comment, it's a pretty interesting question. I have seen a show with a segment that has a professional female angler and she's pretty sharp. She would definitely make me look silly on the water. All I know is if Charlie Moore has a show then a show hosted by a female shouldn't be out of the question! LOL. I'd tune in but I love most shows about fishing so it wouldn't be a stretch for me personally. I play pool and love to watch the pro women on works too!

fishing user avatarLinewinder reply : 
  On 3/3/2014 at 11:52 PM, dave said:

What channel?  I'm watching.

Bill Dance

fishing user avatarLinewinder reply : 

Wow. I forgot I made this post. Made some interesting comments and suggestions folks. Thank you very much.

Interestingly, we made a trip last summer to Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia during a period when it was slow fishing for stripers. The guide service was recommended (Spike's Prime Time), we showed up and were taken out by his wife Cap'n Kathy. Well, my daughter loved it, caught the largest (10 lbs) of our limit. Kathy did us well because the other boats out didn't do as good. She spent time with the kids to explain how to find fish and when. So my daughter saw good no-glitz fishing, learned some stuff and that women can do it if they enjoy it. This is the type of fishing my daughter says she likes to do now (she's did striper fishing on Chesapeake Bay also). Better than a show. And she likes the little lakes and ponds in the area -- but may not always fish :(.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 


fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

When she's willing to pay for it herself. Fishing shows have terrible ratings, hence they don't make money, hence content providers are reluctant to produce them. Besides, TV is going the way of newspapers. May I point out that there actually are a couple of lady fishing show hosts, so my answer isn't quite accurate. Oh, and who was that blonde Amazon who had a fishing/hunting show a while back? I'd watch that.


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