I don't know bout y'all, but this heat wave has definityly put a serious dent into my time on the water.
It hit 97 degrees in my town today. It's 9 PM and still 84 degrees out there. And like the say 'it's not the heat it's the humidity" Well it's really the dew point (my studies are paying off) and let's just say it's muggy as helll out there.
So I'm a wimp
How you holdin up?
I was pretty excited when I checked tomorrow's weather, it doesnt get over 80 until 10am and wont get over 90 until noon.
Nice change from the past few weeks where its been getting into the 90s early in the morning and staying there until 9-10pm
The humidity here in NC is pretty bad too. I still fish though. Just went out today from 3-7. No sunblock lotion either.
I work in this stuff and it is HOT, I put out about five gallons of sweet today and
looks like the rest of the week is going to be the same.So come Saturday morning I will be on the water chuncking.
As the wicked witch says in the WIZARD OF OZ....I'm mellllllllting! today was better but going back to nursing is sure putting a damper on my fishing :-/ so far, so good with the job. At least there's air conditioning?
? Sea shells?
I LOVE it when it's hot.
The night time is the right time to be with the one you love
its bigtime too hot here! Check out this pic i snapped the other day:
my solution to the heat is to fish at night! much much MUCH cooler and the action is much better.
QuoteThe night time is the right time to be with the one you love
The local Res near my house closes at 9pm, otherwise I'd be out there all night long.
Fortunately, the past week has been overcast and 60degrees, and yesterday it even rained.
Nothing like the Bay Area , raining in JULY.
During the months of July/Aug, I more or less go into "fishing hibernation". If I manage to go at all, I'm on the water at 5am and off by 10am. The sun/heat/humidity around here can boil your hide. In short, I gets kinda miserable in that weather in spite of the fact that I work in it every day.
Aside from the obvious "night fishing" solution, if it's going to be 90+ degrees, and I'm not working, the only place I will be is on the lake. It's not just a fishery, it's my 223 acre pool!!
Jumping in makes all the difference. I 've been going out on 95+ degree days lately and staying on the lake from 6am-8pm and once you get in the water it just revives you.
Avid said he values his cojones too much to jump in the water in Florida!
Middle GA heat has been known to fry an egg on its asphalt but I'm a hot weather guy being born-n-raised in South Florida. Give me 100 degree heat over 32 degree cold any day!
Some body turned on the AC here in Kansas City. It's been nice. It won't last, but it's nice while it's here
I am with lightninrod, i would much rather be sweating while fishing, then freezing while fishing.
QuoteAside from the obvious "night fishing" solution, if it's going to be 90+ degrees, and I'm not working, the only place I will be is on the lake. It's not just a fishery, it's my 223 acre pool!!Avid- JUMP IN ONCE IN A WHILE!!!
Couldn't agree with you more. Yesterday evening was nice 7:30-9:30 pm.. breezy and only 95 but maybe it wasn't the weather that made it enjoyable but that I kicked my neighbors butts in our beer and bass tournement last night. 6 fish in only 3 beers I was doing good! No real size to 'em but anything that pulls my line gets my blood flowing. We where wading so being in the water def. helps beat the heat. Plus our lake is so low you can't get from one hole to another in a boat right now. It's best done on fourwheelers.
We have been blessed in June with all our rains, but now the sun has been peaking out from time to time and its hot and humid, then when the evening rolls around, so has the thunerstorms. Well, at least one of the Dog Day Summer months wasn't so hot, and July is gonna make us pay for the nicer mild temps in June.
I need one of those fan misters for the boat.
I have both air-conditioning and heat on my boat but unfortunately there was a critical part missing when I took delivery and I haven't been able to locate it yet.
Just jump in. Wrap a chicken around each ankle and that will scare the gators away.
QuoteAvid said he values his cojones too much to jump in the water in Florida!Middle GA heat has been known to fry an egg on its asphalt but I'm a hot weather guy being born-n-raised in South Florida. Give me 100 degree heat over 32 degree cold any day!
I 'm with Dan on this one, can 't help it, I like the heat.
I've been wading in streams for smallmouth lately. Usually under a canopy of trees. The water is cooler, the shade feels great, and the fish are more actively biting. :)
Unfortunately, the fish are also a bit smaller. :-[
You can take the man outta New York but you can't New York outta the man I guess. Except in muddy's case, but Brooklyn is a world unto itself anyway.
I spent so many years wading icy trout streams, before I even knew what a largemouth bass was.
60 degrees is pefect temp. Above 85 and the thermostat is wide open. below 45 is "chilly"
LBH. About jumpin in. It ain't the gators or the moccasins that keep me from doing it.
It's the Home Owners Association. It's against the rules, and we have what I call the "golf cart nazi's" who live for reporting people in violation.
Remember when I tipped my canoe? (pre outrigger days)
I was diving for my equipment and was reported for "swimming" in the lake. It was only the fact that a number of folks saw me tip that saved me a fine.
Gated communities have their good points, they are safe, and private, and quiet, and pretty. Even the golf cart nazi's keep non residents from sneaking in and fishing the lake. (BIG trouble if anyone gets caught)
But the down side is that if it's against the rules. You don't do it. If you get caught it's a $100 fine that increases with each additional violation. There are no warnings.
QuoteSea shells?
Yeah, ya know.........the old tongue twister "Sally sells sea shells by the seashore" I always kinda envied Sally.
Now a days I guess she would be selling taco shells.
QuoteRemember when I tipped my canoe? (pre outrigger days)
I was diving for my equipment and was reported for "swimming" in the lake. It was only the fact that a number of folks saw me tip that saved me a fine.
I don't know why but I thought that was pretty funny. Not the fact that you tipped the canoe, but I can just see the "golf cart nazi" watching you ..... "Oh there is avid again. Swimming in the pond" :-?
I'll have to tell my grandpa about the "golf cart nazis". He will like that. He deals with the same crap
Quote60 degrees is pefect temp.
Yeah right. :
QuoteAbove 85
That 's about when I can leave my sweater.
At least you guys are able to get out and complain about the heat and or humidity. The rain here in Central Oklahoma has been so bad half of the lakes are closed from flooding, no wear to get a line wet unless you live on water, or have a farm pond to fish but then you have to battle getting stuck.(already happened twice this year) Give me the dry heat though any day.
QuoteAside from the obvious "night fishing" solution, if it's going to be 90+ degrees, and I'm not working, the only place I will be is on the lake. It's not just a fishery, it's my 223 acre pool!!Avid- JUMP IN ONCE IN A WHILE!!!
You got a 223 acre pond? NE is not that far, I can be their in about 8-9 hours.
I would rather be cold than hot. I can put on as many clothes as I want to stay warm but can only take off so many clothes to stay cool.
Its too hot to fish when your sweating so much you cant tie a knot on your lure.
Today was tooooooo hot. Off by 10 AM on days like this.
George made a good point to me about this in a pm.
It's always hot in Florida in the summer, but we are not getting the typcial afternoon rain. The lightning comes up but the rain showers that cool things down and dry out the air, ain't been happenning.
I tell it's those guys in area 51. If illegal aliens are allowed to stay in the country does that include the little green guys from the planet Mongo?
I don't mind the heat at all. It could be 100 degrees out and I will still fish for 8 hours...done it beofre, and will continue doing it. But, I make sure I keep the sunscreen on, and have plenty of cold fluids such as water or Gatorade on hand. Jumping in is a good solution if the area you are fishing allows it. Problem is pretty much ALL the areas I fish don't allow it.
Cold, for me, is the enemy. Once it gets below 50 degrees I am not a happy camper, I rarely egt out on the water when it is below 50 degrees cuz I HATE being cold...that and fishing in cold temps from the bank is PAINFULLY slow fishing.
As long as I remember to bring a gatorade or something else to drink, I can usually fish in weather up to 90 degrees. With the humidity hear in North Carolina, anything warmer than that is heck on earth.
QuoteAvid said he values his cojones too much to jump in the water in Florida!Middle GA heat has been known to fry an egg on its asphalt but I'm a hot weather guy being born-n-raised in South Florida. Give me 100 degree heat over 32 degree cold any day!
While there isnt much fishing in 32 degree weather I would be much more comfortable in 32 degrees than 100. I thought 88 and sunny this weekend was a little tough but still got out and caught a few fish. When it is high 80s and 90s I try to get out 3 or 4 hours in the morning and the same right before dark.