Well fellas, what're your thoughts on fishing directly after a really heavy rain? I'm talking like two inches and the creek/pond/river is muddy.
It's starting to clear up and i just need to throw some lures in but I'm not sure if it's worth wasting time throwing into this.
I don't know, I need to do some thinking. No such things as days off on the water!
Why not try it? I don't know if you'll catch anything, but you're guaranteed NOT to catch anything if you DON'T go! :-)
if the river is still rising i have always had a tough time but if it is on the way down you can have some success. I usually do well tight to the bank in areas that break the current. In lakes I have a tough time in those conditions but that may be because i am not a fan of chucking spinnerbaits which for some reason seem to produce for all my buddies during those conditions.
Bottom line is get out there, it doesn't hurt to try and you may figure something out for the next time you encounter the same conditions.
I'm going to go over and throw some in this evening but should I be sticking to black lures/dark ones? The visibility in the water is literally like, 2 inches if even.
I'd probably stick with baits that move a lot of water. Since the water is that dirty the fish will probably key in on things they can feel. Spinnerbaits with indiana or colorado blades, cranks with a wider wobble, rattle traps. Good luck!
If you have the time to spend then spend it fishing. Worst case you will not catch anything but you will still be fishing.
On 5/17/2014 at 3:07 AM, Steveo-1969 said:Why not try it? I don't know if you'll catch anything, but you're guaranteed NOT to catch anything if you DON'T go! :-)
DITTO !!!!
Appreciated fellas. I have the purple glimmer super shad spinnerbait and a lipless crank so i'll see what I can do.
Heck yeah! Stay close to the bank - try to find low spots that didn't have water in them before but do now, fish will be coming up looking for worms/bugs.
Chartreuse strike king kvd 2.5 my go to flood water bait
Tight lines
I know what you mean about the rain we got pounded with today. I would throw a chatterbait into the mix as well.
Never forget, It rains on fishermen, it doesn't rain on fish.
Depending on tropospheric temperatures, there are 'cool rains' and there are 'warm rains'.
Needless to say, warm rain is beneficial to the angler.
In addition, heavy rainfall causes accelerated water flow at every tributary stream, flume and wash,
and water current stimulates feeding
Well hey, no dice:( looked like I was fishing into chocolate milk
Fish anytime you can.... don't,worry about conditions unless it's thunder and lightning.
Work during the week, fish on the weekends. I can't control the weather, so I just adjust my strategy accordingly. But, I'm not going to sit home on the weekend just because conditions are not great.
By all means fish! Rains carry food into the lake or river via streams. If the body of water is normally clear it helps dirty it a little as you have mentioned. Regardless, work those areas with a spinnerbait or crank depending on conditions and time of year. As others have stated, close to the bank and make sure to work the current. Those bass are just waiting for a hearty meal to come by.
I'll be going out again tomorrow at some point. The current is really moving bringing sticks and leaves down fast. I throw my lures at the 2:00 position and just let the current take it down and i'm essentially reeling up the shoreline after it's past me haha
2" of rain is a drizzle in Florida. I fish everyday unless the weather makes it totally prohibitive. Some of my greatest catches have come when every bit of conventional wisdom was negative. I have caught species that don't inhabit the area, a quirk of fate made it possible.
The lakes are shut down in tioga county...sucks
Drove by a few of my local haunts yesterday and i saw one whole tree floating down the channel into tioga res
It was ugly up here
Ya want to throw something that moves a lot of water & has rattles.
Yeah man, It's wild. The rivers are moving fast
I need to land some big fish tonight though. I'm fiending
I need to land some big fish tonight though. I'm fiending
On 5/17/2014 at 7:47 AM, The Rook said:looked like I was fishing in chocolate milk
In waterbodies that are naturally clear most of the time, bass are accustomed to sight feeding
and suddenly muddied water is a distinct hardship. A slow-rolled spinnerbait with a single Colorado blade
is a good lure choice. A double-bladed Colorado might seem like a better choice but when two blades are used,
one tends to dampen the throb of the other, but one large Colorado blade delivers a clean steady thump.
I'm fishing into a creek/river
Well, the water was BEYOND high but there were a bunch of people fishing for catties. I saw a bunch of fish surfacing out in the open where the fast current pulled off into the calm but I'm pretty sure they were carp. I didn't get a single bite.
Either use super dark or super bright colors. Mass and vubration may help but dont under estimate a trick worm.
Fish will rely on sound/movement/vibration
Have fun they still bite plenty.
The only thing I found that impacts the fishing would be the muddy waters after the rain. A super clear pond near us turned about red brown after a 24 hour rain spell.
It's luckily supposed to slowly drop within the next few days so hopefully I can get back out here and land em.
The water came up into the bushes and I tried for the life of me to get something over them but no dice
a bad day out fishing is better than a good day at home.
Black/blue chatterbait run tight to bank and cover works for me
I was fishing in those exact same conditions this year and got my first pike over 3 ft, and a 5 lb LMB. Granted I fished 10-15 days in those conditions with no luck but that one day having a few nice fish made it all worth it (using a spinner bait PBJ color from Sieberts). Could also change up what you're fishing for. When I couldn't get a bass to bite I went down low and caught some cats, and if you're really bored break out the heavy gear and find a school of carp. 99% of my tackle box and gear is meant for bass fishing but sometimes when bass fishing isn't working for you it's time to catch something. Heck I even have a few fishing spots (ponds) where the kids always catch around 50-100 panfish mixed with baby lmb, stocked rainbow/brook trout etc so I will fish deep and hope to catch the parents while I watch them reel in a ton of fish and that to me is just as fun as reeling in a 7 lb hawg.
Ive been doin' it for over 40 years! Every since my old man took me out there near the stream that ran near-by my house. Boy we used to fly fish down stream but when it was pourin buckets on a Saturday we would still go right down there and catch us some panfish and what-not & we did this like clock-work! Heck I betya I caught d**n near equal to the amt of fish I got during the pleasant hours! I mostly used live worms and threw em into spots where the rain wasnt beating so hard! We had some cover. Now if you dont I still say you can throw some nice spinning lures out there and make sure there dark! The stories I could tell.. But you want me to keep it short- yes you can most definiately get yourself some nice fish in the rain so long as the river ain't actin' up and the wind's playing nice! Take care!
- Rog