While I enjoy having no trouble getting a male store clerk to volunteer his help with my shopping, I do sometimes tire of being treated like a total amateur! I've been Bass fishing since I was six or seven, my grandfather and my dad both took me along anytime I wanted to go which was just about all the time. I'm no professional but have won a few local tourneys and have held my own in some of the larger ones. I own my own Ranger with a 200 Optimax, bought and paid for all by myself. Guys, just because you are talking baits, boats, reels and rods with a member of the opposite sex, please don't assume the female you are talking too is always a neophyte.
What part of Arkansas are you in?
My Mom, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, etc live in NE Arkansas.
JT Bagwell
Small town called Malvern. Just off I-30, south of Little Rock.
I suppose some men feel that urge to be superior to the woman, especially in something like huntin or fishin, a "mans" sport. I could probably listen to you for a few minutes and realize your no inexperienced fisherperson and treat you as such. Sorry you get that kind of treatment, you won't get it from me though. Ask my wife.
Are you kidding me? I would never!
I've had my "blank" handed to me more than once by girl-friends and girlfriends and even my sister a couple times. I KNOW BETTER!
I have 4 nieces and 0 nephews. More loses to women are coming in my future,...of this I'm sure.
Let's not forget the juniors here too, I bet they deal with alot of the same stuff as women.
Male, female, young, old, fat, skinny, short and tall,...respect 'em all.
My ex (but still best friends)
I agree with LBH you shouldn't treat a women or a younger kid any different. I would talk to someone to find out how much they know and then go from there. Living in Florida I've meet some great guides that are women so you just never know. I think guys just have a problem with a beautiful woman knowing how to fish.
I sure don't.
That's just a win/win situation all around.
What would be cool would be to hear some stories about "the husband" and how he complains about her fishing addiction,...turn the tables! lol
From the 230 lb, 6'-1" man in an apron-
"I cook, I clean and all you can do is spend all our money and your time,...on fishing,...YOU NEVER HAVE TIME FOR ME"...(sob sob)
my fiance is my team partner I've had a ball watching her learn and improve
she's fishing co angler on the weekend series this year some guy' s are in for
a rude awakening
I don't think my wife has a "fishing addiction", but she is capable I do believe. When I met her five years ago she had gone fishing once in her life. After only our fist year, she "claimed three of my baitcaster combos and one spinning combo that I once called my own. She loves throwing the plastics and has actually taught me a thing or two with her "wierd" retrieves and such. So guys, don't assume anything about the fairer sex anglers....just pay attention.
There is no doubt that many women are excellent anglers. Trouble is whenever you put a man and a woman together the truth often gives way to the flirt. It's hard for alot of us guys to know when you gals want to be treated like "one of the guys" or when you want a little special attention.
Don't be too hard on a guy at first. Just make it clear that you are here to fish and you know what your talking about. I think most guys will respect that and you'll be talking the finer points tuning a crankbait in no time
If your ever in SE Florida be sure to stop by my place. I want to give you a smack in the back in the head for loosing an obvious keeper.
I think it is many faceted. It can be the women a man has had experience with starting with his mother. If she is one of the types that say fish are gross, disgusting and show less than zero interest he gets started of on the wrong foot. Then if his girlfriends and down the road his wife are of like thought then the miss conception is reinforced. Perhaps then the only people that show a like interest level in bass fishing are men so the man even unconsciously starts assuming that a woman won't have any interest. We all know what happens when one assumes. It makes an a-s of you and me. Assuming, then places the man in the position to have his posterior handed to him by a woman who does not fit his presumption as LBH stated. Now some men are just plain arrogant jerks toward just women and then some are just plain arrogant jerks, period. I respect anyone who shows any level of interest in any subject until they prove to me they are not worthy of that respect. So my hat is off to any lady in any field of study that strives to be the best. She has to be twice as good to get half the respect a man usually gets.
From another Arkansas native.
Looking for single woman with boat and motor, doesn't have to cook or clean, that would take time away from the fishing that we could be doing together. We can catch up on that during winter months. LOL
Fishing and Hunting are percieved as a mans thing, only when women lets it go as such. I've known too many good ladies in the outdoors. Sorry that some men assume those things. I too have been dusted on the water by the other sex. My buddies have laughed about it, and my mom gave them some pointers also while on the water.
And if you haven't noticed on the big trails, FLW has had some ladies in the top ten on the mens side. Kudos, it will only be a matter of time until they win an event on the men side in my opinion.
Judy Israel (sp) has already won 2 events. and I do believe she's made another cut this year again at Pickwick by qualifing in 4th. She's been very consistent this year.
After looking at (I mean reading) your first post, I have to ask this question: "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" As Avid pointed out, she was a keeper. I couldn't tell you what she looked like, but I saw that nice bass she was holding. That made her a keeper! ;D I'm a blessed man. I've got a keeper. She dosn't go too often, but she dosn't mind me going, and when she does go she can catch them!
"neophyte"...................i had to go to dictionary.com for that one...
wouldn't never think anything like that demented....
QuoteOh, LBHIf your ever in SE Florida be sure to stop by my place. I want to give you a smack in the back in the head for loosing an obvious keeper.
Ditto! LBH, What can I say??? A woman like that that likes to fish and good looking too! WOW!! Don't tell me...she proabbly kicked you @$$ so many times in fishing that you questioned your manhood??? LOL ;D ;D ;D
Nah, just Kidding. Glad you are still best of friends!
Could someone please define neophyte?
a know nothing newbie
Well that would make me a Junior Member "Neophyte" then.
I don't believe if you are a guy or gal it matters.I don't even pay any attention to the gender symbols.All that matters is that you love to bass fish!
i didn't even know there were gender symbols...lol ;D
LOTS of fish in the sea!
And in the livewell,..lol
LBH,Wow,she's a nice one!Just look at those eyes and that mouth.Where did you find her?I bet she put up a fight!
What is she 6,7 pounds?I know she's a keeper.
Demented, I couldn't sympathize with you more. I started shooting guns and reloading my own bullets at a very young age. By the time I was 15 or so I was pretty much a ballistics expert. Nothing ticked me off more than some dumb guy at the gun shop that would talk down to me or hand me a gun like he was doing me a favor. This happened to me for years.
I used to have fun with these guys. I would start talking way over their heads and they would get that deer in the headlights look. It's funny watching those "McDonalds Rejects" squirm trying to keep their macho appearance. After a few minutes they would either shut up and walk off or respect me and treat me like a customer.
LBH, you must have one BIG of a ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Livewell! LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D
QuoteCould someone please define neophyte?
# noun: any new participant in some activity
Been through there many times.I have family in Waldron,Arkasas.Believe me demented,I know ladies can fish with the best of them.I share my boat with a wife that's also been bassin' since a child,and her daddy taught me what I know about bassin'.QuoteSmall town called Malvern. Just off I-30, south of Little Rock.
The second time I took my boat out my Mom and Dad were with me. Mom caught the biggest one that day, and has won our "vacation tournament" with the biggest fish over 50% of the time. She is the most patient fisherperson I know!! Just wish I could take her out more. It's a shame that it is difficult to find a woman on in online dating that answers positively to my "Ideal first date" being putting the boat on the water at 5:30 A.M. and fishing all day.........any takers on this forum......maybe I have been looking in the wrong places!!!
I am often outfished by my favorite fishing partner...my wife Lois
RoLo (Roger & Lois)
In my opinion its never smart to teach a woman to do three things:
1. How to play Golf
2. How to play Cards
3. How to Fish
I know Im probably gonna get alot of s##t for posting this but here's my justification. I think that all men and women in realationships need time apart. These three things for me are what I do in my seperate "guy time". I don't know very many girls that take thier partners shoe shopping and out to lunch with thier girlfriends. Having seprate activities which you dont share makes you appreciate the time and things you do share more. Im not sexist and dont really have any thing against women fishing but I choose to not fish or share fishing with them.
I have nothing against women as fishing partners. I usually fish alone. It's my time to myself. So I don't often have men as fishing partners either.
That being said, I can't wait to have some grandchildren. The thought of having some youngins to teach bassin to, really warms my heart. I just wish my kids would cooperate. GET BUSY 8-)
LBH - So just how miserable is your life anyway
Neophyte-A beginner, or novice. Some days I feel like it.
There's a good reason that men don't think women know anything about fishing. Because most of them don't.