I used to smoke, although I no longer do...but even when I did, i didnt smoke while fishing.
My buddy smokes and will finish a smoke and then a few minutes later tie something new or whatever.
Can bass smell that? And does it drive them away?
Our bass have tried to get me to quit repeatedly, I don't know if they just don't like the taste and smell or if they actually , truly care about me
I DO know that the wiggle of a trick stick is irresistible either way!
I smoke.....and I cant tell that it deters a fish from biting. If a fish is hungry, it will eat.
yes it is bad for the fish!!!!!!!,,,,second hand smoke kills :
I've heard some guys swear up and down that it does with passion. I've heard some good arguments, but I smoke and catch fish... Maybe I'd catch more?
I smoke, and have never really thought about it, I know with deer hunting they can be alarmed by the scent, but i dont know if it works the same way underwater? Oh well most of my soft plastics are usualyl sprayed with BANG garlic scent or shad so maybe that takes care of the problem? Good question!
Regular Cigarettes or Left Handed Pocket Rockets?
Haven't you ever seen the male bass right after the spawn? Cigarette in the right fin, cocktail in the left, sitting back in their recliners.
I dont think it does. I smoke an ocasional cigar or cigarillo when the skeetos are bad, doesnt seem to have an effect!
You'll catch more fish if you quit smoking, because you'll live about 6 years longer.
QuoteYou'll catch more fish if you quit smoking, because you'll live about 6 years longer.
Haha VERY good point!
QuoteYou'll catch more fish if you quit smoking, because you'll live about 6 years longer.
Words of wisdom.
Actually, based on the friends and relatives I've lost to lung cancer, I think it's more like 15 years!
Have you noticed that Life Insurance companies do not have a special policy for heavy drinkers,
but do indeed have a "Tobacco" premium and "Non-Tobacco" premium (early-demise vs. natural longevity).
QuoteRegular Cigarettes or Left Handed Pocket Rockets?
Those Left handed smokes make the fish bite, gives them the munchies or so i heard..... ;D
hey smokers, what do you do with your ciggarette butts? my partner just flicks them in the water, and i hate it when he does it.
Quotehey smokers, what do you do with your ciggarette butts? my partner just flicks them in the water, and i hate it when he does it.
my uncle smokes cigars and does that.however it doesnt bother me since that stuff will decompose
pinch the head off into the water and have a specific place for the butts on your boat. All our trash, line, butts go in the rear area with the batteries. When we back down to the parking spot, the "stop marker" is a trash barrel. Just have a plan for trash and it's much easier to keep a boat in ship shape.
QuoteQuoteRegular Cigarettes or Left Handed Pocket Rockets?
Those Left handed smokes make the fish bite, gives them the munchies or so i heard.....
Caught 6 in a row yesterday around 4:20 I think ?
I smoke an occasional cigar when I fish and the Bass don't seem to care. The mosquitos do though. 8-)
I caught this one last week. We sat down and had a smoke, chatted about the kids, what his weekend was like. He had to get back home though.
That pic may get you on the next PETA billboard! ;D
If I get put onto the PETA billboard for a non-lit cigarette in a fish's mouth. Go for it. Wet paper is the least of my concern for hurtin' a fish.
I smoke and I don't think the fish care. That is why I've always been skeptical about attractants. I suppose if I quit I might catch more, but I doubt it.
QuoteI smoke and I don't think the fish care. That is why I've always been skeptical about attractants. I suppose if I quit I might catch more, but I doubt it.
Then there's the outside chance that your fishing might even suffer if you quit
I'll tell you why I say that. When I was a kid we had a beagle that used to love the smell of cigars,
especially Hava-Tampa (remember them). He would actually grind his shoulder into every cigar he found.
I suppose the bouquet of stale tobacco is highly reputed in beagledom and who knows, it may extend into bassdom ;D
We used to have a Cocker Spaniel that would eat every butt he could find. If I heard a yelp I would remember that I flicked one in the yard and forgot to stomp it out ;D
Ok for one, smoking is very unhealthy -__-" Two, bass have a VERY keen sense of smell and can smell almost anything in the water. For example, after someone smokes and puts on a bait, the bass will be able to smell that a mile away. They made the so called "attractants" to disguise the smell of humans so the bass smell a natural smell. Trust me, its true. Even if you dont think it matters, it actually does So, pour on some attractant next time you fish. It actually works! (not attracting the fish, just disguising human scent)
It is not scientifically proven that bass WILL NOT strike a lure containing any type of carbon monoxide etc.
But at lab tests at Berkley, fish did seem tro be somewhat detered by the smell of "niccotine" on baits.
Ciggaretes and cigars contain this chemical I believe.
There is nothing positive that comes with smoking.
The negatives beat it out 1000-1
Why is it every time I light a cigarette I get a bite? :
Since I don't smoke in the house but rather in the garage......Where all my rods/reels and tackle are stored..........
I still catch with no problems.
Me thinks that scents or attractors are for the fisherman to get caught and not necessarily fish.
And about deer hunting and such.....
While sitting in a blind, bored out of my mind because of nothing outside the stand, I fired one up. When I went to flick ashes out of the side window, I looked down only to find 3 does munching away underneath the left side of the stand. Couldn't smell the smoke? Couldn't smell me? Couldn't hear me rustling around?
They don't care. ;D
And neither did the squirrel that tried to use me as a tree when I was sitting down with my back leaning up against a tree, smoking.
Skeered the carp out of him. ;D
Since I don't smoke in my apartment, whenever I go out for a smoke, I usually pick up the rod and make a few casts. This may sound dumb, but when I'm fishing slowly, I try to make the retrieve last as long as the cigarette, which is about 4-6 minutes. It only helps my timing on the retrieve, but it has become a way for me to slow down in the colder weather...
As far a scent goes, well, until I stop catching fish while I'm smoking I'm going to say that it has no adverse effects on catching.
And as for the butts, I do just as LBH does, put out the coal and keep the butts in a can until I get back to shore to dump them in the garbage.
I smoke as well and I have no issues at all.................2 magic words for you.........Mega-Strike......... ;D
why would PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) care?
i usually collect all the butts in oneof my pockets...just don't forget to get them out before the wash
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If you're catching plenty of fish while smoking, keep it up! If you AREN'T catching fish, and you're smoking, maybe try something..
From reading this thread, almost everyone that smokes has said they still catch plenty of fish..
I also smoke while fishing. One thing I have to be very careful about (especially with a spinning outfit) is not touching the line with the end of the cigarette. I have lost a few lures right there in front of me cause I melted the line.