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Bad News 2024

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I have been fishing hard the past two weeks and I think I over did it.

I have SEVERE elbow pain.  I have been feeling it coming on, but I just took some tylenol and ignored it.  Well, yesterday I woke up and could barely move my arm.  I iced it and took some advil and fished for a few hours but this is seriously painful.  I did some research on the net and it sounds like "tennis elbow".  Made an appointment with the doc for next week.   The wife is insisting I stop fishing till it's healed, but thats not going to happen. Bass fishing. It's what I do.

I put on a wrist brace (tennis elbow actually is an overuse injury caused by the wrist) and will cut back, but I won't stop fishing unless the doctor orders me to.  Fortunately he is a successful amateur body builder so he knows about obsessions.

So, a word to the wise.  Listen to what your body is telling you.

God Bless,


fishing user avatarFALCON reply : 





fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Just don't overdo anything either avid. I love to fish too, but screwing your elbow up is not a good idea.

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Sorry to hear that Avid!

Have you ever thought about tryin to learn to cast with your opposite hand?

That may help to keep you fishing! Heal up soon so you can get back at that

big one!

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

That sucks! :( I hope you feel better soon Avid. Keep us posted...

fishing user avatarFlyRod reply : 


Learn to cast "other-handed"!

I wish you a speedy recovery.


fishing user avatardirectlink reply : 

Hey Avid,

The same thing happened to me! :o My mom took me to the doctor and he said I did infact have "tennis elbow." I wear an elbow brace now everytime I go fishing, if I don't I'll wake up with such horrible elbow pain, that I can hardly move my arm. :'( Hope it feels better soon! :)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

thanks for the support and encouragement.  I do cast with both hands.  Two of my outfits are leftie and two are rightie.  Part of the problem is that I use canoe with oars, so I have to row.  I know I have to rest it as much as I can, but that's easier said than done.  

Even the computer is painful.  I'll still be posting but probably not quite so much.

I'll be talkin to y'all.

Spring is here so go get em

thanks again


fishing user avatarFlyRod reply : 


If one of these is affordable, problem solved.

I test "drove" one in '03, at the Texas Coast. WOW!

These things will flat move! 'You can use double-ended paddles as well with them.

Mebbe yew kin find one used.

Best wishes,


fishing user avatarMinuteman reply : 

Years ago I would get shooting pain in my left wrist so bad that I would actually drop my rod and reel sometimes. I only used a spinning rod and usually spinners and crankbaits. I would then put on a soft plastic or a jig and take a break from non stop reeling. When I switched to baitcasters and mostly bass fishing the problem went away. I did start using spinning gear again, but only for worm and tube fishing and I do start getting pain again if I use it to much.

So you could just be one of us unlucky people with creaky joints and have to make some equipment changes. It had nothing to do with age either, it happened to me in my very early 20's.

fishing user avatarhookset reply : 

Very sorry to hear that, avid.  I wish you a speedy recovery, but i bet those florida bass dont!

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Avid,tennis elbow is when your tendon is ripped/torn partially from your elbow.Its the tendon that starts on the outside of the elbow and runs down the top of your forearm,straight down to in between your two middle fingers.(You will be able to tell where its at if you get a cortisone shot)My doctor did some easy tests and everytime he turned or moved my forearm/wrist/elbow a certain way I felt the pain in my elbow.If you extend your arm straight out and feel the small indention in your elbow,that is where the tendon starts and where you will feel most of the tennis elbow pain.You will also feel pain in your forearm but the elbow is the worst.

I honestly feel your pain.I have tennis elbow as we speak.I got a cortisone shot in mid-January.I havent fished much yet so far but will put the cortisone shot to the test tomorrow.I hope it sticks because spring is approaching fast and tennis elbow will ruin a season.

I wear an elbow brace now pretty much all the time and especially when fishing.If you dont let it rest,it will not heal,trust me on that.

Now it's back,came back last October and I couldnt effectively set a hook for the last 2 months of the year.A hookset on a crankbait I could handle,a hookset with a jig or worm felt like my arm was going to break off.I had to go to spinning gear for anything other than cranks/spinnerbaits.

I wish you well man......I'm in the same boat as you.

fishing user avatardink reply : 

I hear you Avid.  Believe it or not, I had tennis and golf elbow on the same arm simultaneously (both sides quite tender).  I remedied both of them by wearing a brace that goes over your forearm and is adjustable.  That was about three years ago.  I'm done with the brace, but I stretch out my wrists and forearms before I fish now.  Get better soon, man.....they are bitin'!

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

Avid, for good temporary relief forget Tylenol and Advil.  Try Aleve!  I had a pain in my shoulder for years, finally went to the doctor.  He told me to take Aleve.  Problem solved forever!  Read the directions, though.

fishing user avatarRebbasser reply : 

Funny you should mention this.  Today I bought a neoprene elbow wrap.  My left elbow started hurting around Christmas, and the pain comes and goes depending on the use.  I, too, did some research and determined it is most likely tennis elbow, except in our case it is fishing elbow ;).  Literally, I feel your pain.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


heal well, heal fast, wear that brace, next time you cast,lol.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
Avid,tennis elbow is when your tendon is ripped/torn partially from your elbow.Its the tendon that starts on the outside of the elbow and runs down the top of your forearm,straight down to in between your two middle fingers.(You will be able to tell where its at if you get a cortisone shot)My doctor did some easy tests and everytime he turned or moved my forearm/wrist/elbow a certain way I felt the pain in my elbow.If you extend your arm straight out and feel the small indention in your elbow,that is where the tendon starts and where you will feel most of the tennis elbow pain.You will also feel pain in your forearm but the elbow is the worst.

I honestly feel your pain.I have tennis elbow as we speak.I got a cortisone shot in mid-January.I havent fished much yet so far but will put the cortisone shot to the test tomorrow.I hope it sticks because spring is approaching fast and tennis elbow will ruin a season.

I wear an elbow brace now pretty much all the time and especially when fishing.If you dont let it rest,it will not heal,trust me on that.

Now it's back,came back last October and I couldnt effectively set a hook for the last 2 months of the year.A hookset on a crankbait I could handle,a hookset with a jig or worm felt like my arm was going to break off.I had to go to spinning gear for anything other than cranks/spinnerbaits.

I wish you well man......I'm in the same boat as you.

I echo all this advice. Originally got it from weight lifting in my younger days, the fishing only aggravated it.

You must stop casting, rowing, etc. with the bad arm for it to heal. Period.  Continuing to use the appendage only prolongs the problem.

You'll probably need to fish with a elbow brace for a few years. One thing for certain, even after it heals you're more prone to suffer a relapse if you strain it too much.  The tendon will reheal but unfortuanately, scar tissue is part of the healing.  Scar tissue is not only not as good as the original tendon connection tissue, it's not very flexible either, thus the reason why you're more prone for relapse.

I've not only suffered from that but seriously messed up the tendons within my right forearm and wrist.  I have some issues casting now and I can barely roll cast anymore.  Nothing seems to work right and I've lost a great deal of grip in my right hand.

Let it heal,  a few days missed fishing now is better than a lifetime of a messed up right arm.

fishing user avatarVyron reply : 

sorry 2 hear about that

u said ur doctor is bodybuilder which is very good, he ll help u much better than any other doctor

i would recommend u 2 rest and avoid fishing till u revocer,unless u want 2 continue fishing and cause bigger problems ==> no more fishing

also always do some warming and streching before fishing

hope u recover soon


fishing user avatarTenka reply : 

I could always come down and let you be my guide, i'll fish for the both of us ;)

j/k Get better soon

fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

Hey, Avid. I too have experience with tennis elbow. I went to an orthopedist who gave me a shot of cortisone and for me at least it worked great. I also got a special brace that was just a strap that had a small bladder on it which put pressure on the tendon in just the right spot. It would take the pain way down. So between the shot, brace, and some exercises the specialist showed me I have been fortunate in that it has never reoccurred. Hope you have as much relief as I had!

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

RIP Avid

Avid's tombstone: "I'd rather be fishing."


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Avid when I was playing drums full time I had a simalar problem in my right elbow(Hittin that big Zildijan ride] My girlfriend at the time turned me to a product TIGER BALM it comes in patches to Cant use it when you fish SMELLS LIKE BENGAY but overnight it increases blood flow to the area and helps the body anti inflamation response It worked for me

fishing user avatarbixbybasspro reply : 

I have had buddies that have had elbow surgery, just put the rod down and get it over with. I had a buddy last year that really started bothering him in teh middle of the season and it was hard for him to stop for awhile but he had too to get surgery... :(

fishing user avatarMadhouse27 reply : 

Avid while you're resting that arm maybe you could figure out a setup to put an electric trolling motor on that canoe of yours. Be careful of the bait monkey while you're on the mend. He likes to strike when a guys got extra time on his hands.

fishing user avatarAFC reply : 

Not that I'm a doctor but does your pinky and the finger next to it go numb or feel tingly? I was a pitcher in baseball all the way through college when I couldn't even pick up a ball anymore. Even worse I couldnt even grab a reel. My elbow would hurt for days or even weeks if i tried to cast or throw a ball once. Come to find out my Ulnar Nerve was inflamed and getting pinched everytime I did the throwing/fishing motion. After my surgery I am 1000% better than I thought possible. I actualy think im better now than I was before I was hurting. Although i do have an 11" scar on the inside of my arm. Incedently I was amadextris(sp?) and had to get it done on both arms. As i did not relize that my other one was hurt due to the pain of my main throwing arm. Best of luck. Any more info you need just let me know and ill be glad to point you in the right direction.

fishing user avatardave reply : 

I agree with Paparock.  That black band that you wear just below the elbow to take pressure off of that tendon can be like magic.  But, strained is one thing torn is another.  I had tendinitis once in my elbow and the band helps.  Went out one day at work to dig some sign posts with a post hole digger.  It must be the muscles and tendons that are used when using this tool because my pain was gone that day and has never returned.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

You guys are great.  I really appreciate the good wishes.

I have an appointment with the doc next week and suspect I will get an injection.

I went fishing yesterday, with a writst brace on.  I'm getting an elbow brace today.  I was able to row and fish ok.  There is a catch 22 here.  The canoe I use has a bracket I can buy that will allow for a small outboard or trolling motor, but I bought the rowing model because the aerobic excercise is good for my heart.

I didn't have much pain untill I tried to set the hook on a t rigged plastic worm.  WOW  :o  I leterally saw stars.  That hurt so bad.  I mostly fished with my left arm and untill that blunder it seemed ok.  I'll know better next time.

If I thought not fishing for a couple of days would solve the problem I would do it no sweat, but I know people who have had tennis elbow, and even after quitting the game they still had pain years later.  

Like I said, I'll back off some and see what the doc says.

Thanks again for the words of interest and support.



fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Maybe you will be pleasantly surprised to find it's not as serious as it seems. I hope so, but you ought to quit pushing it until you see the doc.

Good luck.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey PapaRock.  I bought the elbow brace that you described with the air bladder.  Wow what a difference!

I know I still to rest it as much as possible, but that gadget made a world of difference. Thanks a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

When reading your post, two things came to mind:

The first was to try side-casting with 'spinning gear', which is essentially done with a flick of the wrist.

Since the wrist can be used chiefly as the fulcrum, it may greatly reduce the elbow action

The other thing that comes to mind is 'naproxen', the most powerful OTC pain killer (e.g. Aleve).

On the downside, naproxen contributes little or nothing to the healing process,

where ibuprofen may help to reduce any inflammation.


fishing user avatarBass Hammer reply : 

Sorry to hear that. :(

Take care.

fishing user avatarRattletrap reply : 

I have the same problem in both elbows. Tennis elbow and golfers elbow. I had surgery on might right one. It didn't work. Plenty of motrin and two hand casting is the key.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Well, I got the shot this morning.  It feels a little better already, but I guess it will take a day or two to get the full effect.  

Two handed casting does help, but I hope I can go back to using one hand.  One of the pros can't cast with one hand because of arthritis. Paul Elias?  I'm not sure, but he states that the inability to cast one handed is the thing that bothers him the most about his condtion.

Anyway, thanks again for all the encouragement and good wishes. rocks  8-)


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