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Your Funniest Catch 2024

fishing user avatarLWD reply : 

Howdy. One time I casted a jig that landed right on top of a bass's head that was waiting in the shallows. It was a lucky cast, instantly when it hit the water the bass attacked it. It was hooked, I reeled it to the boat but right before I was able to boat it, the bass jumped off. I thought it attacked my jig because it was startled more than anything else, it was funny to see a fish react like that. Thanks for reading

fishing user avatarclayton86 reply : 

I'v had some comical catches in the past especially as a kid wading the rivers in my back yard. My most recent one was probably 2 years ago fishing the pond in front of the school I worked at. One of the buses had been late so all the kids were waiting out front and a few of mine came over to talk to me while I fished. I got a hit and when I set the hook the anti reverse or something went in my reel and I set the hook basically in free spool complete mess. Well I still managed to land the fish after slipping in the mud doing a split almost holding onto a branch with one hand biting my line then pulling swinging the rod with my free hand then bite more line and repeat. It was only like a 14" bass but I got em the kids thought it was the funniest and craziest thing they had ever seen. How I didn't loose the fish I have no clue it wasn't hooked the greatest and it was on a finesse war eagle spinner.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Was throwing a zoom toad one time. Already caught one and working my way around the pond. I passed a culvert, decided to cast back to it one last time. It was like the fish was playing centerfield. I didn't hear the toad hit the water, see a splash ring nothing, my bait was gone. I thought it went past the culvert to the bank or I threw the bait off. I started to reel and the line suddenly came to life. It was hook and pretty far down, landed it and returned it safe. but it was certainly a surprise and made me laugh.

fishing user avatarCurved reply : 

The best one I can remember was this one time I was jigging for crappie. I felt a bite and set the hook. Reeled it in and everything seemed normal, except there was a bit more resistance than usual for the amount of fight. As the fish got closer, I could see it was a bluegill sideways, as though tangled on the line. As I took it out of the water, I could see what happened. The hook wasn't in his mouth, but instead stuck in some of its scales on its side. The fish must have spit the hook out before I set it, but the hook still caught some of its scales. I had a laugh, unhooked and threw it back in.

fishing user avatarFontana Finesse Man reply : 

Fishing a point and threw a super fluke across the point, water boiled and fish grabbed it, set the hook and missed the fish and it got my fluke. Re-rigged with another fluke and made another cast to the same spot, water boiled and felt the fish, set the hook and got the 2 lb spot to the boat, netted it and the fish was hooked with the fluke and was carrying my other fluke in it's mouth.

fishing user avatarunionman reply : 

I was fishing a squarebill crank and hooked a blugill that was about twice the size of the crank. He was HUNGRY!!

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

About 3 years ago I was fishing around a very small island with only a couple of trees growing on it. Maybe only 90 or 100 square feet total. The spinnerbait I was throwing got away from me when I cast it, and the wind took it up into a low hanging tree limb. I took the boat around the island to get my spinnerbait back and saw that it was hooked in a hornet's nest. I was maybe 50 feet away and was able to pull the bait free. After that I opened up the motor and got the heck out of there.

fishing user avatarshimmy reply : 

The other day i got a bite and set the hook into a decent sized largemouth bass. When it came closer, i noticed there was something attached to outer side of the fishes mouth. Once i got it in, it turned out to be my custom made jig and monster trailer i had tied on when i missed the fish in a similar location 4 months earlier this year in May. That was crazy. Did you know that a regular sized lobster rage craw almost doubles it's size when left in the water for 4 months??? The thing was huge! I found that to be very odd. Thought about reusing the thing but the trailer was comically huge at this point and the thick jig hook had almost rusted away through the portion that was attached to the fishes outer side of the mouth. Just crazy.

fishing user avatarvia reply : 

one time when i was fishing at the pier, i was reeling my bait in so i can change it. while i was reeling it in, i felt something really heavy on the end of the line so i set the hook. as it came closer, i saw that i had two walmart spinning combo at the end of my line and a sandbass on the other end of the other combo. that day i went home with two spinning combos and a sandbass

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

I casted into a tree one time, and ripped it free and it fell in the water. As I was reeling in the slack, it wasn't 5 seconds and I hooked a bass.

fishing user avatarBusy reply : 

I was fishing for catfish bait one time using a cane pole to catch some bluegill out of a pond. Caught a bluegill and when I was lifting him out of the water a bass inhaled the bluegill and I pulled them both out.

fishing user avatarDeadEyeDavey reply : 

I was fishing in a little cut off the Saginaw Bay, and I just missed a fish, figuring that it took my bait I kept reeling in. Then there was a little resistance so I thought that I had a little gill on, ended up catching a nice little pager.

Another time I was fishing a little catfish honey hole that I found a few years back. My buddy snagged a stump in the water and couldn't get the hook out, being a good friend I am, I took my Ugly Stick catfish edition with 65lb braid ( nick-named "The Crane" ) and cast right where he was hung up. Sure enough i hooked into the stump, I broke it free and dragged it onto shore, as I pulled out my buddy's hook I saw that there was a another line hooked in the stump and I began to pull on it and felt something on the other end, pulled it up and got a brand new (kind of soggy) Okuma rod and reel.

fishing user avatarKenneth Lee Owen reply : 

I was fishing a spinner alongside a submerged bush or small tree top. I was being very careful to give myself some distance with how close I ran it since I snagged it several time on previous trips. Even with carefully making sure I was close but not in it I still managed to get snagged. Drove the boat over to un-snag it and found a 2-3lb. bass on the hook. I'm assuming he darted out, grabbed it and darted back in.

I was fishing that same lake with a couple of buddies of mine. Neither had bass fished before so I was trying to teach them the things they needed to do. We rounded a point and I knew there was a submerged stump about 20 feet from us (because on a previous trip I ran into it with the boat haha, also had pulled a nice fish away from it on another trip after finding out it was there). I was talking to them about submerged cover and isolated cover being good spots to cast to (this stump was pretty well away from anything else). I cast my spinner out past it, so my retrieve would bring it right passed it. Literally just as I finished telling them that fish like things like that, I hooked into a 4lb largemouth. Needless to say, it gave me some credibility in there eyes and a sense of accomplishment and pride in mine. :)

fishing user avatarHelluva_Engineer reply : 

I was trying to cast under an over hanging tree, but got my line over a limb. I was yo-yoing the line with the worm dipping in and out of water so that I could time when to jerk it out so I could get it out of the tree. Right as I jerk, a bass comes clear out of the water and takes my bait. Hook set, fish caught.

fishing user avatarrb56 reply : 
  On 9/25/2012 at 10:46 PM, unionman said:

I was fishing a squarebill crank and hooked a blugill that was about twice the size of the crank. He was HUNGRY!!

kinda like this? one can't pick what fish will bite your bait! kinda like you can't help who you're kin to. my other was my parents bought a ouachita bass boat back in the 70's. my best friend and i met them at the lake to try it out. when they returned my friend and i took it out. it was the two seater front streering. we crossed open water to the river channel and i pulled off into the stumps to try out the foot pedal on the motor guide. we began casting around and he tells me alright i'm hung use that motor and get me over there. as i teased him about being hung up he says whoa that's no stump, and realizes he has a fish and after a couple of minutes...7.13 lb. bass in the net. my friend was a big guy, he let's out a big yell and said d**n i gotta smoke. he lights a cig and said something about i had cast right there as he cast into the same spot and then says...ok now i'm hung up. i look at him and he looks at me and says oh d**n...he starts reeling and same song, second verse. 6.7 lb. bass. now we had a problem. normally we used an ice chest for fish and since we were basically checking out the new boat we didn't have one. no stringer. the 7 pounder i had just put in the front storage under the deck. door and flip 6 pounder in with it and take off to the marina to get a stringer. we pulled up and the guy comes out asking can he help...yeah we need a stringer. he says a stringer? i said yeah as i opened the storage and pulled out the two nice bass. he cracked up laughing. an added note, it was late evening, he was using a black bushwacker spinnerbait with gold leaf spinners. later at home the barometric pressure was on the rise as a storm was coming in that night.

IMG 2527

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

My friend plays in a band and he gets to our club's blast off sites after his gig without getting any sleep inbetween.

He was a nonboater in a tournament and when he and the boater arrived at their first spot in the morning he threw a white frog towards shore, sat in the boat's passenger seat and went sleep.

When his rod starting moving and the boater yelled for him to wake up, he set the hook and caught the tournament's big bass of the day.

Only problem was that the big bass was the only fish he caught all day. But he did win the big fish pot.

fishing user avatarLWD reply : 

@Helluva_Engineer, you wouldn't imagine how many times I've managed to cast my line over a limb, I only pretended to myself what if a fish actually took my lure while it was in that position, that must of been awesome.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

Dad did that on a bad cast with a crankbait. The lure was just tipping the surface and a large sunfish began circling it and striking at it and finally ended up snagged in the side with a hook from each treble. We were untangling his line at the time so that's how it had time to do all that.

My brother hooked a bass in the mouth and when he landed it, it turned out to have been dead for some time before that. It was hooked on line that was snagged and broke off. Died on the line, and then my brother's hook found it later.

A not so funny catch......I was using a nice spinnerbait that I didn't want to lose when it got snagged on old fishing line. I just had 12 pound line but my brother (who just happens to dislike lure fishing and thinks bass are baitfish) fishes for LARGE cats with 50 pound or more super lines, so I asked him to cast out and hook that line and pull until it breaks. He did and the line snapped with me just holding slight pressure on my own line. My bait comes through the air so gently that I reached up and caught it with just a finger and thumb. His 1 oz. sinker came straight at him like a bullet and beamed him right on the tip of know!! I never heard so much cussing as he said for me to never ask him to do that again.

fishing user avatarBassAssassin726 reply : 

I once caught a 2 pound bass on a bare 2/0 hook. .lol

fishing user avatarMIbassin reply : 

was fishing about 2 years ago up north in Ludington MI and i was fishing with a little golden Kwikfish type lure for bass, caught a few nice ones and all of a sudden as I'm lifting the bait out of the water, a 38" tiger muskie jumps out after in and into the boat! I'm not kidding! it was amazing

fishing user avatarMIbassin reply : 

jumps out after it*

fishing user avatarBass Slayer 72 reply : 

My mother and Aunt were fishing in her bass boat; my mother was using a night crawler harness and had just put a large worm on the harness. She swung back with the rod to cast and as she came forward she snagged my Aunt through her nose with one of the hooks, so my Aunt is standing there with a hook through her nose attached to a slimy giant worm. She was not happy, and my mom was laughing so hard she had trouble clipping the barb to back it back out of my Aunts nose…..Needless to say that wasn’t mine, but it’s a family classic….

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

A buddy and I were fishing a tournament just a couple weeks ago, the bite was painfully slow. With about 45 mins to go we still only had four fish in the boat, all we were catching was dinks and pike, then he gets a solid bite..........or so we thought. Put the fish in the boat, as I take it out of the net I burst into laughter, he some how managed to foul hook the fish, about a 2lber, smack dab in the butt hole with a tiny dropshot hook. Brief hillarity insued afterwords, then we continued sucking. We ended up finishing fourth, on the strength of a fish caught in the a.$.$

fishing user avatarSAC2 reply : 

i managed to lasso a larry while jerkbaitin one day in the early spring. it was early march probably 40 degree air temp but i had the fever. went out and was throwin a suspending rogue and catchin pickeral and stuff. finally lay into something and it was fighting decent, get it to the boat and i somehow managed to wrap my line around the fish once, and thne hook my line. ill never be able to pull that off again.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Fishing the James with a friend when he got snagged.

So he takes his snag retriever and slides it down the line. Only the heavy weight comes off the line and he pulls the light line back into the boat.

So now he is hot. Mad. Angry.

He pulled and pulled on the line and it finally broke the snag off and he reeled in an army boot.

I started to laugh. And I said to him, "Look in the boot. Maybe your heavy snag retriever is in the boot." And he does!

Only mud is in the boot.

So I ask him, do you want to drag the bottom to try to find the boot's mate?

He never saw the humor in catching an old army boot.

To this day I still laugh about the event when I think of it.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

One more story.

Fishing a tournament on the Nottoway River when it had beautiful pad fields.

Take my Senko and cast it on the pads and start to bring it back.

I got to the last pad and let the Senko rest for a few seconds.

Out of the water jumps this dumb bass and hits the pad, inhales the Senko, and takes off.

Needless to say it was helpful in getting my five fish limit.

Don't know who was more surprised. Me or the fish.

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 

Cat-fishing/Carp fishing had a metal bucket full of water cant recall why as I wasn't using live bait, anyway walked away for a few min and heard a loud noise like a metal bucket of water tipped over and fell into a lake. I had my rod propped up on the bucket of water, when I ran over the bucket was in the lake and my rod/reel was gone and whatever took that combo must of been a monster, funny now, not then.

Recently I was river fishing and thought I hooked into a decent sized smallie turns out its a large freshwater clam, this has happened three times this year and man do they put up a fight hehe..

fishing user avatarfishthedayaway reply : 

one time i was fishing a crankbait in the river and snagged a sock? :tsk-tsk:

then another time i was jigging for walleye, and snagged a 10 lb carp in the....anal hole :embarassed2:

fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 

About 3 weeks ago, my son and I are fishing this little pond in a friends housing development. There is this little fountain on a chain in the middle. He was using his new spin cast reel I had gotten him the week before. It came with 4# test line and he has been catching some 2 plus pound fish so I took the line off and replaced it with 15 pound braid.

Anyway he throws his jig out and it lands right on top of the fountain. He asks what to do and I told him to pull slowly and let it fall to the bottom and work it back. As I am telling him this he screams and I look over. There is a bass out of the water and grabbing his jig off the top of this fountain. Its only about 1/2" above the water, but non the less out of the water and grabbing it. It reminded me of watching my lab as a kid steal cookies off the counter with his tounge.

It gets better too. So this fish grabs the jig and runs with it. Jacob sets the hook and the fight is on. The fish ends up getting itsself all wound up in the chains on this fountain. Fish is still on and hes snagged. Rather than loose the fish, jig and let the fish die wrapped around this chain, I take my boots off and go for a swim. I bring this fountain on a chain back and he gets his fish. Along with about 300 snail hooks with busted line and sinkers all rusted out.

I don't know what was funnier, me swiming for a fountain, the fish stealing his jig off the fountain or watching him (hes 6) try and tell the story.

fishing user avatarDeadEyeDavey reply : 

Another time I was up at my uncles property in Rose City. It was afternoon and the bite was slow, so I threw out a live blue-gil under a bobber. I was also throwing out a spoon, and the spoon just so happened to snag my other line and cut it. I reached into the water,picked up the line and began to tie it back on. Halfway tying the knot the line was yanked out of my hand and the bobber plunged under. I couldn't grasp the concept of what just happened. a few seconds later I saw the bobber pop back up not too far from the dock I was fishing off. I took off my hat and shirt and dove into the water. After chasing the fish around the lake I finally grabbed the line and pulled him on to shore. T'was about a five pound pike.

fishing user avatarStinkyBass reply : 

i took the wife out fishing one night. i left all my lures at home and we went worm drowning. she lands this 3-4 pound bass on a night crawler and bobber. she gets it to the bank and the bass breaks off at the bobber! the bass shoots off to the middle of the lake but never takes the bobber below the water line. with the wife upset over losing her big bass, i quick rig a bullet weight and # 5 worm hook and cast past the bobber. i bring the t-tig back and i foul hook the bass, reel her in to the bank and she flips off! i repeated this 2 more times and each time i foul hook the bass. she flips off the hook again! i feel bad about poking holes in the side of a beautiful bass so we let her go, never got the original hook out or the bobber. for 2 weeks we could see that bobber floating around attached to the bass...good memory for us, not so much for the bass...

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

not bass related, but i do a lot of night fishing with night crawlers and other baits. one night i was out on the dock talking some lighthearted smack to my uncle about how i had a fish on. when i reeled it in and swung it on the dock i saw a white perch fall of the hook on the dock, but there still was a white perch on the hook. i was using a single gold 1/0 abeerdeen gold hook. apparently one got hooked and i guess the other hung on for the ride. my uncle couldnt believe it either, we got a good laugh out of that.

another time, same deal except no uncle there. i reeled in a white perch and there was an eye of a white perch on the hook as well, the fish had both of its eyes though, apparently i snagged the eye out of a fish before hooking the fish i caught.

them white perch are aggressive feeders

fishing user avatarShewillbemine reply : 

I'd just bought my first baitcasting setup (Walmart cheapy) and used it to fish for carp at Lake Hodges. I cast out, set the rod on the pier and sit back to relax with my friend.

A carp snatches my bait and zooms off with the line along with my brand new rod and reel combo. The whole thing is dragged into the water before I can react and my heart sinks.

Ten minutes later, I reel back my other setup and I notice extra weight on the line.

Yup, I reeled in my original line--one end still connected to my brand new combo and the other end with a really tired carp.


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