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when is fishing not fun? 2024

fishing user avatarblanked reply : 

Some people go to great lengths to catch fish.  I admire them,  but some of its going overboard for me to where it is more like work than having fun.  Things I dont do but probably should

1.  keep a log

2.  sharpen hooks

3.  change my line every time out

4  use scent on soft plastics every 5 cast or so.  ( i do put it on ocasionally )

5.  customize my lures

6  fish in 30 mph wind

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

I can't stand to fish in rain or high wind.

Bitter cold or blazing hot I can do.

I don't sharpen my hooks or custimize my lures

I should keep a log but don't

I have fished with people that take fishing way too series and get all ticked off when something go's wrong. I could see it if there was cash invalved but not just out fishing

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Dude, there is no time when fishing for bass is not fun, if it is 15 degrees outside or 105 degrees, if my girlfriend is leaving me, if my boss threatens me for not working on a Saturday or Sunday, if the freakin ice age is coming tomorrow------if the bass are biting well, I am going to be there. Yes my friend, I am one of those idiots. I know, I know, its a disease, and boy have I had it bad for going on 40 years, lol. :)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

When is fishing not fun?

You got to be kidding or your have never been truly bitten   ;)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Oh you dang sure don't want to fish with me then   ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

When there is ice otherwise my arm could be fallin off and fishing would still be fun!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 



How'd you come up with that name?

fishing user avatarGotta Love It reply : 

When the most productive spot on my lake has five small gators that think my lizards are food...  Oh, I forgot to mention the redtail hawk that thinks my topwater baits are an easy meal!!!

fishing user avatarradiob reply : 

There was only one time that i have been fishing and not had fun. It was an august morning here in the ozarks and I was so hung over from the night before that I don't even know why i agreed to go. None the less, once I got into the river it was better, but i was so easily distrcted that I wassn't fishing well an ddidn't catch anything worth while. I do beleive we canned the morning and went back out in the evening for a little night fishing and partying around the campfire. Those are always fun!

The Radio Guy

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Lightning and 30 mph winds .... about the only times I won't giver a go

fishing user avatarcwen reply : 

1. For me, fishing is not fun in early spring. Working really, really hard for maybe a bite and just working for the first few fish and geting the rust off.

2. Anytime it is really windy. I know many say fishing is better with some wind, but never pleases me more than the ambiance of a calm, glass like lake.

3. When you have to force yourself to get out because you have a tourney in July/August and it is sweltering out.

4. (For us guys who actually have an end to the fishing season) Making yourself go out if it's cold outside in the fall because you know you only have a few weeks before you start to go crazy.

5. The biggest one, again for us Northern guys, when the rest of you Southern guys are out all year and i can't GO fishing.

fishing user avatarbassboy1 reply : 

I am not sure why yall hate 30 mph winds.  Last fishing trip we had them and we were in a 12 foot vee with 4 hp.  The waves were higher than our freeboard, so we would ride a wave up, then take one over the bow on the way down, then riding the next one up.  Try loading it on a trailer, that has no guide ons, with a 35 mph tailwind.  That is a different story though.  

But, I have never hated a fishing trip.  I only get to go once every 2 months or so, so I make the best of each one.  Haven't caught anything since October.  Rain, wind, etc etc.  Doesn't fase me.  Were it to, I wouldn't have been fishing since July.

fishing user avatarRottManK9 reply : 

I can fish in wind when it's warm.  I can fish in rain when it's warm.  I HATE being cold!  End of story!  You'll find me by the lit fire place getting a drink from the bar right next to my 56 inch TV!

You'll never catch me ice fishing.....I don't think anyway! ;)

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

Its not fun when you burn the top of your feet. I had to cancel a fishing day with my buddy becasue I couldn't get my feet in my shoes.

fishing user avatarRottManK9 reply : 
Its not fun when you burn the top of your feet. I had to cancel a fishing day with my buddy becasue I couldn't get my feet in my shoes.

Shoulda' kept them on to begin with!  LOL

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Lightning is a no no for me! Otherwise anytime, anywhere and anyhow!

This a bass i caught in 40mph wind and around 30 air temp. I caught 8 that day

and you can see by the look on my face that i'm freezing my butt off! I still had fun!!!


fishing user avatarblanked reply : 

for those of you who claim every thing you do on the water is fun no matter when or how,  dont you think you will burn out if you were fishing 7 days a week 10 hours a day.  365 days a year?  everybody has there limits and beyond that It is not fun anymore.  At least I thought so until I posted this question  

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

It's always fun NO matter what.

I think it depends on the person though.  I kicked my Kistler overboard but still found a way to joke about it.  Your day is what you make it.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

The most I've ever fished was 27 days straight, what this does is allow you to pick when and where to fish. During the 70's and early 80's when I was heavily into tournaments I would work construction for 8 hours drive up to the camp on Toledo Bend and fish all night then be to work at 7 AM the next day.

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

I fish 200+ plus logged days (including tournaments) a year. Havent burnt out yet. Have had to have carpel tunnel(buzzkill) surgery on both arms in the last 5 months....And now a foot surgery I have been putting off for 4 or 5 years. Just got through week 1 of 6 of having to keep weight off in pain is a buzzkill, but not being able to fish sucks.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

When would fishing never be fun?


Unless your wife makes you take one of her friend's husbands who is a complete loser on your boat for a day of fishing and you go crazy.

Otherwise, fishing is always fun. Even planning the trip and putting the boat away when you get home.

And in the case of the friend's husband, running back to the dock and trailering your boat and then driving home can be fun. :)

fishing user avatarTucson reply : 

Wind does it for me and not even 30mph.  I'm good until about 12 mph, after that it's not much fun for me.   :D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I think all the talk about weather and conditions is not a deterrent to a real bass fishing lover.

But, when I'm fishing from your boat and you seem to be catching all the fish can be bummer.

Then when you start telling me all the things I'm doing wrong, that get's me really po'd.

Then when I tell you your "front boating me" and you get irate.

That's when fishing isn't fun.

fishing user avatarWall_Hanger reply : 

I hate it when you fish all day with your buddy and he catches 7+ fish and u catch nothing. But then i land a 7lb 21.5in bass and its fun again :) ahaha

fishing user avatarkdmchugh reply : 

fishing is not fun when it is 105 degrees and you aren't catching anything (obviously).

fishing user avatarTLBassin reply : 

When your boat motor blows up on the way back in and theres nobody out there to help you and you have to troll all the way home >:( >:( >:( >:(

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Hey radiob, is that a country song---Hung Over In the Ozarks !!!---who sings that? :)

fishing user avatarfroteur reply : 

to me fishing is always fun but the it's a LOT less fun when my 15 yr old son can't fish with me.  i miss him on those days.  :(  (doesn't stop me from going without him though.   ;)


fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

WELCOME, Perry! ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Hey radiob, is that a country song---Hung Over In the Ozarks !!!---who sings that? :)

Everybody who lives in the Ozarks  

fishing user avatarfroteur reply : 
WELCOME, Perry! ;)


fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Getting caught in a thunder storm while in a 8' bass buster (the early days) an hour ride on a near dead battery from the truck.  Getting to the truck and the battery won't start the truck, lol.  Getting caught in a hail storm (lucky to have found an empty boat house) on Fork.  Walking 2 hours to the end of the Bolivar jetty only to turn around and realize there's a storm on shore and it's following me out.  No place to hide from the lightning and the waves were starting to blow over the jetty.    Greed has got me into some not so fun situations.  Now I'm a little more in control of the addiction and pick and choose the days better.   Oh, one non weather incident.  48 miles offshore from Freeport, TX an hour before dark last fall, just me and a buddy in his 26' twin vee.  Power for the VHF, Sirius, radar, and GPS is lost.  No problem, pull out the back up GPS but it won't get a signal for some reason.  Compass needed adjustment and was not accurate but who needs one if you have two GPS's onboard right?  I'm a electronics tech and always go offshore with a tool kit and a meter.  Start trouble shooting inside the center console in 3-4' chop and get seasick doing it.  The buss/ground everything was tied into had 12v but nothing was working.  As it was getting dark stopped to discuss our safety plan and everthing turned back on by itself.  Hauled A for home, later found a poorly crimper connector inside the Perko switch for the battery.  Not fun for a little while but a needed reality check at the same time.  big

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

TLBassin, been there...feel your pain.


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