Just thought it would be fun to see what everyone does!!! Thanks!!!
If one is fishing a tournament he or she will weigh everything. As a recreational fisherman, if a bass is only 0 - 3 lbs I see no reason to weigh it. It isn't going to be near my personal best. I'll weigh one of the dinky fish once in awhile, but I normally don't have a reason to waste the time.
I only weigh them if they look close to being a new PB.
In a tournament I'll weigh them all. If just fun fishing around here I'll weigh if it's 5 or so pounds. In Texas (where I'm heading in a couple of hours) I'll weigh if 7 or more pounds.
Voted sometimes,do weigh most of the "whoa nellies" though.
I voted sometimes, because it's become pretty easy to know one under 3lbs, above that, I'm grabbin' the scale and the camera!
I weigh everything over 3lbs. The scale will humble you!
I weigh the bigger fish. Anything looking to be over 3 lbs i generally weigh. Unless im in a prefish then i weigh every fish and i take notes.
I voted sometimes. If it's 3 or above I'll go ahead and weigh it. A lot of places that I fish, anything 3 or above is a pretty good fish...to me anyway. I guess it's all relative to the general size of the fish in the area/body of water you fish.
My partner and I keep track of 5+ smallmouth.
We weigh them, but sometimes I wish we didn't!
QuoteI weigh everything over 3lbs. The scale will humble you!
same here, and same thoughts! those 6's become 3's somehow from the time they're caught till they go on the scale lol. After a while of owning a scale, you can become much better at guessing a weight in person. but I don't pull the scale out unless I think it's over 3.
QuoteI only weigh them if they look close to being a new PB.
+1 ^
QuoteMy partner and I keep track of 5+ smallmouth.We weigh them, but sometimes I wish we didn't!
If they are decent size fish I will weigh all of them. If I'm catching a lot of dinks I will just weigh one to get an idea of their size.
I voted sometimes.I keep a scale in the boat just in case I catch a big one.
I voted "Sometimes." I measure everything I catch and record the data in a spreadsheet - helps to keep track of what's going on in the 11 lakes I fish. Since most fish are small here - I will weigh when it's about 2lbs or over - I'll enter that in the spreadsheet as well.
As of this post ,I'm the lone stranger in the "dont bother" catagory. I dont tourny fish so there's no need in it IMO,however.....I do put a tape measure to some ..........most under 14" go home with me,depends if I feel like cleanin them or not( gasp,"I can't believe HE said that") ...chill out,I'm manageing MY private ponds/lakes. The 14"-19"ers,no big deal,unhook and chunk em back,20" and above fish......well they are "kodak moments" IMO ,snap a picture and release to fight another day.
If I can't pick it up with one arm , I weigh it.
Only if someone near me has a scale and I'm curious, otherwise I don't care. I have marks on my rods for length, 20" for lmb & 28" for snook.
Tournament fish get weighed on a Berkley scale.
Otherwise no, unless it is around 5+, then I will check them.
I always want to know the weight of any catch.
My arm is a certified scale...
Never weigh em..doesn't matter that much to me, unless I get 15lb + fish
Only time they get weighed is at the end of a T.
If it's a nice catch, I'll weigh it. Most of the time...I'm guessing.
I checked off always weigh. But, that applies only to fish worth weighing. I'll guess at the pound and a half or two pounders. While they are nice to catch, they are nothing to brag about.
If you "stretch" a fish from a pound and three quarter to a two pounder, no big deal.
But, if it's a bragging size fish, it gets weighed.
As RW says, sometimes weighing a fish brings a dose of reality, and sanity, to our "estimates".
My guesstimates are always within an 1oz or 2, its my weighed fish that are off, especially the big ones : :
All tournament fish and any over 5 hit the scale.
Always weigh if we think its 6lbs or bigger! ;D
QuoteAlways weigh if we think its 6lbs or bigger! ;D
DW, You and I sir, have a very different "should I weight it" standard ~
I do however, like your standard much better than mine.
The few times I thought a smb was 6+, I woke up in a cold sweat !
Most always weigh, just curious most of the time.
We usualy guesstimate if it looks like a 2 to 3 pounder but if its any bigger we put it on the boga grip
I keep the tape measure handy, mostly since the panfish have limits at certain ponds that I fish... but I also got a 2 in one scale that also has a tape on it so if it is a good size, I will weigh it too...
I only sometimes weigh, when the bass are big enough.
I don't bother, but then when I catch a big one I have to.