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Needs some advice on "Catch and Release"..... 2024

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

A few days ago I had a nasty conversation with a guy fishing a local pond I go to about once a week.  I had seen him almost everytime I have been there but paid him no attention.  I finally asked how he was doing and he said it was slow today and that he was only taking home about 15 fish today.  My blood starting boiling at this point.  I asked him nicely what he had caught and he then showed me his basket which had some fish the size of bait upto some nice keepers.  The problem is, he then tells me he does this about 4 times a week at this pond.  He keeps everything he catches.  

Many of the local fisherman that fish this pond have complained about low numbers this year and I tried to explain to this guy that this pond is not stocked and if he keeps this up, the amount of fish he catches will go down.  He then starts to get upset and tells me he will fish this pond until there is nothing left and he will move onto another and do the same thing.  He said that these fish are part of his food and his income.  I then pointed out that he had about $20 of live bait and that he could have a nice meal for that price.  

We were both mad now.  I finally offered him $10 for the fish he had caught, he accepted, and I then proceeded to dump the fish out of his basket back into the pond with him watching.

Did I go to far?  I was feeling guilty at first for disrupting his fishing but after I had noticed all the trash and just plain junk he had dumped, I was glad I had confronted this guy.  

Was there a better way to handle this?  

Just wanted to rant and here what you guys had to say.

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

Chances are(if they were all bass) he was over his limit and I would call a conservation officer and let them take  care of it.  

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Be careful how you handle things out on the water. There is a reason that the officers wear vest. If you turn him in do it after you leave. No sense in getting injured or worse .

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 

I'm with Pondhopper.  I've got the DNR number programmed into my cell phone and if I see people not following the rules I will call the DNR.  

Personal confrontations can go WAY wrong so letting the proper authorities handle the situation seems to be the easiest thing to do.

fishing user avatarNinjaFishin reply : 

you were not out of line there at all. One fisherman destroying the population of any small pond is un acceptable. I cannot see the rational behind "fishing until there is nothing left".  Kills the fish and the sport all in one go.

I also have a hard time believing this guy eats all that fish.  I mean d**n. Also how does he make income off that?  :-?

fishing user avatarpeidy_p reply : 

I would've done the exavt same thing

fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

Dude, I know EXACTLY how you are feeling right now. My local reservoir I go to has regulars that come twice a day catching a limit of bass, and they never catch and release. Just the past week two 8lbers, a 10lber, and some other nice bass have been caught and not released. It really sucks that some people really just don't care. Someone who has been doing this regularly for awhile, won't stop at all until they stop catching fish. They don't understand that bass are not stocked, and they take awhile to get big. If you know he is doing something illegal, call Fish and Game on him and try to get him caught.  

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I'm glad you brought this up FishTank, I've been wondering what I would do in the same situation. I think I would have just called a game warden, but when I came up with that conclusion, I realized I didn't have their number in my phone, so I just put it in so I would be prepared.

I always thought it was ridiculous to fish for bass to eat when you could easily buy something cheaper and better tasting. If he is not doing anything illegal, though, I don't think you can do much besides telling him the advantages of C&R for maintaining sizes and populations of fish. If that doesn't appeal to him and he doesn't change his ways, I don't really see much else you could do, it is America afterall...

fishing user avatarLavrax reply : 
I finally offered him $10 for the fish he had caught, he accepted, and I then proceeded to dump the fish out of his basket back into the pond with him watching.

Did I go to far?  I was feeling guilty at first for disrupting his fishing but after I had noticed all the trash and just plain junk he had dumped, I was glad I had confronted this guy.  

you did well dude, congrats to you... Unfortunately in the place i go fishing most of the people there are just like your guy...filling baskets with bass of a few inches, and leaving tonnes of their trash

heres some pics



fishing user avatarrfrazier reply : 

If he's selling the fish he's already doing something illegal.

fishing user avatarRogerWaters reply : 

FishTank, Were the 15 fish all bass, or no bass, or a mixed bag? Also, were the 15 fish all legal to keep (based on size, creel limit, ect.) as stated by your local regs? I think that information would help, before responding, in this situation......

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

I called the fish commission on the Amish here recently. I stopped at a popular pier to do some night fishing. Keep in mind, I release EVERY fish I catch. I dont mind people keeping crappies, thats what I think they are for. But this lake has a restriction and they were literally filling coolers with sub legal fish. I carry both the fish and game commission numbers in my cell. I actually called the game commission this year in rifle season because I saw the same truck go up and down the road ten times in less then an hour. After that, I never saw it again. You gotta police our wildlife, theres just not enough paid people to do it.

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 

My dad and I had this same problem with a small group of people last year at Bull Run Marina here in Va. Some men of a certain descent where keeping over their limit of fish and leaving trash all around the shoreline. My dad called the park authorities and they said they would step up their presence in this area and try to get the trash cleaned up and so forth.

The one time I have been this year the water was really high covering the area where I last saw trash. So either they did clean it up, or it moved downstream, or its under water. It really disturbes me to see all these people having such blatant disregard for our parks, shorelines and waters. If you don't know how to take care of your belongings and trash you don't belong on the water and need to learn some things before heading out next. It just irritates me, especially being in the boat and seeing such trash in the water and under the shallow areas of the shoreline... egh!

Rant over.

Contact your park authorities or fish and wildlife department like the other guys said. You never know how much offense someone is going to take as far as your stance on the issue and you never know whether they are carrying anything on them such as a weapon and or have anger issues, etc and decide to jump on you for making them look bad.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Before anyone can access the harvest issue on a pond, the population density and size distribution needs to be evaluated.

Reacting emotionally will only get into trouble. If the people harvesting the fish are doing it illegally, let the authorites resolve that problem.

Same lakes and ponds usually need some the bass to be harvested to prevent them from over populating the available food source. If you are not catching bass over 3 lbs for example, it may be due to over population and stunted fish, the guy keeping the small bass was actually doing you a favor and helping the ponds balance.

Catch & release taken to extremes isn't any better than over harvesting a fishery for food. Fishery management promotes selective harvset and slot limits to protect specific year classes of fish. Regardless of how well you handle bass and release them, some will die as a result of being caught. It's better to keep bass that are mortally hooked and bleeding, then to toss it back and hope they survive.

My advice; find another pond with better fishing and blow the whistle on anyone who is breaking the law. If the pond is public water and everyone is within the state regulations, they have as much right to catch and eat fish as you do to catch and release them.


fishing user avatarJake P reply : 
A few days ago I had a nasty conversation with a guy fishing a local pond I go to about once a week.  I had seen him almost everytime I have been there but paid him no attention.  I finally asked how he was doing and he said it was slow today and that he was only taking home about 15 fish today.  My blood starting boiling at this point.  I asked him nicely what he had caught and he then showed me his basket which had some fish the size of bait upto some nice keepers.  The problem is, he then tells me he does this about 4 times a week at this pond.  He keeps everything he catches.  

Many of the local fisherman that fish this pond have complained about low numbers this year and I tried to explain to this guy that this pond is not stocked and if he keeps this up, the amount of fish he catches will go down.  He then starts to get upset and tells me he will fish this pond until there is nothing left and he will move onto another and do the same thing.  He said that these fish are part of his food and his income.  I then pointed out that he had about $20 of live bait and that he could have a nice meal for that price.  

We were both mad now.  I finally offered him $10 for the fish he had caught, he accepted, and I then proceeded to dump the fish out of his basket back into the pond with him watching.

Did I go to far?  I was feeling guilty at first for disrupting his fishing but after I had noticed all the trash and just plain junk he had dumped, I was glad I had confronted this guy.  

Was there a better way to handle this?  

Just wanted to rant and here what you guys had to say.

Oh man, im so glad you were the one to find that out and not me. I cant even say what would of happened if i were in your position.....He would of been willingly putting the fish back.I think you handle it the best you could given the situation.

fishing user avatarian515 reply : 
If the pond is public water and everyone is within the state regulations, they have as much right to catch and eat fish as you do to catch and release them.


agreed. call the DNR, or move on. catch and release is up to the person fishing (unless of course DNR says otherwise), and thats the beauty of living in the country right? so take a breath, and enjoy the fact that you are fishin, or move on and fish somewhere else.

that being said, and so no one jumps down my throat, I catch and release ;D

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

If the guy was catching  small bluegills then harvesting these will actually help out. My brother lives on a private 50 acre lake.  The lake management company sent out a letter telling the folks who live on the lake and fish there to just throw the small bream and crappie up on the bank and don't release them.  

Catch and release ALL THE TIME can actually be detrimental in certain bodies of water.

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

call the dnr.

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Call and report them, I did and they took care of the problem for me.  No need to confront the individuals because you don't know what they are capable of doing to you.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

If you do decide to confront someone, just make sure you have a weapon on you also. My weapon of choice is incredible ninja skills, but if you're not blessed with them, a gun works almost as well ;D

Seriously though, I was fishing on of my favorite spots on my favorite trout/smallie river the other day and there was a guy walking along with a bucket (dead giveaway that he's keeping anything he catches). I happened to catch a fish right as he was walking up, and I didn't even know what it was. It looked like some kind of chub - definitely not something I'd consider eating. He saw me about to release it and yelled, "Hey mon you don't want that!!??" I said no, and that it didn't look like it was something he'd want to eat, at all. He said toss it in the bucket and he'd grill it up, so I obliged. He had a nice crappie and a perch in the bucket already. I didn't mind the encounter at all.

However, a few minutes later I caught a little smallie, and there was no freakin' chance I was gonna sacrifice one of those beautiful little critters so he could grill it up. I unhooked it with my back to him and quickly threw her back  8-)

The river has a tremendous population of fish and I didn't mind the guy keeping fish, even if they were a little undersized. Plus, he was not the most successful fisherman I've come across. However, if I saw any smallies in that bucket, my ninja instincts may have manifested themselves in a very dangerous way  

fishing user avatarwgilfus81 reply : 

I dont mind a guy keeping fish as long as he is following the law when doing it. However when someone is breaking the law, thats when I lose it. I fish heavily at a local pond that is catch and release only, and it makes my blood pressure go up about ten points when I see someone taking fish with them. I like your idea of talking and trying to rationally explain things to the guy, but as it has already been said on here, just be careful, we all know there are some less than stable folks out there

fishing user avatarHookemdown. reply : 

Once again, it boils down to this.

People fish for different reasons.  If he was abiding the fishing regulations and not keeping too many fish or shorts, then he can do whatever he wants.  He has the right to keep those fish no matter how unethical it may seem to you.

However, it he was breaking the regulations (which I can't stand, especially hunting regulations) call the DNR.  It's your responsibility to report guys like this.

fishing user avatarlittle_stephen reply : 

Ive got a mixed oppinion here.... first of all, I proudly wear my B.A.S.S. patch on my tackle bag, so keep in mind that you represent any club, or goupr that you may be in, and not only that, but you represent the general fishing populus...... So ive found it best whenever you handle things really calmly and respectfully. If it gets to yelling, youve gone WAY to far, back of and call a ranger. Second of all, that guys breaking all kinds of laws doing what you said, turn him in. I wouldnt hang around if i saw that, Id walk to my car, call the authorities then leave once youve identified him to them.

I will say that Ive confronted one guy on the simple grounds of common curtesy. He was smoking and swearing and getting in the way of a group of younger anglers at my local lakes public pier. Turns out he calmed down, but the ranger asked him to see his lisc. later and he got tossed.      It's our responsibility to help the authorities identify trouble, not to start it.

But I think you handled it well, I wont lie.... I woulda made sure he saw me toss the fish back.

Bottom line, it pays off to be educated, I carry the Ohio Fishing Regulations packet with me in my tackle bag for a reason..... Its come in handy more than once.      Just use common sense and let cool heads prevail. Then go back and fish the spots he missed once hes gone....

fishing user avatarlittle_stephen reply : 

oh.... one thing nice this guy did do...... he got so mad he chucked his ultralight rod into the lake after he lost a crappie he had hooked.... then stormed off the pier (seperate day)     and i looked over, saw that the line had hooked on the railing.... and pulled out a NICE ultra light setup...... this 10 year old was eyeballing me with that pole. I asked him if he wanted it.....  ;D  that kid went home with a new fishing pole! lol   the next day was when that guy got banned from the county park system for life for drinking on the same pier.......      ;Dmade that little kids day!

fishing user avatarBrian_Reeves reply : 

You handled it way better than I would have.  I'm not against people catching fish...but as soon as someone gets testy with me, I boil over quickly.  I don't know if I was genetically pre-programed to lose my temper or what, but I probably would have thrown that dude in the lake as soon as he started yelling.

fishing user avatarcajun1977. reply : 

heres the thing if he is illegal turn him in, if hes within his rights mind your own business.....if i was fishing and someone confronts me for keeping legal bass or whatever im just gonna pop you one,plain and simple...............the funny part is you said everyone is saying how the numbers have gone down but yet he seems to be doing pretty well fishing there :-/ have a nice day

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

The sad truth is, there's really not much you can do.

I've witnessed a guy do several things at this point, many of which illegal, and he has not gotten in trouble.

From wading in NO wading waters, Snagging fish, keeping a limit of 5 fish then returning later that day to keep ANOTHER 5 fish, to keeping undersized fish. Not to mention, this guy I'm speaking of, FISHES THE SAME PLACE 7 DAYS A WEEK.

I've confronted park rangers to basically find out, There's really nothing that can be done. A police officer or DFG person needs to WITNESS himself the guy snagging a fish, or what not. There is never a PO or DFG guy at the place I fish, so it's pretty much a done deal that this guy will never get caught.

fishing user avatarnashkcn reply : 

15 Fish is alot i would have kept about 2 of the alright sized fish, maybe a pound fish, but if the guys making an income off the fish he catches then he has all the right to do it.  Running the fish out of the pond is not right considering  the other anglers that fish that pond.  

fishing user avatarGoonie reply : 

I practice catch and release.  But what does one do when your catch completely swallows your jig?  In order to pull it out you kill the fish?  Even if it's under size limit, do you throw it back in the pond and let nature do it's thing or do you take it home?

Just something I pondered today while fishing.  

fishing user avatarDel from philly reply : 

Thread started did the right thing 100%

always try and talk to these people before turning them in....

many diont even know their braking the law...

take it easy, start a conversation before you rat them out....if you dont get through, THEN look to a park ranger...





fishing user avatarTENNESSEE NEWSOME reply : 

I agree with several of the others who've said he's probably over his limit.  I also keep the authority's # programmed into my phone.  Your state probably has a number specifically for poaching/illegal harvest.

I don't think you went over the line at all.  I personally know people in my family who were just stubborn to admit they're wrong about depleting the resource.  After a few butt-kickings (like the one you handed out), they get the picture.  Do be careful though.

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

I had this same thing happen to me last year and I think you did great.  ;D This one local pond that I take my kids fishing at had these 2 women that I would see there every week. Now this is not a big pond either. They are there every week with their buckets.  >:( This used to make me so mad. I was speaking to another gentleman who comes to the pond about them one day and he said well they don't speak english very well so perhaps they are not familiar with the rules and regulations. That made me even madder >:(. I understand having compassion for people but I don't think that ignorance is an excuse. My husband and I were there together one day and they showed up again. I had reached my boiling point. I was going to head over and have a talk with these ladies and try to keep my cool. My husband intercepted and went over and made me stay where I was. He had a talk with them about catch and release. The fact that you needed to have a License, (something they did not have) They were not too willing to listen. Finally husband looked in their bucket to find a bucket full of bass, none of them were of legal size and it was not even bass season yet. So at that point he gave them a choice. Dump the bucket or he would call the fish commission. Well they dumped the bucket. ;D  I was practically cheering from the other side of the pond.  ;D

It would seem all ended well but a few days later I headed out to the local pond again. Started fishing and got a nice fat bass. Then from around the corner came 2 guy with a TOTE full of fish. I was so mad. They asked if I was gonna keep my bass and I said no. They asked if they could have it. I tossed it back in and said no. They were none too happy with me but I did not care.

I do know that now when I go to the pond there does not seem to be anywhere near the same amount of panfish and things that there used to be there. I do know that in small ponds and such that you do need to have a selective harvest but I think that this needs to be regulated some how. I have also spoken to the fish commisson about it but they really do not seem interested all all in checking into the situation. What do you do?

Bottom line is I think you did very well given the situation you were faced with. Two thumbs up from me.. ;D ;D

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Yeah i tend to agree, ignorance for the law is no excuse.

If i went to another country and fished, i would put everything back.


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