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The Weirdest Thing? 2024

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

What was the weirdest thing that happened to you this year?

Mine happened while fishing with my favorite Hooker - Low Budget that is.

He got me out at 3:30 A.M. one morning and while using a Jitterbug, an owl swooped down over my shoulder and hit the jitterbug (twice) thankfully, she missed both times.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

Not so much weird, but cool.  

I have had bats echo locate the tip of my rod, and come within inches of hitting it. Same with my head a couple times.

Last summer I was night fishing and was flipping a 4inch dinger into a hole in a weed bed.  I felt a fish,  set the hook, and reeled the bass in as quick as possible.  I had no clue she was my 1st PB untill I went to pull her out of the water, and I thought my rod was going to snap.  It didn't snap, and I ran all the way up to the van to wake my dad up who was tired and sleeping, to wake him up and show him this fish.  She probably weighed around 3-3.5lbs.  Not a pig, but for the pond I was fishing, she was.  We took a pic which is still on the film in the camera, and I ran her back down to the water.  Not weird, but this is what popped into my head when I read your question.

fishing user avatarDeuceu72 reply : 

I was fishin with a buddy one day and was using a floating rapala.......I had a gull swoop down and nail that bait...........I reeled him him, my buddy held the bird, i popped the lure out of his beak, and away he went!  ;D

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

One night at Housen' Bay Marina Pat and I were talking while grilling steaks outside, Steve was trying to get a back lash out of one of his reels. After reeling in his line Steve made an underhanded cast to check out his work and immediately went on point like he was going to set hook. Puzzled Pat and I looked at each other then back at Steve who had reeled in and cast again. Turning towards us Steve states some thing bite my jig, Pat and I bust out laughing, Steve says no seriously. Reeling in and casting he says there it is again, this time Pat and I both see his line move. Gabbing a flash light sure enough there is a big ole owl with Steve's jug in it's mouth. Pat and I bust out laughing and shout dude don't set hook!

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 





fishing user avatarvaparrothead reply : 

Caught two fish on one lure.  Using a Rapala Shallow Shad Rap with two treble hooks; got a small largemouth and a crappie at same time.  Have picture somewhere; if I can find it I'll post.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

a buddy and I were fishing were our home lake in the spring.  We were in his jon boat and drifted in too close to a nest of redwing blackbirds

I had my back to the shore.

In the calmest voice he says to me "he's coming right at you don"

before I have chance to process this odd bit of information.  I hear this screeching sound and something with sharp talons pound into my head.  It's beating me on the side of my face and screeching like a hell fired banshee right into my ears.

I am totally freaked out.

My friend (who was still dancing with the columbian snow queen at that time)  was laughing so hard it looked like he would have a stroke

I was pounding this "whatever it was" with the butt of my rod and hit and knocked it down into the boat.  It was only stunned for a moment and hopped onto the gunwale and looked like he was preparing to resume the attack.

************PETA members should read no further**********************

I whacked him with the butt of my rod and he tumbled into the water.  Dead.

It took me a good me a 15- 20 minutes to gather my composure.  To this day, I alternate between pi$$ed off at my friend and laughing with him over it.

fishing user avatarliquidsoap reply : 

40lb turtle on a crankbait...

Carp on a chatterbait...

Both weird and heart breakers...

Also,  it didnt happen to me but I know someone who had a 2 1/2 pound bass jump in the boat while he was idleing around.  ;D

fishing user avatarwhat reply : 

seen a poltergiest (hey he said what was the weirdest thing that happened, not what was the wierdest thing that happened during fishing)

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

Avid - I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but it sure is now!  Great story.

Liquid - 2 1/2 lber jump in the boat - Priceless!

fishing user avatartipptruck1 reply : 

I had many weird things happen this summer.

5. caught a carp on a crank bait. Yes he ate it.

4. I caught a pike on a frog.

3. my buddy caught a 5 inch pike on a 3/8oz spinnerbait.

2. While fishing a 5in yum dingerwacky style i caught a 5in smallie. When I went to set the hook the fish came flying back at me.

1. had a pike jump about 12 inches in the air after a spinner bait i just about to cast again. He hooked him self and was about  5lbs.

fishing user avataredbassmaster reply : 

I was wading at a resevoir and midcast I hit a dragonfly. That wasnt so weird, but when I was reeling him in it looked like he was attacking my lure. He followed my lure all the way back...or so I thought. I actually tied a knot around him in mid air. I pulled both ends of the line and he was cut clean in half. I was amazed...true story. It left a knot in my fireline!!

fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 

I had a 2 lb smallmouth leap into my boat. It chased my spinnerbait back and when I pulled it out of the water the bugger kept chasing, THUNK, I look back to see a 2 pounder lying motionless on the floor of my john boat. The look on it's and my face must have been priceless.

fishing user avatarJayDub reply : 

1.  A friend was casting a small spinnerbait and hooked something big.  Broke off right at the bank.  He tied on another spinner bait (same kind) cast out and hooked something big again. Broke off at shore so he gave up.  After saying that i wasn't fishing that night (just visiting) i picked up a rod that was sitting against a tree and had a Texas rigged worm on it.  Cast it out and hooked something big.  It was dark so as im fighting the fish in the line comes to a stop and i look to see my worm at the tip of my rod.  I had hooked my buddies line that broke off...  We pulled it in to find a 5 lb Catfish with BOTH spinnersbaits in its mouth!! lol i still have the picture somewhere.

2.  When i was younger, i hooked a good Catfish in a small pond and it broke off where the bobber was.  Every once in a while i'd see this bobber sking accross the water then go under.  I tied on a hook, followed it around, the threw out and hooked the bobber!! CAREFULLY, i reeled in a 5 lb cat.

3.  Again, catfishing a small pond my friend tied a piece of line and hook on a STICK.  He put bread on it, layed it in the pond about 2 foot out, and caught a 2lb bass.  lol.

Ahh, good times.   ;DTheres so many interesting things that happen when your fishing.  I can't recall them all.

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 

Caught a 2 pound bullfrorog on a YUM worm, while attempting to flip in cover

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Friend of ours that lives on the lake we fished, "navy sealed" us one dark evening with the scuba gear.  I thought it was over,...this was payback I was thinking, somthing HUGE was under boat!!!

Oh man, had to be there, we were like 2 freaked out little girls.

fishing user avatarRottManK9 reply : 

This one time, at Bass Camp, I stuck my rod...... :-[  opps TMI  too much info!!   ;D

fishing user avatarJayDub reply : 
Friend of ours that lives on the lake we fished, "navy sealed" us one dark evening with the scuba gear. I thought it was over,...this was payback I was thinking, somthing HUGE was under boat!!!

Oh man, had to be there, we were like 2 freaked out little girls.

He would have been lucky not to get smacked up side the head with a paddle around me!  :o ;D  Seriously though he could have been mistaken and something BAD could have happened!

fishing user avatarliquidsoap reply : 
Friend of ours that lives on the lake we fished, "navy sealed" us one dark evening with the scuba gear.  I thought it was over,...this was payback I was thinking, somthing HUGE was under boat!!!

Oh man, had to be there, we were like 2 freaked out little girls.

;D ;D ;D

That has to be one of the funniest things I ever heard!

fishing user avatartitelinez reply : 
Friend of ours that lives on the lake we fished, "navy sealed" us one dark evening with the scuba gear.  I thought it was over,...this was payback I was thinking, somthing HUGE was under boat!!!

Oh man, had to be there, we were like 2 freaked out little girls.

;D ;D ;D

That has to be one of the funniest things I ever heard!

Agreed and seconded!! That is just classic. I wish you had a pic of that one LBH.  :D

fishing user avatarScroGG ToGG reply : 
Friend of ours that lives on the lake we fished, "navy sealed" us one dark evening with the scuba gear. I thought it was over,...this was payback I was thinking, somthing HUGE was under boat!!!

Oh man, had to be there, we were like 2 freaked out little girls.

;Doh man. that goes far and beyond the call of funny. how far out where you in the water?

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

A snapping turtle on a white jig. A sunperch on a buzzbait. A catfish on a senko, a crappie on a crankbait (this one may be normal, not sure).

fishing user avatarValascus reply : 

I have hooked a Canadian Goose with a Smithwick Suspending Pro Rogue. I cast thinking he was way to far out to get anywhere near. The gust of wind that accompanied the cast said otherwise. Thankfully he wasn't hooked well and after a few seconds shook itself free. I wasn't lookinf forward to hauling in an angry goose.

I have almost nailed little black bats with baits a number of times at some of the places I fish...or I should say they have almost nailed the baits.

One of the funniest things that has happened was a giant moth flew up my shirt one night and got stuck there...I was dancing around and screaming like a girl cuz it took me by surprise so bad. I didn't know what was in my shirt. After I got it out I felt like a total friends were absolutely dying of laughter. Still can't live that one down.

Too bad you weren't shooting a video that night when your friend "sealed" ya. THAT would have been a scream. ;)

fishing user avatarThe Unabasser reply : 
Friend of ours that lives on the lake we fished, "navy sealed" us one dark evening with the scuba gear. I thought it was over,...this was payback I was thinking, somthing HUGE was under boat!!!

Oh man, had to be there, we were like 2 freaked out little girls.

I think I would have pee'd in the dark

fishing user avatarmister_fisherman reply : 

I caught a turtle on a nightcrawler,also I was flyfishing near the mouth of a little creek one evening and snagged a bat by the wing with a woolybugger!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

My weirdest thing this summer was a post I made in early summer.  The link is below.

fishing user avatarFishin Phil reply : 

I was drifting for walleye using a worm harness and started getting bit.  I set the hook and started reeling in.  All of a sudden the fish got real heavy.  I figured he saw the boat and got spooked.  I got him closer to the boat, and saw his belly.  My buddy had the net and we realized we saw the belly cause there was a nice size pike tearing up my fish.  The first fish (a smallmouth) was on the back hook of the harness.  The pike hit him again and I set the front hook on the pike.  The pikes teeth cut the rear hook off but we netted the pike.  He was a little over 5 pounds.  It all happened in a matter of seconds and it was pure chaos on the boat.  Neither one of us ever expected any of that.  Craziest thing I ever saw while fishing. :)

fishing user avatarJ-Salvati reply : 

My friend and i were fishing in a big pond near his house and a giant iguana i mean huge was in a tree above us and that boat never moved any slower....needless to say we look in th trees before we go under them now

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

Well I was on  my boat fishing when I looked over and saw the biggest bass I had ever seen floating on the surface flopping around and I looked closer and it had the biggest bluegill I had ever seen half way down his mouth.......I drove over thier hoping to get them both out of the water and get a picture but rite when I  got thier the bluegill must have made it down his throat because the bass went under :o ;D

fishing user avatarGotta Love It reply : 


14oz. Crappie on a baby Castaic Sunfish...

15"  mudfish on a 4" Castaic Sunfish...


fishing user avatar405z06 reply : 

This was about 10 years ago on Okeechobee. My Dad and I were shiner fishing on the south end of the lake and he catches a nice 7+lbs bass. We forgot the camera, so we stick the fish in the livewell while planning to release it later after taking some pics when we are done with the spot. Im in the back of the boat and periodically check the livewell to make sure the fish is doing OK. Every time I peek in the livewell the water gets dingier and nastier. At this point I have no idea what is going on. Eventually, when I look one more time, there is something floating in the tank with the bass. The fish had eaten a full-sized adult red wing blackbird and had regurgitated it in the livewell. Gotta repsect the predator that is the LMB  :)

fishing user avataredbassmaster reply : 

Thats awesome!!!!! I vote for that one

fishing user avatarPoor Richard reply : 

Watched impulsive nephew (in his late forties, old enough to know better) fail to resist enticing a snapping turle wih his bass bait.  He thought he saw the turtle eat the Rapala, but it turned out to be hooked in the front right foot.  Probably when the turtle felt the lure, she tried to wipe it out of her mouth.  Nephew maneuvered turtle to the dock, where it was netted, and as it tried to get out of the net, the hook came loose from the foot (paw? claw? hand?) and stuck in the turtle's butt.  Now things were very dangerous.  Who is the hero?  Why, the nephew's older sister, my niece (doh), who at risk of fingers got hold of the lure and snapped it free of the snapper.  I am sitting in a boat nearby, unable and unwilling to help, except with this sage advice:  "You do know that is one of the more dangerous critters in Michigan, kiddies."  doh again.  And it was:  this was a very old, very big snapping turtle, easily capable of taking away a good chunk of someone's hand.  What was weird about this?  My nephew, of course!

One more:  Little Brother (age 65) caught an enormous bowfin right next to the boat.  When it hit his lure, it made such a concussion that I got quite wet!  It then proceeded to turn the boat (12" Alumacraft) around.  We landed and released it--a big ol' cow 'fin she was.

Poor Richard says, "There's no free lunch in philosophy, either."      


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