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The RTD Is Now Available! 2024

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
You may have seen me demonstrate this last summer at ICAST if you follow our Facebook page.  This is makes stringing your favorite rod a breeze - especially for those of us that need reading glasses, or have limited motor skills. I was pretty jazzed about it then, and now....
I'm happy to announce the Erupt Fishing RTD is available for pre-order now at!! Order before December 10th to make sure you have this revolutionary new product before Christmas. Quantities are very limited, so act fast.
This is a great stocking stuffer!

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Now that... is freaking awesome. Just last week my hands were so cold that I honestly had a hard time threading line through the guides and the ding dang wind didn’t help either.  This thingofajig would have made a difference for me  ????

fishing user avatarMickD reply : 

Fuji Speed Threader, no moving parts, no adjustments, no loose parts,  $2.99.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 
  On 11/23/2018 at 10:21 AM, MickD said:

Fuji Speed Threader, no moving parts, no adjustments, no loose parts,  $2.99.

Kinda like comparing a bicycle to a Harley.  :)


fishing user avatarMickD reply : 

I don't agree.  If the Harley did nothing more than a bike it would be a bad buy.  The RTD does nothing more than the Fuji.  But those who want to buy a pedal Harley are free to do so.


The Fuji does what the RTD does at much less cost, not much can go wrong with it, you don't need two different parts for different size guides, and it works on micros.  Someone said the RTD doesn't, but I don't know.  You use the Fuji in much the same way you do the RTD, put the line through its loop, then run it down the rod, the Fuji by feel, which works just fine.


I'm not doubting that the RTD does its job; I'm just pointing out an option that to me makes more sense for a number of reasons.  (Does the RTD work with micros?  If it doesn't, it doesn't do the job for the most challenging application).


Both of these devices, and for that matter other guide threading devices, work on the same old principal that has been used for threading fly tying thread through a bobbin throat.

fishing user avatarMassYak85 reply : 

I'm sorry but I've got to agree with @MickD here. I may have youth and decent eyesight on my side but this seems like a 30 dollar solution to a 3 dollar problem like he said. I've never used the Fuji but I can't imagine a situation where I would ever need anything more complicated. If one of these showed up in my stocking, sure I'd use it. Would I ever purchase one myself, nope. 

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I guess we just have to agree to disagree then.  You can't use the Fuji if you have motor issues like from a stroke, like you can with the RTD, and it's certainly not as easy nor as fast.  But to each his own.


fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

Amazing tool. Definitely good for those of us with arthritis. 

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I for one like gadgets.  I ordered one yesterday after my wife saw it on face book.

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

My RTD came yesterday.  It works like a charm.  It is especially good for me being far sighted with old eyes.

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 
  On 11/23/2018 at 1:38 PM, Glenn said:

...You can't use the Fuji if you have motor issues like from a stroke...

If you have motor issues severe enough to prevent you from using an item like the Fuji, do you even have the ability to cast a lure or land a fish?


I'm not minimizing the issues some have following a stroke or from aging, those are heartbreaking scenarios.  You used those scenarios as a disqualification for using the Fuji and I am just having trouble believing that there are a significant amount of people in the fishing world who are debilitated enough to prevent them from using the Fuji, but able enough to be able to use the RTD (or still be able to fish without help from another).


fishing user avatartander reply : 

Too much sugar for a dime. ????

fishing user avatarBig Rick reply : 

Popcorn in hand!!  Let's rumble....????

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 
  On 12/2/2018 at 6:38 AM, Big Rick said:

Popcorn in hand!!  Let's rumble....????

Maybe we can use the RTD as a test for old anglers, if you can use it, you get a $200 TW gift card, if not we show you your choice of panoramic idealic remote IMax fishing scene, and then wheel you out the door labeled Soilent Green...

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 
  On 12/2/2018 at 10:59 PM, reason said:

Maybe we can use the RTD as a test for old anglers, if you can use it, you get a $200 TW gift card, if not we show you your choice of panoramic idealic remote IMax fishing scene, and then wheel you out the door labeled Soilent Green...

I'll pm you where to send my gift card cause I'm old and it works.

fishing user avatarMickD reply : 

Please keep in mind that I never said the RTD didn't work or that the Fuji will work better for everyone.  I was simply commenting that it's not my cup of tea.  For me , in my condition, I like the simplicity and price of the Fuji.  But the RTD is obviously is the right solution for many  people for many different reasons.  Some physical, some preference.  No need to question those folks more.  

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I have the Fuji tool, and I'm considering getting this.  There are occasions where my tremors (shaky hands) make even the Fuji tool a pain to use.  This looks way simpler.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I have a buddy that has terrible tremors, and struggles to even tie a knot.  He's an avid angler. I've had breakfast/lunch/dinners with him where he's simply put his fork down in exasperation because he couldn't use it due to his tremors. This tool will change his world!


I'm buying one for him as a Christmas present.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 12/2/2018 at 1:44 AM, OCdockskipper said:

If you have motor issues severe enough to prevent you from using an item like the Fuji, do you even have the ability to cast a lure or land a fish?

Yes, I can cast and land a fish.


fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

@J Francho As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm not making light of those with disabilities, I'm glad that you can cast & catch fish.  Glen brought up disabilities, including people who couldn't even tie a knot, as an example of those who could use the RTD but not the Fuji tool.  So again the question, if one can't tie a knot, doesn't that severely limit their ability to fish, at least by themselves? Further, if that is the target market of the RTD, isn't that a very limiting one?


Please don't miss the point of my post, it is no way negative towards those with disabilities.  Rather it is whether the RTD is really filling a need in the marketplace or is a niche device with not a very large appeal.  Considering the fact that the Fuji tool can do the same thing as the RTD for 99% of the fishermen in the world at a fraction of the price, I would bet that it falls into the 2nd category (not to mention the thousands of anglers who choose to use no devices at all & just thread their rods manually).


In summary, some of us are making a case that the RTD is a solution in search of a problem.

fishing user avatarJustALineWetter reply : 
  On 12/8/2018 at 12:50 AM, OCdockskipper said:

In summary, some of us are making a case that the RTD is a solution in search of a problem.

I looked over this as with someone who lost an eye to cancer I have some issues tying knots and such. I agree with OCdockskipper that it's something that might be useful to a small number of people, it's really just another way to spend money on something that MAY be helpful.


The Fuji tool is another that, at least for me, is something extraneous. The minor issue with getting line strung isn't worth putting out money I could better spend on baits.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 12/8/2018 at 12:50 AM, OCdockskipper said:

Further, if that is the target market of the RTD, isn't that a very limiting one?

That it's so easy to use makes seem like the target market is a little bigger.  If you enjoy toiling with threading guides on a rocking boat, then have at it.  I'll be fishing long before you even start tying a lure on.

fishing user avatarfissure_man reply : 
  On 12/8/2018 at 1:14 AM, J Francho said:

That it's so easy to use makes seem like the target market is a little bigger.  If you enjoy toiling with threading guides on a rocking boat, then have at it.  I'll be fishing long before you even start tying a lure on.

Long before? How much time are people spending threading a rod?  Physical disabilities aside, for the average person using their fingers (target market?) this would save around 30 seconds, at most. That’s assuming it doesn’t need to be dug out of a box and then put it away when the job is done, in which case it probably wastes time. The way I see it:


Fingers: Free, always on hand (HA!), haven't let me down yet (but can be darn stubborn in the cold)


Fuji: $3, one piece, nice big slot to grab line (helpful for those who struggle with vision, dexterity), helps to thread line through a casting reel, works for micro guides and spinning rods, slow (compared to RTD)


RTD: $30, multiple parts, small DS clip to hold line, doesn’t work on micro guides or some large spinning guides (as per website), doesn’t work for threading line through a casting reel, fast (compared to Fuji tool), and it makes a fun clicking noise as you run it up your rod

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Their target market is anyone that thinks making the process faster and easier is worth $30.  If it's not worth it to, don't buy it.  It isn't junk or a gimmick, so throwing shade isn't necessary.

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 
  On 11/23/2018 at 10:21 AM, MickD said:

Fuji Speed Threader, no moving parts, no adjustments, no loose parts,  $2.99.

Can't find anywhere to purchase the Fuji where the shipping isn't double the cost of the item itself.


I know some will say but it's only $6 but it's the principal.

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 
  On 12/8/2018 at 1:14 AM, J Francho said:

...If you enjoy toiling with threading guides on a rocking boat, then have at it.  I'll be fishing long before you even start tying a lure on...

I'll take that bet.


How often do you need to re-thread while on the boat?  For me, less than once a month.  Retie, change leaders, stuff like that I do all the time, but having to re-thread is a pretty rare thing to do.  Therefore, there is no way that the RTD is going to be stored someplace where you can immediately grab it.  It is going to be tucked away with other things that you use infrequently.  So in the 2 minutes it will take you to find and assemble the tool, I'll be fishing.  Plus I'll have money in my pocket for lunch later ????.


I am a subcontractor and own the business, so I am involved in both sales & using tools everyday.  The sales pitch for the RTD is weak, it is like the gold plated shoelaces referenced in every marketing book read in college.  The whole purpose of a tool is to make doing a job easier & faster, which the RTD won't because it will take more time to find and assemble the tool than to do the job by hand.  


That said, I can see where you having one will be a lifesaver for you.  However, it will not be a mass marketed success so I would suggest getting a couple of them for yourself now because they will not be around for more than a year or so.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 12/8/2018 at 4:33 AM, OCdockskipper said:

How often do you need to re-thread while on the boat?

It comes up more than you'd think.  Fishing in a kayak, I only bring 4-6 rods, and sometimes the wrong line for what I want to do is rigged, so I switch reels.  This tool will come in handy for that. 

fishing user avatarOkobojiEagle reply : 
  On 12/8/2018 at 2:25 AM, NYWayfarer said:

Can't find anywhere to purchase the Fuji where the shipping isn't double the cost of the item itself.


I know some will say but it's only $6 but it's the principal.

... walk into any big box sewing department (probably any local supermarket as well) and pick up a needle threader.  Most likely a 79 cent item.



fishing user avatarMickD reply : 
  On 12/8/2018 at 2:25 AM, NYWayfarer said:

Can't find anywhere to purchase the Fuji where the shipping isn't double the cost of the item itself.


I know some will say but it's only $6 but it's the principal.

That's the way it is with any single inexpensive purchase, for the most part.  Rodbuilding sources have it; most order it as part of a bigger order so the shipping isn't as big of a deal.  


One outfit that offers it for less than $3, and has a ton of great tackle, rodbuilding, lure making, stuff, etc, is  If you want a threader, combine its order with other stuff and it takes the pain away.  They have some pretty cool custom colors in a lot of lures.  


If you search for it, search for "Fuji stainless speed threader."  Fuji catalog says it's for guides above 3.5 mm.  

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 
  On 12/8/2018 at 4:35 AM, J Francho said:

It comes up more than you'd think.  Fishing in a kayak, I only bring 4-6 rods, and sometimes the wrong line for what I want to do is rigged, so I switch reels.  This tool will come in handy for that. 

In that case, it would be handy


fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

Hey, if you don't like the concept, so be it. It may not be for everyone.  But for some, it solves problems.  Why is that a bad thing?


It's fishing, folks.  Lighten up.


fishing user avatarMickD reply : 
  On 12/8/2018 at 10:03 AM, Glenn said:

Hey, if you don't like the concept, so be it. It may not be for everyone.  But for some, it solves problems.  Why is that a bad thing?


It's fishing, folks.  Lighten up.

Right on.  It's not a bad thing to solve problems for some.  If I contributed to the deterioration of this string, I apologize.  Not my intent.

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

Glenn, I don't think people are saying they don't like it, we are just questioning its practicality.  One of the benefits of this forum is to get insights on products prior to buying them.


Since you are pitching this product, I guess you probably have interest in it succeeding.  Just look at our comments as market feedback.


We have already established that if you suffer from tremors and change reels alot while fishing from a kayak, this would be a very handy product.  Make that your target market.


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