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Bit Of A Problem Here... 2024

fishing user avatarFrogTosser88 reply : 

So.... I went down to check out this river the other day to see if it was worth fishing.. had my boots and jeans on.. I had to trek through some brush to get down to the water.... the place sucked and i will not likely return...

So when I got home and started changing my clothes.. I notice a tick on my shirt... i killed it with my lighter.. took my clothes off in the bathroom and found one more and flushed it... I searched my clothes , room and my car... found no more... however the next morning i found another!! Crawling in my chest...killed it and kinda freaking out now... I have yet to tell my girlfriend at this point because I know she will freak out.... So then this morning I find another one on my stomach... So now I'm officially tripping out.. I cant find the little scoundrels.... how many could I have had on me?... how can I get ridnof these parasites that I brought into my home?... should I just get a fogger and bomb the room or what?... anyone ever have an experience like this....

Pls help

fishing user avatarjigabooyah reply : 

Wash your clothes, check your car, and check your body and head for more ticks.

I have gotten into a lot of ticks over the years. Sometimes it takes a day or 2 for them to come out.

If you have pets than check them as well. No need for bug bombs unless you have an infestation which

you don't. 

fishing user avatarKevin22 reply : 

Probably a pet bringing them in the house. If you showered after you got home and threw your clothes into the washer you shouldn't have any more to come out. 


Next time put some tick repellent on around your ankles, wrists, and on your hat. 

fishing user avatarnotevenanibble reply : 

remove all of the hair from your body

fishing user avatarBalshy Fishing reply : 

I thought I had limes disease earlier this year when I found a tick the next day. 


My doctor told me that it takes a tick 24 hours to fully feed and you can't develop limes disease until the end of that duration. They bite you, suck the blood and as they're done -- they kinda' "spit" or "throw up" into the bite and that's when you get infected.


Where i'm from in PA, we only have to worry about deer ticks. He said they're kinda' hard to see which let me deduce it not being a deer tick.


They creep me out, saw one crawling across the dash of my car two days after I had last fished. 

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 



You know, the kind that are cylindrical stickers?  Use them all over yourself when you get back from a hairy traipse.  You'd be amazed at how many critters are tagging along and ticks are no exception.  They stick to the roller really well, but it isn't a substitute for a really thorough check...  Which I'm amazed you haven't been utilizing all along!  Who doesn't want to get "checked for ticks all over" by the little lady?     :eyebrows:   I mean it's for safety and everything!!  



So yeah.  Lint roll yourself when you get home, and have your girl double check the stuff you can't see- especially your hair and stuff.  Nobody wants to be a parasite host.  

fishing user avatarFrogTosser88 reply : 

Well.... unless they are hiding on the taint.... everything is shaved and i cant see anything... but i will have her look lol... and the dog has front line

fishing user avatarPreytorien reply : 

Another option for next time is to use a product called Permethrin.


It's a clothing soak/spray. You put it on your CLOTHES only (not your skin) and it repels ticks, chiggers, and mosquitoes for 6 weeks from the time of application. That includes 1 wash per week.


I have about 4 fishing outfits I cycle and all are treated. I have yet this year to find any bug of any kind on me or my clothes - no mosquitoes, no ticks, nothing.....


Might give it a try.


They sell it at my local Wally World in the camping section. I have seen it at Dicks and Gander Mtn. too.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
  On 7/8/2014 at 1:45 AM, FrogTosser88 said:

Well.... unless they are hiding on the taint.... everything is shaved and i cant see anything... but i will have her look lol... and the dog has front line


From the resident Veterinarian: Frontline is not enough, put your dog a flea collar ( it also kills ticks ), it has a much longer life than a Frontline application, it´s only good for up to 30 days.

fishing user avatarjigabooyah reply : 

I just fish from my plastic bubble. Never need to touch the outside

fishing user avatarKritterGitter reply : 

Ticks are an everyday battle here on MD eastern shore, I think its a prerequisite to have Lymes disease to live here, thank goodness I dont carry it but my wife, her parents quite a few buddies and all 3 dogs have it. This morning I actually woke up with two stuck to me. I grew up in western PA and saw maybe 3 ticks my whole time there. Within a day of moving to MD I saw more than my entire life in PA. It seems no matter what precautions I take they just end up everywhere, Dogs are treated but they can still drag them into the house with em. Best thing I found is to just check once you get home and a couple days afterwards. It really does seem like they end up everywhere.

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Permethrin Mix I Use... 


Permethrin 10 - Found in the chemical section of the horse area at tractor supply or online

Mix 1oz of the above with 20oz of water in a spray bottle and shake


Spray clothes till wet, hang to dry before wearing.


6 washes or 6 weeks whichever comes first.


I hunt some tick INFESTED areas and since I started making this mix 6 years ago I havent brought a tick out of the woods. My buddy every year will tell me through text in archery or turkey season "Man the ticks are bad" and I never find any. Ive given him the mix recipe but he never follows through, every year he has a dr dig a tick out of him.

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 

This like you OP?

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

I know a woman who walked thru a nest or pod or whatever its called...thousands upon thousands of them all over her body.

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

I've had a bunch of ticks on my jeans in then spring onetime when walking through the woods trout fishing. If you can see them they don't carry lymes. It's the deer tick that is the size of the period at at end of this sentence that carrys lymes.

fishing user avatarMassBass reply : 

Down at the river and in the woods around here there are many many ticks. Last year when i hiked down to the river to carp fish i would use bug spray on my ankles and legs and that keeps the suckers off. It takes at least 24 hours for a deer tick to transmit lyme disease. Around here there are dog ticks and deer ticks which are smaller. I pulled a deer tick off me this year after about 12 hours. The bite mark went away without complication. Keep a close eye on your bite marks and if they get worse see your doctor for doxycycline. I think the woods with a deer population are the worst places for getting ticks. 

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 
  On 7/8/2014 at 6:56 AM, deaknh03 said:

I know a woman who walked thru a nest or pod or whatever its called...thousands upon thousands of them all over her body.

Uuuggghhhh...stop it! I'm getting creepy crawlies just thinking about that!

fishing user avatarcrazyjoeclemens reply : 

I wouldn't worry too much.  They don't usually drop off of a warm body.  If you checked yourself out thoroughly, you probably found em all.  Just wash & dry your clothes and bedding and vaccuum the carpet, if you're still paranoid about it.  Make sure you wash & dry clothes and bedding at the higher heat settings.  The heat is what kills the little buggers, not the detergent.  As far as lymes disease goes, the ones you gotta worry about are the ones you never see.  As mentioned before, the ticks that carry it are the size of a pin head.  The larger ticks carry a host of other diseases, like rocky mountain spotted fever, but symptoms are more acute than lymes.  Ticks are no joke.  Its important to check yourself thoroughly, especially for those of us who spend a lot of time bank beating.

fishing user avatarKevin22 reply : 
  On 7/8/2014 at 3:20 AM, Raul said:

From the resident Veterinarian: Frontline is not enough, put your dog a flea collar ( it also kills ticks ), it has a much longer life than a Frontline application, it´s only good for up to 30 days.


I still say its the dog. Ticks well get on him/her and as soon as they hit the pheromones they will crawl off (unless you washed the dog), otherwise when they bite they will crawl off the dog to die. There is plenty of time for them to get on the dog and then hop off when the dog comes inside. We have it happen all of the time. 

fishing user avatarflyingmonkie reply : 
  On 7/8/2014 at 8:51 AM, Smokinal said:

Uuuggghhhh...stop it! I'm getting creepy crawlies just thinking about that!


Happened to my whole family… thousands of them.  It was horrible.  We were taking baths in rubbing alcohol and went through gallons of GermX (Isopropyl kills them quickly).


P.S.  Pretty sure this is the first time I've ever seen the word "taint" used on this forum. :)

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 7/8/2014 at 6:56 AM, deaknh03 said:

I know a woman who walked thru a nest or pod or whatever its called...thousands upon thousands of them all over her body.

Happened to me checking my trail cameras a couple years ago. Went to dinner with my wife and kept feeling like something was crawling on my leg and knee but couldn't see a thing. When we got back to my truck and I got out a flashlight it looked like I had hundreds of freckles that were moving around. We couldn't get home fast enough for me to get in the shower. I found another 13 crawling around in my truck after I'd scrubbed the first layer of my skin off. They were what we call seed ticks, about the size of a pin head. I learned my lesson now, no matter how hot out it is I'm wearing long sleeves and pants with duct tape to seal off the wrist, ankles, and waist. I don't care how stupid I look, not wanting to go through that again. 

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Are you itching anywhere?  Whenever I have a tick on me it starts to itch about the 2nd day. 

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Wow....hate those things.  One of the reasons I quit archery hunting because it was alway during the warmer weather.  Now turkey is early spring...nope no turkey hunting either.  I seem to be a bug magnet.  Since moving here to Tennessee I have got into the habit of spraying the yard and woods close to house with OFF.  Comes in a bottle you attach to hose.  I know some bugs are supposably good but this keeps the mosquito's down and the tics around the house. 

P.S.  Must not be to bad as we have a bunch of blue tailed lizards around property

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 
  On 7/8/2014 at 6:56 AM, deaknh03 said:

I know a woman who walked thru a nest or pod or whatever its called...thousands upon thousands of them all over her body.



My gf did that while peeing once.  Looked down whilst squatting and there was literally a cloud of them swarming over her legs.  After she re-entered the earth's atmosphere I am told there was quite the panicked search and destroy mission.    

fishing user avatarFrogTosser88 reply : 
  On 7/8/2014 at 6:39 PM, Bankbeater said:

Are you itching anywhere? Whenever I have a tick on me it starts to itch about the 2nd day.

Dude.... I have been itching everywhere since this ordeal.... my nerves are shot lol... but I havent seen any more today and the room got cleaned amd vaccumed.. so i feel a little better

fishing user avatarSTPC reply : 

OFF! Deepwoods Sportsman - the lotion type, not the spray.  This stuff works wonders on ticks, mosquitoes and any other biting, sucking creepy crawler.  Here is southeastern NC it is a given that you will have to deal w/these things and the ticks will find you year-round so it's best to be prepared.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Permethrin works - period. Whenever I venture forth with a friend, he inevitably gets a few ticks. I haven't had a tick on me in years, and I do spend a lot of time in the woods and streams. I also spray my shoes & socks, as well as my jeans and hats.


I also use a 100% DEET lotion on exposed skin, to ward off mosquitoes and knats. This suppose to repel ticks too, but I've had ticks when using just the DEET, so I double buffer with a clothing soak. Back about 35 years or so, the towns use to spray insecticide for mosquitoes. It did a number on the tick population, to the point where you didn't even have to think about it being a problem. Nowadays, with the environmentalist all over us sportsmen, we have to take other precautions. What's been said here works.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Years ago I did a lot of woodchuck hunting with a 270 rifle (we called it hog-busting and were welcomed by farmers).

Back in the 60s and 70s, the clover fields in Whitehouse, NJ were "teeming" with deer ticks.

This was before Lyme Disease made press, so I always came home with a few dozen ticks on my body.

Before taking to the fields, I would place an elastic band around the bottom of each pant leg and that did the trick.

When I came home in the evening, there'd be a dozen or more ticks around the bottom of each ankle band. 

Granted, I was young, dumb and impetuous back then, and would take more precautionary measures today, 

but a couple of ticks is nothing to freak-out about.



fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

I think I just gave up bank fishing...

I had an infestation once in my bedroom when I lived in Miami. Saw a few ticks on my walls and in the popcorn ceiling, went to look under my bed where we stored some bedding, thousands of them fat blood engorged females, little males, and eggs everywhere. My dog had brought them into the apartment. Chucked everything out the second floor window, and set of like six Raid bombs...

That did the trick. Felt itchy for a week after that.

A buddy of mine told me a story when he was younger and he was out hunting, the next day he found out he had a tick on his leathery cheerio or butt hole as some of you call it. To make it worse he had to go to the doctor so he could get it removed.... that would of been a great Instagram photo.

fishing user avatarjigabooyah reply : 

When I was about 4 years of age I had a tick get into my ear canal. 

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 7/9/2014 at 4:24 AM, boostr said:

A buddy of mine told me a story when he was younger and he was out hunting, the next day he found out he had a tick on his leathery cheerio or butt hole as some of you call it. To make it worse he had to go to the doctor so he could get it removed.... that would of been a great Instagram photo.


I've dislodged dozens of embedded ticks from my body, but if you discover them during the 1st or 2nd day

they won't become engorged with blood. If the tick isn't deeply embedded, we occasionally got them to back out

by holding a match nearby or pouring rubbing alcohol on them. Nevertheless, once their head is buried in skin,

that will not work.  That's when I grab them with a tweezers and YANK them out....that works every time  :grin:



fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

Imagine putting rubbing alcohol on your leathery cheerio... Ouch, Yikes, no thanks mister.

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

Ever get into the Chiggers?

I seriously wanted to cut off my arm!


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