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Hooked Myself 2024

fishing user avatarlectricbassman reply : 

A few weeks ago I managed to hook my finger.  Got it all the way past the barb and had to push it on through and cut it out.  This was my fist but definitely wont be my last.  How many times have you been hooked and how bad?  I just want to hear everyone's war stories on this one.

fishing user avatarTBO reply : 

i got a hook from a 6" jointed minnow. got the hook past the barb and a 5lb pickerel still on the other hook freaking out.   you dont realize how tuff your skin is till you puch a hook through it.  i hd to use a razor to help get the hook through  

fishing user avatarlectricbassman reply : 

Its funny you say that. Thats what i tell everyone too. Finger skin is ridiculously strong!

fishing user avatarGaterB reply : 

Hooked myself last year in the chin with a treble hook from a small zara spook. Went past the barb, and I couldn't do anything but drive myself to the hospital. After they cut it out and issued a tetanus shot, I had to go to my 3 hour senior seminar class. Not my favorite day haha

fishing user avatarFlipSide reply : 

Knock on wood... I haven't had one go past the barb yet... I know it's just a matter of time though

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I have one burning question.  Is that your personal best?

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I have been hooked pretty good in 3 separate occasions. Only 1 required an ER visit. I would have to say my scariest experience that I can remember happened when I was little kid. I had this habit to stand behind my Dad when he would cast. He told me repeatedly not to do that. In one of our outings he was fishing with a mirror lure jerkbait and I walked up behind him while he was casting. One of the trebles caught me below the eye, above my cheek. Both my parents were flipping out, but luckily my Dad removed the hook safely and all I had was a little red spot. Lesson learned. Fast forward 30 yrs, I make sure my kids stand to my right (since I am left handed) when I cast. My ER visit was 2 yrs ago. A small Rapala treble hooked into my thumb and I couldn't remove it. Dr had to. 

fishing user avatarSkeeter Dan reply : 

I've got hooked good twice. Once when I was a young kid and just a couple of weeks ago. When I was a kid my brother and I where fishing for Flounder. in Dellaware. I was walking behind him when he rared back to cast and hooke me in the throat. My uncle didn't have anything that he could cut the barb off the hook so he pulled it out anyway. Hurt like hell!!! A couple of weeks ago I was tieing on a jerk bait and one of the Treble hooks got caught in my shirt and when I tried to get it out and I got it stuck in my hand. I got angry and cut the barb off and pulled it out of my hand and then out of my shirt. I said a few choice words put the lure back in my tackle box and tied on a spinner bait. *#*#% Happens !

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

Guys, if you have a buddy with you, you have to learn this method.  From personal experience, it works!!! No pain, right back to fishing!



fishing user avatarlectricbassman reply : 

Fisher o men, I have seen the string method online but never heard anyone with firsthand experience. Where were you hooked?

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

I have only been hooked once with the barb buried in a finger. We were down at Norris lake staying on a moored houseboat. Before going to bed I decided to get my tackle bag & bring it inside because of pending rain. I was reaching over the gunnel of my buddies boat moored to the back of the houseboat to grab my bag. It was dark & I didn't see the stick baits hanging from lure hangers mounted under the gunnel. When I lifted the bag I hooked the bag strap & my finger simultaneously. I was pinned leaning over the boat and yelled for help. My buddy came out I wondered what the heck was going on. He unhooked the treble split ring stuck in the bag strap. Then we inside & decided how to take the hook out. He applied pressure to the skin where the hook point was bulging & split the skin with a razor blade & then cut the hook & backed it out. As I was going to bed he complained I owed him a relpacement rapala.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

I've had many close calls over the years which luckily didn't pass the barb and it still hurt. Can't imagine what the pain will be like before it numbs.

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

I have been hooked twice, once I was fishing a lipless crank and a small muskie hit it. I brought him in, and I thought I could remove the hooks with my hand. Nope! Hook went past the barb with an angry muskie thrashing around on the other end. He ended up ripping the hook right out though. Second time, I grabbed a smallmouth, but i had too little line out, my rod was loaded up, and my bail was closed, so when I grabbed the fish, the hook popped out, the rod unloaded, and the hook went in my finger up to the line tie. I fish barbless now...

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I have hooked myself just once where I had to go to the ER. Got the hook between my fingers and it wouldn't move forwards or backwards.

fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 
  On 9/28/2014 at 12:01 PM, GaterB said:

Hooked myself last year in the chin with a treble hook from a small zara spook...

I envision you as a giant bass, striking at the surface lure, missing it and getting hooked in the chin. I pity the guy who tried to reel you in...

35 years ago was the only time I buried one past the barb. I hung a Cordell Spot in a tree and yanked a bit too hard trying to get it free. It came out like a missle & I ducked my head for protection. The lure hit my upper arm & one of the trebles went in past the barb. My buddy drove our boat back to our dock, but neither my mom nor his firefighter dad could get it out. They took me to E.R., doctor removed it but kept the lure as a souviner (he had about 3 dozen in a display case).

fishing user avatarBassThumbAddict reply : 

fishing user avatarTBO reply : 
  On 9/29/2014 at 6:18 AM, BassThumbAddict said:

that didnt look that bad.  maybe it just sounds worse than it actually is lol.   

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Lipped and bass with a lipless crank hanging out of his mouth and he flopped making me lose my grip and when I dropped him both treble hooks got stuck in my hand... While I was getting the hook out of his mouth I was praying he wouldn't flop more while the hooks were in my hand, that would have HURT!

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

If you fish long enough, your going to get hooked eventually. I have been hook at least 5 times always with treble hooks. I always keep wire cutters in the boat and have pushed them through a finger, and then cut off the barb. Twice I went to the ER a month apart, with treble hooks buried in my belly. I had my partner try the string thing with no luck. They were buried to the top of the bend. There were lots of laughs in the ER with this Bill Dance Crankbait hanging from my belly. I did it the same way twice. I was snagged on pads and tried to yank it out. They shoot back like bullets and buried deep. I had the same Doctor for both visits. I learned my lesson, the ER visits got way to expensive with my co-pay. I don't use trebles much any more, and I never try to muscle them out. Your never to old to learn a lesson.

fishing user avatarDjf3864 reply : 

Knock on wood I haven't been hooked yet, but I would venture to guess that it is only a matter of time before I do.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Have had a fish in my hand with a small rattle trap still wiggling while hook was in finger....oh so painfull.  Had to squeeze the little guy till he died and then was able to pull out trebles.  Not sure how the above can say there is no pain but hats off to him.  Have had hooks in me several times and pulled out myself....always felt something....but not joy....maybe relief when was out and didn't have to go to Doc.

Tight Lines

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I've been bass fishing for about a year now, and I've had more painful hook experiences in that year than I care to remember. Thankfully, though, none have got very deep. The worst I've had is when a friend and I were fishing the bank together from a small spot (bad idea!) and he cast an EWG into my head. It didn't get deep but it still hurt bad. The same friend later cast another EWG into my arm, that wasn't as bad, but I don't fish close to him anymore! I've never had a Bill Dance moment where trebles got through my nose or anything like that.

My personal least favorite are when hooks get stuck in my clothing or my carpet. I always have to cut them loose, and I've ruined several nice pieces of clothing. 

One instance was when my brothers and I were walking back to our car after fishing, and my little brother refused to put his lipless crankbait (never give a ten yr old a lipless!) in his hook keeper and was swinging it around and guess what? It got stuck in my shorts and my older brother had to cut it out with his pocketknife. I liked those shorts.

fishing user avatarVAHunter reply : 

I caught a small bass on a crankbait a few years ago and reached out with my right hand to grab it as I swung it in the boat.  Bad idea, I got the bottom treble caught in the skin between my thumb and index finger.  The hook was all the way through my skin.  I instictively dropped the rod with my left hand and reached out to grab the fish that was still connected to the lure and me.  Worse idea.  I stuck the top treble through the exact same spot on my left hand.


Alone, not even another boater or house around, I had both treble hooks, one through each hand with an 11" bass hanging below.  I had no choice but to grin and bear it.  I slowly pulled my hands apart until the hook in my right hand ripped back through the skin.  That allowed me to finally release the fish and I used my side snips to cut the point off the hook in my left hand and pull it back out.


Every other time I have had a hook past the barb I always have a buddy push it all the way out and cut the hook point off.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Got hooked in the back of the calf, had to push it through and cut the barb off, it backed out easy them. 


My dad drug a deep diving crankbait across the top of my head on his backcast. 3 points went in and drug from the crown of my head to almost my hair line on my forehead, thankfully the force ripped them out as fast as they went it, burned like crazy and I had the worst headache.


Left a jerkbait crossways in my PB brown trouts mouth for the pictures. She flopped and buried the hook into my finger, flopped again and ripped it back out. Little duct tape and TP around the finger and back to fishing.


Worse was when my dog decided to grab my buddies original Rapala while he was talking and it was hanging from his rod tip. He was still a puppy but 40-50 pounds. Only got one back hook clean through is lip so I grabbed his muzzle with both hands and tried to catch his body between my legs to hold him still so he didn't get hooked any worse. Dog panicked and shot backwards through my legs, burying one of the front hooks up to the bend in the side of my index finger in the process. So then I was hooked to a panicked dog, not fun. I tackled him and laid on top of him to hold him still while my buddy cut the hook point off that was in his lip and he was free. I wasn't so lucky and ended up having to go to the ER to have mine pulled back out, which took a considerable amount of numbing and pulling.

fishing user avatarStormEasy reply : 

A couple years ago I caught my PB for the time, and when I lipped it, I grabbed the entire crankbait on accident... Two of the barbs went all the way in, but I wanted to get a picture right away. Smile through the pain

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 
  On 9/28/2014 at 11:38 PM, Fisher-O-men said:

Guys, if you have a buddy with you, you have to learn this method.  From personal experience, it works!!! No pain, right back to fishing!

That didn't work for me yesterday.  I got a spook junior in my finger.  I tried this method as I have heard of it for years.  I finally just took pliers and ripped it out.

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 
  On 10/2/2014 at 1:18 AM, Jig Man said:

That didn't work for me yesterday.  I got a spook junior in my finger.  I tried this method as I have heard of it for years.  I finally just took pliers and ripped it out.

There are additional instructions when dealing with multiple hooks.  First, cut off all other hooks.  Good reason to carry a good pair of wire cutters in the boat or backpack.  The reason for this is so that you do not engage the other hooks as you attempt to disengage the offending hook. Secondly, downward pressure to disengage the barb is crucial to success.  Lastly, the final yank needs to be administered by a second person.  You cannot adequately do this on yourself. 


Sorry it was unsuccessful for you!  Must have been VERY painful.

fishing user avatarwarpath58 reply : 

 That poor cameraman, that was one tough fellow standing there letting them just yank away on the hooks. He has my utmost respect. And all KVD was worried abut was has fish turning off. What a nice guy.


My hook stories are good and bad. I just had one in my index finger a couple of weeks ago and it was stuck in the first knuckle bone, I tried everything to get it to move with no luck, so off to the ER. Finally got called back after waiting for 3 hours ended up with a P.A. instead of a DR.. I had already cut the hook off at the shank so he looks at it and you can see that this is his first fish hook case, I'm thinking lucky me. He is moving it around with his finger and driving it deeper in the bone, I suggested that he numb my finger before we go any further, letting him know that this will be beneficial  to both our health. So he give me the Novocain and breaks out these small hemostats that are bending every time he try's to move the hook and he just making it worst. I told him I had a good pair of needle nose out in the truck, so I go get them I come back in and he tries to push it through but it still won't move. So now that its numb I tell him to let me try I get a good grip and finally pull it out of the bone and push it through the skin and out it comes. I got the ER bill today in the mail $6,613.55 for 15 minutes in the room, no x-rays, no stitches, no morphine sent me home with 2 Band-Aids and a RX for penicillin.    post-48975-0-89252700-1412733512_thumb.j


Now a different hook story a good one. We were fishing a club tournament on Sardis lake in MS it was a night tournament. My partner somehow managed to get 4 hooks in his hand from a crank bait and they were buried there was no getting them out. So we run around the lake looking for someone in the club to let them know we were leaving to go to the ER and would be back eventually. So load the boat and off we go to this little hospital. Its a Saturday night in rural MS and that's seems to be where everybody ends up after partying so it took awhile. They call him back and I go outside to smoke and wait, There is this off duty nurse sitting out on the smoking bench so we strike up a conversation and really hit it off, about that time my partner comes out and he is feeling no pain that had him flying. We get it the truck to head back and I tell him man if you had been back there 15 more minutes I would have been set, He calls B.S. so I turn around and go back. She was still sitting outside with a friend I go back and ask her if she likes to fish and that we are going back to the lake and is more than welcome to come. She hops in and off we go its now about 2am. So we get back launch the boat and take off. We chat and fish for awhile long enough for the morphine to put my partner out. So fishing is over and she and I became a LOT better acquainted on the front deck. So a really good time Right ? well it was until we got back to the ramp and saw every MS highway patrol car and sheriff car in the state. Her friend that had been outside with her when we came back grew concerned after she didn't return. Turned out she was the sheriffs Daughter. After what seemed like an eternity they accepted our explanation. So I didn't end up in jail. I was the talk of the club for months. What fun you can have fishing.         

fishing user avatarshanksmare reply : 

I have managed to hook myself on three separate occasions. Each time it happened I was fly casting for striped bass in the surf on Cape Cod. The beaches on Cape Cod are east facing and the prevailing winds there are from the southwest. This is a bad combination for right handed fly fishermen since the wind will blow the line (and fly) in towards the caster. This is not a problem if the wind is steady since you can cast side armed if the wind is light or turn around and face the beach and backcast if the wind is strong. However an unexpected strong gust of wind can cause problems.

The first calamity occurred right around dusk while fishing with a friend in North Truro. He was down the beach a 1/4 mile or so when an errant gust of wind caught my line and drove the 5/0 hook into my right forearm. The hook was buried right up to the shank of the hook! After assessing the situation for a moment, I grabbed the hook shank and with a mighty yank pulled it out. A few minutes of direct pressure stopped the bleeding. I rinsed the blood out of my stripping basket and continued fishing.

Around 11:00 PM we stopped at my friends house where the wives were visiting while we fished. Both his wife and my wife are Registered Nurses. They were appalled at the story of my incident. The first question they asked was when I last had a tetanus shot. It had been many years before, As luck would have it, my friends wife just happened to have a vial of the liquid used for tetanus shots in her refrigerator. So they loaded up a syringe and my wife rather joyfully (too joyfully if you ask me) gave me the shot.


The other two incidents were less dramatic but each time I pulled the hook out myself. No 6 hour, $6,000 ER adventures were involved.


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