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Dumbest Or Most Silliest Things Said To You Or Heard While Fishing 2025

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

For starters:


Heard a couple argue about beaching kayaks and about loading them for 15 minutes at the boat ramp.



I've had a fool tell me and my wife  "you're using bass gear to catch trout, that's messed up, that's so wrong i should throw you in" meanwhile he was using live bait in an artificial lure only creek section :laugh5:


Some guy said to me "hey you let you wife drive your boat?"






Let us know what you got...


fishing user avatarOzark_Basser reply : 

"It's a bit cold out here for fishing isn't it?" says the random runner wearing shorts and a tanktop.


"Nice Kentucky!, Did you catch him on that Rapala?"  It was a nice largemouth caught on an old Rebel Floating minnow.


"But how you gonna get him back?" says the little kid as I let a good sized bass go back in the water.  Not so dumb, but it was funny nonetheless. 


"What you gonna catch with that thing?" Says numerous hillfolk when they see lures like spinnerbaits, crankbaits, or anything other than a soft plastic lizard in my tacklebox.  

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Match the hatch.

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

" You don't need all those rods, just pick one and put on a texas rigged  pumpkin lizard and chuck it in the buck brush." Heard at a boat landing on Rayburn a few years ago. From a guy who had 20 rods on his deck and as far as I could see, no pumpkin lizard.

fishing user avatarOzark_Basser reply : 
  On 12/13/2014 at 1:31 PM, Raul said:

Match the hatch.

Tell em, Raul! haha

fishing user avatarBooyahMan reply : 

"(insert lure/bait) doesn't work here"

Or the alternative: "Only (insert lure/bait) works here"

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 

   Was fishing a neighborhood lake with my friend when a guy asked us if we were catching stripers on mepps (we were fishing jigs so there is no way he thought that's what we were using, and I have never heard of stripers caught on inline spinners)...there are also no stripers within an hours drive of there. Another time my dad was showing someone a photo of some blackfins we caught on our boat one summer, he asked us if we caught them at Lake Anna...***face-palm***


And I also love the strange looks/comments I get when people see me throwing a swimbait. "You'll never catch anything with a bait that big" or "There's nothing big enough in here to eat THAT!"

fishing user avatarOzark_Basser reply : 
  On 12/13/2014 at 1:40 PM, everythingthatswims said:

   Was fishing a neighborhood lake with my friend when a guy asked us if we were catching stripers on mepps...there are no stripers within an hours drive of there. Another time my dad was showing someone a photo of some blackfins we caught on our boat one summer, he asked us if we caught them at Lake Anna...***face-palm***


And I also love the strange looks/comments I get when people see me throwing a swimbait. "You'll never catch anything with a bait that big" or "There's nothing big enough in here to eat THAT!"

haha I hear ya.  I had a lady at a campground on the Arkansas River in Central Arkansas ask if I was fishing for musky one day.  I don't think there is musky within a 6 hr drive from there. Major face palm.  

fishing user avatarBooyahMan reply : 

Oh here's another one:

"There are fish in this lake?"

Nope, just meditating here rusting my hooks in the water and holding a fishing rod in my hand.

fishing user avatarSlade House reply : 

I heard this guy one time yelling "get in the boat!!" "im telling you you better get in this d**n boat now!!"  and i was like man that guy is really getting angry at that fish.  So i see him later and i go "man , you were really yelling at that fish to get in your boat, why?"  and he goes "no, i was yelling at my stupid dog who was running around on shore and wouldn't get back in the boat."


fishing user avatarBooyahMan reply : 
  On 12/13/2014 at 3:16 PM, Slade House said:

I heard this guy one time yelling "get in the boat!!" "im telling you you better get in this d**n boat now!!"  and i was like man that guy is really getting angry at that fish.  So i see him later and i go "man , you were really yelling at that fish to get in your boat, why?"  and he goes "no, i was yelling at my stupid dog who was running around on shore and wouldn't get back in the boat."


Oh man, this reminds me of something that happened to me while fishing for Smallmouths during the summer. We were bank fishing when this woman starting yelling and swearing at a Husky that was wading in the water. half an hour later she came up to us and asked if we could help get the dog out of the water. Turns out she had been trying to get it to shore for the last hour but it kept ignoring her. Looked as though it was stalking the juvenile Smallies in the shallows and enjoying it a little too much haha. My girlfriend's sister went into the water and "landed" the dog in less two minutes.

fishing user avatarCatch 22 reply : 

I  landed a 34" striper as I drifted under a bridge. With fish still flopping in the net, I hear a voice from straight above me on the bridge ask "did you catch that here"


People ask me what are you fishing for =my standard answer "because I like it"

A met a warden  once that didn`t see the humor=whatever.



One more=While fishing stripers near a "darn" :laugh5: ,you know one of those big structures that holds back river water,I got snagged  .I`m rippin and jerkin the rod,the sassy shad comes free and right away a nice striper whacks it.Curious,I let the lure hit the bottom on the next cast,rip it up and stop,another striper hits it.After another 3 or 4 of the same thing,I put my buddy on the pattern.We started slammin `em good.Overheard from another boat,one guy says"man those guys are catching a lot of fish. The response form the other guy " yeah ,but they`re missing a lot too."

fishing user avatarABW reply : 

"Can I see what you're usin? Oh.. they won't bite a black and blue beaver. Get yourself a green pumpkin one." *walks off*


1 minute later I catch one lol.


Another time some lady had a largemouth and showed it to me and said it was a smallie.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Used to live in Oregon and was fishing the upper Willamette by Oregon city and was using a light spin rod with small jerk bait attached looking for bass or whatever.  I hook into this 25 # chinook salmon and fought in for a long time on eight pound test braid.  Got the beauty in and while it was laying by me on the bank all these joggers and walkers would stop (was by the river trail) by and say what's that or what kind of fish is that.  Even did you catch that here!!  I could tell I was fishing in an area where there is a lot of diversity!

fishing user avatarBrnnoser6983 reply : 

My wife

"Why can you fish out of season but not hunt" asking when northern opener is two weeks before bass. (And I was fishing for northern)

My reply

"Because you can catch and release Fish. You can't shoot a deer and expect to release it."

fishing user avatarMatthew2000 reply : 

Don't tie a Palmer with braid. Or that's gotta be 10 pounds it was like 3

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

When I ran a charterboat for a living this was the most common "Dumb" thing I heard on a almost daily basis......"I've been fishing all my life and longer then you have been alive.  How are you going to tell me what works and what doesn't?  Umm, maybe because I was on the water almost everyday and know what was working and what wasn't.  But hey, when they are paying they can fish whatever way they wanted, just don't complain when it doesn't work.

fishing user avatarriverbasser13 reply : 

"There's only bluegill and catfish in that pond, your wasting your time with that bass gear." I've stumbled into some good fishing on small ponds in these old Apple orchards by trying for bass anyways.

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

I snagged that salmon accidentally. (rope for line, trolling rod, upside down spinning reel and 10/0 weighted treble stuck in its back...

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

The water is higher at the upper end of the lake and was serious!


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Killin' 'em floating with the #1 trout guide on the White River with ghoti and Long Mike,

a "pretend to be a guide" with clients nearly ran over us basically in the middle of the

river (what a clown). As he paseed and we hooked up a double, we overheard the guide

explainin why they had not caught a fish:   "We have been fishing close  to the dam and

the water is just too cold for these trout."






fishing user avatarOkobojiEagle reply : 

Asked by a fisherman who had been inching his way closer and closer to me while we shore fished walleye, "What are you doing that I'm not?"


My response while feeling somewhat crowded, "Catching fish."




fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

Why do you need another fishing pole?

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 
  On 12/14/2014 at 1:56 AM, OkobojiEagle said:

Asked by a fisherman who had been inching his way closer and closer to me while we shore fished walleye, "What are you doing that I'm not?"

My response while feeling somewhat crowded, "Catching fish."


That's funny right there haha

fishing user avatarCatch 22 reply : 
  On 12/13/2014 at 10:41 PM, Oregon Native said:

Used to live in Oregon and was fishing the upper Willamette by Oregon city and was using a light spin rod with small jerk bait attached looking for bass or whatever.  I hook into this 25 # chinook salmon and fought in for a long time on eight pound test braid.  Got the beauty in and while it was laying by me on the bank all these joggers and walkers would stop (was by the river trail) by and say what's that or what kind of fish is that.  Even did you catch that here!!  I could tell I was fishing in an area where there is a lot of diversity!



I know the area a bit.I have fiished the Will,Clack and the Mo and the De Chutes. My daughter lives in West Linn.Beautiful country.


fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

" you should have been here yesterday we killed them!" My instant reply is you should have been here last week! And the proverbial " dude this thing is moving and its big!" When the big one is brought to the boat it is a stick. That is always good for the rest of the day.

fishing user avatartatertester reply : 

Weeds don't swim man!

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I'm trying to unhook a little bluegill. Random lady walks by. ("Is that a bass?")


fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 
  On 12/14/2014 at 1:51 AM, roadwarrior said:

Killin' 'em floating with the #1 trout guide on the White River with ghoti and Long Mike,

a "pretend to be a guide" with clients nearly ran over us basically in the middle of the

river (what a clown). As he paseed and we hooked up a double, we overheard the guide

explainin why they had not caught a fish:   "We have been fishing close  to the dam and

the water is just too cold for these trout."






"Too cold for trout"...I love it when I hear that  :grin:

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

A guy unhooked a bowfin, on a fishing pier, it's flopping all over the place.  A really intelligent female tourist hollers at her friends to come see the walking catfish.

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

Are there even fish in here? Get that all the time at my local lake. One lady who's always walking her dog there on my lunch break asked me if I worked and had a job lol

fishing user avatarbassh8er reply : 

Whatever RoadWarrior says.

fishing user avatarRMcDuffee726 reply : 

A old man almost tackled me out of my kayak while I was about to paddle into a pond, and was screaming at me "This pond is for canoes only!"...I couldn't even believe what I heard.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

i like it when people ask "can you really fish out of that kayak?"

the smart** in me wants to say no the depth finder is so i don't run ashore or hit an iceberg and the 6 rods you see are actually masts for the sail.....

but of course i say oh yeah and move along....

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

"That bait is too big for a bass to eat"

Lol...i caught 9 inch bass on 6+ inch baits

fishing user avatarbassindon reply : 

"Those things don't work, those things are just for show. I like to have fun when I fish"   LMAO! As he started his motor and took off I said.... " I have fun!"  LOL! 

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

"I know this place that's loaded with huge bass!"

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

I forgot about the crazy duck people where I fish.....watched them throw and heard the baby ducks into a pond I fish and when asked why they ran them out of the bushes where the mom duck had them their reply was "because now they will be much safer in the water" up until the bigger bass in the pond ate them all. Yeah, that worked out great for them.  Also seen them try to get a duck out of the talen's of a Coopers Hawk.  Needless to say, the duck didn't make it as the hawk flew off.  Their response "someone needs to do something about these hawks eating the ducks".......umm it's called nature.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Fishing with my cousin in the marsh around the Rigolets when growing up in Louisiana and we had not had a bite in an hour.


So he turns to me and says "there are no fish here," when his rod bends in half and he nails a beautiful sheepshead.


To this day when I am not catching anything and plan to move I always say on my last cast, "there are no fish here," with the hope that a large bass will hit my bait as the sheepshead did for my cousin.

fishing user avatarThornback reply : 

My buddy took me to a private lake he had access to. I put on a watermelon plastic worm and cast it. He said that color never did any good in that lake. 3 minutes later and about my fifth cast I put a three pounder in the boat.

fishing user avatarSouth FLA reply : 

I get comments all the time about my Tough Skin motor cover,  my favorite was from a guy that said you know you will burn your motor up if you keep running it with the cover on it after I already explained to him it was designed to protect cowling and the motor could be run with it on.   


However the the silliest comment ever was made by ME, while running Lake Okeechobee with my buddy Brett.  I  said, "You have to be careful here (Inidan Praire Canal) as you run across it during low water conditions cause you can run aground and its hard bottom"........moments later I run the boat aground while crossing it, thankfully I was idiling.  

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 
  On 12/14/2014 at 12:39 PM, bassindon said:

"Those things don't work, those things are just for show. I like to have fun when I fish"   LMAO! As he started his motor and took off I said.... " I have fun!"  LOL! 


Have fun with that 6lb fluoro and a drop shot while Don sticks another DD

fishing user avatarMobydick reply : 
  On 12/14/2014 at 12:10 PM, buzzed bait said:

i like it when people ask "can you really fish out of that kayak?"

the smart** in me wants to say no the depth finder is so i don't run ashore or hit an iceberg and the 6 rods you see are actually masts for the sail.....

but of course i say oh yeah and move along....

That's great!!!


I like when i'm in my Jackson Tuna which is a tandem and people say "Is that made for two people?", as they look at the 2 seats...

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Hey, guess the weight  . . . . .


So what do you think this one weighs ?


I didn't see it, but that had to be at least . . . . . .



fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 

Today as I was fishing from my boat, a woman in a passing party boat said "Catch a trout for me".  This lake is 12 feet deep at its deepest, the water temperature never goes below 55 degrees and since being built in 1970something, has never had a trout stocked in it.  I almost made a comment about a trouser trout, but bit my tongue - I guess I am finally beginning to mature... 


Later, another party boat pulled up behind me as I was landing a bass.  I was treated to a standing ovation from the five (liquored up) people aboard as the driver said "yeah, sushi".


Bass fishing is not really part of Southern California culture...

fishing user avatarBammerBass reply : 

Im responsible for this as I said it myself. Last time I went fishing, roughly a month ago it was around 55 degrees air temp, no telling how cool the water was, wind was blowing about 20 milesn an hour. After not getting a thing on live bait after 20 minutes, I decided to go to my panfish jig. I said to myself "you gotta be kidding yourself, 20 mph wind, cool water, and a 1/16 jighead...... no way am I going to catch anything, a complete waste of time and gas to get here, but ill throw a my trusty panfish jig out just to say I tried...." low and behold, about the second cast after I said that to myself, I hooked up with a solid 2.5 lb largemouth(and ended up with a couple nice drum afterwards as well).

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Several of the lakes I fish have the size limit clearly marked at different places around the lake.  I never fails that I will catch a dink, and someone will ask me "I'll take it if you are just going to throw it back".

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 

To put it nicely, I've had some pretty interesting... Uh... city folk ask lots of silly questions about my gear.

I think some of them assume anyone with more than 2 poles is automatically a famous pro. Also it can be kind of disconcerting to have a small crowd approach you as you're taking the kayak out of the water... Thankfully so far it's just been curiosity though.

fishing user avatarThornback reply : 

This comment always makes me smile, "I had a 10 pounder break my line last week".

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

Another fav

"Its not supposed to rain"

fishing user avatartimsford reply : 

I was talking to my dads girlfriend back during july about taking them fishing for bluegill and she said her dad told her bluegill dont live around here, only bream(a southern term for any sunfish). I let it go instead of arguing about it and said we would go for bass and she said her dad told her they went on bed and hibernated during the summer and winter and you couldnt catch them because they were asleep. I then said what about fishing for stripers and she said they dont live around here. I pulled out my phone and showed her a pic and she said see i know you didnt know anything about fishing, thats a rockfish(for some reason thats what everyone in my local area calls stripers and when i say striper everyone looks at me like i have 3 heads.) Needless to say we never went fishing and her and my dad split up. Sucks cause i really wanted to ask her dad where he got his info

fishing user avatarChris S reply : 

We had a group outing here in KC and we fished a Lake in the middle of BFE south of Topeka, I had two walleye in my live well and had already pulled the plug and drained, as I was pulling the boat out the "bleach lady" at the ramp ask me if I had any fish in my live well I said yes two keeper walleye and I told her there was no water in my live well.


Her reply you cant take live fish out of this lake they have to be dead, I said there is no water in the live well, she they have to be dead or you cant take them, I pulled out my knife and be-headed both of the right then and there, I looked at her and said ok??

fishing user avatarChris S reply : 
  On 12/15/2014 at 10:46 PM, timsford said:

I was talking to my dads girlfriend back during july about taking them fishing for bluegill and she said her dad told her bluegill dont live around here, only bream(a southern term for any sunfish). I let it go instead of arguing about it and said we would go for bass and she said her dad told her they went on bed and hibernated during the summer and winter and you couldnt catch them because they were asleep. I then said what about fishing for stripers and she said they dont live around here. I pulled out my phone and showed her a pic and she said see i know you didnt know anything about fishing, thats a rockfish(for some reason thats what everyone in my local area calls stripers and when i say striper everyone looks at me like i have 3 heads.) Needless to say we never went fishing and her and my dad split up. Sucks cause i really wanted to ask her dad where he got his info

Rockfish is a North East term for stripers, never heard it either until i lived in Delaware! 

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I've heard (and said) many dumb things while fishing. My all-time favorite was a number of years ago early in the spring on Bull Shoals lake. My brother and I were night fishing on a beautiful 45-50 degree evening. We were just having a fantastic night bouncing jigs down rocky banks, catching several very nice bass. On the deck of the house above us on the bluff we could clearly hear a guy talking on the phone. He was going on and on about the dumb tourists who were fishing below him; everyone knew it was way too early in the year and the water was way too cold for bass to bite at night! He made a strong case for how stupid we were, and if weren't for the incredible fishing I probably would have believed him. I still get a good laugh when I think about it some 15+ years later

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

"Try and I try, but just can't get her to eat no squirrel."

fishing user avatarFunkJishing reply : 

back during my first season of bass fishing I remember being in the boat with my friend as I see shad jumping and immediately say "hey man imma cast over to those jumps I'm seeing" and he was like "yea I see those jumps but I doubt they're bass jumps" once he finishes that statement my rods bent in half hahahaha 4 pound smallie on a bomber model A. Made him feel dumb :D

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 

This one might top a lot of these stories:


One time fishing around some docks, we saw a bunch of old boats driving away from the dock very slowly, and a guy was standing on the dock with a megaphone. We asked him what was up as we were going around the dock and he told us that they were having a competition to see who could go the SLOWEST without stalling out with a pre-1968 outboard motor. At that moment, I thought I had now seen everything in the world there was to see.....

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

"Those storm clouds are going to go around us" (Said by my friend ten minutes before the storm went around us and over us and ON TOP OF US).  I was just as dumb for listening to him.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

How many times have I heard this one.  Going into a local bait or tackle shop, I always hear "you should have been here yesterday, they were jumpin in the boat".

fishing user avatarDaRy03621 reply : 

Heard a guy say in a tournament one time, "All these guys in aluminum boats follow the guys with fiberglass boats around and catch their fish."  May quite possibly be one of the dumbest statements I've heard for multiple reasons.  Plus, I own an aluminum boat.  It's not the ~300 hours I put in fishing the same lake each year, or scouting structure when the lake is half way drawn down while others are sitting in tree stands or staying inside because it's too cold, nope....I own an aluminum boat and follow everyone else around to find and catch my fish!  haha!!!

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

"Get off my spot!"

fishing user avatarbkohlman reply : 

I have a relative that asks me after every fishing trip why I didnt keep the fish to eat....not really too dumb or silly.

fishing user avatarHardcoreBassin reply : 

Not sure if this is true or not...I hope it is though...


I had a guide in Pulaski, NY for Salmon fishing about 15 years ago.  We were sitting in the boat with the lines in the water and talking about different rigs and the weather and the water level.  He told me, "last weekend I had a couple in my boat.  I was telling them that the water level was really low, so the fishing would be slow until the water level in the river rises and the fish start to move.  The wife proceeded to lean over the side of the boat and reach to touch the water and she says, "yea, youre right, the water is really low."

fishing user avatarBasswhippa reply : 

I had been making perfect casts far under a crowded Guntersville bridge with a small worm and 3/16 ounce lead bullet weight and catching some decent bass.   Feeling kind of cocky, I told my then 15 YO son "WATCH THIS" as I let the Calcutta rip.  You guessed it, The loud ping was a dead giveaway that  I had just  hit the top of the bridge square on and you could hear a big "Poof" overrun and the dying laughter of a 15 YO that knew his dad had just finished using that reel for the day.  The 3/16 ounce weight was flat as a pancake it hit so hard.  He chuckled for a while.  I'll never live that one down.

fishing user avatarslimshad reply : 

Arigs are stupid, they dont catch fish...  That 10" worm is too big...  You dont need that many poles...  Can't catch a fish at 70 mph...  If its raining, I aint going...   Feb is too early to go to Guntersville...  Nitros are as good as Ranger boats...  All silly and dumb lol

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Fishing at the jettie yesterday talking with some guy about peacocks, explaining to me how to catch them.  I asked him a good spot as he was from Pompano, his reply............."I don't know, never caught one."

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

Dumbest Or Most Silliest Things Said To You Or Heard While Fishing.....


A slow day on the rez and I took a minute to look at Bass Resource Forums on my phone...someone had started a thread titled "You're stranded on a bass lake and can only take one lure......."

fishing user avatarOkobojiEagle reply : 
  On 12/18/2014 at 11:40 PM, Choporoz said:

A slow day on the rez and I took a minute to look at Bass Resource Forums on my phone




fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

touche :)

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

Do you fish here all the time? No...I go home in the evening.


fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

Probably the dumbest I've seen.  Fishing on the Ocklawaha river, in Florida, I came around a bend, where a 13 foot long alligator lived (I know it was 13' because the guy that got it one season told me about it) and I saw a guy sitting in the middle of the river.  Stopped and asked how he was doing.  He pulled up a stringer  that had 10 bass on it (limit is 5) all under a foot long (size limit is 14") and told me he was having a really good day.   I couldn't think of anything really sensible to say so just left.  As I went around him, I wondered who was going to get him first, the game warden or the 'gator.

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 
  On 12/15/2014 at 12:44 PM, RSM789 said:

Today as I was fishing from my boat, a woman in a passing party boat said "Catch a trout for me".  This lake is 12 feet deep at its deepest, the water temperature never goes below 55 degrees and since being built in 1970something, has never had a trout stocked in it.  I almost made a comment about a trouser trout, but bit my tongue - I guess I am finally beginning to mature... 


Later, another party boat pulled up behind me as I was landing a bass.  I was treated to a standing ovation from the five (liquored up) people aboard as the driver said "yeah, sushi".


Bass fishing is not really part of Southern California culture...

Tell that to the Big Bass Dreams crew

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

The ponds around here that get stocked with trout are a hot bed for low functioning humans in the spring.

People think I'm a moron because I'm not sitting on the dam with a catfish pole and red braid trying to catch stocked trout. Some even then I'm musky fishing and tell me I need to kill every one I catch cuz they be eat in the trout and the musky ain't natural here (despite it being a man made pond and the trout being the least natural fish in it.)

fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 
  On 12/19/2014 at 8:30 AM, everythingthatswims said:

Tell that to the Big Bass Dreams crew

They would be the first to agree. Majority of fisherman in SoCal are either saltwater or (stocked) trout fishermen. Bass fishing is just not part of the culture here, especially compared to places like Texas or the south. While there are many reasons for it, I believe the biggest to be a genuine ignorance or dislike of the outdoors. They like the weather, they love the beach, but spending an entire day hunting or fishing is a foreign concept to most who live here.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Even in South Florida


  On 12/19/2014 at 12:04 PM, RSM789 said:

They would be the first to agree. Majority of fisherman in SoCal are either saltwater or (stocked) trout fishermen. Bass fishing is just not part of the culture here, especially compared to places like Texas or the south. While there are many reasons for it, I believe the biggest to be a genuine ignorance or dislike of the outdoors. They like the weather, they love the beach, but spending an entire day hunting or fishing is a foreign concept to most who live here.

It isn't that much different here in South Florida.  Sure there are quite a few bass fishermen from here on this site, but for the most part the emphasis is not on bass.  Driving down the street and and going by the marinas you see how many saltwater boats are here, far fewer bass boats.  The smaller tackle shops mostly stock saltwater gear.  A good portion of the population comes from the Northeast and are striper fishemen, many of them don't even know what a bass is or just fish for them in their own community ponds.

fishing user avatarRSM789 reply : 

I had heard that about South Florida.  More bass for you :)


Another way to look at this is from a retail point of view.  I often read on this forum about buying fishing gear from Dick's Sporting goods.  Well, in Orange County, we have about 6 DSG's to serve a population of over 3 million people and only 1 of those stores carries any fishing gear.  Not bass gear, ANY fishing gear.  DSG believes the cost of allocating space for fishing gear in a majority of their stores here is not a good financial decision.


Even more stunning is if you look at the So Cal counties of L.A., Orange & San Diego, population of over 16 million.  All those people, home to 16 of the 25 largest bass ever caught and exactly zero Bass Pro Shops.  The closest one is about 90 minutes inland from the coast, as you get closer to the local mountains.  I'm sure there have been marketing studies done with Johnny Morris just sitting there reading them, shaking his head saying "A store in that location just won't make money..."



fishing user avatarOkobojiEagle reply : 

PETA country?




fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 




When Mat-Punching with a 2-oz tungsten weight, flogging away at everything can be downright hazardous.

When a heavy weight takes flight, you better cross-your-legs. If it's flying low to the water, there goes your gelcoat!


There are other costs as well.

Due to false hook-sets I made in Rodman Reservoir, a couple of my expensive crankbaits are still embedded in stumps.



fishing user avatarPAGreg reply : 

The funniest thing I've ever heard while fishing was from a ski boat. Coldsvt and I were on one of the finger lakes and a ski boat was pulling a young boy on a tube. The entire time they are flying down the lake another boy on the boat is screaming to the driver "Kill him! Kill him!" He just kept screaming it until he got hoarse and Coldsvt and I were falling over from laughter.

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 

While fishing at the neighborhood docks, some ole guy stopped and asked what I was using. I replied,'plastic worm',and guy looked at me kind of strange and replied, 'them things don't work'

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 12/24/2014 at 7:02 AM, carolina bassin said:

While fishing at the neighborhood docks, some ole guy stopped and asked what I was using. I replied,'plastic worm',and guy looked at me kind of strange and replied, 'them things don't work'

Just curious young feller, how do you define "ole guy"? Anyone over.....

I remember when my younger brother thought middle age was 25. He was just 16 at the time.


fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

I don't really know since everyone says dumb stuff. I guess the most common is "did you just catch that?" and "is that a real fish?" In reality there is actually no real fish involved and they are talking about swimbaits. It's even more ridiculous when its a jointed hard bait with giant trebles hanging off. Sometimes I wonder what people think real fish look like and if they have ever actually seen one other then a filet in a store.

fishing user avatarTrek reply : 

I use to fish Federation for years. I ended up with hundreds of guys in my boat I never met before. Some were pretty good fisherman and some were pretty green. I drew this guy from his home lake in July and as we were sitting in the boat getting ready to go out  he asked me " are we going to do any bed fishing ? " I thought to myself this is going to be an interesting day. He ended up not being that bad of a fisherman. He just asked dumb questions.

fishing user avatarChrisWi reply : 

I was pitching docks in a Marina and a guy accused me of trying to snag salmon.

fishing user avatarOK Bass Hunter reply : 

Nothing I'm here gonna bite a lure that size. Three fish later, I think I changed his mind.

fishing user avatarPatrick Morrow reply : 

My friend was reading a fishing magazine and inside there were couple pictures of catches and most of them had some specific rapala lure, I don´t remember which one, in the mouth. At the last page of magazine there was commercial for that lure and my friend stated that this is going to be his must-buy lure before we head out next time. Then I had some explaining to do..

fishing user avatarJd_Phillips_Fishin reply : 
  On 12/26/2014 at 5:37 AM, *Hootie said:

Just curious young feller, how do you define "ole guy"? Anyone over.....

I remember when my younger brother thought middle age was 25. He was just 16 at the time.


He was in his mid to upper 60's
fishing user avatarCarolinaBoy4Life reply : 

Fishing a swimbait last year at a city pond here in NC near some hiking trails with some buddys. A guy comes walking up while were fishing and asks if I'm fishing for a whale cause the bait I have ain't gonna catch anything. It's too big for the fish. I'm fishing with a 6in Hudd. Next cast I hook into a 6lb bass. Look over at the guy and asked "Well looks like I found a new species of whale here in NC".

fishing user avatarHattrick7 reply : 

Fishing my community lake I've actually had people say "Oh did you catch that here?"

fishing user avatara1712 reply : 

Ike; I thought this was a community hole?

KVD; Yeah, but you're not a part of the community.

KVD turns to the camera man after Mike takes off in a huff and says" Me and Mike don't get along". Brian.

fishing user avatarfrankiebass reply : 

- C'mon it's not that fat!

  That fish is sick and surely has a stomach bug...

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I was fishing early one weekday morning between the docks and a swimming platform of a small resort on my home lake when the owner tells me I can't fish between the docks and the swim platform. I mean it was like 6am on a Tuesday and no one was around. He said he knew no one was there but later that day he had people coming. I kindly told him I wouldn't be there long and kept fishing.

fishing user avatarSDbassin reply : 

I was fishing a local lake a few years ago, actually my first time fishing for bass. Within 20 minutes of fishing the bank I landed my first ever bass and right as I lipped the fish a wife and husband were going by in kayaks 20 yards from shore and she yelled "nice halibut!" the husband turned and said to the wife "halibut don't live here, it looks like a 10 pound carp, nice carp bud." Another angler fishing for bass like 30 yards from me turned to me right after that and said, "ya, nice 10 pound carp bud." We both almost died from laughing so hard, the bass probably wasn't bigger than 2 pounds!

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

last year for opener, I wen to a small reservoir chain. I typically carry about 30 rods with me, and since it was opener I had all hands on deck. Over the course of an 8 Hr fishing trip I was told 4 times by 4 different people that MN law says you can only use 1 rod and that I was breaking the law. Each time I tried to correct the person and let them know it was just using one rod at any given time, but most thought I was just crazy. The last guy was very insistent that I was wrong so he calls up the sheriff telling him about me "breaking the law", so within an hour here comes a sheriff boat coming to investigate the claim and obviously he sees that I am not committing a crime all the while the guy on the boat that called it in was yelling at me from about 100ft away " I told you, you were going to get in trouble, but you wouldn't listen would you." If that wasn't bad enough apparently this guy had been drinking, and when the sheriff went over to his boat to inform him of the actual law he ended up giving the guy a DUI... what kind of idiot calls a sherif when you are intoxicated operating a boat...



fishing user avatarWillKirkgard reply : 

"I'm gonna slap it on you so hard today that your girlfriend is going to ask who abused you when you get back home" -Fishing guide in Alaska


"Do fish eat fishing line?" -Dumb friend


"Who can actually spend 100 dollars only on lures?" - Ex-girlfriend... Putting an emphasis on the ex part

fishing user avatarscaleface reply : 

Some of the best ones come from fellow bass anglers.


I was fishing a shallow rocky hump and  a bass boat is running fast right toward it. Im standing there waving my arms at him , I dont want him to tear up his rig. He stops and ask whats the matter. I tell him hes about to hit bottom. He says "I know, I hit it yesterday."


Im working my way down the bank and a bass angler pulls right in front of me and starts casting. Im peed but remain friendly. I ask if hes doing any good and he replies " Yesterday , I caught a 6 lber right where I cut you off."


Im fishing this spot and a tournament angler comes barreling in, shuts off his motor and ask "Are you fishing this spot?'

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 
  On 12/15/2014 at 12:44 PM, RSM789 said:

"yeah, sushi".

Now that is funny! LMAO

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

"There is fish here?" - As I reel in a 3 lb bass.

"Why do you need so many rods?" - While pond fishing from the bank, I just missed a fish on a spinnerbait and picked up my texas rigged worm and proceeded to catch a largie seconds after.

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

Oh and forgot this while fishing for panfish this guy goes...."I caught a trout!"  I was like there are no trout in this water.  Few minutes later he yelled "Another TROUT!"  When I looked over this time, it was no trout, it was a 12" large mouth.  I tried to educate him, but he was adamant even though I showed him the differences on the fishing regulations page.  He said "They aren't large mouth they don't taste that good, I know how Trout tastes."


I walked away. 

fishing user avatarsprint61 reply : 

"You won't catch nothing on that rubber thing."

My grandma used to tell me that all the time, but she's a cane pole red worm kind of women.

fishing user avatarTyTheAngler reply : 

"Weights Scare Away Bass"

fishing user avatarS Hovanec reply : 

While tied up at the dock, I had someone ask "how deep of water can you go in that boat?"

I told him "only 50'. Any deeper and i have to turn around".

He said "oh, that's pretty good!"

Managed to do it with a straight face too, meanwhile I'm dieing inside!

fishing user avatarAlpha Male reply : 

I was fishing last year with my wife who hunts and fishes almost as much as I do. She has no problem gutting a dear or pheasant. So anyway we have our limit of walleye and were looking for sunnies and crappies when she catches a medium sunnie, lifts it in the boat and as soon as she gets her hand around it she screams, "Oh My God, Ewww" and throws to fish back in the lake and shaking her hands off and then says,"its missing an eye,you have to unhook it for me!"

I haven't let her live that one down for a while. The socket was still pink so I don't think it had been too long since it lost the eye.

fishing user avatarfishinphilly reply : 

one time i was fishing a small creek for smallies in the summer only about 10-15 inches but its nice for a hot day and i usually catch around 25-30, well i was walking a trail and some older lady was jogging and i caught one about 12 inches and she couldn't really speak english and said ohh nice fish how many you catch and i told her today i caught about 12 so far and she got upset with me like i was lying to her and started arguing with me tell me to stop lying about it but she wasn't being friendly about it and i kept telling her i have no reason to lie to you but she insisted i was lying so i just moved on. Crazy person!


another time, this probably happens to everyone, but i was fishing a 5.5 in swim bait during the shad spawn and a couple comes over while I'm reeling in asking me if i caught anything and when i reel up they see the swim bait and swear I've just caught a fish, i had to hold it in my hand and show them it was just a lure and the guy said to me "you aren't gonna catch anything with that"


fun times!

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

"White rods blend in with the sky so the fish can't see it."

fishing user avatarpowerduster reply : 

Game warden: "the only thing living in this pond are pike. all the other fish were eaten."

Me: "wow, did not know that. i wonder how that happened."

fishing user avatarFunkJishing reply : 
  On 1/10/2015 at 6:23 AM, Felix77 said:

"White rods blend in with the sky so the fish can't see it."

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? :o that's bad man lol.

fishing user avatarBrent Christian reply : 

Before i had a licenses i was bad about still leaving at 530 to walk to a local lake, evertime i would get stopped cops would ask "You boys going fishing?" No sir were just walking aroud with fishing poles for no reason, needless to say they didn't like that answer lol

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I put this trailer on my spinnerbait because it has salt in it which makes the plastic sink faster so it makes my spinnerbait run deeper... 



fishing user avatarbasscatcher8 reply : 
  On 12/14/2014 at 1:51 AM, roadwarrior said:

Killin' 'em floating with the #1 trout guide on the White River with ghoti and Long Mike,

a "pretend to be a guide" with clients nearly ran over us basically in the middle of the

river (what a clown). As he paseed and we hooked up a double, we overheard the guide

explainin why they had not caught a fish:   "We have been fishing close  to the dam and

the water is just too cold for these trout."








I was with my uncle fishing on the white river on july 4th weekend and we launched in white hole and just stayed there cause there wasnt much water being pushed through the dam so hard to get any where. A bunch of guides were setup next to the ramp waiting for clients. While we were fishing there within earshot of the ramp I wish I had a recorder for the crazy crap I heard them guides spewing to their clients and it was getting eatin up. I had to laugh. If your a good showman you can survive guiding on the white river.

fishing user avatar96ecss reply : 

This didn't happen while fishing, but it's about fishing so I'll share it.


I was at a party at my cousins house. I was talking to my brother and my cousin about going fishing the next day. A guy who I never met before who was friends with my brother walks over and says to me "you go fishing?" I said yes. He started laughing and said "you fish all day and only catch 1 fish". I'm wondering who this guy is and where he got his mis-information from.


I said I've had many days where I caught way more than 1 fish and told him about some of the great days I've had fishing. He stopped laughing and asked if I was serious. I said yes. He got quiet and just stood there with a dumb look on his face.  After about a minute he said "I thought people just sit by a lake all day and only catch 1 fish".


I offered to take him fishing and show him that I wasn't lying. He said "no thanks, I don't like fishing" and walked away. It turns out that he grew up in a city and never went fishing in his life. He just saw the people sitting on buckets on the side of a lake fishing for whatever came along and bit their worms.



fishing user avatarDylcook91 reply : 
  On 1/14/2015 at 1:26 AM, 96ecss said:

"I thought people just sit by a lake all day and only catch 1 fish". Dave

Reminds me of this

fishing user avatar96ecss reply : 
  On 1/14/2015 at 7:50 AM, Dylcook91 said:

Reminds me of this


The funny thing is that I was talking to my brother about getting my boat ready for the next day. If the guy was paying attention to what I was saying, he would have known I wasn't one of those sit on the bucket fishermen.


fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 
  On 1/14/2015 at 1:26 AM, 96ecss said:

This didn't happen while fishing, but it's about fishing so I'll share it.


I was at a party at my cousins house. I was talking to my brother and my cousin about going fishing the next day. A guy who I never met before who was friends with my brother walks over and says to me "you go fishing?" I said yes. He started laughing and said "you fish all day and only catch 1 fish". I'm wondering who this guy is and where he got his mis-information from.


I said I've had many days where I caught way more than 1 fish and told him about some of the great days I've had fishing. He stopped laughing and asked if I was serious. I said yes. He got quiet and just stood there with a dumb look on his face.  After about a minute he said "I thought people just sit by a lake all day and only catch 1 fish".


I offered to take him fishing and show him that I wasn't lying. He said "no thanks, I don't like fishing" and walked away. It turns out that he grew up in a city and never went fishing in his life. He just saw the people sitting on buckets on the side of a lake fishing for whatever came along and bit their worms.



thats too funny! 

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 1/14/2015 at 7:50 AM, Dylcook91 said:

Reminds me of this


I have a shirt that says something similiar. Reads there's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the bank holding your rod.

While throwing an 8" triple trout last season I heard

"That's as big as the fish"

"What are you fishing for,sharks"

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 

Someone saw me fishing with a swimbait (in stocked trout waters) and said "Son, what does the game warden have to say to you when he sees you using that thing since it imitates a trout?" and "It does have TWO treble hooks on it, and some of those game wardens can be quite persnickety"...How am I supposed to respond to that, the only thing you can't do in stocked trout water here is use 2 hooks with "bait" on each of them, or fish two rods at once.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

I'd probably throw the hudd at him after he said persnickety.

fishing user avatarBluegiller reply : 
  On 1/14/2015 at 12:49 PM, everythingthatswims said:

Someone saw me fishing with a swimbait (in stocked trout waters) and said "Son, what does the game warden have to say to you when he sees you using that thing since it imitates a trout?" and "It does have TWO treble hooks on it, and some of those game wardens can be quite persnickety"...How am I supposed to respond to that, the only thing you can't do in stocked trout water here is use 2 hooks with "bait" on each of them, or fish two rods at once.

That's the nuttiest thing I have ever heard. It's like he is quoting fishing regulations from a hundred years ago or something.

fishing user avatarFloridaFishinFool reply : 

The line I always love to hear when you have a fish dangling off the line or showing off a photo of a fish you caught to hear someone say "Did you catch that?"


No, I did not catch that fish! It just jumped right out of the lake and right into my hands for a photo opportunity! Duh!   :laugh5:

fishing user avatarBaitMonkey1984 reply : 

I fish the same body of water at least 4 times a week from ice out till Archery Season in October. I have fished this lake, this frequency for several years and my girlfriend's family lives on the lake. Because of my time on this small body of water, I know everyone who fishes here regularly. One day, I was fishing the only real piece of structure, a sandbar in the middle of the lake that has a steep drop on one side and scattered boulders on the other. This guy pulls up in a brand new Nitro and trolls over to the side of my boat, and tells me I am fishing in his "secret spot". I laughed and laughed and laughed..


I told him that I fish this lake very often and I never saw him, and this isn't really anyone's "secret spot" it is a well known community hole.  He realized his attempt to bully me off my spot was not going to work and he got on the trolling motor to bully someone else off another one of his "secret spots." As he was tolling past me, he ran the trolling motor right into a submerged rock that is well known to everyone. "You think you would know where the rocks are on your secret spot." I have not seen that brand new Nitro back on the water.  :respect-059:


All he had to was pull up and cast a line, or ask me if he could fish there and we both could have caught em, no problem. He didn't have to go all KVD on me and try to bully me. I even thought about wanting him about the rock but knew his Motorguide would be fine and there would be no damage other than his pride. Still makes me laugh to this day 

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 
  On 1/16/2015 at 6:11 AM, BaitMonkey1984 said:

I fish the same body of water at least 4 times a week from ice out till Archery Season in October. I have fished this lake, this frequency for several years and my girlfriend's family lives on the lake. Because of my time on this small body of water, I know everyone who fishes here regularly. One day, I was fishing the only real piece of structure, a sandbar in the middle of the lake that has a steep drop on one side and scattered boulders on the other. This guy pulls up in a brand new Nitro and trolls over to the side of my boat, and tells me I am fishing in his "secret spot". I laughed and laughed and laughed..


I told him that I fish this lake very often and I never saw him, and this isn't really anyone's "secret spot" it is a well known community hole.  He realized his attempt to bully me off my spot was not going to work and he got on the trolling motor to bully someone else off another one of his "secret spots." As he was tolling past me, he ran the trolling motor right into a submerged rock that is well known to everyone. "You think you would know where the rocks are on your secret spot." I have not seen that brand new Nitro back on the water.  :respect-059:


All he had to was pull up and cast a line, or ask me if he could fish there and we both could have caught em, no problem. He didn't have to go all KVD on me and try to bully me. I even thought about wanting him about the rock but knew his Motorguide would be fine and there would be no damage other than his pride. Still makes me laugh to this day 

Borrowed (and edited) lines from Office Space:


"No. No, man. (heck), no, man. I believe you'd get your (hiney) kicked sayin' something like that, man."

fishing user avatarJrob78 reply :

fishing user avatarnine reply : 

Only dumb because I wondered if there was any some truth to it...


So I was bass fishing on the bank of a gravel-pit in the winter and this guy who was trout fishing it started up a conversation about his Florida record bass he won some $ for.... he managed to get me actually wondering for a second because he was specifying that is was a "rare bucketmouth strain of Florida largemouth bass". I've caught a couple bass in my 20+ years of bass fishing... but this was actually a first... I played along with it thinking he was just around with me...


I saw the photo... nice older heavy largemouth bass... but it was in my opinion it was just a nice old larger than avg fish that wasn't obese, but just old and in great shape.


Then I thought about it... some of the 9 black bass species have been discovered over the last 50 years and genetically classified... (and I'm ready for the rapid-fire remarks) because this might be the oldest joke played on someone in the bass fishing culture that I don't know about... or is there actually a subspecies of the FL largemouth that is not just an older fish with a larger head... but naturally has a bigger jaw and mouth than the regular northern and Florida strains? A very rare mutation? I have caught my share of beautiful bass with melanosis... incredible black coloration... that's usually environmentally triggered. I've caught some older bass with some huge mouths... but this is something with noticeable proportions for size. Not just a lean older bass.


I need proof this isn't one of the better bass jokes played on ppl or maybe the guy just didn't know what the hell he talking about... but the "rare" factor was the hook of intrigue that lured me in to actually ask this one... remember I'm still thinkin it's either a joke, the guy was misinformed, or embellishing the truth. If not I hope I didn't just start a crazy search for the "Infamous Rare Biggermouth Bucketmouth Bass"... Only way I'll go farther into this one is if someone shows genetic biological evidence of this.


If it wasn't the dumbest bass related thing I can remember hearing recently... it's definitely got me asking one of the dumbest bass questions I've ever asked on a forum lol!

fishing user avatarnine reply : 
  On 1/16/2015 at 6:11 AM, BaitMonkey1984 said:

I fish the same body of water at least 4 times a week from ice out till Archery Season in October. I have fished this lake, this frequency for several years and my girlfriend's family lives on the lake. Because of my time on this small body of water, I know everyone who fishes here regularly. One day, I was fishing the only real piece of structure, a sandbar in the middle of the lake that has a steep drop on one side and scattered boulders on the other. This guy pulls up in a brand new Nitro and trolls over to the side of my boat, and tells me I am fishing in his "secret spot". I laughed and laughed and laughed..


I told him that I fish this lake very often and I never saw him, and this isn't really anyone's "secret spot" it is a well known community hole.  He realized his attempt to bully me off my spot was not going to work and he got on the trolling motor to bully someone else off another one of his "secret spots." As he was tolling past me, he ran the trolling motor right into a submerged rock that is well known to everyone. "You think you would know where the rocks are on your secret spot." I have not seen that brand new Nitro back on the water.  :respect-059:


All he had to was pull up and cast a line, or ask me if he could fish there and we both could have caught em, no problem. He didn't have to go all KVD on me and try to bully me. I even thought about wanting him about the rock but knew his Motorguide would be fine and there would be no damage other than his pride. Still makes me laugh to this day 

He was "trolling" alright... sounds like he should learn how to fish before manning a nice boat like that. :) KVD is a trollfessional lol?

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

"search baits"

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
  On 1/17/2015 at 10:52 AM, Red Earth said:

"search baits"

We can always count on you to stir the pot a bit Red Earth.LOL How about "my Ugly Stik is just as good as your NRX".

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 
  On 1/17/2015 at 9:13 PM, K_Mac said:

We can always count on you to stir the pot a bit Red Earth.LOL How about "my Ugly Stik is just as good as your NRX".

i was being dead serious...if it happens to stir the pot then so be it lol

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I hear, Theres no fish here all the time from people as they leave skunked. I don't do much fishing when these people are near me. That's why I fish in the dark till dawn when no one is there but the two guys I know.


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