Do you prefer to go solo or bring someone along fishing? I know I like going alone, for many reasons.
I prefer to fish alone unless it's with my son.
I like both. I'm probably about half and half. I think there are positives to both. I like the serenity of being out by myself. I like going out with a friend as well. Sometimes I like the fish to myself and others I like to share the experience. Sure is nice to have someone helping with fuel though when I'm in the glass boat.
depends, a lot of times though its nice to be alone with your thoughts
Alone. Most of the rest of my life requires me to be social. Fishing is the best way I have found to get away from people for awhile.
Not very often that I get annoyed with myself.
Both. I enjoy being alone sometimes, but other times I like having a friend to talk to, crack jokes with, and catch fish with.
Reminds me of a good George Thorogood And The Destroyers song...
I fish alone, yeah / With nobody else
I fish alone, yeah / With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I fish alone / I prefer to be by myself
I used to fish alone, met and married the woman of my dreams and now it's always the two of us.
Beautiful, rides motorcycles and fishes. I have the PERFECT woman!
Having company sometimes make fishing even more enjoyable. I seem to get the most bites when I am chatting away with my buddy. Sadly, I also miss the most bites as well chatting with him...
I enjoy fishing with someone most of the time, but fishing alone is great.
Both, depending on my mood. I really enjoy taking someone new out and watching their excitement when we do well. I especially like passing on my fishing addiction to my grandchildren.
Depends on who it is. Although in general I love to pass the sport on, I honestly don't like taking someone who has no idea how to fish bc it's more just me teaching them instead of fishing myself. Selfish, I know. I can only do it every once in a while.
I love fishing with my brother, and also with my boss, who loves fishing and hunting.
But for the most part, I'm out there alone.
I prefer alone. But I'll sometimes take my daughter, who doesn't like fishing as much as I do but loves making noise and getting in front of where I'm casting. My dad is now in his 70's and fishing wears him out.
I have a buddy I'll go with sometimes when he invites me because he has a boat. That's the only way easier than taking my kayak. When I go with him I usually bring home some fish to clean.
I enjoy fishing alone and with a friend. I used to go alone quite a bit at night when I had my boat because I liked to stay until I was ready to come home which was usually 4 or 5 in the morning. I used to take friends at night with the stipulation they were stuck until I was ready to pack it in unless there was an emergency. So they knew what they were getting into beforehand. LOL. I hate to hear someone belly aching about how late it's getting...Otherwise I enjoy fishing with someone who is like-minded and won't give in until we both agree we've had enough...
On lakes I prefer alone but I'll take a friend every now and then. Ponds I like to go with a friend.
I'd have to say both. Bringing a friend is great as long as that friend can cast, it's nothing like spending all day pulling up on a great looking spot and their first cast is in the trees. Going alone also great because I seem to accomplish more. What I mean is that I spend most of the time locked on the sonar trying to figure out new spots, but when a friend comes along I generally take them to spots that I'm pretty sure will produce so I'm not trying out new stuff.
Sounds like a hat trick and that's almost always a winner. I got two outa three and it's worked for 45yrs.On 8/11/2015 at 1:13 AM, boydn1 said:I used to fish alone, met and married the woman of my dreams and now it's always the two of us.
Beautiful, rides motorcycles and fishes. I have the PERFECT woman!
I prefer having a companion along, especially if momma doesn't know.
I have 4 sons & 5 grandsons
On 8/11/2015 at 3:06 AM, MDBowHunter said:I'd have to say both. Bringing a friend is great as long as that friend can cast, it's nothing like spending all day pulling up on a great looking spot and their first cast is in the trees. Going alone also great because I seem to accomplish more. What I mean is that I spend most of the time locked on the sonar trying to figure out new spots, but when a friend comes along I generally take them to spots that I'm pretty sure will produce so I'm not trying out new stuff.
I still cast into trees. Not so much with a BC, but since I'm still kinda new to spinning reels and not used to the release times, I tend to catch a lot of tree bass with them.
I generally fish by myself. I don't have patient friends.
I do take my boy often.
Mainly alone @ 4am.
I prefer to take my dog. He has yet to complain about a bad day.
I like fishing with my friend, but I definitely fish better alone. I focus more on fishing instead of trying to outfish him. (Everything's a competition for him.)
I fish to get away from people. alone, alone, alone.
I fish alone . Theres a lot of family and friends the spincaster crowd that want to go with me, I just want to be by myself .
Prefer to fish alone unless my Brother is in town. We have a great time together.
I like to fish alone. I've gone with a friend before but don't enjoy it as much. Now, I am more of a "loner" so to speak. But I just enjoy being out on the lake listening to the birds and watching a beautiful sunset. It's so peaceful. It's a great way to deal with stress and just clear your mind. Can't really do that with other people with you, I can't at least.
Its pleasant to have some company to talk fishing to. Be it an old fishing buddy or some random soul at the pond.
There was a time when loved the serenity of fishing alone. Many trips I would drop my boat in on Tuesday afternoon and not come back to the ramp until Friday. Now its a few years later and I prefer to fish with others, especially those that are better than I.
always alone... I fish twice a day 6 to 7 days a week and maybe I fish once every 3 months with someone.
Fish alone 99% of the time. Then, once I have a lake/season/species figured out I'll take a friend or relative out and show them some great fishing. It's a lot of fun seeing peoples' reactions to catching huge fish one after another.
Most of the time I'm solo because I stay out for 12+ hrs, a few times 24+...I know...I should seek help.
But who else is crazy enough to stay out long enough for sunset to moonrise to sunrise?
"...and now of course I usually fish the big waters alone, although some friends think I shouldn't. Like many fly fishermen in western Montana where the summer days are almost Arctic in length, I often do not start fishing until the cool of the evening. Then in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise."
- Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It
On 8/11/2015 at 1:52 AM, Senko lover said:Depends on who it is. Although in general I love to pass the sport on, I honestly don't like taking someone who has no idea how to fish bc it's more just me teaching them instead of fishing myself. Selfish, I know. I can only do it every once in a while.
I love fishing with my brother, and also with my boss, who loves fishing and hunting.
But for the most part, I'm out there alone.
I agree with you. The only exception was/is when I go fishing with my kids (they are now 24 and 21 years old). When Mrs thomas15 wants to go out, I'm good. lets go!
Neil McCauley. also I agree with you. I'm have a heck of a hard time figuring out a local lake and one of my friends is always wanting to go out. He doesn't know what he is doing and seems to think it's easy. It's not easy and I really don't appreciate the attitude. I spend hours planning my attack, selecting location, presentation, time so forth and to my friend it's fishing it cannot possibly be hard. I don't have a complex, it's just I don't enjoy making umpteen numbers of suggestions to someone who has no clue when I'm having my own problems trying to figure things out.
A little of both when I fish from the boat and always solo when I shore fish. To be honest I probably am not a good fishing partner, I get so focused in on fishing that I almost forget someone else is in the boat. It also sucks when you take someone out and the bite is off and you can't get them fish, or worse you are killing it and they are getting zip.
Im half and half. I love both. Im very sociable and love fishing and love sharing these moments with others. If I could, id fish everytime with my wife but with two kids in diapers, it doesn't always happen.
I have a fishing buddy I love going with but my off days are during the week and his are the weekend.
So every time I go, its not often but its always different. Diff people or myself and I enjoy them equally every time. I want to start filming while I fish bc there is always a story and I want to save and share the moment, especially when i have others fish with me.
When I fish on a boat I prefer with a buddy. From my yak and the bank I prefer fishing alone.
On 8/11/2015 at 1:13 AM, boydn1 said:I used to fish alone, met and married the woman of my dreams and now it's always the two of us.
Beautiful, rides motorcycles and fishes. I have the PERFECT woman!
My wife went fishing with me exactly once, when we were dating, almost 20 years ago. She, her dad, her grandpa, and I, all in a little boat, puttin' the hurt on some bluegill and sunfish. She had fun, but has never expressed the slightest interest in doing it again, with any of us. Nowadays, when I fish with somebody else, it is with her dad and her uncle more than anyone, and with them it's always for walleye and crappie, never bass (although I always have a few texas rigs and topwaters to ready to throw to likely largemouth targets -- they just shake their heads when I catch one...they don't get it, and probably never will).
I enjoy both. It's fun sharing time on the water with friends. I also like fishing by myself because I can just worry about catching fish instead of trying to make sure someone else is having fun too.
On 8/11/2015 at 2:08 AM, stkbassn said:I enjoy fishing alone and with a friend. I used to go alone quite a bit at night when I had my boat because I liked to stay until I was ready to come home which was usually 4 or 5 in the morning. I used to take friends at night with the stipulation they were stuck until I was ready to pack it in unless there was an emergency. So they knew what they were getting into beforehand. LOL. I hate to hear someone belly aching about how late it's getting...Otherwise I enjoy fishing with someone who is like-minded and won't give in until we both agree we've had enough...
that's why i fish alone, i hate to hear "can we go now '' !! i like to fish how ever long i want and prefer to fish by myself , don't like people to interfere with me while i'm in the Zone ...
then again , if they have their own transportation and keep quiet , it will be all good
Unless one of my daughters wants to go fishing, I go alone.
On 8/11/2015 at 5:09 AM, Rob96 said:Prefer to fish alone unless my Brother is in town. We have a great time together.
On 8/11/2015 at 1:16 PM, Bluebasser86 said:I enjoy both. It's fun sharing time on the water with friends. I also like fishing by myself because I can just worry about catching fish instead of trying to make sure someone else is having fun too.
My reasons are really that there are what, only I know three people as hardcore as me live near, and they always are caught up in something. I don't like fishing with someone that likes wearing a neon Under Armour shirt and shorts with no facial wear and shouts about sunburn. And then there was a guy leery about three feet of water. It took me the whole afternoon to explain to him he is 5' 9", and that I can swim. Whenever I bring a kid with me to spread the hobby, the parents are always concerned that there is a small drizzle, and balk at the last moment. Then the kid who says he is interested plays on his phone the whole time and makes poor casts and ignore what I say. The people that have the time really make it hard to fish, especially when they make a whole hour without catching a bluegill, and they shout about it. When in reality, they use a 4" grub on a bobber. I tell them to use a nightcrawler, but they are always leery of worms or want to catch big fish. I explain the part about casting and reeling it in, but no. No one listens.
Rant over. But again, I only brought 5 kids out on the water, three being relatives, two being close friends of my parents. All of them are really gamers, though. I brought out 2 more older people, but they are really not the type to fish, even though they say they are interested. Overall, bring alone beats fishing with someone else for me, although I would like it if someone skilled was fishing with me, and I wouldn't mind teaching truly interested people.
On 8/11/2015 at 1:16 PM, Bluebasser86 said:I can just worry about catching fish instead of trying to make sure someone else is having fun too.
Exactly. I have a lot more success when I'm not trying to put others on fish .
It helps if you and your fishing buddy are like-minded. The guy I fish with all the time is all about the hunt, which is how I am. Every cast is an opportunity. And, even if you are fishing with someone, when you have a friend like that, you can still be alone with your thoughts.
I prefer to fish with someone but probably spend 95% of the time fishing alone. Fishing with my family isn't really fishing. Its family time and I don't count that because I will be lucky on some days if I get to make 1 cast with my own rod.
The key is to find guys that get it. That understand that they aren't going to catch a fish on every cast and that sometimes you need to work for each bite. That understand it may be necessary to run 20 miles to find better fish even though the small keepers are biting like crazy right where we are at. That understand that when we go fishing we are fishing until our wives demand that we come home and not because we are bored, hungry or tiered.
I have fished with so many types of people that like to "catch" fish but don't really love fishing. A handful of these guys are past or present tournament anglers who seem to only really love the competition, gambling, or fast boat aspect of tourney fishing and a few others were buddies that probably grew up fishing with a guide doing all the work and didn't realize that bass fishing was difficult and we don't troll.
I think I have been pretty fortunate to have a couple of buddies (even though they live on the other side of the state) that can fish all day and love it just like most of us.
On 8/11/2015 at 10:19 PM, lecisnith said:It helps if you and your fishing buddy are like-minded. The guy I fish with all the time is all about the hunt, which is how I am. Every cast is an opportunity. And, even if you are fishing with someone, when you have a friend like that, you can still be alone with your thoughts.
Couldn't have said it any better.
This may have already been mentioned. But when kayaking, it's a good idea to have a buddy around. People who know how to swim drown in bath tubs. Having said that, I usually kayak alone. I do dumb stuff sometimes.
Given an option out of anything, I prefer to be out there with my dad. I also like going with my girlfriend that I introduced to the sport. Her excitement over catching a bass is unbeatable.
Other than those two, alone. That way if I feel inclined to stay out for 5,6,7 hours, I don't have to worry about how anyone else feels about it.
I primarily fish alone. I enjoy the time to myself, and I tend to want to go to areas of the lake/pond/river that are difficult to get to, so that really shrinks the pool of people that I can bring along with me. I like fishing alone, because I get time and privacy to myself, but I also like sharing the experience with someone every now and then. My old fishing buddy has been straying from fishing a bit, and now doesn't make time to get up at 4am to go anymore, or go out till sunset. Only been out on the water with another person half a dozen times this year, and its probably going to stay that way. I don't know of any other fisherman my age who takes it as seriously as I do. I would like to go fishing with someone else some more, but alot of the older guys in my area dismiss us young fellas.
Depends on where and how I'm fishing. If I'm taking the yak out to fish I prefer to have someone with me for safety concerns. If on the river I will never take yak out alone. Bank fishing I prefer alone unless it's my son.
I like to fish alone. But depending on who the buddy is. I have a friend i dont mind fishing with but i got another friend that drives me nuts
Speaking of fishing with wives... here is the wife unit upon arrival to the lake the one and only time we ever went fishing. A perfect June morning!
As you can see, even at 5AM, she could hardly contain her excitement.
And... back in the car 30 minutes later.
By myself ~ I'm fishing alone.
With my soulmate ~ I'm Guiding".
On 8/12/2015 at 1:48 AM, Neil McCauley said:Speaking of fishing with wives... here is the wife unit upon arrival to the lake the one and only time we ever went fishing. A perfect June morning!
As you can see, even at 5AM, she could hardly contain her excitement.
And... back in the car 30 minutes later.
Is she sleeping in the car with va Coach tackle bag?
Both for me.
If I am not taking my kids, or fishing a tournament, 99% of the time I am alone. I sometimes prefish for a tournament with my partner, but we often split up, him in his boat, me in mine, and combine our best ideas/plans/areas. A couple times a year I'll hook up with a fellow, local Bass Resource member and go out for a day. Not to sound like "that guy" but other than a few other tournament fisherman buddies I have, not too many casual fisherman can tolerate they way I fish....which is often from sun up to sun down, full on "game time" mode, working my butt off, no goofing around, with maybe..........MAYBE a short break for lunch. Good fishing or bad, I don't know how to turn it off (unless I have the kids in the boat) which, has probably chased people away, and the #1 reason why my wife, or other family members will not fish with me. But hey.............look at all the tackle money I have won in the last 5 years by being so focused LMAO.
I have a few friends I fish with, but they aren't serious. I fish three different lakes, each one once a week.
So many people just can't find time to fish three days a week which leaves me fishing on my own, which I prefer anyway...
The majority of the time it's just me and my dog. I also like to go with my twin brother when we get the chance.
i used to always fish and hunt with my dad, since he has been gone (since 2011) im pretty much a loner.
Always alone.
My 4 year old doesn't last 15 mins at the lake anymore. It's not often I get to go these days.
Most of the time I fish alone. I get out once or twice a year with a friend, the only times we're not working or committed to other things. I've fished here and there with a friend's son whose fighting lukemia when he's feeling strong enough. My daughter is 15 now, so I'm a ride/wallet...
When I fish, I like to be on the lake before daylight and I almost always fish all day; sometimes until after dark. No one I know likes to fish that long...
I fish alone 95% of the time. Sometimes I go back to the dock to pick up a friend's 10-year-old girl to fish part of the day.
Tight lines,
I like both. Sometimes I get irritated with people on my boat but sometimes I like the company. I usually offer my kids or a buddy the chance to go, if they can't, which is pretty common, I go alone and enjoy the peace and quiet.
I dont mind fishing alone.
I never fish alone. Im kind of lucky in the fact that I have 3.5 friends that are as crazy as me. The .5 guy can do 4 or 5 hrs so he's good for after work trips.
I do both. I have some restrictions though. I will always go with my old man, no exceptions. If it is somebody else, we have to go out in my boat. I got tired of being drug around to areas that I knew the fish weren't in. So now I make sure that I am in control.
I really enjoy fishing with others that are as much of a fisherman as I am, but most of the time I fish solo with my kayak. Most of my buddies aren't as enthusiastic about bass fishing as I am, so they don't stay on the water as long, thus why I fish alone most of the time. I know some guys a little further out that are on par with my love for fishing, and it's always a good time out fishing with them.
I like alone no talking when I'm in the zone.
The majority of the time I'm alone. I occasionally go with my brother of his boy but the times I like the best are with my wife.
Offshore always, too hard to gaff or net s good sized fish alone. inshore or freshwater I prefer alone.
I fish alone most of the time but i enjoy fishing with others.I like the time alone because its peaceful but i enjoy sharing fishing ideas and learning from others as well.I have had friends tell me "hey i fish the same lure but here's how i do it" and sometimes its something i would have never thought of.Just can't get that fishing by yourself.
I fish alone all the time. That way I can start when I like, quit when I want to, fish the way I want to, don't have to worry about maneuvering the boat a certain way, etc.
On 8/13/2015 at 8:16 PM, jdw174 said:I fish alone all the time. That way I can start when I like, quit when I want to, fish the way I want to, don't have to worry about maneuvering the boat a certain way, etc.
Me to. Its hard to parallel cast when you have to give someone else room to cast to .
I end up fishing alone 99% of the time. Ive offered to take just about everyone I know but it seems like they just like to talk about being "fishermen" when they find out im not just heading out to watch a bobber for a couple hours while getting wasted they dont wanna come with. Now when my brother comes to town its a different story, he was just up here for 3 days and it was sun up to sun down rain or shine power was fantastic.
99.9% alone.
Couple of reasons.
1) I fish during the week and any friend is working at that time.
2) I leave the house no later than 5am. I don't fish evenings so I can spend time with my wife.
3) I haven't met anyone that loves fishing as much as me.
Most of the people I know don't really know how to fish properly.
I take them out and they will just haphazardly throw a jointed rapala in the water and reel it in.
When I tell them you have to think like a fish, and where would you hide if you were the fish.
They just look at me like I'm nuts
On 8/12/2015 at 3:23 PM, Dennis1972 said:i used to always fish and hunt with my dad, since he has been gone (since 2011) im pretty much a loner.
Keep those memories tight to your heart.
You were lucky.
My dad left the house when I was 2 weeks old. I never fished with him let alone did anything with him.
I'm typically alone for the simple fact that none of my good buddies are as adamant as me in regards to getting out early, staying all/most of the day, and not getting upset when you have those days of one baby perch for 10 hours of fishing.
My dad is usually my only fishing buddy and since he's retired he goes to the farm a lot to prepare our crops and stands for deer/turkey season. Maybe the problem is that I don't take enough time to help on the farm. and it's right next to Table Rock!!!!! Why am I here right now?!?!?!?!?! Table Rock here I come!!!!!!
I prefer to fish alone. It is my time to relax, enjoy nature, and fish where and how I want. I also like fishing with a friend. I always feel safer if someone is with me in case there is any mechanical problems or other trouble out on the water or roadways. Chatting with a friend while fishing is good for the soul.
I have the luxury of having multiple friends that are as hardcore or harder than me when it comes to fishing. This is great most of the time sun up to sun down but turns into a double edge sword when it's your turn to take friend x in your boat but you want to go with friend y in theirs or maybe you have been going with friend x the last three times but owe friend y a trip so on so forth. You end up trying to decide or flipping a coin not to mention when you want to go by yourself. I really don't mind fishing with my wife I fish she does whatever but it only happens once or twice a year with a three yr old and a teenager time gets short splitting it between everyone
I like both. I enjoy my time on the water by myself, but it is also good to have someone there when the fish aren't biting. Also, I'm not very good at it yet, and learn something almost everytime I'm on the water with someone.
Nowadays, I need a partner. My health has taken a nose dive and can't do much more than get in the boat, drive the boat, and fish. Plus, weekends here are mass chaos at the marinas. That stresses me. Hopefully, I'll find a partner for weekday afternoons, or late afternoon and at night. I live next to Lake Tawakoni, East of Dallas, and Lake Fork is less than hour's drive. I have an aide that comes in to help me, 8a-1230p, M-F, hence, preferring to fish weekday afternoons. Anyone reading this, from this area, wanting go fishing with me, shoot me a message. I guess you can do that somewhere on this site.
I prefer to fish alone as I tend to stay out a lot longer than most people can tolerate , I also seem to do better alone in terms of catching big fish as most people focus on numbers and are happy with 1& 2 lbers .
mostly with another or others for me but sometimes alone.
I like to go alone and just tune into nature.
but I also like having a buddy along to fish with and have a little fishing competition with. Also it's funner when you're skunked for the day.
I'm a both kind of guy, but lately I've been teaching my neighbor how to fish for bass with plastics. At 1st it was a pain in the A@% but then he caught on and has lost some nice fish. I believe he looks forward to the trips more than I and it's brought back some of the newness of the sport. A nice day by myself brings the world back to semi- normal.
I love fishing with my husband, he helps me a lot especially when i get snagged
I fish from a kayak so even when i am with somebody else, I am still alone. I don't care either way as I am there to fish and don't really notice all the other crap going on around me
I usually fish alone. If I fish with buddies its either for social or some competition between us if we are feeling competitive.
On 8/11/2015 at 1:13 AM, boydn1 said:I used to fish alone, met and married the woman of my dreams and now it's always the two of us.
Beautiful, rides motorcycles and fishes. I have the PERFECT woman!
Is this a picture of your wife?
I would never fish with a person, that talks weather or changes lures every 5 minutes and whines about a slow bite. Topics of conversation of rods, reels, lines, lures, and techniques, are verboten, that's like scratching fingernails on a chaulkboard. Above all don't tell me how good your FG knot is with a 15" fish on the line, lol.
I want peace and quiet and someone that can keep up with me.
I never fish alone, always go with someone.(A few of my buddies are as dedicated as I am and will literally go fishing sunrise to sunset) without whining, which is always good. Plus we always learn from eachother one way or another.
I've had to stop posting fish pics to FB because inevitable there's 3 people I didn't call to see if they wanted to go out first. Now I just keep them to myself for the most part.
That said, I have a few close friends I try SO HARD to get to come out and they are the worst at getting back to me or making time.
My eldest sister recently told me I don't suffer fools lightly. That may have just been her way of saying I'm intolerant of others. I can't say for certain. Anyway, I guess it all depends upon the company and/or their level of enthusiasm, etc. If a person is late (more than 15 minutes) to the truck or the ramp, they likely won't be invited back. If it feels like work to be with them, they probably won't be invited back. If they whine constantly because it's too cold, too hot, or too buggy, they won't be invited back (unless I feel the same way too). If they are super competitive and remind me every five minutes that they are three fish ahead of me, they won't be invited back. If, on the other hand, they are fairly punctual, curious, willing to learn, and like to be out for its own sake, they are good candidates.
SOMETIMES I like to go out by myself simply so I can concentrate on whichever whim I choose and not have to worry about if I am boring or disrespecting the rights of the other person(s) in the boat. If I want to bury my boat in the weeds and vertically jig into a hole for 15 minutes, I like to be able to do so. Sometimes I like to be utterly selfish. About every 3rd or 4th (or sometimes even 2nd) trip needs to be a loner trip for this reason.
Mostly alone. I do take my friends every now and then to watch them be on their phone the whole time.
Ive done both but my fav is fishing with my dad, I soaking up every min I can with him he's my best friend PS. don't tell my wife haha
Most times I fish alone, because I like the freedom to do and go where I want. That could mean leaving a spot and driving off to another area that could be an hour away or go to multiple spots a day. I enjoy fishing with my dad every now and then, and also fish with a friend. Actually, my brother does this alot and sometimes my buddy too: they put in their ear buds and crank up the music really loud. they literally can't hear anything around them. It's annoying as hell.