Nice, looking forward to picking up this issue.
In case anyone would like to subscribe you can at this site
First of all welcome to the forum !!!
I was waiting for you to chime in at one point or another, lol.
I am not a current subscriber, but knowing who is in charge of the mag now it looks to be on a much better path than the recent past, the mag in the years past was hard to beat, it sounds like you have a great plan layed down and I wish you nothing but success, all of those long hours and day's will pay off in the very near future.
Good luck and God bless !!!
Mumpy, thanx for the info !!!
Wish you much luck, but to quote Egon Spengler "print is dead"
Thanks for the post... I had wondered where my "missing issue" was. I'm looking forward to getting the new issue(s) and seeing all the improvements you're making.
FWIW, I always enjoy those "Readers' Tips" sections!
I'll have to see if I have the $99.00 for the lifetime subscripion. How long will that offer be in effect (Father's Day is coming up!)?
On 5/26/2012 at 3:05 AM, reason said:Wish you much luck, but to quote Egon Spengler "print is dead"
I'm willing to bet this guy has an Apple sticker on his car.
On 5/26/2012 at 3:05 AM, reason said:Wish you much luck, but to quote Egon Spengler "print is dead"
nope it just smells funny
QuoteYes, I am selling a lifetime subscription for $99
So does that mean I get 4 issues instead of 3?
I have been a subscriber twice in the past with the same results both times. I'll get something like 2 issues one month, another one 3 months later, and never see another. I hope things change because I think it's one of the more informative publications out there. I'm weary about subscribing again. Best of luck and maybe one day I'll come back.
On 5/26/2012 at 12:47 AM, braduhl said:First, let me introduce myself, I am BRAD UHL, and I have purchased BASSIN' Magazine as of Jan 1, 2012. Some of you have read the current issue, and already knew that, some don't know why they havent seen an issue in over 7 months. The Summer issue is on its way to you, and even better than the spring issue.I have received several emails, about anything and everything bashing BASSIN' magazine on this website. I wanted to give you all a chance to not only look a gift horse in the mouth, but have a chance to talk to him as well. FACE TO FACE! Its easy behind someones back, but I'll do you one better than that, what the last owners didn't do, 918-364-4210 is our office number, and if you want to call on my dime, its 800-554-1999, or direct email to me, Call or email your questions or concerns.I have been employed by this publishing company for the past 12 years, on and off. I have had several positions here, including customer service manager. Taking that into consideration when I purchased this magazine, I took in everything complaint wise that I had heard over the years and tried to correct that. Mailings of the magazine being the #1 one on the list. Other issues I am trying to address one at a time, like the print of the font is to small. No more stupid "you won a rod and reel" sweepstakes only to be in a drawing. Bringing back the "BASSIN' talk" section, hell, I one upped you, I am putting anglers like yourselves on the COVER!You want your stories from the pro's. Ladies and Gentleman, these are not written by the pros, they are written by the pro's publicist. Paraphrasing sometimes, sometimes not. I have pros on staff, that are writing their OWN things. Pick up the new issues, take a look.Not being published in over 7 months, left a lot of subscribers wondering where, and high and dry. I decided to fulfill remaining subscriptions, althought I didn't have too. I worked 18 hour plus days, several weeks in a row, with no salary right now, and I built this magazine from scratch, by myself, to get it out on the newsstand and in the mail to the subscribers. Is it perfect? NOPE. I know more mistakes that you, I promise. BUT! A magazine went out. And it was my first. It was on time. It is on the newsstands, AND mailed to ALL current subscribers. Each one will get better, and adding over 3500 new subscribers since JAN just shows some of you have faith. The next issue will be even better. There are several new sections in the magazines, and more are coming. Big changes including an updated website, facebook is open and you can friend BASSIN' there, and twitter.So I read a thread, of BASSIN' has a new "GIMMICK" Well let me assure you its not gimmick, and other posters here that have ordered have verified. Yes, I am selling a lifetime subscription for $99, and you can be on the cover, have your BASSIN' story published, receive a very large tackle pack, and other benefits. And you get a lifetime to CRAPPIE WORLD included. Both magazines for $99. True story, search the forums and see.I am here to publish this magazine, and make it the best ever. I have seen it in its prime, and unlike others, I do not golf and use this magazine to fund my other hobby, I am an angler, just like all of you. Comments and complaints and suggestions are absolutly welcome! But be ready for the truth. If you don't think you will like the answer, don't ask. I am an angler, I am one of you. I will treat you the way you treat me!Thank you,BRAD UHL
Thanks for the information Brad. I have picked up copies of Bassin' magazine in the past and hated the fact that it was only published once in a blue moon. I think anglers like to see new magazines at least every other month which makes it worthwhile to subscribe to. I did pick up a copy of your new magazine and I was impressed with what you said you were wanting to make it. I believe you can make a go of it and if you provide alot of information in each issue, I will definitely become a subscriber. Keep us up to date and it would be great if you could have at least 6 issues per year.
I always liked the magazine, but dropped it many years ago. My reason was not because of the magazine content, but what I perceived as heavy pressure and deceptive selling tactics. Like sending an invoice for the renewal after the first issue of the current subscription and things along those lines. It would've been very easy to keep renewing unwittingly if one didn't pay attention to the details.
I'd consider it again under new management.
Print may be dead, bit I'm one old-fashioned guy who'd rather leaf through a book or magazine on a comfortable couch rather than sit in front of a monitor.
Picked it up.Lookin good.Looking forward to the coming issues.
I enjoy Bassin' and have purchased quite a few issues in the past. The only thing I noticed in the last magazine was a large number of grammatical and spelling errors. Of course, these are minor as I was able to get the info no problem. It does add to the "quality" of the magazine though. Good luck and will be waiting for the next issue to hit the rack.
It has been a number of years since I picked up an issue of Bassin magazine. A very long time ago, I subscribed once and didn't renew.
The reason my interest in this magazine waned at the time was that it seemed to me that magazine management was primarily interested in pimping products and had a passing secondary interest in conveying fishing information.
Don't get me wrong, I like advertisements. I like to look at pictures, get ideas for new stuff that's available and I understand that magazines don't get published without advertising. My issue was more on the content side, which to me seemed like it was all about pimping product as well.
Brad, I'm pretty certain that there is a happy medium between pimping products and conveying useful fishing information in an entertaining and informative manner. I hope you find it.
All magazines will change over time. I can recall the old mid 70's era Fishing Facts magazines, where a product would be mentioned once or twice and that was it. I can recall the old In-Fisherman magazine, when the Lindners owned it. Thick 150 page + magazines that would have a place on your magazine pile for months. I recall 15 page articles on the principles of spinnerbaits and why you'd choose one blade over another. Now, some conglomerate owns In-fisherman and the magazines are much thinner now.
For the record, I do remember that both these magazines mentioned were multi-species oriented and that there were many articles that didn't especially apply to me. I was motivated to seriously upgrade my catfish gear, which I religiously use once or twice a year. Now I'm rambling, so I'll stop.
Anyway, good luck on your publishing endeavor. I will look for it on the news stand and pick up the next several issues.
For the most part, print is dead, but for some things, it is alive and well. Fishing magazines are one of those things. I'm not keeping a Kindle or iPad in the drawer of the "Oval Office," but it is a place for Bassmaster and the Cabela's catalog.
Brad, I'm am very happy to hear that you are willing to take on such a difficult task. You have a tall hill to climb my friend. Bassin' always was top on my list of informative magazines but I always had to buy them at the news stand when I could find them. You see, I am also a victim of the Bassin' of the past. Several years ago I subscribed for two years and all I saw were the first issue and the last one asking my to renew. To me, it is a breath of fresh air to hear that someone stepped up to the plate to fix it and that is why I'm going to forget the past and subscribe again. Thanks
I have subscribed for years, and I as well would be missing issues, almost every one in fact. I would see the newest one on the newstand, and have to call to get mine mailed out. I sure hope this trend is reversed. As far as you being the nice guy and fulfilling current subscribers orders, I would hope that I would continue to get the product I paid up front for, if not, you will probably lose me forever.
On 5/26/2012 at 4:49 AM, InLikeFinz said:I'm willing to bet this guy has an Apple sticker on his car.
You'd loose that bet,.....nice hat.....
Will buy this off the news stand until it proves to be worth a subscription.
Both magazines of interest to me. However, I think I will go the newstand route until I feel confident in their content and character. I will you good travels with your endeavor.
Like others I have subscribed twice in the past and only received a couple issues. For the last few years I just buy it on the newsstand when I can find it. Other then that it would be nice to know how many issues you are actually supposed to get per year. That info should be on your site right next to the cost or at least somewhere on the sign up page so we know what we are buying. For all we know $15.99 buys you one issue and a renewal card.
On 5/26/2012 at 3:05 AM, reason said:Wish you much luck, but to quote Egon Spengler "print is dead"
Not if you're using a PC it ain't! Even a flat panel would be hard to get in the bathroom at my house!
I am a previous subscriber also. Extremely unhappy with my past experience, but loved the magazine when I got one.
What is going to be different this time?
How many issues per year?
When are we supposed to get them?
Why would I want a lifetime subscription to something that my not be around next year?
Brad -- First and foremost I hope you actually come back to this site and read and reply to the comments. I, like most of us here, have read or subscribed to Bassin' at some point in time. It's was a decent publication with obvious flaws. Flaws which you "tried to correct." I hope success find you on that front; however...
I read your post and honestly I was more put off then sold on a better product. Either my understanding of idioms is not as good as I thought or your post has some confusing and honestly pretencious statements. Now, I am not here to "troll" but at the same time, I am not one to be lulled into agreeing with someone simply because they said to...
I have a few questions from what I've read so far. "I wanted to give you all a chance to not only look a gift horse in the mouth, but have a chance to talk to him as well." Gift horse? What because you bought a struggling magazine and intend on making it better? I'm confused on that statement, but following it with a full on all caps "FACE TO FACE!" then lipping off that it's easy behind ones back etc... what are you trying to gain with that? You were in marketing, and you think thats ok? I will conceed that offering to talk over issues on the phone is nice, and I certainly hope you maintain that promise.
You then talk about buying the magazine...again... and some of the things you will be doing, such as putting common anglers on the cover. That's certainly a good strategy, and I find it impressive that you are willing to do that. Granted, it saves you a ton of money; but the spin of putting "angelrs like yourselves" definately sounds better. And honestly, I think that's cool regardless of the motivation. But you immediately go from there to educating your readers on how things really work. "You want your stories from the pro's. Ladies and Gentleman, these are not written by the pros"... again, a bit offputting in my personal opinion. Perhaps, just not well put... so maybe that was just not the best way to say it, vs an attitude of supremecy based on your knowledge of press and publishing.
However, you fired another salvo and hit dead on with "I decided to fulfill remaining subscriptions, althought I didn't have too." Wow, that was awlfully nice of you to fulfill subcriptions that your readers had already paid for instead of just keeping thier money. Really? Did I just read that correctly??? FROM THE NEW OWNER!? Yes, unfortuantly I did... You are really going above and beyond by giving people what they subscribed to. Go you. Now, the statement is obviously true, you did not have to; but why on gods green earth would you even say that?
THEN, you start whining about how hard it is, and that you worked 18 hour days, you're getting no salary, and made the magazine from scatch, etc. Oh woe is me... Ok, let's recap, you JUST BOUGHT A MAGAZINE! I don't think any of us are going to buy into a poor Mr. Uhl. Does working 18 hours suck, sure it does. But before you complain about it like this, think about your core audience. Most of the readership is likely "working stiffs" who regualary work long shifts. Demographics indicate your average income is just under 75K average for your readers, with a median age of 48. Now, how many of those readers do you think would have the cash on hand to purchase a magazine? I would wager only a small percentage. And I would wager that an even SMALLER percentage feel the least bit sorry for you about having to work long shifts... come on...
I did, however, like the fact that you do admit there are things you can do better, that is a refreshing change from the entirety of the post so far, and the fact that you made a mistake while talking about making mistakes was entertaining and felt somewhat as if karma was helping prove a point. Then you go on talking about your great success of getting the magazine out, which I'm sure to you was a success. To the subcriber, its an expectation...plain and simple. I will, however, offer praise on an overt guarentee to make the magazine better. That is at least hopeful.
I then saw your rant on the gimmick but by then I was so off put that I paid little mind to it, but if you do succeed with the magazine then the $99's is well worth it... "True story, search teh forums and see." Kind of an odd statement to make in a forum where you are posting about the same thing... Not a big deal, but by this point it's just more "bleh" to read. You then go on to throw others under the bus because they did other things, and ran the magazine. I agree, someone who is vested in the content generally does a better job keeping the content relavent; however, I cannot say that makes the biggest difference. Realistically most poeple are less concerned with what the owner does, and more about what's between the covers. But, it is always a plus to have an owner angler in a fishing publication. Old In-Fisherman proved the power of truely vested owners.
Now, you closed with "I will treat you how you treat me!". I thought I misread that... so I looked again. No, I didn't. So, this leaves me wondering... how did "everyone" treat you so that you thought the best way to help "your" magazine succeed was to come to multiple forums, post the same post and be an arrogant narcassist talking down to not only your current subscribers, but any potential subscribers??? Seriously, and you are IN MARKETING??!
Yes, I said the SAME EXACT POST, True story, search the forums and see... or just go here... (http://www.crappie.c...t-out-open.html). Ok, it is not 100% identical, you did use find and replace to put in "Bassin" instead of "Crappie World."
Now, to those who have offered support of Brad, please do not take this as an insult to you whatsoever. I just found it amazingly outrageous that the new owner would post anything like this and expect it to be met with favor! I honestly hope he does follow through and is able to salvage the magazine. Heck, I hope he takes the time to come back and at least reply to some of your posts which he hasn't replied to yet.
And, after completely bashing your post, Brad, I will even go one further than you. I will go buy your next issue, although every bone in my body is completely against it just in princapal alone, just to see how it turns out now that you have a few issues of "Crappie" and "Bassin" under your belt and hopefully have gotten the hang using some of the new stuff that you've bought "on your dime". If the publications turn out consistently, and turn out well, I may consider subscribing again... but you, sir, have a lot of ground to recover both from this post and from the history of "Bassin' " itself. Good luck! Hopefully things turn out well for you!
My copy has not arrived as of Saturday, May 26.
However, the Richmond post office is rated as the worst facility in the USA and getting second and third class mail delivered on time is almost impossible.
I have told Bass Pro Shops and Green Top that I receive their flyers after their sale dates. I have complained to the post office but you have to watch yourself or the postal workers will really delay your mail, including first class.
Looking forward to receiving the new Bassin' magazine.
Well put Bassun. I bought an issue last September which said, display until Dec. 22. I took that to mean that on Dec. 23, there would be a new issue. Everytime in the store, I would look, still no magazine. Low and behold, about three weeks ago I happened to glance at the magazine rack, weeks after giving up, and ther it was, Bassin.
Noticed it said display until May 22. Today is May 29, just checked my store today, still no magazine.
PS, the issue I bought wasnt that great!
The best bass mag on the market, in my opinion, is FLW.
On 5/30/2012 at 1:16 AM, hootiebenji said:The best bass mag on the market, in my opinion, is FLW.
Well then, my friend, you need to take a look at Basswest magazine. You will change your mind about FLW.
Brad, I like your "no BS" approach. I also like the fact that you chose to eliminate all the gossip and conjecture by posting your opinion for all to read.
Now, you've got the easy part done.
I am looking forward to reading future issues with all the changes in place. I also want to know how long the lifetime subscription offer will be open.
Best of luck.
Let's is a contraction for "let us". What I find odd is that there have been 28 replies from members, but no follow up replies from braduhl. There doesn't seem to be much "us" in the talking about it.
If braduhl cannot be bothered to participate in this thread he started, it raises a big red flag for me. Then again, you will never find me denying that I am cynical.
By the by, I just checked, and braduhl has one post, the one that started this thread. Hmmmmmmm.
Waiting...For answers or at least post number 2.
(insert Jeopardy theme music here)
Still Waiting.
I called the 800 # and kindly left a message for him to reply to It was on the customer service voice mail. Lets see if he gets the message and responds. I'm curious myself were this thread will end up. Now wheres the popcorn icon?
Currently a subscriber and on the fence with what I've read so far. I will say that it's interesting that you've stayed busy on the crappie site and haven't even responded to 3 pages of comments on here. I see that you're now a site advertiser, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.
Still waiting...
Used to go to an out of the way news stand/store and hope to see the new issue of bassin magazine every month..liked it a lot but it became to unreliable,often going a few months in between issues,so i gave up on it and subscibed to bassmaster.
On 5/31/2012 at 8:08 AM, FishinDaddy said:Still waiting...
Yeah. Not really a good way to start out...
or a good sign as far as I see it.
Sorry for the delay. I have been working hard on a Crappie World issue that goes to the printer tomorrow.
$99 expires on 6-19. You can still get both magazines as a lifetime subscription to them until then, then the price goes to $149 each.
Thank you!
On 5/26/2012 at 3:33 AM, NebraskaBasser said:Thanks for the post... I had wondered where my "missing issue" was.
I'm looking forward to getting the new issue(s) and seeing all the improvements you're making.
FWIW, I always enjoy those "Readers' Tips" sections!
I'll have to see if I have the $99.00 for the lifetime subscripion. How long will that offer be in effect (Father's Day is coming up!)?
Sorry for the delay, been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow.
Bassin is 4 times a year, but I have the schedule made for next year, and it will be 6 times. I wish I could do it 6 this year, but just can't make it happen yet.
I have taken up the subscriptions mailing personally, and all magazines will be mailed out to subscribers.
Thank you! - BU
On 5/26/2012 at 5:39 AM, slonezp said:So does that mean I get 4 issues instead of 3?
I have been a subscriber twice in the past with the same results both times. I'll get something like 2 issues one month, another one 3 months later, and never see another. I hope things change because I think it's one of the more informative publications out there. I'm weary about subscribing again. Best of luck and maybe one day I'll come back.
Hey, Sorry for the delay, been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow.
I wish I could make a go with 6 issues this year, but next year it will be. I have the schedule made out and am ready to take that on!
Keep me posted with your thoughts on the issues you see!
On 5/26/2012 at 6:27 AM, kevinator said:Thanks for the information Brad. I have picked up copies of Bassin' magazine in the past and hated the fact that it was only published once in a blue moon. I think anglers like to see new magazines at least every other month which makes it worthwhile to subscribe to. I did pick up a copy of your new magazine and I was impressed with what you said you were wanting to make it. I believe you can make a go of it and if you provide alot of information in each issue, I will definitely become a subscriber. Keep us up to date and it would be great if you could have at least 6 issues per year.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow.
I know, every issue contained a "renewal" notice. I am out on that. When your subscription expires, it will say it in a large blurb on the cover, THIS IS YOUR LAST ISSUE, TIME TO RENEW!
For the subscribers that purchase through a magazine agency. I can not controll them. BASSIN does not call you from our office and ask you to renew. We will NOT send out renewals, it is from the agency. Your best bet is to order from our office, 1-800-554-1999.
And print may be dead, however id like to see people with their desktops sitting on the pot reading Bassin.
Thanks! BU
On 5/26/2012 at 7:48 AM, Marty said:I always liked the magazine, but dropped it many years ago. My reason was not because of the magazine content, but what I perceived as heavy pressure and deceptive selling tactics. Like sending an invoice for the renewal after the first issue of the current subscription and things along those lines. It would've been very easy to keep renewing unwittingly if one didn't pay attention to the details.
I'd consider it again under new management.
Print may be dead, bit I'm one old-fashioned guy who'd rather leaf through a book or magazine on a comfortable couch rather than sit in front of a monitor.
Sorry for the delay, I have been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow.
Your right, quite a few. I know. I bet I can find more errors than you! Fact is this. This was my first magazine. There is no Bassin' staff where people colaborated and put this together. I spent 18+hr days and nights and weekends working on this, on a computer system that ran windows ME. I put what I had into it to get it out since a magazine had not been out in 7 months. Its better than no magazine. Have you seen the summer issue? HUGE improvement, and as I learn it will be put into each issue and only get better. No it was not by best work, but it was MINE and I will SIGN my name to it. Let me know when you see the summer, it was mailed last week and should be hitting newsstands tomorrow.
Thanks! - BU
On 5/26/2012 at 10:09 AM, Michael DiNardo said:I enjoy Bassin' and have purchased quite a few issues in the past. The only thing I noticed in the last magazine was a large number of grammatical and spelling errors. Of course, these are minor as I was able to get the info no problem. It does add to the "quality" of the magazine though. Good luck and will be waiting for the next issue to hit the rack.
I agree. And sorry for the delay, been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow.
Magazines would not print without advertisements. The standard magazine print to ad ratio is 60/40. 60% ad, 40% editorial. The spring issue was 40/60. I would love to go 50/50, however, I will NEVER go over 50/50. I know the percentage because I have to file a report with the post office before I mail every issue, due to its a peridical, and the postage is based on amount of advertising in each issue. A magazine that is 100% ad is not a periodical, and is not subject to media mail rates. I try to space out my advertising, or put it with the story it goes best with, IE a spinnerbait ad with a spinnerbait story.
If Bassin ever gets to over 50/50, it will increase in pages, from 68 to 84. Maybe one day!
Thanks! - BU
On 5/26/2012 at 9:29 PM, Fishes in trees said:It has been a number of years since I picked up an issue of Bassin magazine. A very long time ago, I subscribed once and didn't renew.
The reason my interest in this magazine waned at the time was that it seemed to me that magazine management was primarily interested in pimping products and had a passing secondary interest in conveying fishing information.
Don't get me wrong, I like advertisements. I like to look at pictures, get ideas for new stuff that's available and I understand that magazines don't get published without advertising. My issue was more on the content side, which to me seemed like it was all about pimping product as well.
Brad, I'm pretty certain that there is a happy medium between pimping products and conveying useful fishing information in an entertaining and informative manner. I hope you find it.
All magazines will change over time. I can recall the old mid 70's era Fishing Facts magazines, where a product would be mentioned once or twice and that was it. I can recall the old In-Fisherman magazine, when the Lindners owned it. Thick 150 page + magazines that would have a place on your magazine pile for months. I recall 15 page articles on the principles of spinnerbaits and why you'd choose one blade over another. Now, some conglomerate owns In-fisherman and the magazines are much thinner now.
For the record, I do remember that both these magazines mentioned were multi-species oriented and that there were many articles that didn't especially apply to me. I was motivated to seriously upgrade my catfish gear, which I religiously use once or twice a year. Now I'm rambling, so I'll stop.
Anyway, good luck on your publishing endeavor. I will look for it on the news stand and pick up the next several issues.
Sorry for the delay, in answering your question, I have been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow.
This is one of the first things I have addressed and fixed. I wanted to fulfill everyones subscriptions, even though I did not get the subscription money. I look at it like this, I would want my magazine, so you should get it! Send me an email at and I will search your sub to see what the deal is.
Thank you! - BU
On 5/26/2012 at 11:19 PM, deaknh03 said:I have subscribed for years, and I as well would be missing issues, almost every one in fact. I would see the newest one on the newstand, and have to call to get mine mailed out. I sure hope this trend is reversed. As far as you being the nice guy and fulfilling current subscribers orders, I would hope that I would continue to get the product I paid up front for, if not, you will probably lose me forever.
Well in the past that seems to be exactly what it bought you. That is the first thing I addressed. No more renewal cards with every issue. When you subscription expires, it will state it in a bright burst on your cover, THIS IS YOUR LAST ISSUE!
For the remainer of 2012, Bassin is 4 issues. 2 are left. Fall and winter. Summer is in the mail now and should hit newsstands tomorrow. $15.99 is one year sub. $27.99 is two, Lifetime is $99 until June 16. Then it is $149.
As for a renewed website is coming! I am super excited about it, but it takes time. I am only one person. I am sure you would rather have the magazine than see my pretty website up and running with no magazine!
Thanks! - BU
On 5/28/2012 at 2:13 PM, TourPT said:Like others I have subscribed twice in the past and only received a couple issues. For the last few years I just buy it on the newsstand when I can find it. Other then that it would be nice to know how many issues you are actually supposed to get per year. That info should be on your site right next to the cost or at least somewhere on the sign up page so we know what we are buying. For all we know $15.99 buys you one issue and a renewal card.
Sorry for the delay, I have been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow.
Well as stated in the post that started this thread, all the answers to these questions.
Whats different. Well, easier asked is WHATS NOT THE SAME. No renewal invoices, recieving you magazine in the mail, ON TIME, new sections in the magazines, updated articles, lots of new!
Still 4 times a year for 2012, summer is in the mail now, and hits newsstands tomorrow. I have the schedule for 2013 made, and It will be bi-monthly, just like in the old days. Bassin was NEVER every month.
Well you will get them in the mail if you are a subscriber, before they go on newsstands.
Because for $99 what do you have to lose? I have everything to lose, you have $99.
On 5/28/2012 at 8:06 PM, FishinDaddy said:I am a previous subscriber also. Extremely unhappy with my past experience, but loved the magazine when I got one.
What is going to be different this time?
How many issues per year?
When are we supposed to get them?
Why would I want a lifetime subscription to something that my not be around next year?
Hey, sorry for the delay, I have been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow.
Why wouldn't I come back? I started this, and I am here to answer questions. That is why I included my personal email and 2 #'s to contact me. But I like the forum Idea, where many people can read it.
I am "trying to correct" many issues with the magazine. It is by no means perfect yet. It a huge work in progress.
Yes, look a gift horse in the mouth, you know face to face. I read some older posts on here, and man can people talk a lot of **** about other people, but those have yet to post on this thread. I apologize from the bottom of my heart the way this magazine was ran in the past, but you know what, I AM REAL, I AM A HUMAN, I am a single father raising my kid and working I disagree off on a magazine that I believe in to make a difference in not only my kids life, but mine and the readers of this magazine. I am a person, but if people are going to talk down about me or to me, I would rather it be to me so I can defend myself, and defend this magazine.
The anglers like yourselves on the cover statement is fact. Lifetime members can send in their story, their photos, (quality is a must) and be on the cover. I am not aware of another publication that will do that. And yes, people complain about the spring issue didnt have anything from the pros'. Bassin is not about what the pros are doing or the tournament trail, rather its about the weekend angler. Pros had their columns in the magazine, but it was very misleading. I can lie, say it was from the pros, but I dont, and chose to tell it how it is. These are writers, writing, maybe a pro said it, maybe not.
I fulfilled subscriptions, although I did not have to. NO, you did not understand, and maybe that is my fault. I didn't get their subscription money. The previous owners kept it. Do I have to fulfill? No. They didn't pay ME for their subscription, they paid the company that closed. It is EXTREMLY kind of me to fulfill. Is there a thought process behind it? Absolutly. If I fulfill subs, and show current subscribers that the new magazines will be mailed on time, no renewal invoices, and do what I say I am going to do, then hopefully they will renew, AND then I will get their subscription money.
I dont think it was a complaint that I was working 18hrs a day. I didnt ask for your pity or sorrow, so please keep it. I did buy a magazine, a failed one at that. My point of saying I worked 18hours a day, was to convey the fact that this first issue was a learning curve, but I worked I disagree off on it to get it out and get it to the subscribers, because, as previously stated, a magazine hadn't mailed in 7 months.
But oh so sad how bad your math is off. Its not your business what I purchased this magazine for. I dont know what you do for a living, but I dont come to your work and throw rocks at you while your mowing, so you come on... REALLY? And for you to think I paid cash...HA! Thats awesome, you must think I AM LOADED! Thanks!
You might think no one cares what the owner does, but answer the phones all day and tell em I am out golfing. We will see who does and does not care about what the owner does.
$99 is well worth it, to you as the subscriber. This blurb was again referring to the vast population that thinks BASSIN' is a gimmick, and that it absolutely is in new hands. Not some phony you won a rod and reel giveaway because you didnt read the small print to see it was a drawing. This is real. So is this magazine. So am I.
And yes, Crappie Fisherman are bashing Crappie World Magazine too. So I posted there as well. Go read it, its not a secret. over 30% of Bassin ALSO subscribe to Crappie World. So they have seen it.
I speak to people face to face, whether its good or bad, but I posted this for the people that felt there were no other ways to contact me or the magazine. There are posts that state that fact. So I put it on here. I appreciate the input, and I hope that I answered all your questions, and I know that you are just venting on years of frustration delt to you by this magazine, but seems to me that I was talking down to no one, but I have taken the brunt of your post, and answered your questions. You can bash me, and BASSIN and Crappie, but I will answer whatever concerns you have. And if you dont like the answer, then you probably shouldnt have asked.
SO to your post, "you people in support of BRAD" this isnt a insult, What do you call it? I didn't ask anyone for a favor. Don't go buy the magazine. Stay behind your computer and critize me and the magazine and what I am trying to stand for and make this magazine.
And I did reply, sorry it wasn't in a timely fashion like you had wanted, I didn't know a response was more important that my 18hour sweat drenched heat exhausted work day.
On 5/29/2012 at 12:30 PM, Bassun said:Brad -- First and foremost I hope you actually come back to this site and read and reply to the comments. I, like most of us here, have read or subscribed to Bassin' at some point in time. It's was a decent publication with obvious flaws. Flaws which you "tried to correct." I hope success find you on that front; however...
I read your post and honestly I was more put off then sold on a better product. Either my understanding of idioms is not as good as I thought or your post has some confusing and honestly pretencious statements. Now, I am not here to "troll" but at the same time, I am not one to be lulled into agreeing with someone simply because they said to...
I have a few questions from what I've read so far. "I wanted to give you all a chance to not only look a gift horse in the mouth, but have a chance to talk to him as well." Gift horse? What because you bought a struggling magazine and intend on making it better? I'm confused on that statement, but following it with a full on all caps "FACE TO FACE!" then lipping off that it's easy behind ones back etc... what are you trying to gain with that? You were in marketing, and you think thats ok? I will conceed that offering to talk over issues on the phone is nice, and I certainly hope you maintain that promise.
You then talk about buying the magazine...again... and some of the things you will be doing, such as putting common anglers on the cover. That's certainly a good strategy, and I find it impressive that you are willing to do that. Granted, it saves you a ton of money; but the spin of putting "angelrs like yourselves" definately sounds better. And honestly, I think that's cool regardless of the motivation. But you immediately go from there to educating your readers on how things really work. "You want your stories from the pro's. Ladies and Gentleman, these are not written by the pros"... again, a bit offputting in my personal opinion. Perhaps, just not well put... so maybe that was just not the best way to say it, vs an attitude of supremecy based on your knowledge of press and publishing.
However, you fired another salvo and hit dead on with "I decided to fulfill remaining subscriptions, althought I didn't have too." Wow, that was awlfully nice of you to fulfill subcriptions that your readers had already paid for instead of just keeping thier money. Really? Did I just read that correctly??? FROM THE NEW OWNER!? Yes, unfortuantly I did... You are really going above and beyond by giving people what they subscribed to. Go you. Now, the statement is obviously true, you did not have to; but why on gods green earth would you even say that?
THEN, you start whining about how hard it is, and that you worked 18 hour days, you're getting no salary, and made the magazine from scatch, etc. Oh woe is me... Ok, let's recap, you JUST BOUGHT A MAGAZINE! I don't think any of us are going to buy into a poor Mr. Uhl. Does working 18 hours suck, sure it does. But before you complain about it like this, think about your core audience. Most of the readership is likely "working stiffs" who regualary work long shifts. Demographics indicate your average income is just under 75K average for your readers, with a median age of 48. Now, how many of those readers do you think would have the cash on hand to purchase a magazine? I would wager only a small percentage. And I would wager that an even SMALLER percentage feel the least bit sorry for you about having to work long shifts... come on...
I did, however, like the fact that you do admit there are things you can do better, that is a refreshing change from the entirety of the post so far, and the fact that you made a mistake while talking about making mistakes was entertaining and felt somewhat as if karma was helping prove a point. Then you go on talking about your great success of getting the magazine out, which I'm sure to you was a success. To the subcriber, its an expectation...plain and simple. I will, however, offer praise on an overt guarentee to make the magazine better. That is at least hopeful.
I then saw your rant on the gimmick but by then I was so off put that I paid little mind to it, but if you do succeed with the magazine then the $99's is well worth it... "True story, search teh forums and see." Kind of an odd statement to make in a forum where you are posting about the same thing... Not a big deal, but by this point it's just more "bleh" to read. You then go on to throw others under the bus because they did other things, and ran the magazine. I agree, someone who is vested in the content generally does a better job keeping the content relavent; however, I cannot say that makes the biggest difference. Realistically most poeple are less concerned with what the owner does, and more about what's between the covers. But, it is always a plus to have an owner angler in a fishing publication. Old In-Fisherman proved the power of truely vested owners.
Now, you closed with "I will treat you how you treat me!". I thought I misread that... so I looked again. No, I didn't. So, this leaves me wondering... how did "everyone" treat you so that you thought the best way to help "your" magazine succeed was to come to multiple forums, post the same post and be an arrogant narcassist talking down to not only your current subscribers, but any potential subscribers??? Seriously, and you are IN MARKETING??!
Yes, I said the SAME EXACT POST, True story, search the forums and see... or just go here... (http://www.crappie.c...t-out-open.html). Ok, it is not 100% identical, you did use find and replace to put in "Bassin" instead of "Crappie World."
Now, to those who have offered support of Brad, please do not take this as an insult to you whatsoever. I just found it amazingly outrageous that the new owner would post anything like this and expect it to be met with favor! I honestly hope he does follow through and is able to salvage the magazine. Heck, I hope he takes the time to come back and at least reply to some of your posts which he hasn't replied to yet.
And, after completely bashing your post, Brad, I will even go one further than you. I will go buy your next issue, although every bone in my body is completely against it just in princapal alone, just to see how it turns out now that you have a few issues of "Crappie" and "Bassin" under your belt and hopefully have gotten the hang using some of the new stuff that you've bought "on your dime". If the publications turn out consistently, and turn out well, I may consider subscribing again... but you, sir, have a lot of ground to recover both from this post and from the history of "Bassin' " itself. Good luck! Hopefully things turn out well for you!
It is in the mail for sure. I wish I could control the post office, but unfortunatly, I can't. I have caught a postal worker with already keeping 1 issue of Crappie world this year, Thats fun! Does your postman fish?
Its on its way sir! Thank you!, and please let me know what you think of this issue!
On 5/29/2012 at 6:50 PM, Sam said:My copy has not arrived as of Saturday, May 26.
However, the Richmond post office is rated as the worst facility in the USA and getting second and third class mail delivered on time is almost impossible.
I have told Bass Pro Shops and Green Top that I receive their flyers after their sale dates. I have complained to the post office but you have to watch yourself or the postal workers will really delay your mail, including first class.
Looking forward to receiving the new Bassin' magazine.
Hmmm Sorry, I do have a job. I've been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow. I am responding to everyones post. I did include my personal email, if an issue was of major importance, I could have been reached there.
Yeah, I have one post, and a NEWBEE. This site and forum is new to me, but I can work my email!
On 5/30/2012 at 7:28 AM, Fishing Rhino said:Let's is a contraction for "let us". What I find odd is that there have been 28 replies from members, but no follow up replies from braduhl. There doesn't seem to be much "us" in the talking about it.
If braduhl cannot be bothered to participate in this thread he started, it raises a big red flag for me. Then again, you will never find me denying that I am cynical.
By the by, I just checked, and braduhl has one post, the one that started this thread. Hmmmmmmm.
Sorry for the delay, been working on a Crappie World issue that has to be out to the printer tomorrow. I did include my email that I am on everyday.
I left out something in the whats going to be different that you asked earlier, something different, no rod and reel drawings and your a 2nd place finisher and not getting your product. I will deliver the products.
On 5/30/2012 at 7:56 AM, FishinDaddy said:Waiting...For answers or at least post number 2.
(insert Jeopardy theme music here)
Still Waiting.
Yeah, I have been working on Crappie, and the login to the site is auto set. I logged on from home, so I had to do it all here. I am responding though. Thanks for subscribing, and let me know what you think of the summer issue.
On 5/30/2012 at 10:13 AM, NorcalBassin said:Currently a subscriber and on the fence with what I've read so far. I will say that it's interesting that you've stayed busy on the crappie site and haven't even responded to 3 pages of comments on here. I see that you're now a site advertiser, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.
Alright, first off and foremost - Thank you for taking the time to reply to not just my post, but to every post you have addressed. That, in my opinion, is a great starting point. I will make a few counter remarks to your reply, but I want everyone to understand, this is not a "bashing" of Brad. Nothing I stated cannot be verified so pardon me for a moment while I try to succinctly address some possible confusion.
There still seems to be some confusion about the idiom look a gift horse in the mouth, but I think I understand what you are trying to say, so I wont beat a dead horse on that one. I still contend that as someone who came out of the marketing department, I am shocked at the aggressive stance and bold faced "FACE TO FACE" but, I suppose that is your nature. I have not read every forum here, so perhaps there were some highly abrasive and aggressive comments and you were responding to that...
I understand that some people do have issues dealing one on one with issues; I am not one of those individuals. I am more than happy to address issues as need be -- however, I think I am not the only one who read your post and felt there was some dire need of repose. There were too many unsettling issues which needed to be addressed, so I elected to do so publicly so that both you and I and those on either side of the fence can see and understand exactly where things lie.
"Anglers like yourselves on the cover is fact." I never countered that it wasn't. In fact if you look back I applauded you for doing that -- I was simply not following blindly and did assert that it is cheaper to put weekend anglers on the cover then the cost you would pay to have say Bill Dance, or Kevin Van Damm etc. Again, regardless of the reason, it is a cool idea! So yeah, it may well be fact...but I never said it wasn't ...
Your comment about pros having their columns in your reply is perfectly fine. Why not say that to begin with instead of coming across condescending? "Pros had their columns in the magazine, but it was very misleading. I can lie, say it was from the pros, but I dont, and chose to tell it how it is. These are writers, writing, maybe a pro said it, maybe not." sounds MUCH BETTER than your previous post with, "You want your stories from the pro's. Ladies and Gentleman, these are not written by the pros, they are written by the pro's publicist." Maybe it's just me but the second time around sounded much better.
Then you fall back in it with "I fulfilled subscriptions, although I did not have to. NO, you did not understand..." Really? I didn't understand that? I posted, "Now, the statement is obviously true, you did not have to; but why on gods green earth would you even say that?" I think I understand it perfectly. It is not "extremely" kind, however, it is tactical. Beyond that, it is the good old fashioned RIGHT thing to do. My problem isn't even the reasoning behind doing it, (which I do commend you on sharing the obvious reasons behind doing so) it's all about acting like its this great huge thing that you honored a subscription. Subscriptions from the same people you are trying to get to re-up their subs with would have been disastrous to try to spin that off, while out of the other side of your mouth you are talking about how you are going to do better with consistency and the number of issues. So yeah, I think I understand.
Now, I need to step back and apologize for a misunderstanding on my part. When I read the 18 hour comments, followed by comments about no salary, all by my self etc... I read that as a complaint. I re-read it and it still comes to me as a complaint; but - if you say you were not complaining then I will take you at your word. I commend the effort, and further commend that you are willing to admit there is a steep learning curve. But I'm really confused. You have now said twice "I worked I disagree off on it". I can see once as being an odd typo, perhaps one where you were interrupted, but twice? Somethings fishy here...
Then "But oh so sad how bad your math is off." --- This is not only funny, but actually very interesting... My math was, " Demographics indicate your average income is just under 75K average for your readers, with a median age of 48. " Do you not find it odd that I would quote some random numbers? Oh, wait... let's see where those numbers come from. Here, let me give you a few hints before I explain my math...
Rate Base – 135,000
Paid – 100%
Readership – 405,000
Opt-In Online Database – 106,000
Median Age – 48
Average income – $74,575
97% male audience
Shall I post everyone's spending habits too? Brad, that "Math" which was way off, was from YOUR site. If it's off, then you may want to get that corrected since you could be laying false claims to your advertising reach and certainly to your key demographics ... if my math is so far off...
As for "not your business what I purchased..." you're almost right. It is none of my business how much you paid for the magazine (unless of course it is publicly traded, which I assume it is not). But, let's be honest here (with out throwing rocks at the landscapers and fence builders) how many people do you honestly think would have the buying power to purchase a magazine with an average household salary of less then 75K? Not too many sir, not too many. Now obviously you would most likely not pay cash up front, (although that is possible) but let's not turn this into a lesson of investment economics. Let's keep it simple, and recognize buying power for most readers would have been well shy of any serious attempt at buyout. If I am wrong, then so be it, and congrats to you for picking up a magazine for a steal!
You state: "but seems to me that I was talking down to no one, but I have taken the brunt of your post, and answered your questions". I think that perhaps our ideals and what we consider "talking down to" may be vastly different. As for bashing you? I, sir, have not yet began to bash. I have countered, or asked for clarification, to your own points; not points that I pulled out of the thin air for conjecture. As for not liking the answer, perhaps you should understand that as well -- if you don't like the response to a post, perhaps you should have considered your comments prior to submission.
I thought you were making up ground then you posted this quote, "SO to your post, "you people in support of BRAD" this isnt a insult, What do you call it?"
That sentence keeps resounding in my head. There are a lot of clues in that. And... actually, it made me re-read parts of your reply. I found some really odd, lets say "inconsistencies".
But first -- I never said what you quoted... I said, and I quote, "Now, to those who have offered support of Brad, please do not take this as an insult to you whatsoever." What you just did is a form of what people call trolling. Taking statements and almost getting it right, then quoting it to help perpetuate negativity towards the original poster - dear lord, I hope you do not apply that type if logic in your day to day operations... In this attempt, I would normally reply something along the lines of "You Fail" but instead I will just move on as that isn't even worth dealing with any further.
Then you fire off "just stay behind your computer and criticize you and the mag..." etc. Pointless rhetoric, obviously an attempt to simply take a shot at me. Let's call that a swing, and a miss... Again, I replied to your initial post... I didn't just randomly start flaming Bassin'. And as I said before, I haven't bashed on you either. I have only countered points you have made with obvious observations from a different perspective. It actually has little to do with the "old" Bassin'. And you end with a wonderfully enlightening, " And I did reply, sorry it wasn't in a timely fashion like you had wanted, I didn't know a response was more important that my 18hour sweat drenched heat exhausted work day. " I'm really glad you're not complaining about an 18 hour day (although this is feels like the umpteenth time you have mentioned it), because that would probably be considered in poor taste, but I find it interesting that you felt that a trite remark to close your post was the best way to end the conversation. Especially considering the fact that you also, to use your own term which you've found so endearing, "bashed" on me about your response not being in a timely fashion when I never once posted anything complaining about your delayed response.
At any rate, this reply has become a much longer post then I would have ever imagined. I certainly do wish you the best of luck, and hopefully you surround yourself with a group of well educated and competent staff so that you are able to work reasonable hours and not be forced to work yourself to death. I am sure you knew going in that it would take a lot of hard work, and tons of effort to succeed - and that really is what the American Dream is all about... Hard work leading to great success! Good luck & Tight Lines!
On 5/31/2012 at 11:29 AM, Jim_M said:
I'm not sure if this thread is going to generate too many of those lifetime memberships. From the way the average replies have been going, I'd say most members here are less worried about Crappie World than Crappie Service.
Brad, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I don't think your initial posting went over the way you planned. Perhaps a simple statement saying that you had purchased the "empty shell" the magazine had become, acknowledging why former subscribers (there weren't any current subscribers to a defunct magazine) had the right to be upset, and then follow up with your sales pitch.
Unlike some other members here, I was lucky enough to have jumped ship prior to the collapse of the former owners. Obviously, their business plan wasn't flexible enough to withstand the changes that print media has faced with the growing trend of the internet. Why your plan would include anything more than a brief mention of their failed efforts was your choice. Had I been involved in helping you with it, I would have suggested an entirely different course.
Personally, I'm going to pass on your lifetime membership offer. I may at some point subscribe on an annual basis, but for now I'd like to see an issue or two before I decide what return I'm going to get for my investment. I'm assuming you went through the same process before you decided to start this venture. FYI, I am not into crappie fishing and have no desire to receive a magazine about the subject.
Well this has been an interesting read.
Brad you have obviously taken on a monumental task in trying to build up a previously failed magazine. It will take many long days and long hours to achieve what you want to achieve. Its frustrating, exhausting, and will take its toll. I know the shoes you are in because i have done the same thing. I have taken a division that was being shut down, PO'd customers, previous management (in my case and owners in yours) that was less than competent , and convincing the owners of giving me a chance to rebuild it. Its taken 7 years to rectify the damage that had been done. But it was my choice to step into that role and yes there were times that it didn't seem worth it, but after all the hills you will have to climb, there will be a point that all your work will pay off.
I did feel your original post came off as aggressive. I i certainly feel that your replies were more aggressive. Wording is EVERYTHING!..It very hard to print an emotion. When speaking with people its easy . Tone of voice and body language will convey the emotion on the subject. You can't get that when reading a post, so its left up to the reader to assume the emotion being conveyed. Which is why wording is everything.
Also consumers buy into a name, regardless of ownership. People subscribed to Bassin. If they had a bad experience it doesn't matter if its under new ownership ,they associate Bassin with whatever problem they had, not the owner. I agree that fulfilling subscriptions that you were not under any obligation to fulfill was a great thing. But it was also necessary to prove to people that you want to right the wrongs.
I like the magazine, and will be picking a copy to see the changes. The lifetime membership seems like it would be a good investment, but only when it feels stable enough to do so. 5 months under new ownership is not a sign of stability and if the issue i pick up i like, i may go with an annual subscription. If all goes well with that then maybe the lifetime (if still available) would be a possibility. Its all about trust and thats not something thats gonna happen overnight.
Remember Brad that only 1 person will profit from the new endeavor you have taken on and that is you. Hopefully the rest of us will get what we pay for and thats a quality magazine.
My first thought after i read all the post and all the comments was how would i get my biggest critic to buy into my product. Brad if you can make BASSUN a subscriber, then, my friend, you will be well on your way to building a successful business.
Hi Brad,
I feel your pain the magaizne business is tough. If I can be of any help feel free to contact me.
Good Luck
Wow, I just read this whole thread. I think I have a headache. However,having spent 40 years in sales, I don't believe argueing with possible customers is a viable sales tool. Good luck in your effort. I too shall look for it on the newstand.
On 5/26/2012 at 11:55 PM, reason said:You'd loose that bet,.....nice hat.....
Thanks, nice spelling chief.
Thanks and I totally agree with you. It is very hard to read tone in emails and forums. I bet you worked hard over the 7 years to get your company back, and I plan to do the same with Bassin'. I know the huge amounts of subscribers they have done wrong, and each issue mailed on time, and on the newsstands will be the factor. I tell my child, do whay you say your going to do, and DO IT. I am here, 7 years, 10 years. I dont know how long it will take, but I am sure giving it my all to do it. And I have to fix the name BASSIN' because you are correct, who I am or anyone else doesnt matter, its still the name of the magazine that you subscribe to. And I also agree with it was the right thing to do, I felt that from day one, to fulfill subscriptions. I WANTED to do that. And I stated my reasons why earlier. I dont think only I will profit from turning this magazine around. I think the advertisers will, and I think the readers will. If 1 subscribers reads one article and changes his technique on the water and catches 1 more fish by doing so, then I think thats a profit. I am just looking at it in other terms than financial. I didnt buy this to become rich. Would be nice, but I want to meet people, fish, publishing this magazine and be along for a great ride throughout life, whilst publishing a worthwhile magazine.
And I have no hard feelings toward BASSUN. Hopefully with each issue he can see the positive changes, and will subscribe. The same with all posters on here, new readers and old of Bassin!
- BU
On 5/31/2012 at 10:32 PM, Ima Bass Ninja said:Well this has been an interesting read.
Brad you have obviously taken on a monumental task in trying to build up a previously failed magazine. It will take many long days and long hours to achieve what you want to achieve. Its frustrating, exhausting, and will take its toll. I know the shoes you are in because i have done the same thing. I have taken a division that was being shut down, PO'd customers, previous management (in my case and owners in yours) that was less than competent , and convincing the owners of giving me a chance to rebuild it. Its taken 7 years to rectify the damage that had been done. But it was my choice to step into that role and yes there were times that it didn't seem worth it, but after all the hills you will have to climb, there will be a point that all your work will pay off.
I did feel your original post came off as aggressive. I i certainly feel that your replies were more aggressive. Wording is EVERYTHING!..It very hard to print an emotion. When speaking with people its easy . Tone of voice and body language will convey the emotion on the subject. You can't get that when reading a post, so its left up to the reader to assume the emotion being conveyed. Which is why wording is everything.
Also consumers buy into a name, regardless of ownership. People subscribed to Bassin. If they had a bad experience it doesn't matter if its under new ownership ,they associate Bassin with whatever problem they had, not the owner. I agree that fulfilling subscriptions that you were not under any obligation to fulfill was a great thing. But it was also necessary to prove to people that you want to right the wrongs.
I like the magazine, and will be picking a copy to see the changes. The lifetime membership seems like it would be a good investment, but only when it feels stable enough to do so. 5 months under new ownership is not a sign of stability and if the issue i pick up i like, i may go with an annual subscription. If all goes well with that then maybe the lifetime (if still available) would be a possibility. Its all about trust and thats not something thats gonna happen overnight.
Remember Brad that only 1 person will profit from the new endeavor you have taken on and that is you. Hopefully the rest of us will get what we pay for and thats a quality magazine.
My first thought after i read all the post and all the comments was how would i get my biggest critic to buy into my product. Brad if you can make BASSUN a subscriber, then, my friend, you will be well on your way to building a successful business.
I believe I subscribed to the mag- never recieved an issue and kind of forgot about it until I saw this thread. I am sure I will subscribe again. Good luck, and I look foward to seeing the new issues.
I read some older posts on here, and man can people talk a lot of **** about other people,
That statement was offensive, and then some.
Either you read a total of three posts and formed an opinion or you have read posts on the other forums and have us confused with them. This particular place is the most congenial place on the internet. It is jam packed with some of nicest, most helpful people in the fishing world. I have met over thirty of the members in person and would consider most here as friends I have never met.
Take it back or take a hike.
I know common! I apologize for the past, I wish I could change it. Please email me your name and address and I will be happy to look you up in the system.
Thank you! - BU
On 6/1/2012 at 6:29 AM, nice_Bass said:I believe I subscribed to the mag- never recieved an issue and kind of forgot about it until I saw this thread. I am sure I will subscribe again. Good luck, and I look foward to seeing the new issues.
I apologize that it offended you, however, I do stand by my quote. I am not a politican, I stand by my word and allow my actions to back it up. I didn't say MY forum, I said in general, and YES, there are quite a few bashing BASSIN' on this site. I don't blame them, poor customer service was a huge issue of the past, and something that I have corrected on day 1. This post by me is a chance to NOT talk behind my back, but an open forum to discuss the needs and wants from the subscribers to the new ownership of the magazine. I believe it is doing a great job of that, even your questions I had answered. There were no communications to the previous owners, and I have included many contact options for customers to reach me, as well as the customer service line. Hope I answered all the questions you had, and if you have more, please feel free to contact me! Thanks -BU
Oh, and I agree, I know several people on a personal level, and have even met a couple through email now, and there are some great people on here.
On 6/1/2012 at 9:05 AM, FishinDaddy said:I read some older posts on here, and man can people talk a lot of **** about other people,
That statement was offensive, and then some.
Either you read a total of three posts and formed an opinion or you have read posts on the other forums and have us confused with them. This particular place is the most congenial place on the internet. It is jam packed with some of nicest, most helpful people in the fishing world. I have met over thirty of the members in person and would consider most here as friends I have never met.
Take it back or take a hike.
Wow.....Alright my is cheap....get us a magazine that we can stand behind...and we will.
After having bad experiences with the magazine in the past, I will wait quite a while before subscribing. Especially after viewing the website and finding a couple things that where quite questionable. First being I could find no where on the site that told me how many issues per year will be published. Is it 12, 8, 6, 1? Important info. Especially given the past publishers lack of consistancy in putting out issues. I realize this is a new compnay but given the fact that the magazine will carry the same name as before does give cause for concern. The other is the "Fishing Tips" link, I and probably others, would expect it to direct you to a page with actual content. This it does not do, but sends you to your e-comerce site to purchase said tips. While I feel it is OK to sell these pdf's and I may actually purchase one or two to check them out, I find it linked the way it is.
While I agree with your "telling it like it is" attitude, your wording in your posts could be a little better. It does come off as being a little arrogant, IMO.
I apologize if this post sounds like I am trying to down you and your efforts. That is not my intent, I actually wish you well and hope the magazine is a success.
Ok everyone, I think Brad gets the point. Most everyone was/is not happy with their past experience with Bassin, and surely most everyone is not happy with Brad's tone and use of idioms. I say we let time pass, and see if he holds true to his word. After all, he did respond to every single post, thats what we wanted, right? He has also come on board as a sponsor for our site, and we all know the sponsors keep this site floating. So, Brad, get us our magazine, in a timely manner, keep the sales crap in the mag to a minimum, and as time goes on, I think some of us will come around. It might not hurt to offer Bassresource members a subscription deal!
I'm with Deaknh03. My intent was not by any stretch to berate Brad personally, rather to voice what I felt were valid concerns. Some were somewhat addressed, others ignored; but beating on and on isn't going to do any good. I told Brad I would by the next issue, and I will --- the proof is in the puddin'. If it's good I may buy more, if not, then ... well no big deal.
THIS IS NUTS!!!!!!!!!!
On a side note, I've been receiving ESPN magazine for years and have never once subscribed.
I agree. Actions speak louder than words. If you subscribe, your summer issue has been mailed, if not, pick up the new issue on the newsstands. It is out. Let me know your thoughts about the issue! I know not one or two issues will make believers out of everyone, but the changes are there, and improving the magazine everyday is my daily goal!
Thank you! -BU
On 6/1/2012 at 6:42 PM, grampa1114 said:Wow.....Alright my is cheap....get us a magazine that we can stand behind...and we will.
Yeah the website is out of date content wise. I have than under construction and an all new website should be up in the next 30-60 days or so. I will surely post on here for people to visit.
Bassin' is currently 4 times a year. Next year the schedule is made and it will be 6 times, bi monthly. Each magazine in the masthead it does state this. But, I agree, if the past publishers were not getting a magazine out to you, how were you to know. I will try to put something up this week on the site. I agree somewhere it should say. Thanks! As for the content, I have someone working on that. The past publishers has had several people work on the past over the years, and as each new one came on, they didnt know what the last guy was doing, so just added to. Its in wordpress, cs2, html and something I have never worked in before. I can't login to even put the current issue cover in the red x box. Hince, why I want it all changed, its coming!!! Part of this includes fishing tips, and some articles, and some other surprise items included.
I am not trying to be arrogant, or like I am better than anyone here. I apologize for that attitude, because it is surely NOT how I wanted to come across. I am a weekend angler like most all here, and I want to give all the subscribers what they pay for, just like if I paid for it I would expect.
I did not take any of your post as a down, I appreciate input, because without input such as this, I can't change what I don't know or don't see!
Thank you and let me know what you think of the summer issue, if your a subscriber, its in the mail, if not, on the newsstands now!
On 6/1/2012 at 8:26 PM, out_doors_guy said:After having bad experiences with the magazine in the past, I will wait quite a while before subscribing. Especially after viewing the website and finding a couple things that where quite questionable. First being I could find no where on the site that told me how many issues per year will be published. Is it 12, 8, 6, 1? Important info. Especially given the past publishers lack of consistancy in putting out issues. I realize this is a new compnay but given the fact that the magazine will carry the same name as before does give cause for concern. The other is the "Fishing Tips" link, I and probably others, would expect it to direct you to a page with actual content. This it does not do, but sends you to your e-comerce site to purchase said tips. While I feel it is OK to sell these pdf's and I may actually purchase one or two to check them out, I find it linked the way it is.
While I agree with your "telling it like it is" attitude, your wording in your posts could be a little better. It does come off as being a little arrogant, IMO.
I apologize if this post sounds like I am trying to down you and your efforts. That is not my intent, I actually wish you well and hope the magazine is a success.
What is nuts? I know I know, can I guess? Is it that a "BASSIN'" magazine will be mailed on time for a change?
On 6/2/2012 at 9:17 PM, hootiebenji said:THIS IS NUTS!!!!!!!!!!
Got Bassin and Bass Angler subscriptions for a christmas present. Have recieved one of each. Bass Angler was amazing and sits at work, eagerly being read when I am able to "slack off" or visit my "other office" haha. It is a thick magazine filled with long articles filled with great info. It is a serious fishing magazine and I had never read it before and am very happy with the subscription I have, can not wait for that second issue.
Bassin I bought off the shelves for the last year..... was happy with it for the most part. Was drawn in by the fact there was an article in each by Ike and KVD. Hence I was happy to get the subscription without knowing of the change or the past problems. The first and only magazine I have was labeled "the how to issue" and to be frank, I was very disapointed. After reading the article about the change in ownership and such, I figured the issue was a transitional issue, and while disapointed, was curious to see the next one. I guess I will see.
If you asked me right now, I will eagerly be re-subscribing to Bass Angler and based on one magazine, I would not be renewing to Bassin. I hope the next one (when I get it) makes me want to change my mind.
Hi big barge
I appreciate the nice comments about Bass Angler aka BAM, however we have had our share of issues in past and I've received my share of being bashed. I've make a ton of mistakes still and it almost seems the harder I try the more problems arise.
With that said Bassin has a new owner and it soulds like hes trying hard, so I'd give him a chance to get in the swing of things before judging. Positive encouragement goes a long way.
Absolutely, the best word I have heard yet. Transitional. The next one is in the mail, and you should be receiving it anyday. Let me know your thoughts about it compared to the first issue.
Thanks! -BU
On 6/3/2012 at 11:08 AM, Bigbarge50 said:Got Bassin and Bass Angler subscriptions for a christmas present. Have recieved one of each. Bass Angler was amazing and sits at work, eagerly being read when I am able to "slack off" or visit my "other office" haha. It is a thick magazine filled with long articles filled with great info. It is a serious fishing magazine and I had never read it before and am very happy with the subscription I have, can not wait for that second issue.
Bassin I bought off the shelves for the last year..... was happy with it for the most part. Was drawn in by the fact there was an article in each by Ike and KVD. Hence I was happy to get the subscription without knowing of the change or the past problems. The first and only magazine I have was labeled "the how to issue" and to be frank, I was very disapointed. After reading the article about the change in ownership and such, I figured the issue was a transitional issue, and while disapointed, was curious to see the next one. I guess I will see.
If you asked me right now, I will eagerly be re-subscribing to Bass Angler and based on one magazine, I would not be renewing to Bassin. I hope the next one (when I get it) makes me want to change my mind.
Thanks BAM.
Also, a side note. I am doing this magazine ALONE. The editing, the layout, the design, the graphics, the subscriptions, and the fulfillment. I do have an ad agency, :"THE POWELL GROUP" that sales 75% of the ads, I sell 25%, and I have 2 customer service girls. But as for the magazine, I DID IT. So in the past posts where I have been accused of complaining about working 18+ days, its because I built that magazine from nothing, which is exactly what it was since an issue had not been mailed in 7 months.
Each issue will get better, and I look forward to hearing comments about the summer issue.
Thanks again to Bass Angler Magazine. Appreciate the positives!
On 6/3/2012 at 12:08 PM, Bass Angler Magazine said:Hi big barge
I appreciate the nice comments about Bass Angler aka BAM, however we have had our share of issues in past and I've received my share of being bashed. I've make a ton of mistakes still and it almost seems the harder I try the more problems arise.
With that said Bassin has a new owner and it soulds like hes trying hard, so I'd give him a chance to get in the swing of things before judging. Positive encouragement goes a long way.
On 6/3/2012 at 8:28 AM, braduhl said:What is nuts? I know I know, can I guess? Is it that a "BASSIN'" magazine will be mailed on time for a change?
What I meant was nuts, is people picking apart every single word of your post. Cmon guys, lighten up, give the man a chance. I always loved bassin mag. I have several old issues, even old issues when it was called Pro Bass. Great magazine.
Ahhh! thank you! I am trying to make this magazine what it was. I can do it, and I have a long potholed road ahead of me. I dont mind the picking apart, but you are correct. Its just years of frustrated subscribers with no one else to take it out on but me. I understand, but I will stand up for myself as well. Thanks for subscribing, and when you see the new summer issue, let me know your thoughts!
Thank you! -BU
On 6/3/2012 at 4:42 PM, hootiebenji said:
Mark, Brad - you guys are class acts!
Ok Brad...I bought the magazine...I read it and I liked it....If you can do it twice in a row then you've got a subscriber.
i will look for it in B&N tomor
I have yet to find it sold anywhere locally... even Wally-World didn't have it...
got a copy and i like it, good reading
Well Brad -- I haven't managed to snag a copy yet, but it sounds like you have starting improving the mag based on these posts! Good Deal!
Tight Lines!
Have subscribers gotten theirs in the mail yet?
I was a past subscriber, but like others, didn't care to renew.
Brad, you seem like a swell guy. I think it's really cool that you came on here to discuss the magazine. When I see the new BASSIN mag, Im definitely picking it up.
Good luck to ya!
On 6/6/2012 at 9:27 AM, buzzfrog said:got a copy and i like it, good reading
Where did you get it at buddy?
On 6/8/2012 at 6:54 AM, Bigbarge50 said:Have subscribers gotten theirs in the mail yet?
I received the Summer issue today. I had forgotten I had subscribed to it. The last issue I got (Spring?) was, sorry to say, not very good at all. Maybe it was a "transitional" issue?
I thought I had cancelled ALL my bass fishing mags with the very Big exception of Bass Angler Magazine. I consider B.A.M. the cream of the crop.
The more "pros on tour" or "what the pros use" references their are...the less interested I become. I am probably in the minority and yes, sales make the world go round.
But, I could not care less about "the tournament pros". Anyway, good luck with the new Bassin mag. I'll keep an eye out for it.
On 6/8/2012 at 10:32 AM, Kyle Mahaffey said:Where did you get it at buddy?
Barnes and Noble
I'm so there.
The Summer issue was very good. Good content regarding technique and presentations. That is what I look for in a sport fishing magazine.
Thank you for the lack of "what the pros use" junk that saturate so many of these publications. Good stuff.
Never liked Bassin'. Except its price. Too many hokie adds made to look like articles that sold stuff only Roland Martin would hype. After reading this thread I picked up the latest one. It is different for the most part. Glad to hear you intend to focus on real fishermen. I will buy it again if I see a focus towards the enthusiast. I will never spend $10 again for BAM just to hold a tournament pro worship guide. Same goes for BASS. I can only imagine the hard work you have ahead of you. I pray you succeed.
I have just fished with Brad here in Nebraska at Pelican lake what a great guy to fish with. Caught a ton of fish great conversation I will get the magazine soon.
I don't know where my subscription stands, but it's been a long time and I consider it money down a black hole. I been getting my copies at the news stand when I can find them. I'll subscribe again on BR member recommendations, if they come.
I do not know how I missed this thread. I have never been a subscriber but I did regularly pick up Bassin' off the newsstand. I believe the only thing I said on another thread was that it wasn't worth the 5 bucks I paid. I haven't checked out the new summer issue but I plan on it. I think the price is 4 bucks now if I am not mistaken. So I will say this. I will start purchasing if the content has improved over what I purchased last year. The price has improved already. I want the mag to succeed because I am a print junkie. So print in my house is alive and well.
Good luck.
5 years since the last reply, just wondering how the delivery and content has been and what your thoughts are.
I subscribed last Spring but by the end of July in never came. I subscribed to Bassmaster on the same day and received two issues before July 1. I have picked it up at B&N. Full of typo's, misspellings, bad grammar and low-rez graphics. I loved this mag in the late 90's but I'm not impressed with the current state of affairs.
Edited by SeeNoSunOn 9/6/2018 at 12:17 AM, SeeNoSun said:...Full of typo's, misspellings, bad grammer...
LMAO! Priceless....
As to the viability of making a successful business from printing articles and still pictures on paper and physically distributing the media well into the 21st century? Well, let's just say I'm pretty sure the guy who sells (or rather tries to sell) ad space drinks heavily (or should)...
And the whole zombie thread reviving thing? meh,
Point of reference the Sept/Oct 2018 issue of Bassmaster magazine has fewer pages then the 1968 issue! Print magazines are in serious trouble.