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If you had the chance to sit down with one professional angler 1 on 1 and honestly talk FISHING... 2024

fishing user avatarMd reply : 

...for an entire day, who would it be? What I would like to know is who you think your fishing style is similar to on the professional side? Or maybe whom you try to emulate(be like)?

fishing user avatarMd reply : 

OK, so here goes! I'm partial to KVD being from the Northern lakes that I fish but my fishing style is more finesse than power. That being said, I'd love to sit down with Aaron Martins and pick his brain on how/what/why he fishes the way he does in different situations. He is a factor in almost all the tournaments across the U.S. and mostly uses the tactics I consider my strengths. I'm not saying he's my favorite fisherman, just the most similar to my fishing tactic wise.

fishing user avatartnbassfisher reply : 

I would sit down with any that were willing. Learning tips from the greatest, and how to manage a good fishing career. KVD I guess would have to be the best at doing so.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Of all the fishermen who I would most like to pick their brains, none of them are professional anglers.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
Of all the fishermen who I would most like to pick their brains, none of them are professional anglers.


fishing user avatarMd reply : 

I understand that with you Fourbizz, but come on Tin?

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I agree with those above.  While it would be a lot of fun talking with the Pros, I would much prefer to learn from a guy who has fished his favorite lake for years and knows it like the back of his hand.  Wham-bam-thank-you-mamm techniques are all well and good for the pros, but I do not fish tournaments, nor do I want to.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

I would have to agree with the others..gettin the "secrets" ect for local water would be neat..One guy I would like to talk to though, would be Mike Long.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Mike Long is very aproachable. He is doing a seminar in a couple weeks and he going to make it more like a classroom then a presentation. You can pick his brain all you want. He is very helpful.

I also agee with the others. As much as I think the pros are studs their style of fishing doesnt get me excited. I have also met and talked with most of them. Most are friendly and easy to talk to. A long time ago I was  a little star struck but now I see them as fisherman just like me and have no problem talking to them just like the guys in a tackle store.

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 

at the bass-a-thon , i talked with Scott Martin and Gregg Hackney for a couple of hours !! both those guys are very approachable and answered alot of questions i had . mike Long was there but i did not talk to him ....................   ::)

fishing user avatarChris reply : 
Of all the fishermen who I would most like to pick their brains, none of them are professional anglers.


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

What if we already did  ;)

fishing user avatarTimJ reply : 

I am with most of you in that I would learn much from any pro or great local to whom I could talk...but being from this area, I think that I would like to pick Steve Clapper's brain on 1) Erie and 2) St.Clair...but mostly Erie!


fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

My biggest weak point when it comes to fishing is new water.  It seem that the first time I hit a new lake I have trouble, but after a few trips, I seem to do progressively better.  So, I would like to talk to any top professional (KVD, Skeet Reese, etc) on how I can be more successful my first time on new water as opposed to developing some level of success by my third or fourth trip.

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 

I would love to talk to someone who will tell me the 100% truth on their tactics, lures, and presentations. Perhaps someone from BR.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I've had several conversations recently with professional anglers, though not tour pros. The people I've spoke to are guides, and make their living putting clients on fish. That's more impressive than winning any tournament, to me, and their knowledge of their waters is remarkable.

fishing user avatarCaptain Shane Procell reply : 

When I run across an "old timer" on my local waters I always try to find out how it was back in the day. I take time to listen to their stories and ask alot of questions, especially what was working for them then. I have put many tricks in my tackle box that I have incorporated into my guide service. I have also spoken with several "Pros and Celebrity" fishermen but honestly more information came from the "old men". The old timers have nothing to loose by helping you and are usually more approachable.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 
What if we already did ;)

Yep, X2.

Been so long ago I forgot most of what they tried to tell me. If I had to pick now it would be Greg Hackney.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Big O

At last year's Roadtrip

(Kentucky Lake), Big O spent time with

all the guys sharing casual conversation.

One of his comments changed a fundamental

philosophy I had held for many years. Color

matters...Even when you are enjoying a big

bite with a certain color, you might do better

with the RIGHT color!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I agree with those who have stated that they would prefer to speak with a guide, old-timer, or angler who is familiar and extremely proficient at fishing his/her particular lakes. 

fishing user avatardeep_wormin reply : 

If I got the chance to sit down and talk to a pro angler it would be Rick Clunn.         

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Easy choice for me....Al Lindner. I've been following him since he was on the pro tour back in the 80's. I even have his original "Book On Fishing", published back in the 70's with his brother, Ron and Bill Binkleman. In those days, these guys were associated solely with the "Lindy/Little Joe" company. Man, can those guys fish!

I just recently parted ways with the original first 70 issues of the "In-Fisherman" magazine. Gave it to a local teacher to use as reference material for his students.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
I understand that with you Fourbizz, but come on Tin?

I have had the opportunity to fish with Tommy Biffle, Denny Brauer, and others and it is cool to hear their stories and learn from them. But I would love to fish with guys like 5BL on Smith Mountain and learn the whole deep cranking thing, or go swimbait fishing with Bizzle on those Cali lakes, or see what I could learn from Catt when it comes to grass fishing.

Just because these guys have done this and just about mastered the craft and I feel as though they are weakness areas for me.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
If I got the chance to sit down and talk to a pro angler it would be Rick Clunn.

It's like being stoned and talking to Buddah.  ;D

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
If I got the chance to sit down and talk to a pro angler it would be Rick Clunn.

It's like being stoned and talking to Buddah. ;D

What's wrong with that?   

I dont have anyone in mind, but someone who is at the top of their game reading electronics would be fun to spend a day with.

fishing user avatarHot Rod reply : 

I'd like to talk to Skeet and Ike cause I can catch the fire out of some bass but I really need some help with my dance moves!  ;D

Seriously though...

I might like to talk to Jeff Coble (not sure of spelling).  You know the guy that got two trips to the Classic by winning the weekend series twice and almost did it again!  That to me is amazing to beat out all those other anlgers throughout many tournaments let alone once, but twice?  Especially when a lot of the guys you go against in those type of tournaments are fishingon their "home" lake. :)

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Two different kinds of professionals:

-Visit on-site, on the job, (for at least a week) with certain fisheries biologists/ecologists. I've met a few in this way (telemetry, electro-fishing, gill-netting, trawling, sonar surveying, etc...) and it provided perspectives I could never have gained with a mere fishing rod.

-I guess I'd be happy to observe any "old salt" angler, be it pro, guide, old timer, or young timer who's got their game together. Lotsa names out there: Rich Zaleski, Greg Mangus, ... . And there are some diver/anglers I'd love to hook up with. But, if I had to pick one angler I suppose I would spend that day with KVD and see how he decides on where he'll prioritize his time. And I have a lot of very specific questions for him that contain a lot of "whys"; mostly, "Why do you think that? -What have you seen?"

fishing user avatarDr Pigg reply : 

WRB and Bill Murphy, with WRB as first choice.  Could care less about winning a tournament.  I want to learn to think like the big'uns think !!  One pig a day is worth 25 dinks. :)

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

I've had the oppurtunity to talk to him once. But only for 10 minutes. This guy is an absolute stick!

fishing user avatarriverfisher reply : 

Here's my choice!!

fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 

I would do a BUNCH of talking fishing, and a bunch of just talking too.........

Al Lindner

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Dr Pigg WRB would be a great choice. I wouldnt mind stiching some jigs with him. Unfortunatley Bill Murphy is no longer with us. He died from skin cancer a few years ago.

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

For me it would be Bill Dance, to me no other angler has been the ambassador for our sport that Dance has been. 

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Mark Sosin, sometimes seen in tackle shops or on a pier and very approachable, lives in the area.

Jose Wejebe, the "Spanish Fly".

fishing user avatarTeam9nine reply : 

I've met, spoken to or shared a boat with many of the pros over the years, but if I had all day to spend with just one it would be Rick Clunn. I have to admit Al Lindner would be a very close second. I've met them both before and would gladly spend all day with either.

As for the great anglers or biologists locally or within my state, since they are local I've made it a point to speak to or befriend many of them and have learned a ton in the process. The pros just aren't as easily accessed for most of us. There are several individuals I've met or found through sites like this though that I would also enjoy 'picking their brains'.

fishing user avatarBass_Akwards reply : 

Rick Clunn is my answer.  He is the only fisherman I've ever heard that has talked about the relationship between quantum physics and fishing.  I have studied quantum physics for a few years now and find it completely facinating.  I've always seen a relationship between fishing and Quantum mechanics, and to hear an actual known pro agree with me is super cool.

I'd love to pick his brain about this.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

2 guys I'd love to spend a day fishing with are  Bill Dance and Larry Nixon.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

This is a short list of anglers I've fished with, against, and have lengthy conversations with ;)

Larry Nixon, Tommy Martin, Harold Allen, David Wharton, Elton Luce, Zell Rowland,  James Niggemeyer, Ken Cook, Matt Reed, Ben Matsubu, Todd Faircloth, Lendell Martin, Gary Yamamoto, Mark Pack, Cody Bird, Clark Wendlandt, Lonnie Stanley, John Torian, John Hall, John Dean, Villis P "Bo" Dowden SR

fishing user avatarBlack Bass reply : 

My top 10:

1) KVD

2) Ike

3) Denny B

4) Woo D

5) Bill D

6) Roland M

7) Tommy B

8) Todd F

9) Gary Y

10) Al L

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

I would trade you a day with those "pros" for a day with someone who is skilled in fishing the bodies of water close by that I fish.  That way I would have some very useful info on water that I can get to to fish.

fishing user avatarRobbyZ5001 reply : 

I would like to have a conversation with Ike. Ike grew up in Jersey/Philly area. He fished many of the same areas around me. He always says that its not his natural talent that it is the hard work and dedication that makes him the angler he is. I respect that and I feel the same way. If I ever do well in tournaments

(ie a healthy amount of 10 finishes) it will be because I put my time in and work hard and not my natural talent. I also like the fact that he is a scrappy fishermen.. he will throw everything and anything and fast. Take the flw cup this past year as an example. I wouldn't be surprised if he was throwing an inline spinner or some other un characteristic bass baits.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 
...There are several individuals I've met or found through sites like this though that I would also enjoy 'picking their brains'.

Ditto. You are one of 'em Brian. Of course, you'd have to be able to stand a day with a partner asking, "But Why...!" all the time. You might then just steer me to Rick Clunn. ;D

fishing user avatarDock Master reply : 

I would have to say Mike McCllelland because I *** his understanding of deep water.

fishing user avatarsalmicropterus reply : 

I've become friends with a former Elite Series and FLW Series competitor. We have fished a lot together and have asked him to be a coach and mentor for me. First time out I said that I didn't really care if we caught much but that I wanted to see the water through his eyes and approach. It was like a first hand "Day on the Lake" which this pro did once. To me, it's not so much "put me on fish today"but more "teach me the skills so that I can put myself on fish more often than before" . This has helped me immensely, not only in improving basic skills but also developing a mental approach. Once you develop a confidence that your thought processes are solid, you don't waste a lot of time second-guessing yourself, particularly in competitive situations where the clock is not your friend. In golf, it's like getting a playing lesson with a pro-they can help you think your way to a better score even if not better ball-striking

fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

Bill Dance.

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 
Mark Sosin, sometimes seen in tackle shops or on a pier and very approachable, lives in the area.

Jose Wejebe, the "Spanish Fly".

I instantly thought of Wejebe, but then thought of Capt. Rick Murphy. Murphy 1st, then Wejebe, then Doug Stange for freshwater.

fishing user avatarhjerk24 reply : 

Shaw Grigsby.  He's an AWESOME guy with an amazing testimony.  We'd have a lot to talk about, and maybe we'd talk fishing too.  Maybe we'd catch a few "Big Ol' Pigs"...  If he was busy, I'd call up IKE and just watch him fish all day, and recount his amazing catches and accomplishments over the years. 

fishing user avatarFishingBuds reply : 

Bill Dance, My all time favorite

He's a good ol'boy and I can relate to guys like this. Would love to here him talk about all who he has fished with too 8-)

fishing user avatarA-Rob reply : 

I would sit down with, or better yet go fishing with, Iaconelli. His passion/intensity for competition is something I can personally relate to. His fishing style is also the way I like to fish....but he's obviously way better at it! I like his pace and techniques.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

You might be interested in this then:

and this:

fishing user avatarSteve_IA reply : 

Larry Nixon

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 

My good friend Mike Ostrander, and a biologist friend, then on to the pros: Scott Martin, Al Lindner (DEFINITELY), Paul Elias, and basically any other southern type guy. Pros shaped like a healthy bass are funny to watch ;D (Dion Hibdon)

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 

Almost forgot Edwin Evers! Seems like such a nice guy :)

fishing user avatardevinjm reply : 

for my high school graduation two years ago, i got a 14ft john boat with a small outboard and trolling motor. when i think of deep water, i think of the length of my boat. one angler started the same way i did with the same boat at the same age. and has the same thought process as me in nearly every aspect on the water. MIKE IACONELLI

he is the man and my personal fishing hero. my goal is to be him someday. the signature on my phone is even "Mike Ike Jr." lol

fishing user avatarbrianbass reply : 

Ike and skeet would be my choices, but so many others too.

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

Well I got to talk to Rick Clunn one time and I was lost after a few seconds but, still a nice guy.

I would like to have a good chat with KVD.

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

Thats a great question. Persoanlly I would have to go with Al Linder. I used to watch his videos all the time over at a friends house. I like his style of teaching in those videos. I guess if I had to choose a pro I would take KVD. He is one of the best. Other than that I'd like to pick the brains of some older guides around cental Alabama. I think they would give you the best understanding of an individual lake.


fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

Al Lindner. He grew up in my neck of the woods fishing the same waters I fish. I won the northern region catch and release bass several years ago with a 23 1/2 incher and he personally wrote me a letter saying he was glad to see the lake I caught it from was still producing lunkers. I've chatted briefly with him at a few shows but would love to sit down with him. A true pioneer.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Ike.  :)

fishing user avatarzero reply : 

wow hard choice to pick only 1

but i pick ike iaconelli and kvd

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

I would have to go with either Larry Nixon or Denny Braur.  I think with both of these being in the sport for so long and all they have seen you could learn so much.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 


fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

I would like to sit down and talk with Ike.

fishing user avatarDalton Tam reply : 

Most definately Randy Howell. Great fisherman. fishes similar to my style and just an all around great person.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 
I won the northern region catch and release bass several years ago with a 23 1/2 incher

Leave it to a Yankee to refer to the size of a big bass by its length. ;) I agree about Lindner, though. As a Southern boy it pains me to say this, but I think that, if he had stayed with tournament bass fishing, he would have been the superstar of BASS.

fishing user avatarA-Rob reply : 
You might be interested in this then:

and this:


fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

First post here. Great site, great resources!

If I could only pick one guy: "Uncle" Homer Circle. So many years on the water, so much wisdom, so practical.

fishing user avatarA.Maxwell reply : 

Mike Long is an excellent choice, but for me Gary Dobyn's would be my choice.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Terrific question and gives much food for thought I am partial to detailed discussions on why fish react positively in different situations to different presentations. Like many of the above responses, spending time with pro's and guides and discussing their intimate knowledge of home waters is where I would start.

Example: If I wanted to learn about tractors, I would talk to the farmers who work them instead of a dealership. The dealership will tell me what it's suppose to do, the Farmer will tell me what it really does.

Often, we're on the fish and won't know it because we're not getting bit. We're too fast, too slow, too shallow or too deep and the fish aren't interested in our presentations.

With that said, discussing the approach, styles and order of presentations to take advantage of each fish holding area is first priority for me.

I live in Texas and 90% of my fishing is done here but really enjoy fishing other waters. When at Kentucky Lake earlier this year, CJ, Bud, Kent and others had great insight on these details for that lake and made everyones success improve thru their casual conversation.

Although I'm blessed with the opportunity to fish with each of the SK Pros learning their favorite patterns on home waters, I receive just as much enjoyment and understanding from the everyday folks who spend quality time on their lakes too.

One of these days, I'll slide over to Toledo Bend and get Catt in the that'll be a good time Fo Sho ;)

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

The angler I would most like to sit down with 1 on 1 passed away 15 years ago this month.  Bryan Kerchal was a model person as well as a bass fisherman.

fishing user avatarTriton21 reply : 

I would love to spend one more day in the back of Billy Westmoreland's boat.  Was lucky to have him for a friend several years and learned tons about 3 species, Smallmouth, Spots, and Largemouth.  He was a great guy and the worlds best Smallmouth fisherman. 


fishing user avatarCHEVYRIDAZ reply : 

Very hard choice for me really............................probably Bill Dance because i always admired him and grew up watching his shows. KVD CLOSELY in 2nd place though.

fishing user avatarshootermcbob reply : 

too many great fishermen to name just one:

Hank Parker

Bill Dance

Al Lindner


Edwin Evers

Tim Horton

and just for fun

Mark Zona

fishing user avatarRockvilleMDAngler reply : 

I don't think one day would be enough.  If I fished with any elite pro for a day I would probably end up with more bad habits then good since I would continually try to do what he did on that one day. 

The only way I would really come out of an experience like that with an improved fishing sense is if I fished with the pro for 10-20 times in a season and learned why he makes the decisions he makes.  There is too much to learn for one day.

I have been out on the Potomac River several times with well respected guides and each trip has improved my fishing but the drastic impact was felt on the 5th and 6th trips, not the first.

Anyway if I could go for 10-20 trips I would want to fish with KVD, his knowledge of fish movements and migrations is second to none and I want to learn to fish better with the trolling motor on high.

fishing user avatarNorthern Strain reply : 

Mike Iaconelli, He is fun to watch, and probably more fun to fish with, and I think everyone could learn from his never give up style of fishing.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

I'd pick Skeet Reese, Fish Fishburne or Gerald Swindle.

For local knowledge, I'd like to speed time picking RoLo's brain for fishing tips!

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

And my husband would like to fish with Denny Brauer or Shaw Grigsby.

fishing user avatartrevor reply : 

Denny Brauer. Maybe Mike Iaconelli.

fishing user avatarAluma-Bass reply : 

woo daves bc he is from where i live and knows local lakes. Tim Horton, i like his fishin shows and the way he explains things. Mike iacconeli would be another...

fishing user avatarRedtail reply : 

I would like to sit down with Charlie Moore and ask him how in the world he continues to have a show catching all those shorts and annoying all that watch.  Everytime I turn that show on, I have to turn it off before it's over.  He thinks he is a fisherman, comedian, actor etc.  To me, he's none of those. 

fishing user avatarSJex reply : 


fishing user avatarSWMIBASSER reply : 

KVD would be OK to talk to but I wouldn't want to fish with him. Same with some of the other guys. They are wired to be to intense on the water....

I still vote to sit down and talk, I would want to talk to Al Lindner. Really great guy, great in person, catches lots of fish of all types.

I'd talk faith (which honestly isn't my type of subject), and bass fishing small and largemouth, and musky fishing.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

I'd rather sit down with someone like Glen Lau who has been studying bass behavior so I could ask questions about what bass are, what drives them, how they act, and therefore I could make better decisions when it comes to fishing. It's one thing to know where to find them on a body of water based on time of year and conditions, expecting bass to be where they are based on this.  I want to know WHY they are there, and where they would be if conditions weren't what they are for them to be there now. Once I know how they think and what drives them then I think I could catch them better. 

fishing user avatarbmadd reply : 

I've had the opportunity to speak with Mike Mcclelland about what he looks for in deep structure. This was after the weigh in one day last year at the Old Hickory tournament.

He took me to his boat and pulled up the map of Kentucky Lake on his gps unit and showed what he looks for and what his strategy is during practice. Really awesome guy.

Another "pro" I would like to spend some time with is Kelley Jordon. Another deep structure guy that I wouldn't mind fishing with.

Would love to fish with Catt for a summer as well.

fishing user avatarnoogai13 reply : 

I agree with a lot of other people saying they would talk to a non-pro but i would have to say Bill Dance, he obviously has a huge database of wisdom behind his cries of SONNY JIM that nobody else can compete with.

fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 

Definatley, Ike.

Between the two of us catching fish we would probably wake the dead. After reading his book, the way we approach things and think are scary similar.

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

As far as the fishing "pros" go I would love to sit down with these three guys.

1.) Al Lindner

2.) Alton Jones

3.) Bill Siemantel

But most of all I would have loved to sit down with my late great uncle who taught my dad how to fish.  He could just flat out catch any fish, any time, any where. 

fishing user avatarMr Jenkins reply : 

Ish Monroe

fishing user avatarheyvern reply : 

Greg Mangus: I've fished against him in tournaments and he can catch 5 # er's in a water puddle in the middle of NY city. just sick!!!


fishing user avatarBrian B reply : 

Mike Iaconelli - I like his passion and his drive for fishing.  But to be honest, it would be even more cool to go partying that night!

fishing user avatarsantacruz reply : 

The one the only the best of the best Bill Dance.

fishing user avatarEternal Angler reply : 

It would probably be Kevin VanDam, he's one of the greatest fisherman around!

fishing user avatarWild Bill [NY] reply : 

I have been fortunate enough to have fished the California Delta with Dee Thomas, who is a master of the flipping technique, and is recognized as one of the originators of it. I have fished twice with him so far on two different trips to California.

On Lake Fork Texas, on two different trips down to there, I was able to fish Fork with Kelly Jordan, and had two awesome days of fishing with him, as well.

Both are tremendously knowledagle Bass anglers, and I learned much for both of them, despite having fished bass since 1960 myself.

Each of them was very willing to share many of thier secret tips with me.

fishing user avatarLargemouthBast reply : 

  :-/Kvd or Tommy Biffle its a tough decision

fishing user avatarLuke at Gouldsboro reply : 

Definitely Mike Iaconelli. I'm a PA boy, He's a Jersey boy, and our personalities and fishing styles are very similar.

fishing user avatarNeedAnewScreenName-587943 reply : 

good long talk with Bill Murphy...

also ask Ike why he is so obnoxious, screaming like a dang fool.  yeah yeah, I know, he is 'excited'.  I get excited too but don't scream like a 3 year old.

flame away, if you wish, it don't hurt me.

you can tell me how he gets kids into fishing, how he is such a great fisherman, how 'nice' he is in person, how he catches better fish than me, how he is living the life getting rich fishing and banging bass groupies, however, he is still a jerk in my book.   :)


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