Obviously this doesn't apply to some of you lucky folks who can fish year round (I'm not so lucky, from Northwest Indiana where the temp was a mild -9 degree's this morning at 5).
My question is what are you doing to pass the time until you can hit the waters? I've been making frequent stops to Cabelas and BPS (Both of which are roughly 30 minutes from my house). Drinking entirely too much alcohol on the weekends bar hopping with friends and getting settled into a new job.
Going crazy right now!
I am in NWI, too. What am I doing? Crying.
Ice fishing.
I'm down here around Indy, similar temps this morning.
I'm working, and then coming home sitting in a corner quietly crying and muttering random things under my breath....copolymer....treble hooks....wacky worm.... all while rocking back and forth surrounded by Bassmaster and the BPS catalogs, with the neon glow of my laptop set to the BR page glowing on my face.....
Been lucky enough to hit the ice a little more than recent years, and very soon sap will be flowing and syrup making will commence. That takes me right up until the day the boat comes out. I usually have to scramble to get my soft water gear together because it sneaks up so fast.
Ranting about how much I hate winter, secretly crying, and organizing my tackle.
Watching fishing videos on the web. A lot of videos.
Well, I've about run out of fishing related things to do. I'm just adding the finishing touches to my last rod build of the off season. Everything other than the boat is ready to go, but it's sitting in the drive with 6in. of snow on it's winter cover.
Now it's planning time. I figure three trips this spring and another two in the fall. Lodging, transportation choices, and destinations should take a little time.
Somewhere before the power plant lakes open in March, I have a few little honey do's to both occupy my time and keep me from having a fishing widow (she would kill me).
compulsively buying lucky craft jerkbaits
On 2/12/2014 at 11:20 AM, tomustang said:compulsively buying lucky craft jerkbaits
Then you need this ~
On 2/12/2014 at 11:24 AM, A-Jay said:Then you need this ~
My wife pointed me to that store
On 2/12/2014 at 11:15 AM, Bassfishing375 said:Ranting about how much I hate winter, secretly crying, and organizing my tackle.
Good to know theres more of us out there. Kinda like being a Met fan lol.
Tying a lot of jigs, doing boat maint, cleaning reels, fishing the power plant lakes when it's not 5 degrees on my days off, which has only been once so far this year but going to change that tomorrow!
sometimes i drive to the lake to see if the ice is still there......
I've been shoveling out the driveway a lot.
stockin up onn everything i need fro this summer...i totally feel ur pain man i live outside lafayette indiana
Been reading In Pursuit of Giant Bass by Bill Murphy. Getting my kayak rigged up for the first full year of fishing with it. Ordering jigs from Siebert Outdoors. :respect-059:
On 2/12/2014 at 8:55 PM, Buckboy said:stockin up onn everything i need fro this summer...i totally feel ur pain man i live outside lafayette indiana
Just outside of Indianapolis. Never remember a winter quite so cold. It is going to be a long few weeks once it gets warm before this ice melts. Hopefully it starts soon!!!
On 2/12/2014 at 8:56 PM, B@ssCrzy said:Just outside of Indianapolis. Never remember a winter quite so cold. It is going to be a long few weeks once it gets warm before this ice melts. Hopefully it starts soon!!!
yeah man next week tho its suposed to warm up
Buying tackle and ice fishng, we are also working way more this winter than in the past....I like it, but I don't LOL.
pouring and tying my own jigs, watching tons of videos, organizing my tackle and only a "few" purchases. LOL
Oh and getting ready to plow out from another storm about to hit us.
Randomly buying fishing lures and rigging the kayak. Thinking about adding a fish finder to this puppy.
Finding a spring where the ice is not on.
I look back through the forums, search by Most Viewed or Most Replies to find some great topics and old disputes and conversations on various topics. Every weekend I try and convince the wife we need to drive out to the nearest BPS, or a local shop. I keep buying a few things every weekend, I find that helps pass the time lol. We had the Toronto Sportsmans Show last weekend, but I wasn't impressed with the fishing related section, next weekend is another Boat and Fishing Show in Toronto so hopefully that's a little better. I've been spending a lot of time practising knots, filling up the bathtub and watching the movement of lures. Tried Ice fishing a couple of times, bought every fishing magazine I could find, and doing research on local Bass Fishing Clubs to try my hand at co-angling this year and hopefully learn a lot more! COME ON SPRING!!!!! We've got until 3rd week of June for Bass season to open here , but plenty of fish around here to tug on the end of my line and keep me happy until then!
I've been cleaning and replacing worn parts on my reels, cleaning out my tackle boxes, sharpening/replacing hooks, restocking soft plastics, hooks and weights, looking outside to see if the snow has melted, pacing the floor, playing my guitars and generally going slowly insane waiting for fishing weather to arrive.
Picked up a new hobby, collecting baseball cards.
We're supposed to get around 8 inches of snow today, but a week from today temps will be in the mid 60s.
Buying too much gear, praying for the snow to end here in CT. Winter can't end soon enough for me.
The only ice I see in Florida are the tiny chips floating in my martini
On 2/13/2014 at 2:12 AM, RoLo said:The only ice I see in Florida are the tiny chips floating in my martini
i wish i was in florida where i could fish all year long
Flipping & pitching large tungston inside, while my dog chases it.
Staring at my wife, as she stares back
Staring at my rods,reels,hard baits
Telling my wife, yes I heard you
Going stir crazy ! Classic cabin fever
Geez... Hope I make it to spring!
On 2/13/2014 at 3:15 AM, Alonerankin2 said:Flipping & pitching large tungston inside, while my dog chases it.
Staring at my wife, as she stares back
Staring at my rods,reels,hard baits
Telling my wife, yes I heard you
Going stir crazy ! Classic cabin fever
Geez... Hope I make it to spring!
funny thing is i did the same thing hahaha my dog would stand in the door way as i learned how to pitch out my bedroom door lol dogfishing is the new thing right? lol
Yep ! Sure is.. Except my line got caught in the ceiling fan and it spooled me
I gotta get outta this place.
I was busy hunting until a few weeks ago. Now I've been cleaning my tackle, organizing everything, and looking for good deals on reels.
On 2/12/2014 at 11:24 AM, A-Jay said:Then you need this ~
You are an evil man for posting that link!!!
On 2/13/2014 at 5:21 AM, gr8outdoorz said:You are an evil man for posting that link!!!
C'mon Man ~ I was just trying to help a brother out . . .
On 2/13/2014 at 5:34 AM, A-Jay said:C'mon Man ~ I was just trying to help a brother out . . .
I can already feel my wallet getting thinner
Buying tackle, organizing tackle, tying jigs, staring at tackle and watching way too many fishing videos!
On a particularly frigid day earlier this winter I even just went and stared at my favorite pond in all it's frozen sadness until I could bear the cold no more.
I've been trying to do non open water fishing related things and focus on work, coyote hunting, and ice fishing. That way come March and April I can clean the reels, organize the tackle, boat prep, etc etc.. It's been one long and cold winter.
Over purchasing, testing lures in bathtubs and my school's 300 gallon aquarium, watching fishing shows while pitching and flipping a bare jig head with an ultralight across the room to catch socks scattered on the floor, trying to bust through the ice with heavy lead sinkers and lipless cranks....and dreaming about fishing.
And learning how to forge knives
Ice fishing all weekend! Willow slough on Sunday! Haha
goin thru my tackle so much i feel like i have memorized every inch of where everything is lol and feel like i have seen every fishin video on the web and im all like
and then bassresource posts another video and im all like
Does sitting in my man cave, -15 outside, drool running down my chin, blindly looking at 50+ years of fishing pictures, many with my Dad and good fishing friends now gone, going over my fishing logs of 25 years, ignoring the fishing catalogs, and once in awhile a mournful sigh escaping count? However, I now have to start getting my gear ready. Three weeks from today, I'm leaving for a 2 week trip to Guntersville. Even though there will still be 3 ft. of ice on the lakes when I get back. My 68 year old body will have a new bounce in my step and a renewed vigor. Then about a month after that the durn ice will go away and we will have 6 months to fish before it starts all over again. Life in the North. Wouldn't have it any other way.
On 2/13/2014 at 9:03 AM, msk said:Ice fishing all weekend! Willow slough on Sunday! Haha
I've ice fished the slough a few times this winter and had good luck as well. Always a good time!
Keeping busy this time of year is easy: leave job 1, go to job 2. Get daughter to & from dance or swimming. Cook meal, drop laundry in machines. Repeat. Wife is tax accountant so we pass each other coming & going this time of year.
In between I'm trying to finish my MBA before next fiscal year to pick up raise.
Also looking to buy a 'yak for Spring.... Look forward to fishing soon. I don't work the day between my night shifts - that's when I rely on Bassresource for ideas & opinions.....
Not much. Just looking over my baits; organized my rods; getting ready to take inventory for the end of month sales; looking over maps of waters to be fished this year; reading magazine and Forum articles; viewing Bassresource productions on YouTube; and tonight watching the snow fall in Richmond, Virginia.
Do I live an exciting life or what?
In phoenix az catching bass after bass on spinnerbaits in 80 degree weather. It's brutal I'm telling ya.
Between Nursing school, work, and ski patrol i dont have time for anything...my poor snomobile has only seen like 60miles and there is a solid foot of snow on the deck
Even though I do live in MD, the eastern shore is a whole nother climate as compared to western MD. Ive been lucky as to been able to fish pretty often this winter, although my wallet has felt quite an impact(Thanks Lucky Craft). But my best spot has been under drawdown for the past 2 weeks, so other than trying new spots and buying to much new gear Ive been gathering supplies for surf fishing, never done it before and figured since I moved this close to the beach might as well try it out.
I'm glad to see that others are in similar pain as me. As they say, Misery loves company....
I'm just sitting around and and
and getting
and I almost forgot, dealing with this
Spring please oh God please!
On 2/14/2014 at 8:32 AM, Djman72 said:I'm glad to see that others are in similar pain as me. As they say, Misery loves company....
yeah i know what you mean deer season is closed and its too cold for fishin so all we really can do is wait it out
I've become addicted to buying baits! Hopefully spring will get here soon!
trying to sell stuff to finance upgrades.
When I sell the microwave I'll know I've got a problem
Ive been lucky enough to hit some of our local power plant lakes this winter. However spring will be right around the corner for most of us! Thank god!
All work and no fishing makes Dan a dull boy...all work and no fishing makes Dan a dull boy.
After all the major winter festivities are over it's just a mental slugfest until spring. If it were'nt for the catalogs and this website, I don't know what I'd do.
Currently, sitting here looking at BR and restringing my ice fishing poles for a tournament tomorrow
Building Primitive bows, hunting, buying tackle, and EATING! South Carolina isn't bad but we were hit with 5 inches of snow and ice mix. Going out in the morning to fish tomorrow.
6:00 am Get up
6:10 am Peek out window
6:11 am Curse Mother Nature, give the finger
7:20 am Watch local news weather forecast
7:21 am Curse local weatherman
7:22 am Heavy sigh, begin sulking
7:30 - 8:00 am Morning commute. Curse Mother Nature.
8:00 am Arrive at work
8:00 am - 12:00 pm Work, in between trying to read fishing articles, books
12:00 - 1:00 pm Work out, fantasize about fishing in warm weather
1:00 pm Back at desk, check weather webpage, Sulk again
1:01 - 4:30 pm Work, in between reviewing topo maps of this year's target locations
4:30 - 5:00 pm Evening commute, curse Mother Nature, give finger again
6:15 pm watch local news weather forecast, cuss weatherman, log in to Facebook and vent publicly to him about his forecast
7:30 pm Express disbelief about this winter
9:30 - 10:00 Settle in to bed with Buck Perry
10:01 - Pray that tomorrow will offer a glimpse of hope that spring is coming
fishing expo tomorrow
fishing expo next weekend
fishing expo weekend after that
house of cards season 2
hopefully open water end of march
spool all reels with fresh line...clean reels that need...play with..uh i mean sort and clean lures...
like many, state my disbelief its the middle of Feb. and right now its flippin 10 degrees outside..drive by river see what the ice looks like..
drive home shaking my head about all the dang ice..
keep looking for my first boat...
I started building lures. It's been fun but I'm ready for spring now!!!
On 2/12/2014 at 8:55 PM, B@ssCrzy said:Been reading In Pursuit of Giant Bass by Bill Murphy. Getting my kayak rigged up for the first full year of fishing with it. Ordering jigs from Siebert Outdoors.
How do you like those jigs? I like the looks of them
On 2/17/2014 at 12:36 PM, calvincorey said:How do you like those jigs? I like the looks of them
They look really nice. I really like the look of the widegap swim jigs. Work great with the berkley grass pig that I like to use as a trailer.
Spending way too much money on fishing tackle
spending way to much money on fishing tackle
On 2/12/2014 at 10:25 AM, Djman72 said:
My question is what are you doing to pass the time until you can hit the waters? I've been making frequent stops to Cabelas and BPS (Both of which are roughly 30 minutes from my house).
Same here...So many choices. I'm gonna go broke.
I joined a cult that claims they can influence mother nature so that I might convince her to lighten up.....she looked at me with bloodshot eyes and told me to stick my fishing pole where the sun doesn't shine
I've been ice fishing hard this winter and it's been fun but at this point each and every year, I start eyeing up my casting and spinning rods and getting that excitement to get out and cast them!
Organizing tackle, sharpening knives, boat/trailer maintenance, buying new lures, wishing it was Spring already. Trying to fight off the bait monkey and losing.
Ive been trying my best to keep my spending and trips to fishing stores to a limit because every time i go I come home grab my bag and then remember there is 3ft of snow and 14 inches of ice on the ponds. LOL. Ive done everything that i can think of trying to crave my fishing addiction. Ive re-organized my bag about 6 or 7 times, Ive tried creating new rigs, and my favorites, I took one of my old reels I don't use anymore and did time trials on how fast i could take it apart completely and put it back together. LOL! Here in New Hampshire, It feels like winters are getting longer and longer each year.
I quit hunting this past winter so I am going nuts!!!!
it's in the 40's right now in central alabama with a high only in the mid 50's.so I'm bundled up in front of the fireplace waiting on winter to be over.
I'm just trying to keep it all together . . . .
I think if you go to BPS and go to the rack, select a rod, some line, a reel assemble it all and hook up a jig. Then walk over to the tank and start flipn, they probably wouldnt arrest you this year. Surely they understand.
I am keeping the bladebaits wet in 112 feet of water.
Testing out new swimbait hand pours in 89 feet.
Discovering that chatterbaits work in real cold water 148 feet down
Putting a meal on the table once and a while in the shallows
And trying to stay on topic now and then
I have been quite fortunate to enjoy this winter lately, it's been a good one!
wnybassman. nice fish.
any trouble bringing um up from that depth?
I absolutely hate winter!
I mean for cryin out loud. I've never seen this frigid winter in my life for so long. I just ughh hate it.
I've been dousing alcohol with friends and hanging out and talking bout fishing mainly of the time. Frequent visits to Tackle warehouse, organizing tackle. Driving by the lakes, and rivers and seeing if theres any open water, NOPE. Frozen shut still.
At my age all I do is think about them. Wait a minute what did you say?
Mac, you and I have a lot in common, and I think we have a lot in common.
On 2/12/2014 at 11:24 AM, A-Jay said:Then you need this ~
My favorite ebay store of all time
Crying, going through my tackle tweaking every minute tiny little thing, crying, pacing back and fourth hoping the ice will thaw, crying, flipping into a water bucket in my basement and did I mention crying?
On 2/28/2014 at 12:45 PM, buckeye_bass66 said:Crying, going through my tackle tweaking every minute tiny little thing, crying, pacing back and fourth hoping the ice will thaw, crying, flipping into a water bucket in my basement and did I mention crying?
Hey buckeye. I'm not trying to be a know it all but have you tried crying???? LOL!!!
Watching the news just now the weatherman says: "Well if you're waiting for spring.... you're going to be waiting a while."
..I cursed at the TV! -20 degrees today that's -4 in 'merican
I was skiing last night it -20 windchills...sucked lol
I'm really about to lose my mind haha. It's getting so close to thaw out!
Still building lures.....come on spring!
Well I'm touching my baits. Watching WFN and YouTube videos.
I'm sipping mine neat.
On 3/3/2014 at 1:13 AM, DFrench97 said:Well I'm touching my baits. Watching WFN and YouTube videos.
I don't think WFN has left my television screen in two weeks.
I've moved past Winter Rage to Winter Fatigue now. No more Nicholson from The Shining anger... more Nicholson from The Shining staring off into space. We know how that ended up. Its like a death march to spring... even the new rod and reel I picked up yesterday did little to liven me up.
On 3/3/2014 at 7:53 AM, SudburyBasser said:I don't think WFN has left my television screen in two weeks.
I've moved past Winter Rage to Winter Fatigue now. No more Nicholson from The Shining anger... more Nicholson from The Shining staring off into space. We know how that ended up. Its like a death march to spring... even the new rod and reel I picked up yesterday did little to liven me up.
This had me going haha