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Are You A "better" Fisherman Alone Or With Others? 2024

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Although I like to fish with others and probably wouldn't change if I could, I often wonder (after a trip) if I'd have done better if I'd have been free to make decisions on my own (when I am unencumbered with the wants/needs/plans of others).  How do you all feel about your decision making processes alone and with others?

fishing user avatarMccallister25 reply : 

I dont know wheather im "better" alone/with someone, but I kinda enjoy fishing by myself a lot of the time..only bad part is not getting a good photo op when by myself.

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

Depends on who i am fishing with. If my partner and i compliment eachothers styles and techniques i tend to do better...if we are complete opposite i tend to suffer or so i think....i dunno lol

fishing user avatarhoosierbass07 reply : 

 Definitely alone because I feel like I'm on my time only and I can do things by my schedule.  But I go mostly bank fishing.  If I had a boat I would probably want someone to help me unload/load the boat and all that. 

fishing user avatarmnbassman23 reply : 

Doesn't matter for me. All the guys I fish with got into bass fishing by tagging along with me. So when it comes time to pick spots, pattern fish, running the boat/trolling motor, etc it's 100% on me. I pretty much guide for free all summer long  :laugh5: 

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Interesting question. When I bank fish I prefer to be alone. However when I take the boat out, I really enjoy being with people who enjoy bass fishing as much as me. 

fishing user avatarkcdinkerz reply : 

i think when im alone theres no sense of urgency so i take my time fish slower, read the water more carefully, i can pull up to a spot and spend 1 hour fishing it or until i know i cant get a strike and move on usualy with other people we just make a few cast say oh no fish and move on.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

If I fish alone I can lie

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I'm a better angler period! ;)

fishing user avatarMr Swim Jig reply : 

I prefer to fish with someone...

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

 Perhaps you simply need new friends.


Or visa versa.



fishing user avatarblongfishing reply : 

I like fishing with my best friend most times. Sometimes when I see a nice spot I want to fish or want to slow down I'm with him so I wish I was by myself. I got my bass boat fixed so now I will fish by myself a lot more. I like to have company but like to do my own thing.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I'm deadly for bass, alone or with company.

fishing user avatarBassguytom reply : 

I fish alone!!!! Yea with nobody else!!!! Sorry this just reminded me of that George Thorogood song. I fish alone when wading and with a partner when in the boat. I fish better when with someone. I'm competitive.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I enjoy fishing with a companion and also enjoy fishing alone, but to answer your question:

the best days of my life have occurred when I was fishing by myself.

I would imagine that fishing alone allows me to be more selfishly focused.



fishing user avatarChristian M reply : 

Honestly, I fish alone most of the time, both from the bank or off my boat. I enjoy it because I can spend time practicing different techniques on my own time, thereby making me a better angler. On the other hand, I find that I will fish for longer periods of time when I'm with a friend, and my competitive side comes out. I think its important to do both if you want to be a better angler.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

When I first started diving, all my logs had Al Lalone as my diving buddy. He's the guy I always take fishing with me. Luckily, I'm antisocial and agoraphobic, sometimes $#!t just works out...   :)

fishing user avatarmichang5 reply : 

I think fishing with friends is a bit better -- bank or kayaks. We can cover more area and throw more baits at 'em. And then share when someone finds what's working.

An interesting contrast happened two weeks ago when I organized a "Fishing Derby" between the three of us. Local pond that we've all bank fished before. $10 buy-in. Most bass (regardless of size) caught in three hours took the pot.

I had an awful morning and was skunked. Both of my friends were catching them nearby, but we couldn't share our setups or patterns. Was super fun, but extremely frustrating to be on the (very) short end of the stick.

fishing user avatarBruce424 reply : 

I think I have more fun fishing with someone. You kno someone to talk to. But more serious fishing when alone and patient. I prefer to fish alone though. Move when I want to. Stay how long I want or leave for a different spot.

fishing user avatarbartdude186 reply : 

I prefer alone most of the time.Although it depends on their skill level.Nothing worse than babysitting all day. A few of my friends sometimes want to go "fishing" with me and show up with their Zebco and a bucket of minnows.

fishing user avatargreentrout reply : 

If I am fishing a recently discovered farm pond from the bank or a pond hopper, I definitely want to be alone. I once had the good fortune

to meet a very nice gentleman who took me to the Ms/La marshes to fish for the beloved bass and I would not want to be alone in that



A broken down boat in wild marshes by yourself is a scary scenario.



fishing user avatarCDMeyer reply : 

I love to fish with other who share my passion..... yet when I am by myself I focus in on the little things more and then I learn more about myself..... I love to fish with people who know more than I do and can help teach me

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

I definitely enjoy fishing with others. For twenty years I fished out of my boat with my best friend, who was like a brother to me. We were in Education together, coached football together, partied together, raised kids at the same time, and grew old together. He was a good person, a good fisherman, and a great friend. My best friend past away last year suddenly with no warning. I still think of Tom every trip I take to the Everglades, and Lake Okeechobee.

I now take a number of new friends that I have met through fishing. These guys use a variety of different techniques and baits. Its fun watching them work their stuff, sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much. I am constantly learning from watching others. I learn things to try, and things to forget, almost every trip. The conversations are usually great, if you can stay away from politics, and there are always loads of laughs. Fishing is always better if you have someone to share the experience with. Always cherish these experiences, you just never know when it will all come to a sudden end for someone.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

I usually like to fish alone unless it is with one of the three people on my "inner fish circle". These guys are cool, they know we stay quiet when needed and are courteous, also we all share the same sense of humor.

There are others who are like, "dude, take me fishing". Those are the people who I feel like never shut up and I manage to teach them basics instead of focusing on my bite.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 
  On 5/13/2014 at 9:03 AM, RoLo said:

I enjoy fishing with a companion and also enjoy fishing alone, but to answer your question:

the best days of my life have occurred when I was fishing by myself.

I would imagine that fishing alone allows me to be more selfishly focused.




fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

I mostly fish alone, so I'll vote this.


But I enjoy hitting the water with a buddy yak-angler when the opportunity arises.

fishing user avatarmissouribigbass reply : 

There's no doubt it's alone. You get to fish to your strengths and don't have to accommodate anyone else. I prefer to fish with company but I have more success alone.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Catch rate or quality of fish makes no difference being alone or with a companion.  My better fish are usually caught before dawn and I'm alone most of the time.  Some of these fish I can't lift or it's illegal to take them out of the water, some have to be broken off, or no around to snap a pic.  I have posted quite a few barracuda pics, catching them in daylight and being edible there is always a friend to help with the gaff.

I do my bass fishing in the afternoon usually alone.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I fish better by myself. I prefer fishing with someone else but when I can just pin my ears back and fish without worrying about if my buddy in the back is getting a fair shot at the fish, is he snagged, does he have a fish on, am I going to have to dodge that set of trebles again, I put a lot more fish in the boat and I'm not worried about gambling because if I don't catch anything I'm okay with it and I don't have to worry about someone else being disappointed. 

fishing user avatareinscodek reply : 


noone to impress

noone to accidentally spook the fish

lets one be more patient and focus on catching fish

fishing user avatarnascar2428 reply : 

I'm going to have to say alone, since all of my friends and relatives fish for everything but bass. However pan fishing would be another story, the more the better.

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

For way too many years I fished alone, even when someone was sitting in the back of the boat. 


I consider those who play with their smart phones all day as not fishing. 

fishing user avatarslimshad reply : 

Alone for me.  I feel more free to think about the task at hand.  When I fish with others I spend alot of brain power on How is my boat positioned, did I hit all the best cover, Am I going to fast, Is the boat too close to the structure.  When I am alone I feel like I can put myself in the right position and not worry or think about the boat behind me.  I can throw baits differently.  I like to hit structure from a backwards cast alot when i am alone.  I also Carolina rig and A rig more alone. I have a good way to take pictures too.  Most digital cameras have a timer.  I put the camera on the butt seat and lay the bass in the floor.  I set the 10 sec delay count in my head as I grab the bass and smile right on que! Perfect pictures every time.   

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

Alone.  Fishing is my alone time. 

When fishing with someone else, if I get snagged I have to deal with it, if they get snagged, I have to deal with it.  I have passed up good places to cast into so the person in the back can have it.  He either couldn't hit the spot or wouldn't.  Therefore, neither of us fished the spot.  I finally told him I was not going to pass up anymore spots to cast into.  He doesn't go with me anymore and that is a good thing for a lot of reasons.  Not the least of which is the cost of fishing was NEVER shared.

Alone with my Maker is best.

fishing user avatarMaico1 reply : 

When I think about it I have spent more time on the water by myself which allows me more solitude and focus. However there is something to be said about busting your buddies balls while out on the water especially right after he loses a real nice one....

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

I love fishing with my Son. Otherwise, I would rather fish alone.


fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

Better alone.  Generally prefer alone.  However, I will never pass up an opportunity to have my wife with me in the boat.  She's a great (and patient) fisherwoman.  Isn't nearly as fanatical as I am, but never complains we stay on the water too long, etc.  I do have to sacrifice some fishing focus, drive her into primo spots first sometimes, etc.....  But having her along is time very well spent.

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 

I think I'm probably a better fisherman alone but I have more fun with friends so that's pretty much a wash for me.  

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

As Roger said when fishing alone I can focus only on what I want to do, and don't have to worry about anyone else. I may be technically better on those days. When fishing with someone who knows what their doing, they may figure it out first making me better for the day.


 "Fishing" with my grandkids is not really fishing as defined by a "serious" fisherman, but I get as much joy watching/helping one of them land a small fish as I would get landing the biggest bass in the lake. I have had days alone on the water that I would not trade, and days that are better forgotten. I have lost a brother and another fishing friend over the years, and would give much spend a day on the water with either of them. Fishing with an adult who doesn't really get it can be as challenging as fishing with a very skilled partner is fun. Fishing with my wife who has some serious physical limitations at this time is work, but I would not trade our time for anything. I guess what I'm trying to say is that 'doing well' when fishing is about much more than the size and numbers of fish caught IMO.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 
  On 5/13/2014 at 5:57 AM, BigBlock496 said:

I dont know wheather im "better" alone/with someone, but I kinda enjoy fishing by myself a lot of the time..only bad part is not getting a good photo op when by myself.


fishing user avatarporkleaker reply : 

I do my best fishing alone. Or I just tick people off with the amount of fish I catch and they end up watching me, it becomes a spectator sport. 

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

When I'm by myself I'm much more likely to experiement or try some things that others might consider a waste of time.  When I'm with others (or afterwards, actually) I find myself asking "what if...?"  As in "What if I'd stuck around and tried a smaller bait?"  or "what if I'd spent more time working those points, drop off's?" etc.  Of course since there's only so much time in a day, I can wind up asking myself these questions anyway but it happens more frequently after I've been out with others.


Disclaimer:  There's obviously no guarantee any of the additional things I might have attempted would have worked but it bugs me not knowing.  Oh, if there was only more time to fish!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
  On 5/13/2014 at 3:52 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

I fish better by myself. I prefer fishing with someone else but when I can just pin my ears back and fish without worrying about if my buddy in the back is getting a fair shot at the fish, is he snagged, does he have a fish on, am I going to have to dodge that set of trebles again, I put a lot more fish in the boat and I'm not worried about gambling because if I don't catch anything I'm okay with it and I don't have to worry about someone else being disappointed. 


Similar to Bluebasser, I am absolutely better alone.  I find myself always trying to position the boat so that the other angler has as good a shot as I do at the fish.  Usually, this results in a less than optimal shot for both of us.  :smiley:   In the back, I try to be too polite and stay out of the front angler's way.  I just feel too much of a responsibility to the other angler and this divides my concentration. 

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

I prefer fishing with someone else, it is a lot of fun to share a great day of fishing with someone you enjoy being with, especially my family, and close friends... I do feel though that my productivity increases when i fish alone, as i am not afraid to have a tough day, and can fish the techniques that i believe will produce the best fish... also boat positioning is also more of an issue with 2 people...



fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I would rather fish alone.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I fish at a high level intensity, if you're not NEAR, AT or ABOVE that level you will not be in my back seat...period!

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

The main thing for me is how long I will stay on the water also. I may be out for 4-6 hours with food/drink. If the bite is slow, some people will want to give up early. Or even if we are slaying them sometimes people I fished with want to head in. I have bank fished with some folk who cut out early. I stayed. Also I give a warning, I ain't turnin' back if you get bored. :-)

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

That song "I stand alone" needs to be remade into "I fish alone"


fishing user avatarKevin Beachy reply : 

Fishing alone is quite a bit quiter and i like that.

fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

I am better when the other guy is better.


I enjoy fishing with others to talk about the lake, pattern, life......


but sometimes I like to lone it too, which I do often.

fishing user avatarCreekcrappie reply : 

Depending if I am bank fishing or fishing from a boat. Then again, it depends who I am fishing with.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

This is a good question might be better when I am alone but I like fishing with my buddies it makes it more enjoyable sharing laughs, stories, sports, trash talk (#1 element to a good fishing partner lol), etc.

Another thing this is I don't mind getting skunked if my buddy is catching fish.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Last night went with two friends on the boat. All three of us share the same serious fishing mentality. Only reason we had to head in early (just after dark) was because I had to get my daughter ice cream I promised her. :-)

Had a great bassin' time!

fishing user avatarViolinguy reply : 
  On 5/13/2014 at 7:06 AM, slonezp said:

If I fish alone I can lie




Seriuosly, fishing alone can be extremely theraputic.  Just alone in nature.  However, sometimes it's nice to have friends with you for pictures, advice, medical emergencies, etc.  With cell phones today, it's not as critical, but there are a lot of the same saftey issues as camping alone.

fishing user avataratpns1234 reply : 

The 2 biggest fish I've caught have both been with somebody. Coincidence I'm sure but I don't mind if someone wants to partner up.

fishing user avatarChris9999 reply : 

I would say with others. I have one main fishing friend and there has only been a few times when I havent gone with him. But because we fish without a boat more than with I think it is almost like the best of both worlds. Generally we are close but far enough apart that we can make our own decisions about the exact location. 

fishing user avatar200racing reply : 

truthfully i get skunked a lot alone because that is when i break out new stuff. on those days im out to catch fish how i want to not the best way possible.


i dont work a piece of cover as hard with a 2nd guy. try to leave them a chance. 


i also hate when i get on a pattern and the back boater cant match it and starts getting frustrated. out for fun i will usually relent and go searching for something we both can do. in tourn. they just get to be my net man.

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 
  On 5/14/2014 at 9:54 AM, Brian Needham said:

I am better when the other guy is better.


Took me a few years, but I've found that to be true of most anything.  I tend to play up (and down) to my 'competition' (or collaborator(s).)

fishing user avatarbassr95 reply : 

I prefer to fish with somebody. We can cover more water and try more baits to figure out how to catch them faster. It's fun to turn it into a friendly competition, and I think i fish better/harder when I know i've got to keep up with the guy beside me. Fishing with other dedicated anglers is also a great way to learn new baits/techniques. Seeing someone slaying them on a new bait gives me the confidence to give that bait an honest try at some point.

fishing user avatarGrant Schuen reply : 

i catch the most fish by myself in a kayak! weird but that's when i fish the best.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

I like when I go with my friend. We each have our own kayak so it is not too bad. :-)

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 

I like fishing alone in locations that I know really well and can basically call the shots on the bass, that way I don't have to split the fish 50/50 and catch half as many as I would by myself! But if I'm somewhere new then I like to have someone else to help figure them out. I only have one friend that truly bass fishes and understands it, has his own tackle, etc. We get along really well and have a good time fishing together, there just aren't many kids my age (at least where I live) that fish. People at my high school think fishing is the bobber-worm deal, I frequently get asked "How can you be "good" at fishing? Isn't it just getting lucky?" People are so clueless...

fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 

I have thought some about this topic and for me there Is not a cut and dry answer. A little background: I used to fish with a guy that was a friend and the first few years it was always great. It gradually  became a little strained and at the end It was miserable.  There were many reasons with the both of us being at fault. 


I told the above to point out that as you grow as a fisherman and person sometimes things change. It's life and there's too little time to be miserable.


I fish alone quite a bit now and prefer that. It's my time and whether I catch any fish or not I am at peace. That being said, my wife has taken to fishing and some days she wants to go and I'm tickled to death. 


In the end choose a fishing partner wisely, practice patience, teach and pass along wisdom, fishing or otherwise and be sure to have FUN!

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I'm very insulting when I'm fishing. I'm in my own zone, I got my own zipcode, when I'm alone. I don't talk to anyone. I'm thinking fishing that's it. Me and the fish.


Unless my family is with me or there are little kids with there dad then I may help them. I go out of my way to help others when I can to promote this sport. I help others while evening fishing. In the early mornings I'm in my zone.

fishing user avatarfadetoblack21 reply : 

I prefer fishing with a buddy. It becomes sort of a competition between the two of us, biggest bass, most caught, etc. I do plenty of fishing by myself, so for me it's nice to have that added element when by fishing buddy is there. 


Whether that makes me better or not I don't know, but it adds another element to it for me since I'm super competitive. 

fishing user avatarfishva reply : 

I almost always fish by myself, only because I don't have any friends who fish. I enjoy it, but sure do appreciate some good company when I have it.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I don't have to be intense when I'm fishing, I can put my lure where ever I want and shoot the bull at the same time.  I already know how to fish so it's matter of the fish being cooperative, some days they are and some days they aren't .  All my bass fishing is done alone, simply because I don't know anyone that bass fishes.  I do like people around me when I'm saltwater fishing, sometimes you just need someone to help with the fish.  I do catch smaller fish but I'm not really targeting anything under 10#, having a net or gaff man is very helpful, plus I like be social.  I do bass fish nearly every day in addition to saltwater.  I do it without pressure to perform, don't care if I lose a fish, just a matter of time until another good one comes along.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

I fish better alone, but I usually enjoy fishing with others.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Let's make it simple. Just start a conversation with yourself and sometimes answer back. :-)

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

 I will usually catch more fish when alone because I do as I want, but most of my friends hardly get out to fish due to family/work so its good when it happens. What I do hate is sometimes Ill drive 45 minutes and they'll neglect to tell me they can only fish for 2-3hours. I have a 6hr minimum.


I've also made plans many times with someone on this forum to fish and then they wake up at 2pm on the actual day. Im alone 95% of the time but now I've been fishing near my workplace with co workers since we have a lake out back.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

That's true about the time frame. People who know me usually know I have about a 3 hour minimum. :-)

fishing user avatarBassFit reply : 

I'm the same regardless. I do feel like I benefit from having a seasoned angler on an unfamiliar body of water.

However, alone is a necessity to getting on the water more often.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

As Popeye is wont to say,  "I yam what I yam, and that's all what I yam."


I'm the same person, with the same abilities, whether it be alone or with others.


However, is the fishing better when alone, that depends.  In most cases, you will catch more fish while fishing alone, simply because you can cast to all the prime spots without regard for giving another the same opportunity.  On the other hand, when the fishing is tough, and the fish are finicky, two fishermen, casting different baits can cover more water, and glean more info.  Then, you can do better with another fisherman.


When prospecting, or trying new baits, I prefer to fish alone.  Although when fishing unfamiliar water, the above applies because you can try more things.

fishing user avatarChris186 reply : 

This is a tough one for me. I feel like im better alone, however, when you have someone with you, they may pick up on something you are missing. At the same time, when you are fishing with someone you have to worry about boat position so you arent rear ending them, the person in the back getting stuck and having to swing the boat round to get them unstuck, the speed you are fishing if you are fishing a fast moving lure and they want to throw a jig or something etc...Not that big of a deal fun fishing, but when you are fishing a tourney that stuff can get old quick, epsecially if you are having a bad day.

fishing user avatarLMB KING reply : 


fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

everyone talks about wanting to fish, but when it come time to go, they have something more important or a wife that says they cant go!  I find that I spend more time on the electronics when I go out alone.  Always mapping the structures i fish regularly...  

fishing user avatarmikeeasttn reply : 

I use to fish alone entirely as it was my time and also gave me the solitude to think of what I thought was important.  8 years ago a young man(grandson) came into my life and by the time he was 4 years old he was completely adsorbed into fishing.

He will fish all day long even if the fish are not hitting and has learned how and when to use different lures and can actually read the water as well or better than myself..  His photo in my avatar shows him holding a 8.5 lb LM he caught 2 years ago.  Apparently it was not a fluke as he has also caught 6 fish over 5 lbs.  His concentration span is longer and more focused than mine while fishing.

When he is in school I would go by myself and try to fish.  The longest I have stayed is a little over 2 hours.  Now I just do not enjoy fishing if he is not with me. 

I have found that he has made me a better fisherman as I try to teach him all I can as I do not think about my patients or problems at all as I use to while I fished.  The only thing I am thinking about is his and my fishing and trying to out fish him as he has skunked me many times.

fishing user avatarskeeter1980 reply : 

I don't think that I fish better alone,or if I'm with someone.I do enjoy taking somebody,not only for the friendship,but to do stuff that I can't.Because of my mistake knees,I can't bend or even kneel to land a fish.And getting out of the boat,it's hard.Being i'm on disabality,it's hard finding someone who can fish during the week.On another bass forum that I joined,lots of guys from Delaware,says they'll go.But when I invite them,most have reasons why they can't go.

fishing user avatarRB 77 reply : 

Lone wolf by nature so most of my trips are bymself. Im not sure if that makes me better or worse although I do enjoy fising with others. I really cherish the moments I get to fish with my pops.

fishing user avatarChris9999 reply : 
  On 5/29/2014 at 12:30 AM, skeeter1980 said:

I don't think that I fish better alone,or if I'm with someone.I do enjoy taking somebody,not only for the friendship,but to do stuff that I can't.Because of my mistake knees,I can't bend or even kneel to land a fish.And getting out of the boat,it's hard.Being i'm on disabality,it's hard finding someone who can fish during the week.On another bass forum that I joined,lots of guys from Delaware,says they'll go.But when I invite them,most have reasons why they can't go.

Do you think that a net would help this?You could use the net to reach down and bring in the fish?

fishing user avatarWVbassin87 reply : 

The only person i ever get to fish with is my brother on rare occasions. we get competitive, so i really enjoy the peace and quiet of fishing alone

fishing user avatarNWBassGuy reply : 

Lots of good responses. I like alone or with my sons or a buddy. I like to be alone because that's what it time. No worries about anything or how much time I take. Do what I want. I love fishing with my sons because it's something we can share and create memories and I can teach them, plus we can use different techniques and figure out what is or isn't working. Also, to see my sons put it together and catch fish...and maybe out fish the old man...priceless! We all fish from tubes so it's kind of unique. Have to give props to Dad did this with me. He could fish whenever he wanted but always waited to fish with me. He taught me so much and we always tried to outfish one another but he enjoyed it most when I outfished him...which was rare

fishing user avatarbassmaster215 reply : 

Im good on my own but if im with another fisherman who loves to fish as much as me i do the same. I always fish the bank due to no funds for any boat an not close to rentals. But i always catch some fish alone or with others. If its a long day of fishing another fisherman around is nice!! Lol

fishing user avatarBig239Fish reply : 

I'm "better" at catching fish when I'm with someone who enjoys it like I do and really gets into finding the pattern vs. casting and praying for bites. Since there aren't too many people in Naples like that, and my dad doesn't fish, I'm mostly a loner. It is what it is.

fishing user avatarBladesmith, reply : 

I am probably a better fisherman when I am by myself. I do not mind others in the boat on occasion but when I'm alone I am more likely to spend more time in researching new areas and trying new things. I also enjoy the solitude with no pressure to produce fish. My wife is my most likely fishing partner and sometimes the pressure to find active fish detracts from my enjoyment. Years ago when I belonged to a Bass Club, I enjoyed the camaraderie and the tournaments. Now days I'm more content with the relaxed atmosphere of solitude on the lake. For this reason, I do not fish on week ends or holidays (retirement does have some advantages in this respect). At any rate, I catch more and larger fish when I am alone with the lake (many of which wind up in one of my ponds). 

fishing user avatarDogBone_384 reply : 

It depends on who I go with. When I take my nephews out fishing most of my time & attention is on them, making sure they're having fun & paying as much attention as 9 and 7 year olds can these days. I suppose I'm a good fisherman if they catch fish.

When I fish with an old College friend I suppose we're a draw, just being out fishing is good enough - we both work two jobs and have family responsibilities...

fishing user avatarMr. BattleArmor reply : 

I like fishing with buddies, but usually end up catching more by myself. I guess I am just focusing more on fishing when by myself.

fishing user avatarIronBass reply : 

I'm the same angler... But, I do think both conditions have their merits.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Alone. I hate people bugging me when I'm in the zone. I'm thinking about my Oscar winning presentation. At 4am I'm alone with the animals.

I have one clown when he sees me he screams out hi. I think he does it to shut the fish down. He knows I caught the 10lber he seen it and the biggest pickerel there too. I'm not far off my hunt.

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

This is an interesting topic. Here's my take on it. The majority of folks on here say they fish better alone. I agree. I think the issue here is that we all fish our own way and it's very difficult to find someone else that takes this as seriously as we do. When a buddy wants to fish with me I tell them what time I'll leave the dock and how long we'll be out. If he's not at the dock on time, I'm gone. I have one friend that I fish with on occasion. He was worried about me at first (I'm in the back of his boat on these occasions) because he loves to skip docks and I'm sure he thought he'd have to babysit me. Well, we both are pretty good at getting out of trouble so the day went great and we had fun.


My wife recently started fishing with me. I will admit I feel a bit of pressure to get her on fish but she is a great partner in that she doesn't complain, ties her own knots, lips her fish and generally is self sufficient. Yes, she gets snagged from time to time but I taught her some tricks and she picked up on them very quickly.


I will fish with my boys anytime they want to go. That's the good stuff! Only problem is they usually out fish me.


I own a boat and a kayak so if I really want the solitude, I just paddle out and enjoy the silence.

fishing user avatarBuzzbaitBite28 reply : 

Gotta be with my fishing partner. Can't have memories to share by yourself

fishing user avatarAmoore9900 reply : 

I would rather fish with my brother...we haven't got skunked in 2.5 years on our lake....I fish alone and of course my 10 pounder (indiana) came when I was alone so no good pics of the fish ...(have some not so good ones)


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