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Spouses 2024

fishing user avatarebob2435 reply : 

How many of my fellow fishermen, have tried to get your spouses involved as your fishing partner? I would love to get my wife involved. She bought her license last year out of the blue. She accompanied me on 1 trip. She made lunch, treats and I gathered the drinks. We went out on the lake, she skunked me, I gave her a floating worm - I went for the big boys with a jig.  They weren't big ones, but they were keepers. She had a good time and caught fish. But, that was the one and only time she went.

fishing user avatarShane J reply : 

I take my wife out a few times a year. She enjoys the time with me, and she's getting really good at hooking and landing some big fish. Just this last year, she landed her new PB of 7lbs. That's bigger than most people's PB in New Hampshire. 

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Ive been with my wife since we were in high school (almost 14years) It wasnt until about 4 years ago that she showed intrest in going. While i was at work one day she bought her fishing license much like yours did and went to the local tackle shop and got some help from the guys in the store and walked out with a Fenwick spinning rod and a Abu cardinal reel that she had them spool wiith some line.

I got home from work and she informed me that she was going fishing with me in the morning and she showed me her rod and reel. I was really blown away with her enthusiasm. I asked what was the reason for all of this all of a sudden and she said something that i will never forget. "A life time with some one is a long time, so we better start finding things that we can do together" I had always knew that i made the right decision in marrying her, but that moment solidified it.

She doesnt fish with me everytime i go, but at least a couple times a month she goes. I found that it helps to find little things to keep her interested. She had slacked off for a while and i bought her an Avid Pearl Rod. And she liked that. My wife has been my partner in a few local tournaments and has become pretty proficient with a baitcaster and backing the boat in.

I know some guys like to be alone when they fish, or with a buddy, but i advise everyone to get their spouses involved.

fishing user avatarBassnChris reply : 

My wife want to go EVERYTIME I go fishing.


In my previous life back in the day I just fished with my buddy and wife (different wife) never wanted to go.


I miss fishing with a wife and 9 yr oid son always wants to go with me. When they are with me I feel like I have to 'worry', for lack of a better word, about them more than I do when fishing with a buddy. Hard to explain or put into words.


Oh well. I have heard from many guys that they wished their wives like to fish with them. 


On top of all that.....when I want to buy something fishing related, I have to buy 3. One for me, one for my wife and one for my son.

Gets kind of expensive.


It is nice not to have to find a buddy everytime I want to fish.............but I do long at times for the days of yesteryear when it was just me and my buddy.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

I'll take my wife with me any time and every time she wants to or can go.


In the beginning, what worked for me was this.  Instead of "taking her fishing", I was the Guide for the day.


I did not fish at all.  I did anything and everything I could to ensure we had a good time.  And although everyone wants to catch fish, that was and never is the main objective of the trip. 

There's so much to it;   Knowing how and where to cast, bait selection, knots, hooking, fighting and landing a fish, using the net and fish handling.  Doesn't happen over night and there was no way I could "help" and fish at the same time.  So I chose to take it slow and "do the leg work". By doing my best to eliminate problems early on, each trip got a bit better and it wasn't long before I was working hard to keep up. 

We picked out her tackle together.  I started her on spinning gear.  It was much easier to teach casting basics with this tackle and her proficiency with it improved quickly.  Clearly there are a few limitation with spinning tackle but it's easy to ensure when together, we fish in a manner that is with in the abilities of both her and her tackle - in other words - I'm not taking out to Flip Mats with 10lb test. 


Turns out she is Waaaaaay more patient than I am.  She'll make a single cast with a stick bait last 10 minutes or more.   She Kills Me doing this - All the time - Also a swimjig has been her friend as well.  She started fishing it super slow and again took me to school.  It was great to see.


Keep it all as positive as you can.  Providing detailed descriptions was helpful: things like what a bite feels like, how to perform the hook set and why, what a bass does onced hooked and why.  LIke I said there's a lot to it and no detail or explanation is too small.  Include it all.


And Take a lot of pictures / video if you can.  I hope this helps.





fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

My wife enjoys fishing but only when the weather is suitable, she can't stand too much heat or too much cold, if I can find that right temp we will go all day long.


I have the best of both worlds one would say, my wife likes to sleep in, I like the early mornings and being on the water at the crack of dawn, so I am up and gone with a little time to myself, which usually equates to about 4 or 5 hours before I head back in to fix brunch.


She tried one morning with me, we pulled up to a spot and started fishing, second cast she caught a nice little 2 to 2 1/2 lb bass, she made 3 more casts before I heard her say oh that sun feels so good !!


Next thing I know she was passed out on the rear deck just snoozing away lol !!


I love fishing with her, I really do, but I won't lie and say it's always great, but thats part of sharing your life and your passion with someone, you can't expect them to want to share that passion or have the same passion you do about it, it may be good to have once in a while for them, where as it is something totally different for you.


Just be happy when you do share that passion and have as much fun with it as you can.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

My wife went with me a couple of times when we were first married, and then stopped.  I think it was because we went out on a couple of 90 + degree days, and she does not like the heat.  Been trying to get her to go with me again this year.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

My wife loves to fish with me.  Just no so much for bass.  She loves trout fishing, and bream/crappie.  Something that can keep her busy while still having the opportunity to land a monster.  aybe 2-3 bass trips a year, and then 2-3 trout, and 2-3 panfish trips.  So far this year she has fished 4 days with me.


I wish she would fish more, but she likes to sleep in, and the closest boat ramp is 45 mins.  I am out and have been fishing for a couple hours before she even wakes up!  LOL





2013 Wife's fish





fishing user avatarendless reply : 

I as well enjoy fishing with my wife. She just don't like to go for a long period of time or far away. I'm hoping to have her go more with me this year. I do find it funny how she finds herself captain of the boat. I can put us at a spot but she will change her position where it suits her with thew back trolling motor. The wife is crazy about the Buzzbait. I do love now when we go to a tackle shop like Green Top or BPS she looks around for her now instead of following me and asking the "Are you ready to go" question. I'm hoping to maybe get her out on the river this year too so can see more nature. Also it's cool seeing all the duckblinds out on the river.

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

My wife likes to keep it simple when we go fishing.  She does the standard worm and bobber, I actually love the time we spend together.  She does like to comment though why I bring so many rods and reels when we go out.  LOL  Yeah though it is fun, she doesn't care if she catches bass and just wants to have fun pulling in any fish.  She did try for the first time last year a JIG and a shallow Crankbait, but she got bored quickly due to no fish.  Course this was bank fishing.  So we were limited to our spots. 

fishing user avatarebob2435 reply : 

Thanks for the replies. When I bought my boat last year, was when she bought her licence.  I asked her why did she decide to buy them. She said I'm not sitting around here by myself while your fishing. When we went out I didn't have anyone else to go with me. Thats why she went. Most of the time I ask her if she would like to go, before I ask someone else. Like I said she skunked me bad. She would cast the worm out and take forever to reel it in, most the time the bass hooked themselfs.  Maybe I can tell her that I don't have anyone else to go with me?  what do you think? lol

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

I ask everytime and everytime she says no. If she does come along, and I don't think she's been on the boat for 2+ years, it's bobbers and live bait time.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

My wife has fished a few times with me. She enjoys more action than none. At the time she caught this smallie it was bigger than my buddies. I got a lot of mileage rubbing that in until he caught a bigger one. 



fishing user avataraharris reply : 

The last time me and my wife went, I put her a zoom fluke on my small spinning rod and told her.."just throw it out there and twitch it around kinda fast." Next thing I know, she was hollering at me to come over there. I looked and my little spinning rod was bent double. lol  When she finally got the fish it, it was a 3.5lb crappie. haha Luckily, her and my 4 year old daughter like to go from time to time but like others have cant be too hot or too cold. Needless to say, when I take her and my daughter out fishing, it usually means my rods stay in the truck. haha

fishing user avatarrmcguirk reply : 

When we just had kayaks, the wife would come a few times a month.  She'd bring a rod with her and after catching a fish or two (that I had to unhook), she'd be done and just paddle around sightseeing, listenting to music and just enjoying the day.  It generally made for a shorter trip, as she got bored before I was done fishing.  Usually she was cooperative and she'd then just paddle back to the launch and read a book or take a nap.  


We bought a small fish and fun boat last winter.  This past summer, she'd send me off to fish on the weekend mornings and meet me at the dock around luch time to eat, cruise around, take a nap, do some swimming, and let me fish for another couple of hours.  It was a great arrangement.  She doesn't really like to fish, but she enjoys being out on the boat, and she doesn't mind reading a book or taking a nap while I fish.  We had a beautiful summer weather-wise, so that was our weekends.  One the rare inclement weather days, it was just me.   

fishing user avatarTheKingFisher reply : 

My wife only likes to go "catching" not fishing!  She still wonders why I come home empty handed all the time.  So she doesn't go out much, certainly not for bass.  My son is kind of the same way.  Usually when i take him and/or her out we go after crappie and blue gills.


I've resigned myself to being the guide or more truthfully the tackle boy when I go fishing with them.  I can hardly keep a line wet for myself.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

My wife will go, she has her own rig. She just doesnt have the patience if its a slow day. I can stay out all day in 90 degree heat, she refuses. It has to be the right conditions for her. We have fun when we go together.

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 
  On 2/13/2013 at 3:03 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

My wife will go, she has her own rig. She just doesnt have the patience if its a slow day. I can stay out all day in 90 degree heat, she refuses. It has to be the right conditions for her. We have fun when we go together.

My wife is the same way. She dont mind the heat of summer or being out for 8-12hrs, but cold, cold wind, or rain and shes out! I offered to buy her some insulated bibs a few years back while at BPS and she said " theres no need"

Mine did fish a club tourney with me that we were already registered for. We woke up and it was raining HHARD! she only did that because i couldnt find another partner at 4am. (The one guy i diid find, was still drunk and hadnt been to bed yet) i guess she felt bad.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

She isn't my wife but she may as well be.  My "significant other" will fish with me until it gets too hot and then she naps under the shade of a deck umbrella I fashioned for her for such occassions.  The last time she went out with me and a buddy, we were running two trolling motors at high speed to get to a new location.  She was, apparently, trailing a plastic worm behind the boat.  Had I known this, I would've told her she wouldn't catch any bass that way and would be better off trolling a spoon or crankbait.  But a bass jumped on the worm and I couldn't very well tell her that anymore.  She has even gone ice fishing with me and had a ball when I agreed to be the "horse" and pull her behind on the sled.  She will patiently walk around for hours while I meander around BPS or Gander Mtn.  When she gets tired, she finds a place to sit and "chills" for awhile.  I've never once heard her say "I'm bored.  Can we go home now?"  She's not perfect but she's a keeper.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

My wife has been fishing, caught pretty good fish too, but prefers hook, bobber, and worm fishing for bluegills over bass fishing with lures. She will not take the fish off the hook though. She will bait her own hooks, but not touch a fish. She did it once for me to prove she could but never again since. Says the fish moving in her hands makes her queasy feeling. She also says I move the boat too much using the trolling motor for her to really want to fish. She wants to anchor down and spend 45 minute in front of one lay down tree just bobber fishing about 20 feet away. I can't stand that. She goes with me often but doesn't fish much anymore. She just lays in the back of the boat reading, crocheting, napping, or whatever, as long as its not too cold, or extremely hot (she will tolerate high 80's temps though). She doesn't rush me to be done, but she's still always ready to go before I am, I'd stay from morning to after dark if I could. She also won't go with me after about September. I'll fish anytime, even in snow if the wind isn't too bad to make the wind chill unbearable.

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

My wife goes fishing with me every time she wants to. She used to be happy catching panfish with live bait, but I've got her interested in catching bass with artificial lures now. She also likes trout fishing on our yearly Colorado trip.



fishing user avatarJig Meister reply : 

Nope, I have a kayak, she does not. 


I have taken her bank fishing a few times and she is more interested in playing Bejeweled on her Ipad than learning anything about fishing.


This is fine with me, as I love to fish alone most of the time as my friends dont really fish much.


She does think my jigs are cute, and she says I like to craft when I am tying skirts etc....which I think is funny.

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

My wife fishes with me nearly every time I go out. She even fishes tourneys. She's yet to win one, but did win the lunker award once. She can flat out use a bait caster. Puts me to shame MOST of the time.

fishing user avatarHanover_Yakker reply : 

Anytime I can, well as long as the water is warm enough!!!!



fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/12/2013 at 11:25 PM, ebob2435 said:

How many of my fellow fishermen, have tried to get your spouses involved as your fishing partner? I would love to get my wife involved. She bought her license last year out of the blue. She accompanied me on 1 trip. She made lunch, treats and I gathered the drinks. We went out on the lake, she skunked me, I gave her a floating worm - I went for the big boys with a jig.  They weren't big ones, but they were keepers. She had a good time and caught fish. But, that was the one and only time she went.


Only once has my wife gone out fishing with me - that I can remember. We've taken the boys when they were younger, but she didn't fish then. Bought her a license, a kayak, but she's just not into it as a hobby like I am.


Would I love to take her more. Heck, yeah. I wish she'd get as fired up about it as I am, but alas, it just isn't so.

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/13/2013 at 3:00 AM, TheKingFisher said:

My wife only likes to go "catching" not fishing!  She still wonders why I come home empty handed all the time.  So she doesn't go out much, certainly not for bass.  My son is kind of the same way.  Usually when i take him and/or her out we go after crappie and blue gills.


I've resigned myself to being the guide or more truthfully the tackle boy when I go fishing with them.  I can hardly keep a line wet for myself.


So in short, I guess that makes you a "Master-baiter" BAHAHAHA !!!

fishing user avatarSam reply : 



I fish and she quilts.


I leave her alone and she buys what she wants.


She leaves me along and I buy what I want.


If she goes out with me it is a picnic and she will lay on the back of the boat reading a book.


With her back problems she can't take rough water so we are very cautious going out on the boat.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

I keep her at home now, I have to beat her best until I feel comfy out there again :whistle:



fishing user avatarTheKingFisher reply : 
  On 2/13/2013 at 6:34 AM, Nitrofreak said:

So in short, I guess that makes you a "Master-baiter" BAHAHAHA !!!

That's just so wrong Nitro!  But yeah, pretty much.


Been reading all the posts, sounds like we all have keepers whether they join us or not because ultimately they let us fish!  For those who's significant others don't regularly join us, at least they know there are worse things we could be into and they tolerate our "habit".

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/13/2013 at 8:05 AM, TheKingFisher said:

That's just so wrong Nitro!  But yeah, pretty much.


Been reading all the posts, sounds like we all have keepers whether they join us or not because ultimately they let us fish!  For those who's significant others don't regularly join us, at least they know there are worse things we could be into and they tolerate our "habit".


LOL !!


As for the second part of your post, I could not agree more, hats off to the ladies !!!!

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/13/2013 at 7:50 AM, tomustang said:

I keep her at home now, I have to beat her best until I feel comfy out there again :whistle:


Yea right !!!! LMAO !!!


I dunno big guy thats a pretty nice fish she has there buddy......maybe she will let you hold the next one so you won't feel so ......... left out !!! Ha Ha !!!!

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 2/13/2013 at 8:32 AM, Nitrofreak said:

Yea right !!!! LMAO !!!


I dunno big guy thats a pretty nice fish she has there buddy......maybe she will let you hold the next one so you won't feel so ......... left out !!! Ha Ha !!!!

Yeah it's the biggest fish the local WCO's have ever seen here, others refer to it as "Holy ****" :cool-045:

fishing user avatarRyneB reply : 

My wife only goes with me when its over 75 degrees and sunny. She just wants to sun tan. She will cast a little here and there. Last year i tied a beetle spin on for her, she was slow rolling it back to the boat and i hear her say "quit following my bait," I look over and theres a 3 lb bass following her beetle spin (i fish strip mines that have 20+ feet of visibility). I like having her there, she asks questions and such. But times i get frustrated and mad, she seems to pick me up a little and reminds me its "only" fishing. The best is when i get mad after backlashing, she will say "hey honey, hows that $100 reel doing." I just laugh, because i know its more around a $200 reel.

fishing user avatarCrookedneck reply : 

My wife started fishing with me a couple years ago.  It started with a time here or there.  This last year when we got a bigger boat she started going more often.  Once she started finding sucess she loved it.  Now she wants to go every time I go as long as the weather is nice.  If she gets tired of fishing, she hangs on the back deck and listens to music.


Here she is with a couple 3.5 pound smallies.  She had a whole live well full of fish before I could even get rigged and a line wet myself.  I am looking forward to this summer.



fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

My wife goes with me pretty often when the weather is nice. She's not much for going when it's really hot or cold but she'll go in worst conditions than a lot of folks will. I bought her a really nice combo a few years ago so she could have more trouble free fishing so it was easier for her to enjoy. She's still looking for a big bass, been close a couple times, just can't get one in the boat. 








fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

So far some of the girls have bigger fish than some of the guys. WTG ladies.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 6:23 AM, Dwight Hottle said:

So far some of the girls have bigger fish than some of the guys. WTG ladies.


IOU +1 "Like"

fishing user avatarendless reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 6:29 AM, tomustang said:

IOU +1 "Like"

Don't worry I spotted you this time!! lol

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 6:36 AM, endless said:

Don't worry I spotted you this time!! lol

IOU +1 "Like" too :Victory:

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 


fishing user avatartnriverluver reply : 

My wife currently is working very long days since their company is extremely busy.  My business has collapsed over the last four years and my wife constantly encourages me to go fishing just so I am not sitting in my recliner all day :grin: .  Gotta love my wife!!!!!!!!  My wife actually likes to fish but hasn't gone with me in at least 15 years.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

God has blessed me, my wife would rather go shopping.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Haven't taken my fiancee out fishing yet but she has feigned interest in going along.  I think it is more because she knows once our son gets old enough he will be joining me and she will be stuck at home :)


She has mentioned that if we ever decide a boat is in order rahter than a kayak a requirement would be a large back deck so she can come out and lay around while i fish.


Luckily she is pretty cool about me fishing whenever i want.  It is pretty much understood that when the weather is warm i get out at least one day after work a week and then one day on the weekend.  It gives her time to hang out with her mom and sister and do whatever they do.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

I can officially now post in this thread. LOL


The boss goes with me quite a bit.  She has actually been talking about the Road trip and our smallie trip this year.  Last year when I didnt take her to MI smallie fishing she was a little upset with me.


Here is her out fishing me last year with one of my jigs.


fishing user avatarendless reply : 

WOW Siebert what a pig.


These threads are just getting better and better!! I love it but where are the women members and why aren't they posting pictures of their husband? LOL

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Congrrats again Siebert, i dont know which i like more, her pretty smile or that freaking TOAD she is holding!

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 10:03 PM, Teal said:

Congrrats again Siebert, i dont know which i like more, her pretty smile or that freaking TOAD she is holding!


Thank you!  


This fish is one thing I am still upset about.  I always bring a scale with me except for this one trip.  Somehow I forgot it.  I've caught 7-8's out of this lake and this fish she caught made those look like babies.  I honestly believe this fish was close to 9-10 or a hair more.  But without the good ol scale I can only make guesses. :Idontknow:

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 9:59 PM, Siebert Outdoors said:

I can officially now post in this thread. LOL


The boss goes with me quite a bit.  She has actually been talking about the Road trip and our smallie trip this year.  Last year when I didnt take her to MI smallie fishing she was a little upset with me.


Here is her out fishing me last year with one of my jigs.



I would not let her use any more of my jigs, either that or I would start taking notes to keep from having continued butt whoopins like that one  LOL !!!


00, tomustang, crookedneck, bluebasser, and Seibert,  all of you guys should be proud, you got some fine lookin girls having a great time with some of the best lookin smiles I have ever seen.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 10:20 PM, Nitrofreak said:

I would not let her use any more of my jigs, either that or I would start taking notes to keep from having continued butt whoopins like that one  LOL !!!


00, tomustang, crookedneck, bluebasser, and Seibert,  all of you guys should be proud, you got some fine lookin girls having a great time with some of the best lookin smiles I have ever seen.

Man, this reeks "home wrecker"....LMAO...Nitro leave this thread alone, you already have a fine looking wife!

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 10:20 PM, Nitrofreak said:

I would not let her use any more of my jigs, either that or I would start taking notes to keep from having continued butt whoopins like that one  LOL !!!


00, tomustang, crookedneck, bluebasser, and Seibert,  all of you guys should be proud, you got some fine lookin girls having a great time with some of the best lookin smiles I have ever seen.


Oh Boy, now you've done it - both Dwight and I will have to hide this from both Lynn & Sue . . . . . . . .





fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 10:32 PM, A-Jay said:

Oh Boy, now you've done it - both Dwight and I will have to hide this from both Lynn & Sue . . . . . . . .






I left you two out to see if I would get a Cumon person responce LMAO !!!


You and Dwight should be proud as well guy's !!


Lynn and Sue, you just keep out fishing the guys and keep showing us those pearly whites they are beautiful !!

fishing user avatarjessallus reply : 

Well I guess My husband and I have an ass backward relationship. I love fishing and being outside.I am not great at fishing but I sure like doing it.  I will stay out on my Kayak fishing all day while he is busy fidling with his Iphone. He gets aggervated when I try to get him to go fishing with me. Im trying to teach our kids how to fish and it is sure nice when I have help with them.  I got the kids their own kayaks for christmas so wish me luck lol. :angel:

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 10:31 PM, Jigfishn10 said:

Man, this reeks "home wrecker"....LMAO...Nitro leave this thread alone, you already have a fine looking wife!


Why thank you !! 


I have some pics somewhere of my daughter out fishing me one day and couple of the wife somewhere but I can't find them yet, I will post those when I do for ya.


Home Wrecker ?  I ain't that pretty !!  LMAO !!!!

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 10:42 PM, jessallus said:

Well I guess My husband and I have an ass backward relationship. I love fishing and being outside.I am not great at fishing but I sure like doing it.  I will stay out on my Kayak fishing all day while he is busy fidling with his Iphone. He gets aggervated when I try to get him to go fishing with me. Im trying to teach our kids how to fish and it is sure nice when I have help with them.  I got the kids their own kayaks for christmas so wish me luck lol. :angel:


Tell him to put that phone down and get after it !!


What a great job your doing mom !!! and of course we wish you the best of luck as well !!

fishing user avatarSfritr reply : 

My wife does OK.... 




She uses a St.Croix rod and a Zebco push button reel.  Fishes for an hour, sunbathes for 45 minutes, etc.  But, the girl has skills


fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

Mad skills I would say, look at that monster man that's a nice fish !!

fishing user avatarTRYTOFISH reply : 

my wife wont go fishing with me. i figure thats why we have been maried for 32 years!

fishing user avatargallowaypt reply : 
  On 2/13/2013 at 5:58 AM, Jig Meister said:
Nope, I have a kayak, she does not. 


I have taken her bank fishing a few times and she is more interested in playing Bejeweled on her Ipad than learning anything about fishing.


This is fine with me, as I love to fish alone most of the time as my friends dont really fish much.


Haha wow! This describes my wife to a T. My friends

dont fish much either. Now if my wife thought my jigs were cute too, that'd be too many coincidences lol

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

It's tough to take a pic of her from the back of the canoe, but here's 2 of the back and side of her head. She loves to go fishing with me, she fishes half the time, and just chills out the other half.



fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

Diggin the sun visor Deak !!


I should get one of those for my girls, that's one happy young lady you got there !!


One thing I noticed was all the grass on the fishing rod behind her, and yet she is catching bass, hhhmmmm,  I wonder if that was your rod LOL !!

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 10:01 PM, endless said:

WOW Siebert what a pig.


These threads are just getting better and better!! I love it but where are the women members and why aren't they posting pictures of their husband? LOL


Oh wait.. let me find some......


dawgonit, the photos are on another comouter..


I'll get some up of fishing cowboy with his fish.


He's the one that talked me into getting the boat, and now he laughingly complains about me wanting to go fishing, and he wants to sleep in,.He says he's created a fishing monster.. LOL

fishing user avatarRoushBasser reply : 
I have been blessed with a wife that enjoys fishing and the outdoors just as much as I do. Sadly she can not come out as much as she would like due to longer work hours. Just the other day I brought up the idea of buying a new Lowrance Gen II for the boat and her reply was "If it will help me catch more fish than you, then  yes, you should buy it". So the Gen II is on the way now! We just got our boat last summer so we are both ready to get back on the water ASAP!!! Here is my beauty:


2012 09 16 18 05 52 381

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/18/2013 at 12:36 PM, RoushBasser said:
I have been blessed with a wife that enjoys fishing and the outdoors just as much as I do. Sadly she can not come out as much as she would like due to longer work hours. Just the other day I brought up the idea of buying a new Lowrance Gen II for the boat and her reply was "If it will help me catch more fish than you, then  yes, you should buy it". So the Gen II is on the way now! We just got our boat last summer so we are both ready to get back on the water ASAP!!! Here is my beauty:


You have a lot to be happy about for sure RoushBasser and congrats !!

fishing user avatarBassinB reply : 

She loves it. A natural with casting gear.  Often we'll head out to our favorite lake with our swimming gear and a cooler packed full of beverages and a lunch.  She'll fish for an hour or so and then we'll swim for a few minutes and then go back to fishing. Turn the radio in the boat on and just relax.  Sometimes she'll just read a magazine or something, but after some success she won't put the rod down.  The lake we like to go to has a few restaurants with boat parking and will often have live bands in the evening so we'll grab a burger when it gets dark. Must have done this 2 times a week all last summer, now with a new boat this year I'm hoping its more haha.




fishing user avatarMatt Jungblut reply : 

She wasnt very interested in fishing but now she is and gos with me every chance she can.

she uses all my stuff so when its time to buy more she always happy

fishing user avatarbasseditor reply : 

My wife goes once every few years, but my new daughter in law is learning to fish.

Check out her blog:

fishing user avatarCrookedneck reply : 
  On 2/14/2013 at 10:20 PM, Nitrofreak said:

I would not let her use any more of my jigs, either that or I would start taking notes to keep from having continued butt whoopins like that one  LOL !!!


00, tomustang, crookedneck, bluebasser, and Seibert,  all of you guys should be proud, you got some fine lookin girls having a great time with some of the best lookin smiles I have ever seen.


LOL!  Nitro I got a feeling that you are known around your town...   :love-158:        :happy-138:


Just stay away from my boat when you are lookin in the windows...    :tsk-tsk:

fishing user avatarbman310 reply : 

I don't try to get my spouse into fishing. I have taken her to our local city lake before when I bring our little ones fishing, and we've gone to some big lakes together. I think when our youngest (5 month old) gets older, we will definitely do some family fishing trips.



fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/19/2013 at 8:20 AM, Crookedneck said:

LOL!  Nitro I got a feeling that you are known around your town...   :love-158:        :happy-138:


Just stay away from my boat when you are lookin in the windows...    :tsk-tsk:


LMAO !!!


I know the wife says I flirt too much lol !!


But thats just me, I have always been like that, at 50 years old I see no need in changing now,  I enjoy a beautiful woman just as much as the next guy, besides, It don't matter where you look for just need to make sure you come home for the fix'ns LOL !!

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 

In our six years together, my wife has fished with me ONE time. Not that she doesn't like it, but there's other things she'd rather do and she's happy to let me be on the water by myself or with a buddy, which is what I prefer anyway. She's awesome.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 12:20 AM, Nitrofreak said:

LMAO !!!


I know the wife says I flirt too much lol !!


But thats just me, I have always been like that, at 50 years old I see no need in changing now,  I enjoy a beautiful woman just as much as the next guy, besides, It don't matter where you look for just need to make sure you come home for the fix'ns LOL !!

 Like my Momma says: "you can window shop all you want.. but don't go shoplifting". (Of course she and her BFF embarassed me "just a tiny bit" at the movies saying" WOW" out loud, to Brad Pitt in Troy, and Hugh Jackman in Australia.) :eyebrows: They are 80 yrs old..but spunky..LOL.

 She's the one that taught me to fish, and she mostly flyfished on Shingle Creek for bass.

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 2:21 AM, Fishing Cowgirl said:

 Like my Momma says: "you can window shop all you want.. but don't go shoplifting". (Of course she and her BFF embarassed me "just a tiny bit" at the movies saying" WOW" out loud, to Brad Pitt in Troy, and Hugh Jackman in Australia.) :eyebrows: They are 80 yrs old..but spunky..LOL.

 She's the one that taught me to fish, and she mostly flyfished on Shingle Creek for bass.


Now theres some women I would be interested in getting to know LOL !!


My great grandmother lived to be 104, she drove untill she was 97, then she had a heart attack and ended that, she had these really thick coke bottle glasses and dark brown eyes, if she just looked at you it was funny as he## lol !  but she had the most amazing sense of humor and loved to make people laugh, she was even crackin jokes on her death bed,  I loved that ol' girl with all my heart, If I could be half as good a person as she was I would consider this life a success.

fishing user avatarJay Ell Gee reply : 

My girlfriend and her family have a camp in Cocodrie and they do a lot of inshore fishing. I am slowly converting her to bass fishing, however.


Her first bass...


Jessie's First Bass!

Jessie with her first bass!

Her first bass after finally getting the nerve to try a baitcaster. She caught it casting a suspending jerkbait during a cold front. She actually outfished me both of these days. Both times on my rods!

Jessie's first baitcaster bass!

Jessie and her first baitcaster bass!



fishing user avatarJay Ell Gee reply : 

While we are on the topic guys, I would like to ask a question.


I am looking for a small assortment of lures for her to start regularly using to build some confidence. I often end up tying her on random lures as I find a pattern and she has to learn a new technique on the spot.


Anyone have any suggestions for lures? I am simply wanting her to have a small arsenal of lures available to her that she is confident in as she ties on, not something she is spending more time concentrating on learning to use and getting bored.


My ideas so far:


Rage tail / Zoom Fat Albert grubs on an exposed jighead.

Wacky rig.

Texas rig.

Split shot rig.

fishing user avatarCrookedneck reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 6:37 AM, Jay Ell Gee said:

While we are on the topic guys, I would like to ask a question.


I am looking for a small assortment of lures for her to start regularly using to build some confidence. I often end up tying her on random lures as I find a pattern and she has to learn a new technique on the spot.


Anyone have any suggestions for lures? I am simply wanting her to have a small arsenal of lures available to her that she is confident in as she ties on, not something she is spending more time concentrating on learning to use and getting bored.


My ideas so far:


Rage tail / Zoom Fat Albert grubs on an exposed jighead.

Wacky rig.

Texas rig.

Split shot rig.

Those are all good. 


Top water too.. 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 6:37 AM, Jay Ell Gee said:

While we are on the topic guys, I would like to ask a question.


I am looking for a small assortment of lures for her to start regularly using to build some confidence. I often end up tying her on random lures as I find a pattern and she has to learn a new technique on the spot.


Anyone have any suggestions for lures? I am simply wanting her to have a small arsenal of lures available to her that she is confident in as she ties on, not something she is spending more time concentrating on learning to use and getting bored.


My ideas so far:


Rage tail / Zoom Fat Albert grubs on an exposed jighead.

Wacky rig.

Texas rig.

Split shot rig.

My wife fishes a wacky rig and swimming grub a lot along with small chatterbaits, spinnerbaits, and cranks. The little 1/8oz micro chatterbaits, Booyah pond magic spinnerbait, and KVD 1.0 or LC 0.5 are the ones she fishes the most. 

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 
  On 2/13/2013 at 2:11 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

My wife goes with me pretty often when the weather is nice. She's not much for going when it's really hot or cold but she'll go in worst conditions than a lot of folks will. I bought her a really nice combo a few years ago so she could have more trouble free fishing so it was easier for her to enjoy. She's still looking for a big bass, been close a couple times, just can't get one in the boat. 










You actually let your bride use your favorite pink rod !!!!!  What a guy.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

The last time DeAnn was in the boat with me, she picked up a rod and tossed a spinnerbait out ( casting reel ! Don't whine and say, " I just can't use a casting reel ")  and caught " some weeds" which turned out to be a 4 plus largemouth. I was blanked. She's never been in the boat since.  That was over 27 years ago.  Me hold a grudge ?  Not way.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 2/20/2013 at 7:21 PM, flippin and pitchin said:

You actually let your bride use your favorite pink rod !!!!!  What a guy.

I have fished with her newer pink rod and it's a really nice rod. It's a 6' 6" ML/F St. Croix Avid Pearl that costs more than several of my rods though so it better feel nice.  :laugh5:

fishing user avatarZseen reply : 

I went to a local lake and the frog bite was just amazing, so the next morning I asked the wife to go. I knew she would have fun watching those big bass blow up on the frogs. So we get out there and get all setup. She cast out and was reeling the frog across the pads real slow, and out of the water came this 5 or 6lb bass and just crushed the frog... She threw my d**n pole in the lake... I was like WTH, she was just scared to death, and I was chasing a $250 setup sinking fast... lol 


It was a good day and when i got the pole back I laughed about it... Now I let her crappie fish with me haha 

fishing user avatarRoushBasser reply : 
  On 2/21/2013 at 8:48 AM, Zseen said:

I went to a local lake and the frog bite was just amazing, so the next morning I asked the wife to go. I knew she would have fun watching those big bass blow up on the frogs. So we get out there and get all setup. She cast out and was reeling the frog across the pads real slow, and out of the water came this 5 or 6lb bass and just crushed the frog... She threw my d**n pole in the lake... I was like WTH, she was just scared to death, and I was chasing a $250 setup sinking fast... lol 


It was a good day and when i got the pole back I laughed about it... Now I let her crappie fish with me haha 

Wow, that was a close one! Great story!!

fishing user avatarrabidsquirrel reply : 
  On 2/21/2013 at 8:48 AM, Zseen said:

I went to a local lake and the frog bite was just amazing, so the next morning I asked the wife to go. I knew she would have fun watching those big bass blow up on the frogs. So we get out there and get all setup. She cast out and was reeling the frog across the pads real slow, and out of the water came this 5 or 6lb bass and just crushed the frog... She threw my d**n pole in the lake... I was like WTH, she was just scared to death, and I was chasing a $250 setup sinking fast... lol 


It was a good day and when i got the pole back I laughed about it... Now I let her crappie fish with me haha 


Wow... That is so funny, and not so funny all at the same time! LMAO! 

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Mine will really only go when she needs to touch up her tan.....but its ok with me cuz she takes good pics! 

fishing user avatarfadetoblack21 reply : 

Mine prefers the nap time she gets when I take the kid fishing, and that is the only interest she has shown in fishing and the outdoors. Luckily I have a very interested 9 year old who loves to explore the outdoors with me. 

fishing user avatarBig Bassman reply : 

My wife and I have been together for 40 years and honeymooned on Table Rock Lake. She wasn't to happy about it and the accomodations at the fish camp weren't great either. She was handy with the dip net when we were dating but didn't fish and never went with me again after we married. Last year I suggested we should spend a little more time together considering we're getting older and asked her to try bass fishing with me again. First time out together she caught several small bass and liked it, probably went with me half dozen times. Now she has her own set of rods and is looking forward to going this season. Can't wait until she ties into a big one like some of the photos in this thread. She will be addicted then! Congrats to all you young fellas who have wives that go with you, it will make for a lifetime of memories!

fishing user avatarBig Jon reply : 
  On 2/13/2013 at 12:21 AM, A-Jay said:

I'll take my wife with me any time and every time she wants to or can go.


In the beginning, what worked for me was this.  Instead of "taking her fishing", I was the Guide for the day.


I did not fish at all.  I did anything and everything I could to ensure we had a good time.  And although everyone wants to catch fish, that was and never is the main objective of the trip. 

There's so much to it;   Knowing how and where to cast, bait selection, knots, hooking, fighting and landing a fish, using the net and fish handling.  Doesn't happen over night and there was no way I could "help" and fish at the same time.  So I chose to take it slow and "do the leg work". By doing my best to eliminate problems early on, each trip got a bit better and it wasn't long before I was working hard to keep up. 

We picked out her tackle together.  I started her on spinning gear.  It was much easier to teach casting basics with this tackle and her proficiency with it improved quickly.  Clearly there are a few limitation with spinning tackle but it's easy to ensure when together, we fish in a manner that is with in the abilities of both her and her tackle - in other words - I'm not taking out to Flip Mats with 10lb test. 


Turns out she is Waaaaaay more patient than I am.  She'll make a single cast with a stick bait last 10 minutes or more.   She Kills Me doing this - All the time - Also a swimjig has been her friend as well.  She started fishing it super slow and again took me to school.  It was great to see.


Keep it all as positive as you can.  Providing detailed descriptions was helpful: things like what a bite feels like, how to perform the hook set and why, what a bass does onced hooked and why.  LIke I said there's a lot to it and no detail or explanation is too small.  Include it all.


And Take a lot of pictures / video if you can.  I hope this helps.




attachicon.gif18 Sep 09 Opal Lake 006 B.jpg

attachicon.gif23 Jun 11 W L 040.jpg


This was super helpful. I was trying to fish with my wife last year, but she didn't like it because I don't talk while I'm fishing. She wants to be able to talk. I think I'll take this advice and just be the guide. Not that I am much better than she would be, but I'm slightly ahead of the curve. Thanks.

fishing user avatarBig T reply : 

Yep, my wife loves to fish. Also helps load and unload a 19 ft center console. She can hold her own at any boat ramp. I have seen jaws drop at the Wrightsville Beach boat ramp as she has shown more than one so called "hard core boater" up while backing the trailer down and pulling our boat out of water.

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 2/28/2013 at 12:20 PM, Big Bassman said:

My wife and I have been together for 40 years and honeymooned on Table Rock Lake. She wasn't to happy about it and the accomodations at the fish camp weren't great either. She was handy with the dip net when we were dating but didn't fish and never went with me again after we married. Last year I suggested we should spend a little more time together considering we're getting older and asked her to try bass fishing with me again. First time out together she caught several small bass and liked it, probably went with me half dozen times. Now she has her own set of rods and is looking forward to going this season. Can't wait until she ties into a big one like some of the photos in this thread. She will be addicted then! Congrats to all you young fellas who have wives that go with you, it will make for a lifetime of memories!


Very nice !!!  Hang in there that day will come sooner than later now that she has her own set up's,  really nice story !!!



  On 3/2/2013 at 9:26 AM, Big T said:

Yep, my wife loves to fish. Also helps load and unload a 19 ft center console. She can hold her own at any boat ramp. I have seen jaws drop at the Wrightsville Beach boat ramp as she has shown more than one so called "hard core boater" up while backing the trailer down and pulling our boat out of water.


My youngest daughter,  now 19, she was 17 at the time,   was scared to do any of this until one day she asked to tow the boat, we have been practicing in an empty parking lot for a few weeks before our first trip to the lake that we scheduled for her to tow the boat over,  I told her if she is serious about this then that means she does it all,  and she was all for it,  well long story short,  she backed in that morning with very little pressure at the ramp,   when we got back to load up it was a totally different story,  at first she did not have the confidence and did not want to go get the truck,   I told her we were going to set here until she did because that was the deal,  she finally worked up the courage to go get the truck and pulled down to the ramp,   as she arrived at the ramp another truck pulled right in front of her,  it took this guy about ten minutes to get his empty trailer in the water to load his boat,   3 more trucks waited in line behind my daughter as this guy tried and tried to get the trailer in the water,  she called me on the phone and asked if she had enough room to get our trailer in,   I said yes but it would be really tight,   just wait a few and we would be next,   well she said I have 3 more behind me,  if you think it will fit I would like to try,  I said,  show em' what you got then,   she pulled up while we were talking and all she asked was am I up far enough,   I replied yes and she backed it in from there,   2 minutes I was loaded and up off the water,   there were literally inches between the two truck mirrors,  as I ratcheted my bow strap,   guy's were already coming up to the truck and telling her what a great job she had done,   as we pulled out to the strap down area she had a crowd of guy's and gal's around the truck congradulating her on how well she did,  I was and still am one proud dad,  of course it helps I guess because she gets her good looks from me !!!


I share your pride that we have in our girls,  congrats !!!

fishing user avatarreaction-strike reply : 

No, and Im glad.. I do not have to share my tackle.  

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

My wife went to Bass Pro today and did the meet and greet with KVD and Timmy Horton. Got some pics and autographs, and she even bought a new Daiwa bait caster today. Like I said....keeper.


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