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At What Size Bass Do You Get Excited Over? 2024

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

Some of us( not myself) are spoiled,and catch large fish all the time,and maybe not give it a second thought. Myself,I catch a lot of dinks,so personally I'd say any fish 2# and over is a "nice" fish,and at this point in my fishing experience,a 5# fish is a giant,mainly because my PB is between 5 and 6 #.

How does everyone else rate thier fish based on size?

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

I only fish my small neighborhood lakes - which are not real fertile and fish tend to run small and lean. Here's what I've developed as my LMB size categories:

<10" - dinks

10"-13" - OK fish

14" - 17" - nice fish

18" & > - big fish

My current running average of an 18" LMB in my water is 2.77lbs so I guess you'd say that 2 3/4lbs is my threshhold for a big fish and I'm always happy to get over that level. I catch 4lb and 5lb fish from time to time but I guess I'd have to say that my big-time "excitement level" starts at 6lbs... :lol:

As an aside, the local bass club allows 10" fish as keepers for tournament purposes - an indication of the relative size (or lack thereof) of the bass in my water!

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

With the poor quality of fishing in my area, I get excited there's dinks around

fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 

I get excited about catching any fish since last year I had too many zero days to count. But anything over 14" is "picture" worthy. The LM record for the local lake I fish is 8lbs. So my 5lb PB LM this year was worth making some noise over.

fishing user avatarBamaBassChaser reply : 

I love all of them! I can't think of one single strike that I wish I hadn't gotten.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Something over 5 lbs makes me smile, over 8 lbs makes me happy, over 10 lbs makes me feel a rush.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Smalljaw or green fish, 5 lbs is the first hurdle.

fishing user avatarNCbassmaster4Life reply : 

Usually over two pounds + does it for me.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

Solid 4lbers make me happy, green or brown. But like Kent I only keep track of those 5lbs or bigger.

fishing user avatarhatrix reply : 

Any thing over 4 is a nice fish. But when they reach that 5 or 6 range they almost become a different species.

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

I get really excited over 2.5, I get overly excited at 4lbs, and I am "Ike" excited when anything over 5 gets pulled in...hope I never catch a double digit bass...Lord only knows what I will do then.

fishing user avatartugsandpulls reply : 

any bass i see or catch is good to me i just love fishing and watching them tryin to figure them out

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Im just happy to be here!

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Five pounds or better makes me do a happy dance.

fishing user avatarPhish reply : 

A picture fish for me is any bass I guess to be over 3. But even 1.5-2 pound smallies can feel much bigger and get me pumped until I can see them (still very happy to catch them).

fishing user avatarLund Explorer reply : 

Any fish that doesn't move towards the boat on the hookset peaks my interest. Any fish that pulls drag is memorable. And back in my tournament days, it was any bass that got the competition to groan or cuss at the weigh in that made me smile.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Even the dinks make me smile. Todays dinks are tomorrows trophies. The more dinks the better, provided there is sufficient forage for them. Stunted fish are depressing.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Brownies don't get big often around here, any smallmouth over 15" is a solid fish. Largemouth over 18" I'm probably taking a picture of it because that's a solid fish around here and a keeper in almost every lake close by. In some of the local lakes where it's really tough one over the 15" mark makes me happy.

Now to get that "Oh dang!" feeling when they jump or I get that first look at them that makes me forget what I'm doing for a second they need to be 5 or bigger.

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 


fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

5+ and im Very very happy. I have never been unhappy of any catch though.

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 
  On 6/1/2012 at 7:35 AM, Bluebasser86 said:

Brownies don't get big often around here, any smallmouth over 15" is a solid fish. Largemouth over 18" I'm probably taking a picture of it because that's a solid fish around here and a keeper in almost every lake close by. In some of the local lakes where it's really tough one over the 15" mark makes me happy.

Now to get that "Oh dang!" feeling when they jump or I get that first look at them that makes me forget what I'm doing for a second they need to be 5 or bigger.

pretty much the same here, except a keeper is either 14 or 10 inches depending on the lake. smallmouth run a little bigger where I fish them, but I don't fish them as often

fishing user avatarRedhook reply : 

Ya mean there is something over 2 lbs? :cry3:

fishing user avatarQUIENYO reply : 

I enjoy catching them all. I'd be lying though if I said I didn't get frustrated if I'm catching more than two or three "dinks" in a row. Just by throwing the larger baits, I'm sure we are all targeting the biggest we can hope for.

For me, anything over three pounds makes me smile though and take a picture. Kind of funny considering my PB is only a bit larger than three pounds.

fishing user avatarloodkop reply : 

Anything around 5 pounds is a photo opportunity on my boat.

fishing user avatarPineappleWater reply : 

any bass over 2-3# is good for me lol. I think even a 3# smallmouth put up a good fight for me last year.

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 

2 and up...Now that I'm starting to fish some tournaments I'm excited every time I go out and catch fish that would help with a limit. It gives me hope for the tournament anyway....

fishing user avatarout_doors_guy reply : 

I personally get excited over EVERY fish I catch. It is the level of excitement that changes. Of course a 5 pounder is going to excite me more than a dink bass but if I didn't get excited over catching any fish, I would quit fishing. 45 years fishing and it hasn't happened yet. Thankfully.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

For me it's more about how, when and where I got the fish.

Of course not counting dinks, I am very appreciative of a fish that "is right where it's suppose to be" Meaning I had an idea of how to find a decent bas and what to throw to get bit.

Additionally, I don't get that many "big fish" (unless I'm fishing with Dwight :eyebrows: ) to use that as the barometer that defines a good trip.

It's the journey not the destination.


fishing user avatarA-Rob reply : 

I would not get bored of 3lbers....especially athletic smallies

But the potential of hooking into a 5#+ on any flip is what keeps me going!

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 


Always happy with back to back keepers though as well.

fishing user avatarPleiades reply : 

Any fish over about two pounds gets me excited. I also get pumped when catching any fish using a new method. I got pretty excited the first time I caught a fish flipin' a jig. He was about a pound.

fishing user avatarflippin Dan reply : 

Depends if I am fishing a jackpot or tournament or just fishing for fun. I am still trying to break 9 lbs. so on fun days that is what I want but on jackpot evenings all I want is for them to be over 14" and then worry about culling. I have nearly fell out of the boat trying to net 2 lb'ers for my partner. lol

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I get excited catching any fish...LOL.

But my "OH hell yeah!" usually comes on fishing 3lbs or bigger.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

It's all relative. A three pounder that culls out a dink with minutes remaining in a tournament can be pretty dramatic.

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 

Here most lakes are a 15" limit so you aren't weighing in anything much under 2#. 3# and over give a nice rush for me but I won't weigh or look for a pic unless I think they are over 4. 5s get us high fiving. :eyebrows:

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

The lake that I fish the most has a 15" length limit. Anything over that gets me pumped, 5 lbs. or better really gets me goin'.


fishing user avatarclayton86 reply : 

usually anything over 3lbs gets my blood going good but right about now id probably go Ike over a hatch ling I haven't even seen a bass senses last August

fishing user avatarScorcher214 reply : 

3lbs and up I get excited about. Honestly can only think of one time I've caught something over 5lbs. I need to move down south.....

fishing user avatarHi Salenity reply : 

The lake I fish the most has a 18'' length limit. That's about a 3# fish. I think of -18'' & smaller fish as dinks.

On a good day I'll catch at least 1 that will go 4# or bigger maxing out at 5-6# as a great day. However I haven't had a good day in a while.

fishing user avatarBusy reply : 

Along with Bluebasser86 and Hi Salenity, the lakes around here have 18" limits (with a 13"-18" slot I think). Keepers are always my goal, but I enjoy catching any size fish!

I get very excited at anything over 5 pounds.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Since i gave up using livebait because we fished too much it got to be very expensive every week my tab was over $50 a week on livebait i had to switch to lures. To me any bass on lures is awesome and it tells me i'm doing it right. Hooking into the larger bass they do give my line a tour of the place during the fight.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

I don't know if I really get excited over the dinks but I will say that if a bass is smaller than my lure, I almost always take a picture and send it to someone.

Any fish that takes me out of "skunked" status is worthy of celebration.

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 
  On 6/2/2012 at 3:03 AM, Ratherbfishing said:

.....Any fish that takes me out of "skunked" status is worthy of celebration.

Ain't it the truth... :thumbsup:

My first goal is to catch ANY bass! :lol:

fishing user avatarjames 14 reply : 

Being a tournament angler 5 lbs seems to be the benchmark for a solid fish. I'm looking to get one or two over that mark each time out...preferrably more...most times less.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I enjoy bass fishing very much but I don't get excited. If I stick a good one 6, 8, 9 # I'll have a little smile on my face that will last a few seconds, those fish don't get weighed, I don't carry a scale.

I'm desensitized to this size, weight and PB thing, I just fish for the enjoyment. On the other side of it, I don't get depressed if I get skunked or get dinks, that's fishing.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Every one is beautiful.

Just to look at the fish, with its beautuful coloring and power to survive, is worth everyone.

From babies to the big ladies, I enjoy hooking and landing each one.

I guess for me size does not matter, although I will admit that I have had some great times landing those large ladies over five pounds. I have been known to yell and scream when this happens.

fishing user avatarBigbarge50 reply : 

I am with Sam, any fish tugging on my line is a real thrill. Any bass willing to come and wack my buzzbait or jitterbug is a fish I love. I also like the ones that do not shake once I thumb them.

I am the guy who lays the 1lbers in the water the same way I lay in a 5lber. They are all fun to catch and I want them all back in there easily so they can all get much bigger.

fishing user avatarriskkid 2 reply : 

Enjoy them all but start getting excited at 2.5 to 3 lbs and at 5 lbs I become ecstatic.

fishing user avatarBASSHUNTER1961 reply : 

I get excited with every fish I hook. :respect-059:

fishing user avatarunionman reply : 

For me it depends on where I go. I have several choices nearby and the "nice" bass size changes from lake to lake/river. In a couple of my fav. spots I can catch 3-6lbers all day if the weather has been in the same pattern for awhile. Of course the fact I can only go when my buddy w/ the bass hunter wants to go is becoming an issue. Getting my own soon.... My usual place where I bank fish I can catch 5lbers in spring and fall easily but the norm is 1-3lbs with an occasional "nice" one...

fishing user avatarEbrahim Ali reply : 

I get excited everytime i catch a bass,it doesnt matter what size it is

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

The avg. size around here is 1 to 2 pounds. Any bass in the 3 or 4 pound range is camera time, and anything 5 pounds or over is something to call home about.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I usually get excited over anything over 2.5lbs. I caught 2 today that were over 4lbs. I just enjoy catching anything really. I moved to Jacksonville from NJ and EVERYTHING here I have caught has been bigger than the biggest I caught in NJ.


fishing user avatarvapredhunter reply : 

Every bite gets me excited then when they get in the boat if there big thats even better. I treat each bite as if its a new state record and happy just to catch one.

fishing user avataretommy28 reply : 

I catch plenty of big fish, but im excited over every keeper i catch. I just love that pull at the end of my line.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

I enjoy them at the 2-2.5lb mark more than the dinks now but have had a 5-5.5lb fish in a couple of the smaller local lakes and those get a photo op chance.

fishing user avatarBrand0n reply : 

my pb is a 6lb 1oz and 2 summers ago i caught 4-5lbers all day long 2-3 times a week on a 10" worm. nothing else. really tho i think any bite and size excites me especially when i fish a pressured lake and i work so much to get a bite i get hyped up, then if i lose that fish i get ticked lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I caught this 4.10# in my back yard today. He put up a really good fight I thought it was gonna get away from me


fishing user avatarpiscicidal reply : 

When II see a green fish with "shoulders", I start getting excited...about 5lbs.

fishing user avatarJoePhish reply : 

Just to answer your question in the proper fashion I'll say 3lbs.

However, it's not usually the size of the fish that gets me excited but the size of the fight.

I get more kicks from catching one on a long cast than I do with a short pitch.

The other day I caught one that weighed 1lb 7oz on a lipless crank, a lure that I can really zing out there, that made my day. Thing was like a mini football with a bad attitude, which is good compared to the typical "all head" fish that seem all too common.

fishing user avatarbassmaster3541 reply : 

Every time I see the line jump it gets me excited, but the size I get excited about is 4-5+, dpending on the day. If it's my first 4 in the last few days I get excited but usually it takes something bigger than 5 to get me pumped up, I love catching them all though

fishing user avatardonovanl12 reply : 

Anything over 2 pounds is a good fish for me, anything over 5 pounds is great!

fishing user avatarMike__D reply : 

Anything over 4 lbs happy, anything over 5 pee my pants happy!!!

Mike D

fishing user avatarInLikeFinz reply : 

3+ lbs gets my blood pumping.

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

If I'm fishing topwater, every strike gets the blood pumping. If your talking size only, it has to be over 6. 5 pounders are pretty common in the mud puddles I fish most.

fishing user avatarNorth Ga Hillbilly reply : 

It all depends on the body of water. I have several places I dont even bother weighing a 7 pounder, I also have a pond up the road from the apt that I called the girlfriend and made her come take a pic of a 3 pounder because it was a monster for this 1/4 acer of water. Its all relative.


fishing user avatarPR_BASS_ANGLER reply : 

Maaan, I get excited when get a bite!!! Lol!

fishing user avatarMrSwimJig reply : 

I alos get excited when I get a bite and pretty much catch anything. But really anything over 3lbs really gets the blood pumping good!

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

It depends on when, where, and on what. If I am at a known dink lake then a 5 makes me happy. If I get a 5 while trophy hunting then its a minor let down. But in general anything over 12 gets me pretty exited and over 15 makes me shake. If that ever goes away, I am done.

fishing user avatarscrutch reply : 

Just as I cannot comprehend how billionaires live, I cannot comprehend catching a 15 pounder. I would not be able to contain my excitement. You think Ike screams? Hah!

To get me to that point of excitement, I think ten pounds would be the threshold.

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

For us folks in Tennessee, a 15 pounder would be the new state record and we'd have our picture in the paper....:lol:

fishing user avatarmjhutch1116 reply : 

I have been fishing for about 36 years now and I still get excited for every fish. My excitement starts with the bite and does not stop until the fish is in the boat or on the bank. Now for some ike style excitement that would come when my son catches his first bass 2lbs or up he has caught plenty of dinks just nothing of good size yet, I almost jump out of my skin when he sets the hook and starts fighting a fish I am jumping up and down grabbing the net and when he lands the fish I yell and scream for him. I love to see the look on his face when he catches a fish.


fishing user avatarmrmacwvu1 reply : 

brookie fishing is my first love

so anything over 8 inches and i am happy

fishing user avataroutdoorsman110 reply : 

5lb. My pb is 11 from when I was little fishing with dad.

fishing user avatarjslacker reply : 

Any size fish will do it for me, as long as I'm outside.

fishing user avatarswarrin4 reply : 

I get excited whenever I catch any fish. A day catching a fish beats a day with none. For the area around me anything 2.5+ above average.

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

3-4 pounds and up gets me pretty happy. Fortunately California grows them big, so we get to be pretty happy pretty often.

fishing user avatarNoBassPro reply : 
  On 6/8/2012 at 7:11 PM, scrutch said:

Just as I cannot comprehend how billionaires live, I cannot comprehend catching a 15 pounder. I would not be able to contain my excitement. You think Ike screams? Hah!

I have never caught a bass of that size, but if they are like most other fish I'd be excited about the size and dissappointed about the fight at the same time lol

fishing user avatarMiller's Ferry 8 reply : 

I catch a lot of spots as well as largemouths. I consider a 2# spot to a 3# spot a pretty good fish and a 4# and higher spot a very big fish simply because spots don't get as big and they pull harder.

Now when it comes to largemouth bass I consider a 2-4 a pretty good fish and 5+ is a big fish. My biggest is ten pounds and I have caught a multitude of 5+ pounders in private lakes and ponds. But what I just listed is my perception of big in rivers and public lakes such as Guntersville or Martin.

fishing user avatarBassfishing375 reply : 

3.5lb bass most of the time, but if can't catch a thing any fish will do. Especially during a tournament.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Here's a fish that got blood pumping. I was on the phone with the bait's maker, getting tips on how to convert followers into eaters. I was doing exactly what he said, and caught this fish while on the phone. Gotta go man!

It's nothing huge, a 3-ish fish, but monumental in building confidence with this bait.


fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

J Francho that is a perfect example of how circumstances outweigh the weight of the fish :) I bet Randal was just as excited as you were!

fishing user avatargreyleg33 reply : 

I'm satisfied with anything over 2 lbs but don't get excited 'til 5+.

fishing user avatarBassun reply : 
  On 6/1/2012 at 5:10 AM, Nitrofreak said:

I get really excited over 2.5, I get overly excited at 4lbs, and I am "Ike" excited when anything over 5 gets pulled in...hope I never catch a double digit bass...Lord only knows what I will do then.

Yup, that about sums it up for me. Now if its someone elses fish, subtract a pound and I get stoked for them; and if its a kid anything over keeper size is a HUGE DEAL. :D

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I get excited over anything 3lbs plus on every lake but one.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
  On 6/1/2012 at 10:35 PM, J Francho said:

It's all relative. A three pounder that culls out a dink with minutes remaining in a tournament can be pretty dramatic.

Heck, the dinks I culled with 2lbers today, got me excited.................for a moment. Then I realized how pathetic that was. Usually I gauge my exictment over fish size based on how much irritation it causes those who can not be on the water. Early in the year it might be any fish, but by now it's just 4+ lbers.

fishing user avatar"Lunker Hunter" reply : 

My lake has a lot of 3/4 to 1lb fish, can catch them all day if you want. So I go out catch a few to feel good and then look for bigger fish. I'd say anything over 3lbs gets my heart pumpin and 7lbs plus I'm ecstatic.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 
  On 6/8/2012 at 5:51 PM, Mattlures said:

It depends on when, where, and on what. If I am at a known dink lake then a 5 makes me happy. If I get a 5 while trophy hunting then its a minor let down. But in general anything over 12 gets me pretty exited and over 15 makes me shake. If that ever goes away, I am done.

Pretty much my feelings exactly.... although its been quite a while since I even caught a 12 !

On the other hand, I'm going fishing for giant Sunfish tomorrow, and right now, I'm pretty freaking excited ! :)




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